

1. Foods and Health

This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

Experts say the food people eat greatly affects their health. They say that some foods are especially good for preventing disease.

Many foods contain substances that protect against tissue damage. One of these is tomatoes. The substance lycopene is released when tomatoes are cooked. Lycopene helps reduce the risk of developing cancer in the digestive system, which processes food.

The dark green vegetable spinach contains folic acid that prevents problems in developing fetuses. It also lowers blood levels of homocysteine. High homocysteine levels have been linked to heart attacks and strokes. Another vegetable, broccoli, can help protect against cancers of the breast, colon and stomach.

Oats help lower blood pressure and protect against heart disease. They also may improve the levels of sugar in the blood. This reduces the chance of developing the disease, diabetes.

Fish that contain omega three fatty acids help prevent blockages in the arteries. Omega three also lowers bad cholesterol and may protect brain cells from diseases like Alzheimer's. Fish that provide a lot of omega three acids are salmon, herring, mackerel and bluefish.

Garlic may help protect the heart by reducing cholesterol and making the blood less sticky. Health experts also suggest cooking with olive oil because it also has been shown to help prevent cancer and heart disease.

Studies show that drinking green tea may help prevent cancer of the liver and stomach. Green tea also slows the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Blueberries have been shown to help protect against heart disease and cancer. They can also help prevent some infections by preventing the bacteria from attacking the bladder.

Experts say the skins of red grapes contain substances that increase the good kind of cholesterol in the blood. To get this protection, you can drink red wine... but not more than a few glasses a week. Drinking too much alcohol can be dangerous!

Eating too much chocolate can increase weight. But recent studies have shown that substances in chocolate can help prevent heart attacks and cancer. They have also shown that chocolate is not as bad for the teeth as had been thought. The experts say the best chocolate to eat is the dark kind because it contains the most healthful substances.

This VOA Special English Health Report was written by Nancy Steinbach.

2. Study of Cousins Who Marry

This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

Sometimes people who are first cousins get married. Two people are first cousins if their mothers are sisters, or their fathers are brothers, or one's mother and the other's father are brother and sister. American researchers now say it is

not as dangerous as had been thought for first cousins to have children.

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A new study says that first cousins are only a little more likely than others to have a child with a serious physical or mental problem, or a genetic disease. It says the chance that a child of unrelated parents will be born with a serious problem is between three and four percent.

The risk for first cousins is increased by between two and three percent, to as much as seven percent. One researcher says this means about ninety-three percent of the children of first cousins are normal.

The small increase in risk exists because people in the same family may carry the same genes that cause disease. Scientists say at least five-thousand diseases are caused by these genes. If both parents have a harmful gene, it is more likely that the gene will be passed on to their child. People who are not related share fewer genes, so their chance of passing such a sickness on to their children is lower.

A committee from the National Society of Genetic Counselors reported the results of their investigation in "The Journal of Genetic Counseling." The group examined six major studies done between Nineteen-Sixty-Five and Two-Thousand involving thousands of births. The group began the investigation after learning that some genetic counselors gave wrong information to people who wanted to know if first cousins could safely have children.

The group said in its report that no genetic tests are needed before first cousins have a child. Their report also noted that Americans fear such marriages more than people in other parts of the world.

Marriages between first cousins are illegal in at least twenty-four American states. However, no countries in Europe have such laws. And marriages between cousins are desirable in many parts of the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The researchers say their study shows that such laws in the United States should be changed.

This VOA Special English Health Report was written by Nancy Steinbach.

3. Walking

This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

Researchers agree that intense physical exercise is not the only way to gain better health. Studies show that walking several times a week can lower the risk of many diseases. They include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, bone loss, arthritis and depression. Walking also can help you lose weight.

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Fast walking is good for the heart. It lowers the blood pressure. It raises the amount of good cholesterol in the blood. Researchers say walking can reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack by as much as fifty percent.

Studies have shown that walking for thirty minutes a day can delay and possibly prevent the development of Type Two Diabetes. It can prevent diabetes among people who are overweight and at risk for the disease.

Walking strengthens the muscles and builds up the bones to which they are attached. Studies show that women who walked and took calcium decreased their risk of developing osteoporosis or thinning of the bones. Walking also helps ease the pain of arthritis in areas where bones are joined by strengthening the muscles around the bones.

Walking several times a week is a good way to control your weight and even lose body fat. Studies show it also helps ease depression, feelings of extreme sadness. Experts say walking is one of the safest ways to exercise. There is a low risk of injuries. So it is good for people who are starting an exercise program for the first time and for older people.

A walking program is easy to start. You should wear loose clothes and good shoes. Shoes designed for walking are best.

You should stretch the muscles in your arms, legs, and back before and after you walk. Stretching is an important part of any exercise program. It helps prevent injury and muscle pain.

How fast should you walk? You should be breathing hard while you are walking. Yet, you should be able to talk. Let your arms move back and forward at your sides while you walk.

There are no rules to starting a walking program. You may walk short distances. Or you may walk up hills to strengthen your leg muscles. Health experts say you can gain the most from a walking program if you walk about five kilometers an hour for thirty minutes a day. You should do this about five times a week.

This VOA Special English Health Report was written by Lawan Davis.

4. Tobacco and Cancer

This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

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A recent report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer says the dangers of tobacco smoke are greater than had been thought.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer is part of the World Health Organization. It is based in Lyon, France. The agency researches the causes of cancer. It identifies the number of people who develop cancer around the world. And it develops programs aimed at finding ways to prevent the disease. The new report is part of a series written by independent international experts on the dangers of different chemicals.

A committee of twenty-nine experts from twelve countries developed the report. These scientists examined more than fifty medical studies concerning tobacco smoking. The group says that tobacco use is the largest cause of preventable cancers around the world. Experts say that more than one-thousand-million people around the world smoke tobacco.

The report says that one-half of all people who smoke cigarettes will die from diseases caused by smoking tobacco. These include cancers of the lung, stomach, liver, kidney and blood. The report also says tobacco use causes an even greater number of deaths from lung diseases, heart disease and stroke.

The report says other kinds of tobacco use also increase the chances of developing cancers of the lung, head and neck. These include smoking cigars, pipes and bidis -- tobacco rolled in a leaf that is popular in South Asia.

The report also says that people who smoke endanger the health of non-smokers who breathe in tobacco smoke. These non-smokers are breathing in a smaller amount of cancer-causing chemicals than active smokers get. But it is still enough to cause deadly lung cancer.

However, the scientists found no increased risk of cancer among children who breathe in this second-hand smoke. But they say they do not know the long-term effect of tobacco smoke on children as they grow older. The scientists also say their research found that smoking tobacco does not cause some kinds of cancer. There is clear evidence that smoking has little or no effect on developing breast cancer or prostate cancer.

This VOA Special English Health Report was written by Nancy Steinbach.

5. Addiction and Girls

This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

A study in the United States finds that girls and young women use tobacco, drugs and alcohol for different reasons than boys. It says young males generally use alcohol or drugs for excitement. Or they think it will make them more popular.

Young females, however, may hope to feel happier or reduce tension or lose weight. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University in New York released the findings. The center chairman, Joseph Califano, says prevention programs are often developed more for males. He called for programs designed for girls and young women.

There are physical, psychological and social effects from smoking, drinking and using drugs. The report says some of these may happen more quickly and severely in females. For example, it says they are more likely to become dependent on tobacco than males who smoke just as many cigarettes. And it says females have a greater risk of brain damage from too much alcohol.

The report notes general reductions in substance use by young Americans. But it says girls in many cases have caught up with boys in rates of use.

Here are some other findings:

Girls and young women who drink coffee are much likelier to smoke and drink alcohol -- and to start sooner -- than those who do not drink coffee. The report calls caffeine a "little known" warning sign.

Girls who do unhealthy things to lose weight drink more alcohol than those who do not diet -- even though alcohol can cause weight gain. Also, even girls who do healthy things to lose weight smoke more than those not on diets.

Puberty is a time of higher risk of substance use by girls, especially those whose bodies change early. Other times are when girls rise from elementary to middle school, from middle to high school, and from high school to college. And, girls who move often from one home or community to another are at greater risk than boys.

The report lists a number of warning signs to watch for. These include depression and too much concern about appearance. The study also reminds parents and other adults that they set examples -- good or bad -- by their own actions.

More than one-thousand-two-hundred girls and young women answered questions as part of the study. Most who talk with their parents about substance use said these talks made them less likely to smoke, drink or use drugs.

This VOA Special English Health Report was written by Jerilyn Watson.

6. Explaining the Placebo Effect

I'm Katherine Cole with the VOA Special English Health Report.

Studies of new drugs traditionally involve at least two groups of people. The people in one of those groups are given only what they think is the drug. Really they get a placebo -- an inactive substance. The drug is proven effective if it performs better than the placebo.

Some researchers do not think drug studies should use placebos. They say it makes more sense to compare new medicines to drugs already on the market. Then people would know if a new drug is any better.

"Placebo" is Latin for "I shall please." It may contain nothing more than sugar. Yet some people who are given a placebo experience improvements in their health. This is called the placebo effect.

Some doctors use the placebo effect in their treatments. An influential study published in nineteen fifty-five said placebo treatments made patients feel better thirty-five percent of the time.

But in two thousand one, Danish researchers reported that they had examined more than one hundred studies. They found little evidence of healing as a result of placebos.

Still, there is continued belief in the placebo effect.

A Swedish study published last year suggested that a placebo can reduce the emotional effects of unpleasant experiences. The study involved people who looked at images of dead bodies and other unpleasant pictures. The findings appeared in the journal Neuron.

The researchers said the effects in the brain were similar to those seen when placebos have been used as a pain treatment. In both cases, they said, expectations of improvement are a major influence.

But more than expectations might explain why placebos appear effective sometimes. Researchers led by Scot Simpson at the University of Alberta, in Canada, just had a report published in the British Medical Journal. They examined twenty-one studies. These compared death rates between patients who always took their medicine and those who did not.

Even patients who took placebos had better results than those who did not follow doctor's orders. The researchers see this finding as support for the idea of a so-called healthy adherer effect. That is, a person who takes a drug treatment as directed may also do other things to live a healthy life.

And that is the VOA Special English Health Report. You can download free transcripts and MP3 files of our weekly reports at .voaspecialenglish.. I'm Katherine Cole.

7. Staying Healthy by Washing Your Hands

This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

Hand washing is a powerful way to prevent the spread of disease.

The World Bank, the United Nations and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical

Washing hands with soap

Medicine did a study to urge hand washing around the world. They found that one million lives could be saved each year if people washed their hands with soap often. They said that programs to increase hand washing with soap could be among the most effective ways to reduce infectious disease.

Doctors say many diseases can be prevented from spreading by hand washing. These include pinworms, influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A, meningitis and infectious diarrhea.

Hand washing destroys germs from other people, animals or objects a person has touched. When people get bacteria on their hands, they can infect themselves by touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Then these people can infect other people. The experts say the easiest way to catch a cold is to touch your nose or eyes after someone nearby has sneezed or coughed. Another way to become sick is to eat food prepared by someone whose hands were not clean.

The experts say that hand washing is especially important before and after preparing food, before eating and after using the toilet. People should wash their hands after handling animals or animal waste, and after cleaning a baby. The experts say it is also a good idea to wash your hands after handling money and after sneezing or coughing. And it is important to wash your hands often when someone in your home is sick.

The experts say the most effective way to wash your hands is to rub them together while using soap and warm water. They say you do not have to use special antibacterial soap. Be sure to rub all areas of the hands for about ten to fifteen seconds. The rubbing action helps remove germs. Then rinse the hands with water and dry them.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are rubbed into the hands and do not require soap and water. Experts say these products must contain at least sixty percent alcohol to be effective in killing most bacteria and viruses.

Experts also say that people who use public bathrooms and dry their hands with a paper towel should use the towel to turn off the water. Then, before throwing it away, use the same paper to open the bathroom door.

And that's the VOA Special English Health Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. For more news and information about health, go to .voaspecialenglish.. I'm Steve


8. The ABCs of Allergies

This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

An allergy is an unusually strong reaction to a substance. Many things can cause allergies. The most common cause is pollen. Trees usually produce pollen in the spring, grasses in the summer and weeds in the fall as part of their reproductive process.

Seasonal allergies are the

most common kind

Other causes include organisms such as dust mites and molds. Chemicals, plants and dead skin particles from dogs and cats can also cause allergic reactions. So can insect stings and some foods.

The most common kind of allergic reaction is itchy, watery eyes and a blocked or watery nose. Allergies can also cause red, itchy skin. Some reactions can be life-threatening -- for example, when breathing passages become blocked. Avoiding whatever causes an allergy may not always be easy. Antihistamine drugs may offer an effective treatment. Another treatment used in some cases is called immunotherapy. A patient is injected with small amounts of the allergy-causing substance. The idea is that larger and larger amounts are given over time until the patient develops a resistance to the allergen.

In the United States, experts estimate that up to four percent of adults and up to eight percent of young children have food allergies. Every year these allergies cause about thirty thousand cases of anaphylaxis, a severe reaction that requires immediate treatment.

It can result in trouble breathing and in some cases death. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases says one hundred to two hundred people die. It says most of the reactions are caused by peanuts and tree nuts such as walnuts. People can also be allergic to medicines. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology says about five to ten percent of bad reactions to commonly used medicines are allergic. In other words, a person's immune system overreacts and produces an allergic reaction. The most common reactions include skin rashes, itching, breathing problems and swelling in areas such as the face.

But the academy estimates that allergic reactions to drugs cause one hundred six thousand deaths each year in the United States alone. It says antibiotics such as penicillin are among the drugs more likely than others to produce allergic reactions. So are anticonvulsants and hormones such as insulin. Other kinds include some anesthesia medicines, vaccines and biotechnology-produced proteins. And that's the VOA Special English Health Report, written by Mario Ritter and Caty Weaver. I'm Steve Ember.

9. Drug Shown to Cut HIV Risk in Breastfed Babies

This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

We talked last week about the value of breastfeeding for a baby's development. But getting the milk into the baby can seem difficult, at least at first. So here is some advice.

A baby breastfeeds

Breastfeeding should begin right after a baby is born. There may be experts at a hospital or other health center who can show a new mother several different positions for breastfeeding.

A mother can get a painful back or neck if she leans over to feed her baby. Better to bring the baby to the breast instead. The baby's mouth should be open as wide as possible so that all of the nipple and area around it fit inside.

A baby should be fed often at the beginning, usually about every two hours. The Mayo Clinic in the United States also notes it is best to feed before a baby gets too hungry. Experts say that when a mother breastfeeds often, it helps increase her milk production.

Women can learn more about breastfeeding from books or support groups or the Internet. But some mothers face difficult decisions.

In developing countries, breastfeeding remains a leading way for babies to become infected with the AIDS virus. Yet formula mixed with dirty water can make a baby sick.

Earlier this week, at a conference in Boston, AIDS experts reported good news. They said a study of about two thousand babies showed that the drug nevirapine can cut the risk of HIV infection through breastfeeding.

Nevirapine is widely used in developing countries to prevent infected mothers from passing the virus to their babies during childbirth. The babies are currently given nevirapine just once, at birth.

But this is what the study found: Babies given nevirapine daily for six weeks had about half the rate of HIV infections as those given only a single dose. By

six months of age, they still had almost one-third less risk of infection or death.

Scientists reported that six weeks of nevirapine appeared to be as safe as the single dose given under current guidelines. Teams from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland led the study with investigators from Ethiopia, India and Uganda.

In two thousand six the United Nations changed its policies on breastfeeding by HIV-infected mothers. The new advice supports breastfeeding for six months if mothers do not have money for basic foods or baby formula. The idea is that the benefits of breastfeeding are greater than the risks.

Experts say newborns who are not breastfed have five to seven times the risk of dying from pneumonia or diarrhea compared to breastfed babies.

And that's the VOA Special English Health Report, written by Caty Weaver. I'm Faith Lapidus.


一.Scientists: Rising Sea Levels to Continue Scientists say sea levels are rising and will continue to do so into the future. Coastal communities around the world are already experiencing the impact of rising seas. Many cities and towns are taking steps to deal with this new reality. Photographers have taken pictures to document those efforts. Their photos are part of an exhibit called "Sink or Swim: Designing for a Sea Change." It can be seen at the Aquarium of the Pacific, in Long Beach, California. There, experts explain the causes of the rising seas and how people are trying to adapt to the changes. Disastrous storms and floods could be a new reality around the world. That is the opinion of oceanographer Jerry Schubel. He is president of the Aquarium of the Pacific. 二.Robots Ready to Work in Restaurants For many years, machines have been doing work that people once did, including some difficult jobs. Search and rescue operations in dangerous environments are often seen as the first areas that will employ high technology robots. But there is another area that may soon take jobs traditionally held by human beings: the restaurant industry. Teams from around the world competed in early June at the DARPA Robotic Challenge Finals in California. A team from South Korea and its robot, called DRC-Hubo, won first place in the competition. The second and third place finishers were from the United States. The robots were required to drive a vehicle, climb up steps and do mechanical work. Such activities are easy for humans to perform, but more difficult for machines. Not all of the competitors were successful. The failures showed how difficult it is to design effective walking machines.


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5、再反复地听report的MP3录音,这次不用纸笔听写,而是在脑袋里做听写,就是指当你听到一句的时候,脑袋里把这一句给拼出来,确保听清每一个词句,并留意你在听写时没有写出来的词句的发音。 6、第二天再听上面的report的MP3录音,并采用上面第5点所用的听法。第四天再听上面的report的MP3录音,等到第七天再听几篇,仍采用上面第5点所用的听法。为什么要反复地听?因为我们之所以听不懂,是因为听的太少了。反复听的目的在于强化,让你形成一种听力条件反射,就是让你拥有一听到某些词句就能立即条件反射式地在脑袋里写出来你所听到的词句。 练习听力有点像练习电脑打字里的盲打,花时间多做练习自然就会盲打,如果只是想着如何学习盲打而不加以练习,那你永远也学不会盲打。 (二)中级英语水平学生(相当于低年级英语专业,非英语专业大学本科,硕士水平)做听写的方法 基本方法与初级英语水平学生采用的方法类似,选择听写材料时先初听一遍,如果已经真真正正能完全听懂,说明这篇对你来讲太容易了,请换一遍难点的,采用上述方法的1、3、4、5、6条的顺序做听写练习。 最佳实践二:用VOA Special English 训练出纯正英语发音和表达 当你在听中文学得还不错的外国人讲中文时,经常觉得听上去很别扭,因为他的


VOA等英语广播听力心得范文 许多学英语的人都希望收听VOA,BBC等英语新闻广播,想以此来提高听力和口语水平,但不少人认为听英语新闻广播比较困难。从这几年的中等以上英语听力考试来看,都涉及到测试英语新闻广播的内容。从教学上来说,许多大专院校的英语系的听力课都增加了听英语新闻报道的内容。那么怎样才能基本上听懂外台的英语新闻报道呢?我们认为,除了多听以外,还必须掌握英语新闻报道的特点和一些收听技巧。 (1)掌握新闻报道的结构新闻报道往往采用“倒金字塔体”。 所谓“倒金字塔体”,也称为倒途法,即按新闻事实重要性的程度由要点到细节逐步扩展,安排全文。把最重要的事实置于全文的第一个句子中,这个句子被称为新闻导语(the news lead)。它告知听众最关心最重要的事实,如事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who),以及原因和方式(why,how,即新闻导语包含了我们常说的五个WH和一个H构成的“新闻六大要素”。新闻导语是整条新闻的高度浓缩形式,听懂了导语,也就听懂了新闻的主要内容。当然,由于新闻报道的侧重点不同,有时新闻导语也可能只包含其中几个要素。 例如: Oil ministers of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will bold an emergency meeting Friday to discuss. 这一新闻导语包含了以下几个要素: What:An emergency meeting vail be held When:Friday Who:Oil Ministers Of the Organization of Petroleum Ex—poring Countries (2)扩大词汇量,熟记新闻报道中的常用词汇 ①普通词汇。尽管新闻报道所使用的词汇量很大,但是语言的基本词汇是稳定的。如VOA广播中的special English(特别节目)的新闻报告中常用词汇约1 500个,这的重复率在报道中是很高的,如cease-fire,presidential eleation等政治性词汇,financebankinggroup等经济词汇以aceshuttle,robot等科技词汇。而新闻英语中的特有用语就更具稳定性。若能掌握这些词汇,再加上一些听力技巧,基本听懂新闻报道就不是件难事了。 ②专有词汇。新闻报道是有关世界范围的最新消息,因在报道中常涉及许多人名、地名、国名。除此之外,新闻报道中还常常出现一些河流、山脉及名胜古迹等专有名词熟悉这些专有名词可使听者更快更准确地了解所听的新闻。 (3)掌握一定数量的缩略语(acronym) 由于新闻报道时间的限制,不少机构的名称常采用其缩略形式,即由该名称中数个词的首字母的大写形式组成,如:PLO是thePalestineLiberationOrganization的缩写形式。需要注意的是,听者不仅要了解这些缩略语的确切含义,而且还应知道它们的正确读音。 (4)掌握数字的不同读法 在新闻报道中经常出现许多数字,大到几十亿,上百亿,小到分数或小数。尤其对一些多位数的数字,要想立刻听准这些数字的确不容易,其主要难点在于位数过多。因此在听多位数的数字时,应对billion(十亿)、million(百万)、thousand(千)、hundred(百)等词尤为重视。同时,要注意一个数字的多种读法,如播音员把两个足球队比赛结果2:0读作two to nothing 而不是读成two to nought或two to zero. (5)掌握循序渐进,从慢到快的原则 目前,许多外台(如BBC,VOA)的新闻英语报道有特别英语(Special English)和标准英语(Standard English)两种。所谓Special English也可称为慢速英语,即新闻播放的语速较慢。就VOA而言,慢速英语每分钟不超过90个单词,而且新闻报道均是由简单易懂的英语缩写的,因此较适合初级阶段的新闻英语训练。然而它毕竟有其局限性,只能作为听力训练的一种手


VOA等英语广播的听力技巧有哪些 VOA等英语广播的听力技巧有哪些 例如: OilministersoftheOrganizationofPetroleumExportingCountri eswillboldanemergencymeetingFridaytodiscuss What:Anemergencymeetingvailbeheld When:Friday Who:OilMinistersOftheOrganizationofPetroleumEx—poringCountries (2)扩大词汇量,熟记新闻报道中的常用词汇 ①普通词汇。尽管新闻报道所使用的词汇量很大,但是语言的基本词汇是稳定的。如VOA广播中的specialEnglish(特别节目)的新 闻报告中常用词汇约1500个,这的重复率在报道中是很高的,如cease-fire,presidentialeleation等政治性词汇,financebankinggroup等经济词汇以aceshuttle,robot等科技词汇。而新闻英语中的特有用语就更具稳定性。若能掌握这些词汇, 再加上一些听力技巧,基本听懂新闻报道就不是件难事了。 ②专有词汇。新闻报道是有关世界范围的最新消息,因在报道中常涉及许多人名、地名、国名。除此之外,新闻报道中还常常出现 一些河流、山脉及名胜古迹等专有名词熟悉这些专有名词可使听者 更快更准确地了解所听的新 (3)掌握一定数量的缩略语(acronym) 由于新闻报道时间的限制,不少机构的名称常采用其缩略形式,即由该名称中数个词的首字母的大写形式组成,如:PLO是thePalestineLiberationOrganization的缩写形式。需要注意的是,


1. Foods and Health This is the VOA Special English Health Report. Experts say the food people eat greatly affects their health. They say that some foods are especially good for preventing disease. Many foods contain substances that protect against tissue damage. One of these is tomatoes. The substance lycopene is released when tomatoes are cooked. Lycopene helps reduce the risk of developing cancer in the digestive system, which processes food. The dark green vegetable spinach contains folic acid that prevents problems in developing fetuses. It also lowers blood levels of homocysteine. High homocysteine levels have been linked to heart attacks and strokes. Another vegetable, broccoli, can help protect against cancers of the breast, colon and stomach. Oats help lower blood pressure and protect against heart disease. They also may improve the levels of sugar in the blood. This reduces the chance of developing the disease, diabetes. Fish that contain omega three fatty acids help prevent blockages in the arteries. Omega three also lowers bad cholesterol and may protect brain cells from diseases like Alzheimer's. Fish that provide a lot of omega three acids are salmon, herring, mackerel and bluefish. Garlic may help protect the heart by reducing cholesterol and making the blood less sticky. Health experts also suggest cooking with olive oil because it also has been shown to help prevent cancer and heart disease. Studies show that drinking green tea may help prevent cancer of the liver and stomach. Green tea also slows the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Blueberries have been shown to help protect against heart disease and cancer. They can also help prevent some infections by preventing the bacteria from attacking the bladder. Experts say the skins of red grapes contain substances that increase the good kind of cholesterol in the blood. To get this protection, you can drink red wine... but not more than a few glasses a week. Drinking too much alcohol can be dangerous! Eating too much chocolate can increase weight. But recent studies have shown that substances in chocolate can help prevent heart attacks and cancer. They have also shown that chocolate is not as bad for the teeth as had been thought. The experts say the best chocolate to eat is the dark kind because it contains the most healthful substances. This VOA Special English Health Report was written by Nancy Steinbach. 2. Study of Cousins Who Marry This is the VOA Special English Health Report. Sometimes people who are first cousins get married. Two people are first cousins if their mothers are sisters, or their fathers are brothers, or one's mother and the other's father are brother and sister. American researchers now say it is


2016年6月大学英语四级听力VOA慢速英语练习题(第二十二套) 2016年6月大学英语四级听力VOA慢速英语练习题(第二十二套) Apps to Help Students Do Their Best Work Evernote Application software for computers or mobile devices can do a lot of things for students of all ages. Apps?can help students get better organized, study for tests and prepare research papers. In other words, they can help the user do his or her very best work. Apps can help any users, even those who are not students, get more organized and improve their work. Whether or not you are a student, here are some apps worth considering. Quizlet Quizlet is a study aid app. It is filled with?flash cards?on many subjects to study. Use the cards that come with the app or create your own. Quizlet has links to subjects like: Arts & Literature Languages & Vocabulary Math & Science History & Geography Standardized Tests Professional & Careers The app has a mix of text, images and audio recordings, includingpronunciation?of words in different languages. Quizlet has games to play and tests to take. Cards are available on the app even when you are not connected to the Internet. Quizlet is available as a free app from Apple’s iTunes store. Quizlet for iPhone and iPad Quizlet for Android devices You can learn more at the Quizlet website. EasyBib Sometimes the most difficult part of writing a research paper is creating thebibliography. A bibliography lists all of the publications and other sources used in your research. Getting just the right?citations?to appear in the correct?format?can be difficult and take a lot of time. The EasyBib app can make creating a bibliography easier. The app can help organize the information and find citations for books, websites and more. EasyBib users can simply?scan?the barcode on a book with a mobile phone camera to get the information they need. You can also search for documentation in the app if the book is unavailable at the time. The app offers over 7,000 different citation formats, including the commonly used Modern Language Association, or MLA, style. Users can change the way in which the information is organized and stored within the app. Users can email information from EasyBib to others or to send it to a home


VOA News The study compared the mental health of college students to that of non-students the same age. About half of Americans age eighteen to twenty-four attend college. The information used in the study came from five thousand college-age men and women. They were questioned for a national survey between two thousand one and two thousand two. About two thousand of them were college students. The questioners were not doctors but trained interviewers. The questions were based on symptoms listed in a book widely used by doctors to identify mental disorders. The researchers found that twenty percent of college students abused alcohol -- the most common disorder in that group. Personality disorders, like obsessive compulsive disorder, came next. The study says almost eighteen percent of college students appeared to have a personality disorder. That was true of about twenty-two percent of those not in college. The college students were also less likely to have a drug-use disorder, nicotine dependence or bipolar disorder. And they were less likely to have used tobacco. But their risk of alcohol disorders was greater. The National Institutes of Health and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention helped pay for the study. Over all, the study found that almost half of all the college-age individuals showed signs of at least one psychiatric disorder. The researchers say this age group may be especially sensitive to disorders because of the great pressures of entering adulthood. Yet they say only one–fourth sought treatment. Joseph Glenmullen is a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School who believes that psychiatric medications are overused. He told the Bloomberg news agency that the finding of a psychiatric disorder in about half of those studied "seems extraordinarily high." He says it may represent what he called "a watering down of the diagnostic criteria such that they capture more people with milder symptoms.'' What he is saying is that more people may be told they have a mental disorder because the definitions have been widened. And that's the VOA Special English Health Report. I'm Steve Ember.


说到雅思听力能力的提高,想必很多考生就会说到听BBC或是VOA。那么,雅思听力水平提高用BBC还是VOA呢?其实,不管是哪一种,并不一定适合所有水平的考生,也不是所有考生都能准确使用,效果显著。本文前程百利小编就和大家一起聊一聊,希望对考生有所帮助。 一、BBC、VOA的选择 不管是BBC 还是VOA,任何一种,只要考生付出了时间与努力的话都会有所进步,但是考生在使用时要注意的是是否适合自己,是否高效。因为,雅思听力水平的提高并非一蹴而就的,也并不简单。 考生也要明白听力训练中的一个原则,就是最多只能听懂自己能读得懂的东西。也就是说听力提高最关键的地方并不在于听了多少东西,而是在于考生的阅读基础,比如词汇量,语法基础等。阅读基础越好,看得懂的东西就越多,那么,听力过程也会越顺畅。 另外,听力训练的目标的是努力听懂能读得懂的东西,听懂该听懂的,对于读不懂的东西,只能通过提高词汇量来解决。 所以,考生要根据自己的实际水平来选择合适的听力材料。 BBC和VOA之间有明显的区别,考生要先搞清楚再做选择。 VOA是一种慢速英语,美式发音,适合练发音;BBC的语速快,纯英语发音,适合练高水平听力。VOA的内容侧重生活,BBC侧重新闻。 二、BBC、VOA使用时的注意事项 考生在使用这两类资料时,要注意四点,即1)某些英语单词的弱读。如介词of,音标是[ov],但它通常被弱化成[ev],有时甚至被弱化成[v]或[f]。所以考生一定要把一条新闻中所有的弱读单词听出来。2)某些英语单词的连读。有时,听听力时总感觉有的单词听不懂,其实,是有一些连读的地方误导了考生,比如not at all经常被连读。 3)某些单音节的英语单词。多音节的单词,比如foreign、minister等,由于音节多,很容易听出来,比较麻烦的是那些单音节单词,比如did、was、him等,只有一个音节,发音时间短促,很容易被忽略,因此在听一条新闻时,一定要重点识别这些单音节单词。4)单词与头脑的同步。也就是每听到一个单词,头脑中必须马上想到这个单词的中文意思,比如听到Russia,马上想到“俄国”,听到president,马上想到“总统”,等等。 一条新闻中的每个单词,都能准确听出来之后,就可以复制下一条新闻,继续进行听力训练。当然,每个人的具体情况不同,第一条新闻,能全部听懂,可能需要三天,第二条新闻可能缩短到一天,第三条新闻可能缩短到半天。不管怎么样,考生还是要多加注意并勤加练习,定会有所成效。 三、BBC、VOA使用的方法 BBC、VOA使用方法主要有三点,第一步是全段的听,这时考生要全段的听录音,即使期间有的单词没听懂,也不要停下来。在听的时候把自己能够听到的或是听懂的记录下来,这里指的是记下关键词。如果水平较高的考生都


VOA英语听力练习 慢速VOA对于英语初学者来说是很好的听力演习材料,较慢的语速可许可进修者有较多的时光反响所听单词的含义;并且还可以用来演习白话,模仿其发音,对于完美美式发音的声调语调等,有很大年夜益处。 常速VOA则是英语国度人日常平凡措辞的语速,多听些这类材料可以使本身怀孕临其境,固然不在外国,却似身在国外的宝贵语境。 若何应用这些听力资本也是有必定讲究的: 我简单的说说小我的一些实践与领会: 第一步,我会下载VOA常速的MP3,然后遴选一些有翻译,词语解释,语法分析的篇章,进行精听。所谓精听,就是针对一篇较短的听力材料进行反复听力演习,直到能大年夜部分听懂。 第二步,这也是至关重要的一部,也是很多英语进修者忽视或是并不看重的一步。讲本身所听的内容写下来,可以边听边写,没听清楚或没明白的处所,可以倒归去,再听过。固然这有些逝世板,然则在反复的听力过程中,我们不只加深了对很多单词的懂得,语法的实际应用,语篇的融合,并且培养语感。 看着本身写下的听力材料然后再和原文比较,发来岁夜部分甚至全部都是一样的,那种骄傲感,知足感真是满满的,信赖只有实践,亲自领会的人才能明白。 第三步,温故而知新。在开端今天的听力前,再回想一下昨天的内容,会有很多不测的收成哦~ 听力演习过程中,存在如许的问题,边听边写的时刻,写得不敷快,老是让一段听力过了我才写完,中心就忽视很多没听到。针对这个问题,我建议下载一个复读软件,应用后果和日常平凡复读机一样。可以在听了一句话,或是8到9个单词的时刻就让它复读,如许就可以在复读时安闲的把听到的单词写下来,心里就不会认为很急促,不知所措了。 O(∩_∩)O~英语进修没有捷径,也没有独一的门路。贵在不懈尽力。欲望本身一点浅见能与大年夜家分享,合营进步!加油,加油!!!! 若何听懂VOA等英语广播 很多学英语的人都欲望收听VOA,BBC等英语消息广播,想以此来进步听力和白话程度,但不少人认为听英语消息广播比较艰苦。从这几年的中等以上英语听力测验来看,都涉及到测试英语消息广播的内容。从教授教化上来说,很多大年夜专院校的英语系的听力课都增长


We usually think of pollution as a harmful waste substance that threatens the air and water.But some people have become concerned about another kind of pollution.It can be everywhere,depending on the time of day.And it is not thought of as a substance.It is light. The idea of light pollution has developed with the increase of lights in cities.In many areas,this light makes it difficult or impossible to observe stars and planets in the night sky.In Nineteen-Eighty-Eight,the International Dark-Sky Association formed.This organization wants to reduce light pollution in the night sky.It also urges the effective use of electric lighting. There are a number of reasons why light pollution is important.One has become clear at the Mount Wilson Observatory near Los Angeles,California.Mount Wilson Observatory was home to the largest telescopes in the world during the first half of the Nineteen-Hundreds. During that period,Los Angeles grew to become one of America's biggest cities. Today,light from Los Angeles makes the night sky above Mount Wilson very bright.It is no longer an important research center because of light pollution. Light pollution threatens to reduce the scientific value of research telescopes in other important observatories.They include Lick Observatory near San Jose,California and Yerkes Observatory near Chicago,Illinois. Light pollution is the result of wasted energy.Bright light that shines into the sky is not being used to provide light where it is needed on Earth.Poorly designed lighting causes a great deal of light pollution.Lights that are brighter than necessary also cause light pollution. Recently,two Italian astronomers and an American environmental scientist created a world map of the night sky.The map shows that North America,Western Europe and Japan have the greatest amount of light pollution. Most people in America are surprised to find out that they are able to see our own galaxy,The Milky Way,with their own eyes.But about three-fourths of Americans cannot see the Milky Way because of man-made light. Objects in the night sky are resources that provide everyone with wonder.But light pollution threatens to prevent those wonderful sights from being seen.


很多学英语的同学都喜欢收听VOA、BBC、CNN等英语新闻广播,想以此来提高听力和口语水平,于是每天早上都能看到一些同学拿着收音机在校园里边走边听,有的怕信号不好,还用手把收音机举起来,像个自由女神一样。其刻苦学习英语的态度令人敬佩,但很多同学都说基本上听不懂,也不知道该怎么听。这是个非常普遍的问题,也是个比较棘手的问题,有的同学甚至由此产生了对学英语的恐惧。但大可不必这样,其实这些新闻广播是有一些特点的,我们只要掌握这些特点和一些收听技巧,还是能够听懂这些新闻的。下面就来具体的谈谈这些特点和技巧。 一、采用主动的、积极的听力方法。 听力分两种方法。一种是消极的、被动的(passive)听力,这是很多同学都采用的方法,就是试图去听懂每一个单词,采用这种听法最后只有两种可能:要不就是每个单词都听懂了,但是不明白句子的意思,要不就是在一个生词上耽搁太长的时间,导致后面的几句都没有听清楚。这实际上是一种效果很差的听力方法。而我给大家推荐的是另一种听力方法,就是主动的、积极的(positive)听力。这种方法就是要注意把握句子的结构,听懂关键词。我们来看这样一个句子:Part of the pressure on lawmakers to put stronger protections in defined-contribution and savings plans comes from retiree-advocacy groups such as the American Association of Retired Persons. 这个句子没有什么生僻的单词,但是如果我们试图去听懂每一个单词,而不去把握句子的结构的话,就不能听懂这句话的意思的。而如果我们找到这个句子的主干:pressure comes from retiree-advocacy groups, 就很容易明白这句话的意思了,因为其他的部分都是修饰成分。关于积极的听力方法我会在以后专门著文来描述的,这里就不多展开了。 二、要特别注重新闻报道的第一句话 新闻报道的开头第一句话一般是对整个报道的一个概括,这个句子被称为新闻导语(the news lead)。它告诉听众最关心最重要的事实,如事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who),原因(why)和方式(how),即新闻导语包含了我们常说的五个WH和一个H构成的"新闻六大要素"。新闻导语是整条新闻的高度浓缩形式,听懂了导语,也就知道了新闻的主要内容。当然,由于新闻报道的侧重点不同,有时新闻导语也可能只包含其中几个要素。 例如: BENWEDEMAN: The gates of Guantanamo were open to the media today.这一新闻导语包含了以下几个要素: When:Today Who:Guantanamo What:Open to the media 短短的一句话,10个单词就把这篇新闻报道的时间、主角和事件告诉了听众。后面的报道都是围绕这这一事件展开的。 三、扩大词汇量 1、普通词汇。尽管新闻报道所使用的词汇量很大,但是语言的基本词汇是稳定的。如VOA广播中的special English(特别节目)的新闻报告中常用词汇约1 500个,这些词汇的重复率在报道中是很高的,如Foreign Aid, Terroris, Nuclear Energy, Nationa Election等政治性词汇,WTO, finance, share-list等经济类词汇,Space Station, robot, Mars, Clinical等科技词汇,Super Bowl, Olympics, World Cup等体育类词汇。而新闻英语中的特有用语就更具稳定性。若能掌握这些词汇,再加上一些听力技巧,基本听懂新闻报道就不是件难事了。 2、专有词汇。新闻报道是有关世界范围的最新消息,因在报道中常涉及许多人名、地
