


(2010-12-07 11:32:45)




unit 1

1.What factors may weaken one's memory?

It is often reported that long-term poor nutrition may affect the functioning of the brain, thus damaging both the long-term and short-term memory. Also harmful to one's memory is lack of water. Elderly people need plenty of water to guarantee their memory works. A third factor is lack of sleep. Without enough sleep, one may feel tired and have difficulty concentrating, not to mention learning things by heart.

2. Can you describe some possible advantages of having a poor memory?

A poor memory may have some advantages. With the passage of time, the sad memories will fade. Those with a short memory tend to recover faster than those with a tenacious memory. For the same reason, forgetful people may be more ready to forget their daily worries and forgive others for their offenses. With a less retentive mind, they may enjoy life more.

3. What can you do to make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guest list for your birthday party?

First of all, I would check my address book and tick the names of those I intend to invite. Then, to avoid possible omissions, I would ask some of my close relatives, friends and colleagues to look at my initial list of names. They might suggest one or two additions. In this way, I can reduce the chances of missing those I should invite.

4. How do you ensure important phone numbers are always at your fingertips?

I usually remember my close relatives and friends' phone numbers through frequent use. But my memory cannot always be trusted. In this case, a mobile phone is extremely useful because it can store many phone numbers. But when the batteries run down, the mobile phone can't help either. So I also rely on my address book. To play safe, I prefer to have two address books. I take one with me and leave the other at home. Thus I can always find the number I need.


1.What subject do you like best? What made you like it: your personal

interests, the teacher, the practical applications of the course in the future, etc.?

I like physics best, though many classmates find it hard. A lot of factors led me to like this subject. As early as in high school, I was amazed at the laws scientists like Newton and Einstein discovered. What they found out changed the world. Luckily, my physics teacher at this university is excellent. He is knowledgeable and patient. Just because of him, I'm willing to spend lots of my spare time on this subject. Most importantly, what I have learned from the physics course will be of great help in landing a good job. Nowadays many companies think physics majors often have a solid academic foundation and can easily adapt themselves to a wide variety of positions.

2. Do you think it is necessary?

Some parents believe that by doing a lot of difficult math problems, their children will have a solid foundation in math. Some parents even believe that trying to solve hard math problems will promote the growth of children's brains and help develop their logical reasoning ability and concentration, which will facilitate learning in other areas. On the other hand, many people believe that it is unnecessary and unnatural for children to study difficult math problems. Some people even believe that strict math training harms children's moral and physical development. Fierce competition may dampen the spirit of teamwork, which is so important in the contemporary world.

3. What study habits seem to be common among successful students? Many top students seem to have these good study habits: They tend to have a strong sense of time and organize their time well. They may draw up their study plan well in advance. While studying, they check whether they are working ahead of schedule or lagging behind it. They usually work in a systematic way. Before class, they preview the text to get some idea about what the teacher is going to say and which part of the text is difficult. In class, they listen attentively, take notes of the main points of the lecture, and ask questions when they don't understand. After class, they review what they have learned. By going through the text and the notes, they can remember important information.

4. How to prevent students' cheating in examinations?

First, the administrators must adopt severe measures to punish that disgraceful practice. In the case of serious offenders, it is not enough just to give them an F. They must repeat the whole year, or even be expelled from school. Second, it is more important for teachers to enforce the university rules strictly. When they see students cheating, they should not turn a blind eye to it.


1.What do you think are the things that contribute to a successful marriage? The success of a marriage is due to many factors, of which love is obviously the most important one. Other factors, which are not entirely unrelated to love, include shared values and interests, mutual understanding, commitment, effective communication, similar educational background, equal economic status, physical fitness, etc. With the same values and moral standards, friends may develop into lifelong partners. After marriage, there needs to be a commitment to one another, and to the well-being and development of the family. Similar educational background and intelligence levels are also considered important by some people. They believe that only with mutual appreciation and understanding, can the couple get along easily and happily.

2. Why do people get divorced? Can you guess some of the reasons? Sometimes it is because the couple did not really understand each other before the marriage, as love was blind at that time. After marriage, they see each other's shortcomings more clearly. When disappointment grows beyond control, divorce becomes inevitable. Sometimes it is because one of the couple has changed after the marriage. For example, after the husband is promoted to a leading position, he may have a hectic time all year round, with hardly any time left to be with his wife. Sometimes one of the couple has lost his or her job and becomes irritable. Due to the continual quarrelling at home, the family breaks up.

3. What do you think of the lives of single mothers?

Most people look upon single mothers with sympathy. Single mothers have to support their children on their own. They may find it difficult to provide their children with all the luxuries children of two-parent families enjoy. Worse still, they may be under great psychological pressure. Moreover, their children may develop a sense of inferiority. When they see other children are bathed in the love of both parents, they may feel bitterly disappointed.

4. What is your view of the fact that the wife's housekeeping duties remain the same even when she works outside? What could be the solution?

If the wife works during the day just like the husband, then it is obviously unfair for the wife to shoulder all the housekeeping duties. If the husband can share the household chores with the wife, the love between them can be strengthened. Unfortunately, influenced by tradition, many men are unwilling to do housework, thinking it to be unmanly. If we want to change the situation, the media had better give more publicity to "model husbands" who assume a large part of those duties. Gradually, people may change their image of a husband who constantly sits in front of the TV, watching football games or international news. Also, the development of

modern technology and the appearance of more modern conveniences will further lighten the housekeeping burden. Thus the problem of who should do the housework will become less important.


1.What do you think people will choose: a low-paid job one likes, or a boring well-paid job?

I think many people prefer to find a job that they really like. After all, most people want to enjoy themselves rather than have plenty of money without a sense of achievement and happiness. On the other hand, some people may choose a well-paid job instead of a job close to their heart to earn more money. If one is in serious financial difficulty, one can hardly afford the luxury of a dream job. Money is the top priority.

2. Do you think one's character is important in finding a job? Why or why not?

I think it is. Although many employers lay emphasis on candidates' educational background and work experience, some believe that candidates' character is equally important for a successful career. In contemporary society, many projects are so large that they require the coordination of a group of people rather than a single person's effort. Therefore, a good team player is often welcomed. Professionally skilled people may not be able to accomplish a large project if they are easily angered and cannot get along with their colleagues. If you want to assume a leading position, you should be firm on important issues while allowing your subordinates plenty of freedom. In fact, it is becoming increasingly common for companies to test candidates' EQ (emotional quotient) before they decide to hire them.

3. What courses are useful for one's job?

In fact all courses may turn out to be useful in our future careers. The basic courses we take in the first two years of university lay a solid foundation for our future development. In the case of computer majors, for example, the math they have learned will enhance their ability for logical reasoning. The English courses they have followed will help them read the literature in their fields with greater ease. Art courses may increase their sense of balance and beauty. However, the courses in their specialties are often of greater relevance and value for their career development. For instance, computer majors may find courses such as programming, computer network, database, and CAD (Computer Aided Design) more closely related to their future work.

4. What questions do you think are often asked in an interview? Why are they asked?

To start with, the interviewers may ask you about your education. In this

way they can gather information to see if you have acquired the basic knowledge required for the job you are applying for. Perhaps most of them will ask you about your work experience in this field to see if you have the necessary skills for the job you have in mind. Usually employers do not like an entirely inexperienced employee. They may also ask about your character, weaknesses and strengths to find out what kind of person you are. They may even ask you something that is not directly related to the job in question. Your answers tend to show your intelligence level and communication skills.

Unit 5:

1.Do you want to be a boss who is starting a company or an employee with

a high salary?

Different people may have different choices. Some people may put a regular job above good pay for a variety of reasons. Employees usually know what they are supposed to do and have a fairly stable life. With a high-paying job, they and their families can live a comfortable life. When they have accumulated enough money, they can start a business when conditions are favorable. On the other hand, many people want to set up a business of their own right now. Indeed, launching a company involves a lot of effort. What is worse, there is risk. But they like challenges. By trying to establish a company, not only may they make lots of money, they can also develop their abilities to overcome difficulties.

2. What kind of boss would you like to work for: one who is inefficient but kind, or one who is efficient but very strict with employees? Many people, if not most, prefer to work for a kind, good-natured boss. Under such a boss, they feel secure and happy. The boss won't scold employees simply because they have made a small mistake. He will also be generous. It is true that sometimes because of his lack of ability, his company may not reap huge profits, and employees can hardly get a raise. But happiness is surely more important than money. However, some people, including me, will choose to work for a boss who is capable but very strict with his subordinates. If the boss is capable, he will lead the company to one new height after another. When the company thrives, all employees will benefit. Even if the boss may give an employee a severe dressing-down for something he or she did, the employee can learn a lesson from the event. Under such a boss, employees can gain valuable experience, which may serve as a good foundation for them to start a business of their own in the future.

3. Why do some people think sports clothes and shoes provide a good business opportunity? What age groups do you think the business people should target? Why?

With more leisure time and money, many people pay more attention to their

health and recreation. As a result, more and more people will engage in sports, and they will buy more fitness gear, including sports clothes and shoes. Obviously this provides a hot business opportunity. In my opinion, business people should target young people first. They are active and participate more in sports than other age groups. But business people should not neglect older people. After retirement, they often find their health on the decline, and therefore have the motivation for fitness exercises. As for middle-aged people, many of them are under such great pressure at work that they can hardly afford the time for sports.

4. If you wanted to start a business, which factors would you consider: your education and ability, your money, or the market? Why?

If I wanted to launch a business, I would consider all of these factors, for they all play an indispensable role. First of all, I would consider my ability. Since I majored in biology, I would be cautious in starting a company to sell something I am not familiar with such as building materials or DVDs. With my educational background, I may find it easier to run a company selling bio-tech products. The next thing I would have to take into account, is the money available. Suppose the establishment of a company required a capital of a million dollars, I would try to see whether I could get a loan. If not, I would give up the idea and try to set up a smaller service company that required less capital. Last but not least, I would survey the market to see if the products I planned to deal with could be sold. If they were unmarketable, I had better give up the idea of founding a company in this area. If they sold well, then I would go ahead.

Unit 6:

1.Why do you think some people smoke? What are the disadvantages of smoking? Some people think smoking makes them relax. Some people smoke just because all those around them smoke. Some believe that by passing cigarettes around, it will be easier for them to start a friendship. Others claim that smoking is a precondition for a booming tobacco industry, which in turn ensures a large tax income for the state. But I think those reasons, if we can call them reasons, are insignificant compared with the harm smoking brings. Smoking is harmful to one's health. It can lead to many diseases. Long-term smoking may result in lung disease, or even lung cancer. Also, some heavy smokers may suffer from breathing difficulty, high blood pressure, heart trouble, amongst other diseases. It has been proved that even non-smokers who breathe in the smoke can develop health problems. Moreover, cigarettes cost money. Some chain smokers

consume two packs of cigarettes a day. This can be an unnecessary financial burden on a family that is not rich.

2.What do you think can be done to improve older people's lives if their children do not live with them? First of all, children should visit their parents from time to time. This is a sign al of concern, which can be a great comfort to them. Even if people are terribly busy under the pressure of work, they can at least call their parents to say hello. Furthermore, children should provide their parents with what they need. If elder o lder people can get money or other supplies on a regular basis, they may get a sense of security.

Also, the government should establish more homes and organize more activities to meet the increasing needs of an aging population. If some elder o lder people prefer to live at home, they should hire caregivers. In the light of their shortage of money, an expert has proposed a system under which aged people can mortgage (抵押) their apartments to the bank in exchange for a monthly income. By the time they pass away, the apartments belong to the bank. But at least the old people do enjoy a decent life while they are alive.

3.Why do some people become alcoholics? How can they solve their drinking problems?

Some people drink because their parents drink a lot, so they follow suit. Some people pick up the habit of drinking because they feel lonely or bored, others drink when they are sad or angry, and still others drink to celebrate happy occasions. Gradually, they drink more and more until they are hooked on alcohol. To solve drinking problems, people should be informed about the dangers of too much alcohol consumption, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, liver trouble, and so on. It is also reported that alcohol can damage brain cells and memory. Under the influence of alcohol, one can hardly concentrate or think deeply, so their work efficiency drops. Worse still, drunks often cause traffic accidents or resort to physical violence. Moreover, one must have strong willpower to give up drinking. But unfortunately, few people are strong-willed enough to defeat alcoholism on their own. Often, they need external help from parents, spouses, friends, doctors or an organization like Alcoholics Anonymous.

4.What should be done to help unemployed people?

Before unemployed people find a new job, their basic living standard should be met. They need subsidies (补助金) from the government to maintain live a normal life, which includes money for food, clothes,

shelter and transportation.

It is also important for unemployed people to be trained for

re-employment. The government should offer training programs to update their skills so that they will become competitive on in the job market again.

Unit 7:

1.According to your experience, what damages are being done to the environment?

Given key words such as littering, pollution, and poisonous substances, people may find it easier to remember some of the dangers.


Some people throw away paper, cigarette butts, empty cans or even batteries in public places or in scenic sites.


When households and factories dump sewerage and harmful substances into rivers and lakes, water pollution can be serious. Air pollution may worsen as the economy develops. If the smoke from factory chimneys does not meet environmental standards, it pollutes the air. Also, the increasing number of cars brings further deterioration to the quality of the air. The cigarettes people smoke also contribute to the pollution.

Poisonous Substances

When we discard air-conditioners and refrigerators, we release poisonous substances like CFCs(氟氯化碳), which deplete the ozone layer(臭氧层) or create a hole in the ozone layer. When you use aerosol spray on your hair, you are spreading

environmentally-damaging freon(氟里昂) as well.

2.Can you think of some measures to protect forests?

I think the most important thing to do is to create a law to forbid the cutting of trees in certain areas. Even when timber is needed for construction, logging should be well planned. In addition to the law, we also need law enforcement personnel who will fine those who fell trees illegally. It is not enough to protect the existing forests. We must also plant trees to make new forests. We should also grow various types of trees to ensure bio-diversity. To make the afforestation program successful, the government should award those units and individuals that have made outstanding contributions.

3.If a chemical plant has to dump a poisonous substance into the river, but its closing-down means that many workers will lose their jobs and the local economy will be affected, then what would you propose to do? In my opinion, the first step we can take is to introduce advanced ecological technology to make sure that the sewerage from the plant

is properly treated before it is discharged into the river. Since some company managers are unwilling to spend money treating pollutants, they may dump noxious substances during the night. So it is necessary to set up a watchdog team to supervise the plant's sewerage treatment. If the plant fails to meet the ecological standards, we have no choice but to shut it down. After all, human life is more important than anything else. If the workers lose their jobs because of the close-down, the government can give them subsidies and run training programs so that they can find new jobs in other sectors of

the economy. If the local economy is badly hit by the close-down, the central government can consider subsidizing the local government for

a certain period of time until the jobless workers are re-employed.

4.Which types of energy should we use: wood, coal, petroleum, water power, nuclear energy or solar energy? Give your reasons.

In my opinion, we should try our best to avoid using wood and coal as fuel. The burning of wood creates air pollution. Moreover, trees cannot be reproduced easily. It takes dozens of years or even hundreds of years for a young tree to grow into a big tree. Similarly, coal burning pollutes the air. It would be even more difficult to reproduce coal. The formation of coal takes thousands of years. Nowadays, people use petroleum the most. Cars, ships, aircraft and many factories depend on it. It causes less pollution than coal and wood, but it is also non-renewable. To leave enough resources for future generations, we need sustainable development. We have to use those fossil fuels less and turn to other types of energy such as water power, nuclear energy and solar energy.


大学英语四(视听说)口语测试试题+答案 Part I. Speech: Please make a speech on each topic. Time Limit: 1 minute 1.Say sth about the most emotional (the happiest, saddest, the most depressed, …) moment(s) in your life 2.What harm can anger cause ? Can you suggest some ways to control anger ? 3.Can people be judged by their looks? Why or why not ? 4.If an earthquake strikes, how would you feel ? What would you do or pay attention to ? 5.Why do people sometimes hate their jobs? What to do when you hate your job? 6.Why do some people, especially young people, constantly switch jobs? In you opinion, is this good or harmful? 7.What advantages and disadvantages does the stock market offer? 8.Do you think most people today will put their money in banks, the stock market or real estate? Why? Part II. Situational Dialogue: Please make a dialogue on each topic. Time Limit: 2 minutes 1.Jim asks why Helen looks sad. Helen says she has to repeat several courses, and Jim promises to help her. Helen then complains that she cannot find an internship, and Jim also promises to provide help. Finally Helen asks Jim to buy breakfast for her. This time, Jim refuses to help her. 2.Jim is surprised at the sight of Helen because Helen has changed beyond recognition. Jim is surprised again and again to learn that Helen has undergone a facelift and liposuction. Helen explains why she had the surgery. 3.Helen Parker is a company boss and Jim Smith is a client. Helen calls Jim and makes an appointment. Jim talks to Helen about the exact time for their meeting. Later Helen calls Jim again to change the appointment time. Jim discusses a new appointment with Helen. 4.Helen is a good employee who is quitting. Mr. Smith is the boss.


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 答案Unit 1 Sharing Task 2 (1) daredevil (2) bungee jumping (3) cup of tea (4) feel good (5) achievement Task 3 c-d-e-b-a Task 4 1, 2, 4 Task 5 BCBCB Task 6 1.(1) started off (2) a huge business empire (2) taught me so much about lifeteacher 2.(1) (2) survived(1) 3.imprisoned (4) ability or the skillsimpressed (3) Listening Task 2 Activity 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 Viewing Task 2 Activity 1 3 Activity 2

e-g-c-b-f-a-d Activity 3 90 minutes1. 2. true landmark 3.(1) 10 times (2) focus 4. make this challenge 5. seven miles(2) outstanding achievement 6.(1) four months Role-play Task 1 Activity 1 B Activity 3 1. Like I said 2. having said that 3. That's what I was saying Presenting Task 1 Activity 2 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 Conversations Short BCADC Long BAAC Passage Task 1 DCAB Task 2


The shortest way t 新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 答案 Unit 1 Sharing Task 2 (1) daredevil (2) bungee jumping (3) cup of tea (4) feel good (5) achievement Task 3 c-d-e-b-a Task 4 1, 2, 4

The shortest way t Task 5 BCBCB Task 6 1.(1)started off(2) a huge business empire 2.(1)teacher(2)taught me so much about life 3.(1)imprisoned(2)survived (3)impressed(4)ability or the skills Listening Task 2 Activity 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11

The shortest way t Viewing Task 2 Activity 1 3 Activity 2 e-g-c-b-f-a-d Activity 3 1. 90 minutes 2. true landmark 3.(1)10 times(2)focus 4. make this challenge 5. seven miles 6.(1)four months(2) outstanding achievement

The shortest way t Role-play Task 1 Activity 1 B Activity 3 1. Like I said 2. having said that 3. That's what I was saying Presenting Task 1 Activity 2 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11


Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven! Listening skills: Making inferences Listen to the dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear 1 (A) She’s too busy to go to the concert. (B) She'll go with the man soon. (C) She prefers to go to the movies instead. (D) She'll go with the man next time. 2 (A) The man should check in the car before it is too late. (B) The purse might be in the car. (C) The woman might find the purse around the car. (D) It is too late to look for the purse. 3 (A) She likes a CD on thieves and robbers. (B) The man looks like a pirate. (C) She will probably buy the CD. (D) She won't buy the CD. 4 (A) The singer might win in a beauty contest. (B) The singer is a very pretty woman. (C) The singer is unattractive. (D) No votes were cast for the singer at the beauty contest.


2012级非英语专业本科生第一学期期末口语考试安排 时间: 本学期第18,19周随堂考。 考官:任课教师交叉担任,具体由教研室统一安排。 考生:每次两位学生同时考试,编组在考前由考生自由组合。当教学班级人数为单数时,最后一个单数学生可以请另一考 完的学生组合,考完学生的成绩不再记录或修改。 试题:教研室统一命制10套难度相当的试卷(提前公布),学生抽题进行考试。 测试内容:课内70%,课外30% 录音:对10个考场进行全程录音,每一录音考场需要配备一名研究生帮助操作设备。 大学英语二部 2012年11月20日

Oral Examination for Grade 2012(样卷) Part I Self-introduction(10%) 1) 学生简要自我介绍(姓名、学号、专业) 2) 考官指定学生角色A,角色B Part II Situational Dialogues (50%) 要求对话中包含以下规定信息,具体信息内容可因人、因时、因地而异。 1)A向B(陌生人)问火车站在哪儿,有多远,怎么走。 (考官依照学生在对话中所说出的有效话语打分) Part III Topic Discussion (40%) 1)两位学生分别用英语陈述:我最崇拜的人(25%) (此部分要求学生表明观点,并适当展开。) 2)两位学生讨论:怎样才能成为一个有益于社会的人(15%)

Oral Examination for Grade 2012 Ten Situational Dialogues (50%) 1)学生B打电话给学生A,要选《英语阅读与写作》课程,A 告 诉B这门课的有关信息,如上课时间,考试方式,任课老师等。 2)A(顾客)打电话预订宾馆,B(接待员)询问其要求,如房型、 入住时间等。 3)A问及B的手机,B向A介绍其颜色、形状、功能等信息。 4)A(顾客)在店里买了一个MP3, 有问题,是保修期内。问B (营业员)能否免费维修。 5)在西餐餐馆里,A(顾客)向B(服务员)点餐(含酒水、主 食、甜点)。 6)A (面试官)面试一位来应聘销售职位的B(求职者),面试内 容包括个人简历,工作经历,将来打算等。 7)学生A和学生B计划周末去博物馆(明确出发时间、地点,交 通工具,主要参观内容)。 8)B(顾客)要买一双鞋,问A(营业员)有关鞋的尺寸,颜色, 质地,价格。 9)学生A邀请B(某学院教授)来参加圣诞晚会,B明确时间地 点后表示要看是否有时间。 10)学生A和学生B讨论激活新时代交互英语视说教材的问题(说 明每一步骤)。


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 网课答案 Unit 1 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Sharing ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Listening ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Viewing ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Role-play .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Presenting ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Conversations ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Passage ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 News ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Unit test ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Unit 2 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Sharing ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Listening ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Viewing ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Role-play .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Presenting ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Conversations ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Passage ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 News ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Unit test ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Unit 3 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Sharing ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Viewing ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Role-play .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Presenting ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Conversations ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Passage ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 News ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Unit test ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Unit 4 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Sharing ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 Listening ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Viewing ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 答案 Unit 1 Sharing Task 2 (1)daredevil (2)bungee jumping (3)cup of tea (4)feel good (5)achievement Task 3 c-d-e-b-a Task 4 1, 2, 4

Task 5 BCBCB Task 6 1.(1) started off (2) a huge business empire 2.(1) teacher (2) taught me so much about life 3.(1) imprisoned (2) survived (3) impressed (4) ability or the skills Listening Task 2 Activity 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11

Viewing Task 2 Activity 1 3 Activity 2 e-g-c-b-f-a-d Activity 3 1.90 minutes 2.true landmark 3.(1) 10 times (2) focus 4.make this challenge 5.seven miles 6.(1) four months (2) outstanding achievement

Role-play Task 1 Activity 1 B Activity 3 1. Like I said 2. having said that 3. That's what I was saying Presenting Task 1 Activity 2 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11


Part1 Exercise2 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C Exercise3 1.football,basketball,baseball 2.steady,boyfriend 3.guess,realized 4.broke,up 5.in,group 6.save,up 7.here,comes 8.happened,to 9.not,at,all 10.except,for Part2 Listening2 Exercise1 1)kind 2)gold 3)heartless 4)love 5)songs 6)says 7)touch 8)lifetime 9)gone 10)happens 11)feelings 12)speed listening3 exercise1 B Part3 Practice1 1)gaze 2)sighs 3)touch 4)hugs 5)such 6)words 7)praises 8)understands 9)lends 10)holds Practice2 Exercise1 C Exercise2 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F Practice3 1)learning 2)admire 3)vocabulary 4)loving 5)relationship 6)connections 7)experiences 8)remembering 9)proud 10)try 11)body 12)expressions 13)willingness 14)fears 15)pace 16)best 17)jokes 18)fondness 19)laugh 20)with Practice4 Exercise1 D Exercise2 1.unsuccessful,marriages 2.failed,relationships 3.dreamed,of 4.words,action 5.men,natural Part4 Section1 Section2 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B Section3 1.perfect 2.half,full 3.ashamed 4.failure 5.apologized 6.house 7.side 8.flower,seeds 9.watered 10.pick


大学英语视听说教程第 2 册 U1~U7 1 分钟准备时间, 1~ 2 分钟英语小演讲 / 口语考试 实际考试题目标红,大部分是自己想的题目,只有标题是准备的时候没时间了 U1 Music音乐 Importance of training of musical quality早期音乐培养重要性 The training of musical quality is significant because it can benefit students a lot. On the one hand, it can develop students ’ imagina memory and taste from rhythm or melody. The famous educator Herbert once said,“ Every child should receive basic musical education, it is the best way to develop intelligence Through”. the training of musical quality, students eventually could go further and smoothly. On the other hand, students learned to play an instrument in the training, it means that he or she got a good way of expression. Their lives will be pleasant and fortunate. In conclusion, I think training of musical quality is significant. Instrument extracurricular class音乐课外班 Nowadays, many parents take instrument extracurricular classes for children. Personally speaking, I don’tagree with it. Of course, parental intention is good. Other people’schild can play the piano, can play the violin, can do everything, my child can do nothing. How to beat others in social competition?But, we’d better consider the feelings of children. The extracurricular classes take up lots of fun time which is originally belong to them.In addition,extracurricular classes can bring frustrations;even cause students tired of their studies. After all,


新标准大学英语视听说教程3答案 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 1 Correct order: 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 2 Question 1 Key: b Question 2 Key: c Question 3 Key: c Question 4 Key: a Question 5 Key: a Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 3 Row 1: 2 Row 2: 1 Row 3: 4 Row 4: 1 Row 5: 2 Row 6: 1 Row 7: 3 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 4 Correct order: h, c, b, f, d, a, e, g Unit 1 Listening in: Passage 1 Activity 1 Question 1 Key: c Question 2 Key: d Question 3 Key: a Question 4 Key: b Unit 1 Listening in: Passage 1 Activity 2 Question 1 Key(s): (1) tolerant (2) rounded Question 2 Key(s): (1) close to (2) stand up Question 3 Key(s): (1) beauty (2) generosity Question 4 Key(s): (1) an opportunity (2) beyond the one Question 5 Key(s): (1) behaved (2) selfish Question 6 Key(s): (1) pretend (2) see through Question 7 Key(s): (1) arrived in (2) had to help Ques Key((1) time (2) amou Unit 1 Listening in: Passage 2 Activity 1


New Standard English Book 4 Unit 1 Inside view Conversation 1 2. Janet : go back to China,do my master’s (which means going back to university),live in London,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at London Time Off,update my CV and look for jobs together. Andy: leave London,go to China,look for jobs together. 3. the true statements are 2 and 8. Conversation 2 5. 1.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK. 2.Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer. 6. 1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c) 7. 1 It’s not always very easy working with 2.How did he end up in London 3.the least experienced person 4.He’s good at his job 5.He’s confident and very competent 6.I get on with him quite well Everyday English 8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b) Outside view 2. the true statements Samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4. 4. 1.She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job 2.She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview. 3.She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for. 4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to preparation,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for. 5. 1.professional job coach 2.research on the position and the company 3.having not practised with some of the questions 4.how you present yourself 5.what the interviewer is actually looking for 6.preparation,presentation and understanding 7.in relationship to the job 8.some examples in your life 9.dealing with problems 7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11. Listening in Passage 1


大学英语(一)口语考试A卷 2015应、公旅班大学英语(一)口语考试说明与试题 2016-01 时间:第18周听说课上随堂考试 成绩:口语成绩占期末视听说课程总评成绩的20% 要求:A.融入真实情景 B.语音语调自然流畅 C.表情自然,无背诵痕迹 D.情景对话部分不能少于3分钟 形式:1.请各班课代表将所在教学班的分组(两人一组)提前一周(即17周)排序抽签事先做好。考试周所有学生到校,当天没有考试任务的同学须在听力教室进行听力学习,不得缺勤,缺勤的同学按照自行放弃考试处理,口语成绩计为零分,责任自负。 2.考试时每两人一组完成段落朗读和情景对话,段落朗读和情境对话均可提前准备,但具体考题须口语考试时现场随机抽签决定。 备考地点:主楼1919 考试地点:主楼1919 情景对话部分 情景对话1:Planning a Vacation Nearby Directions: Work in pairs. Suppose you have a week off, and you’re planning to take a trip out of the city. Make a plan and talk about it in terms of: What sort of places would you like to go to? What things will you take with you? What will you do there? 情景对话2:Job Interview Directions: In your pair, one acts as the interviewer, the other as the interviewee The following items should be covered in your interview: The necessary personal information; The qualifications that the interviewee has; Other Factors to consider when choosing a job. 情景对话3:Suggestions Student A who wants to lose weight and keep in a good shape goes to consult with his/her doctor. Student B, the doctor, will offer some tips. 1 / 3


第一单元 Outside view 1. 1 2 3 4 2.interview techniques lead in looking for boils down 3.professional job coach doing research practiced with present yourselfinterviewerpresentation and understanding in relationship to the jobsome examples dealing with problems 4. 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 5.what Samantha was doing wrong in her first job interview what she should do in future interviews Talk 1.B C A C 2.C A D Passage 1 1. 2.B D A D C Passage 2

Unite test DBACA BCDAD BDBC 第二单元 Outside view 1. 3 4 6 1.It's best suited to the download generation. Although the interview says "No one in the industry is suggesting the conventional bookshop is dead", the figures discussed indicate that the conventional bookshop will lose out to digital publishing. Downloadable books sell more than hardbacks and paperbacks. The e-book is delivered in a very convenient way. 2.undergoing a fundamental change600consuming content get it editedclick of a few buttons earning money for an author never really catch on Talk 1.B D A D 2.C B A


视听说口语考试答案集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

First of all,leave a good first impression ,arrive on time or a few minutes the appearance of energy when you walk ,smile , shake hands firmly to show that you are genuinely glad to meet the interviewer. second, remember to bring a copy of your resume,but don’t rely on your resume to do the selling for you,speak up for yourself. Third, be aware you are selling yourself,so don’t answer with a simple yes or no,explain whenever achievements and what you can bring to the company. forth,be honest,answer questions frankly and truthfully. LAST BUT NO LEAST,control your nerves. even if you find it difficult to answer the question. Sometimes they just want to see how you perform under great pressure, so it’s important to show your confidence . 2、Preparation Check on the competencies required , then Review your experience and come up with examples from your work when you have demonstrated them. Remind yourself of your key achievements. think about how you would describe each role you have taken . Make a list of all your positive qualities and what you can bring to the company, and review them before the interview. Find out as much as you can about the company. check their website, have a search for news items and see if there are any discussion boards which may be relevant. Your answer may not come out the way you intended unless you’ve practiced saying them. List all the probable questions and do a mock interview. Also, Ask for feedbacks to revise your answers. 3、quality First of all, a Positive Mind-set ,which means that you are motivated, energetic, and eager to do the job, and it will be a pleasure to have you around. Problem-solving skills. talk about how you effectively approach problems in detail. Ability to cooperate with others. This means you are ready to work as a team Ability to handle criticism. Show them you’re capable of recognizi ng your weaknesses, and you’re willing to make effort to correct them. Flexibility show them you can work Efficiently under great pressure, 4department: Human Resources Marketing Financial Sales Purchasing Accounting Project Engineering administration service public relations manufacturing department / production department buyer designer assistant secretary accountant Consultant analyst programmer engineer ProductDeveloper sales/purchasing manager product manager general manager AdvertisingManager Human Resource Director MarketingDirector
