




1 小额贷款公司的地位






2 小额贷款公司主要的法律问题

















[Abstract]: In recent years the company gradually developed microfinance. In our economy on the specifications of its private capital, and promote economic development has a positive meaning. But because of its still in trial stage, the current number of small loan companies on the basic provision or provisions of the problem is still not yet unreasonable. there are still some legal issues: the creation of the high threshold, the regulatory body is not clear, low risk control. This will become a bottleneck restricting its development. In order to promote small loan company health y and sustainable development, favorable to the development of small loan companies recommended: small loans for the development of the company to create a good legal environment, specifically the regulation of small loan companies and improve their own small loan company risk control capability.

[Keywords]: small loan companies, legal risk, regulatory body

In 2005, the small loan company in Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Sichuan Province, five May starts .2008 CBRC, the central bank jointly issued <"On the small loan company pilot guidance>>, small loan company the rapid development of a trial basis in April In 2009, China Banking Regulatory Commission issued a <> the small loan company pointed out the direction. As of the end of October 2010 has set up a small country Loan Company 2348. After several years of practical work, small loan companies made a good social effect in improving rural financial services, to resolve the difficult problem of SME financing has played a positive role.

1. The status of small loan companies

1.1 The nature of small loan companies and structure

Microfinance refers to the lower-middle class devoted to the continued provision of micro-credit services activities. Small loan company, is defined as natural persons, legal persons and other social organizations, enterprises invested in, does not absorb public funds, small business lending limited liability company or limited.

Small loan company is the enterprise legal person, independent of the corporate property, and all the property of their civil liability for its debt s. Microfinance assets of the shareholders entitled to return to their rights and right to participate in major decisions and select the right managers, its subscribed capital contributions or the extent of its subscribed shares of the company responsible.

Small loan companies should implement the country's financial policies and financial policies, Law s and regulations to the extent permitted business, autonomous, self-discipline, self-financing, at their own risk, its legitimate business activities protected by Law.

1.2 The significance of the existence small loan company

Small loan company to solve some small, scattered, short-term funding needs, is designed specifically for SMEs in rural and lending companies. The existence and development has a vital role and significance. Mainly in the following areas: First, the small loan company has a flexible mechanism, simple procedures, without charge, without collateral, lenders and other commercial banks faster incomparable advantages to better serve rural and small and medium enterprises to provide financial loans to solve their survival and development the process of financing difficulties. Secondly, the existence of small loans help ease the company to attract private capital to address the credit chaos of civil status, to achieve formal financial transition to private finance. Third, to the intensification of poverty, and promote rural economic development and prosperity and stable development of socialist society.

2. Small loan companies are the main legal issues

Small loan company achieved explosive growth in recent years, China's credit market is an important part and added strength. But there are also some of its business legal issues.

2.1 The establishment of small loan companies there are legal loopholes

China Banking Regulatory Commission and the central bank's <"On the small loan company pilot guidance>> states:" The application for the establishment of small loan companies, government departments should make a formal request for approval to the local administrative department for industry and commerce to apply for registration procedures and obtain a business license. "Formally qualified small business loans approved in the company as an administrative permit. with <> requirements to enable the legal basis for the lack of administrative licensing. Since, by << Administrative Licensing Law>> was set up by the main body of the administrative licensing should be Law s, administrative regulations, local regulations, if the above subject are not required, do need to immediately implement an administrative license, can the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to establish rules and regulations temporary administrative licenses. small loan company only by the < "to determine the administrative licensing is the lack of legal basis.

In addition, the establishment of small loan companies high threshold. According to the provisions of small loan company the main sponsor of the "net assets of not less than 5,000 yuan (less developed counties of not less than 20 million yuan, asset-liability ratio no higher than 70% , consistent earnings and a total profit of 1500 million (a minimum of 600 underdeveloped counties yuan ", the company provides small loans to ensure risk control ability, but to discourage a lot of investment intermediaries. This leads to a lot of intangible investment intermediaries transformation in the direction of the underground banks, which will be detrimental to our financial stability and development.

2.2 The regulation of small loan companies is not clear

<> said "Those who can clear a provincial government authorities (Office of or related financial institutions) is responsible for the supervision of the management of small loan companies, and small loan companies willing to take responsibility for risk treatment, only in the province ( regions and municipalities) of the county set up within the context of small loan company pilot. "micro-loan company that is designated by the provincial government's Provincial Financial Office or relevant agencies responsible for supervision and management, and bear the possible loss of the pilot failed, but the above do not have the qualifications of the main administrative body. In practice, the "relevant institution" in the end is what agencies, so far, there is no a clear legal provisions for this. Moreover, the lack of a unified scientific regulatory

standards around the in the end of the regulatory body to regulate what is not from one voice. the many problems caused by small loan companies for long gaps in regulation or supervision, to monitor the operation lost maneuverability, a mere formality. Once a new thing regulation out of whack, it will make the competition disorder, and even lead to some legal loopholes criminals drill for small loans companies, hindered its development, is not conducive to national economic stability and development. With the pilot gradually running track, this regulatory approach needs to be further changes.

2.3 micro-credit system, risk

2.3.1 the use of funds small loans without effective constraint mechanism. The one hand, micro-credit fund management difficult, loans for household, small amount of money, credit and human and there is any credit problems. Another On the one hand, a considerable part of farmers to micro-credit funds free for other purposes, even as money to help the poor free of charge, on how to use micro-credit funds is the lack of technical support and confidence.

2.3.2 microfinance funds withdrawn from circulation the lack of reliable protection mechanisms. Microfinance loan recovery cases, depending on household income. Due to lack in-depth understanding of the project, the project can not be implemented as originally envisaged, or suffered natural disasters, resulted in unsustainable losses, farmers have no way to repay the loan on schedule, micro credit funds of the mills will be difficult to guarantee.

2.3.3 the operation of microfinance lack of an effective compensation mechanism. Microfinance interest rates in China are strictly limited, the interest rate is usually lower than normal interest rate commercial loans, small loan companies which manage costs and stay high conflicting cost of bad debts, so the micro-credit operation is difficult to effective remedies. To make the sustainable development of small loan companies, the need to support the Government to provide compensation.

In addition, small loan company provides services to three rural industries and small enterprises, small-scale clients, most of them poor credit rating, poor qualifications. In practice, a number of small loans to the company's own rules and regulations are not sound, management non-standard, the staff lack the necessary expertise, in the face of the rural credit system is not a sound overall environment, to an already high risk of small loan companies even more anti-risk ability to thin out. Links to free papers Download Center https://www.360docs.net/doc/287900122.html, 3. Promote the development of the proposed small loan company

3.1 clearly the specific nature of small loan companies

Pilot of small loan companies have been 5 years, microfinance institutions have also announced a pilot approach for 3 years. But the community's understanding of small loan companies to reach a

consensus yet. So far, small loan companies are not as financial institutions, therefore, not entitled to state a series of preferential policies for rural finance. For example, do the same rural finance, and if financial institutions, commercial banks will be included business tax relief, etc., but the small loan companies, for most provinces in that no such concessions. According to industry sources, some small companies, including business tax credits, income tax, etc., the tax rate as high as 33%. The expectations of society and the government has the burden of microfinance institutions do not assume the light of social responsibility. nature is unknown the development of small loan company the largest risk. Therefore, small loan companies need to be clearly the nature of financial institutions.

3.2 The special legislation for the small loan company

Small loan company as a new phenomenon in China's development is still in its infancy, the Law is far from perfect, which calls for all sectors of society to create a favorable legal environment, speed up <> the introduction.

The central bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued the <> and the China Banking Regulatory Commission to develop the <> all small loans to the company's operations on the proposed program of specific guidance, but the legal hierarchy between the two is too low, supporting imperfect laws and regulations. As a pilot operation, States should, where the introduction of <> and other high-order special laws to regulate the small loan companies.

Should be clear in the legislation the nature of small loan companies, standard to establish a system to identify specific authority. And, in the introduction of special laws, the state should pay attention to coordination between the various laws and regulations, there are inconsistencies in its provisions should be necessary modifications, to promote the further development of small loan companies.

3.3 Strengthening the supervision of small loans company

First, we must determine the company's director of microfinance regulatory body. The competent department authorized by law subject to the company's access to small loans, the company running the operation and exit of all the regulatory process. At present, the pilot micro-credit in

the country the company's regulatory body as large as the following: First, by the Finance Office

is responsible for monitoring, and second, by the People's Bank is responsible for monitoring the establishment of three new independent body responsible for monitoring and fourth, the banking supervision department is responsible for supervision. With the small the amount of loans the company gradually enriched the experience of the pilot, the Government should monitor to measure the pros and cons of various regulatory body, legal form to be finalized, to regulate the

small loan companies.

Secondly, to strengthen industry self-regulation. Government regulation is important, but with the small loan company matures, the accumulation of experience, the Government should weaken its regulatory efforts, can play a role in macroeconomic regulation and control can be. And industry regulation should be gradually become the main form of supervision .2011 year, China will set up a joint microfinance institutions, and its micro-credit institutions by the national nonprofit initiative established by self-regulatory organization. Its establishment is conducive to China's microfinance industry standards and can be sustainable development. microfinance institutions in the future should be based on Joint Committee on the small loan companies as the main regulatory body, to play a greater oversight role.

Third, strengthen cooperation in banking regulation and public oversight. Cooperative banks also control the operation of small loan company funds between all of the information, local cooperative banks in the choice at the same time determine the cooperative banks have the responsibility of monitoring small loan company. While strengthening social supervision . that local governments can establish the system of reporting prize, for the presence of illegal fund-raising, violent noisy in the small loan companies reporting prizes, arouse the enthusiasm of social supervision.

3.3 The ability to improve risk control

Small loan companies should further improve the corporate governance structure, develop effective and feasible implementation of company rules and regulations and ways to employ people with expertise to enhance the business training of staff, establish and improve risk protection fund system. The Government and relevant departments should gradually establish credit rating and incentives to improve awareness of small borrowers to repay. At this stage, small loan companies can only own capital loans, and "only the credit does not exist" and can not absorb the deposits. But investors funds After all, limited, lack of funds is another major development of microfinance institutions bottleneck. In this regard, small loan companies eligible for the rural banks can be upgraded. Meanwhile, the Government can timely and appropriately relax the financing channels for small loan companies, and gradually allow the small business performance is good, excellent credit history of small loan companies through lending, deposits and other funding sources to expand, but also with a certain financial strength of private enterprises, and expand financing channels for small loan companies to improve risk control to ensure its sustainable development. Links



2010届毕业生毕业论文 外 文 翻 译 姓名: 院(系): 专业班级: 学号: 指导老师: 成绩:

小额信贷是否帮助穷人? ——孟加拉国旗舰计划所带来的新证据 摘要:小额信贷运动使金融中介机构得到了创新,同样使贫困家庭减少了贷款的成本和风险。孟加拉国乡村银行的小额信贷机制已经在全世界得到推广。虽然小额贷款机制的目的是为客户带来社会和经济效益,但是通过其获得一定量的利益的尝试已经开始实施了。本文借鉴一个新调查来研究小额信贷是是否真正的帮助穷人,该调查覆盖面近1800个家庭,其中部分家庭获得了孟加拉乡村银行的贷款,而另一部分则没有参与到小额贷款运动中。有资格获得贷款的家庭,他们的消费水平低于平均消费水平,这种家庭中,绝大部分的孩子不可能上得起学,男子也往往会有更多的工作压力,而女子没有工作。更明显的,相对于对照组,符合贷款资格的家庭在消费上的变化很小以及可以常年提供劳动力的特点。最重要的潜在影响不是贫穷本身,而是因而最重要是减少相关的家庭漏洞。似乎导致消费平滑主要原因是收入平滑,而不是借款和贷款。 评论家有大量的关于低收入国家的其他方案的研究经验。虽然通常人们都是使用固定效力评估来控制与安置方案有关的不易观察的变量,但是使用固定效力评估会加剧偏见的影响,就如同本方案——在较大的社区里特定人群的方案。 关键词:小额信贷,项目评估,乡村银行,孟加拉 1.介绍 小额信贷在很多人的脑海里是用来减少贫困。前提是操作简单。小额信贷提供小额贷款,以促进小规模的创业活动,而不是向贫困家庭提供救济。这种信贷除非放债人收取非常高的利率(往往收费高达每月10%),否则不会发生。放债运作缺乏竞争,因为潜在的进入者很快发现,借款人通常不能提供任何形式的抵押品,这就使贷款存在高成本和该风险。(拉希德和汤森,1993)。 然而,体制创新下的小额信贷运动似乎大大降低了风险和提供金融服务和为贫困家庭提供服务的费用。创新包括借款合同、给予奖励、配出不良信用风险和连带借款人的活动,要求每周或每半周还款(Morduch,1997)。2005年该运动已经在世界银行,联合国领导人,以及其他已加入的国际组织的推动下成为联系100万家庭的全球性的运动(小额信贷首脑会议,1997)。该运动在美国还得到相当多的支持(包括钱第一夫人希拉里克林顿),现在该方案在美国有300个经营点


我国上市公司融资行为文献综述 前言 资本结构对任何企业来说都非常重要,而融资行为是资本结构理论所研究的主要问题,通过融资活动为企业生产经营筹集必要的资金是一切投资发展活动的开始。上市公司融资方式包含两个部分,分别为源融资和外源融资,外源融资又分为股权融资和债权融资。学者们通过研究发现我国上市公司的融资偏好与西方有所不同,这里将国学者对融资行为的研究进行整理并作了综述,以便了解我国上市公司融资行为的大致情况。 一、融资理论与优序融资理论 融资理论是企业制定融资政策的理论基础。自20世纪50年代以来,在解释企业融资决策行为的动机及其所秉承的理论基础时,主要存在着两论,一是权衡融资理论;二是优序融资理论。 权衡融资理论认为,企业在构造长期资本来源的组合时,存在着一个最佳的资本结构,企业将按照事先测算的最佳资本结构来选择资金来源及配置各种不同性质的资金。 优序融资理论,以信息不对称理论为基础,提出企业融资存在一种“啄食顺序原则”。认为由于所有权和经营权的分离而产生委托代理关系,因为利益不同,部经营者和股东之间的信息不对称原因,企业的融资顺序上就形成了一个优序策略。即首先为部融资,也就是企业的留存收益,其次是短期借款和长期债券;再次是发行优先股融资;最后是发行普通股融资。 在国,有些学者通过实证研究发现我国企业偏好于股权融资。这与优序融资理论的主正好相反。 二、我国上市企业融资模式概况 根据有关部门对上市公司进行统计分析显示,我国企业的融资模式以外源融资为主。在外文融资中,主要偏向于股权融资。所以,我国上市公司的融资顺序,首先是股权融资,然后是债券融资,最后才是源融资。英明(2005),利辉,立新,桂(2010)研究发现,我国上市企业外源融资比例达80% 左右,而源融资比例不到20% 。对于未分配利润为负的上市公司,源融资比例平均为- 3.385% ,这意味着那些未分配利润为负的上市公司几乎完全


浅析我国小额贷款公司发展现状、存在问题 及对策 在中国经济高速发展的这30多年中,小额贷款公司在中小企业融资难、农村金融服务缺失等问题的背景下应运而生。2005年作为率先开启小额贷款公司试点工作的五省市,山西、四川、贵州、内蒙古、陕西旗开得胜。银监会于2008年颁布了《关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见》,这标志着在全国范围内小额贷款公司试点工作的开展。随后《关于全面改革扶贫贴息贷款管理体制的通知》以及《贷款公司组建审批工作指引》相继出台,进一步规范管理小贷公司的业务行为。本文以借鉴国内外学者在小额贷款公司方面的理论研究为基础,对我国小额信贷的发展现状进行梳理归纳。在此背景下,分析当前小额贷款公司显著存在的问题,并提出几点对策。希望有助于小贷公司发挥扶助三农、解决中小企业融资难问题的现实作用。 国外研究主要集中于对小额贷款的定义上。19世纪70年代,孟加拉国著名的经济学家穆罕默德尤努斯博士率先提出小额贷款这一概念。随后世界第一家穷人的银行格莱珉银行成立,成为现代信贷模式创新发展的又一里程碑。随着玻利维亚团结互助银行、印度尼西亚人民银行乡村信贷部、印度互助小组等迅速发展。小额信贷模式也在世界范围内逐

步推广。Morduch(1997)研究中,提出了一种无须资产担保的小额贷款模式,直接发放比较高利率的贷款给贫穷农户以解决融资难题。Timothy-G(2010)认为小额信贷是一种为个体工商户或中低收入者提供储蓄及贷款服务的经济途径。世界银行扶贫协商小组(CGAP)(2011)定义小额信贷是指为帮助贫困者实现生产、经营、消费方面的需求,而为其提供储蓄和贷款服务的一种模式。 国内对小额贷款的研究主要集中在以下几个方面。在小额信贷定义上,杜晓山(2001)提出小额信贷又称微型金融,是指为低收入阶层(包括贫困户)提供贷款和存款服务,尽管存在着多种模式,其本质都是提供稀缺的资金要素给传统金融忽略的低收入人群。何广文和李莉莉(2011)基于对小额信贷市场强烈需求的研究,得出大型商业银行可通过合作新型农村金融机构,间接发展小额信贷业务的结论。对于影响小贷公司的发展因素,杨小丽和董晓林(2012)依据对江苏省246家小额贷款公司的实证分析,提出过高的大额贷款比例、过于集中的贷款、过高的贷款利率及贷款的期限长等因素会阻碍小贷公司的经营效率提高。罗剑朝和曲小刚(2013)则指出影响小贷公司可持续发展的几大因素有政府支持力度不够、融资渠道狭窄、监管缺失等。至于只贷不存模式和融资渠道的研究,其热度自小贷公司产生以来从未减弱。杜晓山(2011)和潘淑娟等(2011)指出小贷公司可借助与商业银行的合作来




中国上市公司融资方式选择文献综述 赵婉婷、朱德康 【内容摘要】 企业融资问题,尤其是股权融资偏好问题,已经成为我国进入21世纪以来资本市场争论的焦点之一。随着不对称信息的引入改变了MM定理“结构不相关”的结论,西方发达国家认为,基于原有股东的利益,企业在进行融资决策时会严格遵循“内部融资-债务融资-股权融资”的啄食顺序理论,而我国的融资现实表现出强烈的股权融资偏好,并且股权融资资金利用效率低下也是一个普遍存在的问题。基于上述背景,本文系统梳理并研究了我国企业融资理论的发展及一些相关研究成果,这些理论对本文将要研究的思路和方法有很重要的指导意义。 【关键词】股权融资;债券融资;收购并购; 一、引言 企业的融资方式主要包括内源融资和外源融资两类,其中内源融资是企业生产过程中自有资金的积累,包括留存收益和折旧;外源融资即企业的外部资金来源部分,包括股权融资和债权融资。股权融资是指公司首次上市募集资金、配股、增发新股融资等;债权融资包括公司在证券市场上发行债券及向银行或非银行金融机构借款等。 不同融资方式的选择将导致不同的资金成本、利益冲突及财务风险,进而影响到公司的市场价值。因此企业如何通过融资方式的选择来实现其市场价值最大化,不但是股东和债权人的共同目标,也是长久以来金融理论研究的焦点。外国学者在这个领域的探索和研究中,己初步形成了较完整的理论体系,即企业资本结构理论。近年来,随着我国资本市场的不断发展完善,我国学者在这方面的研究也逐渐增多。本文将对我国学者在研究我国资本市场中取得的主要成果进行概述。 二、股权融资 1、我国上司公司偏好股权融资成因分析 张嘉颖【1】认为上司公司偏好股权融资有一下几大原因: (1)股权融资偏好的直接原因——股利分配的随意性和较低的股权融资成本; (2)证券市场制度设计原因,这些源于制度设计和制度变迁过程的偏颇,造成了我国证券市场发展不完善,助长了股票市场非正常繁荣; (3)投资者通过企业融资方式这个信号判断企业价值是比较困难的,因此,上司公司也不必担忧股权融资可能带来的负面效应; (4)内部融资来源不充分,股权融资的约束力低于债券融资; (5)业绩评价指标驱使上市公司偏好股权融资。在经济增加值评价指标下,上市公司可能更乐意采用债务融资。 2、对配股和增发方式的选择


摘要 随着社会主义新农村建设进程的推进,薄弱的农村金融,严重制约着我国农村地区经济的蓬勃发展。小额贷款公司作为主要面向农村、改善农村金融服务的新型经济组织,具有经营机制灵活、贷款手续简便、审批省时快捷等特点,对激活民间资本市场、缓解农村资金短缺和解决融资难问题、支持地方经济发展具有积极作用。本文根据小额贷款公司开展情况的有关文献,首先概括出小额贷款公司运作模式在一些方面的一致性及差异性,然后详细分析了小额贷款公司的运行现状及现有运作模式中存在的问题。最后结合对小额贷款公司发展现状、运作模式的分析与绩效评价,从政府部门的角度提出了发展我国小额贷款公司的建议,科学引导小额贷款公司的可持续发展。其研究结果不仅能丰富农村金融理论,而且对提高小额贷款公司的经济效益,促进小额贷款公司自身的生存和发展,更好的为农户、农村、农业服务提供帮助。 关键词:小额贷款公司,小额信贷商业化,运作模式,可持续发展

目录 一.小额信贷的相关理论研究 (3) (一)小额信贷的涵义 (3) (二)小额信贷的两种模式 (3) (三)小额信贷商业化 (4) 二.我国小额贷款公司运作模式的研究 (4) (一)小额信贷在我国机构的开展 (4) (二)小额贷款公司的产生和发展现状 (5) 三.我国小额贷款公司存在的问题 (5) (一)政策方面 (5) (二)法律层面 (6) (三)认识方面 (7) (四)经营方面 (7) 四.发展我国小额贷款公司的建议 (8) (一)明确小额贷款公司的法律地位 (8) (二)实现小额贷款公司资金来源的多元化 (8) (三)建立完善的监督管理体制 (8) 参考文献 (9) 致谢 (10)


小额贷款公司发展情况分析 为加强我市小额贷款公司发展,鼓励和引导民间资金支持地方经济发展,维护我市金融安全和社会稳定。现将我市小贷公司发展情况报告如下: (一)基本情况。自从xx年12月**市第一家小额贷款公司成立以来,**市小额贷款公司的数量增长较快。至xx年5月末,**市共有开业运营的小额贷款公司16家,总注册资本5.87亿元,经营资金总额5.92亿元,贷款余额为4.37亿元,当年累计发放贷款0.86亿元;从业人员105人,单家平均从业人员5人。单家公司最高注册资本为5.90亿元(桂平市金桂小贷公司),最低为0.1亿元(平南县安怡达小贷公司)。 (二)业务范围和经营模式。按小额贷款公司管理办法及其他相关法律法规,小额贷款公司的经营范围:办理各项小额贷款;办理小企业发展、管理、财务等咨询业务;其他经批准的业务。目前**辖区16家小额贷款公司经营的业务基本上只限于贷款业务,其中信用贷款余额3.12亿元,担保贷款余额1.05亿元,其他贷款形式余额0.21亿元。 (三)内控管理情况。目前,**市16家小额贷款公司均实行独立核算,自负盈亏,高层管理人员设有董事长或执行董事、总经理,下

设客户业务部、风险监管部、财务会计部等部门。各家小额贷款公司制定有比较严格和合理的内控管理制度,具体包括:公司章程、小额贷款公司业务管理制度、财务管理制度、风险监控制度、信息披露制度、档案管理制度、公司股东会议规则、人事管理办法等涉及公司运营的各方面的,各家小额贷款公司的经营管理比较规范。 (四)财务状况和违规状况。截至xx年5月末,**市小额贷款公司实现利润总额为329万元,其中有6家利润为正数,9家为负数,1家正在转让过程中。主要是部分小贷公司经营管理出现风险,利息收入无法正常等原因导致利润为负数。目前**市各家小额贷款公司在发起设立、资金筹集、经营范围、利率设定、非法集资等各方面都没有发生违法违规现象,在合法经营的基础上健康发展。 (一) 资金受到限制,公司规模难以扩大。小额贷款公司大部分资金都公司的股东,而股东本身经营着多种行业业务,难以抽调更多的资金来增资。另外,金融机构受到上级行或监管部门监管限制,禁止信贷资金融入小额贷款公司;小额贷款公司缺乏有效的抵押资产,而只有股权质押,也难以通过其他渠道获得资金。因此,信贷需求旺盛与贷款资金供给矛盾严重,小额贷款公司规模难以扩大。 (二)抵押业务手续繁琐,费用高。


债务融资外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 股权集中度,“控制权私人收益”和债务融资 摘要:基于快速成长的'法律和经济’文献,本文分析了主要所有者在以牺牲小股东利益而获取“控制权私人收益”的环境中进行债务融资的公司治理。这表明,所有权集中是与作为一个公司的负债比率和衡量投资的财政资源的使用效率较低有关,而这并不取决于最大股东的身份,固定的具有支配权的股东可以串通股权持有者进行控股溢价。这个结论的其中一个可能的结果就是债务市场的企业信贷压缩,这有转型期经济体的证据支持。 关键词:所有权,控制权收益,债务 引言 有一个大量研究金融经济学和战略管理的文献显示获得控制权私人收益的方式和数量与管理行为和企业业绩有关。(Gibbs, 1993;Hoskisson et al., 1994;Jensen and Warner, 1988)然而,大多以往的研究集中于大型、公开的在传统的美国/英国公司控制模型的框架范围内分散所有权的上市公司,很少是关于所有权集中的公司治理(Holderness and Sheehan, 1988;Short,1994)。快速成长的企业所有制结构的优化取决于“控制权私人收益”的水平。(e.g., Bennedsen and Wol fenzon, 2000; Grossman and Hart, 1988;Harris and Raviv, 1988)。文献已超出传统的治理研究美国/英国环境,并在最近成为理论和政策辩论。(Bebchuk, 1

994;Filatotchev et al., 2001;La Porta et al., 1998;2000b;Modigliani and Perotti, 1997) 这项研究对中小投资者受较少保护而控股股东广泛控制小股东的国家特别重要。这种对控制权的行使可采取多种形式,比如利用公司机会、关联方交易、转移定价,资产转移和其他“隧道行为”剥夺企业的资产和收入。(见La Porta等,1998年;一个广泛的讨论)。因此,在这样一种机构环境下的主要问题不是职业经理人不能满足分散的股东的目标,而是大宗股东对小股东的控制。(La Porta et al., 2000a;Shleifer and Vishny, 1997)。这种机会主义行为会阻止外来投资并对公司的价值产生负面影响(Jensen and Meckling,1976; La Porta et al., 1998; Wruck, 1989)。然而,尽管代理成本与大宗股权相关,集中股东可能抵制甚至长期进行他们的股权稀释。Modigliani and Perotti (1997)表明,在一个法律执行不健全的环境,控制权价值通常较控股股东通过出售股份进行股权投资价值更大。Bebchuck (1994; 1999)对公司所有权结构提出了“借贷-保护”理论,建议当控制权私人利益很大时,集中所有权是唯一可行的办法。在他的模型中,控股股东将倾向于保持控制权,因为放弃控制权会吸引对手组建一个控制股份来获取这些私人利益。 这些论点提出了一系列重要理论和实际影响。首先,这在所有权集中度相对较高的发达国家和发展中国家的经济中对受保护程度低的小股东来说可能是一个平衡反应。在Jensen and Meckling(1976)提出的机构框架上一些作者提出更高的主权控制会增强他们对不可分配的分散股份的兴趣。(Filatotchev et al., 2001;La Porta et al., 2000a)当获取控制权私人利益涉及产品成本,大宗股东股权的增加将减少获取的边际收益。(see Bennedsen and Wolfenzon, 2000; Claessens et al., 1999, for a discussion)。 第二,不适当的立法和执法框架可能妨碍股票市场的发展,并且和直接股权融资相比占用相对大量的信用中介。 (LaPorta et al., 1997; Modigliani and Perotti, 1997;Schleifer and Vishny, 1997)此外,固定股权持有人可以提供拥有现金流量权的机会主义行为的集中业主一个有效制衡。(Hart,1995;Jensen, 1986)债务可以为需要进行利息支付和因不能支付这些利息而要进行破产调用程序的时 候提供一个硬机制。它也可以是通过银行积极监管定期提供信息、面对面的会议、对违反公约的灵活解释等。(Holland, 1994;Myers and Majluf, 1984)最后,Dewatripont and Tirole (1994)认为,负债与公平有效的公司治理存在互补性。 然而,尽管这些大量的研究很先进,基于“控制权私人收益”的优化所有制结构理论存在理论与实际的不足而需要进一步分析。首先,在“法律和经济”框架内的研究大部分都集中在股权融资。第二,以往的研究主要涉及股票持有人对小股东之前的投资比例分配利润的控制。然而,机会主义行为者会尝试选择在投资项目之前进行事前错误安排。最后,先前关于债务管理作用的调查很少有关于固定股东和大股东之间共谋的管理,而且,关于相同组织的联合的结果调查也很少。 在本文中我们目标在于弥补这些缺陷,并制定一个概念框架来分析在少数股东利益没有得到有效保护的环境下大股东和定息股东潜在勾结带来的影响。文章结构如下:在下一个章节,我们对“控制权私人收益”在组织决策和公司绩效方面的有关文献作一个回顾。第二章节,我们主要讨论在一个简单的理论模型框架下的集中所有制和债务融资问题。接下来我们从经济转型中举例分析大股东和定息股东的通过控制资金流动使得企业被“挤出”融资市场的可能,并分析其后果。最后一节是结论。


CHANGZHOU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 文献综述 题目:上市公司股权融资偏好动因文献综述 二级学院(直属学部):延陵学院 专业:财务管理班级:10财Y2 学生XX:陆天祥学号:10122112 指导教师XX:冷薇薇职称:副教授 2014年月

文献综述 目前我国上市公司逐渐成为经济发展不可或缺的一个重要组成部分。研究分析上市公司资本结构与股权融资偏好的问题不仅有利于企业自身价值的提升,而且有利于整个国民经济的可持续发展。优序融资理论认为,企业选择融资方式时,应首先考虑内源融资,其次是负债融资,最后考虑股权融资。然而,我国上市公司融资时,融资方式首选股权融资,较少选择债权融资,与M y e r s 的“啄食”顺序相悖,表现出强烈的股权融资偏好。本文从国内和国外两个方面,对上市公司股权融资偏好动因进行文献综述,目的在于分析我国股权融资偏好的动因以及提出相应的优化建议,以期对我国上市公司融资行为有所帮助。 一、国外相关文献综述 多年来国外不少学者对影响资本结构的因素和决定融资偏好的条件进行了研究,其中有代表性的有Miller(1997)、Timan和Wessels(1998)、Rajan和Zingalas (1995)等人的研究。。 1、Miller(1997)在《负债与税收》一文中,引入了个人所得税,研究公司税,个人所得税以及债务增加三者之间的关系,米勒模型的结论主要为:一是公司的资本结构与相应的政策有关。如果有应税所得,债务增加将减少公司支付的税收,二是个人所得税会在一定程度上抵消债务的税收收益,从而公司会拒绝无限制地增加债务。 2、Marsh(1982)以1959-1974年间以现金方式发行股票和债券的企业为样本,分析了公司融资工具的选择。其研究结论是长期负债目标水平受到经营风险、公司规模、资产构成的影响。 3、Timan和Wessels(1998)收集了1974-1982年间的以469家企业为样本的


学生贷款对大学生入学的影响外文翻译2019 英文 The effect of student loans on college enrollment: Evidence from municipality panel data in Japan Shinpei Sano Abstract This study examines whether the criteria expansion for student loan eligibility promotes the college enrollment of high school graduates in Japan. In 1999, the Japan Student Services Organization revised the eligibility criteria of the student loan system based on household earnings. Before the revision, the maximum allowable earnings for student loan applications differed across regions; some region’s had lower criteria than others. After the revision, the criteria for regions with lower maximum allowable earnings were adjusted upwards to match regions with higher ones. We conducted a difference-in-differences estimation by using municipal panel data from 1998 to 2003. We found that the expansion of eligibility for student loans improved the male college enrollment rate by around 0.5 to 0.7% points, while female enrollment was less sensitive to the expansion of student loan eligibility. The impact of the student loan eligibility expansion is larger for low income areas. Keywords:College enrollment,Student loans,Difference-in-differences


我国小额小额贷款公司发展现状、问 题以及对策探讨 资料收集:倩倩、周绮、迪唯 清波、桑恬、徐斐美 PPT制作:毛阿颖、瀚慈 PPT演讲:毛阿颖

我国小额贷款公司的发展现状: 1、小额贷款公司业务规模快速发展 2、全国小额贷款公司市场发展分布特点: (1)整体来看,省以922.1亿元的实收资本,1119.76亿元的贷款余额,绝对领先于其他省份,位列全国第一。 (2)从机构数量来看,全国分布偏向于东部和东北部。 (3)从资金使用情况来看,经济发达省份小额贷款公司贷款数量已经超过实收资本数量,一方面说明经济发达地区资金需求量

大,另一方面也说明该地区小额贷款公司的融资能力和创新意识强。 小额贷款公司: 小额贷款公司是由自然人、企业法人与其他社会组织投资设立,不吸收公众存款,经营小额贷款业务的有限责任公司或股份。从性质上来看只是一般的工商企业而不是金融机构,与以扶贫为特点的公益性小额信贷机构是不同的。 特点: 1.贷款利率高。 2.贷款方式:多采取信用贷款,也可采取担保贷款、抵押贷款和质押贷款。 3.贷款对象:面向农户和小微企业。 4.贷款期限:由借贷双方公平自愿协商确定。 5.提供的贷款类型:个人、小企业、循环信用

优点: 1、培育和发展竞争性的农村金融市场 2、促进金融市场多元化竞争格局的形成。 3、规民间借贷的发展。 4、利于中小企业的长远发展。 三、问题: 1、小额贷款公司性质模糊: 小额贷款公司是从事放贷业务的商业性机构,属于一般的工商企业。但从事的贷款业务又不属于《公司法》所管辖的围,没有取得金融许可证,因而不是金融机构却是从事货币业务的企业法


中小企业融资 扬·尔迪[丹麦],切萨里奥·马特乌斯[英国],《中小企业融资》, 伦敦商业观察.2007(9):43-45. 工商管理 摘要 中小企业融资的主要来源有:股权融资、按时兑现的贸易信贷融资、中长期银行信贷融资、延迟兑现的贸易信贷融资以及其他债务融资,每种融资方式的边际成本取决于与其滞纳金相关的信息不对称成本和交易成本。根据啄食理论,企业在融资时,会优先选择成本最低的融资方式;而根据静态权衡理论,企业在进行融资时,各种资金来源的边际成本都是相同的;再者,根据优序融资理论,企业进行融资时要结合企业自身具体情况,是考虑多重因素下的优序融资。在本文中,我们认为,以上这些理论都忽略了一点,那就是边际成本的确定主要依赖于融资资金的使用,以及资产负债表中资产方作为融资来源的重要影响作用。一个来自葡萄牙中小企业的数据分析证实,企业资产负债表资产方对于融资方式的选择有着重要的影响,而这是静态权衡理论和优序融资理论所不能接受的。 中小企业的融资主要来源于股权(内部融资),商业信用,银行信贷和其他债务。融资方式的选择取决于资金成本,而资金成本又是由信息不对称成本和基于无债务负担情况下的预期成本决定的。信息不对称成本主要是为了支持管理决策而收集和分析信息所产生的费用,无债预期成本主要产生于企业为收回债务而收集和出售抵押品时的费用。由于中小企业的管理层和股东往往是同一个人,股权和内部产生的资金没有信息不对称成本,因此股权融资是成本最低的融资渠道。 2 中小企业资产融资理论 在前面的论述中,我们曾建议,葡萄牙的中小企业多采用内部资金、廉价贸易信贷、中长期银行信贷、高价贸易信贷和其他贷款进行融资。接下来,我们将对以上各种类型的融资动机进行讨论。 2.1 廉价贸易信贷 首先,我们将讨论的是贸易信贷。贸易信贷很有意思,因为它们代表的非金融企业与金融中介机构在提供金融服务方面的竞争。这一领域内的早期研究关注于贸易信贷同的信贷渠道的作用(或所谓的“梅尔策”影响)之间的关系,以及同货币政策的效率之间的关系。其基本思想是,企业尤其是大型知名企业,同的面临财务困境小企业,直接


小额信贷可持续发展的相关文献评述 前言:小额信贷在国际上产生于20世纪60—70年代,最初的目的是消除贫困和发展农业生产。它致力于为低收入人群和微型企业提供金融服务,为解决许多发展中国家甚至发达国家存在的贫困问题提供了一种全新的方法。小额信贷作为一种城乡低收入阶层为服务对象的小规模的金融服务方式,它既是一种金融服务的创新,又是一种扶贫的重要方式。事实上,各国政府都十分关心农民贷款,特别是扶贫贷款的问题。尤努斯①认为,小额信贷的合理逐利与可持续发展之间不能没有平衡。有些小额信贷机构因为亏损严重或是因为项目是短期的,而退出这一领域,使得一些已经脱贫的农户又出现了“返贫”现象。因而为了能持续的服务贫困群体,并扩大其服务的范围、规模和深度,要求小额信贷机构必须是能够长期生存和发展的机构。本文通过对近年来国内外学者对小额信贷可持续发展的研究成果进行归纳,整理,比较,使读者更加清晰地了解到目前关于小额信贷可持续发展的研究情况,也更加便于提出对目前存在问题的见解。 关键词:小额信贷可持续商业化市场化 正文 一﹑小额信贷可持续发展的相关概念 (一)小额信贷概念 小额信用贷款(Microfinance)是以个人或家庭为核心的经营类贷款,其主要的服务对象为广大工商个体户、小作坊、小业主。贷款的金额一般为10万元以下,1000元以上。小额信用贷款是微小贷款在技术和实际应用上的延伸。借款人不需要提供担保。其特征就是债务人无需提供抵押品或第三方担保仅凭自己的信誉就能取得贷款,并以借款人信用程度作为还款保证的。由于这种贷款方式风险较大,一般要对借款方的经济效益、经营管理水平、发展前景等情况进行详细的考察,以降低风险。 (二)小额信贷可持续涵义 国际上主流的观点认为,狭义的小额信贷可持续的概念是指机构本身提供的信贷服务所产生的收入能够覆盖其运营操作成本和资金成本,以保证其收入大于支出,即小额信贷机构的商业可持续。广义的小额信贷可持续的概念包括财务可持续与组织可持续两个方面 二﹑中国小额信贷的发展现状 (一)法律制度 农村小额信贷行为缺少立法规范和法律的监督,加之已颁布的法律之间还有不少冲突,这些冲突制约着小额信贷的进一步发展。我国小额信贷的发展与国际水平相比,还处在一个比较初级的阶段。在我国广泛存在的大量小额信贷机构中,除了那些以信用社和银行类金融机构为名义进行的小额信贷之外,大部分小额信贷机构的处境都十分尴尬。其中最为关键的一个问题是,现有的小额信贷机构没有获得明确的合法地位。缺乏合法地位使得我国小额信贷机构的健康发展受到极大约束。 (二)宏观政策环境 政府对于缓解贫困的承诺以及各种缓贫计划的干预与介入程度,都会不同程度地增强或弱化小额信贷的缓贫效果。纵观我国政府对小额信贷的参与,更像是政府 ①尤努斯,开创和发展了“微额贷款”的服务,专门提供给因贫穷而无法获得传统银行贷款的创业者


中英文资料翻译 Chinese Listed Companies Preference to Equity Fund: Non-Systematic Factors Abstract This article concentrates on the listed companies’ financing activities in China, analyses the reasons that why the listed companies prefer to equity fund from the aspect of non-systematic factors by using western financing theories, such as financing cost, types and qualities of the enterprises’ assets, profitability, industry factors, shareholding structure factors, level of financial management and society culture, and concludes that the preference to equity fund is a reasonable choice to the listed companies according to Chinese financing environment. At last, there are some concise suggestions be given to rectify the companies’ preference to equity fund. Keywords: Equity fund, Non-systematic factors, financial cost 1. Introduction The listed companies in China prefer to equity fund, According to the statistic data showed in , the amount of the listed companies finance in capital market account to 95.87 billions in 1997, among which equity fund take the proportion of 72.5%, and the proportion is 72.6% in 1998 and 72.3% in 1999, on the other hand, the proportion of debt fund to total fund is respective 17.8%, 24.9% and 25.1% in those three years. The proportion of equity fund to total fund is lower in the developed capital market than that in China. Take US for example, when American enterprises need to fund in the capital market, they prefer to debt fund than equity fund. The statistic data shows that, from 1970 to 1985, the American enterprises’ debt fund financed occupied the 91.7% proportion of outside financing, more than equity fund. Yan Dawu etc. found that, approximately 3/4 of the listed companies preferred to equity fund in China. Many researchers agree upon that the listed companies’ outside financing following this order: first one is equity fund, second one is convertible bond, third one is short-term liabilities, last one is long-term liabilities. Many researchers usually analy ze our national listed companies’ preference to equity fund with the systematic factors arising in the reform of our national economy. They thought that it just because of those systematic facts that made the listed companies’ financial activities betray t o western classical financing theory. For example, the “picking order” theory claims that when enterprise need fund, they should turn to inside fund (depreciation and retained earnings) first, and then debt fund, and the last choice is equity fund. In this article, the author thinks that it is because of the specific financial environment that activates the enterprises’ such preference, and try to interpret the reasons of that preference to equity fund by combination of non-systematic factors and western financial theories.


广东工业大学华立学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文 系部经济学部 专业经济学 年级 2007级 班级名称 07经济学6班 学号 16020706001 学生姓名张瑜琴 指导教师陈锶 2011 年05月

目录 1挑战:小额贷款中的进入和商业银行的长期承诺 (1) 2什么商业银行带给小额贷款和什么把他们留在外 (2) 3 商业银行的四个模型进入小额贷款之内 (4) 3.1内在的单位 (4) 3.2财务子公司 (5) 3.3策略的同盟 (5) 3.4服务公司模型 (6) 4 合法的形式和操作的结构比较 (8) 5 服务的个案研究公司模型:厄瓜多尔和Haiti5 (9)

1 挑战:小额贷款中的进入和商业银行的长期承诺 商业银行已经是逐渐重要的运动员在拉丁美洲中的小额贷款服务的发展2到小额贷款市场是小额贷款的好消息客户因为银行能提供他们一完整类型的财务的服务,包括信用,储蓄和以费用为基础的服务。整体而言,它也对小额贷款重要,因为与他们广泛的身体、财务的和人类。如果商业银行变成重的运动员在小额贷款,他们能提供非常强烈的竞争到传统的小额贷款机构。资源,银行能廉宜地发射而且扩张小额贷款服务rela tively。如果商业广告银行在小额贷款中成为严重的运动员,他们能提出非常强烈的竞争给传统的小额贷款机构。然而,小额贷款社区里面有知觉哪一商业银行进入进入小额贷款将会是短命或浅的。举例来说,有知觉哪一商业银行首先可能不搬进小额贷款因为时候建立小额贷款操作到一个有利润的水平超过银行的标准投资时间地平线。或,在进入小额贷款,银行之后可能移动在-上面藉由增加贷款数量销售取利润最大值-或者更坏的事,退出如果他们是不满意与小额贷款的收益性的水平。这些知觉已经被特性加燃料商业银行的情形进入小额贷款和后来的出口之内。在最极端的,一些开业者已经甚至宣布,”降低尺度死!”而且抛弃了与主意合作的商业银行。 在最 signific 看得到的地方,蚂蚁利益商业银行可能带给小额贷款,国际的ACCION 发展发射而且扩张的和一些商业银行的关系小额贷款操作。在这些情形的大部分方面, ACCION 和它的合伙人正在使用方法,已知的当做服务公司模型,表演早答应当做一个能工作的方法克服真正的。 商业银行的障碍进入和穿越建立长命的小额贷款操作一个商业银行 这论文描述如何服务公司模型、住址商业银行中的主要议题进入进小额贷款,监定成功建立的因素动作井小额贷款服务公司,和礼物结果和小额贷款的课servic e 公司用最长的经验,在海地和审判官席 del 的 SOGEBANK│ SOGESOL 初期结果指出那这服务公司模型表现一重要的突破在促成商业银行进入和留在小额贷款。在厄瓜多尔的 Pichincha│ CREDIFE。初期结果指出服务公司模型在促成商业广告中表现一次重要的突破银行进入而且留在小额贷款。
