


Abstract(English) (i)

Abstract(Chinese) (ii)

Chapter 1 Introduction (1)

Chapter 2 The Roles of Servants (8)

Chapter 3 The Characteristics of Servants (27)

Chapter 4 Emily and Charlotte’s Presentation of Servants (46)

Chapter 5 Conclusion (51)

Bibliography (53i)


In 1847,with the publication of Wuthering Heights,Agnes Grey and Jane Eyre,three

Bronte sisters caused great curiosity of the readers and critics,especially Emily Bronte,the authoress of Wuthering Heights,and Charlotte Bronte,the authoress of Jane Eyre.Jane’s

struggle for independence and her romantic love with Rochester and the passionate and controversial love between Catherine and Heathcliff have been reviewed for more than 100 years.Many critics have made tremendous contributions to criticism of the sources of the novels,their narrative styles and creating motivations as well as the analysis of the protagonists.This thesis,however,focuses on the roles and characteristics of servants in

these two novels.Even though servants are minor characters,it doesn’t follow that they

play no roles and have no characteristic and therefore can be neglected.Although two

novels tell quite different stories,readers can easily find some interesting and controversial images of the servants who are inseparable from the development of the protagonists and

the whole stories.When they are confronted with the changeable fate of the protagonists, especially when there is the lacking of the image of the mother,they participate in the

actions,even intending to influence the protagonists’judgment and showing their inborn conscience;some become totally callous and help to exacerbate the tragedy of the protagonists.But employed,dependent and fundamentally confined in a low social

position in patriarchal society in which men are supreme,they cannot understand the

exterior and interior struggle of protagonists,nor can they have independent thinking,

despite the fact that some of them are somewhat literate and strongly religious.By

exposing the conscience and callousness demonstrated by the servants in two novels,the

thesis intends to dig out the social and psychological state of the servants in the early 19th century,finding that they are still enslaved in the patriarchal society.It is clear that Emily

gives the reader richer and more vivid description of the servants,and pays more attention

to these people than Charlotte.ii
















Chapter 1 Introduction

Grown up and educated in the early 19th

century in Haworth,an industrial town which

is straddling in the main route between Yorkshire and Lancashire,three Bronte sisters, Charlotte,Emily and Anne,drew much concern with the publication of their works,Jane

Eyre,Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey in the same year.

Over centuries,the protagonists in their novels,the Bronte’s living context and their

spectacular lives have been analyzed and explored by numerous ardent readers of their

novels and critics.

The thesis focuses on the roles and characteristics of servants in Wuthering Heights

and Jane Eyre.Although those servants are minor characters,it does not follow that they

don’t play a role and have no distinct characteristics.In my opinion,it is worthwhile to

attach importance to their roles and characteristics.The fact can’t be ignored that in both

novels the servants play a key role in the development of the changeable fate of

protagonists and the plot with the image of mother lacking.It is known that after giving

birth to six children,Maria,Elizabeth,charlotte,Branwell,Emily and Anne,Mrs.Bronte,

Maria Branwell,died when Charlotte was only six years old,and Emily only 3 years old.

After their mother died of stomach cancer in 1821,the four eldest girls suffered from protracted hunger,illness,and cold at the harsh Clergy Daughters’School at the Cowan

Bridge in Lancashire,model for the Lowood School of Jane Eyre.In fact,their two older sisters,Maria and Elizabeth,died at the school before Charlotte and Emily were withdrawn

and brought home in 1825.Under such severe reality,they must have been hungry for

warmth,comfort and encouragement from people living with them.With the responsibility

of caring for six growing children,Patrick Bronte got the help from Elizabeth Branwell, Charlotte’s aunt,and also he employed some servants to help him while he could throw

himself into religion,politics and his innovations.

It is recorded that in April 1820 Patrick brought his wife,Maria,his six children,

Maria,Elizabeth,Charlotte,Branwell,Emily and Anne as well as two maidservants to the

now famous parsonage in Haworth.Although his salary of around?170 was too small to

enable them to acquire any savings and any luxuries,he could afford the wages for some servants


.At that time in Haworth the Bronte family was among the list of gentlemen’shapter 1 Introduction


According to Juliet Barker,in the kitchen of parsonage in Haworth the children would

gather round the fire to pass the long,dark winter evenings with their imaginary games and

to listen to the tales of their much-loved servant,Tabby Aykroyd,who stayed with the

family for thirty years



Their servant,Sarah Garrs recollected that in evening sessions Patrick gathered his

children around him“for re citation and talk,giving them oral lessons in history,biography

or travel”



As the only clergyman covering the entire chapel at that period,Patrick Bronte was

kept immensely busy.On average he baptized 290 children and carried out 111 burials a



.With the mother lost at their early age and the father who was highly busy,the

Bronte children needed the care and warmth from the image of mother.We have every

reason to believe that they got maternal love and counseling from Elizabeth Branwell,their aunt,who came to live with the Brontes after the mother died and Tabby Aykroyd,a

servant who lived with them for 30 years.The prototypes of Bessie,Mrs.Fairfax and Nelly

Dean were their aunt,Tabby Aykroyd and other maidservants.The influence those figures

had on the Bronte children was well presented in their novels.Since Charlotte had two experiences of being governess in 1839 and 1841,the creation of Bessie and Mrs.Fairfax

might have been inspired by the servants in her employer’s houses.While Emily had no experience of being governess,the presentation of Nelly Dean was probably mostly from

her own family and account of her sisters.

They had experiences of being children without the mother’s care,so they naturally

turned to old servant and their aunt to seek comfort and emit their inner plight.Due to long experience of living with the family and great knowledge of the family,especially of the master,Patrick Bronte,the servants tended to exert their influence on those children,which

helped the Bronte sisters to create the images of Nelly Dean in Wuthering Heights and Mrs. Fairfax,Bessie in Jane Eyre.

That is to say they experienced the life of living with servants personally.In their own

life they were strongly influenced by servants since they had lost mother,and meanwhile

their father was so busy.It is because servants,especially female servants,played anhapter 1 Introduction


important role in their real life that in their created works,servants also played a vital role. Among the servants characterized in these two novels,only Nelly Dean caused great

attention at a given period,especially in 1950s and 1960s.John Fraser gave a humane

analysis to Nelly Dean,declaring that Nelly did all the things in the name of action


However,James Hafley argued that Nelly Dean is'The Villain in Wuthering Heights'.She

is both ambitious and resentful of her lack of status within the family,and uses her

privileged access to people's emotional weaknesses to manipulate events so that she is left effective mistress of Thrushcross Grange


.More attention was given to the narrating

function Nelly played in Wuthering Heights,the critics think that her narration is not


Through analyzing Nelly Dean,Joseph in Wuthering Heights and Mrs.Fairfax,Bessie

in Jane Eyre,the thesis is intended to show that they play an important role in the

development of the story,without their interference there would be another story.Their characteristics are stereotyped but complexed.Some are kind and conscious enough to give valuable comfort to the protagonists in trouble and isolation,exerting the profound

influence on protagonists to provide a shelter for them.Others are not totally callous and merciless,giving up the social bias to treat the protagonists cordially as they faithfully

maintain the social rules that they think to be conventional in light of norms of the

patriarchal society.Still others unconsciously lost their humane emotion and like a devil

living in the choking and isolated environment.

1.1 Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte and their creations

Living a seclusive life with her three sisters and one brother,Charlotte and Emily read voraciously and rambled on the moors.Together,the four remaining Bronte children (Charlotte,Emily,Anne,and Branwell)vividly detailed imaginary worlds in story form,

recording them in miniature volumes written in minute script.The three sisters,when

adults,drew on their early literary efforts and published a book of poems together under

the pen names Currer,Ellis,and Acton Bell,neutral appellations,since the female authors

were tended be looked on with prejudice.The fact that their book of poems sold only two

copies disappointed them and they were determined to support themselves as writers,thehapter 1 Introduction


young women began to work on novels thereaft er.Unfortunately Charlotte’s first mature

effort,The Professor,was rejected by numerous publishers,but the firm Smith,Elder&Co.

urged her to try a three-volume novel with more action and excitement.The result was the immediately successful Jane Eyre,a novel that treats the struggle for independence,

self-respect and social recognition of a woman in mid-nineteenth century Britain.In the

same year Emily published her novel Wuthering Heights,which tells a love story taking

place in two old isolated families.Anne published Agnes Grey.

The astonishing story of their family has been often told,but we should remember

from it the long apprenticeship in fantasy with their brother and sisters,the consuming

mental passion of Angria,the imagined world Charlotte created in the writings of her

childhood and youth.She enacted dialectic of fantasy and reason,or release and repression.

Her importance in the history of the novel is that they provide a bridge from Richardson

and the Romantics to modern psychological literature,to the experiments of James and Lawrence’s transcendentalism.Wuthering Heights is the most purely romantic novel but,

its energies are held in a dynamic balance by sophisticated technique.Its symbolism is established on a considered,symmetrical structure,its language is pellucid,and the double insulation of those phlegmatic reporters,Lockwood and Nelly Dean,ensures a

matter-of-fact rather than a baleful account of its wonders.Together with Jane Eyre and

Villette it accomplishes a late but complete accommodation of the romantic impulse to the formal demands of the novel.Though the main actions of their psychodramas take place in

the isolation of the moor,or the claustrophobic enclosure of house or mansion,the

topography and dating are real


.To our grief,they two all died very young,Charlotte died

on 31 March,1855,in the early stage of pregnancy,aged 38,Emily died of consumption

on 19 December,1848,aged 30.In her life,Charlotte created Jane Eyre,Professor,Shirley

and Villette,Emily left us only Wuthering Heights and some pieces of poems.

1.2 The condition of the working people in the early 19



In order to get knowledge of servants’social status and their living condition,it is

necessary to review the condition of the working-class which servants belonged to.By

doing this,the thesis is intended to explore the psychology of servants who escaped fromhapter 1 Introduction


the poorly ventilated wool working shops.Behind them,there was the harsh reality with

little dignity,poor sanitation and high mortality,before them,they witnessed the leisurely

and luxurious life of the upper-class and getting-on middle-class.There must have been

some strong conflicts on the bottom of their heart and even inner twist.Their inner

conflicts and twist must be represented i n their attitude to masters and account of masters’stories.With the Industrial Revolution,during the early nineteenth century very large proportions of the population hovered dangerously near some absolute subsistence level,

and were frequently below the borderline which,by any standards,delineated the

possibility of minimum health and moderate comfort.

The effect of industrialization on working-class living standards was uneven precisely

because the pattern of working-class skills and incomes was uneven,Thus,relatively

skilled workers—printers,carpenters,building craftsmen,fine spinners,engineering

workers,toolmakers,some iron workers,etc.—formed an economic‘aristocracy of labor’.

Their real incomes undoubtedly tended to rise,and by the end of the period the more prosperous among them enjoyed living standards and even lifestyles which were associated

with the respectable lower middle class.Of them,a modern social historian has written:

These were the workers who ate meat,vegetables,fruit and dairy products,lived in the best

and newest cottages and filled them with furniture and knick-knacks,bought books and newspapers,supported mechanics’institutes and friendly societies,and paid the heavy subscriptions to the craft unions


.Nor was it only these sorts of skills that received better

compensation as the industrial society emerged.Many factory workers and miners,

traditionally associated with the mainstream of industrial development,were among the

better paid of the labor force and also among the group which saw a rise in the purchasing

power of their wages.

Compared with skilled workers and the better-placed employees of factories and

mines,men and women with skills or occupational commitments unwanted by

industrialism or susceptible to the competition of the machine were much less fortunate. Agricultural laborers were under great pressure,as were casual laborers in towns.But the outstanding,and most heartbreaking,example of such casualties was undoubtedly the

hand-loom weavers employed mostly in their own homes.The fierce competition of thehapter 1 Introduction


power loom,the ease with which non-mechanized weaving could be learned,and the

reluctance of handloom workers to leave their jobs resulted in a remorseless squeeze on




Rural working-class girls might receive some part of a basic elementary education (grammar,geography,and arithmetic)and then return to work as farmhands,mine laborers,

or various kinds of servants.In England in 1851,“over 10 percent of the female population

were working as maids,washerwomen,and charwomen”


.Urban working-class girls,

with or without education of any kind,generally labored at exhausting,menial,and often dangerous factory jobs in trades such as textile production,nailmaking,and match-making. Merryn William said it is worth remembering that,except where factories offered

alternative work,the majority of working-class women(13 percent of all women in 1851)

were servants of some sort for at least a few years of their lives.Novelists could hardly

help mentioning servants,as no middle-class family was without them,but they are usually

there only to open doors and bring tea


.Although they were great in number,servants

were invisible in eyes of their masters.

The wages of servants seem small.The labor of a man was cheaper than that of a

horse.In London,where there were at least 10,000 female servants always looking for‘a place’,from?6 to?10 was a typical yearly wage for a maid-of-all-work,including room

and board.An upper housemaid was paid?12 to?20 a year with allowances,though a

lady’s maid was paid only?12to?15,probably because she had extra pay in the way of

cast-off clothing.A cook could earn from?14 to?20 a year,and a private chef,butler,

steward,and housekeeper were higher,usually starting around?40 or?50 a year



The thesis is intended to analyze the roles and characteristics of servants in chapter 2

and 3 respectively,and further explores charlotte and Emily’s presentations of servants.

Notes on Chapter 1:


.Baker,Juliet.The Haworth Context,in Glen,Heather,ed.,The Cambridge Companion to:The Brontes.

Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004:27








.Fraser,John.The Name of Action:Nelly Dean and Wuthering Heights,Nineteenth-Century Fiction.hapter 1 Introduction


Los Angeles:California University Press,V ol.20,No.3,Dec.,1965:223-236


.Hafley,James.The Villain in Wuthering Heights,Nineteenth-Century Fiction.Los Angeles: California University Press,V ol.13,No.3,Dec.,1958:199-215


.Hemstedt,Geoffrey.The novel,in Lerner,Laurence,ed.,The Victorians:the Context of English Literature.New York:Holmes&Meier Publishers,Inc.1978:12-13


.Altic,Richard.Victorian People and Ideas.New York:Norton,1973:52


.Supple,Barry.Material development:the Condition of England 1830-1860,in Lerner,Laurence,ed., The Victorians:the Context of English Literature.New York:Holmes&Meier Publishers,Inc.1978: 60-61


.Altic,Richard.Victorian People and Ideas.New York:Norton,1973:52


.Williams,Merryn.Women in the English Novel 1800-1900.London:Macmillan Press.1990:12


.Brown,Julia Prewitt.A Reader’guide to the Nineteenth-Century English Novel.New York: Macmillan Publishing Company,1985:11-12r 2 The Roles of Servants


Chapter 2 The Roles of Servants

2.1 Women’s social context in early nineteenth-century Britain

Three of four servants the thesis focuses on are female and the protagonists with

whom they have more interactions are also female,therefore,it is necessary to get the knowledge of women in nineteenth century.In early nineteenth century,supply of female servants was in surplus.After receiving a basic education,they came to be servants

earning less money,doing tedious routine work,trying to be obedient,loyal and winning

the trust from the masters.

Since servants received the education and training which met the needs of the masters

in patriarchal society,most of them were not quite aware of the plight of the women

including the upper-class women.At that time,the law and the social environment were

not favorable to women.

In nineteenth-century in Britain the lives of married women did not offer more options.

Women in all social classes were denied legal identities separate from their husbands:

Once married,a wife could not sue or make a contract on her own nor could they

make a will without her husband’s consent.If he wished to confine her against her will,as

Mr.Rochester does his wife at Thornfield Hall,until 1891 he was well within his rights in

doing so.He could“correct”her if he wished,too,a right which was supposed to mean

only verbal chastisement but in practice often meant physical punishment


.That’s why Mrs.

Fairfax thinks highly of her master in spite of the fact that he locks his wife in an attic and

the mirthless laugh is often heard.

Not only did married women have limited legal protection,they also had highly

restricted legal rights to their children and property.In case of divorce,custody of the

children automatically reverted to the husband;In Wuthering Heights after the death of Isabella,young Linton is naturally handed over to Heathcliff although Edgar was a

magistrate and unwilling to betray his sister’s will.The situation improved somewhat

with the passage of the Infants’Custody Act of 1839,which allowed a mother to petition

for custody of children under the age of seven.Finally,prior to the Married Women’s

Property Act of 1882,any property that a woman owned automatically became her

husband’s upon marriage.G.M.Trevelyan wryly notes the irony in this last feature ofr 2 The Roles of Servants


early nineteenth-century law:“The law was in curious contrast to the words of the

marriage service,when the man was made to say‘with all my worldly goods I thee

endow.’It was really the other way around”



As of the early nineteenth century,British women had few options for social or

economic independence open to them,and the restrictions against which Jane struggles

would have been widespread among women in real life.The call for a meaningful

education for girls and women issued by Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights

of Women in 1798 went largely unheeded for the first half of the nineteenth century.

While affluent girls were trained in ornamental idleness,lower-middle and

working-class girls,if educated at all,were trained in propriety and deference to their

social superiors.“Charity schools”for“respectable”girls in reduced circumstances,such

as the Lowood School in Jane Eyre,churned out modest,well-mannered graduates who

would become governesses or schoolmistresses



2.2 Nelly Dean in Wuthering Heights

Nelly Dean cannot be ignored when we read Wuthering Heights,she is not only an

outsider of a big family invisibly observing the masters’secret and a narrator of the story

having happened in the Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange,but also an important participatant in the story,she witnessed the oneness and separation of Catherine and

Heathcliff,the marriage between Catherine and Edgar Linton,the temporarily miserable marriage between Catherine II and Linton Heathcliff and finally the happy marriage of Catherine II and Hareton.In addition,she is ambitious,repeatedly influencing her mistress

and masters to divert the course of the fate of masters.Strictly speaking,she nursed two children,Hareton and second Catherine whose mothers all died shortly after giving the

birth.In the end of the story,the third generation of the two families,Catherine II and

Hareton unified happily.As the foster-mother of the two,Nelly succeeded in reverting the development of the story into the conventional.But Catherine I ended up in tragedy

without getting what she wanted,because she never accepted what Nelly asserted which

was also what the patriarchal society demanded.Her story might be arbitrary,because she

is the only witness of the story,each character is judged by her moral standards complyingr 2 The Roles of Servants


with the norms of patriarchal society of the time.

Sandra M.Gilbert and Susan Gubar commented that as Milton’s cook,in fact,Nelly

Dean is patriarchy’s paradigmatic housekeeper,the man’s woman who has traditionally

been hired to keep me n’s houses in order by straightening out their parlors,their daughters,

and their stories.“My heart invariably cleaved to the master’s,in preference to Catherine’s



,she herself declares,and she expresses her preference by acting throughout the

novel as a censorious agent of patriarchy



Her position in the family is very special,neither the older Mrs.Linton nor Mrs.

Earnshaw plays much part in the story.And without a mother figure,Nelly Dean naturally

ruled in the kitchen,which was connected with an everyday,productive life



Lisa Stemlieb considers that“as a character[Nelly]has experienced this story with

judgment and lack of emotion;as a narrator she is able to convey the intensity of feeling

that motivates nearly all her acquaintance”



No matter who is her master,Nelly Dean is a loyal servant strictly performing her

duties to keep the master’s house in order and stick to the patriarchal principles.Emily

Bronte demonstrates that the power of the patriarch,which is backbone of Nelly.Although

at the beginning,Edgar is not strong enough in body to combat with Heathcliff and also in

mind to resist the charm of Catherine,but Edgar’s power,begins with words,for heaven is populated by“spirits Masculine,”and as above,so below.Edgar does not need a str ong, conventionally masculine body,because his mastery is contained in books,wills,

testaments,leases,titles,rent rolls,documents,languages,all the paraphernalia by which patriarchal culture is transmitted from one generation to the next


.But with the

de velopment of the story,Edgar’s power became weaker and weaker,because his property

would be inherited by his nephew when he was dead since he had no son.During the

process from his possession to dispossession,he yielded to Heathcliff whom he called

“plough boy”.Only when his daughter married Linton,could she lead a decent life and

own Thrushcross.

Edgar is truly patriarchal representative despite his apparent effeminacy,so before the

marriage of Edgar and Catherine,Nelly naturally switches to Edgar.From the beginning,in

her eyes,compared to Heathcliff and Catherine,Edgar is a real gentleman with both classr 2 The Roles of Servants


and property and as an legitimate heir of the Thrushcross Grange.There is a sharp contrast between Catherine and Edgar,although they were born to the upper-class’s family,as a daughter,Catherine has no right to inherit the property,by nature she is closely linked with

a good marriage to sustain the rich life,that is to say,she must depend on a man who is legitimate heir to lead the life which she has been used to.Catherine has no what Edgar

will possess,in patriarchal society,she was inborn to be inferior to Edgar and must depend

on Edgar.When she was very young,Catherine lost parents,exactly an orphan without

right to attain property and who can not receive the parental love.Although Nelly Dean iss

only nine years older than her,to some degree,Nelly Dean takes the place to be a mother

to moralize her actions so that she grows up complying with the social conventions.When Heathcliff becomes possessed of property,Nelly aimed at his property for the sake of her

miss’happiness.In the end of the novel,with the death of Heathcliff and possession of

Hareton,Nelly finishes her last duty to fulfill her late master’s will,promoting and

witnessing the happy marriage between Catherine II and Hareton.She is always accompanying the masters in possession.Cathy II and Hareton marry happily and become

the owners of the two mansions.Elliott B.Gose,Jr.said that only Hareton and Cathy II

have a hope of recapturing what they were deprived of.Not only do they have a fire to

share,they have a mother to guide them.Their new start will be in the house with Nelly

Dean,who considers them“in a measure,my children”



In Wuthering Heights,when Catherine I and Hindley were young,Nelly was

reasonably the companion to them,she is the foster-sister to Hindey,the heir of Wuthering Heights.When Frances,the wife of Hindley and the only idol Hindley cared greatly,died

after giving birth to Hareton,naturally the duty of nursing Hareton fell into her hands.As

an only young heir with the mother lost,Hareton cannot get the normal parental love from Hindley who is addicted to drinking and gambling,hates him and tortures him,love and

care education from the foster-mother,Nelly,is valuable.As a foster-mother,Nelly is not

simple servant in the manor,but a mother role who can interfere with the fostered child’s


As she was subjected to Heathcliff,she betrayed her master Edgar.She cruelly treated

Catherine whom Edgar loved very much,produced the opportunities for Heathcliff to meetr 2 The Roles of Servants


Catherine,concealed the news of Isabella’s eloping with Heathcliff and pretended to search

the mistress’s room.Nelly went against the master’s will that he did not want hi s daughter

to touch anything concerned with Wuthering Heights and took Catherine to meet Linton Heathcliff,finally helped push second Catherine to the trap of Heathcliff.

She never refused the request and order from Heathcliff.When he returned three years

later,he first found Nelly was an ideal person who could help him inform Catherine of his anxiety to see her,she obeyed;When she was asked to bring a letter to Catherine and help

him to see Catherine the last time after he had a fierce confrontation with Edgar and

Catherine recovered from delirium,she yielded and helped him;when Heathcliff detained

second Catherine and forced her to marry his very weak,almost dying and selfish son in

order to get the property of Thrushcross Grange,Nelly gave in once again.After second Catherine married Linton Heathcliff and lived in Wuthering Heights,she stayed in

Thrushcross Grange,of course,as a servant she had no power to combat with Heathcliff,

but interestingly,she had measures to deal with Edgar and very critical of Catherine.

Maybe,tricks she played with Edgar were for the sake of loyalty of performing her duty,or

she had a shrewd insight on masters in patriarchal society and she knew the rules of

playing games very well,but Heathcliff did not play the cards conventionally.When

Heathcliff was getting on,she naturally switched to him.Nelly was cunning.It seems that

she was innocent in the tragic fate of the protagonists in her account,but in any case she

played an important part.She was in the same age of Hindley and Heathcliiff and nine

years older than Catherine,but she was very sophisticated and world-wise,training herself

as stable and unhurt no matter how greatly the surroundings changed.

It seems that Nelly is a witch.After the first meeting of Catherine and Heathcliff three

years after she married Edgar,Nelly had a talk with Catherine and she thought Catherine

should let Mr.Linton alone about him,otherwise they would have an open quarrel.It

became true later,there was a fierce confrontation between Heathcliff and Edgar which

threw Catherine into the brink of the madness.

Though Catherine ridiculed Nelly that the people would consider Nelly to be the

mistress,Nelly had no courage to oppose the mistress publicly,so she resorted to the

powerful master,not giving time to her mistress to lull her envy when she knew Heathcliffr 2 The Roles of Servants


intended to marry Isabella for she was the heiress of her brother.She spied all that

happened between Heathcliff and Catherine,and reported to her master to take measures to

drive away Heathcliff and protect the existing harmony.She succeeded in stimulating and

at the same time put Catherine approaching the death.What is most important is that at that

time she should know clearly that Catherine was pregnant.

Nelly Dean playe d a vital role in second Catherine’s life.In the first twelve years’

growing,because every person in Thrushcross Grange saw to it that young Catherine had

never been out of the park of Grange,she knew little about the outside world.When her

father went to fetch Linton to come,under the total guardianship of Nelly,Catherine

herself went to the Wuthering Heights where she metHareton who she refused to perceive

as her cousin.So that the secret of her father going to bring Linton home was revealed to inhabitants in Wuthering Heights.On the very night when Linton was brought to Grange,

Joseph came to ask to take him away.Because before Mr.Linton left for London he gave

the order that Catherine must not wander out of the park,even under her escort.In order

not to let known her negligence,she asked Catherine to conceal the event.She again

betrayed her master.As a housekeeper she did not perfectly fulfill her duty,only relying on concealment to avoid punishment.

When Cathy II reached sixteen,again it was Nelly who escorted Cathy to step on the

territory of Heathcliff where she met her cousin,very weak Linton,which made it possible

for Heathcliff to carry out his revenge plan as to how to grab the property of Grange.Nelly claimed she could not release her arm from Heat hclff’s seizing so that Cathy II again

stepped into Wuthering Heights.And to some degree she played a role of helper.In her

heart,she defended herself by imagining that the memory of first Catherine might disarm

him from desiring her injury.On the critical moment in Cathy II’s life,Nelly was seriously

ill,meanwhile Edgar Linton was also ill.Without the guardian,Cathy stealthily went out

often to meet her cousin Linton until she was detained,slapped and threaten to accept the marriage with Linton by Heathcliff who was afraid that Linton could not sustain to the

marriage with Cathy.On the very day,it was still Nelly who accompanied her there.In fact,

Nelly should have known the plan of Heathcliff who wanted to get the property of Grange through the marriage between his son and Catherine which he had revealed to Nelly threer 2 The Roles of Servants


years ago when she brought Linton to his hand.On surface,as a protector Nelly once again

failed to keep her miss from humiliation but she successfully fulfilled he r master’s will that

it was the best result that Cathy II married Linton because she had no right to inherit the property while Linton could.She always made enough preparations for her master.At the

early stage,she was aware that what the best home was for her mistress.Only she married

a man who was in possession of property,could a woman be respected and happy

especially for a woman who was born in a big family but had no right to inherit.There is a

sharp difference in treating Catherine I and her daughter,as a patriarchal housekeeper,

Nelly naturally worried about what her master worried,but she did not worry about Catherine’s fate.Nelly preferred Cathy II who was capable of suffering,sacrificing,

brought up as a lady,so she helped her step into a happy marriage which is the most

desirable consequence in patriarchal society.

2.3 Mrs.Fairfax in Jane Eyre

2.3.1 Governess in 19


century in Britain

As a governess,Jane Eyre was allowed to enter Thornfield and had an opportunity to

meet Mrs.Fairfax.In order to well appreciate Mrs.Fairfax’s cordiality to Jane,it is

necessary to know about the status in which the governess was at that time.Ostensibly the governess’s job was to teach the children of affluent families;in practice,however,her

responsibilities often extended to more general childcare that supplemented the care

provided by the children’s nursemaid,and to miscellaneous chores at the whim of her employers.Care and instruction of boys under the age of seven generally fell to the governess,after which the boys were either sent away to school or transferred to the care

of a male tutor.Girls often remained under the care of the governess,gaining tutelage in “accomplishments”deemed appropriate for a lady,until they were 17 or 18,the proper age

to“come out”into society.Over the years the roster of subjects that a governess was

expected to teach few lengthier and more elaborate,expanding to include a variety of arts

and languages and embracing such arcane skills as spinning glass or molding artificial

flowers from paper and wax.Hence Jane’s observation on her own preparedness to serve

as governess:she is qualified,she says,“to teach the usual branches of a good Englishr 2 The Roles of Servants


education,together with French,Drawing,and Music,”then remarks in addition,“in those

days,reader,this would have been held tolerably comprehensive”



Despite their refined attainments and often superior education,governesses held an

ambiguous rank within the household,supposedly above the servants but clearly not in the

same social stratum as the family.Thus,Jane must be deferential to her employer

Rochester and his upper-class visitors,such as the Ingram party;however,the housekeeper,

Mrs.Fairfax,distinguishes Jane(and herself)from Leah and John,referring to the latter

t wo as“only servants”


.Related to the governess’s unclear social standing was her

vulnerability to the sexual advances of an employer,for which governesses themselves

were sometimes https://www.360docs.net/doc/2917561156.html,ernesses were refined young women not immediately distinguishable from marriageable women of the upper-class,yet many Victorians looked askance at the governess,considering her a temptation to her employer and therefore a

threat to middleclass values.In fact,a governess risked sexual predation by employer since

she was economically dependent on him and lacked social power or connections that might protect her.

Never handsomely compensated for their work,governesses began to suffer severe

economic hardship in the 1830s and 1840s,a period in which widespread bank failures

brought trouble for workers in most occupations.Adding to the national economic

difficulties was another problem:swelling numbers of so-called“redundant women,”

single women compelled to support themselves because of their lack of inheritance and the

pe riod’s dearth of marriageable.Historians speculate that one source of this problem may

have been the large-scale emigration of single Englishmen to the America and Commonwealth colonies during the period.In any case,demographics and economics

forced increasing numbers of women into the workforce.Since governess was one of very

few socially acceptable occupations open to females at the time,the majority of

middle-class working women chose this profession.Their options were,in fact,limited,by

a sad irony of the era.

So fierce was the competition for a position that job openings grew scarce and salaries dropped.By 1841 there was an abundant supply of governesses;in fact,so abundant did

they become and so dismal their circumstances that the Christian Socialists founded ar 2 The Roles of Servants


charity for them,the Governesses’Benevolent Institution



Under such unfavorable conditions,exactly how many single women must have sat at

home like the Bronte sisters,racking their brains miserably to find alternatives to




2.3.2 Concealment to Jane Eyre

It is true and really valuable that Mrs.Faixfax was very kind to Jane and did not look at

her as an only servant,but it is worthy of noting that she concealed the secret that was well known in Thornfeild except Jane.How do we know?Before the party was held,everybody

was busy preparing for it,only Grace did not participate in it.Jane was very curious about anything concerned with Grace Pool,no other person showed a little interest in her except

gossip about her salary and difficulty in doing what she was doing at that time.Jane

overheard the conversation between Leah and a charwoman.

"Yes,"said Leah;"I wish I had as good;not that mine are to complain of,--there's no stinginess at Thornfield;but they're not one fifth of the sum Mrs.Poole receives.And she is laying by:she goes every quarter to the bank at Millcote.I should not wonder but she has saved enough to keep her independent if she liked to leave;but I suppose she's got used to the place;and then she's not forty yet,

and strong and able for anything.It is too soon for her to give up business."

"She is a good hand,I daresay,"said the charwoman.

"Ah!--she understands what she has to do,--nobody better,"rejoined Leah significantly;"and it is not every one could fill her shoes--not for all the money she gets."

"That it is not!"was the reply."I wonder whether the master--"



As a loyal housekeeper Mrs.Fairfax concealed the secret from Jane until the secret was

exposed by Mason.Although everybody knew that confinement of a wife in an attic was a

real hindrance to the marriage between Jane and Rochester and it was a great plot,Mrs.

Fairfax tried to cover the truth.She was loyal to her master but cruel to Jane.To some

degree she played a role of accomplice in pushing Jane into the plot and nearly destroying independence,self-respect and social recognition Jane pursued.She was not as talkative as

Nelly Dean,Nelly narrated the story of the two old families at the first meeting with Mr. Lockwood.But during so many quiet and dull evenings when Mrs.Fairfax and Jane satr 2 The Roles of Servants


together,she talked nothing about the mysterious laughing from the attic.

Mrs.Fairfax was very shocked when she was told that Mr.Rochester would marry Jane

in a month,“He r occupation(reading her morning portion of Scripture)suspended by Mr.Rochester’s

announcement,seemed now forgotten:her eyes,fixed on the blank wall opposite,expressed the surprise

of a quiet mind stirred by unwonted tidings.”


The reason why she was so surprised and even

skeptical was that she thought there was inequality of position and fortune as well as the

great difference in their ages.What’s more,she feared that Jane would find the reality

contrary to what she expected.Finally gentlemen in Rocheste r’s station are not accustomed

to marry their governess which was the accepted social norm.When Jane inquired the

possibility about the marriage between Rochester and Ingram,she thought there was big difference in their age.When it came to Rochester’s marr iage with a governess,it was

almost ridiculous,because she knew well the existence of his lawful wife who was mad

and locked in the attic she was aware that there was a gap between Jane and Rochester in

all aspects.She was strictly disciplined as a houseke eper who would not slip the master’s

secret out of her tongue.Her reasons show that she was conservative and strong advocate

of the social rules which the upper class held.Despite the fact that she was courteous to the governess;there was still great gap between the upper class and the governess.It was due

to her concealment of the secret at Thornfield that Jane came to the church with Rochester,

but it was interrupted by the advent of Mason.

2.3.3 Admiration to aristocrats

Mrs.Fairfax was a very faithful and capable housekeeper.When she received the note

from the master that there would be a big party in Thornfield,Mrs.Fairfax who thought

that Thornfield was too quiet for a long time was very excited about it,hastening making preparations,finding some more hands to wash,scrub what had been very magnificent in

Jane’s eyes.Even Jane herself dropped the work of teaching Adele to lend a hand in the preparations for the party.Mrs.Fairfax exclaimed that she did not know how many fine

people would come to Thornfield and gave a vivid and nice picture of Blanche Ingram who caused Jane’s unlimited imagination and even doubt and agony before she came.From her descriptions of Ingram,it is not difficult to find that she was respectful to the upper-classr 2 The Roles of Servants


and admired them very much.The party was a good occasion that lower-class people could

have chance to witness how hilarious life the upper-class were leading and witness the

elegance and gentlemen likeness of the aristocrats.She repeatedly called them“fine

people”and tried to describe how magnificently and brilliantly the dining–room were

decorated when the party was held in Thornfield.She was the representative of her master;

she had every reason to take pride in the life style of her master.

However,Jane quickly found that the charming and graceful Ingram who represented

the upper-class lady and Mrs.Fairfax thought highly of and loved too much was“very

showy,but she was not genuine:she had a fine person,many brilliant attainments;but her mind was poor,her heart barren by nature:nothing bloomed spontaneously on that soil;no unforced natural


delighted by its freshness”


.There was deep disparity between Mrs.Fairfax and Jane in

judging the people.Jane struggled against the marriage the affluent girls were educated to

seek,she thought marriage was that two persons stand side by side not that a husband

includes a wife.She could penetrate Ingram through her surface elegance;Mrs.Fairfax

could not find her vanity and she was pleased to find her master to have such a lovely decoration like Ingram.It was Ingram whom Mrs.Fairfax thought highly of who induced

other guests to say some bad words about the governess and laugh at governess when Jane

was present;she was not a real lady,totally ignoring the o ther people’s feelings.As she

was dispossessed of property and expected to find a rich husband to depend on,she was

still inferior in patriarchal society.Ingram was also cruel and emotionless,she called Adele

a“little puppet”with a mocking air,and she played on Mrs.Dent’s ignorance out of bad

nature in order to show her knowledgeability and supreme charm to capture Rochester’s

heart.Unfortunately Mrs.Fairfax was not clever and penetrating enough to find out

Ingram’s vanity,ambition and dilemma.Before Ingram’s arrival,Mrs.Fairfax drew a

nearly perfect picture of Ingram for Jane,thus strengthening her curiosity and anxiety of meeting her and at the same time Jane’s inner struggle against her self-inferiority became tenser.It is her depiction of Ingram that constituted the sharp contrast between Ingram in

the eyes of Mrs.Fairfax and Ingram in the eyes of https://www.360docs.net/doc/2917561156.html,pared to Nelly,Mrs.Fairfax is

a more faithful housekeeper who observes the family and knows clearly the history of the

family but keeps silent and who has never stepped out of the command of the master,r 2 The Roles of Servants


however,Nelly repeatedly plays tricks on her master and more cunning to find excuse to

cover her negligence.

2.4 Bessie in Jane Eyre:the concept of being a lady

The orphanhood in the world of the novel has a wider field of experiences open to

critics than would a child raised in a family:there are no protective parents to prevent adventures or misadventure from befalling an orphan as the action of a novel proceeds.

This is certainly true for Jane Eyre,who is thrown into several crises from which a parent

might have rescued her.

“In mid-century working-class areas it appears that 8 percent of the children lost both

parents by the time they were fifteen and almost a third had lost a t least one”



Once a child was orphaned,he or she had to rely principally on the sometimes

grudging willingness of relatives to assume guardianship.In Jane Eyre,the heroine’s

cold-hearted aunt,Mrs.Reed,took Jane in only because it was Mr.Reed’s dying w ish that

she did so.If no one consented to take in a child as a ward,that child was thrown on the

mercy of the parish for aid.Orphanages run by charities were few and far between,and

many were reserved just for very young children.Frequently,then,circumstances

compelled orphans to seek aid from the same sources as impoverished adults:neighbors,

the parish,and—in the most desperate—the poorhouse which Bessie repeatedly

warned Jane when she was not obedient and loving in Mrs.Reed’s eyes.

“You ought to be aware,Miss,that you are under obligations to Mrs.Reed:she keeps you:if she were to turn you off,you would have to go to the poor-house”



That is why Jane dreaded such place very much and had no way to escape from

suffering the bully from her aunt’s family.

In the 1790s,many rural parishes had adopted poor-relief policies,dubbed“outdoor

relief,”which supplemented the incomes of needy parishioners while still allowing them to

live outside of poorhouses.The aid,however,was woefully inadequate,and with it for

most recipients came the stigma of social shame.Moreover,the comparatively generous

outdoor relief policies lasted only a short while.In 1834 the New Poor Law curtailed such policies in favor of sending able-bodied adults and children to live in one of a swellingr 2 The Roles of Servants


number of increasingly prison-like workhouses where they earned their food by hard

manual labor like stonebreaking or grinding corn


.Another common task was tearing

apart fibers of old ropes until the fingers bled and were scarred with cuts.By 1836 more

than 42,000 children under the age of 16 lived in such houses.The regimen varied,but in

1836 inmates typically rose at 5:00 A.M.in summer,6:00 A.M.in winter,then labored 10

or 9 hours,respectively.Three of the hours were spent in school,at lessons taught by

ordinary,often illiterate workhouse officers.Scan diets resulted in malnourished children,

who,if disobedient,risked reduction of even this minimal diet,as well as beatings for boys,

and confinement in darkened rooms for both genders.The conditions were dismal enough

to strike terror in adults and children alike for more than a century.From 1834 until after

World War II,when workhouse premises passed in the control of the National Health Service—the threat of living in such an institution inspired dread in the poor.In Bronte’s

novel,Jane herself is threatened by the servant Bessie who warns her if she is not so

obedient and pleasing,she will be sent to the poorhouse.Through the description of the poorhouse by Bessie,Jane is under dilemma.On one hand,she is afraid of being sent to the poorhouse to lead a poor life materially,on the other hand,she has to tolerate the injustice

and insult.Of course,what Bessie did is just to lull Jane’s hared on her aunt and help her

win the favor from Mrs.Reed.

In Jane’s first 10 years living in Gateshead Hall,Bessie was the very important person

and the favorite company to Jane,an orphan,who couldn’t receive any sympathy and

kindness from her aunt,Mrs.Reed and her cousins and even from other servants such as

Mrs.Reed’s maid,Abbot.Bessie gave the orphan Jane the only cherished kindness and

care and intimate love.

The authoress gave a clear description of her capacity,personality,and appearance.In

Jane’s memory,Bessie“has been a girl of good n atural capacity,for she was smart in all she did,and had a remarkable knack of narrative;so,at least,I judge from the impression made on me by her

nursery tales.She was pretty too,if my recollections of her face and person are correct.I remember her

as a slim young woman,with black hair,dark eyes,very nice features,and good,clear complexion;but

she had a capricious and hasty temper,and indifferent ideas of principle or justice”


.Before she

came to Gateshead Hall she had worked in another family where she got the knowledge ofr 2 The Roles of Servants


school and what young ladies could get from school,“she boasted of beautiful paintings of landscapes and flowers by them executed;of songs they could sing and pieces they could play,of purses

they could net,of French books they could translate”



Eight years later when Jane finished six years’learning as a student and two years’

teaching in Lowood and was going to Thornfeild to be a governess,Bessie was the first

and also the last person to come to Lowood to say goodbye to her and she also asked her

the same questions about playing piano,painting,French and work on muslin and canvas

which she thought to be the accomplishments a real lady should master.After hearing that

Jane could be capable of those thing s she exclaimed that“you are quite a lady,Miss Jane!I

knew you would be:you will get on whether your relations notice you or not.”


Although Jane is

as plain as grass on the plateau,Bessie was confident in her,comforting and encouraging

her,depicting a slightly bright print for a forlorn orphan.

Isolated from the outside world and deprived of any love from the relatives,Bessie

provided the only source of the outside information for Jane.It was because of her

description of the school and the accomplishments young ladies should master that Jane

decided to go to school.For Jane,Bessie provided the shelter from the further bully at Gateshead,and thereafter she is allowed to go to school.It is the prospect Bessie drafted

for Jane that Jane got an opportunity to pursue her independent and decent life.If there is someone whom Jane misses when she is away from Gateshead,she must be Bessie.

On the eve of departure from Gateshead Hall,Bessie told her some of her most

enchaining stories,and sang her some of her sweetest songs.Jane said even for an orphan

as her life had its gleams of sunshine for her kindness and maternal love.

On the early morning Jane departed Gateshead Hall for Lowood,no one cared except

Bessie who got up,made breakfast for her and saw her off.

When Jane came back to Gateshead Hall from Thornfeild because Mrs.Reed was

dying and wanted to see her,Bessie was the first person Jane visited and received the

treatment the way Bessie treated her when she was a child.As a dependent maid,she gives

Jane as much as she can without any remaining.Thanks to her tales,kindness,

encouragement and humanity,the world is not so cold and harsh.r 2 The Roles of Servants


2.5 Joseph in Wuthering Heights

2.5.1 Religious restraints on Catherine and Heathcliff

In the nineteenth century,the Church of England wielded tremendous authority

because it was tied,on one side,to the government;on another,to the aristocracy and

gentry;and on still another,to education.

Joseph’s initial work in the family was to preach the religious s criptures,but he

mercilessly heaped the torture on the forsaken young people,Catherine and Heathcliff.In Catherine Earnshaw’s diary,it reads,“All day had been flooding with rain;we could not go to church,so Joseph must needs get up a congregation in the garret;and,while Hindley and his wife basked down stairs before a comfortable fire—doing nothing but reading their Bibles,I’ll answer for it-

Heathcliff,myself,and the unhappy plough-boy ere commanded to take our Prayer-books,and nount:

we were ranged in a row,on a sack of corn,groaning and shivering,and hopiong that Joseph would shiver too,so that he might give us a short homily for his own sake.A vain idea!The service lasted precisely three hours;and yet my brother had the face to exclaim,when he saw us des cending,‘What,

done already?’”


Only on Sunday evenings they were allowed to play,if they did not make much noise.

Catherine had to be subjected to her brother because as a daughter she had no right to

inherit the property of her father,when her brother became the master,unless he was full of sympathy she could live freely and decently.Joseph was aware of the inferior status of her,

so when the master and his beloved wife were reading Bible before the fire downstairs,he

forced the Catherine and Heathcliff to do praying for three hours in attic regardless of them shivering with coldness.Without the right to sit near the fire,Cathy I and Heathcliff were

tortured by Joseph with rigidity of religion and harshness of weather.No matter who was

the master,Joseph always stood in the place of the masters to put the burden on the weak people.

With the old master passing away,Catherine and Heathcliff could not get any respect, tenderness or love,they were deprived of many rights,and Joseph thought them ill children, tortured them and stimulated the master to punish them to get evil satisfaction.He seemed

to be a sherperd in the religious garment but turned out to be a wolf who tortured the two mentally and physically.Cruel Joseph would take away a share of bread from a starvingr 2 The Roles of Servants


child and extinguish the only dim light in the total darkness and coldness.When the young master Hindley and his wife sat closely near the fire piece,kissing and talking nonsense, Catherine and Heathcliff found an arch of dresser to enjoy temperoray peace and freedom

but Joseph found them,boxed Catherine’s ears,called them ill children and compelled

them to read the religious scriptures.Due to the negligence of his master to his sister,the

wicked Joseph turned to physical punishment on Catherine.Who entitled him to such

violence?It is religion and the superiority of masters.He turned to the master when the

two threw away the so-called good books so that Hindley came to seize one of them by the

collar and the other by the arm and hurled both into the backkitchen where Joseph

approved of the violence.He volunteered to heap bodily violence and evil words on the

two despised young people.

Joseph also lost the basic knowledge of how to receive the guests and how to show his politeness,he indulged Hindley in addiction to drinking and gambling,encouraged

Healthcliff to be more inhumane and drive away any decent person and thing.He and his

religion were not to save men’s soul but to tramp on the cultivation.

On his second visit to Wuthering Heights on a snowing evening,Lockwood was

annoyed by Heathcliff and insisted on leaving and grabbed the lantern from Joseph who

cried and ordered the dogs to knock him down until the maid servant came out and

frightened away the dogs with a pan.It is not known that the suffocating atmosphere

enhanced Joseph’s cruelty and sourness or his mercilessness properly matched the

atmosphere in the mansion.Joseph only preferred to bring suffering and pain to the

deserted and anyone who turned against his master,making no hearted and sensible

decision.He was twisted in psyche,only bearing in mind that he did anything out of evil

nature,despised and abandoned kindness,sympathy,politeness,and far away from the requirements in social intercourse.He could not bear the weak people who pursued their happiness and had their own voice.

2.5.2 Indifference to deforming growth of Hareton

Hareton was born and at the same time he lost his mother,so he was under charge of

Nelly.But when he was five years old,the only kindness and maternal love was takenr 2 The Roles of Servants


away with Nelly’s going to Thrushcross Grange.He lived with his drunken father,

revenging Heathcliff and sour Joseph who either ignored him or accelerated his

deformation.In this process,as an old servant in Wuthering Heights,Joseph did nothing to prevent his ruin,instead he encouraged him to be uncultivated.

Joseph contributed much to his deterioration,by a narrow-minded partiality which prompted him to flatter and pet him,as a boy,because he was the head of the old family.and as he had been in the habit of accusing Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff,when children,of putting the master past his patience,and compelling him to seek solace in drink by what he termed their“ofalld ways,”,so at present he laid the whole burden of Hareton’s faults on the shoulders of the usurper of his property.If

the lad swore,he wouldn’t correct him:nor however culpably he behaved.It gave Joseph satisfaction,

apparently,to watch him go the worst lengths:he allowed that he was ruined:that his soul was abandoned to perdition;but then,he reflected that Heathclff must answer for it.Hareton’s blood would

be required at his hands;and there lay immense consolation in that thought.Joseph had instilled into

him a pride of name,and of his lineage;he would,had he dared,have fostered hate between him and the

present owner of the Heights:but his dread of that owner amounted to superstition;and he confined


毕业论文 谈《简爱》中的女权主义

谈《简爱》中的女权主义 摘要 《简爱》以女主人公简爱的经历为主线,讲述了一个坚强,独立,热爱劳动、自尊、自强、自信的女性爱情故事,塑造了一位值得赞美,歌颂的女教师形象。主人公简·爱--一个受过良好教育但社会地位卑微的女子的思索和抗争,并通过简·爱曲折丰富的情感经历,体味简·爱对爱情、友情以及独立、平等、自信等的理解和实践。两性之间是平等的,爱情须得以平等和互相独立做为基础。女人必须有独立的人格,自尊自爱,不依附于其他人才可以赢得别人的尊重和热爱,才会有真正的幸福。书中也讨论了简爱的反抗意识,集中反映在她为自由,平等,独立和女性尊重而战。在盖茨黑德,简爱由顺从到为生存而战,在劳渥德,她为女性尊重和平等而战,也为拥有平等爱而战。最后她赢得了罗切斯特的爱,过上了幸福的生活。 关键词: 坚强,独立,热爱劳动、女性平等、自尊、自强、自信

目录 1前言 (1) 2 作者女权主义思想的产生 (2) 2.1作者夏洛蒂.勃朗特的介绍 (2) 2.2作品《简爱》的介绍 (2) 3《简爱》中女权主义思想 (3) 3.1简爱的自尊心、自信心、反抗精神 (3) 3.2简爱的爱情观 (4) 3.3简爱的独立性 (5) 4《简爱》中女权主义反抗意识 (6) 4.1为生存而战 (6) 4.2为获得认同和尊严而战 (7) 4.3为独立平等而战 (7) 5结语 (9)

1前言 当今社会,女权主义受到越来越多人的重视,女权主义泛指妇女要求平等权利的社会思潮。又称男女平权主义、男女平等主义。女权主义是近代资产阶级启蒙思想运动和妇女解放运动的产物,提倡妇女在人类生活所有领域与男子具有同等权利。女权主义具有广泛的文化内涵,涉及政治、经济、法律、教育、宗教、伦理等领域。 在19世纪的英国,一位批评现实主义的文学女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特写出了一部代表女性主义思想的小说——《简·爱》。这部小说是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”。书中的主人公简·爱是一个心地纯洁、善于思考的女性,她生活在社会底层,受尽磨难。但她有倔强的性格和勇于追求平等幸福的精神。这部小说以浓郁抒情的笔法和深刻细腻的心理描写,引人入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见。扎根于相互理解、相互尊重的基础之上的深挚爱情,具有强烈的震撼心灵的艺术力量。它最为成功之处在于塑造了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象。


简爱精彩段落摘抄 导读:1、夜晚的宁静和安逸,被响彻桑菲尔德府的一声狂野刺耳的尖叫打破了。 2、在拆开封口仔细看信时,我继续喝我的咖啡(我们在吃早饭)。咖啡很热,我把脸上突然泛起的红晕看作是它的缘故。不过,我的手为什么抖个不停,为什么我情不自禁地把半杯咖啡溢到了碟子上,我就不想去考虑了。 3、在这种情形下,我既得细听又得静观,细听有没有野兽或者那边窠穴中魔鬼的动静。可是自从罗切斯特先生来过之后,它似乎已被镇住了。整整一夜我只听见过三声响动,三次之间的间隔很长-- 一次吱吱的脚步声,一次重又响起短暂的狗叫似的声音,一次人的深沉的呻吟声。 4、平常我是拉好帐幔睡觉的,而那回却忘了,也忘了把百叶窗放下来。结果,一轮皎洁的满月(因为那天夜色很好),沿着自己的轨道,来到我窗户对面的天空,透过一无遮拦的窗玻璃窥视着我,用她那清丽的目光把我唤醒。夜深人静,我张开眼睛,看到了月亮澄净的银白色圆脸。它美丽却过于肃穆。我半欠着身子,伸手去拉帐幔。 5、罗切斯特先生拉开厚厚的窗幅,掀起亚麻布窗帘,尽量让月光射进屋来。看到黎明即将来临,我既惊讶又愉快。多漂亮的玫瑰色光束正开始照亮东方的天际!随后,罗切斯特先生走近梅森,这时外科医生已经在给他治疗了。

6、莉娅摇了摇头,于是谈话嘎然而止。我从这里所能猜测到的就是这么回事:在桑菲尔德有一个秘密,而我被故意排除在这个秘密之外了。 7、过了好一会儿,帐幕才再次拉开。第二幕表演比第一幕显得更加精心准备。如我以前所观察的那样,客厅已垫得比餐室高出两个台阶,在客厅内靠后一两码的顶端台阶上,放置着一个硕大的大理石盆,我认出来那是温室里的一个装饰品--平时里面养着金鱼,周围布满了异国花草--它体积大,份量重,搬到这儿来一定是花了一番周折的。 8、猜谜的一方再次交头接耳起来,显然他们对这场戏所表现的字或只言片语,无法取得一致意见。他们的发言人登特上校要来表现“完整的场面”,于是帷幕又一次落下。 9、最奇怪的是,除了我,房子里没有人注意到她的习惯,或者似乎为此感到诧异。没有人谈论过她的地位或工作,没有人可怜她的孤独冷清。 10、这老太婆在帽子和带子底下爆发出了一阵笑声。随后取出一个短短的烟筒,点上烟,开始抽了起来。她在这份镇静剂里沉迷了一会儿后,便直起了弯着的腰,从嘴里取下烟筒,一面呆呆地盯着炉火,一面不慌不忙地说:“你很冷;你有病;你很傻。” 11、他的举止很客气,但说话的腔调听来有些异样--不是十足的外国腔,但也不完全是英国调。他的年龄与罗切斯特先生相仿--在三


2019年简爱精彩段落摘抄 篇一:简爱重点片段 1.作者怎么描写简·爱向舅妈复仇后的心理?你怎么看待这时的简·爱? 我还没有回答完,内心便已开始感到舒畅和喜悦了,那是一种前所未有的奇怪的自由感和胜利感,无形的束缚似乎己被冲破,我争得了始料未及的自由,这种情感不是无故泛起的,因为里德太太看来慌了神,活儿从她的膝头滑落,她举起双手,身子前后摇晃着,甚至连脸也扭曲了,她仿佛要哭出来了。 我孤零零地站那里,成了战场上的胜利者。这是我所经历的最艰难的—场战斗,也是我第一次获得胜利。我在布罗克赫斯特先生站过的地毯上站了一会,沉缅于征服者的孤独。我先是暗自发笑,感到十分得意。但是这种狂喜犹如一时加快的脉膊会迅速递减一样,很快就消退了。一个孩子像我这样跟长辈斗嘴,像我这样毫无顾忌地发泄自己的怒气,事后必定要感到悔恨和寒心。我在控诉和恐吓里德太太时,内心恰如一片点燃了的荒野,火光闪烁,来势凶猛,但经过半小时的沉默和反思,深感自己行为的疯狂和自己恨人又被人嫉恨的处境的悲凉时,我内心的这片荒地,便已灰飞烟灭,留下的只有黑色的焦土了。

我第一次尝到了复仇的滋味。犹如芬芳的美酒,喝下时热辣辣好受,但回味起来却又苦又涩,给人有中了毒的感觉。此刻,我很乐意去求得里德太太的宽恕,但经验和直觉告诉我,那只会使她以加倍的蔑视讨厌我,因而会重又激起我天性中不安份的冲动。 改变这一局面,不至于搞得太僵。 2.当布罗克赫斯特先生问简·爱怎样做才能避免进地狱时,简·爱是怎么巧妙回答的? 表现了简·爱怎样的性格? “一个淘气孩子的模样最让人痛心,”他开始说,“尤其是不听话的小姑娘。你知道坏人死后到哪里去吗?” “他们下地狱,”我的回答既现成又正统。 “地狱是什么地方?能告诉我吗?” “是个火坑。” “你愿意落到那个火坑里,永远被火烤吗?”

谈《简爱》中的女权主义 论文

曲腊腊毕业论文 谈《简爱》中的女权主义 学生姓名:曲腊腊 系(部):商务英语系专业:英语指导教师: 2013年X月X日

谈《简爱》中的女权主义 摘要 《简爱》以女主人公简爱的经历为主线,讲述了一个坚强,独立,热爱劳动、自尊、自强、自信的女性爱情故事,塑造了一位值得赞美,歌颂的女教师形象。主人公简·爱--一个受过良好教育但社会地位卑微的女子的思索和抗争,并通过简·爱曲折丰富的情感经历,体味简·爱对爱情、友情以及独立、平等、自信等的理解和实践。两性之间是平等的,爱情须得以平等和互相独立做为基础。女人必须有独立的人格,自尊自爱,不依附于其他人才可以赢得别人的尊重和热爱,才会有真正的幸福。书中也讨论了简爱的反抗意识,集中反映在她为自由,平等,独立和女性尊重而战。在盖茨黑德,简爱由顺从到为生存而战,在劳渥德,她为女性尊重和平等而战,也为拥有平等爱而战。最后她赢得了罗切斯特的爱,过上了幸福的生活。 关键词: 坚强,独立,热爱劳动、女性平等、自尊、自强、自信

目录 1前言 (4) 2 作者女权主义思想的产生 (5) 2.1作者夏洛蒂.勃朗特的介绍 (5) 2.2作品《简爱》的介绍 (5) 3《简爱》中女权主义思想 (6) 3.1简爱的自尊心、自信心、反抗精神 (6) 3.2简爱的爱情观 (7) 3.3简爱的独立性 (8) 4《简爱》中女权主义反抗意识 (9) 4.1为生存而战 (9) 4.2为获得认同和尊严而战 (10) 4.3为独立平等而战 (10) 5结语 (12)

1前言 当今社会,女权主义受到越来越多人的重视,女权主义泛指妇女要求平等权利的社会思潮。又称男女平权主义、男女平等主义。女权主义是近代资产阶级启蒙思想运动和妇女解放运动的产物,提倡妇女在人类生活所有领域与男子具有同等权利。女权主义具有广泛的文化内涵,涉及政治、经济、法律、教育、宗教、伦理等领域。 在19世纪的英国,一位批评现实主义的文学女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特写出了一部代表女性主义思想的小说——《简·爱》。这部小说是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”。书中的主人公简·爱是一个心地纯洁、善于思考的女性,她生活在社会底层,受尽磨难。但她有倔强的性格和勇于追求平等幸福的精神。这部小说以浓郁抒情的笔法和深刻细腻的心理描写,引人入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见。扎根于相互理解、相互尊重的基础之上的深挚爱情,具有强烈的震撼心灵的艺术力量。它最为成功之处在于塑造了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象。


简爱精彩段落摘抄 本文是关于好词好句的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 简爱精彩段落摘抄 1、五月一日下午五点左右,我到了盖茨黑德府门房,上府宅之前我先进去瞧瞧。里面十分整洁,装饰窗上挂着小小的白色窗帘,地板一尘不染,炉栅和炉具都擦得锃亮,炉子里燃着明净的火苗。贝茜坐在火炉边上,喂着最小的一个孩子,罗伯特和妹妹在墙角不声不响地玩着。 2、这老太婆在帽子和带子底下爆发出了一阵笑声。随后取出一个短短的烟筒,点上烟,开始抽了起来。她在这份镇静剂里沉迷了一会儿后,便直起了弯着的腰,从嘴里取下烟筒,一面呆呆地盯着炉火,一面不慌不忙地说:“你很冷;你有病;你很傻。” 3、过了好一会儿,帐幕才再次拉开。第二幕表演比第一幕显得更加精心准备。如我以前所观察的那样,客厅已垫得比餐室高出两个台阶,在客厅内靠后一两码的顶端台阶上,放置着一个硕大的大理石盆,我认出来那是温室里的一个装饰品——平时里面养着金鱼,周围布满了异国花草——它体积大,份量重,搬到这儿来一定是花了一番周折的。 4、我不喜欢同一念头反复不去——不喜欢同一形象奇怪地一再出现。临要上床和幻象就要出现的时刻,我便局促不安起来。由于同

这位梦中的婴孩形影不离,那个月夜,我听到了一声啼哭后便惊醒过来。第二天下午我被叫下楼去,捎来口信说有人要见我,等候在费尔法克斯太太房间里。我赶到那里,只见一个绅士仆人模样的人在等我,他身穿丧服,手中拿着的帽子围着一圈黑纱。 5、我按他的吩咐办了。宾客们都瞪着眼睛看我从他们中间直穿而过。我找到了梅森先生,传递了信息,走在他前面离开了房间。领他进了图书室后,我便上楼去了。 6、夜晚的宁静和安逸,被响彻桑菲尔德府的一声狂野、刺耳的尖叫打破了。 7、我进门的时候,图书室显得很安静,那女巫——如果她确实是的话,舒适地坐在烟囱角落的安乐椅上。她身披红色斗篷,头戴一顶黑色女帽,或者不如说宽边吉卜赛帽,用一块条子手帕系到了下巴上。桌子上立着一根熄灭了的蜡烛。她俯身向着火炉,借着火光,似乎在读一本祈祷书般的黑色小书,一面读,一面象大多数老妇人那样,口中念念有词。我进门时她并没有立即放下书来,似乎想把一段读完。 8、他和搭档们退到了帐幔后头,而由登特上校领头的一组人,在排成半圆形的椅子上坐了下来。其中一位叫埃希顿先生的男士,注意到了我,好像提议我应当加入他们,但英格拉姆夫人立即否决了他的建议。 9、我的脉搏停止了,我的心脏不再跳动,我伸出的胳膊僵住了。叫声消失,没有再起。说实在,无论谁发出这样的喊声,那可怕的尖叫无法立即重复一遍,就是安第斯山上长着巨翅的秃鹰,也难以在白


Research on Feminism in Jane Eyre Abstract: The thesis makes a thorough analysis of the heroine Jane‘s feminist consciousness by means of the approach of the feminist criticism. It first gives a brief introduction to the definition and connotations of the feminism. Then it deals with the embodiment of the heroine Jane‘s feminist consciousness from three aspects. They are:rebellion of the traditional women‘s image, pursuit of equality and pursuit of the independent personality. Finally it explores the reasons for the formation of Jane‘s feminist consciousness from the rise of the bourgeois democratic reform and her harsh living conditions. Key words: Jane Eyre; feminist consciousness; equality; independent personality 简爱中的女权主义研究 摘要: 本文采用女性主义的批评方法对小说《简爱》中的女主人公简的女性意识进行了全面分析。首先简要地介绍了女性主义的定义和基本内涵;然后,从三个方面论述了女主人公简的女性意识的体现,它们分别是:传统女性形象的反叛,追求平等和人格的独立。最后从资产阶级民主改革的掀起和艰难的生存环境等方面探讨了其女性意识形成的原因。 关键词::《简爱》;女性意识;平等;独立的人格

《简爱》【精彩片段摘抄】 (2000字)

《简爱》【精彩片段摘抄】 谁要责怪我,他可以责怪,可我还是要说。有时候,我独自一人在庭院里散步,有时候,我走到大门口,朝门外的大路望去,或者趁阿黛尔和保姆玩耍,费尔法克斯太太在贮藏室里做果冻时,我爬上三道楼梯,推开阁楼的活门,来到铅皮屋顶上,极目眺望僻静的田野和山岗,眺望着朦胧的天际。每当这种时候,我总是渴望我的目力能够超越那个极限,看到繁华的世界,看到我曾听说却从未见过的充满生机的城镇和地区。每当这种时候,我总是企盼自己能有比现在更多的人生阅历,能跟比这儿更多地和我同样的人交往,能结识更多不同性格的人。我珍视费尔法克斯太太身上的优点,我珍视阿黛尔身上的优点,但我相信世界上还有另外的更加鲜明突出的优点,我希望能亲眼见到我相信存在的东西。谁责怪我呢?毫无疑问,一定会有很多人。他们会说我不知足。我没有办法。我生性就不安分,有时候这使我非常苦恼。这时,我唯一的安慰是独自一人在三楼的走廊里来回踱步,安然地待在这儿的幽静和孤寂之中,任凭自己心灵的眼睛注视着面前升起的清晰的幻象----不用说,幻象是既多又灿烂夺目的;可以听任自己的心因欢乐的活动而起伏,因骚动纷扰而激昂不已,因充满活力而舒展开怀。而最最美好的是,可以听任我的心灵的耳朵倾听一个永远不会结束的故事----这是个由我的想像不断创造和叙述出来的故事,我渴望经历但在我的实际生活中并不存在的事件、生活、激情和感受,使这个故事变得非常生动有趣。说什么人应该满足于平静的生活,说这话是白费力气。他们必须有行动,即使找不到行动的机会,他们也会创造它。千百万人注定要处在比我更加死气沉沉的困境中,而千百万人在默默的反抗自己的命运。 谁也不知道,在这大千世界的芸芸众生中,除了政治反叛以外,还酝酿着多少其他的反叛。通常认为女人是非常安静的,可是女人也有着和男人一样的感情。她们像她们的兄弟一样,也要施展自己的才能,也要有她们的用武之地。她们对过于严厉的束缚,对过于绝对的停滞,也会说什么她们应该只限于做做布丁,织织袜子,弹弹钢琴,绣绣钱包,那他们的胸襟未免太狭窄了。要是她们想要超出习俗许可的女性范围,去做更多的事情,去学更多的东西,他们因而就谴责她们,嘲笑她们,那他们也未免太没有头脑了。 ?? 路面坚硬,空气凝滞,我的旅途是寂寞的。开始我走得很快,直到身上暖和起来,我才放慢脚步,享受和品味此时此景所赋予我的欢乐。三点了,我从钟楼下面经过时,教堂的钟声正好敲响。此时此刻的魅力,就在于天色临近黄昏,在于徐徐沉落和霞光渐淡的太阳。这时,我离桑菲尔德已有一英里,正行进在一条小径上。这条小径,夏天以野蔷薇闻名,秋天以坚果和黑莓著称。即使现在,也还长有一些珊瑚色珠宝般的野蔷薇果实和山楂。不过,这儿冬天最迷人的地方,还在于它无比的寂静和树叶落尽后的安宁。即使拂过一阵微风,这儿也不会发出一丝生息,因为没有一株冬青,没有一棵常绿树可以沙沙作响,


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 英语委婉语的认知分析 2 《奥罗拉?李》中的女性形象解读 3 An Eco-Critical Approach to Moby Dick 4 解析《永别了,武器》中亨利的人物形象 5 话语中的性别与身份:以《绝望主妇》为例 6 论《简爱》中的女性意识 7 How to Avoid Chinglish on English Writing of Senior High School Students 8 A Comparative Study on Two C hinese Versions of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Ode to The West Wind 9 论《杀死一只知更鸟》中的象征 10 英汉称谓语的文化差异与翻译--以《京华烟云》为例 11 苔丝的悲剧成因浅析 12 A Contrastive Study of Politeness Principle in English and Chinese 13 Women’s Image in Pygmalion 14 论商务谈判口译员的角色 15 英语影视作品字幕汉译的策略 16 从顺应理论的角度对广告翻译的分析 17 对《秀拉》中死亡事件的探究 18 浅谈中西方服饰礼仪之色彩差异 19 霍尔顿形象解读 20 浅析张培基的散文翻译风格 21 汽车品牌文化内涵 22 奥斯卡王尔德《认真的重要性》中似非而是的隽语对现实世界的重塑 23 道林格雷——《道林格雷的画像》中华丽外表下的丑恶心灵 24 Imagery Translation in Classical Chinese Poetry 25 美剧字幕中的译者主体性——以美剧Gossip Girl第一季为例 26 英语课堂焦虑对小学生英语学习的影响及解决策略 27 国际商务函电的礼貌原则研究 28 从自然主义视角分析《嘉莉妹妹》 29 论《福谷传奇》中的象征 30 中国茶文化与西方咖啡文化的对比分析 31 从自然主义角度解读《人鼠之间》中的美国梦(开题报告+论文) 32 任务型教学在初中英语的实施情况研究 33 归化与异化在文学翻译中的融合应用——评《红楼梦》两英译本中的习语 34 照进黑暗的光--电影《弱点》主题阐释 35 《飘》—斯嘉丽女性主义意识的成长历程解读 36 国际商务合同的用词特点及翻译 37 中国英语学习者道歉言语行为的中介语石化现象 38 论《黄墙纸》中女主人公女性主义思想的局限性 39 论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗 40 从目的论看汽车广告的翻译策略 41 国际商务中的跨文化沟通


简爱经典语录赏析 以下是关于简爱经典语录赏析,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 “没有理智的感情固然淡而无味,但缺乏感情的理智也太苦涩粗糙,叫人难以下咽。”感情与理智是并存的,在理智中注入情感,在情感中加以理智,才可以做到“刚柔并济”,就像做菜一样,盐与糖的量要适当,不可以只放盐,也不可以只加糖,只有把握好,才能做出可口的美味佳肴。 “如果上帝赐予我美貌和财富,我也会让你难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你。但我们的精神是平等的,就像我们经过坟墓,都将平等地站在上帝的面前。”或许在外在的财富以及权益上,人与人会有显著的差别,但脱去或富裕或贫困的外衣,心与心的距离就会变得很小很小,上帝是平等的,他会让前辈们垫着我们,站到他面前。 “暴力不是消除仇恨的最好办法,同样,报复也绝对医治不了伤害。”仇恨是心灵的冰山,同样要用心去融化它,而暴力是冰冷的屠刀,只会让仇恨升级。当我们受伤时,不能一味的想着报复,仇恨与报复是无穷无尽的,别人的报复只能让我们感到痛苦,这份痛苦,我们不能再像接力棒那样传下去,所有仇恨,我们要给它一条宽阔的道路,用宽容接纳它,化解它。 ·

这才是最正确的选择。 1、生命太短暂了,不应该用来记恨。人生在世,谁都会有错误,但我们很快会死去。我们的罪过将会随我们的身体一起消失,只留下精神的火花。这就是我从来不想报复,从来不认为生活不公平的原因。我平静的生活,等待末日的降临。 2、我本来怒火中烧,嫉妒的难以忍受。但当我看到那个优雅的恶少(我认识他,本来就鄙视他),听到他们冷酷无情,轻浮浅薄的对话后,我的怒火被熄灭了。嫉妒的情绪也烟消云散了。因为这样的女人不值得我爱,这样的情敌也不值得我憎恨。 3、我无法控制自己的眼睛,忍不住要去看他,就像口干舌燥的人明知水里有毒却还要喝一样。我本来无意去爱他,我也曾努力的掐掉爱的萌芽,但当我又见到他时,心底的爱又复活了。 4、我曾那么爱罗切斯特先生,还几乎把他当成了上帝。虽然现在我也不认为他是邪恶的。但我还能再信任他吗?还能回到他身边吗?我知道我必须离开他。对我来说他已不是过去的他。也不是我想象中的他了。我的爱情已失去。我的希望已破灭、我昏昏沉沉的躺在床上,只想死去。黑暗慢慢把我包围起来。 5、如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我会让你难于离开我, ·


Introduction Jane Eyre is such a great novel that it holds an important position in the history of British literature. It is also the masterpiece of Charlotte Bronte, who is a famous talented realistic woman novelist in English literature history. It has been translated into various languages and adapted for movie, dazzling generations of readers all through the world. This thesis mainly discusses the female doctrine of Jane in the social background of realism. Jane is neither a very beautiful woman, nor rich, but her genuine, selfless love for Rochester, and her good personality strike us deeply. It was written successfully to portray its heroine --Jane Eyre , a independent woman, who takes an positive and progressive attitude toward love, life , society and religions, and who dares to fight for the liberty and equality. Jane's sufferings are the deep reflections of the lives of lower-class people in Britain . The author shaped her heroine as a lower-class, awaken, and new feminine , who resists oppression and social prejudice strongly, fight for independent personality and dignity firmly ,and pursue happy life consistently. It is rather rare in the novels of that period. The period when Jane (the heroine in the novel Jane Eyre) lived roughly corresponds with the time of queen Victoria’s ruling. Victoria who ruled over the British Empire for over 60 years was a well known queen in English history. She mounted the throne in 1837 when British literature reached a prosperous period. In the 1940s, British literature reached its peak. The realists were one of the main groups at that time, and the author of Jane Eyre belonged to this group. A brief information about Charlotte Bront? Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) was born in the family of a poor country clergyman at Haworth, Yorkshire, in northern England. In this period of tense class struggle appeared a new literary trend-critical realism. English critical realism of the 19 th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The critical realists described with much vividness and great artistic skill the chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint.She


简爱优美段落摘抄 简爱好句好段摘抄 1、我给了她一个先令。她从口袋里掏出一只旧长袜,把钱币放进去,用袜子系好,放回原处。她让我伸出手去,我照办了。她把脸贴近我手掌,细细看了起来,但没有触碰它。 2、我回到房间,从脸盆架上找到了海绵,从抽屉里找到了食盐,并顺原路返回。他依旧等待着,手里拿了把钥匙。他走近其中一扇黑色的小门,把钥匙插进锁孔,却又停下来同我说起话来。 3、我进门的时候,图书室显得很安静,那女巫——如果她确实是的话,舒适地坐在烟囱角落的安乐椅上。她身披红色斗篷,头戴一顶黑色女帽,或者不如说宽边吉卜赛帽,用一块条子手帕系到了下巴上。桌子上立着一根熄灭了的蜡烛。她俯身向着火炉,借着火光,似乎在读一本祈祷书般的黑色小书,一面读,一面象大多数老妇人那样,口中念念有词。我进门时她并没有立即放下书来,似乎想把一段读完。 4、夜晚的宁静和安逸,被响彻桑菲尔德府的一声狂野、刺耳的尖叫打破了。 5、罗切斯特先生拉开厚厚的窗幅,掀起亚麻布窗帘,尽量让月光射进屋来。看到黎明即将来临,我既惊讶又愉快。多漂亮的玫瑰色光束正开始照亮东方的天际!随后,罗切斯特先生走近梅森,这时外科医生已经在给他治疗了。 6、我按他的吩咐办了。宾客们都瞪着眼睛看我从他们中间直穿而过。我找到了梅森先生,传递了信息,走在他前面离开了房间。领他进了图书室后,我便上楼去了。 7、我的脉搏停止了,我的心脏不再跳动,我伸出的胳膊僵住了。叫声消失,没有再起。说实在,无论谁发出这样的喊声,那可怕的尖叫无法立即重复一遍,就是安第斯山上长着巨翅的秃鹰,也难以在白云缭绕的高处,这样连叫两声。那发出叫声的东西得缓过气来才有力气再次喊叫。 8、在这种情形下,我既得细听又得静观,细听有没有野兽或者那边窠穴中魔鬼的动静。可是自从罗切斯特先生来过之后,它似乎已被镇住了。整整一夜我只听见过三声响动,三次之间的间隔很长——一次吱吱的脚步声,一次重又响起短暂的狗叫似的声音,一次人的深沉的呻吟声。 9、莉娅摇了摇头,于是谈话嘎然而止。我从这里所能猜测到的就是这么回事:在桑菲尔德有一个秘密,而我被故意排除在这个秘密之外了。

An Analysis on Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Feminist从女性主义的角度分析《简爱》

本科生毕业论文 从女性主义的角度分析《简爱》 An Analysis on Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Feminist

摘要 十九世纪英国女作家夏洛蒂.勃朗特的作品《简爱》因其独特的思想内容和表现手法,一直被看作是英国文学的经典之作。自从作品问世以来,一直受到文学评论界的关注。尤其是作品中对女性独立与平等的追求,使得小说中女主人公简爱的形象负载了西方妇女在19世纪开始觉醒的女性意识。英国文学不乏叛逆女性的形象,但像简爱那样卑微、平凡、孤苦无依而又相貌平平的“弱势”女性,如此自觉地对抗强大的父权社会,算是空前的。 此篇论文从女性主义的角度出发,通过对作品中女主人公简爱的分析,揭示小说中所反映的维多利亚时期女性性别意识的觉醒和当时女性的社会地位。在维多利亚时期女性地位得到了提高,女性意识得到了发展,但是仍然受到社会等级和社会地位的限制。但总体来说,随着时代的发展,女性地位和女性意识都得到了不同程度的提高。 关键词:简爱;夏洛蒂.勃朗特;女性主义;平等和自由

Abstract Charlotte Bronte is an outstanding woman writer in the 19th century English literature, her work Jane Eyre has been regarded as the classics of the English literature due to its unique content and way of expression. Since the work has been published, it has attracted the attention of the literary critics. Especially the pursuit of female independence and equality, making the heroines of Jane's image loads the Western women's awakening of feminist consciousness in the 19th century. There is no lack of the image of rebellious women in English literature, but like Jane Eyre, as humble, ordinary, plain but who have no “minority” women, so consciously against the strong patriarchal society, be regarded as unprecedented. This paper reveals the wake of the gender conscious and the social position of women in Victorian period through the analysis of the heroine from the feminist perspective. The status of women in the Victorian period has improved by the development of female consciousness, but still affected by social class and social status. Key words: Jane Eyre;Charlotte Bronte; female; equality; freedom


《简爱》的精彩片段摘抄 《简爱》是一本用自己的心与强烈的精神追求铸炼成的一本书,含着作者 无限的情感和个性魅力,为女性赢得了一片灿烂的天空。以下是《简爱》的精 彩片段摘抄,欢迎阅读。 NO1、明年今天,让我们继续欢笑吧。 NO2、我和你一样有灵魂,一样多的感情。 NO3、天空没有留下我的痕迹,但我已经飞过。 NO4、要是我,巴不得地球会裂开,把我吞下去。 NO5、当我无缘无故挨打时,我们应该狠狠的回击! NO6、都认为是值得的,只要能和相爱的人在一起。 NO7、被命运所抛弃的人,总是被他的朋友们遗忘! NO8、既然审判已无法回避,就只得硬着头皮去忍受了。 NO9、在上帝的脚下我们是平等的,我们本来就是平等的! NO10、爱之火,在我俩的心中燃起,从此我俩将被熔在一块。 NO11、人生就是这样,当你刚刚习惯了这种环境时你却要走了。 NO12、我感到世界上的一切,全部属于我了,因为你爱上了我。 NO13、人的生活不克不及象做菜,把所有的料都筹办好了才下锅。 NO14、这酒杯是甜蜜而悦人的,因为它曾碰过那知心人儿的樱唇。 NO15、你想错了!我的灵魂跟你的一样,我的心也跟你的完全一样! NO16、我生活的一个阶段今晚就要结束,明天将开始一个新的阶段。 NO17、荒凉不堪岩石嶙峋的边界之内,仿佛是囚禁地,是放逐的极限。 NO18、你想错了!——我的灵魂跟你的一样,我的心也跟你的完全一样! NO19、每个人以自己的行为向上帝负责,不能要求别人承担自己的命运。 NO20、暴力不是消除仇恨的最好办法——同样,报复也绝对医治不了伤害。

NO21、如果别人不爱我,我宁愿死去而不愿活着——我受不了孤独和被人 憎恶。 NO22、没有污点未经感染的记忆必定是一大珍宝,是身心愉快的永不枯竭 的源泉。 NO23、如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会使你难于离开我,就像现在我难 于离开你。 NO24、瑟瑟的空气中,我跺着脚,焦急地等在长长的队尾,组诅咒着这该 死的冷天。 NO25、对心灵如水,既柔顺又稳重,既训服又坚强,可弯而不可折的人, 我会永远温柔和真诚。 NO26、我不过是提醒一下你自己的话,先生。你说错误带来悔恨,而你又 说悔恨是生活的毒药。 NO27、假如你避免不了,就得去忍受。不能忍受生命中注定要忍受的事情,就是软弱和愚蠢的表现。 NO28、有些人,会让人觉得,世界上无人舍得对她不好。然而,这个人, 就是得不到她一直盼望着的好。 NO29、能被你的同伴们所爱,并感觉到自己的到来能给他们增添一份愉悦,再没有什么快乐能与此相比了。 NO30、那个曾经给他生命的人,即使隐身在远方,散发出的光芒也会穿过 时空,温暖与关心会葱茏他四季的心情。 NO31、爱一个人、要了解也要开解、要道歉也要道谢、要认错也要改错、 要体贴也要体凉、要接受而不是忍受、是宽容! NO32、有时刹那之间我以为抓住了一个眼神,听到了一种腔调,看到了一 种体形,宣告我的梦想就要实现,但我又马上醒悟了。 NO33、那些无论我做什么去讨他们的欢心都始终厌恶我的人,我也应该厌 恶他们;对那些不公平的惩罚我的人,我就应该反抗。 NO34、不要因为寂寞去恋爱,时间是个魔鬼,天长日久,如果你是个多情 的人,即使不爱对方,到时候也会产生感情,最后你怎么办? NO35、所罗门说得好:“吃素菜,彼此相爱,强如吃肥牛,彼此相恨。” 现在,我决不会拿贫困的罗沃德去换取终日奢华的盖茨黑德。




目录 摘要 (1) 关键词 (1) Abstract (1) 前言 (2) 一、作者女性主义思想的产生 (2) 二、《简爱》中的女性主义思想 (3) (一)突破相貌美丽的俗套 (3) (二)顽强、独立、自尊、自爱 (4) (三)政治、经济、人格平等的新式爱情观 (5) 结语 (7) 参考文献: (8)

浅析《简爱》中的女性主义思想 学生姓名:学号: 文学院汉语言专业 指导老师:职称: 摘要:在现代社会女性的地位普遍有所提高,但由于受传统文化观念的影响,现实社会中仍然存在着男女不平等的现象。而夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《简爱》是西方女性主义的一部代表作,本文将对作者女性主义思想产生的原因以及简爱中的女性主义思想进行论述,她的女性主义思想主要是通过他哦破美丽的俗套,独立、顽强、自尊、自爱以及政治、经济平等的新式爱情观来体现,通过论述使我们加深对女性主义思想的认识,从而促进我国女性自我意识的觉醒与提高。 关键词:女性主义思想;独立;顽强;新式爱情观 Abstract:The status of women in modern society in general has increased, but due to the influence of traditional cultural values, the real world there are still inequality between men and women. The Charlotte ? Bronte's "Jane Eyre" is a masterpiece of Western feminism, this article will be thinking of the causes of feminism and feminist Jane thinking in the discourse, and her feminist ideas mainly through his Oh, beautiful breaking stereotypes, independent, stubborn, self-esteem, self-love, and political and economic equality to reflect the new concept of love, through the discussion to deepen our understanding of feminist ideology. Keywords:Feminist ideas;Independence;Stubborn;New Concept of Love 前言 随着女性地位的提高,女性主义也越来越被受到重视,所谓女性主义,归结起来就是:在全人类实现男女平等。它是女性观察、审视任何事物的思想与主张,是一种基于反父权制政治利益的结盟,是一种具有特殊政治目标中女性思维方式、行为方式的总和。 就在19世纪英国,一位批评现实主义的文学女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特写出了一部代表女性主义思想的小说——《简·爱》。这部小说是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特把她个人的性格、体验、感受和意志溶于这部自传体的小说之中,产生了强烈的轰动效果,并开创了女性文艺作品、强调女性意识和地位的新世纪。小说主要描写了简·爱与


The Female Doctrine Reflected in Jane Eyre Introduction Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) is one of the most famous female writers in English literature. She is a great critical realist in the 19th century. In this period of tense class struggle appeared a new literary trend-critical realism. English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the 1940s and early 1950s. The critical realists described the chief traits of the English society with much vividness and great viewpoint. Charlotte Bronte wrote several works such as Jane Eyre (1847), Shirley (1849), Villette (1853), The Professor (1857). Her works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness. She aims at awakening women’s consciousness and courage to pursue equal rights and freedom. A nd Jane Eyre is not an exception. Jane Eyre is the most famous work of Charlotte Bronte and considered as a world famous novel. It has been translated into various languages, inspiring readers from generation to generation all over the world. Jane Eyre is the novel written by Charlotte Bronte according to her own experiences. In the novel, the author shaped a tough and independent woman who pursues freedom, equality and true love and is a good example to all women. The novel narrates Jane E yre’s experience s from an orphan to an independent woman. She is unfortunate when she was born as she lost her parents in her childhood. What’s worse, she is badly treated by her aunt, Mrs. Reed, a harsh and unsympathetic woman. Because of Jane’s rebellion, she is sent aw ay to a charity school, Lowood Institution. And she suffers a lot both physically and mentally. Jane Eyre stays at school for 8 years, and then she is employed as a governess at Thornfield Hall. There she meets the master Mr. Rochester, who influences her life deeply. Rochester is attracted by Jane’s personality and positive attitude and then falls in love with her. However, their wedding ceremony is interrupted because Rochester has had a mad wife who is hidden in the house. Jane is so shocked that she makes up her mind to leave Rochester. She flees to the Moor House and is rescued by the River family. The clergyman named St. John Rivers asks Jane to marry him. Jane refuses and returns to Thornfield but only to find that it has been destroyed by a fire set by the mad wife. In a manor house, Jane finds Rochester, a blind and free man. They marry and live a happy life. In the past time, a lot of studies have been proceeded to explore the novel Jane Eyre. Some concentrate on the social and cultural backgrounds of Jane Eyre. Other focuses their attention on female doctrine shown in the novel. What’s more, there are also scholars try to find out the similarities between Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte. Great achievements have been made. This paper will put more emphasis on female doctrine depicted in Jane Eyre. In order to make readers understand the essence of female doctrine, it mainly analyzes the character of
