

PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 2 My schoolbag

B Let’s learn教案


Teaching aims:

1.Ss can listen ,say and read new words :candy, toy, key, notebook. These are schoolbag things.

2.Ss can listen and say:What's in your schoolbag? My keys...And use it in the actual situation.

3.Ss can copy topic vocabulary in the meaningful context.

Teaching important points:

Grasp new words: candy、toy、key、notebook .

Use “What's in your schoolbag? My keys...” in the actual situation.

Teaching difficult points:

The plural of candy、toy、key、notebook

Teaching methods:

Games and situational teaching methods.

Teaching tools:

A schoolbag, some books, some candies, some toys, notebooks and keys.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warm up

The teacher and Ss greet each other.

Divide them into 2 groups, Group 1 PK Group 2, give a schoolbag picture to them, if they do well, put up a picture on the schoolbag. At last, who has more pictures ,who is the winner.

Step 2 Review

Revise Chinese books, maths books, English books and storybooks, by taking out these books in the schoolbag. Ask what’s in my schoolbag. Ss answer together

Step 3 Presentation

Show a schoolbag with some things in it. Take out a box, ask Ss to guess what in the box is, then open the box and teach notebook-notebooks, toy-toys, candy-candies, key-keys in order.

Step 4 Games

1、Ss chant together.

2、Play a game: What’s missing? Show a picture about new words, give them 10 seconds to remember them .Then cover one word, ask: What is missing? Ss say the word that cover .Then call some Ss to say it. If you remember fast and many, you are the winner.

3、Play another game. Roll the roulette, when it stops, ask and answer:

What’s this? It’s a/an … Group 1asks, Group 2 answers, then change the role.

Step 5 Let’s learn

Play the flash, first look at the picture, then listen and number on their books , next check the answers, then read the words together.

Show Zhang Peng’s schoolbag, ask what’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag?

A notebook, two toys, three candies and three keys.

Step 6 Pair work

Practice in pairs, ask and answer. Show their schoolbags, one asks what’s in your schoolbag? The other takes out a thing and answers . Then change the role. First give a model.

Call some groups to act it out.

Step 7 Let’s write

Show a picture of a desk, first lead them to look at the picture, then let them write answers on the books. Then check the answers. At last, read it together.

Step 8 Sum up

Today we learned: What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag?

A notebook , two toys, three candies and three keys. Show Zhang Peng’s schoolbag, and let the things fly from the schoolbag. Tell them: After school we should put away school things and put them in our schoolbags, and let the things fly to the schoolbag.

Let them write the new words on exercise books.

Let’s look at your schoolbags, Group 1 has …pictures, Group 2 has …pictures, so who is the winner, now congratulations to you .

Step 9 Homework

1、Listen and read on P18.

2、Copy the new words five times.
