
A powerful earthquake struck Taiwan late Tuesday, killing at least seven people and leaving several buildings leaning, near total collapse. 周二晚间,台湾地区发生强烈地震,造成至少7人死亡,一些建筑倾斜,几乎快要倒塌。

The U.S. Geological Survey said the 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit around the middle of the night local time near the coastal city of Hualien. 美国地质调查局表示,当地时间午夜时分,海滨城


Search and rescue operations continued in an effort to save dozens of people missing. 目前,搜救


Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen visited the damaged areas. 台湾地区领导人蔡英文视察了受灾


She promised that every effort would be made to rescue survivors. 她承诺,将竭尽全力营救幸存者。

At least 260 people were reported injured and more than 80 are missing. 据报道,至少260人受伤,80多人失踪。

The earthquake split some roads in half and left about 40,000 homes without water. 地震导致一些


Nearly 2,000 others did not have electricity. 还有2000多户家庭断电。

Some of the most powerful pictures and video of the disaster showed high-rise buildings tilting heavily after the earthquake. 一些受灾最为严重的照片和录像显示,地震导致高层建筑倾斜。Taiwan's Central Emergency Operation Center said rescue efforts in one area were briefly halted over safety concerns. 台湾中央应急行动中心表示,某地的救援行动因安全考虑一度中断。One residential building continued to lean towards collapse causing rescuers to stop their efforts. 一


Rescue workers put up steel beams against the building in an effort to prevent it from completely collapsing. 救援人员在这栋建筑上安装了钢梁,防止其彻底垮塌。

Large concrete blocks were also placed against the beams for added support. 钢梁上还放置了大型


The building was among at least four in the area that sank and shifted because of the earthquake. 这栋建筑至少横跨四块因地震而沉降和移动的区域。

Experts say the shifts were likely caused by soil liquefaction. 专家表示,这种移动可能是土壤液


This process can cause the ground underneath a building to lose its solidity under great physical stress. 这一过程可能会导致建筑物所在地面因巨大的物理压力失去稳固性。

Shifting destroyed the lower floors of several buildings, forcing rescue workers to enter windows to reach people trapped inside. 这种移动破坏了几栋低层建筑物,救援人员被迫从窗户进入救援


Hualien prosecutors said they had launched an investigation. 花莲县检察官表示,他们已展开调查。

They want to know about possible negligence in construction of buildings that collapsed or tilted from the earthquake, the Taipei Times reported. 据《台北时报》报道,他们想要了解,在地震


Government officials are seeking building records and said they would question companies in the buildings' planning and construction. 政府官员正在调查相关建筑记录,并表示将对该批建筑


The investigation will look into whether shortcuts were taken, if poor building materials were used and whether all government rules were followed. 调查这些建筑是否存在偷工减料、采用劣质建


Taiwan sits in a very seismically active area known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. Earthquakes regularly strike the area. 台湾地区位于“太平洋火环”这一地震活跃地带,该区域经常发生地震。I'm Bryan Lynn. 布莱恩·林恩为您播报。

Almost 60 million young people who live in countries affected by conflict or natural disaster are illiterate, the United Nations Children’s Fund or UNICEF, said this week. 本周,联合国儿童基金


More investment in education is needed, UNICEF said, to fight the crisis. 联合国儿童基金会还表示,应对这场危机需要更多的教育投资。

Nearly 30 percent of people between the ages of 15 and 19 living in "emergency countries" cannot read or write. 在“紧急状态国家”生活的15到19岁青年中,近30%的人不会阅读和书写。UNICEF has found that illiteracy is a bigger problem among girls and young women. 联合国儿童


Thirty-three percent of girls have not learned even the basics of reading. 33%的女孩没学过阅读


The same is true of 24 percent of boys living in “emergency countries.” 24%生活在“紧急状态国家”的男孩同样如此。

UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore said the numbers are a clear reminder of the tragic effects that crises can have on a child’s education and their future. 联合国儿童基金会会长亨利埃塔·福尔(Henrietta Fore)指出,该数据明确地提醒我们,危机将对儿童的教育和未来造成悲剧性的影响。

UNICEF is calling for more financial support for education programs, especially during humanitarian crises. 联合国儿童基金会呼吁为教育项目提供更多的资金支持,尤其是在人道


It said only 3.6 percent of humanitarian money is used for the education of young people living in emergency situations. 该基金会表示,只有3.6%的人道主义资金用于救助紧急状态国家的年


That makes education one of the least supported areas of humanitarian aid. 这导致教育成为人道


The agency’s yearly Humanitarian Action for Children appeal began on Tuesday. 周二,该机构举办了一年一度的儿童人道主义救助会。

It called for $900 million for countries damaged by man-made and natural disasters. 该活动为受人为和自然灾害破坏的国家筹集了9亿美元的善款。

The money would be used on programs such as accelerated learning, teacher training, school rebuilding and on school supplies. 所有善款将用于速成学习、教师培训、学校重建和学习用品


UNICEF also proposed that governments provide young children with early-learning opportunities and illiterate young people with specially designed education programs. 联合国儿童基金会还提议,政府为儿童提供早期的学习机会;为文盲青年提供特殊的教育项目。

The findings are based on the U.N. Educational, Science and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, literacy data on 27 emergency countries. 这些发现是基于联合国教科文组织发布的关于27个“紧急状态”国家的文盲率报告。

The countries with the highest illiteracy rates among people between the ages of 15 and 24 are

Niger (76-percent), Chad (69-percent), South Sudan (68-percent), and the Central African Republic (64-percent). 在15到24岁的人群中,文盲率最高的国家有尼日尔(76%)、乍得(69%)南


UNICEF released the new data just before the start of the two-day Global Partnership for Education Replenishment Conference in Dakar, Senegal. 在塞内加尔达喀尔举行为期两天的全球教育合作


The conference is designed to raise money to give all children and youth the opportunity to learn.


I’m Phil Dierking. 菲尔·迪尔金为您播报。

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle report. 这里是VOA慢速英语健康生


In winter, people might lessen their outdoor exercise. 在冬季,人们会尽量减少户外运动。

The days get dark earlier, and it can be very cold! These conditions can make it harder for some of

us to get outdoors for exercise. 白昼时间逐渐缩短,天气寒冷。这些条件导致一些人到户外锻


However, cold days can be perfect for outdoor workouts! 然而,寒冷天气到户外锻炼可能是个


There are at least three important health benefits to cold-weather workouts. 寒冷天气锻炼至少有3大健康益处。

1. The body works harder in cold weather. 1. 寒冷天气下锻炼,身体会更加卖力

Health experts at the Medical University of South Carolina say the body must make extra energy to keep warm in low temperatures. 南卡罗来纳医科大学的健康专家们称,在低温状态下,人体


This means the body is burning more calories and fat. 这意味着身体会燃烧更多卡路里和脂肪。Your lungs also may work better in cold weather. Researchers at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff found some interesting results in a study of goats. 在寒冷天气下,肺部功能会有所提升。弗拉格斯塔夫市北亚利桑那大学的研究人员在关于山羊的研究中发现一些有趣的结果。Yes, I said "goats." 没错,是山羊。

But still, their results were pretty interesting. 不过,他们的研究结果仍然十分有趣。

The scientists looked at how cold-weather activity affected goats. 科学家研究了寒冷天气对山羊


They found that "during the three coldest months, the sedentary but cold-exposed goats experienced a 34% increase in maximal oxygen uptake ... and a 29% increase in running speed." 他们发现,“在最寒冷的三个月里,暴露在严寒中但久坐不动的山羊,其最大摄氧量增加了34%,其奔


When temperatures increased in the spring both oxygen uptake and running speed of the goats decreased. 当春季气温上升时,山羊的摄氧量和奔跑速度都会下降。

2. Regular cold-weather exercising may help the immune system. 2. 寒冷天气定期锻炼或增强免


The winter season is also cold and flu season. 冬季还是感冒和流感的高发季节。

Making outdoor exercise a usual part of your workout may help you avoid both colds and the flu. It may strengthen your body's defense system. 将户外运动纳入锻炼日程能够帮助人们抵御感冒和


The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research found that winter workouts can cut your risk of getting the flu by 20 to 30 percent. 梅奥医学教育和研究基金会发现,冬季锻炼可将患流


3. Exercising outdoors in cold weather may help your mental health. 3. 寒冷天气锻炼有益身心健

Some people who suffer from "winter blues" or Seasonal Affective Disorder, may benefit from going outside to exercise in the fresh air and sunshine. 患“冬季忧郁症”或季节性情感障碍的病人在阳光充足、空气新鲜的户外锻炼会心情舒畅。

An outdoor workout increases exposure to sunlight. Sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D. 户外锻炼能够多晒太阳。阳光有助于身体分泌维生素D。

And vitamin D produces hormones that brighten your mood. 而维生素D会产生让你心情愉悦的激素。

So, there are several health benefits of exercising outdoors in very cold weather. But there are also dangers. 虽然,寒冷天气到户外锻炼益处多多,却也危险重重。

Frostbite is one of the most common. 冻伤就是最常见的伤害。

Edward Ward is a doctor at Rush University Medical Center. He explains how frostbite happens. 爱德华·沃德(Edward Ward)是拉什大学医学中心的医生。他详述了冻伤的产生过程。"When the air temperature drops below zero especially factoring wind chill, things freeze. 他说:“当气温跌破零度,尤其是加上风寒,冻伤的情况就会出现。

And that includes the fluids that's within your fingers or your toes, nose, ears, anything that's exposed to that wind chill can be affected by frostbite." 包括手指、脚趾、鼻子、耳朵等等。任


Protecting your fingers, toes, ears and nose is very important. 手指、脚趾、耳朵和鼻子的保暖工作非常重要。

Cold winds affect these parts of the body more quickly than other parts. 人体的这些部位会最先受到寒风的伤害。

Christopher Sampson is a doctor with University of Missouri Health Care. 克里斯托弗·桑普森(Christopher Sampson)是密苏里州大学卫生保健部的医生。

He explains that frostbite can happen rapidly -- in less than 30 minutes. 他解释说,不到30分钟


"With frostbite people can start experiencing symptoms pretty rapidly, on average with mild winds and cold temperatures it can occur in as less than 30 minutes, with extreme cases. 他说:“冻伤患者很快会出现症状。在弱风和低温下,冻伤一般不到30分钟内发生。

When it's very, very cold and winds are very, very strong, sometimes frostbite can develop in as little as 5 minutes." 而在极寒天气下,再加上强烈的寒风,有时短短5分钟内就能导致冻伤。”The beginning of frostbite is called "frostnip." 冻伤的初步症状被称为“亚冻伤。”

Experts at the Mayo Clinic explain that "with this mild form of frostbite, your skin pales or turns red and feels very cold. 梅奥诊所的专家指出,“轻微冻伤会使皮肤苍白并发红,并且感觉寒冷。

Continued exposure leads to prickling and numbness in the affected area. 继续暴露的话,该部位会出现刺痛和麻木。

As your skin warms, you may feel pain and tingling. 皮肤转暖后可能会产生疼痛和刺痛感。Frostnip doesn't permanently damage the skin." 亚冻伤不会给皮肤造成永久性伤害。”

But, frostbite can. It can even lead to loss of tissue and limbs. 冻伤则不然。冻伤会造成部分组织和四肢失去知觉。

The most serious danger is hypothermia. Hypothermia is when the body temperature has fallen below 35 degrees Celsius or about 95 degrees Fahrenheit. 最严重的危害是失温。失温是指体温降至35摄氏度(或95华氏度)以下。

This happens when your body can not produce enough energy to keep the body warm enough. 当身体无法产生充足热量维持体温时会发生这种现象。

Hypothermia can kill you. There are several signs to watch for before it is too late. 失温会致死。


difficulty in movement 运动障碍

difficulty in thinking 思维障碍

slowed reactions 反应迟缓

unclear speech 口齿不清

cold feet and hands 手脚发冷

shivering 发抖

sleepiness 嗜睡

However, Dr. Sampson says it is ice that creates the biggest risk for workouts outside when it is

very cold. People don't see the ice, step on it and fall. 然而,桑普森博士指出,天气寒冷时进行


But if you are dressed right, you can exercise safely in low temperatures. 但是如果你着装适当,


Experts on several health websites say it is important to dress in layers. 一些健康网站的专家表示,分层穿衣十分重要。

The layer closest to the body should be made of a material that takes moisture away from the body. 贴身衣物应首选吸汗布料。

The next layer should be a material that traps heat, such as wool. And finally, the outer layer should be water resistant. 第二层应该选用保暖性衣物,例如羊毛。最外层应该选择防水性衣物。

Of course, don't forget gloves, hat, good socks and shoes. 当然,不要忘记手套、帽子、保暖袜


When it is really cold, a scarf or face mask will protect your skin and lungs. 遇到严寒天气,戴上


Temperature is not the only things that will affect your outdoor workout. It is also important to consider wind and water. 温度不是影响户外锻炼的唯一因素。刮风和下雨也要纳入考虑范围。Wind can go through your clothing and steal the layer of warm air that surrounds your body. 风可


If you get wet, you may not be able to keep your body temperature high enough. 如果衣物潮湿,


So, if you are a generally healthy person, do not think you must move your workouts indoors in winter. 因此,如果你身体康健,不要觉得冬季必须要在室内锻炼。

As long as you dress properly, drink enough water and exercise safely, you can get a lot out of a

cold-weather workout. 只要你穿着得当,饮水充足,并安全地锻炼,你就能从寒冷天气的锻


And that's the Health & Lifestyle Report. 以上为健康生活报道的全部内容。

I'm Anna Matteo. 安娜·马特奥为您播报。

This is What’s Trending Today… 这里是《今日热点》节目。

February 1 marks the beginning of Black History Month in the United States and other countries around the world. 每年的2月1日,美国和其他国家开始迎来了“黑人历史月”。

On Thursday, Google honored the month with a special Google Doodle of African-American historian Carter G. Woodson. 周四,谷歌发布了一款特殊涂鸦纪念这一特殊月份,涂鸦的主人公是美国历史学家卡特·伍德森。

Experts call him the “Father of Black History.” 专家称他为“黑人历史之父”。

Woodson was born in the state of Virginia in 1875. His parents were both former slaves. 1875年,伍德森出生于弗吉尼亚州。他的父母以前是奴隶。

Neither of his parents ever had the chance to learn to read or write. 他们都没有机会读书写字。

Woodson, however, had a strong interest in education. 然而,伍德森对学习十分感兴趣。Because he spent much of his youth helping his family by working in farming and mining, Woodson mostly taught himself. 由于年少时,他大部分的时间都在农场、矿场帮父母劳作,因此,伍德森很多情况下都靠自学。

Woodson entered high school at the age of 20 and received his diploma in just two years. 20岁时,伍德森进入高中学习,两年内拿到了毕业证。

He went on to become the second African-American in history to earn a doctorate from Harvard University. 后来,他成为历史上第二位获得哈佛大学博士学位的非裔美国人。

He was among the earliest scholars of black history. 他是黑人历史上早期的学者之一。Woodson launched a publication called the Journal of Negro History. 伍德森出版了一本《黑人历史杂志》刊物。

It was later renamed the Journal of African American History. 其后更名为《非裔美国人历史杂志》。

In it, he and other experts wrote about African-American life and history. 他和其他作者在书中介绍了关于非洲裔美国人的生活和历史。

He also wrote more than 12 books on the topic during his lifetime. 他还写了超过12本关于这一话题的专著。

In 1926, Woodson developed an education program on the study of African-American history. 1926年,伍德森创办了一个研究非裔美国人历史的教育项目。

The one-week program was called Negro History Week. It took place in February. 这个为期一周的项目被称为“黑人历史周”。时间选在了二月份。

Woodson chose February because it was the birth month of abolitionist Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln. 选择二月的理由是因为废奴主义者弗雷德里克·道格拉斯和亚伯拉罕·林肯总统均在该月份出生。

That weeklong program later expanded to become what is known today as Black History Month. 这个长达一周的项目后来演变成今天的“黑人历史月”。

The Google Doodle shows Woodson sitting at a desk and writing, with other African-American leaders by his side. 在谷歌的涂鸦中,伍德森坐在书桌旁写作,旁边还有其他非洲裔美国领导人。

Virginia-based artist Shannon Wright designed the Google Doodle. 弗吉尼亚的艺术家香农·莱特(Shannon Wright)设计了这款涂鸦。

The Black Googlers Network helped develop it. “黑人谷歌员工网络”辅助开发。

Sherice Torres is Google’s director of brand marketing and a member of Black Googlers Network. 谢瑞思·托雷斯(Sherice Torres)是谷歌的品牌营销总监和“黑人谷歌员工网络”的员工。She wrote about Woodson and the story behind the doodle. 她写出了关于伍德森和涂鸦的背景故事。

She said that Woodson’s life story inspired her to choose African American Studies as her m ajor in college. 她表示,受伍德森故事的激励,大学专业选择的是非裔美国人研究。

Thursday’s Doodle is just one of Google’s efforts to mark Black History Month. 周四的涂鸦只是谷歌纪念“黑人历史月”的方式之一。

Its popular Arts and Culture app lets users explore art, historical artifacts and stories related to African-American history and culture in America. 谷歌著名的“艺术和文化”软件能够让用户了解与美国黑人历史、文化有关的艺术作品、历史文物和背景故事。

And that’s What’s Trending Today…. 以上为《今日热点》。

I’m Jonathan Evans. 乔纳森·埃文斯为您播报。
