第一章 拼音介绍和语调 introduction and tones

第一章 拼音介绍和语调 introduction and tones
第一章 拼音介绍和语调 introduction and tones

Chapter 1 Introduction of PINYIN

Pinyin is essential and most fundamental knowledge for all serious Chinese learners. If you are learning Chinese, no matter if you are a beginner or an advanced learner, you shall be aware of paramount importance of Pinyin. Good knowledge in Pinyin can greatly help you express yourself more clearly; it can also help you in archiving better listening comprehension. Before learning how to read, write, or pronounce Chinese characters, you must learn pinyin first.

Pinyin or Pin Yin is a short for Hanyu Pinyin, which literally means “spelled sound” (phonetics). Pin means “spelling” and Yin means “sound”. Pinyin is a system of Romanization (phonemic notation and transcription to Roman script) for Mandarin Chinese. Pinyin was approved in 1958 and adopted in 1979 by the government in the People’s Republic of China.

Since then, Pinyin has been accepted by the Government of Singapore, the Library of Congress, the American Library Association, and most international institutions as the preferred transcription system for Mandarin Chinese. In 1979 the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) adopted pinyin as the standard Romanization for modern Chinese (ISO-7098:1991).

Pinyin uses Roman letters to represent sounds in Mandarin Chinese. The way these letters represent sounds in Mandarin Chinese differs from how other languages that use the Roman alphabet represent sound. Pinyin uses the same letters as the English alphabet except for the letter v plus the addition of ū. Al l of the consonants represent basically the same sound that they have in English with some exceptions. For example, the sounds indicated in Pinyin by ‘b’ and ‘p’ are distinguished from each other by aspiration in a manner different from that of both English, which has voicing and aspiration, and of French, which has voicing alone. Other letters like ’j’, ‘q’, ‘x’ or ‘zh’ indicate sounds that do not correspond to any exact sound in English. Some of the transcriptions in Pinyin such as ‘ang’, do not correspon d to English pronunciation, either. Pinyin has also become a useful tool for entering Chinese language text into computers.

Tips for Learning Pinyin.

Chinese is not a phonetic language. Chinese pronunciation is not related to the writing of Chinese characters. “Pinyin“, “Hanyu Pinin” or “Chinese Pinyin” is a way to use Roman letters to represent the pronunciation of the Chinese characters.

Pinyin does not represent English pronunciation and should not be pronounced according to English conventions. You are advised to learn Pinyin phonetic conventions, bearing in mind that many sounds have no equivalents in English.

Since Pinyin is based only on the sounds of Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin is unsuitable for use for speakers of some other Chinese spoken dialects, because the sounds do not correspond to their speech.

There are many homonyms in mandarin Chinese. Pinyin can be ambiguous, especially when transcribing Standard Written Chinese, which uses formal constructions not often found in speech. However, this should not be an issue in the transcription of normal spoken Mandarin conversation since speakers would not use such ambiguous constructions in speech.

One more important note on Pinyin is that each syllable represents one character, because each character in Chinese has only one syllable.

When learning Chinese Pinyin and the tones, we recommend you pronounce LOUDLY with the recording each time you hear one.

Pinyin is the basic foundation for learning Chinese. Are you on the right track for learning Chinese? If you develop a bad pronunciation habit, it will be very difficult to make a correction.

In “Pin Yin”, we talked about why Chinese Pinyin is so critical for learning Chinese, and why to learn Pinyin first is a must to build a solid pronunciation foundation for your listening and speaking skills. To start learning Mandarin Chinese language from pinyin is compulsory in Chinese schools and basically, every Chinese in Mainland China starts learning pinyin from kindergarten (5-6 years old).

In Chinese, each character corresponds to one syllable. Chinese syllables consist of three elements: initial sound, final sound and tone. The initial sounds are consonants and the final sounds contain at least one vowel. Some syllables consist only of an initial sound or a final sound.

Mandarin Chinese language has 21 consonants and 35 vowels. The initial and final sounds make a total of 56 basic sounds. Combinations of initials and finals plus the special cases result in more than 400 mono-syllabic sounds. Applying the four tones of Mandarin Chinese to this, we get a total of around 1,600 unique syllables. Pronunciation of Mandarin has two aspects: syllables and tones. Each can be practiced separately, but when it comes to speaking Mandarin Chinese you must memorize words with their proper tones.

Chapter 2

What are the Chinese tones?

In English, tones are used to indicate whether a sentence is a statement or a question. Changing the tone in English will change the mood or the emphasis of the sentence, but not the meaning of the sentence. Chinese sentences apply the same rules.

However, Chinese is a tonal language; each Chinese character has a tone. Each pinyin syllable in Chinese can have 5 possible ways to pronounce by varying the tone (pitch). There are four tones and neutral tone (toneless) in Mandarin Chinese. One syllable, pronounced in different tones will usually mean different things. Comparing with English, which only has rising tone and falling tone, Chinese has four tones including flat tone, rising tone, falling-rising tone and falling tone. This fact makes the Chinese Tone Training a fundamentally important part of any serious Chinese learners. Since even you can pronounce the pinyin of a Chinese character correctly, if you do not master tones, Chinese speakers will not understand you.

Learning Chinese pronunciation is the toughest part. Do not worry! With this 21 day pinyin crash course, you shall get familiar with pinyin and mastering it very quickly!

Focus from Day 1 – Tones

Since tones are the most difficult part for Chinese learners, we focus the tones from day 1 in this Pinyin Crash Course. We will practice tones every day in the 21 day’s Pinyin Crash Course.

Tone marks

In Chinese it is always very important to pronounce characters and words with correct tone. In transliterated Chinese, tone markings are written over the central vowels in most syllables. Some syllables have no specific tone, and then no sign is put above any vowel, or called neutral tone. In Mandarin Chinese there are four tones and a neutral tone.

?The 1st tone, flat tone is marked with a line over a vowel such as “a” + “-” = “ā”.

?The 2nd tone, rising tone is marked with a rising line over a vowel such as “a” + “′” = “á”.

?The 3rd tone, falling-rising tone is marked with a hook over a vowel such as “a” + “v” = “?”.

?The 4th tone, falling tone is marked with a falling line over a vowel such as “a” + “`” = “à”.

?For neutral tone also called toneless tone (called “light sound” in Chinese), no marking is put above any vowel.

For example, “a” + ” ” = “a”.

Using numbers to indicate the tones

In addition to use tone marks, Pinyin uses numbers to indicate the tones.

Pronunciation Guide

The following is the example of ‘a’ with tone marks.

?First tone: a1 or ā

?Second tone: a2 or á

?Third tone: a3 or ǎ

?Fourth tone: a4 or à

The following table describes 4 tones and the neutral tone marking the sound “a”.

Tone Pinyin Description

1st āflat tone

2nd árising tone

3rd ǎfalling-rising tone

4th àfalling tone

Neutral a no tone

Each tone has a distinctive pitch contour which can be graphed as bellow.

Tone Exercise

Tone Exercise 1: Tone Combination Drill

In this exercise, we will combine first tone syllables with the second, third, and fourth tones.

Listen to the audio first, and then repeat.

1. ā á ǎ à

2. á ǎ à ā

3. ǎ à ā á

4. à ǎ á ā

Tone Exercise 2: Tongue Twister Drill

Listen to the tongue twisters below. Try to mimic the sound as closely as possible.

Pinyin:mā mā qí mǎ mǎ màn mā mā mà mǎ

Chinese characters:妈妈骑马, 马慢, 妈妈骂马. M om rides a horse. The horse goes slowly. Mom scolds the horse.

What are the Chinese tones?

In English, tones are used to indicate whether a sentence is a statement or a question. Changing the tone in English will change the mood or the emphasis of the sentence, but not the meaning of the sentence. Chinese sentences apply the same rules.

However, Chinese is a tonal language; each Chinese character has a tone. Each pinyin syllable in Chinese can have 5 possible ways to pronounce by varying the tone (pitch). There are four tones and neutral tone (toneless) in Mandarin Chinese. One syllable, pronounced in different tones will usually mean different things. Comparing with English, which only has rising tone and falling tone, Chinese has four tones including flat tone, rising tone, falling-rising tone and falling tone. This fact makes the Chinese Tone Training a fundamentally important part of any serious Chinese learners. Since even you can pronounce the pinyin of a Chinese character correctly, if you do not master tones, Chinese speakers will not understand you.

Learning Chinese pronunciation is the toughest part. Do not worry! With this 21 day pinyin crash course, you shall get familiar with pinyin and mastering it very quickly!

Focus from Day 1 – Tones

Since tones are the most difficult part for Chinese learners, we focus the tones from day 1 in this Pinyin Crash Course. We will practice tones every day in the 21 day’s Pinyin Crash Course.

Tone marks

In Chinese it is always very important to pronounce characters and words with correct tone. In transliterated Chinese, tone markings are written over the central vowels in most syllables. Some syllables have no specific tone, and then no sign is put above any vowel, or called neutral tone. In Mandarin Chinese there are four tones and a neutral tone.

?The 1st tone, flat tone is marked with a line over a vowel such as “a” + “-” = “ā”.

?The 2nd tone, rising tone is marked with a rising line over a vowel such as “a” + “′” = “á”.

?The 3rd tone, falling-rising tone is marked with a hook over a vowel such as “a” + “v” = “?”.

?The 4th tone, falling tone is marked with a falling line over a vow el such as “a” + “`” = “à”.

?For neutral tone also called toneless tone (called “light sound” in Chinese), no marking is put above any vowel.

For example, “a” + ” ” = “a”.

Using numbers to indicate the tones

In addition to use tone marks, Pinyin uses numbers to indicate the tones.

Pronunciation Guide

The following is the example of ‘a’ with tone marks.

?First tone: a1 or ā

?Second tone: a2 or á

?Third tone: a3 or ǎ

?Fourth tone: a4 or à

The following table describes 4 tones and the neutral tone marking the sound “a”.

Tone Pinyin Description

1st āflat tone

2nd árising tone

3rd ǎfalling-rising tone

4th àfalling tone

Neutral a no tone

Each tone has a distinctive pitch contour which can be graphed as bellow.

Tone Exercise

Tone Exercise 1: Tone Combination Drill

In this exercise, we will combine first tone syllables with the second, third, and fourth tones.

Listen to the audio first, and then repeat.

1. ā á ǎ à

2. á ǎ à ā

3. ǎ à ā á

4. à ǎ á ā

Tone Exercise 2: Tongue Twister Drill

Listen to the tongue twisters below. Try to mimic the sound as closely as possible.

Pinyin:mā mā qí mǎ mǎ màn mā mā mà mǎ

Chinese characters:妈妈骑马, 马慢, 妈妈骂马.


千字文 tiān dì xuán huáng yǔ zhòu hóng huāng rì yuè yíng zèchén xiǔ liè zhāng 天地玄黄宇宙洪荒日月盈昃辰宿列张 hánl ái shǔ wǎng qiū shōu dōng cáng rùn yú chéng suìlǜlǚtáo yang 寒来暑往秋收冬藏闰余成岁律吕调阳 yún téng zhìyǔlùjié wéi shuāng jīn shēng lìshuǐyùchūkūn gāng 云腾致雨露结为霜金生丽水玉出昆冈 jiàn hào jùquèzhūchēng yèguāng g uǒzhēn lǐnài cài zhòng jièjiāng 剑号巨阙珠称夜光果珍李柰菜重芥姜 hǎi xián hé dàn lín qián yǔ xiáng long shīhuǒ dìniǎo guān rén huáng 海咸河淡鳞潜羽翔龙师火帝鸟官人皇 s hǐ zhìwén zìnǎi fúyīs hāng t uī wèi rang guóyǒu yú táo tang 始制文字乃服衣裳推位让国有虞陶唐 diào mín fá zuìzhōu fāyīn tang zuò cháo wèn dào chuígǒng ping zhāng 吊民伐罪周发殷汤坐朝问道垂拱平章 ai yùlíshǒu chén fú róng qiāng xiáěr yītǐshuài bīn guī wáng 爱育黎首臣伏戎羌遐迩一体率宾归王 míng fèng zài zhúbái jūshíchǎng huà bèi cǎo mùlài jíwàn fang 鸣凤在竹白驹食场化被草木赖及万方 gài cǐshēn fàsìdàwǔ cháng gōng wéi jūyǎng qǐgǎn huǐshāng 盖此身发四大五常恭惟鞠养岂敢毁伤 nǚ mùzhēnj iénán xiào cái liáng z hī guòbìgǎi dénéng mò wàng 女慕贞洁男效才良知过必改得能莫忘 wǎng tán bǐduǎn míshìjǐ cháng xìn shǐkěfùqìyùnán liáng 罔谈彼短靡恃己长信使可复器欲难量 mòbēi sīrǎn shīzàn gāo yang jǐng xíng wéi xián kèniàn zuòsheng 墨悲丝染诗赞羔羊景行维贤克念作圣 déjiàn míng lìxíng duān biǎo zhèng kōng gǔchuánshēng xū tang xíting 德建名立形端表正空谷传声虚堂习听huòyīnèjífúyuán shàn qìng c hǐbìfēi bǎo cùn yīn shìjìng 祸因恶积福缘善庆尺璧非宝寸阴是竞 zī fùshìjūn yuēyán yǔ jìng xiào dāng jiélìzhōng zéjìn mìng 资父事君曰严与敬孝当竭力忠则尽命 lín shēn lǚbáo sùxīng wēn qìng sìlán sīxīn rúsōng zhīsheng 临深履薄夙兴温凊似兰斯馨如松之盛chuān liú bùxīyuān chéng qǔ yìng róng zhǐruòsīyán cíān dìng 川流不息渊澄取映容止若思言辞安定 dǔchūchénměi shèn zhōng yì ling róng yèsuǒjījíshèn wújìng 笃初诚美慎终宜令荣业所基籍甚无竟xuéyōu dēng shìshè zhǐ cóng zhèng cún yǐgān táng qùér yìyǒng 学优登仕摄职从政存以甘棠去而益咏 lèshū guìjiàn lǐbiézūn bēi shàng hé xià mùfūchàng fùsuí乐殊贵贱礼别尊卑上和下睦夫唱妇随Wài shòu fù xùn rùfèng mǔyízhūgūbóshúyōu zǐbǐér 外受傅训入奉母仪诸姑伯叔犹子比儿 第 1 页共3 页


千字文全文带拼音 千字文 (tiān dì xuán huáng),(yǔ zhòu hóng huāng)。(rì yuè yíng zè),天地玄黄宇宙洪荒日月盈昃 (chén xiǔ liè zhāng)。(hánl ái shǔ wǎng),(qiū shōu dōng cáng)。 辰宿列张寒来暑往秋收冬藏 (rùn yú chéng suì),(lǜ lǚ táo yáng)。(yún téng z hì yǔ),闰余成岁律吕调阳云腾致雨 (lù jié wéi shuāng)。(jīn shēng lìshuǐ),(yùchūkūn gāng)。 露结为霜金生丽水玉出昆冈 (jiàn hào jù què),(zhūchēng yèguāng)。(guǒzhēn lǐ nài),剑号巨阙珠称夜光果珍李柰 (cài zhòng jièjiāng)。(hǎi xián hé dàn),(lín qián yǔ xiáng)。 菜重芥姜海咸河淡鳞潜羽翔 (long shīhuǒ dì),(niǎo guān rén huáng)。(shǐ zhì wén zì),龙师火帝鸟官人皇始制文字 (nǎi fúyīshāng)。(tuī wèi rang guó),(yǒu yú táo táng)。 乃服衣裳。推位让国,有虞陶唐。 (diào mín fá zuì),(zhōu fāyīn tāng)。(zuò cháo wèn dào),吊民伐罪周发殷汤坐朝问道 (chuígǒng píng zhāng)。(ài yù líshǒu),(chén fú róng qiāng)。 垂拱平章爱育黎首臣伏戎羌 (xiáěr yītǐ),(shuài bīn guī wáng)。(míng fèng zài zhú),遐迩一体率宾归王鸣凤在竹 (bái jū shíchǎng)。(huà bèi cǎo mù),(lài jí wàn fāng)。 白驹食场化被草木赖及万方


汉语拼音声调符号的标写规则: 有a、o、e就不标i、u、ü没有a母找o、e 声调要标在主要韵母上。 如果音节里有a就标在a上,如果没有a就标在o上, 如果a 、 o都没有就标在e上。如:“包”b ā o 调号标在a上,“手”sh ǒ u调号标在o上,“门”m é n调号标在e 上。 u并列标在后。 如果a o e都没有,只有韵母i,就标在i上; 只有韵母u就标在u上。 如果既有i 又有u,哪个字母在后边就标在哪个韵母上(即i、u并列标在后)。如:“棍”g ù n调号标在u上“您”n í n 调号标在i上,“鬼”guǐ调号标在i上,“流”liú调号标在u上。轻声不标不算错。轻声是轻而短的声调,不属于四声里的任何一种,不标调。如:巴掌b ā zhang 案子àn zi

汉语拼音声调标注位置口诀: (1)有a不放过; (2)没a找o、e; (3)i、u并列标在后; (4)单个韵母不必说。 普通话有39个韵母,其中23个由元音充当,16个由元音附带鼻辅音韵尾构成。按韵母的结构特点,一般把韵母分为三类,即:单韵母、复韵母、鼻韵母。 单韵母:a o e i u ü 复韵母:ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ve 特殊元音韵母:er 鼻韵母:an en in un vn (前鼻韵母)ang eng ing ong(后鼻韵母) 其中汉语拼音的声调标注规律: a o e i u ü标调按顺序,‘i、u并排标后头’,小ü碰到j q x y 就脱帽(去掉点)。 a母出现不放过,(即韵母中凡是有a的,标在a上。如lao,标在a上) 没有a母找 o e ,(没有a,但有o 或e的,标在 o 或e 上。如lou标在o上,lei标在e上) i u并列标在后,(i和 u并列时,标在后面。比如liu,标在u上,gui,标在i 上)


《千字文》全文(带拼音) tiān dìxuán huáng yǔzhòu hóng huāng 天地玄黄,宇宙洪荒。 rìyuèyíng zèchén xiǔlièzhāng 日月盈昃,辰宿列张。hán lái shǔwǎng qiūshōu dōng cáng 寒来暑往,秋收冬藏。rùn yúchéng suìlǜlǚtáo yáng 闰余成岁,律吕调阳。yún téng zhìyǔlùjiéwéi shuāng 云腾致雨,露结为霜。jīn shēng lìshuǐyùchūkūn gāng 金生丽水,玉出昆冈。jiàn hào jùquèzhūchēng yèguāng 剑号巨阙,珠称夜光。guǒzhēn lǐnài cài zhòng jièjiāng

果珍李柰,菜重芥姜。hǎi xián hédàn lín qián yǔxiáng 海咸河淡,鳞潜羽翔。lóng shīhuǒdìniǎo guān rén huáng 龙师火帝,鸟官人皇。shǐzhìwén zìnǎi fúyīshāng 始制文字,乃服衣裳。tuīwèi ràng guóyǒu yútáo táng 推位让国,有虞陶唐。diào mín fázuìzhōu fāyīn tāng 吊民伐罪,周发殷汤。zuòcháo wèn dào chuígǒng píng zhāng 坐朝问道,垂拱平章。 ài yùlíshǒu chén fúróng qiāng 爱育黎首,臣伏戎羌。xiáěr yītǐshuài bīn guīwáng

遐迩一体,率宾归王。míng fèng zài zhúbái jūshíchǎng 鸣凤在竹,白驹食场。huàbèi cǎo mùlài jíwàn fāng 化被草木,赖及万方。gài cǐshēn fàsìdàwǔcháng 盖此身发,四大五常。gōng wéi jūyǎng qǐgǎn huǐshāng 恭惟鞠养,岂敢毁伤。nǚmùzhēn jiénán xiào cái liáng 女慕贞洁,男效才良。zhīguòbìgǎi dénéng mòwàng 知过必改,得能莫忘。wǎng tán bǐduǎn míshìjǐcháng 罔谈彼短,靡恃己长。xìn shǐkěfùqìyùnán liáng


千字文全文带拼音 天地玄黄(tiān dì xuán huáng),宇宙洪荒(yǔ zhòu hóng huāng)。日月盈昃(rì yuè yíng zè), 辰宿列张(chén xiǔ liè zhāng)。寒来暑往(hánl ái shǔ wǎng), 秋收冬藏(qiū shōu dōng cáng)。闰余成岁(rùn yú chéng suì), 律吕调阳(lǜ lǚ táo yáng)。 云腾致雨(yún téng zhì yǔ), 露结为霜(lùjiéwéish uāng)。 金生丽水(jīnshēnglìshuǐ), 玉出昆冈(yùchūkūngāng)。 剑号巨阙(jiànhàojùquè), 珠称夜光(zhūchēngyèguāng)。果珍李柰(guǒzhēnlǐnài), 菜重芥姜(càizhòngjièjiāng)。 海咸河淡(hǎixiánhédàn), 鳞潜羽翔(línqiányǔxiáng)。 龙师火帝(lóngshīhuǒdì), 鸟官人皇(niǎoguānrénhuáng)。始制文字(shǐzhìwénzì), 乃服衣裳(nǎifúyīshāng)。 推位让国(tuīwèiràngguó), 有虞陶唐(yǒuyútáotáng)。 吊民伐罪(diàomínfázuì),周发殷汤(zhōufāyīntāng)。 坐朝问道(zuòcháowèndào), 垂拱平章(chuígǒngpíngzhāng)。爱育黎首(àiyùlíshǒu), 臣伏戎羌(chénfúróngqiāng)。遐迩一体(xiáěryītǐ), 率宾归王(shuàibīnguīwáng)。鸣凤在竹(míngfèngzàizhú), 白驹食场(báijūshíchǎng)。 化被草木(huàbèicǎomù), 赖及万方(làijíwànfāng)。 盖此身发(gàicǐshēnfà), 四大五常(sìdàwǔcháng)。 恭惟鞠养(gōngwéijūyǎng), 岂敢毁伤(qǐgǎnhuǐshāng)。 女慕贞洁(nǚmùzhēnjié), 男效才良(nánxiàocáiliáng)。 知过必改(zhīguòbìgǎi), 得能莫忘(dénéngmòwàng)。 罔谈彼短(wǎngtánbǐduǎn), 靡恃己长(míshìjǐcháng)。 信使可覆(xìnshǐkěfù), 器欲难量(qìyùnánliáng)。 墨悲丝染(mòbēisīrǎn), 诗赞羔羊(shīzàngāoyáng)。


汉语拼音声调标注口诀 汉语拼音声调标注口诀 汉语拼音声调标注位置口诀: a母出现别放过, 没有a母找o e , iu 并列标在后, ü母上面两点抹。 单个韵母不必说 j q x 小淘气, 见了ü眼就挖去。 (1)有a不放过; (2)没a找o、e; (3)i、u并列标在后; (4)单个韵母不必说 普通话有39个韵母,其中23个由元音充当,16个由元音附带鼻辅音韵尾构成。 按韵母的结构特点,一般把韵母分为三类,即: 单韵母、复韵母、鼻韵母。 单韵母: a o e i u ü 复韵母:

ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ve 特殊元音韵母: er 鼻韵母: an en in un vn (前鼻韵母)ang eng ing ong(后鼻韵母)其中汉语拼音的声调标注规律: a o e i u ü 标调按顺序,‘i、u并排标后头’,小ü 碰到j q x y 就脱帽(去掉点)。 a母出现不放过,(即韵母中凡是有a的,标在a上。如lao,标在a上)没有a母找o e ,(没有a,但有o 或e的,标在o 或e 上。如lou标在o 上,lei标在e上) i u并列标在后,(i和u并列时,标在后面。比如liu,标在u上,gui,标在i 上) 单个韵母不必说。(单个的韵母,当然就标它上面了) 巧记汉语拼音口诀大全2009年09月23日星期三22:02 巧记汉语拼音口诀大全(学习笔记整理) 汉语拼音用处大,识字读书需要它, 帮助学习普通话,我们一起学好它。 一、单韵母6个单韵母,很重要,发音口形要摆好, 嘴巴张大a a a ,嘴巴圆圆o o o , 嘴巴扁扁e e e ,牙齿对齐i i i , 嘴巴突出u u u ,嘴吹口哨ü ü ü 。


千字文 T iān dì xuán huáng yǔ zhòu hóng huāng 天地玄黄宇宙洪荒:苍天是黑色的,大地是黄色的;茫茫宇宙辽阔无边。 rìyuèyíng zèchén xiùlièzhāng 日月盈昃辰宿列张:太阳有正有斜,月亮有缺有圆;星辰布满在无边的太空中。 Hán lái shǔ wǎng qiū shōu dōng cáng 寒来暑往秋收冬藏:寒暑循环变换,来了又去,去了又来;秋季里忙着收割,冬天里忙着储藏。rùn yú chéng suìlǜlǚ tiáo yáng 闰余成岁律吕调阳:积累数年的闰余并成一个月,放在闰年里;古人用六律六吕来调节阴阳。yún téng zhìyǔlùjié wéi shuāng 云腾致雨露结为霜:云气升到天空,遇冷就形成雨;露水碰上寒夜,很快凝结为霜。 jīn shēng lí shuǐyùchū kūn gāng 金生丽水玉出昆冈:金子生于金沙江底,玉石出自昆仑山岗。 Jiàn hào jù quèzhū chēng yè guāng 剑号巨阙珠称夜光:最有名的宝剑叫“巨阙”,最贵重的明珠叫“夜光”。 guǒ zhēn lǐnài cài zhòng jiè jiāng 果珍李柰菜重芥姜:果子中最珍贵的是李和柰,蔬菜中最看重的是芥和姜。 Hǎi xián hé dàn lín qián yǔ xiáng 海咸河淡鳞潜羽翔:海水咸,河水淡;鱼儿在水中潜游,鸟儿在空中飞翔。 第 1 页共13 页 1

lóng shī huǒ dìniǎo guān rén huáng 龙师火帝鸟官人皇:龙师、火帝、鸟官、人皇:这都是上古时代的帝皇官员。 Shǐzhì wén zìnǎi fúyī shāng 始制文字乃服衣裳:有了仓颉,开始创造了文字,有了嫘祖,人们才穿起了遮身盖体的衣裳。tuī wèi ràng guóyǒu yú táo táng 推位让国有虞陶唐:唐尧、虞舜英明无私,主动把君位禅让给功臣贤人。 diào mín fá zuìzhōu fā yīn tāng 吊民伐罪周发殷汤:安抚百姓,讨伐暴君,有周武王姬发和商君成汤。 zuò cháo wèn dào chuí gǒng pián zhāng 坐朝问道垂拱平章:贤君身坐朝廷,探讨治国之道,垂衣拱手,和大臣共商国事。 ài yùlíshǒu chén fú róng qiāng 爱育黎首臣伏戎羌:他们爱抚、体恤老百姓,四方各族人都归附向往。 xiáěr yī tǐshuài bīn guī wáng 遐迩一体率宾归王:远远近近都统一在一起,全都心甘情屈服贤君。 míng fèng zài zhúbái jū shí cháng 鸣凤在竹白驹食场:凤凰在竹林中欢鸣,白马在草场上觅食,国泰民安,处处吉祥。 huà bèi cǎo mùlài jíwàn fāng 化被草木赖及万方:贤君的教化覆盖大自然的一草一木,恩泽遍及天下百姓。 Gài cǐ shēn fàsìdàwǔ cháng 盖此身发四大五常:人的身体发肤分属于“四大”,一言一动都要符合“五常”。 第 2 页共13 页 2


汉语拼音声调标注口诀 一.汉语拼音声调标注位置口诀: 1. 有a不放过, 2.没有a母找o e , 3. iu 并列标在后,ü母上面两点抹。 4.单个韵母不必说 5.j q x 小淘气,遇见了ü, 两个小点要拿去. 二. 字母表: 普通话有39个韵母,其中23个由元音充当,16个由元音附带鼻辅音韵尾构成。按韵母的结构特点,一般把韵母分为三类, 即:单韵母、复韵母、鼻韵母.

1、声母表(23个) b 播, p 泼, m 摸, f 佛 d 得, t 特, n 讷, l 勒 g 哥, k 科, h 喝, j 鸡 q 气, x 西, zh 知, ch 吃 sh 狮, r 日, z 字, c 刺 s 丝, y 医, W 屋, 2、韵母表(24个) 单韵母(6个): ɑ啊, o 喔, e 鹅, i 衣 u 乌, ü迂, 复韵母(8个): ai 爱, ei 欸, ui 威, ao 熬 ou 欧, iu 优, ie 耶, üe约 特殊元音韵母(1个):er儿 前鼻韵母(5个): an 安, en 恩, in 因, un 温, ün晕 后鼻韵母(4个): ang 昂, eng 亨, ing 英, ong 轰 3、整体认读音节(16个) zhi(织) chi(吃) shi(狮) ri(日) zi(字) ci(刺) si(丝) yi(衣) wu(乌) yu(鱼) ye(爷)yue(月) yuan(圆) yin(因) yun(云) ying(鹰)

三.其中汉语拼音的声调标注规律: 一声平平左到右,二声就像上山坡,三声下坡又上坡,四声就像下山坡。 标调规则先标a o e 再标 i u ü, i u并列标在后,i上标调把点抹, 1: a o e i u ü标调按顺序,‘i、u并排标后头’,小ü碰到j q x y 就脱帽(去掉点)。 2:a母出现不放过,(即韵母中凡是有a的,标在a上。如lao,标在a上) 3:没有a母找 o e ,(没有a,但有o 或e的,标在 o 或e 上。如lou标在o上,lei标在e上) 4:i u并列标在后,(i和 u并列时,标在后面。比如liu,标在u上,gui,标在i 上) 5:单个韵母不必说。(单个的韵母,当然就标它上面了) 6:小ü见大y,去掉两点还读ü 7:ü拼n和l,两点省不得。(如:nü, lü) 8: “a”不可以和j、q、x组成音节,中间要加”i”(如:jia,qia.xia) “o”不可以和g,k,h.组成音节,中间要加”u”(如:guo.kuo.huo) 9: b,p,m,f四个声母,只拼o来不拼e(么除外) 单门n. 双门m.拐杖f.伞把t. q下带钩g. 形近:ie—ei、iu—ui、un—ün. b—d. p—q. t—f. n—m. 音近:en—eng、in—ing、eng—ong 11:拼写规则: j、q、x、y的后面不跟u只跟ü拼写,拼写时要去掉两点,ju qu xu yu与ü相拼的规则: 合成( j )-( ü ) ( ju ) ( q )-(ü ) ( qu ) ( x )-( ü ) ( xu ) ( y )-( ü ) ( yu ) ( x )-( ü )- ( an ) ( xuan ) 分解( ju ) ( j )-( ü ) ( qu ) ( q )-(ü ) ( xu)( x )-(ü ) ( yu ) ( y )-(ü ) ( j )-( ü ) -( an ) ( juan ) (yue ) ( y )-( ü ) -( e ) (yun ) ( y )-(ü ) -( n ) (yuan) ( y )-(ü ) -( an ) ( ye )-( y ) ( ie ) 12:汽车平走āāā,汽车上坡ááá,汽车下坡又上坡ǎǎǎ,汽车下坡ààà。 13: yi、yin、ying、wu分别读作:i、in、ing、u;yu、yue、yun、yuan分别读作:ü、üe、ün、üan


千字文 天地玄黄(tiān dì xuán huáng),宇宙洪荒(yǔ zhòu hóng huāng)。日月盈昃(rì yuè yíng zè), 辰宿列张(chén xiǔ liè zhāng)。寒来暑往(hánl ái shǔ wǎng),秋收冬藏(qiū shōu dōng cáng)。闰余成岁(rùn yú chéng suì),律吕调阳(lǜ lǚ táo yáng)。 云腾致雨(yún téng zhì yǔ), 露结为霜(lùjiéwéi shuāng)。金生丽水(jīn shēng lìshuǐ),玉出昆冈(yùchūkūn gāng)。 剑号巨阙(jiàn hào jùquè), 珠称夜光(zhūchēng yèguāng)。果珍李柰(guǒzhēn lǐnài), 菜重芥姜(cài zhòng jièjiāng)。海咸河淡(hǎi xián hédàn), 鳞潜羽翔(lín qián yǔxiáng)。龙师火帝 (long shīhuǒdì), 鸟官人皇(niǎo guān rén huáng)。始制文字(shǐzhìwén zì), 乃服衣裳(nǎi fúyīshāng)。 推位让国(tuīwèi rang guó),有虞陶唐(yǒu yútáo táng)。吊民伐罪(diào mín fázuì), 周发殷汤(zhōu fāyīn tāng)。坐朝问道(zuòcháo wèn dào),垂拱平章(chuígǒng píng zhāng)。 爱育黎首(ài yùlíshǒu), 臣伏戎羌(chén fúróng qiāng)。遐迩一体(xiáěr yītǐ), 率宾归王(shuài bīn guīwáng)。鸣凤在竹(míng fèng zài zhú),白驹食场(bái jūshíchǎng)。


】 《千字文》全文(带拼音) tiān dìxuán huáng yǔzhòu(huāng 天地玄黄,{宙洪荒。rìyuèyíng服衣裳。tuīwèi ràng}yǒu yútáo táng 推%让国,有虞陶唐% diào mín fázuìzhōu fā】tāng 吊民伐罪,<发殷汤。

zuòcháo wèn?chuígǒng píng zhāng 坐]问道,垂拱平章\ài yùlíshǒu chén fú|qiāng 爱育黎首,;伏戎羌。xiáěr yī*shuài bīn guīwáng 遐;一体,率宾归王,míng fèng zài zhúbái jū《chǎng 鸣凤在竹,<驹食场。huàbèi cǎo~lài jíwàn fāng 化…草木,赖及万方# gài cǐshēn fàsìdà《cháng 盖此身发,]大五常。gōng wéi jū^qǐgǎn huǐshāng 恭'鞠养,岂敢毁伤)nǚmùzhēn jiénán xiào%liáng 女慕贞洁,…效才良。zhīguòbì?dénéng mòwàng 知、必改,得能莫忘…wǎng tán bǐduǎn míshì…cháng 罔谈彼短,&恃己长。xìn shǐkě$qìyùnán liáng 信|可覆,器欲难量< mòbēi sīrǎn shīzàn;yáng 墨悲丝染,&赞羔羊。jǐng xíng wéi~kèniàn zuòshèng 景—维贤,克念作圣…déjiàn míng lìxíng duān】zhèng 德建名立,\端表正。kōng gǔchuán—xūtáng xítīng 空<传声,虚堂习听>



汉语拼音声调标注位置口诀: a母出现别放过,没有a母找o e , iu 并列标在后,ü母上面两点抹。单个韵母不必说, j q x 小淘气,见了ü眼就挖去。 (1)有a不放过;(2)没a找o、e;(3)i、u并列标在后;(4)单个韵母不必说 普通话有39个韵母,其中23个由元音充当,16个由元音附带鼻辅音韵尾构成。按韵母的结构特点,一般把韵母分为三类,即:单韵母、复韵母、鼻韵母。 单韵母:a o e i u ü 复韵母:ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ve 特殊元音韵母:er 鼻韵母:an en in un vn (前鼻韵母)ang eng ing ong(后鼻韵母)其中汉语拼音的声调标注规律: a o e i u ü标调按顺序,‘i、u并排标后头’,小ü碰到j q x y 就脱帽(去掉点)。 a母出现不放过,(即韵母中凡是有a的,标在a上。如lao,标在a 上) 没有a母找o e ,(没有a,但有o 或e的,标在o 或e 上。如lou标在o上,lei标在e上) i u并列标在后,(i和u并列时,标在后面。比如liu,标在u上,gui,标在i 上) 单个韵母不必说。(单个的韵母,当然就标它上面了)

(乐)舌尖中边音舌根音(也叫舌面后音):g像9和弯镰刀,收割庄稼ggg.(割)舌面后不送气清塞音k像大锤和凿子,雕刻石头kkk.(刻)舌面后送气清塞音h像倒立小酒杯,装满美酒hhh.(喝)舌面后清擦音舌面前音:j像一只小公鸡,圆圆眼睛jjj.(鸡)舌面前不送气清塞擦音q像一面小红旗,迎风飘扬qqq.(旗)舌面前送气清塞擦音x像西瓜切四半,娃娃吃瓜笑xxx.(嘻)舌面前清擦音平舌音:(舌尖前音)z像一个数字2,娃娃写字乐zzz.(滋)舌尖前不送气清塞擦音c像一只小刺猬,弯起身体ccc.(刺)舌尖前送气清塞擦音s像树上蚕宝宝,吐丝织茧sss.(丝)舌尖前清擦音r像田里小禾苗,向着太阳rrr.(日)舌尖前浊擦音舌尖后音:(也叫翘舌音)zcs小酒鬼,见到酒杯(h)舌头翘,说话变成zh(蜘)ch(吃)sh(狮)。zhi 舌尖后不送气清塞擦音chi舌尖后送气清塞擦音shi舌尖后清擦音特殊声母:(零声母)y字好像小树杈,挂件衣服yyy。(衣)齐齿呼w 字好像小屋顶,乌龟小屋www。(屋)合口呼。 三、韵母(单韵母6个+复韵母9个+前鼻韵母5个+后鼻韵母4个,共24个)复韵母9个复韵母,真有趣,两个单韵母在一起。看前音摆口形,口形变化要注意,快速向后滑过去,合成一个音莫忘记。记住字形读音(形象记忆)aiaiai a+i 阿姨和我比高矮。eieiei e+i 白鹅穿衣天上飞。uiuiui u+i 我穿大衣要喝水。aoaoao a+o 阿姨爱穿花棉袄。ououou o+u 大海上空飞海鸥。iuiuiu i+u 邮筒前面把信邮。ieieie i+e 野鹅早餐吃树叶。üeüeüe ü+e 小鱼骑鹅去访月。ererer e+r 野鹅有个小小耳。(注:独立自成音节,不和任何声母相拼。)鼻韵母:


千字文 (tiān dì xuán huáng),(yǔ zhòu hóng huāng)。(rì yuè yíng zè),天地玄黄宇宙洪荒日月盈昃(chén xiǔ liè zhāng)。(hánl ái shǔ wǎng),(qiū shōu dōng cáng)。 辰宿列张寒来暑往秋收冬藏 (rùn yú chéng suì),(lǜ lǚ táo yáng)。(yún téng z hì yǔ),闰余成岁律吕调阳云腾致雨 (lù jié wéi shuāng)。(jīn shēng lìshuǐ),(yù chūkūn gāng)。 露结为霜金生丽水玉出昆冈 (jiàn hào jù què),(zhūchēng yè guāng)。(guǒzhēn lǐ nài),剑号巨阙珠称夜光果珍李柰 (cài zhòng jiè jiāng)。(hǎi xián hé dàn),(lín qián yǔ xiáng)。 菜重芥姜海咸河淡鳞潜羽翔(long shīhuǒ dì),(niǎo guān rén huáng)。(shǐ zhì wén zì),龙师火帝鸟官人皇始制文字 (nǎi fú yīshāng)。(tuī wèi rang guó),(yǒu yú táo táng)。 乃服衣裳。推位让国,有虞陶唐。(diào mín fá zuì),(zhōu fāyīn tāng)。(zuò cháo wèn dào),吊民伐罪周发殷汤坐朝问道 (chuígǒng píng zhāng)。(ài yù líshǒu),(chén fú róng qiāng)。 垂拱平章爱育黎首臣伏戎羌 (xiá ěr yītǐ),(shuài bīn guī wáng)。(míng fèng zài zhú),遐迩一体率宾归王鸣凤在竹 (bái jū shíchǎng)。(huà bèi cǎo mù),(lài jí wàn fāng)。 白驹食场化被草木赖及万方 (gài cǐshēn fà),(sì dà wǔ cháng)。(gōng wéi jūyǎng),盖此身发四大五常恭惟鞠养 (qǐgǎn huǐshāng)。(nǚ mù zhēn jié),(nán xiào cái liáng)。 岂敢毁伤女慕贞洁男效才良 (zhī guò bìgǎi),(dé néng mò wàng)。(wǎng tán bǐduǎn),知过必改得能莫忘罔谈彼短 (mí shìjǐ cháng)。(xìn shǐkě fù),(qì yù nán liáng)。 靡恃己长信使可覆器欲难量 ( mò bēi sīrǎn),(shī zàn gāo yáng)。(jǐng xíng wéi xián),墨悲丝染诗赞羔羊景行维贤 (kè niàn zuò shèng)。(dé jiàn míng lì),(xíng duān biǎo zhèng)。


Practice of tone marks 1.mark syllable tone as requested. Second tone:shi zɑi jiɑnɡ ke ɡuo chenɡzhonɡthird tone:mei fen zhonɡ yue ti zhi ɡe forth tone:wen shi si wei de xiɑnɡdɑo ke first tone:tɑnɡ ti wen shi yinɡ yu jiɑo ji 2.forth tone:huo donɡ de cui huɑ ji tonɡɡuo ke Second tone:tɑnɡ ti wen ke yi qi di xue shenɡ first tone:wei kɑi kuo yue de shi ye ke zhɑnɡ third tone:yi bɑnɡ zhu xue shenɡ wo xi zhonɡ 3.mark syllable tone as you know. Xiao jie ,qingwen canting zai nar ? Zhe shi Shi Yanwen de sushi ma? Duibuqi ,wo bu zhidao ? 4. mark first tone as requested. jiɑo xue yin ci ke tɑnɡ ti wen shi yi zhonɡ yɑo de shou duɑn ye huɑn qi shenɡzhu ɡu li cɑn yu qi fɑ si wei donɡ xi 5. mark forth tone as requested. fɑn kui xin xi ji fɑ xinɡqu zhen duɑn yun yonɡyinɡyu de nenɡ li tiɑo konɡ jiɑo xue jin chenɡ yin dɑo xue shenɡ jin xinɡ


千字文(可直接打印) 天地玄黄(tiān dì xuán huáng),宇宙洪荒(yǔ zhòu hóng huāng)。日月盈昃(rì yuè yíng zè), 辰宿列张(chén xiǔ liè zhāng)。寒来暑往(hánl ái shǔ wǎng), 秋收冬藏(qiū shōu dōng cáng)。闰余成岁(rùn yú chéng suì), 律吕调阳(lǜ lǚ táo yáng)。 云腾致雨(yún téng zhì yǔ), 露结为霜(lù jié wéi shuāng)。 金生丽水(jīn shēng lìshuǐ), 玉出昆冈(yùchūkūn gāng)。 剑号巨阙(jiàn hào jù què), 珠称夜光(zhūchēng yèguāng)。果珍李柰(guǒzhēn lǐ nài), 菜重芥姜(cài zhòng jièjiāng)。海咸河淡(hǎi xián hé dàn), 鳞潜羽翔(lín qián yǔ xiáng)。 龙师火帝(long shīhuǒ dì), 鸟官人皇(niǎo guān rén huáng)。始制文字(shǐ zhì wén zì), 乃服衣裳(nǎi fúyīshāng)。 推位让国(tuī wèi rang guó), 有虞陶唐(yǒu yú táo táng)。吊民伐罪(diào mín fá zuì), 周发殷汤(zhōu fāyīn tāng)。 坐朝问道(zuò cháo wèn dào), 垂拱平章(chuígǒng píng zhāng)。爱育黎首(ài yù líshǒu), 臣伏戎羌(chén fú róng qiāng)。遐迩一体(xiáěr yītǐ), 率宾归王(shuài bīn guī wáng)。鸣凤在竹(míng fèng zài zhú), 白驹食场(bái jū shíchǎng)。 化被草木(huà bèi cǎo mù), 赖及万方(lài jí wàn fāng)。 盖此身发(gài cǐshēn fà), 四大五常(sì dàwǔ cháng)。 恭惟鞠养(gōng wéi jūyǎng), 岂敢毁伤(qǐgǎn huǐshāng)。 女慕贞洁(nǚ mùzhēn jié), 男效才良(nán xiào cái liáng)。 知过必改(zhī guò bìgǎi), 得能莫忘(dénéng mò wàng)。罔谈彼短(wǎng tán bǐduǎn), 靡恃己长(mí shìjǐ cháng)。 信使可覆(xìn shǐkě fù), 器欲难量(qì yù nán liáng)。 墨悲丝染(mòbēi sīrǎn),



普通话声调发音分析 声调的定义 声调就是声音的高低升降的变化,声调又叫字调。在汉语里,音高的升降能够区别意义,这种能区别意义的音高升降叫做声调,又叫做字调。声调具有区别意义的作用。例如“马”(mǎ)和“骂”(mà)就是靠声调区别意义的。普通话里“山西”(shānxī)和“陕西”(shǎnxī)的不同声调和音长、音强都有关系,但是,它的性质主要决定于音高。音乐中的音阶也是由音高决定的,音高则决定于发音体在一定时间内颤动次数的多少,次数越多声音越高,反之声音越低。发音时,声带越紧,在一定时间内振动的次数越多,声音越高,声带越松,在一定时间内振动的次数越少,声音就越低。在发音过程中,声带是可以随时调整的,这样就造成种种不同的音高变化,形成了不同的声调。 声调可以用音阶来模拟,学习声调也可以借助于自己的音乐感。但值得注意的是,声调的音高和音乐中的音高是有区别的。音高有两种,即绝对音高和相对音高,音乐中的音高属于绝对音高,在音乐里,如C调的1,不管谁来唱,也不管用什么乐器来演奏,音高都是一样的,绝对音高在语言里没有区分意义的作用,例如“天”,用低音5度读它和用高音5度读它意义都不会发生变化,还是“天”的意思。声调的音高则是相对的,不要求音高频率的绝对值。由于人的嗓音高低各不相同,声调高低并不是要求人人都发得同样高。女人和小孩儿由于声带比成年男子短一些、窄一些、薄一些,所以他们的声调音高要比成年男子高一些;同一个人情绪紧张激动时,声带会控制得紧一些,所以这时他的声调音高要比平时情绪平静时高一些。此外,声调的高低升降变化是滑动的,不象从一个音阶到另一个音阶那样跳跃式地移动。 声调是的高低升降形式,它主要是由决定的。音乐中的也是由决定的,可以用音阶来模拟,学习声调也可以借助于自己的音乐感。但要注意声调的是相对的,不是绝对;声调的升降变化是滑动的,不像从一个到另一个音阶那样跳跃式地移动。声调的高低通常用五度标记法:立一竖标,5度,最低为1,最高为5。有四个声调:,,,。 声调的高低升降主要决定于音高,而音高的变化又是由发音时声带的松紧决定的。发音时,声带越紧,在一定时间内振动的次数越多,音高就越高;声带越松,在一定时间内振动的次越少,音高就越低。在发音过程中,声带可以随时调整,有时可以一直绷紧,有时可以先放松后绷紧,或先绷紧后放松,有时松紧相间。这样造成的不同的音高的变化,就构成了不同的声调。 声调(英语:Tone)的完整意义是指音节在发音过程中的高低抑扬性(音调,或称音高)及顿挫性(韵尾或闭塞音)。声调是依附在音节上的超音段成分。音调高低可以由阿拉伯数字的调值表示,模仿音阶1-5。调值55表示音节的调高相当于5(so),时长两拍。要准确地确定一个声调的调值,需要借助灵敏的电子仪器来记录和分析。声调不同会导致相同辅音和元音的音节和词语含义不同,此即所谓的变调时所造成之语意歧异性。


《千字文》 青岛市宁夏路小学 四年级一班 刘佳睦

千字文拼音带注释 天地玄黄(tiān dì xuán huáng),宇宙洪荒(yǔ zh?u h?ng huāng)苍天是黑色的,大地是黄色的;茫茫宇宙辽阔无边。 日月盈昃(rì yua yíng za),辰宿列张(ch?n xiǔ lia zhāng)。 太阳有正有斜,月亮有缺有圆;星辰布满在无边的太空中。 寒来暑往(hánl ái shǔ wǎng),秋收冬藏(qiū shōu dōng cáng)。 寒暑循环变换,来了又去,去了又来;秋季里忙着收割,冬天里忙着储藏。闰余成岁(rùn yú ch?ng suì),律吕调阳(lǜ lǚ táo yáng)。 积累数年的闰余并成一个月,放在闰年里;古人用六律六吕来调节阴阳。 云腾致雨(yún t?ng zhì yǔ),露结为霜(lùji?w?ishuāng)。 云气升到天空,遇冷就形成雨;露水碰上寒夜,很快凝结为霜。 金生丽水(jīnshēnglìshuǐ),玉出昆冈(yùchūkūngāng)。 金子生于金沙江底,玉石出自昆仑山岗。 剑号巨阙(jiànhàojùqua),珠称夜光(zhūchēngyaguāng)。 最有名的宝剑叫“巨阙”,最贵重的明珠叫“夜光”。 果珍李柰(guǒzhēnlǐnài),菜重芥姜(càizh?ngjiajiāng)。 果子中最珍贵的是李和柰,蔬菜中最看重的是芥和姜。 海咸河淡(hǎixiánh?dàn),鳞潜羽翔(línqiányǔxiáng)。 海水咸,河水淡;鱼儿在水中潜游,鸟儿在空中飞翔。 龙师火帝(l?ngshīhuǒdì),鸟官人皇(niǎoguānr?nhuáng)。 龙师、火帝、鸟官、人皇:这都是上古时代的帝皇官员。 始制文字(shǐzhìw?nzì),乃服衣裳(nǎifúyīshāng)。 有了仓颉,开始创造了文字,有了嫘祖,人们才穿起了遮身盖体的衣裳。 推位让国(tuīwairànggu?),有虞陶唐(yǒuyútáotáng)。 唐尧、虞舜英明无私,主动把君位禅让给功臣贤人。 吊民伐罪(diàomínfázuì),周发殷汤(zhōufāyīntāng)。 安抚百姓,讨伐暴君,有周武王姬发和商君成汤。


千字文全文带拼音(附千字文简介) 天地玄黄,宇宙洪荒……谓语助者,焉哉乎也。。《千字文》全文1000字,是 中国早期的蒙学课本,千百年来《千字文》世代流传,是一部流传广泛的儿童启蒙读物,也成为中国传统文化的组成部分。 千字文简介:相传在南朝梁武帝时期(502-549年)员外散骑侍郎周兴嗣奉皇命从王羲之书法作品中选取1000个字,编纂成千字文供皇子们学书。《千字文》形式为四言长诗,首尾连贯,音韵谐美,全文共250句,每四字一句共1000字,字不重复,句句押韵,前后贯通,文笔优美,涵盖了天文、地理、自然、社会、历史、修身养性、人伦道德、饮食起居等各个方面的内容。原本在千字文中1000个字不得有所重复,但周兴嗣在编纂文章时,却重复了一个“洁”字(洁、絜为同义异体字)。因此,此篇《千字文》实际只运用了999字。 继周兴嗣版千字文之后,在不同时期还相继出现了《续千字文》、《叙古千字文》、《新千字文》等不同版本的千字文,不过流传最广、影响力最大的仍然是周兴嗣版千字文。 《千字文》原文(千字文全文带拼音,共250句,每句4字,总1000字) 天地玄黄(tiān dì xuán huáng),宇宙洪荒(yǔzhòu hóng huāng)。 日月盈昃(rì yuè yíng zè),辰宿列张(chén xiù liè zhāng)。 寒来暑往(hán lái shǔ wǎng),秋收冬藏(qiū shōu dōng cáng)。 闰馀成岁(rùn yú chéng suì),律吕调阳(lǜ lǚ tiáo yáng)。 云腾致雨(yún téng zhì yǔ),露结为霜(lù jié wéi shuāng)。 金生丽水(jīn shēng lí shuǐ),玉出昆冈(yù chū kūn gāng)。
