


Part I Writing (30 minutes)


Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Psychological Problems among College Students. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given below:

1. 目前很多大学生存在着较严重的心理问题

2. 造成这些心理问题的原因

3. 应该采取什么措施来解决这些问题

Part II Reading (skimming and scanning) (15 minutes) Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For question 17,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C),and D).For questions 8—10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Main Energies for the Body

A balanced diet is one that provides an adequate intake of energy and nutrients for maintenance of the body and therefore good health. A diet can easily be adequate for normal bodily functioning, yet may not be a balanced diet.


Carbohydrates are a rapid source of energy, they are the body's fuel. The bulk of a balanced diet should be made from carbohydrates. If eaten in an excess of the dietary requirements carbohydrates are easily stored as fats in the cells, although carbohydrate is the first source of energy in the body. An average adult requires about 12,000kJ of energy a day, most of this is supplied by the respiration of carbohydrates in the cells.

Carbohydrates are used principally as a respiratory substrates, i.e. to be oxidized to release energy for active transport, macromolecule synthesis, cell division and muscle contraction. Carbohydrates are digested in the duodenum and ileum and absorbed as glucose into cells. Sources of carbohydrates such as starch are rice, potatoes, wheat and other cereals. Sugars are also carbohydrates, sources of sugars are refined sugar - sucrose, which is a food sweetener and preservative and fruit sugars - fructose. If the diet lacks carbohydrate stores of fat are mobilized and used as an energy source.


Protein is not a direct source of energy in the body, it is used primarily for growth and repair of body tissues while remaining an energy source as a last resort. Proteins fulfill a wide variety of roles in the body. They are broken down in the stomach and intestines to amino acids which are then absorbed. The body can only form 8 amino acids to build proteins from, the diet must provide Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) which are synthesized into proteins which can be structural, i.e. collagen in bone, keratin in hair, myosin and actin in muscle; metabolic enzymes, hemoglobin, protective antibodies and communicative hormones.

Sources of protein include meat, fish, eggs and pulses. The diet needs to provide 8 EAAs as the body is unable to synthesis proteins without these molecules. 2 other amino acids are synthesized from EAAs so if the diet lacks the original EAAs these other two will not be present either. Phenylalanine is converted to tyrosine and methionine is converted to cysteine. Cells draw upon a pool of amino acids for protein synthesis which either come from dietary protein digested and absorbed in the gut and the breakdown of body protein such as muscle. However, unlike fats and carbohydrates there is no store of amino acids for cells to draw on, any amino acid in excess of immediate bodily requirements is broken down into urea and excreted. It is therefore important to maintain the dietary intake of protein everyday. If the body lacks protein, muscle wasting occurs as muscle is broken down.

If protein is lacked in a diet a person develops kwashiorkor which is caused when high levels of carbohydrates are eaten to overcome the lack of protein in the diet. One symptom of kwashiorkor is the abnormal collection of fluid around the abdomen due to the lack of protein in the blood. The body cannot retain water by osmosis and fluid accumulates in tissues causing them to become waterlogged.

Vitamin Categories

Vitamins cannot be synthesized by the body so must be supplied by diet. Vitamins have no common structure or function but are essential in small amounts for the body to be able to utilize other dietary components efficiently.

Vitamins fall into two categories, fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K which are ingested with fatty foods and water soluble vitamins such as the B group vitamins and vitamin C. Vitamins are known as micronutrients because only small quantities are required for a healthy diet, in fact fat soluble vitamins can be toxic in high concentrations, for example the body stores vitamin A, or retinol, in the liver as it is toxic if kept in high concentrations in the blood stream, a dose of more than 3300mg of vitamin A can be considered toxic. Water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C and B groups vitamins can be excreted in the urine if in excess in the diet.

Vitamins A

Vitamin A is essential to the proper functioning of the retina in the eye and the epithelial tissues. A lack of vitamin A results in dry, rough skin, inflammation of the eyes, a drying or scarring of the cornea - xerophthalmia, which occurs when the secretion of lubricating tears is stopped, the eyelids become swollen and sticky with pus. Mucous surfaces of the eye may become eroded allowing infection to set in, leading to ulceration and destruction of the cornea. Night blindness - an inability to see in dim light can also occur. Rod cells in the retina of the eye detect light of low intensity, they convert vitamin A into a pigment, rhodopsin, which is bleached when light enters the eye. Rod cells resynthesis rhodopsin, but if there is a deficiency of the vitamin, rod cells can no longer function and the result is night blindness. Epithelial cells use retinol to make retinoic acid, an intracellular messenger used in cell differentiation and growth. Without retinoic acid epithelial cells are not maintained properly and the body becomes susceptible to infections, particularly measles and infections of the respiratory system and gut.

Xenophthalmia is common among children who's diets consist of mainly cereals with little meat or fresh vegetables, this is common in Indonesia, Bangladesh, India and the Philippines.

Vitamins D

Vitamin D, or calciferol, is another fat soluble steroid vitamin which functions to stimulate calcium uptake from the gut and its deposition in bone. vitamin D acts as a hormone when converted by enzymes in the gut and liver into an active form of "active vitamin D", which stimulates epithelial cells in the intestine to absorb

calcium. vitamin D is therefore essential in growing children's diets to enable the growth of strong bones. Without adequate amounts of vitamin D children can develop rickets, which is the deformation of the legs caused when they lack calcium to strengthen the bones. In adults a lack of vitamin D in the diet can lead to osteomalacia, a progressive softening of the bones which can make them highly susceptible to fracture.

Vitamin D is made by the body when exposed to sunlight and is stored in the muscles, however, if the skin is rarely exposed to the sunlight or is dark little vitamin D is produced. Foods such as eggs and oily fish are all rich in vitamin D.

Vitamins K

Vitamin K, phylloquinone, is found in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale. It is a fat soluble vitamin which is involved in the clotting process of blood. In the intestines bacteria synthesize a number of important clotting factors which need vitamin K. Without vitamin K cuts can fail to heal and internal bleeding can occur.

Vitamins C

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, known chemically as ascorbic acid. It is found in citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, and also in potatoes and tomatoes. The main function of vitamin C is the formation of connective tissues such as collagen. It is also known to be an antioxidant which helps to remove toxins and aids the immune system. A lack of vitamin C leads to Scurvy, a condition experienced by sailors on long journeys when they did not have fruit in their diets. Scurvy causes painful, bleeding gums. As vitamin C is water soluble, it is not toxic in high doses as it can be excreted in the urine, very high doses can however cause diarrhea.

Vitamins B

B group vitamins have a wide range of roles acting as co-enzymes in metabolic pathways. They are found in most plant and animal tissues involved in metabolism, therefore foods such as liver, yeast and dairy products are all rich in B group vitamins. Deficiency of B group vitamins include dermatitis, fatigue and malformation of red blood cells.

1. An adult needs about 12,000kJ of energy a day from ________.

A. the cell

B. the respiring process of carbohydrates

C. fats in the cell

D. a balanced diet

2. Carbohydrates are ultimately absorbed into cells in the process of _______.

A. digestion

B. respiration

C. oxidization

D. mobilization

3. The Essential Amino Acids which build part of proteins can be obtained from______.

A. stomach

B. body tissues

C. the body

D. the diet

4. The ultimate cause of kwashiorkor is lack of ________.

A. protein

B. carbohydrates

C. vitamins

D. diet

5. Vitamins are called “micronutrients” in that _________.

A. excessive fat soluble vitamins can be excreted in the urine

B. the body only requires small amount of vitamins

C. a dose of 3300mg of vitamins can be considered toxic

D. the high concentrations of water soluble vitamins are toxic

6. Night blindness is a disease normally caused by lack of __________.

A. fat soluble vitamins

B. water soluble vitamins

C. vitamin A

D. innate disability

7. The main function of vitamin D is to prevent adults from ________.

A. the growth of strong bones

B. fracture

C. a progressive softening of the bones

D. calcium uptake from the gut

8. Although the human body produces vitamin D normally, it fails to do so if there is not enough ______________.

9. The reason why vitamin C is seen as an antioxidant is that it drives __________ out of the body.

10. If you are in lack of B group vitamins, you should turn to _______________.

Part III Listening Comprehension (35mins)

Section A

Directions: In part A, you will hear short conversations between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The questions and the questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

11. (A) She doesn't want to waste her film.

(B) She already took a picture of the mountains.

(C) She doesn't have any more film.

(D) She doesn't know how to use the camera.

12. (A) he didn't know what hospital Bill was in

(B)he took Bill to the hospital.

(C)He's sorry the woman hurt herself.

(D) He forgot to call the woman.

13. (A) Borrow her book.

(B) Check the classroom again.

(C) Buy a new book.

(D) Ask about the book at the information desk.

14. (A) Spend more time working on calculus problems.

(B) Talk to an advisor about dropping the course.

(C) Work on the assignment with a classmate.

(D) Ask the graduate assistant for help.

15 .(A) He has already finished his report.

(B) He hasn't chosen a topic for his report.

(C) The woman's report is already long enough.

(D) The woman will have time to finish her

16. (A) Stay in the dormitory.

(B) Find out the cost of living in the dormitory.

(C) Ask for a reduction in her rent.

(D) Move into an apartment with a roommate.

17. (A) They're extremely noisy.

(B) They should have arrived by now.

(C)They should be allowed to fly there.

(D)They're not on a definite schedule.

18. (A) He already has plans for Saturday night.

(B) The woman should decide where to eat Saturday.

(C) The woman should ask her brother for a suggestion.

(D) He will make a reservation at the restaurant.

Long conversations

Conversation I

19 (A) She’s writing research papers

(B) She’s workin g on a conservation project

(C) She’s studying for exams

(D) She’s doing her biology homework

20 (A) She doesn’t know which topic to choose

(B) Her assignments are due on the same day

(C) She’s concerned about the spotted owl

(D) She dislikes her economics class

21 (A)A scarcity of jobs in their field

(B)Inadequate training in methods of biological research

(C)Difficulties in classifying all of the varieties of owls

(D)A lack of funding for their work with endangered species

22 (A)It has numerous traits in common with the spotted owl

(B)Its population is increasing

(C)It may not survive without special efforts of conservationists

(D)Its role in the chain of evolution has not yet been examined

Conversation II

23. (A) They're classmates.

(B) They're roommates.

(C) They're cousins.

(D) They're lab partners.

24. (A) He couldn't decide on a topic for his paper.

(B) He thought his paper was late.

(C) He hadn't heard from his family in a while.

(D) He thought the woman had been ill.

25. (A) To find their way back to the nest.

(B) To locate plant fibers.

(C) To identify kinds of honey.

(D) To identify relatives.

Section B Passage comprehension

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. (A) Watch a slide show about trees.

(B) Learn how to prevent Dutch elm disease.

(C) Study the history of the campus buildings and grounds.

(D) Look at examples of trees on campus.

27. (A) History.

(B) Physical education.

(C) Botany.

(D) Architecture.

28. (A) Its leaves are yellow.

(B) Its leaves are lopsided.

(C) It is very tall.

(D) It is not an angiosperm.

29. (A) It has grown too tall for its designated space.

(B) It may be diseased.

(C) Its branches are being broken off.

(D) It no longer hears from.

Passage Two

30. (A) Jefferson's views about commercialized agriculture.

(B) International trade in the nineteenth century

(C) Improvements in farm machinery in the United States.

(D) Farmers' loss of independence

31. (A) Crop production became increasingly specialized.

(B) Economic depressions lowered the prices of farm products.

(C) New banking laws made it easy to buy farmland.

(D) The United States increased its agricultural imports.

32. (A) Prices for farm products rose.

(B) Farmers became more dependent on loans from banks.

(C)Jefferson established government programs to assist farmers.

(D) Farmers relied less on foreign markets.

Passage three

33. (A) In place of physical therapy.

(B) To control brain seizures.

(C) To prevent heat disease.

(D) To relieve tension.

34 (A) They like to have music in the operating room.

(B) They solved problems better while listening to music they liked.

(C) They preferred classical music.

(D) They performed better when they used headphones.

35.(A) It increased the students’ while blood cell count.

(B) It increased some students’ energy level.

(C) It improved the students’ ability to play m usical instruments.

(D) It released a natural painkiller in some students’ bodies.

Section C Compound Dictation

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Sleep is part of a person's daily 36 cycle. There are several different stages of sleep and they 37 in cycles, If you are an 38 sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When you first drift off into slumber, your

eyes will roll about a bit, your 39 will drop slightly, your 40 will relax, and your 41 will slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves slow down a bit too with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves 42 for the first few minutes. This is called stage 1 sleep. For the next half hour or so as you relax more and more you will drift down through stage 2 and stage 3 sleeps. The lower your stage of sleep the slower your brain waves will be. Then about 40 to 60 minutes after you lose 43 you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. 44 .This is stage 4 sleep.

You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night long, but instead about 80 minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again slightly. The delta rhythm will disappear to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain waves. 45

______________________________________________ ________

This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some ~ to 15 minutes and is called REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that most dreams seem to occur________________46_____ __. .You will slip gently back from stage I to 4.

Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section,there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words on Answer Sheet 2. Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.

For most people, shopping is still a matter of wandering down the high street or loading a cart in a shopping mall. Soon, that will change. Electronic commerce is growing fast and will soon bring people more choices. There will, however, be a cost: protecting the consumer from fraud will be harder. Many governments therefore want to extend high street regulations to the electronic world. But politicians would be wiser to see cyberspace as a basis for a new era of corporate self-regulation.

Consumers in rich countries have grown used to the idea that the government takes responsibility for everything from the stability of the banks to the safety of the drugs, or their rights to refund(退款) when goods are faulty. But governments cannot enforce national laws on businesses whose only presence in their country is on the screen. Other countries have regulators, but the rules of consumer protection differ, as does enforcement. Even where a clear right to compensation exists, the online catalogue customer in Tokyo, say, can hardly go to New York to extract a refund for a dud purchase.

One answer is for governments to cooperate more: to recognize each other’s rules. But that requires years of work and volumes of detailed rules. And plenty of countries have rules too fanciful for sober states to accept. There is, however, an alternative. Let the electronic businesses do the “regulation” themselves. They do, after all, have a self-interest in doing so.

In electronic commerce, a reputation for honest dealing will be a valuable competitive asset. Governments, too, may compete to be trusted. For instance, customers ordering medicines online may prefer to buy from the United States because they trust the rigorous screening of the Food and Drug Administration; or they may decide that the FDA’s rules are too strict, and buy from Switzerland instead.

Consumers will need to use their judgment. But precisely because the technology is new, electronic shoppers are likely for a while to be a lot more cautious than consumers of the normal sort---and the new technology will also make it easier for them to complain noisily when a company lets them down. In this way, at least, the advent of cyberspace may argue for fewer consumer protection laws, not more.


47. What can people benefit from the fast-growing development of electronic commerce?

48. When goods are faulty, consumers in rich countries tend to think that it is ______________ who takes responsibility for everything.

49. In the a uthor’s view, why do businesses place a high premium on honest dealing in the electronic world?

50. People may turn to _______________ in that FDA has too strict rules.

51. _____________are probably more cautious than consumers of the normal sort when buying things.

Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

The importance of symbols as a source of cultural diversity can be seen in the dress codes and hairstyles of different societies. In most situations, the symbolism of clothing and hairstyles communicates different messages ranging from political beliefs to identification with specific ethnic or religious groups. The tartan(格子呢) of a Scottish clan, the black leather jacket and long hair of a motorcycle gang member in the United States, and the veil of an Islamic woman in Saudi Arabia provide a symbolic vocabulary that creates cultural diversity.

Many examples of clothing styles could be used to illustrate how symbols are used to produce cultural diversity. Consider, for instance, changing dress codes in the United States. During the 1960s, many young people wore jeans, sandals, and beads to symbolize their rebellion against what they conceived as the conformist inclinations of American society. By the 1980s, many of the same peop le were wearing “power suits” as they sought to advance up the corporate ladder.

An example of how hairstyles can create meaningful symbolic codes can be seen in a group known as the Rastafarians(sometimes known as Rastas or Rastaman) of Jamaica. The majority of the people of Jamaica are of African descent. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, they were brought to Jamaica by European slave traders to work on plantations. The Rastafarians are a specific religious group within Jamaica who believe that Haile Selassie(1892-1975), the former emperor of Ethiopia, whose original name was Ras Tafari, was the black Messiah who appeared in the flesh for the redemption of all blacks exiled in the world of white oppression. Rastafarian religion fuses Old Testament teachings, Christian mysticism, and Afro-Jamaican religious beliefs. The Rastafarian movement originated as a consequence of harsh economic, political, and living conditions in the slums of Jamaica. In the 1950s, during the early phase of the Rastafarian movement, some male members began to grow their hair in “locks” or “dreadlocks” to symbolize their religious and political commitments. This hairstyle became well known in Western society through reggae(强节奏黑人音乐) music and Rasta musicians such as the late Bob Marley. Rastafarians derive the symbolism of the dreadlock hairstyle of the Rastafarians from the Bible. They view the unshaven man as the natural man and invoke Samson as one of the most important figures in the Bible. Dreadlocks also reflect a dominant symbol within the Rastafarian movement, the lion, which is associated with Haile Selassie, one of whose titles was the “Conquering Lion of Judah(犹大).”To simulate the spirit of the lion, some Rastas do not cut their hair, sometimes growing their locks 20 inches or more.

Thus, to a great extent, culture consists of a network of symbolic codes that enhance values, beliefs, worldviews, and ideologies within a society, Humans go to a great length to create symbols that provide meaning for individuals and groups. These symbolic meanings are a powerful source of cultural diversity.

52. What is the main idea of this selection?

A.Hairstyles and dress codes identify political beliefs in diverse societies.

B.The Rastafarian movement symbolized a religious and political commitment.

C.Symbols provide meaning and a satisfaction of biological needs in society.

D.Hairstyles and dress codes can be important symbols of cultural diversity in different societies.

53. The author uses the examples of the Scottish tartan, the motorcycle jacket, and the Islamic veil to show .

A.the political power of dress codes in different societies

B.the diversity of clothing styles throughout the world

C.dress codes that symbolize different ethnic and religious groups

D.the resistance to change of culturally different groups

54.The author suggests that the young people wearing jeans in the 1960s wore “power suits” in the 1980s because .

A.styles changed B.the American government changed

C.their attitudes and goals changed D.both outfits symbolized rebellion

55.All of the following are true of the Rastafarians EXCEPT .

A.they believe that Emperor Haile Selassie was the black Messiah

B.they are the original natives of Jamaica

C.they are a religious group with political commitments

D.they formed as a result of harsh living conditions in Jamaica

55.The Rastafarian movement began .

A.at the beginning of the nineteenth century

B.around the middle of the twentieth century

C.before European slave traders arrived

D.in the early eighteenth century

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Age has its privileges in America, and one of the more prominent of them is the senior citizen discount. Anyone who has reached a certain age — in some cases as low as 55 — is automatically entitled to dazzling array of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life. Eligibility is determined not by one’s need but by the date on one’s birth certificate. Practically unheard of a generation ago, the discounts have become a routine part of many businesses — as common as color televisions in motel rooms and free coffee on airliners.

People with gray hair often are given the discounts without even asking for them; yet, millions of Americans above age 60 are healthy and solvent(有支付能力的). Businesses that would never dare offer discounts to college students or anyone under 30 freely offer them to older Americans. The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that “elderly” and “needy” are synonymous(同义的). Perhaps that once was true, but today elderly Americans as a group have a lower poverty rate than the rest of the population. To be sure, there is economic diversity within the elderly, and many older Americans are poor. But most of them aren’t.

It is impossible to determine the impact of the discounts on individual companies. For many firms, they are a stimulus to revenue. But in other cases the discounts are given at the expense, directly or indirectly, of younger Americans. Moreover, they are a direct irritant in what some politicians and scholars see as a coming conflict between the generations.

Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits, which mostly involves a transfer of resources from the young to the old. Employment is another sore point. Buoyed(受到支持的)by laws and court decisions, more and more older Americans are declining the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job — thereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers.

Far from a kind of charity they once were, senior citizen discounts have become a formidable economic privilege to a group with millions of members who don’t need them.

It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over

those of others. Senior citizen discounts only enhance the myth that older people can’t take care of themselves and need special treatment; and they threaten the creation of a new myth, that the elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups. Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting against — discrimination by age.

56. We learn from the first paragraph that _______.

A ) offering senior citizens discounts has become routine commercial practice

B ) senior citizen discounts have enabled many old people to live a decent life

C ) giving senior citizens discounts has boosted the market for the elderly

D ) senior citizens have to show their birth certificates to get a discount

57. What assumption lies behind the practice of senior citizen discounts?

A ) Businesses, having made a lot of profits, should do something for society in return.

B ) Old people are entitled to special treatment for the contribution they made to society.

C ) The elderly, being financially underprivileged, need humane help from society.

D ) Senior citizen discounts can make up for the inadequacy of the Social Security system.

58. According to some politicians and scholars, senior citizen discounts will _____.

A ) make old people even more dependent on society

B ) intensify conflicts between the young and the old

C ) have adverse financial impact on business companies

D ) bring a marked increase in the companies’ revenues

59. How does the author view the Social Security system?

A ) It encourages elderly people to retire in time.

B ) It opens up broad career prospects for young people.

C ) It benefits the old at the expense of the young.

D ) It should be reinforced by laws and court decisions.

60. Which of the following best s ummarizes the author’s main argument?

A ) Senior citizens should fight hard against age discrimination.

B ) The elderly are selfish and taking senior discounts for granted.

C ) Priority should be given to the economic needs of senior citizens.

D ) Senior citizen discounts may well be a type of age discrimination.

Part V Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

The homeless make up a growing percentage of American’s population. ___61__, homelessness has reached such proportions that local governments can’t possibly ___62___. To help homeless people ___63___independence, the federal government must support job training programs, ___64___the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing.

___65___everyone agrees on the number of Americans who are homeless. Estimates __66___ anywhere from 600000 to 3 million. ____67___ the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter: that the number of the homeless is ___68___. One of the federal government’s studies ___69__ that the number of the homeless will reach nearly 19 million by the end of this decade.

Finding ways to ___70__this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult.

___71__when homeless individuals manage to find a ___72___that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day __73__the street. Part of the problem is

that many homeless adults are addicted to alcohol or drugs. And a significant number of the homeless have serious mental disorders. Many others, __74__ not addicted or mentally ill, simply lack the everyday __75__ skills needed to turn their lives__76__. Boston globe reporter Chris reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are __77__ programs that address the many needs of the homeless. __78__Edward Zlotkoski, director of community service at Bentley college in Massachusetts, __79__it , “there has to be__80__of programs. What’s needed is a package deal.

61. A. indeed B. likewise C. therefore D. furthermore

62. A. stand B. cope C. approve D. retain

63. A. in B. for C. with D. toward

64. A. raise B. add C. take D. keep

65. A. generally B. almost C. hardly D. not

66. A. cover B. change C. range D. differ

67. A. now that B. although C. provided D. except that

68. A. inflating B. expanding C. increasing D. extending

69. A. predicts B. displays C. proves D. discovers

70. A. assist B. track C. sustain D. dismiss

71. A. hence B. but C. even D. only

72. A. lodging B. shelter C. dwelling D. house

73. A. searching B. strolling C. crowding D. wandering

74. A. when B. once C. while D. whereas

75. A. life B. existence C. survival D. maintenance

76. A. around B. over C. on D. up

77.A. complex B. comprehensive C. complementary D. compensating

78.A. so B. since C. as D. thus

79. A. puts B. interprets C. assumes D. makes

80. A. supervision B. manipulation C. regulation D coordination

Part VI Translation (5 minutes) Directions: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet2 by translating into English the Chinese

given in brackets.

81.This substance _______________(反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍).

82.The blackboard and chalk _______________(正在被电脑和投影机所取代).

83.It’s high time that _______________(采取措施解决交通堵塞的问题).

84.It is no use _______________(为洒了的牛奶而哭泣).

85.The husband was not hospitable to the visitor. _______________(他妻子也没说一句欢迎的话).


2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析(第一套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 Whether to Attend a Vocational College or a University? It’s an undisputable truth that virtually all high school graduates will encounter the choices between a vocational college and a university. And when it comes to this question, students’ ideas are not cut from the same cloth. In point of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, my advices are as follow. In the first place, we should be conscious of the fact that both of the two choices have its own superiorities. For instance, a vocational college specializes in cultivating human resources with practical capabilities; while a university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different fields. Then it does follow that high school graduates should have a clear picture of themselves. That is to say, they should know their merits and demerits and their choices must give play to their strengths whilst circumvent weaknesses. In addition, interest is the best teacher and it’s also the premise of learning on one’s own initiative. Thus interest must be taken into account because it can not only decide how far one can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled one will be. In brief, all above just goes to show that there really is no one-size-fits-all answer for the question. The key lies in a clear cognition, accurate self-positioning and the interest of oneself. Only then can every one find a right path that works best for us. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disappointed. 【答案】A 【解析】题目问如果男士在二手书店中发现了自己写的书,那么男士会感觉怎样。男士说到:如果他在二手书店发现了自己的书,他会认为这是种侮辱。因此选A。 2. A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C) They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 【答案】B 【解析】题目问男士的妻子认为他的书怎么样。男士说到:他最新的一本书是在2004年写的,当时在写的时候给他妻子看了一小部分。妻子认为他写的内容是垃圾。这表明他的妻子认为他写的书毫无价值。因此选B。 3. A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B) He writes several books simultaneously. C) He draws on his real-life experiences. D) He often turns to his wife for help. 【答案】A


2018年英语六级考试试题及答案 PartⅠWriting 1.【题干】For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between business and consumers. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. 150-200 words. 【答案】Without a doubt, a mutually-trusted relation between businesses and consumers is important for the two parties. First of all, though business is objective, cooperation is relatively subjective. Only when a consumer believe in what a businessman is selling, he or she could decide to buy something from the man. In reality, I have seen too many consumers purchase or refuse one commodity only because they like or dislike the salesman who they meet, especially when they are in a bad mood. Secondly, when one businessman consider that a customer trusts him, he would feel honored and satisfied thereby giving more preference to the customer. Naturally, when one businessman offers the best quality goods and the best prices to a customer, the customer has no excuse to refuse the businessman. Once such relation informed, both the two parties gain profit from it Hence, both businesses and consumers should work together to form a reciprocal relation. PartⅢReading Section A


Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of picture a nd then discuss whether technology is indispensable in education. You should give so undargument to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. “I’m going to need tech support” Part II Listening Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,


2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析(第三套完整版) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend college at home or abroad, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 Whether to Attend College at Home or Abroad? Currently, with studying abroad gains mounting popularity among people, there is a heated debate about whether to attend college at home or abroad. Opinions on this topic vary from person to person. Some see more benefits in studying at home while others claim that studying abroad is a more ideal choice as it?s more challenging. Personally, I am a strong favorer of the latter view. Listed below are the reasons for my advice. First of all, attending college abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one?s experience and mind. You can acquire cross-cultural experiences and gain new perspectives on your chosen field of study. In addition, studying abroad helps you to polish your social skills; you can make friends with different people with different background. Thirdly, overseas studying is conducive to the formation of an independent, autonomous and tenacious personality, which will ultimately benefit the achievement of our life goals. Just as an old saying goes: “It is better to travel thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.” Then studying abroad can not only enable us to reap in our books, but also in our trips. And this is why attending college abroad is a preferable selection for me. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) 说明:2017年6月大学英语六级真题全国共考了两套听力。本套(即第三套)的听力材料与第一套完全一样,只是选项的顺序不同而已,故本套不再重复给出。 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.


大学英语六级考试真题(第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on invention. Youressay should include the importance of invention and measures to be taken to encourageinvention. Y ou are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part ⅡListening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of eachconversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and thequestions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you mustchoose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single linethrough the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A. It tries to predict the possible trends of global climate change. B. It studies the impacts of global climate change on people's lives. C. It links the science of climate change to economic and policy issues. D. It focuses on the efforts countries can make to deal with global warming. 2. A. It will take a long time before a consensus is reached on its impact. B. It would be more costly to deal with its consequences than to avoid it. C. It is the most pressing issue confronting all countries. D. It is bound to cause endless disputes among nations. 3. A. The transition to low-carbon energy systems. B. The cooperation among world major powers. C. The signing of a global agreement. D. The raising of people's awareness. 4. A. Carry out more research on it. B. Cut down energy consumption. C. Plan well in advance. D. Adopt new technology. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A. When luck plays a role. B. what determines success. C. Whether practice makes perfect. D. How important natural talent is. 6. A. It knocks at your door only once in a while. B. It is something that no one can possibly create. C. It comes naturally out of one's self-confidence. D. It means being good at seizing opportunities. 7. A. Luck rarely contributes to a person's success. B. One must have natural talent to be successful. C. One should always be ready to seize opportunities. D. Practice is essential to becoming good at something. 8. A. Putting time and effort into fun things is profitable.


2019年6 月大学英语六级考试真题(第2 套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. PartⅡListening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked,A)B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) A six- month-long negotiation. B) Preparations for the party. C) A project with a troublesome client. D) Gift wrapping for the colleagues. 2. A) Take wedding photos. B) Advertise her company. C) Start a small business. D) Throw a celebration party. 3. A) Hesitant. B) Nervous. C) Flattered. D) Surprised. 4. A) Start her own bakery. B) Improve her baking skill. C) Share her cooking experience. D) Prepare for the wedding. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the recording you have just heard. 5. A) They have to spend more time studying. B) They have to participate in club activities. C) They have to be more responsible for what they do. D) They have to choose a specific academic discipline. 6. A) Get ready for a career. B) Make a lot of friends.


全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行) 教高厅[2005]1号 大学英语教学改革是“高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程”的一项重要内容,2004年,教育部组织制定了《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》。大学英语四、六级考试(以下简称四、六级考试)改革是大学英语教学改革的重要组成部分。全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会(以下简称考委会)和大学英语四、六级考试改革项目组在广泛听取多方意见的基础上,经过近一年的研究和论证,根据《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》,制定本方案。 一、四、六级考试改革的指导思想、目标和原则 四、六级考试是为教学服务的标准化考试。考试改革的指导思想是在保持科学性、客观性和公正性的同时,使考试最大限度地对大学英语教学产生正面的导向作用,即:通过改革,引导师生正确处理教学与考试的关系,更合理地使用四、六级考试,使考试更好地为教学服务。考试改革的目标是更准确地测量我国在校大学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是英语听说能力,以体现社会改革开放对我国大学生英语综合应用能力的要求。改革要按照前瞻性与可行性相结合、分步实施的原则进行,既有近期改革目标,又有中长期规划。 二、四、六级考试改革的措施 (一)全面改革计分体制和成绩报导方式 自2005年6月起,面向所有考生,四、六级考试成绩将采用满分为710分的计分体制,不设及格线;成绩报导方式由考试合格证书改为成绩报告单,即考后向每位考生发放成绩报告单,报导内容包括:总分、单项分等;为使学校理解考试分数的含义并根据各校的实际情况合理使用考试测量的结果,四、六级考试委员会将向学校提供四、六级考试分数的解释。 (二)考试内容改革 按照《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》修订考试大纲,开发新题型,加大听力理解部分的题量和分值比例,增加快速阅读理解测试,增加非选择性试题的题量和分值比例。试行阶段的四、六级考试内容由四部分构成:听力理解、阅读理解、综合测试和写作测试。听力理解部分的比例提高到35%,其中听力对话占15%,听力短文占20%。听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解;听力短文部分包括短文听写和选择题型的短文理解;听力题材选用对话、讲座、广播电视节目等更具真实性的材料。阅读理解部分比例调整为35%,其中仔细阅读部分(Careful Reading)占25%,快速阅读部分(Fast Reading)占10%。仔细阅读部分除测试篇章阅读理解外,还包括对篇章语境中的词汇理解的测试;快速阅读部分测试各种快速阅读技能。综合测试比例为15%,由两部分构成。第一部分为完型填空或改错,占10%;第二部分为短句问答或翻译,占5%。写作能力测试部分比例为15%,体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等。试行阶段四、六级考试各部分测试内容、题型和所占分值比例如下表所示:近期内,四、六级考试口语考试仍将与笔试分开实施,继续采用已经实施了五年的面试型的四、六级口语考试(CET-SET)。同时,考委会将积极研究开发计算机化口语测试,以进一步扩大口语考试规模,推动大学英语口语教学。 (三)考务管理体制改革 2005年6月起,教育部考试中心将启用新的四、六级考试报名和考务管理系统,严格认定考生报名资格,加强对考场组织和考风考纪的管理,切实做好考试保密工作。从2006


大学英语六级CET6真题及答案 part i listening comprehension (20 minutes) section a 1.a) the dean should have consulted her on the appointment. b) dr. holden should have taken over the position earlier. c) she doesn’t think dr. holden has made a wise choice. d) dr. holden is the best person for the chairmanship. 2 .a) they’ll keep in touch during the summer vacation b) they’ll hold a party before the summer vacation c) they’ll do odd jobs together at the school library d) they’ll get back to their school once in a while 3. a)peaches are in season now. b)peaches are not at their best now. c)the woman didn’t know how to bargain. d)the woman helped the man choose the fruit. 4.a)they join the physics club. b)they ask for an extension of the deadline. c)they work on the assignment together. d)they choose an easier assignment. 5.a)she admires jean’s straightforwardness b)she thinks dr. brown deserves the praise c)she will talk to jean about what happened d)she believes jean was rude to dr. brown 6.a)he liked writing when he was a child b)he enjoyed reading stories in reader’s digest c)he used to be an editor of reader’s digest d)he became well known at the age of six 7.a)he shows great enthusiasm for his studies b)he is a very versatile person c)he has no talent for tennis d)he does not study hard enough 8 a) john has lost something at the railway station b) there are several railway stations in the city c) it will be very difficult for them to find john d) the train that john is taking will arrive soon 9. a)its rapid growth is beneficial to the world


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/286047201.html,/wenkxd.htm(报名网址) 综合题,请根据题目给出的内容,来回答下面给出的试题。Part ⅡReading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part, Each passage is followed by some questions at unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. In 1985 when a Japan Air Lines (JAL) jet crashed, its president, Yasumoto Takagi, called each victim’s family to apologize, and then promptly resigned. And in 1987, when a subsidiary of Toshiba sole sensitive military technology to the former Soviet Union, the chairman of Toshiba gave up his post. These executive actions, which Toshiba calls “the highest form of apology,”may seem bizarre to US managers. No one at Boeing resigned after the JAL crash, which may have been caused by a faulty Boeing repair. The difference between the two business cultures centers around different definitions of delegation. While US executives give both responsibility and authority to their employees, Japanese executives delegate only authority—the responsibility is still theirs. Although the subsidiary that sold the sensitive technology to the Soviets had its own management, the Toshiba top executives said they “must take personal responsibility for not creating an atmosphere throughout the Toshiba group that would make such activity unthinkable, even in an independently run subsidiary.” Such acceptance of community responsibility is not unique to businesses in Japan. School principals in Japan have resigned when their students committed major crimes after school hours. Even if they do not quit, Japanese executives will often accept primary responsibility in other ways, such as taking the first pay cut when a company gets into financial trouble. Such personal sacrifices, even if they are largely symbolic, help to create the sense of community and employee loyalty that is crucial to the Japanese way of doing business. Harvard Business School professor George Lodge calls the ritual acceptance of blame “almost a feudal (封建的) way of purging (清除) the community of dishonor,”and to some in the United States, such resignations look cowardly. However, in an era in which both business and governmental leaders seem particularly good at evading responsibility, many US managers would probably welcome an infusion (灌输) of the Japanese sense of responsibility, If, for instance,


全国大学英语四、六级考试 改革总方向、目标 为适应我国高等教育新的发展形势,深化教学改革,提高教学质量,满足新时期国家对人才培养的需要,2004年初教育部高教司组织制 定并在全国部分高校开始试点《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《教学要求》).《教学要求》规定,大学英语课程的教 学目标是:培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在 今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流. 自《教学要求》在全国部分院校开始试点以来,广大教师积极参加和 关心这次改革,在教学模式、教学手段和教材使用等各方面做了许多 有益的尝试.参加试点的学生也普遍反映新的教学理念和方法大大提 高了他们学习英语的兴趣,实现了个性化学习,提高了学习的效率. 为此,作为对我国在校大学生英语能力是否达到《教学要求》的 主要鉴定手段的大学英语四、六级考试也必须相应改革,以适应新的 形势,使考试更好地为贯彻《教学要求》服务.在高教司的主持和领 导下,大学英语四、六级考试改革组和考试委员会经过反复研讨和论证,并广泛听取了大学英语第一线教师和学生的意见,制定了《全国 大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行)》. 大学英语四、六级考试是一种为教学服务的标准化考试.因此,考试改革的方向是在保持考试的科学性、客观性和公正性的同时,使考 试最大限度地对大学英语教学产生正面的导向作用,即通过四、六级 考试的改革,引导师生正确处理教学与考试的关系,更合理地使用四、六级考试,使考试更好地为教学服务.大学英语四、六级考试改革的 目标是更准确地测量我国在校大学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是英 语听说能力,以体现社会改革开放对我国大学生英语综合应用能力的 要求.由于大学英语四、六级考试是一个超大规模的标准化考试,因 此考试的改革需前瞻性与可行性相结合,分步实施,既有近期改革目标,又有中长期规划.


2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第二套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disappointed. 2. A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C) They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 3. A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B) He writes several books simultaneously. C) He draws on his real-life experiences. D) He often turns to his wife for help. 4. A) Writing a book is just like watching a football match. B) Writers actually work every bit as hard as footballers. C) He likes watching a football match after finishing a book. D) Unlike a football match, there is no end to writing a book. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) Achievements of black male athletes in college. B) Financial assistance to black athletes in college. C) High college dropout rates among black athletes. D) Undergraduate enrollments of black athletes.
