




原稿题目Service Quality Management in Hotel Industry: A Conceptual Framework for Food and Beverage Departments

原稿出处:International Journal of Business and Manegement; V ol. 7, No. 14; 2012






1994;张林和,1998;Parasuraman。舒莱克等人,1988;& 亨斯利,2010;Zeithaml和比特纳,2003)。研究人员已经确定了服务质量的概念,基于客户的角度,消费者感知质量。这样一种看法是建立在一个组织供应货物的地方并且服务于客户,以满足他们在他们所研究的服务质量(babajide,2011,48页;卡曼,1990;菜与楚1998;克里斯蒂2002;克罗宁等人,2000;古纳里斯et al.,2003;梅等人,1999;轧机,2002;奥尼尔2001;Oberoi和Hales,1990;presbury et al.,2005;曲与曾荫权,1998;锈和Zahorik,1993;萨利赫和赖安,1991;Zeithaml et al,1996)。在酒店业,满足客户的服务并提高质量是鼓励他们重新回归酒店并赢得他们的忠诚的重要手段(carev,2008;卡曼,普天同庆,1990;2001;Parasuraman。等人,1988;Zeithaml和Bitner,2003)和满意度(babajide,2011,p. 48;克里斯蒂2002;赫什,2010,p. 209;ladhari,2009,页311;奥利弗,1999)。

Parasuraman等人。(1985;1988b),他与曾荫权(1998)和 Zeithaml 等。(1996)在全球质量评价中,客户在优秀学校或处于优势的服务里定义“感知的服务”。定义是类似的概念的意思,根据定义,服务质量具有的感知性,你的客户,带着期望的顾客通过服务感知期望和他的实际服务所带来的差距。最近大部分研究服务质量的Parasuraman等人正在进行服务质量模型开发的广泛研究。(1990年,1985年),他曾与 Zeithaml等人一起,在1996年,服务质量


根据Parasuraman等人的研究。(1995,1998),这项研究表明,服务质量和它的尺寸是影响客人满意度的重要因素。考虑到服务质量的维度,因此,这个维度是集中在酒店管理员收到支持实施服务质量提升计划(alrousan,2011;该,2011;Parasuraman et al.,1985)几个研究中的很有必要的。一个良好的服务质量,提供酒店业的好处,包括更大的客户满意度和员工绩效的提高(克罗宁等人,2000;邓肯和埃利奥特,2002;约翰逊等人,1995;康和杰姆斯,2004;盖,2003;妮科尔,2006;Soutar et al.,2001;苏,2004)。Zeithaml和Bitner (2003)提到,感知服务质量成为根据服务的主要根据点,服务质量是一个多维概念的思想得到大家的普遍接受。


本文回顾了现有的文献,并提出了一个理论框架为餐饮部,用以说明饭店业服务质量评价。它使用的五个维度开发的Parasuraman等人。(1985)和Zeithaml 等人的成果。(1996)。这五个维度分别是:(1)有形资产–是指体育设施、设备、个人、等现象;(2)可靠性–能力,踏实准确履行承诺的服务;(3)响应能力,愿意帮助客户,并提供及时服务;(4)保证-知识和礼貌的员工,和他们传递信任和信心的能力;(5)同理心-照顾和个性化的关注客人。


服务质量的五个维度,即有形性(克罗宁和泰勒,1992年;康和杰姆斯,2004;萨利赫和Ryan,1991;Zeithaml和Bitner,2003)、可靠性(alrousan,2011;科特勒&绽放,1984;ladhari,2009,311页;Parasuraman,1988)、反应性(安东尼戈什,2004;张与法,1998;knuston,1991年upal);2008年,保证性(Al khattab,2011年;克罗宁和泰勒,1992年;皮特和jeantrout,powapaka,1994年;1996年),和执着力Harvey,1998;2011年;Parasuraman,1988年;曲和尼尔森,1998年;曼尔,1993)。根据已经确定了SERVQUAL量表的一些研究得出。Parasuraman等人(1985)是第一个指出的营销服务的方向是客户管理的一个考虑因素。服务质量,如在酒店业,是很难理解的,因为前者是无形的,与产品质量相比。一些研究报道,SERVQUAL量表不是万能的,因为服务质量维度显然取决于服务的类型检查(ladhari,2009, 311)。



盖蒂图片社(1994年)和汤普森描述的在服务质量方面的有效性饭店业和报告中指出(唯一的二维和可靠性有形)是通用的。结果导致(大力强调证券下面酒店的质量规模在美国农业里发展的很愉快,我们称之为规模质量指标和服务质量五)有形尺寸:(1)准确性,(2)反应性、可靠性,(3)同情心,(4)信心(5)沟通。(2011年)Parasuraman等人以附近的酒店服务质量模型与顾客忠诚度作为检查,以约旦酒店using the酒店连锁为例。研究讨论在服务质量五个模型的背景下,服务质量体验的差距并适用于酒店这一模型链测试。这一要素的好处是不同模型的框架应用对于一个酒店及旅游业管理是有作用的。



第一个定义,可靠性被定义为一个服务供应商的能力,及时提供良好的服务质量。观察服务的交付合同,定价和投诉处理方式都非常重要的一个业务。(alrousan,2011;Parasuraman et al.,1985;TAT和raymound,1999)。二是概念,反应是当收到请求帮助客人的通过提供即时服务的一种反射。提供客人快速的服务,及时注意他们所有的客人所提出来的要求、问题和建议(Al rousan,2011;Knutson et al.,1990;Parasuraman et al,1985)。第三个概念,保证是对服务质量的考虑的能力,能够激活信任和信心的产品或服务。第四维度的移情是以顾客为本,接触的客人对其服务质量方式的个性化。这一步结束,有形的是服务维度,使产品或服务的实践可用于客户(alrousan,2011;Parasuraman

et al.,1985)。


客人的满意程度是一个客人的评价是否符合服务质量的要求。业绩低于预期,使客人满意度下降(科特勒,2006)。在酒店行业,客人的满意度是在他们与餐饮部的服务和酒店员工发展客户关系的满意度(Al rousan,2011;Parasuraman et al.,1985)在市场化的公司中,顾客满意认为是市场营销活动中最重要的结果之一。显而易见满足客户的目标是扩大业务,获得更高的市场份额,并获得重复和转介业务,所有这一切都能导致改善盈利能力。然而,客人在这个模型中的满意度概念是指判断,其取决于良好的服务质量和对客人的需求服务(TSE和威尔顿,1988)。根据Parasuraman的理论,客人满意度水平是一个客人的期望是或超过期望。carev(2008)定义了一个服务的优势基于服务质量的满意度,考虑到客户的看法,考虑到什么是服务的整体考虑保留什么(Parasuraman等。1988)。服务供应商应该能够理解客人的行为和需求并能够知道如何满足他们。翔与法(1998)开发了新酒店员工在平方米的酒店员工绩效的测量模型。这个新的平方的顾客满意度模型,反过来,可以直接集成到酒店TQ,因为平方是TQ的一个基本组成部分。这种新模式在传统的平方模型中普遍存在若干领域,同时新模式更全面。此外,新的模型更好地反映实际的平方情况适合TQ ,TQ和员工绩效的概念是针对性的持续改进性。前者是对每个过程的持续改进的指导,后者是针对连续的性能改进。

Service Quality Management in Hotel Industry: A Conceptual Framework for Food and Beverage Departments


Service quality has been an important subject of research involving food and beverage (F&B) departments of hotels. Despite a substantial number of studies on service quality, the reasons why guests revisit a hotel and why a high-quality service from the F&B department is needed have remained unanswered. This paper aims to review existing literature on service quality management in the F&B departments of hotels, its process, and the effective service quality management framework. This paper discusses famous models, and explains Parasuraman’s dimensional framework of service quality management in the area of F&B and its application to the hotel industry. The conceptual paper suggests application of the dimensional model in the F&B department and encourages hotels to improve its management to better satisfy their guests.

Keywords:service quality, hotel industry, parasuraman dimensional model, food and beverage department

1. Introduction

Hotel management scholars consider service quality a precedent to guest satisfaction. Some experiential studies show that getting a good quality of service from the food and beverage (F&B) department of a hotel is important for many guests (Armstrong et al., 1997; Crick & Spencer, 2011; Cronin & Taylor, 1992a; Getty & Thompson, 1994; Lam & Zhang, 1998; Parasuraman. et al., 1988a; Sulek & Hensley, 2010; Zeithaml & Bitner, 2003). Researchers have defined service quality in relation to the concept of consumer-perceived quality, which is based solely on the perspective of customers. Such a perception is built in a place where an organization supplies goods and services to customers in a manner that satisfies them and where they examine service quality (Babajide, 2011, p. 48; Carman, 1990; Choi & Chu 1998;

Christie 2002; Cronin et al., 2000; Gounaris et al., 2003; Mei et al., 1999; Mill, 2002; O’Neill, 2001; Oberoi & Hales, 1990; Presbury et al., 2005; Qu & Tsang, 1998; Rust & Zahorik, 1993;

Saleh & Ryan, 1991; Zeithaml et al., 1996). In the hotel industry, service quality that satisfies customers is important to encourage them to revisit and to earn their loyalty (Carev, 2008; Carman, 1990; Jabulani, 2001;

Parasuraman. et al., 1988a; Zeithaml & Bitner, 2003) and satisfaction (Babajide, 2011, p. 48; Christie 2002; Hersh, 2010, p. 209; Ladhari, 2009, p. 311; Oliver, 1999).

Parasuraman et al. (1985; 1988b), Qu and Tsang (1998), and Zeithaml et al. (1996) define “perceived service quality” as the global evaluation by customers of the overall excellence or superiority of a service. The definition is similar to the concept of attitude. Based on the exploratory definition of service quality as perceived by customers, it is the gap (discrepancy) between a customer’s expectation of a servic e and his perceptions of the actual service received (p. 254 – 255). Much of the recent research on service quality has been carried out within the framework of the SQ (service quality) model developed from the extensive research of Parasuraman et al. (1990, 1985, and 1988b), Qu & Tsang (1998), and Zeithaml et al. (1996). Service quality has been discussed in various literatures, and one of the most largely used models measuring service quality is the SERVQUAL. Taking on views from the study by Parasuraman et al. (1995, 1998), this study suggests that service quality and its dimensions are among the important factors influencing guest satisfaction. Considering the dimensions of service quality is, therefore, necessary as well. This dimension was focused on several studies on which hotel administrators received the support to implement the plan for improving service quality (AlRousan, 2011; Mohsin, 2011; Parasuraman et al., 1985). The benefits of a good service quality as far as the hotel industry is concerned include greater guest satisfaction and enhancement of employee performance (Cronin et al., 2000; Duncan & Elliott, 2002; Johnson et al., 1995; Kang & James, 2004; Lidén, 2003; Peter & Nicole, 2006; Rust et al., 1995 Soutar et al., 2001; Su, 2004). Zeithaml and Bitner (2003) mentioned that perception of service quality becomes global depending on the prevalence of the service. The idea that service quality is a multidimensional concept is commonly accepted.

According to Antony and Ghosh (2004) and Harvey (1998), service quality covers meeting and exceeding customer expectations. This description has become popular since its inception in the late 1970s. The concept of service quality stemmed from the area of marketing, which puts importance to the relationship between a business and its customers. Service quality is intangible, making its measurement impossible. Evaluation of service quality largely depends on management of appearances and perceptions (p. 380).

This paper reviews existing literature and suggests a theoretical framework for F&B department that illustrates the evaluation of service quality in the hotel industry in Jordan. It uses the five dimensions developed by Parasuraman et al. (1985) and Zeithaml et al. (1996). These five dimensions are the followings: (1) tangibles –

refer to physical facilities, equipment, appearance of personal, etc.; (2) reliability –ability to dependably and accurately perform the promised service; (3) responsiveness

–willingness to help customers and provide prompt service; (4) assurance –knowledge and courtesy of employees, and their ability to convey trust and confidence; and (5) empathy – care for and individualized attention to guests.

2. Theories and Models in Service Quality There are five dimensions of service quality, namely, tangibility (Cronin & Taylor, 1992b; Kang & James, 2004; Saleh & Ryan, 1991; Zeithaml & Bitner, 2003), reliability (AlRousan, 2011; Kotler & Bloom, 1984; Ladhari, 2009, p. 311; Parasuraman. et al., 1988a), responsiveness (Antony & Ghosh, 2004; Cheung & Law, 1998; Knuston et al., 1991; Upal, 2008), assurance (Al Khattab, 2011; Cronin & Taylor, 1992a; Pitt & Jeantrout, 1994; Powapaka, 1996), and empathy (Harvey, 1998; Mohsin, 2011; Parasuraman. et al., 1988a; Qu & Nelson, 1998; Zeithaml et al., 1993). Several studies have identified SERVQUAL, but Parasuraman et al. (1985) were the first to point out that the direction of marketing services is one of the considerations in guest administration. Service quality, such as in the hotel industry, is difficult to understand compared with product quality because the former is intangible. Several studies reported that the SERVQUAL scale is not universal because the dimensionality of service quality apparently depends on the type of service examined (Ladhari, 2009, p. 311).

There has been variable help for the validity of the SERVQUAL model in the hotel service industry (Ladhari, 2009, p. 311; Wilkins et al., 2007). Akan (1995) explores the applicability of the SERVQUAL model in the

Turkish hospitality industry and identifies seven dimensions in the model: (1) courtesy and competence of the person, (2) communication and transactions, (3) tangibles, (4) knowledge and understanding of the customer, (5)

accuracy and speed of service, study of the hotel industry, (6) solutions to problems; and (7) accuracy of hotel reservations. Mei et al. (1999) determine the dimensions of service quality in the Australian hotel industry and develop a new scale of service quality in the hospitality industry, called “H OLSER V,” with three dimensions: (1) employees, (2) tangibles, and (3) reliability. Saleh and Ryan (1991) report five dimensions of service quality that differ from those in the SERVQUAL model: (1) conviviality; (2) tangibles; (3) reassurance; (4) avoidance of sarcasm; and (5) empathy. Oberoi and Hales (1990) suggest that service quality plays an important role in conference hotels in the United Kingdom and report that service-quality perception has two dimensions: (1) tangibles; and (2) intangibles

Getty and Thompson (1994) describe the validity of the SERVQUAL dimensions in the hotel sector and report that only two of the dimensions (tangibles and reliability) are generic. Getty and Getty (2003) test the dimensions of service quality in the hotel industry in the United States and develo p a new scale (called “lodging quality index”) with five service-quality dimensions: (1) tangibility, (2) reliability, (3) responsiveness, (4) confidence, and (5) communication. Al Roussan (2011) examines Parasuraman model for hotel service quality and customer loyalty in Jordanian hotels using the Marriott hotel chain as a case study. The study discusses the

five gaps in service quality in the context of Jordan and applies this model to the

Marriott hotel chain to test its quality of service. The benefit of this framework is applying the elements of “various models” into a clarified hotel and tourism industry management as Parasuraman (1995, p. 1) says:

“Attainment of quality in products and services has become a pivotal concern in 1980 while the quality in tangible goods has been described and measured by marketers, quality of service is largely undefined and unresearched. The authors attempt to rectify this situation by reporting the insight obtained in an extensive exploration of quality in four service businesses and developing a model of service quality”

3. Service Quality Dimensions

The first definition, reliability is defined as the ability of a service supplier to promptly deliver a good quality of. service. Observing service delivery contracts, pricing, and complaints handling are all important for a business. (AlRousan, 2011; Parasuraman et al., 1985; Tat & Raymound, 1999). The second concept, responsiveness is the agreeableness to help guest by providing immediate service as soon as a request is received. The service guests will provide soon and prompt attention to all their guest requests, question and suggestion (Al Rousan, 2011; Knutson et al., 1990; Parasuraman et al., 1985). The third concept, assurance is with consideration to the service quality detention which considerates on the capability to activate trust and confidence of the product or service provided. The fourth dimension empathy is the service quality manner that stresses on the contacting of gu est’s as personalized. The end of this step, tangibility is the service dimension that makes a product or service practical and usable for customers (AlRousan, 2011; Parasuraman et al., 1985).

3.1 Guest Satisfaction

Guest satisfaction is the evaluation of a guest whether or not the quality of a service meets his expectations. Performance that falls below expectations makes guests dissatisfied (Kottler & Killer, 2006). In the hotel industry, satisfaction of guests is in terms of their satisfaction with the service of the F&B department and the customer relations developed by hotel staff (Al Rousan, 2011; Parasuraman et al., 1985). Customer satisfaction is considered one of the most important outcomes of all marketing activities in a market-oriented firm. The obvious objective of satisfying a customer is to expand a business, to gain higher market share, and to acquire repeat and referral business, all of which lead to improved profitability (Barsky, 1992; Carev, 2008). However, the guest satisfaction concept in this model refers to judgement that depends on both good service quality and fitness of service to the needs of guests (Tse and Wilton, 1988). According to Parasuraman, guest satisfaction is the level in which expectation of a guest is met or exceeded. Carev (2008) defines service quality satisfaction based on overall consideration by a guest of the advantages of a service taking into account perceptions of what is reserved and what is given (Parasuraman. et al. 1988b). Service providers should be able to understand the behavior and needs of guests to be able to know how to satisfy them. Cheung and Law (1998) develop a new

model for the measurement of hospitality SQ that incorporates performance of hotel employees in the SQ level. This new SQ for the customer satisfaction model, in turn, can be directly integrated into the hospitality TQ operation because SQ is a basic component of TQ. This new model prevails over the traditional SQ models in several areas. The new model is more comprehensive. Moreover, the new model better reflects the actual SQ situation that fits the TQ concept as both TQ and staff performance aim at sustained improvement. The former steers towards continual improvement of each process, whereas the latter is directed towards continua improvement in performance. (p. 402).

This study is one of the studies on the quality of the F&B department in Jordanian hotels and its relationship with guest satisfaction and service quality. This study suggests a model that may be successfully applied to service quality. Furthermore, this study suggests the application of a guest satisfaction model that hotel managers may find useful. Finally there was an absence of competent data to design and develop hotel service quality and guest satisfaction. To benefit from this study, F&B department and hotel management will develop and improve

their service and guest satisfaction. Nevertheless, this study is expected to help F&B departments and management of hotels to develop and improve their service and thus better satisfy their guests.


机械设计 摘要:机器是由机械装置和其它组件组成的。它是一种用来转换或传递能量的装置,例如:发动机、涡轮机、车辆、起重机、印刷机、洗衣机、照相机和摄影机等。许多原则和设计方法不但适用于机器的设计,也适用于非机器的设计。术语中的“机械装置设计”的含义要比“机械设计”的含义更为广泛一些,机械装置设计包括机械设计。在分析运动及设计结构时,要把产品外型以及以后的保养也要考虑在机械设计中。在机械工程领域中,以及其它工程领域中,所有这些都需要机械设备,比如:开关、凸轮、阀门、船舶以及搅拌机等。 关键词:设计流程设计规则机械设计 设计流程 设计开始之前就要想到机器的实际性,现存的机器需要在耐用性、效率、重量、速度,或者成本上得到改善。新的机器必需具有以前机器所能执行的功能。 在设计的初始阶段,应该允许设计人员充分发挥创造性,不要受到任何约束。即使产生了许多不切实际的想法,也会在设计的早期,即在绘制图纸之前被改正掉。只有这样,才不致于阻断创新的思路。通常,还要提出几套设计方案,然后加以比较。很有可能在这个计划最后决定中,使用了某些不在计划之内的一些设想。 一般的当外型特点和组件部分的尺寸特点分析得透彻时,就可以全面的设计和分析。接着还要客观的分析机器性能的优越性,以及它的安全、重量、耐用性,并且竞争力的成本也要考虑在分析结果之内。每一个至关重要的部分要优化它的比例和尺寸,同时也要保持与其它组成部分相协调。 也要选择原材料和处理原材料的方法。通过力学原理来分析和实现这些重要的特性,如那些静态反应的能量和摩擦力的最佳利用,像动力惯性、加速动力和能量;包括弹性材料的强度、应力和刚度等材料的物理特性,以及流体润滑和驱动器的流体力学。设计的过程是重复和合作的过程,无论是正式或非正式的进行,对设计者来说每个阶段都很重要。 最后,以图样为设计的标准,并建立将来的模型。如果它的测试是符合事先要


Load and Ultimate Moment of Prestressed Concrete Action Under Overload-Cracking Load It has been shown that a variation in the external load acting on a prestressed beam results in a change in the location of the pressure line for beams in the elastic range.This is a fundamental principle of prestressed construction.In a normal prestressed beam,this shift in the location of the pressure line continues at a relatively uniform rate,as the external load is increased,to the point where cracks develop in the tension fiber.After the cracking load has been exceeded,the rate of movement in the pressure line decreases as additional load is applied,and a significant increase in the stress in the prestressing tendon and the resultant concrete force begins to take place.This change in the action of the internal moment continues until all movement of the pressure line ceases.The moment caused by loads that are applied thereafter is offset entirely by a corresponding and proportional change in the internal forces,just as in reinforced-concrete construction.This fact,that the load in the elastic range and the plastic range is carried by actions that are fundamentally different,is very significant and renders strength computations essential for all designs in order to ensure that adequate safety factors exist.This is true even though the stresses in the elastic range may conform to a recognized elastic design criterion. It should be noted that the load deflection curve is close to a straight line up to the cracking load and that the curve becomes progressively more curved as the load is increased above the cracking load.The curvature of the load-deflection curve for loads over the cracking load is due to the change in the basic internal resisting moment action that counteracts the applied loads,as described above,as well as to plastic strains that begin to take place in the steel and the concrete when stressed to high levels. In some structures it may be essential that the flexural members remain crack free even under significant overloads.This may be due to the structures’being exposed to exceptionally corrosive atmospheres during their useful life.In designing prestressed members to be used in special structures of this type,it may be necessary to compute the load that causes cracking of the tensile flange,in order to ensure that adequate safety against cracking is provided by the design.The computation of the moment that will cause cracking is also necessary to ensure compliance with some design criteria. Many tests have demonstrated that the load-deflection curves of prestressed beams are approximately linear up to and slightly in excess of the load that causes the first cracks in the tensile flange.(The linearity is a function of the rate at which the load is applied.)For this reason,normal elastic-design relationships can be used in computing the cracking load by simply determining the load that results in a net tensile stress in the tensile flange(prestress minus the effects of the applied loads)that is equal to the tensile strength of the concrete.It is customary to assume that the flexural tensile strength of the concrete is equal to the modulus of rupture of the


华北电力大学科技学院 毕业设计(论文)附件 外文文献翻译 学号:121912020115姓名:彭钰钊 所在系别:动力工程系专业班级:测控技术与仪器12K1指导教师:李冰 原文标题:Infrared Remote Control System Abstract 2016 年 4 月 19 日

红外遥控系统 摘要 红外数据通信技术是目前在世界范围内被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术,被众多的硬件和软件平台所支持。红外收发器产品具有成本低,小型化,传输速率快,点对点安全传输,不受电磁干扰等特点,可以实现信息在不同产品之间快速、方便、安全地交换与传送,在短距离无线传输方面拥有十分明显的优势。红外遥控收发系统的设计在具有很高的实用价值,目前红外收发器产品在可携式产品中的应用潜力很大。全世界约有1亿5千万台设备采用红外技术,在电子产品和工业设备、医疗设备等领域广泛使用。绝大多数笔记本电脑和手机都配置红外收发器接口。随着红外数据传输技术更加成熟、成本下降,红外收发器在短距离通讯领域必将得到更广泛的应用。 本系统的设计目的是用红外线作为传输媒质来传输用户的操作信息并由接收电路解调出原始信号,主要用到编码芯片和解码芯片对信号进行调制与解调,其中编码芯片用的是台湾生产的PT2262,解码芯片是PT2272。主要工作原理是:利用编码键盘可以为PT2262提供的输入信息,PT2262对输入的信息进行编码并加载到38KHZ的载波上并调制红外发射二极管并辐射到空间,然后再由接收系统接收到发射的信号并解调出原始信息,由PT2272对原信号进行解码以驱动相应的电路完成用户的操作要求。 关键字:红外线;编码;解码;LM386;红外收发器。 1 绪论


forced concrete structure reinforced with an overviewRein Since the reform and opening up, with the national economy's rapid and sustained development of a reinforced concrete structure built, reinforced with the development of technology has been great. Therefore, to promote the use of advanced technology reinforced connecting to improve project quality and speed up the pace of construction, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, and is of great significance. Reinforced steel bars connecting technologies can be divided into two broad categories linking welding machinery and steel. There are six types of welding steel welding methods, and some apply to the prefabricated plant, and some apply to the construction site, some of both apply. There are three types of machinery commonly used reinforcement linking method primarily applicable to the construction site. Ways has its own characteristics and different application, and in the continuous development and improvement. In actual production, should be based on specific conditions of work, working environment and technical requirements, the choice of suitable methods to achieve the best overall efficiency. 1、steel mechanical link 1.1 radial squeeze link Will be a steel sleeve in two sets to the highly-reinforced Department with superhigh pressure hydraulic equipment (squeeze tongs) along steel sleeve radial squeeze steel casing, in squeezing out tongs squeeze pressure role of a steel sleeve plasticity deformation closely integrated with reinforced through reinforced steel sleeve and Wang Liang's Position will be two solid steel bars linked Characteristic: Connect intensity to be high, performance reliable, can bear high stress draw and pigeonhole the load and tired load repeatedly.


中国石油大学(华东) 本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 学生姓名:王辰 学号:0607XXXX 专业班级:信息与计算科学06-2班 指导教师:陈华 2010年6月24日

(原文复印或打印材料,B5纸) In this paper based on the unique geometry and mechanical movement of beam pumping unit,we have presented a simple swing equation and computed motorial parameter;meanwhile under the conditions of the static load and inertial load of the polished-rod of a conventional pumping unit,we have also presented on equivalent dynamic model of the pumping unit system and the type-curves of net torque of the crankshaft with the characteristic of inertial counterbalance have been computed;Based on features and mechanical analysis of belt,a simple model for calculating belt transmission efficiency is developed the model can provide a theoretical base for study on the other transient variable of beam pumping unit;the cyclic loading coefficients is defined once and compute the nominal Power of the motor; at last we compare the beam pumping unit and the adjustable diameter and changeable toque pumping unit, based on this a program have been finished,and we also introduce other power saving pumping units. This graduation project mainly completes through the high accuracy data acquisition, the gain installs on the oil well oil extraction equipment the electric current, the voltage, the temperature, the pressure, the fluid position, the contact surface, the current capacity, contains water data and so on sensor, corresponds the connection with the many kinds of wireless communications (for example GPRS/CDMA) transmits it to the observation and control center, as well as will receive in the central server to the parameter carries on the real-time analysis and the processing parallel intergrowth becomes the database and the curve report form. Is advantageous for the oil field management level to carry on the prompt accurate management to the scene equipment. This system depends on in the Beijing Kunlun passing condition automation software science and technology limited company's entire center cultural work


外文资料翻译译文 塔式起重机 动臂装在高耸塔身上部的旋转起重机。作业空间大,主要用于房屋建筑施工中物料的垂直和水平输送及建筑构件的安装。由金属结构、工作机构和电气系统三部分组成。金属结构包括塔身、动臂和底座等。工作机构有起升、变幅、回转和行走四部分。电气系统包括电动机、控制器、配电柜、连接线路、信号及照明装置等。 塔式起重机简称塔机,亦称塔吊,起源于西欧。据记载,第一项有关建筑用塔机专利颁发于1900 年。1905 年出现了塔身固定的装有臂架的起重机,1923 年制成了近代塔机的原型样机,同年出现第一台比较完整的近代塔机。1930 年当时德国已开始批量生产塔机,并用于建筑施工。1941 年,有关塔机的德国工业标准DIN8770 公布。该标准规定以吊载(t)和幅度(m)的乘积(tm)一起以重力矩表示塔机的起重能力。 我国的塔机行业于20 世纪50 年代开始起步,相对于中西欧国家由于建筑业疲软造成的塔机业的不景气, 上海波赫驱动系统有限公司我国的塔机业正处于一个迅速的发展时期。 从塔机的技术发展方面来看,虽然新的产品层出不穷,新产品在生产效能、操作简便、保养容易和运行可靠方面均有提高,但是塔机的技术并无根本性的改变。塔机的研究正向着组合式发展。所谓的组合式,就是以塔身结构为核心,按结构和功能特点,将塔身分解成若干部分,并依据系列化和通用化要求,遵循模数制原理再将各部分划分成若干模块。根据参数要求,选用适当模块分别组成具有不同技术性能特征的塔机,以满足施工的具体需求。推行组合式的塔机有助于加快塔机产吕开发进度,节省产品开发费用,并能更好的为客户服务。 塔机分为上回转塔机和下回转塔机两大类。其中前者的承载力要高于后者,在许多的施工现场我们所见到的就是上回转式上顶升加节接高的塔机。按能否移动又分为:走行式和固定式。固定式塔机塔身固定不转,安装在整块混凝土基础上,或装设在条形式X 形混凝土基础上。在房屋的施工中一般采用的是固定式的。 设备特点和安全装置 塔式起重机的动臂形式分水平式和压杆式两种。动臂为水平式时,载重小车沿水平动臂运行变幅,变幅运动平衡,其动臂较长,但动臂自重较大。动臂为压杆式时,变幅机构曳引动臂仰俯变幅,变幅运动不如水平式平稳,但其自重较小。 为了确保安全,塔式起重机具有良好的安全装置,如起重量、幅度、高度和载荷力矩等限制装置,以及行程限位开关、塔顶信号灯、测风仪、防风夹轨器、爬梯护身圈、走道护栏等。司机室要求舒适、操作方便、视野好和有完善的通讯设备。 塔式起重机的检验产要点 1) 检查金属结构情况特别是高强度的螺栓,它的连接表面应清除灰尘、油漆、没迹和锈蚀,并且使用力矩手或专用扳手,按装配技术要求拧紧。 2) 检查各机构传动系统,包括各工作传动机构的轴承间隙是否合适,齿轮啮合是不是良好及制动器是否灵敏。 3) 检查钢丝绳及滑轮的磨损情况,固定是否可靠。 4) 检查电气元件是否良好,名接触点的闭合程度,接续是否正确和可靠。 5) 检查行走轮与轨道接触是否良好,夹轨钳是否可靠。装设附着装置、内爬装置时,各连接螺栓及夹块是否牢固可靠。


Journal of Industrial Textiles https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,/ Optimization of Parameters for the Production of Needlepunched Nonwoven Geotextiles Amit Rawal, Subhash Anand and Tahir Shah 2008 37: 341Journal of Industrial Textiles DOI: 10.1177/1528083707081594 The online version of this article can be found at: https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,/content/37/4/341 Published by: https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html, can be found at:Journal of Industrial TextilesAdditional services and information for https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,/cgi/alertsEmail Alerts: https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,/subscriptionsSubscriptions: https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,/journalsReprints.navReprints: https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,/journalsPermissions.navPermissions: https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,/content/37/4/341.refs.htmlCitations: - Mar 28, 2008Version of Record >>


译文(一) THE ACCOUNTING REVIEW V ol. 83, No. 3 2008 pp. 823–853 市场参与者的杜邦分析的使用 马克?t?Soliman 华盛顿大学 文摘:杜邦分析,一种常见的财务报表分析,依靠于净营业资产收益率的两个乘法组件:利润率和资产周转率。这两个会计比率衡量不同的构造。因此,有不同的属性。之前的研究已经发现,资产周转率的变化是未来收益的变化正相关。本文全面探讨了杜邦组件和沿着三个维度有助于文学。首先,本文有助于财务报表分析文献,发现在这个会计信息信号实际上是增量学习会计信号在先前的研究在预测未来收益。其次,它有助于文学在股票市场上使用的会计信息通过检查眼前和未来的股本回报投资者应对这些组件。最后,它增加了分析师的文献处理会计信息的再次测试直接和延迟反应的分析师通过同期预测修正以及未来预测错误。一致的跨市场加入者的两组,结果表明是有用的信息就是明证杜邦组件和股票收益之间的联系以及维度分析师预测。然而,我发现预测未来预测错误和异常返回信息处理表明似乎没有完成。平均水平,分析表明杜邦组件代表增量和可行的操作特征信息的公司。 关键词:财务报表分析、杜邦分析、市场回报、分析师预估。 数据可用性:在这项研究中使用的数据是公开的来源显示的文本。 在本文中,我分析杜邦分析中包含的信息是否与股市回报相关和分析师预测。之前的研究文档组件从杜邦分析,分解的净营业资产收益率为利润率和资产周转率,有解释力对未来盈利能力的变化。本文增加了文献综合研究投资者和分析师反应杜邦组件三个维度。首先,它复制先前记录的预测能力和检查是否健壮和增量其他预测已经考虑在文学的存在。其次,它探讨了使用这些组件的股市投资者通过观察同生和未来收益。在同时代的长窗协会和短时期限信息测试,结果显示积极联系杜邦组件和股本回报率。但小未来异常返回交易策略显示的信息可能不完整的处理。最后,检查当前预测修正由卖方分析师和未来的预测错误。尽管他们似乎修改他们的预测未来收益与这些杜邦组件中的信息一致,修订似乎不完整就是明证可预测的未来预测错误。一致的市场参与者,在两组同期结果表明,信息是有用的,但是未来的测试表明,信息处理似乎没有完成。 由金矿和笔者(2001)提供了一个使用剩余收益的股票估值方法框架,给出了一个简单的财务比率分析的直接映射到股票估值。特别是他们用杜邦分析,分解公司的净营业资产收益率(RNOA)利润率(PM)和资产周转率(ATO)点的地方1。PM和ATO会计信号,测量不同结构对一个公司的业务2。PM 往往是来自定价权,如产品创新,产品定位,品牌知名度,先发优势和市场定位。ATO措施资产利用率和效率,通常来自于有效的利用财产,工厂和设备,有效的库存流程;和其他形式的资本管理工作3。 我们有理由期待竞争力量的影响这两个来源盈利能力不同。大的利润率通常吸引新进入者进入市场或快速模仿新思想从现有的竞争对手。由此产生的竞争导致高利润率回归正常水平,暗示更多暂时的利益。与利润不同,然而,竞争可能少威胁要部署一个有效的资产。更难以模仿另一个公司的高效生产流程因为这样模仿通常包括大型和昂贵的改革目前的工厂和操作。 1.具体来说,RNOA营业收入/平均净营业资产,PM营业收入/销售和ATO销售 /平均净营业资产。此后,点和ATO被称为“杜邦公司组成”。另一个常见的形式是分解罗伊(利润杠杆资产周转率)或(NI /产品销售/资产资产/股本)。讨论的“估值理论和RNOA”部分,我在分析使用RNOA为了专注于操作,因此抽象从公司的融资决策。 2.例如,阿伯克龙比和惠誉赚取高额利润通过出售used-looking服装被认为是时髦和青少年所要


附录A Portal power China’s rapid economic growth in the past decade has resulted in a big increase in freight traffic through the country’s seaports . Old ports are being expanded and new ports built to handle the large growth in container and bulk cargo traffic all along the Chinese coastline. China’s port expansion programme has provided a strong boost to the domestic port equipment industry, which has enjoyed a strong increase in demand for port cranes of various types, including container cranes and portal cranes along with bulk cargo handling equipment. State-run China Harbour Engineering (group) Corporation Ltd, established under the ruling State Council, is China’s largest supplier of port cranes and bulk cargo handling equipment. The organization controls both Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co Ltd (ZPMC),the world’s largest manufacturer of quayside container cranes, and Shanghai Port Machinery Plant (SPMP), which specializes in the manufacturer of portal cranes and other cranes used in ports along with dry bulk cargo handling equipment. SPMP’s main market is China, although the company is looking to expand its overseas sales. Although less well known than its associate ZPMC, SPMP also operates large manufacturing facilities, and is due to move part of its production shortly to Changxing Island near Shanghai where ZPMC already operates a large container crane fabrication plant. Portal and other harbour cranes are SPMP’s major production item. During the past two years, the corporation has won contracts for 145 portal cranes from port authorities throughout China, both from new ports under construction and ports undergoing expansion. In recent years, SPMP has also supplied portal cranes to the United States, Iraq,and Myanmar.The port Rangoon of Myanmar in has purchased a 47m,40t portal crane while BIW of the United States has purchased three cranes-15t,150t, and 300t portal


毕业论文外文文献翻译 毕业设计(论文)题目关于企业内部环境绩效审计的研究翻译题目最高审计机关的环境审计活动 学院会计学院 专业会计学 姓名张军芳 班级09020615 学号09027927 指导教师何瑞雄

最高审计机关的环境审计活动 1最高审计机关越来越多的活跃在环境审计领域。特别是1993-1996年期间,工作组已检测到环境审计活动坚定的数量增长。首先,越来越多的最高审计机关已经活跃在这个领域。其次是积极的最高审计机关,甚至变得更加活跃:他们分配较大部分的审计资源给这类工作,同时出版更多环保审计报告。表1显示了平均数字。然而,这里是机构间差异较大。例如,环境报告的数量变化,每个审计机关从1到36份报告不等。 1996-1999年期间,结果是不那么容易诠释。第一,活跃在环境审计领域的最高审计机关数量并没有太大变化。“活性基团”的组成没有保持相同的:一些最高审计机关进入,而其他最高审计机关离开了团队。环境审计花费的时间量略有增加。二,但是,审计报告数量略有下降,1996年和1999年之间。这些数字可能反映了从量到质的转变。这个信号解释了在过去三年从规律性审计到绩效审计的转变(1994-1996年,20%的规律性审计和44%绩效审计;1997-1999:16%规律性审计和绩效审计54%)。在一般情况下,绩效审计需要更多的资源。我们必须认识到审计的范围可能急剧变化。在将来,再将来开发一些其他方式去测算人们工作量而不是计算通过花费的时间和发表的报告会是很有趣的。 在2000年,有62个响应了最高审计机关并向工作组提供了更详细的关于他们自1997年以来公布的工作信息。在1997-1999年,这62个最高审计机关公布的560个环境审计报告。当然,这些报告反映了一个庞大的身躯,可用于其他机构的经验。环境审计报告的参考书目可在网站上的最高审计机关国际组织的工作组看到。这里这个信息是用来给最高审计机关的审计工作的内容更多一些洞察。 自1997年以来,少数环境审计是规律性审计(560篇报告中有87篇,占16%)。大多数审计绩效审计(560篇报告中有304篇,占54%),或组合的规律性和绩效审计(560篇报告中有169篇,占30%)。如前文所述,绩效审计是一个广泛的概念。在实践中,绩效审计往往集中于环保计划的实施(560篇报告中有264篇,占47%),符合国家环保法律,法规的,由政府部门,部委和/或其他机构的任务给访问(560篇报告中有212篇,占38%)。此外,审计经常被列入政府的环境管理系统(560篇报告中有156篇,占28%)。下面的元素得到了关注审计报告:影响或影响现有的国家环境计划非环保项目对环境的影响;环境政策;由政府遵守国际义务和承诺的10%至20%。许多绩效审计包括以上提到的要素之一。 1本文译自:S. Van Leeuwen.(2004).’’Developments in Environmental Auditing by Supreme Audit Institutions’’ Environmental Management Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 163–1721


A Case Study of Pattern-based Software Framework to Improve the Quality of Software Development Chih-Hung Chang, Chih-Wei Lu Dept. of Information Management, Hsiuping Institute of Technology No.11, Gongye Rd., Dali City, Taichung County, Taiwan(R.O.C.) 886-4-24961123 ext 3112 {chchang,cwlu}@ https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,.tw William C. Chu Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tunghai University No.181, Sec. 3, Taichung Port Rd.,Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-4-23508983 cchu@https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,.tw Nien-Lin Hsueh Dept. of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University No. 100 Wenhwa Rd., Taichung, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-4- 24517250 ext 3773 nlhsueh@https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,.tw Chorng-Shiuh Koong Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Taichung University No.140, Ming-Sheng Rd., Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-4-22183804 csko@https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d4177000.html,.tw ABSTRACT In recent years, development of the software industry and demand for software systems have increased rapidly, but developers often does not know whose suggestion to follow regarding methodologies of software engineering. One reason for that is the difficulty in applying new software engineering technologies. Developers take a long time to train. Another reason is the difficulty in integrating CASE toolsets. So many indeterminate factors make the development process more and more complex. On the other hand, software development is too customized, and software reuse is difficult. T he reasons above are the cause for software development and maintenance to become more complex and difficult to control. In this paper we explore the importation of a software pattern-based framework, and the development of an ERP/support chain system. Based on software patterns, developers can separate development and business so as to reduce problems caused by the developer’s lack of business experience. T he quality of the product can thus be enhanced, software development costs be reduced, and software maintenance be improved. Keywords Design Pattern, Framework, Software Development Process, XML 1.INTRODUCTION In Object-Oriented T echnology, the property of inheritance allows software components to be reused, which can obviously reduce the cost of software development. For this reason, to produce a highly reusable software component is an important goal of software engineering. However, programmers are usually focused on code reuse while ignoring design reuse. Design patterns provide a clear concept of design structure by describing the relationships of inheritance and reference between components of the system. Design patterns are a series of familiar usages and constructions utilized throughout system design. Design patterns allow rapid coding of certain components by following certain patterns of steps. T his can improve the documentation and maintenance of existing systems by providing an explicit specification of class, object interactions and their underlying intents. One of the main purposes of design patterns is to help software engineers to understand the common characteristics of software objects/components in specialized domain. In recent years, due to the development and maturation of WWW and Java [14] technologies, many applications are now web applications or leaning in that direction. Many software concepts are utilized for the web as well, such as Design Patterns and Frameworks. The Apache Struts [12] and Spring Framework [13] are both open source frameworks used to address and reduce the complexity of developing an enterprise application. T he advantage of using a framework is the layered architecture it provides. Layered architecture allowed users to choose the component desired, while also providing the integration framework when developing application using J2EE. T hese developing web concepts can facilitate the development of web applications. However, these very useful tools and concepts lack a systematic organization. We hope to use these open source software technologies to develop a software framework which can be applied to web application. T his should solve the problem of web applications lacking a good structure, while through applying these open source software technologies, software development costs will be reduced. Furthermore, a guideline for programmers who wants to use these open source technologies will be provided. This paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we discuss works related to our project; in section 3, the open source technologies used in the paper and the system implementation will be described; Section 4 is a sample experiment. T he conclusion is given in section 5.
