


1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)

2月2日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day)

2月14日情人节(Valentine's Day)

3月8日国际妇女节(International Women' Day)

3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)

3月14日国际警察日(International Policemen' Day)

3月15日世界消费者权益日(World Consumer Right Day)

3月21日世界森林日(World Forest Day)

3月22日世界水日(World Water Day)

3月23日世界气象日(World Meteorological Day)

4月1日愚人节(April Fools' Day)

4月5日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)

4月7日世界卫生日(World Health Day)

4月22日世界地球日(World Earth Day)

4月26日世界知识产权日(World Intellectual Property Day)

5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day)

5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day)

5月8日世界红十字日(World Red-Cross Day)

5月12日国际护士节(International Nurse Day)

5月31日世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day)

6月1日国际儿童节(International Children's Day)

6月23日国际奥林匹克日(International Olympic Day)

6月26日国际禁毒日(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking)

8月1日中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day)

9月10日中国教师节(Teacher's Day)

10月1日中华人民共和国国庆节(National Day)

10月5日世界教师日(World Teachers' Day)(联合国教科文组织确立)

10月9日世界邮政日(World Post Day)

10月15日国际盲人节(International Day of the Blind)


12月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day)

春分月圆后的第一个星期日复活节(Easter Monday)(有可能是3月22-4月25日间的任一天)

5月第二个星期日母亲节(Mother's Day)

6月第三个星期日父亲节(Father's Day)

9月第三个星期二国际和平日(International Peace Day)

10月的第二个星斯一加拿大感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)

11月最后一个星期四美国感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)


农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival)

农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival)

农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)

农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day)

农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)

农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)

农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)



16日美国华盛顿诞辰-------Washington’s Birthday (USA)


4日美国独立日------------Independence Day (USA)

14日法国国庆日------------National/Bastille Day (FRANCE)十月

24日联合国日--------------UN Day


西方传统节日英文介绍,中英对照节日简介 了解西方文化的时候,无论是通过网络或者书籍,我们都习惯看中文译本。其实一门语言一旦被翻译,很多意思都会产生偏差,真正想了解一个东西,最好是通过原文来理解。西方节日在中国传播发展,关于西方节日的介绍大家有没有了解呢?下面,一起来看看中英文对照版本的西方节日介绍,是不是跟你所知道的一样呢? 1、复活节Easter Easter is a time of springtime festivals. In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. But the celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that are pagan in origin and have nothing to do with Christianity. Traditions associated with the festival survive in the Easter rabbit, a symbol of fertility, and in colored Easter eggs, originally painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring, and used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. 复活节是春季的节日。在信基督教的国家里,复活节是为纪念基督耶稣的复活而举行的宗教节日。但是复活节有许多习俗和传说的由来都是非宗教的,它们与基督教没有任何关系。与节日密切联系的一些传统有象复活节的野兔,它是作为繁殖生长的象征;还有复活节的彩蛋。最先是被绘以鲜亮的颜色来代表春天的阳光。这些彩蛋还可以用来玩滚彩蛋游戏比赛,或作为小礼物送人。 2、感恩节Thanksgiving The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, to commemorate the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony after a harsh winter. In that year Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving. The colonists celebrated it as a traditional English harvest feast, to which they invited the local Wampanoag Indians. Days of thanksgiving were celebrated throughout the colonies after fall harvests. All thirteen colonies did not, however, celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time until October 1777. George Washington was the first president to declare the holiday, in 1789. 第一个美国人庆贺的感恩节在1621年,为了纪念普利茅斯殖民地的人民在经过一个歉收荒芜的冬季后迎来丰收。在那一年,州长William Bradford宣布那天作为感恩节。殖民者把它当成传统的英国丰收节日来庆贺,在当天,他们还邀请当地的印地安的万泊诺亚格人。感恩的节日延续了整个秋季的收获季节,但其他的十三个殖民地没有庆贺这个节日,直到1777年10月。乔治-华盛顿在1789年宣布把它定为节日,他也是第一位宣布感恩节的总统。 3、情人节Valentine's Day The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient


世界各国节日一览表及世界重要节日(全) 一、中国 一月 新年元旦[01/01] 腊八节[农历十二月初八] 二月 世界湿地日[02/02] 国际气象节[02/10] 情人节[02/14] 除夕[农历十二月三十] 春节[农历正月初一] 元宵节[农历正月十五] 三月 全国爱耳日[03/03] 妇女节[03/08] 植树节[03/12] 国际警察日[03/14] 国际消费日[03/15] 世界森林日[03/21] 世界水日[03/22] 世界气象日[03/23] 世界防治结核病日[03/24] 四月 愚人节[04/01] 清明[04/05] 世界卫生日[04/07] 世界地球日[04/22] 五月 国际劳动节[05/01] 中国青年节[05/04] 全国碘缺乏病日[05/05] 世界红十字日[05/08] 国际护士节[05/12] 国际家庭日[05/15] 世界电信日[05/17] 国际博物馆日[05/18] 全国助残日[05/19]

全国学生营养日[05/20] 国际生物多样性日[05/22] 国际牛奶日[05/23] 世界无烟日[05/31] 端午节[农历五月初五] 母亲节[第二个星期日] 六月 国际儿童节[06/01] 世界环境日[06/05] 全国爱眼日[06/06] 端午节[06/15] 父亲节[第三个星期日] 防治荒漠化和干旱日[06/17] 国际奥林匹克日[06/23] 全国土地日[06/25] 国际反毒品日[06/26] 七月 香港回归日[07/01] 七夕情人节[农历七月初七] 建党日[07/01] 中国抗日战争纪念日[07/07] 世界人口日[07/11] 八月 八一建军节[08/01] 九月 劳动节[09/02] 国际扫盲日[09/08] 教师节[09/10] 国际臭氧层保护日[09/16] 国际和平日[09/17] 国际爱牙日[09/20] 中秋节[农历八月十五] 国际聋人节[09/22] 世界旅游日[09/27] 重阳节[农历九月九日] 十月 国庆节[10/01] 国际音乐节[10/01] 国际减轻自然灾害日[10/02]


世界国家英文名字大全 亚洲Asia (48个国家)东亚: 中国China、蒙古Mongolia、朝鲜Korea、韩国South Korea、日本Japan(5) 东南亚: 菲律宾Philippines、越南Vietnam、老挝Laos、 柬埔寨Cambodia、缅甸Myanmar、泰国Thailand、马来西亚Malaysia、文莱Brunei Darussalam、新加坡Singapore、印度尼西亚In do nesia、东帝汶east Timor (11) 南亚: 尼泊尔Nepal、不丹Bhutan、孟加拉国Bengal、印度India、巴基斯坦Pakistan、斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 马尔代夫Maldives (7) 中亚: 哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan 塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan、乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan、土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan( 5) 西亚: 阿富汗Afghanistan、 伊拉克Iraq、 伊朗Iran、 叙利亚Syria、 约旦Jordan、 黎巴嫩Lebanon、 以色列Israel、 巴勒斯坦Palestine、 沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia、 巴林Bahrain、 卡塔尔Qatar、 科威特Kuwait、 阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)Uni ted Arab Emirates、 阿曼Oman、 也门Yemen、 格鲁吉亚Georgia、 亚美尼亚Armenia、 阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan、 土耳其Turkey、 塞浦路斯Cyprus(20)

注:锡金Sikkim现已并入印度成为其一个邦,所以这里不出现,详细请看: 欧洲Europe(43个国家/1个地区)北欧: 芬兰Fin la nd、 瑞典Sweden、 挪威Norway、 冰岛Iceland、 丹麦Danmark 法罗群岛Faroe Islands (丹)(6)东欧: 爱沙尼亚Estonia、拉脱维亚Latvia> 立陶宛Lithuania、白俄罗斯Belarus、俄罗斯Russia 乌克兰Ukraine、摩尔多瓦Moldova (7) 中欧: 波兰Poland、 捷克Czech 斯洛伐克Slovakia、匈牙禾U Hungary、德国Germany、奥地利Austria、瑞士Switzerland、列支敦士登Liechte nste in (LIE)(8) 西欧: 英国Britain、爱尔兰Ireland、荷兰Holand、比利时Belgium、卢森堡Luxemburg、法国France、摩纳哥Monaco (7) 南欧: 罗马尼亚Romania、保加利亚Bulgaria、塞尔维亚Serbia、马其顿Macedonia、阿尔巴尼亚Albania、希腊Greece> 斯洛文尼亚Slovenia、克罗地亚Croatia、波斯尼亚Bosnia 墨塞哥维那Herzegovina(波黑)。意大利Italy、梵蒂冈Vatican、圣马力诺San Marino、马耳他Malta、 西班牙Spain、葡萄牙Portugal、安道尔Andorra (16) 非洲Africa(53个国家/6个地区) 北非: 埃及Egypt、 利比亚Libya、 苏丹Sudan、 突尼斯Tunis、 阿尔及利亚Algeria、摩洛哥Morocco、亚速尔群岛Azores(Portugal)(葡八马德拉群岛(葡)MADEIRA ISLANDS( 8) 东非: 埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia、厄立特里亚Eritrea、索马里Somalia、吉布提


Second English papers Each nation has its own characteristic festivals that reflect the culture of itself、In China, as our country and western countries become increasingly closer, more and more chinese accept western culture、 However, some western festivals sometimes even more popular than traditional festivals, foreign cultural’s influence should not be underestimated、The main The main group of celebrating western festivals is youth group which takes students as the main force、People celebrate festivals such as Valentine's day, mother's day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day、In fact, because of the Chinese way of thinking, western holidays in China is just popular for Christmas and Valentine's day, not all western holidays attract people's attention、According to a survey of Central China Normal University, many college students know the existence of western festivals, but little of them know about their cultural connotations、In addition to Christmas, respondents who know other western festivals’meaning are less than 10%、Referring to the way to celebrating, in General, during the Festival, people send gifts such as flowers and greeting cards、They sing with friends, and bless or send



The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's


Improper expressions: 1.Spring Festival 2.For there is a long time …, we have to… 3.This phenomenon results in the doubt that whether Christmas will replace… 4.traditional festivals should be paid more attention than foreign festivals. 5.We exchange…, which results in more and more people get interested in foreign festivals. 6.The question that whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival leads to a heated discussion in society. 7.There are many people in the western countries celebrate the Spring Festival. Proper and good expressions: 1.With the tendency towards globalization 2.the Spring Festival should be passed on from generation to generation 3.It seems that some traditional festivals like the Spring Festival are gradually overshadowed By Christmas. 4.Globalization has encouraged the popularity of Christmas in Chinese. 5.The Spring Festival is an apparent symbol of Chinese culture which is engraved in every Chinese’s mind. 6.cultural heritage 7.Learning their culture is a must…. We learn English in order to make more people learn Chinese. 8.festival celebrating has been globalized 9.Some people suspect that the obsession with Christmas will lead us to neglect another traditional festival--- the Spring Festival. 10.Observing Christmas doesn’t mean abandoning the Spring Festival. 11.the Spring Festival is more than a festival exotic festival 13.Chinese are celebrating some western festivals, and vice versa. 14.some most celebrated festivals in our country are the essence of our long history and rich culture. 15.Currently, the word “Christmas” has evolved into a symbol of happiness and gifts. 16.people tend to have an increasing liking for observing western festivals the circumstances of globalization Modal In the course of globalization, western culture has flooded into China at an almost non-stop rate. Along with it come western festivals, the most influential of which is Christmas. As a result of this “culture invasion”, more and more Chinese people, particularly the youth, are abandoning traditional Chinese festivals. There is even a prediction that the Spring Festival will ultimately be replaced by Christmas. However, personally I’m not in favor of this statement, as the Spring Festival is a kind of cultural heritage serving as a spiritual legacy for all of us to cling to, regardless of any hindrance. First of all, observing Christmas does not mean that the Spring Festival can be neglected. The Spring Festival has its roots in Chinese history, from which it requires its identity and meaning irreplaceable by Christmas. As Christmas stemmed from Western civilization, it can’t easily fit in


世界各国传统节日一览表 元旦(1月1日)---------------------------NEW YEAR'S DAY 成人节(日本,1月15日)------------------ADULTS DAY 情人节(2月14日)------------------------ST.V ALENTINE'S DAY 元宵节(阴历1月15日)--------------------LANTERN FESTIV AL 狂欢节(巴西,二月中下旬)--------------CARNIV AL 桃花节(日本女孩节,3月3日)-----------PEACH FLOWER FESTIV AL (DOLL'S FESTIV AL)国际妇女节(3月8日)---------------INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 圣帕特里克节(爱尔兰,3月17日)----------ST. PATRICK'S DAY 枫糖节(加拿大,3-4月)------------------MAPLE SUGAR FESTIV AL 愚人节(4月1日)-------------------------FOOL'S DAY 复活节(春分月圆后第一个星期日)---------EASTER 宋干节(泰国新年4月13日)----------------SONGKRAN FESTIVAL DAY 食品节(新加坡,4月17日)----------------FOOD FESTIV AL 国际劳动节(5月1日)-----------------INTERNA TIONAL LABOUR DAY 男孩节(日本,5月5日)-------------------BOY'S DAY 母亲节(5月的第二个星期日)--------------MOTHER'S DAY 把斋节---------------------------------BAMADAN 开斋节(4月或5月,回历十月一日)---------LESSER BAIRAM 银行休假日(英国, 5月31日)--------------BANK HOLIDAY 国际儿童节(6月1日)-------------INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S DAY 父亲节(6月的第三个星期日)--------------FATHER'S DAY 端午节(阴历5月5日)---------------------DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL 仲夏节(北欧6月)------------------------MID-SUMMER DAY 古尔邦节(伊斯兰节,7月下旬)------------CORBAN 筷子节(日本,8月4日)-------------------CHOPSTICKS DAY 中秋节(阴历8月15日)--------------------MOON FESTIV AL 教师节(中国,9月10日)------------------TEACHER'S DAY 敬老节(日本,9月15日)------------------OLD PEOPLE'S DAY 啤酒节(德国十月节,10月10日)-----------OKTOBERFEST 南瓜节(北美10月31日)-------------------PUMPKIN DAY 鬼节(万圣节除夕,10月31日夜)-----------HALLOWEEN 万圣节(11月1日)------------------------HALLOWMAS 感恩节(美国,11月最后一个星期4)--------THANKSGIVING 护士节(12月12日)-----------------------NRUSE DAY 圣诞除夕(12月24日)---------------------CHRISTMAS EVE 圣诞节(12月25日)-----------------------CHRISTMAS DAD 节礼日(12月26日)-----------------------BOXING DAY 新年除夕(12月31日)------------NEW YEAR'S EVE(a bank holiday in many countries) 春节(阴历一月一日)-------SPRING FESTIV AL (CHINESE NEW YEAR) 世界各国的国庆与独立日


世界各国国旗图片及名称【上】 中国国旗 中国China 北京 Beijing 阿塞拜疆国旗 阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan 巴库 Baku 缅甸国旗缅甸 Burma 仰光 Rangoon 塞浦路斯国旗 塞浦路斯 Cyprus 尼克西亚 Nicosia 不丹国旗 不丹 Bhutan 廷布 Thump 乌兹别克国旗 乌兹别克Uzbekistan 塔什干 Tashkent 埃及国旗 埃及 Egypt 开罗 Cairo 中非国旗 中非 Central African Republic 班吉 Bangu i 伊朗国旗 伊朗Iran 德黑兰Tehran 刚果国旗 刚果Congo Rep. 布拉柴维尔Brazzaville 多哥国旗多哥 Togo 洛美 Loma 加蓬国旗 加蓬 Gabon 利伯维尔 Libreville 卡塔尔国旗卡塔尔Qatar 多哈 Doha 孟加拉国旗 孟加拉Bangladesh 达卡 Dhaka 马里国旗马里 Mali 巴马科 Bamako 马来西亚国旗 马来西亚 Malaysia 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur

土耳其国旗 土耳其Turkey 安卡拉Ankara 塔吉克国旗 塔吉克Jail 杜尚别Dushanbe 加纳国旗 加纳 Ghana 阿克拉Accra 马尔代夫国旗 马尔代夫Maldives 马累 Male 韩国国旗韩国South Korea 汉城 Seoul 朝鲜国旗 朝鲜 North Korea 平壤 Pyongyang 泰国国旗 泰国Thailand 曼谷 Bangkok 蒙古国旗 蒙古Mongolia 乌兰巴托 Ulaanbaatar 也门国旗也门Yemen 萨那 Sana 文莱国旗 文莱Brunei 斯里巴加湾市Bandar Seri Begawan 日本国旗日本Japan 东京 Tokyo 以色列国旗 以色列Israel 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem 约旦国旗 约旦Jordan 安曼AMMAN 阿联酋国旗 阿联酋United Arab Emirates 阿布扎比Abu Dhabi 沙特国旗 沙特Saudi Arabia 利雅得Riyadh 土库曼国旗 土库曼Turkmenistan 阿什哈巴德Ashkhabad 印尼国旗 印尼Indonesia 雅加达 Jakarta 尼泊尔国旗 尼泊尔 Nepal 加德满都 Katmandu


中西节日文化差异英文 Revised by Liu Jing on January 12, 2021

The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's


世界国家英文名字大全亚洲Asia(48个国家) 东亚: 中国China、 蒙古Mongolia、 朝鲜Korea、 韩国South Korea、 日本Japan(5) 东南亚: 菲律宾Philippines、 越南Vietnam、 老挝Laos、 柬埔寨Cambodia、 缅甸Myanmar、 泰国Thailand、 马来西亚Malaysia、 文莱Brunei Darussalam、 新加坡Singapore、 印度尼西亚Indonesia、 东帝汶east Timor(11) 南亚: 尼泊尔Nepal、 不丹Bhutan、 孟加拉国Bengal、 印度India、 巴基斯坦Pakistan、 斯里兰卡Sri Lanka、 马尔代夫Maldives(7) 中亚: 哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan、 吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan、 塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan、 乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan、 土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan(5) 西亚: 阿富汗Afghanistan、 伊拉克Iraq、 伊朗Iran、

叙利亚Syria、 约旦Jordan、 黎巴嫩Lebanon、 以色列Israel、 巴勒斯坦Palestine、 沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia、 巴林Bahrain、 卡塔尔Qatar、 科威特Kuwait、 阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)United Arab Emirates、 阿曼Oman、 也门Yemen、 格鲁吉亚Georgia、 亚美尼亚Armenia、 阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan、 土耳其Turkey、 塞浦路斯Cyprus(20) 注:锡金Sikkim现已并入印度成为其一个邦,所以这里不出现,详细请看:欧洲Europe(43个国家/1个地区) 北欧: 芬兰Finland、 瑞典Sweden、 挪威Norway、 冰岛Iceland、 丹麦Danmark 法罗群岛Faroe Islands(丹)(6) 东欧: 爱沙尼亚Estonia、 拉脱维亚Latvia、 立陶宛Lithuania、 白俄罗斯Belarus、 俄罗斯Russia、 乌克兰Ukraine、 摩尔多瓦Moldova(7) 中欧: 波兰Poland、 捷克Czech、 斯洛伐克Slovakia、


如何用英语介绍传统节日 【写作任务】 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请你给他写一封电子邮件介绍这一节日。 注意:1. 词数120左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:阴历的lunar 春联red couplets 鞭炮firecrackers 压岁钱gift money Dear John, __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【写作指导】 一、审题定调 本写作要求介绍中国的春节,属于说明文。介绍节日时,要注意介绍该节日的特色活动或描述该节日的主要特征。人称常用第三人称,时态以一般现在时为主。 二、谋篇布局 本写作可分为三部分。 第一部分:引出正文; 第二部分:详细介绍春节的地位及春节前、春节期间人们的活动; 第三部分:表达愿望(希望John来中国感受春节文化)。 三、组织语言 第一部分:引出正文。 第二部分:介绍春节的地位,春节前、春节期间人们的活动。

普通范文 Dear John, I'm very glad to tell you something about Chinese Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the first day in Chinese lunar year and it's the most important festival in China. Before the festival comes, all the families clean their houses, put red couplets on their doors to pray for blessings and prepare various delicious foods. On New Year's Eve, family members get together to have a big meal and set off firecrackers. During the New Year, people say “Happy New Year” to each other. And children are very happy to get some gift money from their parents, grandparents and so on. I hope you can come to celebrate this special festival next year if possible. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 高级范文 Dear John, It's my pleasure to introduce you to Chinese Spring Festival. As the most significant Chinese traditional festival, the Spring Festival is the first day in Chinese lunar year and it marks the beginning of the New Year. With the festival approaching, all the families clean their houses, put red couplets on their doors to express sincere blessings and good wishes and prepare various delicacies. On New Year's Eve, people get together with their families to have a family reunion dinner and set off firecrackers. During the New Year, people say “Happy New Year” to each other. And what makes children very happy is getting some gift money from their parents and grandparents. I am expecting your coming to enjoy such a joyful festival next year if possible. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【话题拓展】 Nowadays, many Chinese young people celebrate ... ... Festival, or ..., on the ... day of the ... lunar month, is a traditional festival full of love in China. The date of the festival is decided by the Chinese lunar calendar. ... was first celebrated in ... ... falls on ... The tradition dates / tracks back to ... The traditions originated in / from ... It is a custom which they thought would bring good luck. Chinese people have been celebrating this festival since ... It's the signal for the celebrations to begin. Everybody is part of the celebrations. Everybody has a good time. People forget their everyday problems and enjoy themselves eating and drinking.


世界各国国名及缩写中英文对照表 1.AF - Afghanistan 阿富汗 2.AL - Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 3.DZ - Algeria 阿尔及利亚 4.AS - American Samoa 东萨摩亚 5.AD - Andorra 安道尔 6.AO - Angola 安哥拉 7.Av - Anguilla 安圭拉岛 8.AQ - Antarctica 南极洲 9.AG - Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达 10.AR - Argentina 阿根廷 11.AM - Armenia 亚美尼亚 12.AA - Aruba 阿鲁巴 13.AU - Australia 澳大利亚 14.AT - Austria 奥地利 15.AZ - Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆 16.BF - Bahamas 巴哈马 17.BH - Bahrain 巴林 18.BB - Barbados 巴巴多斯 19.BD - Bangladesh 孟加拉 20.BY - Belarus 白俄罗斯 21.BE - Belgium 比利时 22.BZ - Belize 伯里兹 23.BJ - Benin 贝宁 24.BM - Bermuda 百慕大 25.BS - Bahamas 巴哈马 26.BT - Bhutan 不丹 27.BW - Botswana 博茨瓦纳 28.BO - Bolivia 玻利维亚 29.BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑 30.BV - Bouvet Island 布韦岛 31.BR - Brazil 巴西 32.IO - British Indian Ocean Territory 英属印度洋领地 33.BN - Brunei Darussalam 文莱布鲁萨兰 34.BG - Bulgaria 保加利亚 35.BF - Burkina Faso 布基纳法索 36.BI - Burundi 布隆迪 37.KH - Cambodia (Internet) 柬埔寨 38.CB - Cambodia (CIA World Fact Book) 柬埔寨 39.CM - Cameroon 喀麦隆 40.CA - Canada 加拿大 41.CV - Cape Verde 佛得角 42.KY - Cayman Islands 开曼群岛
