英语情景剧主持 情景剧主持稿

英语情景剧主持 情景剧主持稿
英语情景剧主持 情景剧主持稿


Good morning , ladies and gentleman ,and our lovely students! I am very excited that I can stand here and to be the presenter of today`s match: The Sit match in English

First, let me introduce today`s distinguished guest : they are

Ok ! The Sit match in English is start now !

1、Let`s invite number1 contestant ,they will give us their “ Proudy Peacock” (骄傲的孔雀)wele !

2、 Wow ! How cute they are ! But the next program is about a true love between a beauty and a beast (美女与野兽)wele!

3、 Oh ! I love you, too! The Third program is

“ gingerpead man ” from Class One Grade Six !(姜饼人)wele !

4、 So dangerous the gingerpead man has ! I think everybody knows the Chinese story “小狮子找食物”!Now let`s appreciate how the little tiger is looking for his food! Wele !

5、 A Proudy peacock is really well knowned by every child ! The next sit is the same as the first one ! (骄傲的孔雀)wele !

6、 Long time ago , there was a little red ridding hood 、、、 Her grandma is ill 、 She want to visit her grandma 、 What had happened in her way ? Let`s appreciate it !

7、 Oh !how strange ! The little red ridding hood is ing again ! Wele !

8、 I think every child here have watched the cartoon “喜羊羊与灰太狼”let`s review the cartoon next !

9、 Long long ago , a beautiful girl Snow White and her prince charming were loving each others of

longer !but , before that , what had happened with her ? Let`s appreciate!

The No、1 contestants owned10 prize ,congratulation !

Do you want to know how many prize did they owned?
