



Art for Sale

Part Ⅰ

Directions: In this part, you will hear a passage. After the passage, you will be asked some questions. You will hear the passage and the questions about it just one time. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1. A) The centre of international trade.

B) The centre of international art market.

C) The centre of art.

D) The centre of antiques.

2. A) The world's biggest and oldest seller of art and antiques.

B) The world's biggest seller of art.

C) The world's oldest seller of art.

D) The world's biggest seller of antiques.

3. A) Its status.

B) Its 250-year-old reputation.

C) Its staff.

D) Both A and B.

4. A) Because its business is not very good this year.

B) Because its headquarters is to move to another city.

C) Because a journalist accused Sotheby's staff of bringing art treasures to London illegally.

D) None of the above.

Part Ⅱ

Directions: Learn the following words and phrase. Then listen to the passage for the second time and write "A" (true) or "B" (false) for each statement you hear.

antique n. 古玩

master n. 名画

Impressionist n. 印象派画

auction n. 拍卖

status n. 地位

reputation n. 名声

accuse vt. 控告

illegally ad. 非法地

allegation n. 断言

credibility n. 信用

dealer n. 商人

European Union 欧盟

regulation n. 规章

5. ( )

A) true

B) false

6. ( )

A) true

B) false

7. ( )

A) true

B) false

Part Ⅲ

Directions: Listen to the passage for the third time and write down the missing words according to what you have just heard.

1. If you were lucky enough to own a _____ "Old Master", an Impressionist, or a _____ antique, and you wanted to sell it, you would probably put it up _____ at Sotheby's.

2. _____ and _____ would then look elsewhere _____ and could _____ coming to London altogether.


2016年6月大学英语四级真题及参考答案 Part ⅡListening Comprehension (听力部分共有两套) 四级第一套 Section A 1. C) Rising unemployment worldwide. 2. A) Many countries have not taken measures to create enough jobs. 3. B) Put calorie information on the menu. 4. A) They will be fined.C) They will get a warning. 5. D) Failure to integrate innovation into their business. 6. B) It is the creation of something new. 7. C) Its innovation culture. Section B 8. D) He does not talk long on the phone. 9. B) Talk at length. 10. A) He thought it was cool. 11. C) It is childish and unprofessional. 12. B) He is unhappy with his department manager. 13. A) His workload was much too heavy. 14. C) His boss has a lot of trust in him. 15. D) Talk to his boss in person first. Section C 16. A) The importance of sleep to a healthy life. 17. C) They get less and less sleep. 18. D) Their blood pressure will rise. 19. B) What course you are going to choose. 20. D) The personal statement. 21. C) Indicate they have reflected and thought about the subject. 22. B) It was built in the late 19th century. 23. D) They often broke down. 24. A) They were produced on the assembly line. 25. C) It marked a new era in motor travel. 四级第二套


大学英语四级考试——听力篇(一) 听的能力的提高,对于外语学习有着至关重要的作用。大学四级英语测试注重对考生听力理解能力的培养和检测,要求考生们领会英语语义,对听到的语音信号进行加工;使自身对英语的背景知识、语境和语言知识的了解相互作用,对听力材料不断进行吸收,最终形成语言理解。 【改革目标】 高等教育英语教学改革的三个方面是:一、修改原有教学大纲,制订新的《大学英语课程教学要求》,将原有的以阅读理解为主转变到以听力为主、全面提高英语综合应用能力; 二、改革现有教学模式;三、改革大学英语教学检测和评价体系,建立适应时代要求的大学英语评价体系,该项测试突出培养和检测学生以英语听说能力为主的综合应用能力。 改革就是要改掉“哑巴英语”,就是要解决听不懂、说不出的问题。 【综合要求】 要达到大学四级听力的水平,《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》提出了明确的要求: ◆能听懂英语授课; ◆能听懂日常谈话和一般性题材的讲座; ◆能基本听懂慢速英语节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点; ◆能运用基本的听力技巧帮助理解。 【题型变化】 大学英语四级考试题型改革后,听力部分改动较大,主要的变化有以下几个方面:听力的分值由原来的20%提升为35%,其中听力对话占15%,包括短对话和长对话,测试题型为多项选择;听力短文占20%,包括选择题型的短文和复合式听写。 【题型构成】 ?Section A部分由两种题型构成:短对话和长对话。短对话部分由原来的10题减至8题,占分值的8%。增加了两篇长对话,每篇3至4题,共7题,分值比例为7%。 Section B部分仍然为短文题,即我们俗称的passage,共3篇,每篇设3~4个题目,共10题,分值比例10%。 Section C部分为复合式听写:其中词汇听写由原来的7个增加至8个,句子听写仍保持3句不变,复合式听写部分总共占分值的10%。总的来说,题目的总量增加了,做题时间增长了,无形中增加了对同学在做题目时精力集中程度的考验。 ?Section A 部分的8个小对话,通常是一男一女的对话。要把握这8个短对话,关键要抓住题目中出现的关键词,判断相关场景。四级听力常考的十大场景有:学习场景、天气场景、医院场景、工作场景、居家场景、娱乐场景、餐馆场景、选课场景、论文场景、图书馆场景。长对话采用两个人聊天或者交谈的节选内容,长对话的出题方式和短文的考察方法很类似,每个信息点出一道题,通常情况下,出题的顺序和文章的顺序是一致的。 ?Section B的听力短文信息量大,题材范围广,题型变化多,复杂句多。要注意主题句(topic sentence)的信息。另外注意时间、数字、地点等信息,以及原因和转折句等信息。 ?Section C复合式听写一般是一篇200词左右的短文,中间有十一个空,前面八个空白处要求填入所听到的单词,通常是四级词汇中一些较难的长单词,多考查实词。后三处空白比较长,要求将所听到的内容用自己的话填写三个长句子。 【新题型听力材料特征】 ?短对话是日常生活中的一般对话,包括衣、食、住、行、工作、学习等话题。 ?长对话的内容与短对话部分一样,涉及日常生活中的诸多方面。设问方式与短文理解一样,或针对主旨大意提问,或针对具体细节提问,还有的针对推理判断的结果提问。


英语四级听力技巧总结 英语四级听力技巧总结是怎样的,以下是小编精心整理的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助! 英语四级听力技巧总结入门阶段,是对以前很少进行听力训练,甚至没有听过英语的朋友而言。这个阶段,是起步阶段,也是耗时最长的阶段,就我的经历而言,在这一部分,应该采取如下的训练方法: 1. 首先要纠正自己的英语发音,自己在口语上还算能过关,如果自己的发音都不行,那怎么可能听懂。 2. 选择难度较小,语速较慢的听力材料来训练。建议听的材料不要太长,以一段几百字为宜,内容最好是生活和文化方面,最好先不要听科技、伦理方面的文章,即使你能看懂,但从初学者的角度考虑,你听起来一定费力 3. 听的时间长度:以每天45分钟左右为宜,时间不能太短,这样就收不到训练的效果,但也不能强迫自己听的太多,毕竟这一阶段还有很多听不懂的地方,可以说有时候自己听得象在云里雾里,这样的状态持续的时间太长,对自信心是一个严重的打击,会严重地影响听的兴趣。 4. 听的频率,一天一次即可,选择一个固定的时间听,最好是自己精力比较旺盛的时间段。 5. 听的过程中的方法选择:唯有聚精会神,没有私心杂念才行,这只有通过不断地训练才能达到。要做到避免外

界因素的干扰。 6. 经典听力材料:VOA 特别英语。主要是新闻、文化方面的内容,语速90词每分钟,最适合有一定词汇量的听力初学者进行听力锻炼。我听的时候这个节目的时间段是晚上9点半到10点,我每晚的这个时间都给了SPECIAL ENGLISH,持续了3个月。建议采取的听力方法:做听力笔记,手中有笔和纸,及时地记下一些不熟知的词汇,因为特别英语的常用词只有1600左右,把这些常用词都弄懂,完全听懂它只是一个时间问题。 备注:这一阶段最重要,一定需要耐心和毅力,如果读写基础还行的话,应该能在2、3个月之内完成这个过程,进入攻坚阶段。 掌握了一定的备考方法之后,也要具备一定的答题技巧,下面小编就教大家几招。 第一招:相关保留原则 当选项中有两项表达意思相近时,那么正确答案必在这两项之中!这时只需稍微听一听对话,即可知答案,如果出现了双重相关,便可直接确认正确选项,只需听完对话加之认证一下即可! 典型例题: 4. A) Visiting the Browning. B) Writing a postcard.


全国英语四级考试方法和技巧(实用篇) 一.听力 1.短对话 ①.答案往往在后半人的话语中(带有转折词、原因词、总结性的 ),重点也会引申推出选项答案。 ②.从答案选项中推敲,往往关键词听到与材料一致的, 很可能是陷阱(答案往往是总结、规纳性、替换词、意思一致性) ③.场景考点(每年必考),即听关键词(材料中心词往往对应于相应的 场合)比如,看电影想到影剧院,吃、点菜想到餐馆,时间飞机定票等 想到机场更多得自己不断总结此类关键词。 以后便能条件反射迅速选出答案 总结:听懂抓住重点部分信息,关键中心词必须会把握(语气、转折性 、总结性词等后为主),答案以同义词转换 +意思一致,不改变义反映。切忌无中生有,凭主观来选择。 实在是没听懂或没把握住意思和中心词,看选项来确定(同词不选, 与对话内容无关不选,意思和其他完全不一致排除,带大写性关键词 独一的也不选) 更多在于根据真题总结,以上尽为参考和练习 (充分利用时间提前看题为之重要 ) 2.短文 正题:听到什么与选项对应,意思不变情况下往往是答案 此类型关键就是一个能听及时,准确,把握此特点那听到什么与选项 一致就是答案;另一点误区选项意思与文章无关、无中生有、作者主 观臆断、某一选项与其他选项无关、相差太大往往是误区项;还有一 点题目是按照文章顺序来的,答案也往往顺着题目来的。 总结重点:关键性、重点和中心词必须听到,听之前各选项一定有所 了解,确定中心词并带着它有针对性去听文章。更多在于自己的总结 ,以上仅为参考和供练习。 3 填词 听之前有所了解文章大意, 第一遍听把单一性词填个大概并写点第一句关键意思和单词 ;第二遍完全填满单词并附带着写下第一长句, 确定和大概写出第二、三句长句关键词 ; 第三遍校对单词,并尽量补满长句。 更多在于自己的总结和听写的练习。 二.仔细阅读 1. 做之前花一、二分钟了解大意思(必要) CET4知识点


2016年12月英语四级真题及答案详解和听力原文第二套 2016年12月英语四级真题第二套 Part I Writing (30minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to work in a state-owned business and the other in a joint venture. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet1with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just the heard . 1. A) It was dangerous to live in. C) He could no longer pay the rent. B) It was going to be renovated. D) He had sold it to the royal family. 2. A) A strike. B)A storm. C) A forest fire. D) A Terrorist attack. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard . 3. A) They lost contact with the emergency department. B) They were trapped in an underground elevator. C) They were injured by suddenly falling rocks. D) They sent calls for help via a portable radio. 4. A) They tried hard to repair the accident. B) They released the details of the accident. C) They sent supplies to keep the miners warm. D) They provided the miner with food and water. Question s 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard . 5. A) Raise postage rates. C) Redesign delivery routes. B) Improve its services. D) Close some of its post offices. 6. A) Shortening business hours. C) Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays. B) Closing offices on holidays. D) Computerizing mail sorting processes. 7. A) Many post office staff will lose their jobs. C) Taxpayers will be very pleased. B) Many people will begin to complain. D) A lot of controversy will arise. Section B Directions: In this section,you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the


附录二 参考答案 U n i t 1 Ⅳ.B i l i n g u a l S t u d i e s 2.T r a n s l a t i o n (1)h a v eb e e n r e v e r e da sm a s t e r s i nE u r o p e (2)T h e r e i s n o t h i n g m o r em y s t e r i o u s t h a n (3)t h em a i n l a n do fC h i n ah a v en o t y e t e s t a b l i s h e d t h e m s e l v e s a s av e r y s t r o n gp r e s e n c e (4)a r eh a r d e r ,t o u g h e r a n d s t r o n g e r t h a n (5)i sm o r eb e a u t i f u l t h a na p i c t u r e (6)m o r eo f a na r t i s t t h a no f a t e a c h e r (7)p l a y e dw i t hm o r ed a r i n g t h a n s k i l l (8)w i s e r t h a n t ob e l i e v e ;w i t h o u t a s e c o n d t h o u g h t (9)m o r e t h a n i t d i d l a s t y e a r Ⅴ.V o c a b u l a r y B u i l d e r 2.B u s i n e s sE n g l i s h W o r dB u i l d i n g A c t i v i t i e s (1)C 一(2)B 一(3)A 一(4)C 一(5)A 一(6)C (7)A 一(8)C 一(9)B 一(10)C 一(11)B 一(12 )A ⅥW r i t i n g 1.E n g l i s h W r i t i n g B a s i c s :D i c t i o n (1)E x e r c i s e (A ):(a )s t r a y ;一一(b )l i c k i n g ;一一(c )s o a k ;一一(d )e n v e l o p e d ;一一(e )p r e s s e d ,t h i e v e d ,f l a s h e d ...o v e r E x e r c i s e (B ):(a )W e s h o u l da l s oc o n s i d e r p u b l i c r e l a t i o n s .(b )T h e r e f o r e ,y o u r p r o p o s a l s e e m s t ou s u n p r a c t i c a l .(c )H i s d e v e l o p m e n t o f a s e r i e s o f n e wr e s e a r c hm e t h o d s l e d t oh i s g r e a t s u c c e s s .(d )N o tm a n y t e a c h e r s c a n t e a c he f f e c t i v e l y .(e )E v e n t u a l l y an e wf a dw i l l r e p l a c e t h i s s c o o t e r c r a z e .E x e r c i s e (C ):(a )T h e n e w s a b o u t t h i s e l e c t i o n s c a n d a l w a s f i r s t r e p o r t e d i n t h e l o c a l n e w s p a p e r .(b )N o s c i e n t i s t k n o w s e x a c t l y w h e r e t h e i n f o r m a t i o nh i g h w a y w i l l l e a du s .(c )C o m p e t e n c ea l o n es h o u l d b e a b l et o d e c i d e w h e t h e rat e a c h e rs h o u l d b e a l l o w e d t o t e a c h .(d )T h e s t o c k h o l d e r s c a nh a r d l y b e c r e d u l o u s e n o u g h t o b e l i e v ew h a t t h e y a r e t o l d .(e )T h e m o s ta n n o y i n g t a s ki m p o s e d o n t h e y o u n g i m p a t i e n t m o t h e ri st h e c h a n g i n g o f e n d l e s s d i a p e r s .( b e s t o w =授予;含褒义e .g .b e s t o wa nh o n o r o n t h eh e r o )(f )T h es i t u a t i o n h a sb e c o m e v e r y s e r i o u sa n d r e q u i r e si m m e d i a t e a t t e n t i o n . 332 附录二



2016年6月四级考试真题(第三套) Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part,you are all owed 30 minutes to write a l etter to express your thanks to one of your school teachers upon entering coll ege.You shoul d write at l east 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 说明:2016年6月四级真题全国共考了两套听力。本套(即第三套)的听力内容与第二套的完全一样,只是选项的顺序不一样而已,故在本套中不再重复给出。 Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a l etter.Pl ease mark the corresponding l etter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a singl e line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Physical activity does the body good,and there’s growing evidence that it helps the brain too.Researchers in the Netherlands report that children who get more exercise,whether at school or on their own.26 to have higher GPAs and better scores on standardized tests.In a 27 of 14 studies that looked at physical activity and academic 28,investigators found that the more children moved.the better their grades were in school,29 in the basic subjects of math,English and reading. The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes should be cut as schools struggle to 30 on smaller budgets.The arguments against physical education have included concerns that gym time may be taking away from study time.With standardized test scores in the U.S.31 in recent years,some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground.But as these findings show,exercise and academics may not be 32 exclusive.Physical activity can improve blood 33 to the brain,fueling memory,attention and creativity,which are34 to learning.And exercise releases hormones that can improve 35 and relieve stress,which can also help learning.So while it may seem as if kids are just exercising their bodies when they,re running around,they may actually be exercising their brains as well. A.attendance B.consequently C.current D.depressing E.dropping F.essential G.feasible H.flow I.mood J.mutually K.particularly L.performance M.review N.survive O.tend Section B Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a l etter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding l etter on Answer Sheet 2. Finding the Right Home—and Contentment,Too A.When your elderly relative needs to enter some sort of long.term care facility-a moment few parents or


英语四级听力选择题做题技巧 英语四级听力选择题分为短对话、长对话和短文理解题三种题型,共包含25题,占四级听力总题数(共35题)的比重约为71%,因此对整个听力部分的分数影响很大。不过四级听力选择题答题的技巧性非常强,在短期内提高这部分的分数是完全有可能的。下面笔者就以2012年6月的四级听力选择题为例来谈谈答题技巧中比较重要的预读技巧,希望对考生有所帮助。 预读技巧概述 听力中的预读技巧是指在相关录音播放之前,考生快速浏览选择题的四个选项,并根据选项内容猜测录音内容、提问方向以及可能的正确答案等,从而在随后听录音的过程中有效把握重点,快速选出正确答案。在预读时,考生要重点把握预读时间与预读目标。 1. 预读时间 很多考生都知道听力选择题的预读技巧,却常常苦于考场上时间紧张,觉得没有时间预读。其实,考生在考试中至少应该有8分钟的预读时间(9:55~10:03),每道题的预读时间约有20秒。时间到9:55时,考官会要求考生停笔,收作文部分的答题卡,这时考生就可以开始做听力预读;10:00开始播录音时,最前面的试音部分和读Section A的Direction时间共需三分钟左右,考生也可以用这段时间进行预读。此外,每道选择题的做题时间为15秒,考生应该用8秒时间做题,剩下的7秒时间再次预读刚才读过的题目,以加深印象。 2. 预读目标 考生在预读的过程中应力求达到以下三个目标:①推测对话或者文章的主题是什么;②题目可能会如何提问;③根据猜题原则锁定正确答案的范围或者排除错误答案。这三个目标是递进的。要想做到这三点,考生需要在考前分析大量真题的出题思路,把握有效的猜题原则,并辅以大量练习。 短对话的预读技巧 我们首先来看短对话的预读技巧。此次四级听力短对话部分共有八道题(第11~18题),一个对话对应一道题目。下面我们选择其中的三道题来作具体分析。 例1:11. A) Trying to sketch a map.B) Painting the dining room.C) Discussing a house plan.D) Cleaning the kitchen. 解析:考生通过预读选项,至少应达到预读的前两个目标:首先可根据选项中的dining room、house、kitchen等词推测该对话的主题是关于房间的;根据四个选项都是动宾结构的词组推测本题的提问方向是提问动作行为(做什么)。考生如果要达到预读的第三个目标,则要了解一个猜题原则——概括性原则。这一原则指的是是四个选项中概括性最强、包含内容最广的选项往往是正确答案。因为命题者的思路是这样的:让考生听到具体的细节内容,但正确选项则用更抽象的形式来总结录音内容,以达到考查考生理解能力的目的。本题的四个选项中,选项A、B、D三个选项都是比较具体的内容,而选项C的house plan则概括了其他三项的内容,因而很可能是正确答案,因此考生听录音时要多加留意。最后,从录音内容来看,本题的正确答案确实是选项C。 例2:14. A) The man has left a good impression on her family.B) The man can dress casually for this occasion. C) The man should buy himself a new suit.D) The man’s jeans and T-shirt are stylish. 解析:通过预读四个选项,考生可以推测出对话内容是关于男士的穿着问题,提问的方向应该是这位男士该如何着装。那哪些选项最可能是正确答案呢?该题涉及推测答案的另一个原则——关联原则。这个原则指的是四个选项中关系密切的选项往往会是正确答案的备选项,这里的“密切”是指选项表达的含义相近或相反。本题的四个选项中,考生可以发现选项B、C、D具有关联性:选项B与D讲的是休闲着装,选项C讲的是买正装。本题还给考生两点启示。第一,在短对话中,我们要非常关注第二个人的回答,因为答案往往在对话的回答中出现。本题的答案就出现在女士的回答“Come on! It’s only a family reunion. T-shirt and jeans are just fine”中。第二,在短对话中,如果选项中出现录音结尾处明显提到的细节,则该选项往往是干扰项,不是正确答案。本题的选项D出现了录音结尾处的T-shirt and jeans,但本题的答案显然不是选项D。结尾以上的分析,本题的正确答案为选项B。例3:15. A) Grey pants made from pure cotton.B) Fashionable pants in bright colors.C) 100% cotton pants in dark blue.D) Something to match her brown pants. 解析:预读完本题的四个选项,考生很容易看出对话的中心是关于选择裤子时对颜色和质地的考虑,提问方向很有可能是选择什么样的裤子。根据上文提到的关联原则,考生可以推测选项A与C最有可能是正确选项,因为它们之间包含有同义词组pure cotton和100% cotton。事实上,本题的答案出现在第二个人的回答中,当考生听到女士的回答“Oh, actually grey is my favorite color, but I prefer something made from cotton, 100% cotton I mean”时,可以断定正确答案为选项A。在本题中,出题者为了增加难度,设置了干扰选项C,该选项含有录音中出现的细节100% cotton,但事实上不是正确选项。 长对话和短文理解题的预读详解 与短对话相比,长对话和短文理解题的预读方式稍有差别。具体来说,在短对话中,每一道题对应的是单独的一段对话,因此每道题之间没有联系,考生预读时只有通过预读一道题来猜测该对话的主题、提问方式与可能答案;而在长对话题和短文题中,同一个对话或短文对应的是数道题,这些题目之间具有联系,因此考生在预读时需要注意两点:一是注意题目之间的联系,要学会根据题目之间内容的关联作出一个前后推导;二是要综合数道题目所暗示的信息来预测长对话或短文的中心思想,因为正确选项很多时候都与中心思想相关。我们通过真题来进行分析。 英语四级听力:得出答案的途径 英语四级听力从录音中的关键信息得出并确定答案的有三种途径,即直接、转换和推理。直接是指正确选项或者其中的主要词汇直接出现在录音中的关键信息中,A部分和B部分的大多数并列。细节题均属此类,遵循“听到什么选什么”的原则。转换分为同义转换和反义转换,如果某一个选项或者选项中的关键词和录音中的关键信息同义或者相反,则改选项一般为正确选项。推理则需要录音中的相关信息总结、归纳出正确答案。根据统计,可以在录音中直接找到答案的四级听力试题的比例约为35%,50%的题目可以在录音中找到和正确答案的同义或反义的句子。推理题难度较大,但是,可以根据谈话人的语气、场景规律以及B部分同一篇文章的其他题目的答案或者文章中重复次数很多的单词或者概念确定答案。


2016年大学英语四级各题型备考方法英语四级考试对于大学生来说很重要,因此小编今天就来和大家谈一谈英语四级备考方法,希望对大家有帮助。 1、首先定位自己的英语水平 了结自己,了解四级,可谓是知己知彼,百战不殆。首先可以以自己所参加的几次综合考试或四级考试,以及做全真题的成绩和感受来定位自己的英语水平,至少是英语应试的水平。可以大略地确定自己的长处和短处。长处继续发扬,短处必须恶补。因为时不我待。 2、词汇的积累和熟练 词汇是参加任何英语考试的基础,特别是作为全国大学英语级别考试中初级水平的四级考试。希望朋友们在5月末之前必须把四级大纲所规定4500词汇浏览3遍。注意是浏览!不一定都要背诵。这样可以在辅导班的第3阶段或者自己准备做全真题时,不会无所适从。词汇的记忆和积累,精记和泛记结合起来。精记以词汇书为主,做到”四到“:手到(拼写),口到(朗读),心到(专心)和脑到(分析构词法,成串记忆,考点)。同时用卡片或小手册强化记忆每页中难以记住的重要词汇。泛记是积累英语词汇的最有效的方法,但是短时间难以达到大纲所规定的量,不过可以作为辅助手段。就是在平时的阅读,听力,练习,甚至生活中用心捕捉和四级单词和相关单词,特别是某些四级词汇的搭配。 3、语法结构的加强

尽管现在单独作为考试题型的语法结构越来越少,可是在任何一个四级和六级的考试题型中,语句的理解还是以语法结构为基础,特别是结构。同时精选10篇左右文章细看、精看,涉及到每个词,结构,篇章来温习和锻炼自己长句,复杂句等的理解,同时逐步加快速度,可以提高自己在考试中,特别是阅读理解中理解的速度。 4、听力的磨练 听力薄弱的原因很多,词汇量,语音,语法结构(意群),语气语调重读(语感),锻炼,技巧等。在加强自己词汇量,语法结构的理解,以及语音尽量标准的基础上,每天或至少经常加强听力练习,以听和四级命题相类似的练习为主。如果不懂,可以反复听几遍。少看或尽量推迟看文字材料。把简短对话和文章结合起来听。同时附以听写短句。难度可以逐步加大。对于基础不好的同学,可以选择比较简单的材料分项训练(时间,数字,地点,转折……)。 5、阅读理解的掌握 阅读是四级中最重要的部分,得阅读者,得天下。但是反之亦然。所以应该极力重视。但是阅读是综合才能。词汇,结构,逻辑,篇章,理解等对阅读产生很大的影响。在加强基本功的基础上,在附以技巧和训练。现在朋友们的阅读不必上量上速度,要精看,找出自己理解的长处和短处(特别是错误后的反省)注意阅读步骤的培养:浏览——看题——找答案点——理解含有答案点句子或段落——看和理解选项——对比和对应选项和答案点。掌握技巧和方法是现在必须要做的,所以完成一篇文章后,最好要返看,提炼自己的得失,总结出题特点和思路,同时提炼好的词汇搭配,结构甚至写作中可以用到的精彩句子。然后逐步加大量和提高自己的速度。


2016年6月18日大学英语四级真题答案与解析 写作 题目: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 今年四级时隔九年之后首次考了一道应用文写作,虽然出乎意料,但是大家可以根据题干中的关键词“letter”迅速判断今年要写的是书信。书信本身难度不大,但是需要特别注意英文书信的书写格式。 一、四级书信格式要求 1、抬头:收件人的姓名 2、正文:三段式 3、落款:祝福(yours sincerely)写信人名 二、感谢信格式模板: Dear ______, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for __________________(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in __________________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been___________________(没有对方帮助时的后果). No one would disagree that it was you who___________________________(给出细节). Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Ming


关于英语四级听力技巧分享 对话式听力:两种类型 第一种类型中每组对话一般是在一男女之间进行的一问一答,问题一般由先讲话的人提出,题目均以问题形式出现,其中多数的特殊疑问句。这些问题涉及的内容大致归纳如下: (1):问“是什么、要什么、讨论什么、什么种类” (2):问“做什么” (3):问“什么含义” (4):问“从对话中能获得什么信息或结论” (5):问“对某人某事有什么看法” (6):问“讲话的两人是什么关系” 第二种类型中有两个较长的对话,每个对话后设有2—4个问

题,提出的问题主要问“对话可能是在? ?场所发生的”等。如:W here does this conversation?这部分听力相对比较简单,考生从所给出的选项就可以推测出很多题在问什么,知道在对话中重点应该听什么,什么是关键词,从而选出正确的选项。 短文式听力4类答题技巧 1、中心思想题 这类问题主要是测试文章的主要思想。提问方式一般为:W hat is the passage mainly about?W hat can w e learn from this passage? What is the main:idea of the passage?等等。集中精力听好短文开头,因为四级听力短文一般会开门见山,把中心思想置于文章的开头。 2、事实细节题 考察细节包括具体时间、地点、主要人物、事件、各类数字等,问题一般为:wh—questiuon形式。这种题型要求考生听到文中出现时间、数字时一定要特别敏感,及时做好笔记;文中一旦出现以因果连词(如:because,so,due to等)和转折连词(如but,however,though等)引导的句子,也要格外留心,这些地方往往就是考点。 3、对错判断题


文章长度:229 words 建议做题时间:7分钟实际做题时间:______ Low levels of literacy and numeracy have a damaging impact on almost every aspect of adult life, according to a survey published yesterday, which offers evidence of a developing underclass. Tests and interviews with hundreds of people born in a single week in 1958 1 illustrated the handicap of educational underachievement. The effects were seen in unemployment, low incomes, depression and social 2 . Those who left school at 16 with poor basic skills had been employed for up to four years less than good readers at the time they reached 37. Professor John Bynner of City University, who 3 out the research, said that today’s 4 people would face even greater problems because the supply of manual jobs had 5 up. Poor readers were twice as likely to be on a low 6 and four times as likely to live in a household where neither partner worked. Women in this position were five times as likely to be classified as 7 , while both sexes tended to feel they had no control over their lives, and to be 8 of others. Those with low literacy and numeracy skills were seldom involved in any 9 organization and much less likely than others to have 10 in a general election. There had been no improvement in the level of interviewees since the sample was surveyed at the age of 21. A) activity B) carried C) wage D) dried E) kept F) vividly G) clearly H) community I) inactivity J) respectful K) unqualified L) depressed M) doubtful N) idle O) voted Your answer: 1______2______3______4______5______6______7_____8______9_____10_____
