

The industrial development policy


1 The American economic review 美国经济评论270B0001 0002-828

2 美

2 The Economist 经济学家270C0001 0013-061

3 英

3 Econometrica 计量经济学270C0060 0012-9682 美

4 The Journal of political economy 政治经济学杂志270B0010 0022-3808 美

5 The Quarterly journal of economics 经济学季刊270B0005 0033-5533 美

6 Journal of economic literature 经济文献杂志270B001-2 0022-0515 美

7 Academy of management journal 管理学会杂志714B0124 0001-4273 美

8 The Journal of finance 金融杂志297B0062 0022-1082 美

9 Harvard business review 哈佛商业评论291B0001 0017-8012 美

10 The Academy of management review 管理学会评论714B0154 0363-7425 美

11 Journal of financial economics 金融经济学杂志270LD059 0304-405X 瑞士

12 Journal of marketing 营销学杂志294B0160 0022-2429 美

13 Strategic management journal 战略管理学杂志714C0006 0143-2095 英

14 The Milbank quarterly 米尔班克季刊270B 0887-378X 美

15 The Economic journal 经济学杂志270C0003 0013-0133 英

16 The Journal of economic perspectives 经济展望杂志270B0195 0895-3309 美

17 The Review of economic studies 经济研究评论270C0004 0034-6527 英

18 JMR, journal of marketing research 营销研究杂志294B0149 0022-2437 美

19 The Review of economics and statistics 经济学与统计学评论270B0236 0034-6535 美

20 The Journal of consumer research 消费研究杂志294B0339 0093-5301 美

21 Journal of econometrics 计量经济学杂志270LD056 0304-4076 瑞士

22 Journal of economic theory 经济理论杂志270B0012 0022-0531 美

23 Health care financing review 卫生保健融资评论612B0167 0195-8631 美


24 Brookings papers on economic activity

270B0098 0007-2303 美

25 Journal of monetary economics 货币经济学杂志270LB062 0304-3932 荷兰

26 Sloan management review 斯隆管理学评论714B0103 0019-848X 美

27 The Journal of law & economics 法学与经济学杂志340B0105 0022-2186 美

28 Journal of business 商业杂志294B0063 0021-9398 美

29 Journal of health economics 卫生保健经济学杂志270LB074 0167-6296 荷兰

30 Industrial & labor relations review 劳资关系评论336B0060 0019-7939 美

31 Risk analysis 风险分析500B0027 0272-4332 美

32 The Journal of human resources 人力资源杂志336B0111 0022-166X 美

33 Economy and society 经济与社会310C0068 0308-5147 英

34 World development 世界发展300C0141 0305-750X 英

35 Journal of business & economic statistics 商业与经济统计杂志299B0057 0735-0015 美

36 The Rand journal of economics 兰德经济学杂志291B0077 0741-6261 美

37 Journal of public economics 公共经济学杂志270LD001 0047-2727 瑞士

38 Human resource management 人力资源管理291B0005 0090-4848 美

39 American journal of agricultural economics 美国农业经济学杂志293B0004 0002-9092 美

40 OR : the journal of the Operational Research Society 运筹学学会杂志519C0001 0160-5682 英

41 European economic review 欧洲经济评论270LB059 0014-2921 荷兰

42 The Review of financial studies 金融研究评论297B0238 0893-9454 美

43 Health economics 卫生经济学612C0122 1057-9230 英

44 California management review 加利福尼亚管理学评论714B0131 0008-1256 美


45 Journal of environmental economics and management

715B0119 0095-0696 美


46 Fortune 财富270B0017 0015-8259 美

47 The World Bank economic review 世界银行经济评论297W0003 0258-6770 美

48 Journal of international economics 国际经济学杂志270LB002 0022-1996 荷兰


49 The Journal of law, economics & organization

200B0110 8756-6222 美


50 International economic review 国际经济评论270B0059 0020-6598 美

51 Journal of money, credit, and banking 货币、信贷与银行杂志297B0077 0022-2879 美

52 Economic geography 经济地理学268B0003 0013-0095 美

53 Industrial relations 劳资关系292B0062 0019-8676 美

54 The Journal of product innovation management 产品创新管理学杂志713B0023 0737-6782 美

55 Journal of applied econometrics 应用计量经济学杂志270C0016 0883-7252 英

56 Journal of international business studies 国际商务研究杂志294B0006 0047-2506 美

57 Business week 商业周刊270B0011-1 0007-7135 美


299C0051 0305-9049 英58 Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics

59 Journal of labor economics 劳动经济学杂志291B0088 0734-306X 美

60 Journal of development economics 发展经济学杂志270LB056 0304-3878 荷兰

61 The Journal of economic history 经济史杂志270C0017 0022-0507 英

62 Forbes 福布斯270B0019 0015-6914 美

63 FM: journal of the Financial Management Association 财务管理协会杂志297B0094 1087-7827 美

64 Journal of urban economics 城市经济学杂志270B0124 0094-1190 美

65 Marketing science 营销学294B0005 0732-2399 美

66 Monthly labor review 劳工评论月刊336B0003 0098-1818 美

67 Economics letters 经济学快报270LD058 0165-1765 瑞士

68 The Economic history review 经济史评论270C0133 0013-0117 英

69 Economica 经济学刊270C0002 0013-0427 英

70 Land economics 土地经济学866B0082 0023-7639 美

71 Ecological economics 生态经济学270LB080 0921-8009 荷兰

72 Journal of Common Market studies 共同市场研究杂志300C0080 0021-9886 英

73 Journal of financial and quantitative analysis 财务定量分析杂志297B0009 0022-1090 美

74 Southern economic journal 南部经济杂志270B0072 0038-4038 美

75 Economic inquiry 经济探究270B0121 0095-2583 美

76 Business insurance 商业保险297B0140 0747-7937 美

77 Journal of businessethics 商业伦理学杂志294LB061 0167-4544 荷兰

78 Oxford economic papers 牛津经济论文集270C0005 0030-7653 英

79 The Journal of industrial economics 产业经济学杂志292C0056 0022-1821 英

80 National tax journal 国家税收杂志297B0064 0028-0283 美

81 Journal of advertising research 广告研究杂志294B0161 0021-8499 美

82 Accounting, organizations and society 会计、组织与社会297C0077 0361-3682 英

83 Explorations in economic history 经济史研究270B0115 0014-4983 美

84 Journal of accounting research 会计研究杂志297B0068 0021-8456 美

85 Public choice 公共选择300LB060 0048-5829 荷兰

86 Cambridge journal of economics 剑桥经济学杂志270C0157 0309-166X 英

87 Economic development and cultural change 经济发展与文化变革270B0052 0013-0079 美

88 Work, employment & society 工作、就业与社会336C0008 0950-0170 英

89 The Business lawyer 商务律师340B0008 0007-6899 美

90 Journal of banking & finance 银行业与金融杂志297LB058 0378-4266 荷兰

91 Journal of public policy & marketing 公共政策与营销学杂志292B 0743-9156 美

92 Journal of international money and finance 国际货币与金融杂志297C0086 0261-5606 英

93 Games and economic behavior 博弈论与经济行为270B0209 0899-8256 美


94 Journal of economic dynamics & control

270LB066 0165-1889 荷兰

95 Applied economics 应用经济学270C0007 0003-6846 英

96 Development and change 发展与变革300C0020 0012-155X 英


97 International Monetary Fund staff papers

297W0002 0020-8027 美

98 Journal of economic behavior & organization 经济行为与组织杂志270LB067 0167-2681 荷兰

99 Journal of retailing 零售业杂志294B0256 0022-4359 美100 The Journal of development studies 发展研究杂志300C0106 0022-0388 英101 Journal of rural studies 农村研究杂志650C0091 0743-0167 英102 Industrial marketing management 工业营销管理学292B0178 0019-8501 美103 Journal of risk and uncertainty 风险与不确定性杂志294LB067 0895-5646 荷兰104 Journal of transport economics and policy 运输经济学与政策杂志296C0076 0022-5258 英105 Journal of comparative economics 比较经济学杂志270B0014 0147-5967 美106 Journal of productivity analysis 生产率分析杂志291LB051 0895-562X 荷兰107 British journal of industrial relations 英国劳资关系杂志291C0057 0007-1080 英108 Journal of business research 商业研究杂志294B0261 0148-2963 美

109 Econometric theory 计量经济学理论270C0014 0266-4666 英110 Journal of regional science 区域学杂志268B0059 0022-4146 美111 Regional science and urban economics 区域学与城市经济学270LB061 0166-0462 荷兰


270C0179 0347-0520 英112 The Scandinavian journal of economics

113 Journal of accounting & economics 会计学与经济学杂志297LB065 0165-4101 荷兰114 The World economy 世界经济270C0011 0378-5920 英115 Long range planning 长远规划710C0097 0024-6301 英116 International journal of forecasting 国际预测杂志500LB003 0169-2070 荷兰117 International journal of industrial organization 国际产业组织杂志714LB0057 0167-7187 荷兰118 Journal of mathematical economics 数理经济学杂志270LD057 0304-4068 瑞士119 International journal of game theory 国际博弈理论杂志 5.13e+054 0020-7276 德120 Journal of economic issues 经济问题杂志270B0082 0021-3624 美121 The Canadian journal of economics 加拿大经济学杂志270NA053 0008-4085 加拿大122 Journal of business venturing 企业经营杂志714B 0883-9026 美123 Journal of agricultural economics 农业经济学杂志293C0002 0021-857X 英124 The Journal of risk and insurance 风险与保险杂志297B0359 0022-4367 美125 Journal of financial intermediation 金融中介杂志297B0244 1042-9573 美126 The Journal of taxation 税务杂志297B0010 0022-4863 美127 Futures 期货297B0247 0746-2468 美128 Business history 商业史294C0069 0007-6791 英129 Euromoney 欧洲货币297C0071 0014-2433 英130 Scottish journal of political economy 苏格兰政治经济学杂志270C0059 0036-9292 英131 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 世界经济评论2700 0043-2636 德


132 The Journal of real estate finance and economics

297LB066 0895-5638 荷兰


133 Journal of portfolio management 证券投资管理杂志297B0351 0095-4918 美134 Journal of world trade 世界贸易杂志294LB080 1011-6702 瑞士135 The Journal of economic education 经济教育杂志270B0125 0022-0485 美

136 Insurance, mathematics & economics 保险、数学与经济学297LB061 0167-6687 荷兰137 Auditing 审计学290B 0278-0380 美138 Journal of world business 世界商务杂志294B0130 1090-9516 美139 Journal of institutional and theoretical economics 制度与理论经济学杂志0932-4569 德

澳大利140 The Economic record 经济记录270UA051 0013-0249

亚141 History of political economy 政治经济学史270B0084 0018-2702 美142 International journal of service industry management 国际服务业管理杂志714C0127 0956-4233 英143 The Banker 银行家297C0003 0005-5395 英144 Journal of regulatory economics 管制经济学杂志340B0178 0922-680X 美145 Risk management 风险管理300B0421 0035-5593 美


146 The OECD observer

200F0054 0029-7054 法


147 Challenge 挑战270B0093 0577-5132 美148 Survey of current business 当代商业概览270B0007 0039-6222 美149 Federal reserve bulletin 联邦储备公报297B0002 0014-9209 美150 Transnational corporations 跨国公司291W001 1014-9562 美


容易发表的中文核心期刊 许多高校对大学生发表论文持鼓励态度,有些高校甚至对发表论文的同学给予学分减免的支持,甚至报销版面费用。另外,对于有兴趣进行研究的同学来说,论文发表是对自己研究的一种肯定。大学生在专业期刊特别是中文核心期刊发表论文还是比较难的,特别是高职高专的学生。因此在选择期刊的时候不要盲目投稿,要尽量选择一些容易发表的期刊。笔者根据观察和发表论文的经验,向同学们推荐几个容易发表的期刊,以起到抛砖引玉的作用。 1、商场现代化。这个杂志是北大图书馆2004年版贸易经济类核心期刊,《商场现代化》杂志系中国商业联合会主管,由中商科学技术信息研究所和北京永川商标发展中心共同主办,主要面向商场、企业、公司的中高层管理者。本刊主要刊发国内外商业流通领域理论研究成果,商业管理学术论文和商业市场调查报告,作者不仅包括国内外商界研究机构资深人士和商业、财经院校教授、研究生,还有政府、行业主管部门领导和企业家精英。本刊因其系统性、实用性、权威性、前瞻性而成为商界管理层传阅率最高的杂志之一,并连续多次评为国家级贸易经济类核心期刊。主要栏目有:流通论坛、经营管理、营销之道、品牌策略、电子商务、物流平台、经济与法、资本运营、投资分析等。笔者的第一篇核心论文就发表在这个杂志上。 这个杂志没有学历和职称歧视,无论是博导还是大学生,只要论文达到发表要求,交纳一定的版面费用就可以发表,大概是800一个版,可以发表一个版的文章,并且投稿录用的时间比较短,杂志也比较厚,拿出来比较有档次感,接收电子投稿,因此对于经济条件较好的同学不妨一试。 2、经济论坛。这个杂志是北大图书馆2000年版贸易经济类核心期刊,河北省社会科学院主办,也是经济类核心期刊,是半月刊。这个杂志审稿速度也比较快,并且不存在学历和职


经济类外文核心期刊 The industrial development policy 序号期刊刊名中文译名中图刊号 ISSN号国别美国经济评论美 1 The American economic review 270B0001 0002-8282 经济学家英 2 The Economist 270C0001 0013-0613 计量经济学美 3 Econometrica 270C0060 0012-9682 政治经济学杂志美 4 The Journal of political economy 270B0010 0022-3808 经济学季刊美 5 The Quarterly journal of economics 270B0005 0033-5533 经济文献杂志美 6 Journal of economic literature 270B001-2 0022-0515 管理学会杂志美 7 Academy of management journal 714B0124 0001-4273 金融杂志美 8 The Journal of finance 297B0062 0022-1082 哈佛商业评论美 9 Harvard business review 291B0001 0017-8012 管理学会评论美 10 The Academy of management review 714B0154 0363-7425 金融经济学杂志瑞士 11 Journal of financial economics 270LD059 0304-405X 营销学杂志美 12 Journal of marketing 294B0160 0022-2429 战略管理学杂志英 13 Strategic management journal 714C0006 0143-2095 米尔班克季刊美 14 The Milbank quarterly 270B 0887-378X 经济学杂志英 15 The Economic journal 270C0003 0013-0133 经济展望杂志美 16 The Journal of economic perspectives 270B0195 0895-3309 经济研究评论英 17 The Review of economic studies 270C0004 0034-6527 营销研究杂志美 18 JMR, journal of marketing research 294B0149 0022-2437 经济学与统计学评论美 19 The Review of economics and statistics 270B0236 0034-6535 消费研究杂志美20 The Journal of consumer research 294B0339 0093-5301 计量经济学杂志瑞士 21 Journal of econometrics 270LD056 0304-4076 经济理论杂志美 22 Journal of economic theory 270B0012 0022-0531 卫生保健融资评论美 23 Health care financing review 612B0167 0195-8631 布鲁金斯经济活动论文美 24 Brookings papers on economic activity 270B0098 0007-2303 集货币经济学杂志荷兰 25 Journal of monetary economics 270LB062 0304-3932 斯隆管理学评论美 26 Sloan management review 714B0103 0019-848X 法学与经济学杂志美 27 The Journal of law & economics 340B0105 0022-2186 商业杂志美 28 Journal of business 294B0063 0021-9398 卫生保


China's economy, one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and the biggest contributor to global growth, grew 9.9 percent year-on-year in the first three quarters of this year, according to official figures released on Monday, showing a trend of a slowdown amid the current global financial crisis. In the third quarter, the gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate slowed down to 9 percent, the lowest in five years, from 10.6 percent in the first quarter, 10.1 percent for the second quarter and 10.4 percent in the first half of 2008. China's economic growth has been on a steady decline since peaking in the second quarter of 2007. The slowing world economy pummeled by the global financial crisis and weaker demand for Chinese exports on international markets heavily weighted on the Chinese economy, according to Li Xiaochao, spokesperson for the National Bureau of Statistics. Another widely watched indicator, the consumer price index (CPI) -- an important measure of inflation -- rose 4.6 percent in September, over the same period last year. The figure, coupled with 7.1 percent in June, 6.3 percent in July, 4.9 percent in August and a nearly 12-year-high of 8.7 percent in February, shows the CPI in a downward spiral. Analysts mainly attribute the decline in the CPI to ample grain supply and lower-than-expected income growth of Chinese residents, as the housing and stock markets take heavy toll, which dented residents' desire to consume. Chinese stocks have shed nearly 70 percent of their value from the last year's peak at 6,124 points due to weak investor confidence. The stock market rose more than two percent on Monday amid expectation the government would unveil more measures to stimulate economy. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index gained 43.36 points to close at 1,974.01 points. Exports, one of the three major drivers of the Chinese economy along with investment and consumption, are taking hit from the global financial turmoil and economic slowdown. In the first three quarters exports grew 22.3 percent, 4.8 percent points lower than the same period last year. Fixed assets investment totaled 11.6246 trillion yuan ($1.66 trillion) in the first three


读后续写——提高外语学习效率的一种有效方法 王初明 提要: 读后续写是结合阅读理解进行写作练习的一种方法。本文论证读后续写促学外语的功效,认为该法将语言输入与输出紧密结合,将语言的模仿与创造性使用有机结合,将语言的学习与运用切实结合,是提高外语学习效率的好方法。文章不仅列举了读后续写的长处与短处,而且详细介绍了它的设计及具体操作要求,为在外语教学中应用该法提供指南。 关键词: 外语学习; 读后续写; 模仿; 创造; 理解; 产出 外语教学与研究,2015年第5期 读后续写何以有效促学 王初明 提要:本文报道一项质性实证研究,采用有声思维法,深入探究读后续写促学语言的机理。受试是两位来华学习汉语的外国学生,阅读两个情节不完整的故事,接着续写,补全内容。阅读和续写的有声思维录音数据用作剖析读后续写思维过程。数据分析集中观察续写的内容和语言是否与读物协同,能否提高学习者的表达力。分析结果印证了读后续写的有效性,它之所以有效促学,因其符合语言学习规律。研究发现为进一步挖掘读后续写的促学潜力、改进其使用方法、打造高效外语教学模式提供了有益的启示。 关键词:读后续写、有声思维、内容创造、互动协同、语言模仿 外语界,2013年第6期 输出驱动假设在大学英语教学中的应用:思考与建议 文秋芳 提要: 本文探讨了在大学英语教学中应用“输出驱动假设”的可行性。全文分3个部分。第一部分概述输出驱动假设的内容及其理据。第二部分从教学目标、课程体系、教学流程及其方法、评估重点4个方面阐述输出驱动假设的具体实施。第三部分指出实施输出驱动假设面临的挑战。 关键词: 输出驱动假设; 大学英语教学; 通用英语; 专门用途英语; 学术英语


《农村经济》 投稿+用户名 农村经济杂志社简介 《农村经济》(月刊)创刊于1983年,是由四川省农业经济学会主办的农村经济类专业刊物。 《农村经济》始终坚持正确的办刊方向,注重理论创新,突出现实研究,注重以专业和专家的眼光评析农村改革发展中的重大问题,以求真务实的精神探讨农村改革实践的经验和方法,从全新和全面的角度展示改革开放后广大农村的崭新面貌。 《农村经济》被北大1992版核心期刊、北大1996版核心期刊、北大2000版核心期刊、北大2004版核心期刊、北大2008版核心期刊收录。是核心期刊(全国农经类);四川省社科类质量一级期刊。 农村经济杂志栏目设置 专家视点、热点秀视、土地问题、产业结构研究、农民收入与消费、财政与金融、农村社会保障、博士硕士论坛 农村经济杂志荣誉 ?CSSCI 南大核心期刊(中文社会科学引文索引)(含扩展版) ?万方收录(中) ?上海图书馆馆藏 ?北大核心期刊(中国人文社会科学核心期刊) ?国家图书馆馆藏 ?知网收录(中) ?维普收录(中) ?中国学术期刊(光盘版)全文收录期刊 农村经济杂志社征稿要求 1、来稿需要符合农村经济范畴,选题新颖,内容真实可靠,信息及时,能抓住当前热点和焦点问题,具有 较高学术水平或重要政策参考价值。 2、来稿必须已打印件邮寄我刊,并注明作者真实姓名、专业技术职称、单位名称、详细通讯地、邮政编码、 联系方式、E-mail地址。 3、来稿首页需附上150字以内的中文摘要、中图分类号、3-5个中文关键词。 4、获得基金资助的论文用*号标识,并注明基金项目名称,在圆括号内注明基金编号,置于首页页脚。

5、稿件文责自负,切勿一稿多投,来稿一律不退,自投稿起3个月内未收到用稿通知者,可自行处理。 6、正文注释,即对文内某一特定内容作进一步解释或者说明,用脚注形式排在当页页脚,序号为①②③……..。 7、在农村经济刊发论文若产生重大社会影响(如得到党和国家领导人及省部级领批示。获得国家或者省市哲学社会科学优秀科研成果奖,被《新华文摘》《中国社会科学文摘》等全文转载等),请作者将相关信息及时反馈编辑部,本刊将给与精神和物质奖励。 8、参考文献必须采用实引方式在正文标注,并按照在文中出现的先后顺序用(1)(2)(3)…..列于文尾。


化学类核心期刊中文译名 2010-12-16 20:48:54| 分类:收藏| 标签:化学期刊中文译名杂志|举报|字号订阅 1.化学总论类核心期刊表 序号刊名中文译名中国刊号 出版国 1 Journal of the American Chemical Society 美国化学会志 540B0003-1 美国 2 Chemical reviews 化学评论540B0010 美国 3 Angewandte Chemie 应用化学547E0002 德国 4 Chemical communications 化学通讯 540C0007-D 英国 5 Accounts of chemical research 化学研究述评540B0059 美国 6 Chemical Society reviews 化学会评论540C0005 英国 7 Chemistry 化学540E0070

德国 8 The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids 固体物理学与固体化学杂志538C0003 英国 9 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 日本化学会通报 540D0005 日本 10 Canadian journal of chemistry 加拿大化学杂志540NA001 加拿大 11 Journal of chemical education 化学教育杂志540B0053 美国 12 Pure and applied chemistry 理论化学与应用化学 540B0005 美国 13 Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 化学与药学通报 633D0008 日本 14 Journal of chemical research 化学研究杂志 540C0010 英国 15 Chemistry world 化学世界 540C0004 英国 16 Chemistry letters 化学快学 540D0060 日本 17 Current medicinal chemistry 当今医药化学 633JM001 阿联酋 18 Theochem 分子结构杂志 540LB057 荷兰


中文3487字 本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 原文: EV A: A better financial reporting tool Economic Value Added (EV A) is a financial performance measure being adopted by many companies in corporate America. This new metric, trademarked by Stern Stewart and Company, is a profit measure based on the concept of true economic income which includes the cost of capital for all types of financing. EV A provides a more comprehensive measure of profitability than traditional measures because it indicates how well a firm has performed in relation to the amount of capital employed. This article summarizes the EV A concept of measuring profitability, the EV A calculation and the benefits of adopting an EV A framework. The EV A Concept of Profitability EV A is based on the concept that a successful firm should earn at least its cost of capital. Firms that earn higher returns than financing costs benefit shareholders and account for increased shareholder value. In its simplest form, EV A can be expressed as the following equation: EV A = Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) - Cost of Capital NOPAT is calculated as net operating income after depreciation, adjusted for items that move the profit measure closer to an economic measure of profitability. Adjustments include such items as: additions for interest expense after-taxes (including any implied interest expense on operating leases); increases in net capitalized R&D expenses; increases in the LIFO reserve; and goodwill amortization. Adjustments made to operating earnings for these items reflect the investments made by the firm or capital employed to achieve those profits. Stern Stewart has identified as many as 164 items for potential adjustment, but often only a few adjustments are


化学类核心期刊: 1.高等学校化学学报 2.分析化学 3.化学学报 4.化学通报 5.中国科学.B辑,化学 6.物理化学学报 7.光谱学与光谱分析 8.催化学报 9.理化检验.化学分册 10.应用化学 11.高分子学报 12.有机化学 13.无机化学学报 14.分析实验室 15.色谱 16.冶金分析 17.分子催化 18.分析测试学报 19.化学物理学报 20.计算机与应用化学21.化学试剂 22.结构化学 23.化学研究与应用 24.化学进展

1.化工学报 2.高分子材料科学与工程 3.石油化工 4.硅酸盐学报 5.高分子学报 6.燃料化学学报 7.中国塑料 8.应用化学 9.无机材料学报 10.化学工程 11.工程塑料应用 2.化工进展 13.现代化工 14.膜科学与技术 15.精细化工 16.高校化学工程学报 17.功能高分子学报 18.功能材料 19.塑料工业 20.化学反应工程与工艺21.合成纤维工业 22.天然气化工.C1,化学与化工 23.化学世界 24.现代塑料加工应用 25.日用化学工业 26.精细石油化工 27.离子交换与吸附 28.塑料科技 29.合成橡胶工业 30.橡胶工业 31.中国医药工业杂志 32.合成树脂及塑料 33.化工新型材料 34.新型炭材料 35.涂料工业 36.硅酸盐通报 37.塑料 38.计算机与应用化学 39.煤炭转化 40.无机盐工业 41.过程工程学报

美国化学会 Analytical chemistry 5.35 Nano letters 11.02 Journal of the American Chemical Society 8.466 ACS Nano 8.83 Chemical Reviews 31.43 Chemistry of Materials 5.872 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2.517 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2.54 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 3.319 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 4.25 Langmuir 3.93 Inorganic Chemistry 3.998 Organic Letters 4.81 英国化学会 Analyst 3.43 Chemical Communications 5.14 Journal of Materials Chemistry 4.687 Lab on a chip 5.70 Chemical Society Reviews 23.47 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3.123


The industrial development policy 序号期刊刊名中文译名中图刊号ISSN号国别 1 The American economic review 美国经济评论270B0001 0002-828 2 美 2 The Economist 经济学家270C0001 0013-061 3 英 3 Econometrica 计量经济学270C0060 0012-9682 美 4 The Journal of political economy 政治经济学杂志270B0010 0022-3808 美 5 The Quarterly journal of economics 经济学季刊270B0005 0033-5533 美 6 Journal of economic literature 经济文献杂志270B001-2 0022-0515 美 7 Academy of management journal 管理学会杂志714B0124 0001-4273 美 8 The Journal of finance 金融杂志297B0062 0022-1082 美 9 Harvard business review 哈佛商业评论291B0001 0017-8012 美 10 The Academy of management review 管理学会评论714B0154 0363-7425 美 11 Journal of financial economics 金融经济学杂志270LD059 0304-405X 瑞士 12 Journal of marketing 营销学杂志294B0160 0022-2429 美 13 Strategic management journal 战略管理学杂志714C0006 0143-2095 英 14 The Milbank quarterly 米尔班克季刊270B 0887-378X 美 15 The Economic journal 经济学杂志270C0003 0013-0133 英 16 The Journal of economic perspectives 经济展望杂志270B0195 0895-3309 美 17 The Review of economic studies 经济研究评论270C0004 0034-6527 英 18 JMR, journal of marketing research 营销研究杂志294B0149 0022-2437 美 19 The Review of economics and statistics 经济学与统计学评论270B0236 0034-6535 美 20 The Journal of consumer research 消费研究杂志294B0339 0093-5301 美 21 Journal of econometrics 计量经济学杂志270LD056 0304-4076 瑞士 22 Journal of economic theory 经济理论杂志270B0012 0022-0531 美 23 Health care financing review 卫生保健融资评论612B0167 0195-8631 美 布鲁金斯经济活动论文 24 Brookings papers on economic activity 270B0098 0007-2303 美 集 25 Journal of monetary economics 货币经济学杂志270LB062 0304-3932 荷兰 26 Sloan management review 斯隆管理学评论714B0103 0019-848X 美


外文原文 The green barrier to free trade C. P. Chandrasekhar Jayati Ghosh As the March 31 deadline for completing the "modalities" stage of the proposed new round of negotiations on global agricultural trade nears, hopes of an agreement are increasingly waning. In this edition of Macroscan, C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh examine the factors and the players constraining the realisation of such an agreement. AT THE END of the latest round of meetings of the agricultural negotiations committee of the WTO, the optimism that negotiators would meet the March 31 deadline for working out numerical targets, formulas and other "modalities" through which countries can frame their liberalisation commitments in a new full-fledged round of trade negotiations has almost disappeared. That target was important for two reasons. First, it is now becoming clear, that even more than was true during the Uruguay Round, forging an agreement in the agricultural area is bound to prove extremely difficult. Progress in the agricultural negotiations was key to persuading the unconvinced that a new 'Doha Round' of trade n egotiatio ns is useful and feasible. Second, the Doha declarati on made agricultural n egotiati ons one part of a 'si ngle undertaking' to be completed by January 1, 2005. That is, in a take 'all-or-nothing' scheme, countries had to arrive at, and be bound by, agreements in all areas in which negotiations were to be initiated in the new round. This means that if agreement is not worked out with regard to agriculture, there would be no change in the multilateral trade regime governing industry, services or related areas and no progress in new areas, such as competition policy, foreign investment and public procurement, all of which are crucial to the economic agenda of the developed countries. The factors making agriculture the sticking point on this occasion are numerous. As in the last Round, there is little agreement among the developed countries themselves on the appropriate shape of the global agricultural trade regime. There are substantial differences in the agenda of the US, the EU and the developed countries within the Cairns group of agricultural exporters. When the rich


法学类外文核心期刊 这里总共列有31种期刊简介(主要包括英文和日文期刊),供参考。 刊名:Law and Society Review 中图刊号:336B0152 ISSN:0023-9216 期数:4 出版状态:正常出版 出版者:Law and Society Association, 出版地:美国 译名简介:《法律与社会评论》刊载研究社会与法律的关系,包括法律、法律制度在社会、心理、政治、经济和文化等方面应用的文章、评论和札记。 刊名:American Journal of International Law. 中图刊号:340B0001 ISSN:0002-9300 期数:4 出版状态:正常出版 出版者:American Society of International Law, 出版地:美国 译名简介:《美国国际法杂志》刊载有关国际法、国际间的条约和协定及案例裁决等方面的文章、评论、资料、书评和札记。 刊名:Harvard Law Review. 中图刊号:340B0003 ISSN:0017-811X 期数:8 出版状态:正常出版 出版者:Harvard Law Review Association, 出版地:美国 译名简介:《哈佛法律评论》刊载法律研究论文、札记、案例分析和书 刊名:Yale Law Journal. 中图刊号:340B0004 ISSN:0044-0094 期数:8 出版状态:正常出版 出版者:Yale Journal Co. Inc., 出版地:美国 译名简介:《耶鲁法律杂志》刊载法学研究论文、评论和札记。 刊名:Business Lawyer. 中图刊号:340B0008 ISSN:0007-6899 期数:4 出版状态:正常出版 出版者:American Bar Association, 出版地:美国 译名简介:《商业律师》刊载商业法和金融法,包括会计、仲裁、合同、雇佣、税务、专利、股票和投资等法律问题的论文、评论和文摘。 刊名:American Journal of Jurisprudence. 中图刊号:340B0047 ISSN:0065-8995 期数:1 出版状态:新编报刊 出版者:University of Notre Dame, Law School, 出版地:美国 译名简介:《美国法理学杂志》刊登论述自然法方面的文章。 刊名:American Journal of Comparative Law 中图刊号:340B0051 ISSN:0002-919X 期数:4 出版状态:正常出版 出版者:American Society of Comparative Law, 出版地:美国 译名简介:《美国比较法杂志》刊载有关美国和其它国家法律和法制的比较研究方面的文章和书评。 刊名:California Law Review. 中图刊号:340B0055 ISSN:0008-1221 期数:6 出版状态:正常出版 出版者:University of California Press, 出版地:美国 译名简介:《加利福尼亚法律评论》刊载加州地区各种法律问题的论述和判例评论。


外文文献原文 Improve the concept of financial supervision in rural areas Farmers in China's vast population, has some large-scale production of the farmers, but also survival-oriented farmers, huge differences between the financial needs of rural finance inter mediation makes complex, together with agriculture itself is the profit low, natural and market risks high risk decision to weak agricultural industry characteristics, resulting in the cost of r ural financial transactions is far higher than the city, also decided to organize the rural financi al system in terms of operation or in the market has its own special characteristics. 20 years of financial refor, financial development while the Chinese city made impressive achieveme-nts, but the rural finance is the entire financial system is still the weakest link.Insufficient supply of rural finance,competition is not sufficient,farmers and agricultural enterprises in getting loa ns and other issues is alsovery prominent, backward rural financial system can no longer effec tively support the development of modern agriculture or the transformation of traditional agri culture and the building of new socialist countryside,which to improve the rural financial supe rvision new topic. China's rural financial regulatory problems (A) the formation of China's financial regulatory system had "a line three commission " (People's Bank,the Securities Regulatory Commission,Insurance Regulatory Commissio n and the Banking Regulatory Commission) financial regulatory structure. Bank These stringent requirements,different management and diversification of monitoring has its positive role,but it also had some negative effects.First,inefficient supervision,supervisi on of internal consumption of high costs,limited financial industry business development and innovation space.Second,the regulatory agencies,regulatory bodies and the information asym metry between central banks,banking, securities,and insurance mechanisms of coordination b etween regulatory bodies are not https://www.360docs.net/doc/2a2789876.html,rmation between central banks and regulatory ag encies is difficult to share,is difficult to create effective monitoring forc. Basically between th e various regulators in their respective state regulators,regulatory policies and measures to ove rlapping or conflicting phenomena have occurred,unable to cope with China's current rural fin ancial market complexity and diversity and so on.Third,financial institutions have liquidity ris k or out of the market and so on,may be excessive because the central bank assistance,financi al institutions and financial institutions led to the person in charge "capacity risk" and "moral


1. 《外语教学与研究》 2. 《外国语》 3. 《外语界》 4. 《现代外语》 5. 《中国翻译》 6. 《中国外语》 7. 《外语学刊》 8. 《外语教学》 9. 《外语与外语大学》 10.《外语电化教学》 11.《外语教学理论与实践》(原:《国外外语教学》) 12.《解放军外国语学院学报》 13.《上海翻译》 14.《外语研究》 15.《中国科技翻译》

https://www.360docs.net/doc/2a2789876.html,nguage 2.Brain and Language 3.Journal of Memory and Language 4.Journal of Speech,Language and Hearing Research 5.Cognition 6.Journal of Pragmatics 7.Speech Communication 8.Journal of Child Language 9.Linguistics 10.TESOL Quarterly 11.Linguistics Inquiry 12.Lingua(Amsterdam,Netherlands) 13.Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 14.Modern Language Journal 15.Applied Linguistics https://www.360docs.net/doc/2a2789876.html,nguage in Society 17.Reading Research Quarterly 18.International Journal of the Sociology of Language 19.Discourse Process 20.Journal of Phonetics
