新目标七年级下Unit1 Section B(第四课时)练习及解析

新目标七年级下Unit1 Section B(第四课时)练习及解析
新目标七年级下Unit1 Section B(第四课时)练习及解析

Unit1 Can you play the guitar? 第四课时Section B (3a—self check)


Ⅰ. 单词回顾

1. music(n.) ________音乐家(n.)

2. 唱歌__________

3. 画_____________

4. 跳舞____________

5. speak ______________

6. teacher (n.)________教、讲授(v.)

7. talk ______________ 8. 讲述、告诉______________ 9. 演出、表演_______________ 10. join _______________

Ⅱ. 短语大全。

1. 说英语____________

2. 弹吉他____________

3. 下国际象棋__________

4. 在某方面帮助某人__________

5. be good with _____________

6. talk to ___________

7. make friends __________ 8. on the weekend ___________ Ⅲ. 根据汉语提示完成句子

1. —你想加入什么俱乐部?

—_________ ________ do you want _______ ________?


—I want _______ _________ the ________ club.

2. —你会做什么?—我会打篮球

—________ _______ you ________?

—I can ________ _________

3. —你哥哥会讲故事吗?


—________ your brother __________ __________?

—______, he can/_____, he ______.

4. 我的叔叔不会弹钢琴

My uncle ________ ________ the piano.

5. 我们需要一些音乐家来参加学校音乐节。

We _________ some ________ _______ our school music festival.

6. 你会唱歌或拉小提琴吗?

Can you _________ _______ _______ the violin?


Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示或汉语提示完成单词。

1. I like music. I want to learn to play the g_________.

2. The English ________(故事) are interesting and fun. We like them.

3. My parents are very ________(忙碌的) every day.

4. Beethoven(贝多芬) is a great m_________.

5. Here are lots of __________(人) in the room.

Ⅱ. 从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当的形式填空。

1. Mr Wang ________ us English. We all like him.

2. Lang Lang is a famous __________.

3. I often helps my mother do housework(家务) on the ________.

4. I can’t go to the party __________ because I’m too busy.

5. I often go the Sports _______ to play basketball.

6. We only have one Earth(地球). It’s our common(共同的) _________. Ⅲ. 根据汉语提示完成句子。

1. Li Yundi can ______________ (弹钢琴).

2. I want to go to the park _________ (在周末).

3. My brother likes to talk and _____________(交朋友).

4. I need a teacher to _______________(帮助) my English.

5. My Chinese teacher ________________(对...有办法) us.

Ⅳ. 句型转换.

1. I want to join the art club.(就画线部分提问)

______ ______ do you want to join?

2. Jack can draw tigers. (用pandas改写选择疑问句)

_____ Jack draw tigers _____ _____?

3. Can you help us to study English? (改为同义句)

Can you help us _____ ____ English.

4. We can’t sing. We can’t dance. (合并为一句话)

We ______ sing _________ dance.

5. His brother can fly a kite. (就画线部分提问)

______ _______ his brother ______?

Ⅴ. 单项选择。

( )1. —Can your daughter play the guitar?

—______. And she can sing very well, too.

A. Yes, she can

B. No, she can’t

C. Yes, she does

D. No, she doesn’t ( )2. Do you have a ______ club in your school?

A. swim

B. swims

C. to swim

D. swimming

( )3. We need musicians______ our School Day.

A. for

B. with

C. on

D. at

( )4. The old people’s home needs help ______ English.

A. teach

B. teaches

C. to teach

D. teaching

( )5. Peter can play ______ tennis but he can’t play ______ guitar.

A. the; the

B. /; /

C. /; the

D. the; /

( )6. Jill, can you help ______ my English?

A. I learn

B. me on

C. me with

D. my with


Ⅰ. 补全对话。

A: Good morning! 1. __________

B: Yes., I want to join the chess club?

A: Good. 2. __________

B: Peter.

A: 3. ____________

B: I’m eleven.

A: 4. _______________

B: My telephone number is 345-567.

A: 5. __________

B: Yes, a little.

A: Here is a card, please fill it out.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.






Ⅱ. 阅读理解。

Peter goes to see his friends in New York. His friend is in an art club there. Peter comes here for the first time, so he doesn’t know New York very well. And he can’t find his way to the art club.A girl is at a bus stop. He walks to her and says, “ Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Cen ter Street? ” The girl is friendly. She smiles(微笑), but she can’t speak English. She can Speak French(法语). She is also new there. She takes out a small notebook from her bag and writes

something on it. “I’m sorry. I can’t speak English.”

( )1. Peter goes to New York to __.

A. find a job

B. see the girl

C. work in the art club

D. see his friend

( ) 2. Peter’s friend works in ____.

A. an art club

B. a school

C. a chess club

D. a bus stop

( )3. Peter can’t find his way because(因为) ______ .

A. he is new in New York

B. he can’t see things

C. he is old

D. he is tired

( )4. What’s the meaning of “friendly” in Chinese?

A. 生气的

B. 热情的

C. 冷淡的

D. 友好的

( )5. Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. The girl at the bus stop is an American.

B. The girl can help Mike.

C. The girl can’t help Mike.

D. The girl gives the notebook to Mike.


( ) 1.【2013浙江杭州】Hangzhou is ________ to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here.

A. home

B. house

C. family

D. room

( ) 2. 【2012山东枣庄】________ you dance? We need some more actors for the talent show.

A. Need

B. Shall

C. Must

D. Can

( ) 3. 【2011四川凉山】

John can play _______ guitar, but he can’t play _______ chess.

A. the; /

B. /; the

C. the; the

( ) 4. 【2010河北】

Jenny, put on your coat ________ you will catch a cold.

A. but

B. and

C. or

D. so

( ) 5. 【2014贵州铜仁】

Da Shan is _ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very _

A. good, good

B. well, well

C. good, well

D. well, good

第四课时SectionB(3a—self check)


Ⅰ. 1. musician 2. sing 3. draw 4. dance 5. 说、说话 6. teach

7. 说话、交谈8. tell 9. show 10. 参加、加入

Ⅱ. 1. speak English 2. play the guitar 3. play chess 4. help sb with sth

5. 善于应付...的;对...有办法的

6. 跟...说

7. 结交朋友

8. 在周末

Ⅲ. 1. What club to join to join swimming 2. What can do play

basketball 3. Can tell stories Yes No can’t 4. can’t play 5. want

musicians for 6. sing or play


Ⅰ. 1. guitar 2. stories 3. busy 4. musician 5. people

Ⅱ. 1. teaches 2. musician 3. weekend 4. today 5. Center 6. home


七年级上册单词 名词专练 1.Could you cut the apple into two h____ 2. 2. There are only a few men t_____ in our school. 3.Liu Xiang is one of the ____(英雄) in China. 4. 4. Put those books on the _____(书架), please. 5. The old man has two _____(孩子). Both of them ____(be) soldiers. 6. Paris is one of the liveliest _____ (城市) around the world. 7. In autumn, tree l_____ turn yellow. 8. Brushing t_____ before you sleep is very important. 9. How long is the shark About ten _____(英尺) 10. Christmas Day comes in D______. 11. My birthday is in _____ (八月). 12. We usually don’t go to school or S______ and Sundays. 13. I usually have bread and milk for ______ (早餐). (科学) changes the world. 15. ---I’m going to Hai Nan for vacation. ---- Sounds great! I hope you have a good t_____. 16. ---What kind of m____ do you like best --- ______(喜剧片), I think. far is it from your home to school It’s about an ____ (hour) ride. 18. Many famous _____(music) are Germans. 19. Jackie Chan is a successful _____(act). 20. The food ____(be) so delicious that I want to eat more. 21. Eating vegetables ____(be) good for our ______(healthy). 22. Bring my best _____(wish) to your parents. 23. Bring a _____(rule) with you when you have math test. 24. The boy shows great ______ (interesting) in studying biology. 25. There are all kinds of ______(fruit) in that supermarket. 26. Being a _____(piano) needs both talent and hard work. (healthy) is more important than money. 28. They gave their children too much _______(freedom) 29. Many _______ (visit) come to China every year. 30. _______ (电脑) are widely used in the world now. 31. Please close the w_______. It’s cold outside.


2019七年级地理下册期末试题(带答案) 以下是查字典地理网为您推荐的2019七年级地理下册期末试题(带答案),希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。2019七年级地理下册期末试题(带答案) 第I卷(选择题) 一、选择题:(下列各小题中每小题只有一个选项是正确的,请把正确选项代号填在后面答题格正确位置。) 1.在欧洲分布最广泛而在亚洲缺失的气候类型是: A.温带海洋性气候 B.温带季风气 C.地中海气候 D.高山气候 2.亚洲河流分布特征是: A.河流短促 B.河网密布 C.呈放射状 D.内流河为主 3.世界最高和最低处都在亚洲,最低处在: A.里海湖面 B.咸海湖面 C.死海湖面 D.青海湖面 4.世界第一长河是: A.长江 B.尼罗河 C.亚马孙河 D.刚果河 5.混血人种比重最高的大洲是 A.亚洲 B.北美洲 C.南美洲 D.大洋洲 读非洲气候分布示意图完成6-9小题: 6.非洲气候类型的分布特点是: A.半环状分布 B.辐射状分布 C.南北纵列分布 D.对称分布 7.图中A岛屿的名称是:

A.格陵兰岛 B.马达加斯加岛 C.火地岛 D.冰岛 8.图中B气候类型是: A.地中海气候 B.温带海洋气候 C.热带雨林气候 D.高山高原气候 9.图中C地影响气候的主导因素是: A.纬度因素 B.地形地势 C.海陆因素 D.人为因素 10.世界上最湿润的大洲是: A.非洲 B.亚洲 C.大洋洲 D.南美洲 11.欧洲流经国家最多的河流是: A.伏尔加河 B.多瑙河 C.莱茵河 D.泰晤士河 12.对东南亚的开发和繁荣作出了巨大贡献的是: A.欧洲移民 B.黑人奴隶 C.华侨和外籍华人 D.殖民统治者 13.10月1日这一天,南极洲: A.有极昼现象 B.有极夜现象 C.昼短夜长 D.昼夜平分 14.世界四大洋中跨经度最广的是: A.太平洋 B.大西洋 C.北冰洋 D.印度洋 15.南美洲主要的出口商品是: A.石油制品 B.粮食 C.钢铁 D.农矿产品 16.关于欧洲西部的说法,正确的是: A.因临近非洲,所以多发展中国家 B.因资源开发过度,所以农业在经济中占比重大


新目标2018七年级英语上册期末试题 二、笔试部分(100分) 选择题 Ⅰ. 基础选择(20分): ( )1.These books are _____. _____ are in _____ bags. A. my. You, You B. My, Yours, your C. mine, Your, Yours D. mine, Yours, your ( )2.Would you like _____ your mother cook supper? A. helping B. to help C. help D. helping ( )3.Let Tom _____ right away. A. go home B. to go home C. goes home D. goes to home ( )4.---May I have some milk? ---Sorry, we have _____ left(剩下). A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )5.Tom with his classmates _____ an English lesson now. A. has B. have C. are having D. is having ( )6 .Could you_____ a message _____ him? A. take, to B. give, to . C. leave, from D. give, for ( )7.She is _____ the blackboard, but she can’t _____ the words on it. A. looking at, see B. seeing, look at C. seeing, see D. looking at, look at ( )8.We would like some meat and fruit _____ lunch. A. to B. in C. of D. for ( _)9.Would you please _____ her _____ me back? A. ask, to call B. ask, call C. to ask, call D. to ask, to call ( ) 10.Look at the boys. They _____ games at school. A. play B. playing C. are play D. are playing ( ) 11. A: . B: Nice to see you, too. A. Nice to see you. B. How are you? C. How do you do! D. See you later ( ) 12. A: Here you are. B: A. That’s right. B. Let me see. C. Thanks. D. Yes , I like it ( ) 13. A: B: He’s tall. A. Is the boy tall or short? B. Is the boy tall? C. Is the boy short? D. How old is he ? ( ) 14. A: Would you like an egg and some fish? B: . A. No, please, I’m full. B. That’s a good idea. C. No, thanks. D. You are OK ( ) 15. A: Thank you, Kangkang. B: .


人教版七年级下地理期末试卷附答案 相关推荐:练习册答案|作业本答案 |数学补充习题答案|期末试卷|暑假作业答案 1、一位游客说:“我来自于世界上地跨亚、欧两大洲,东、西两个半球的国家,我们 那里地大人稀,矿产资源丰富……,” 这位游客来自于 ( ) A.美国 B.澳大利亚 C.巴西 D.俄罗斯 2、每年的6-9月,印度大部分地区盛行: A.东南季风 B.西南季风 C.东北季风 D.西北季风 3、地球的表面积约为 ( ) A.4.1 亿平方千米 B.5.1亿平方千米 C.6.1亿平方千米 D.7.1亿平方千米 4、从波斯湾出发运往欧洲和北美的石油,海上运输路线正确的是( ) A.黑海→土耳其海峡→地中海→直布罗陀海峡→大西洋→欧美 B.波斯湾→红海→苏伊士运河→地中海→直布罗陀海峡→大西洋→欧美 C.波斯湾→印度洋→马六甲海峡→太平洋→欧美 D.波斯湾→印度洋→非洲好望角→太平洋→欧美 5、斯堪的纳维亚半岛西侧-挪威海岸多峡湾的原因是 ( ) A.冰川作用 B.地壳断裂 C.河流侵蚀 D.海浪侵蚀 6、日本岛国中东北向西南分布着四大岛,其中的是 ( )

A.北海道岛 B.四国岛 C.本州岛 D.九州岛 7、关于澳大利亚的说法,错误的是 ( ) A.南半球经济发达的国家 B.被称为“骑在羊背上的国家” C.矿产资源十分丰富 D.世界上出口农产品最多的国家 8、下列各组动物中,生活在南极大陆及周围海域的是 ( ) A.斑马、大象、河马 B.企鹅、磷虾、海豹 C.袋鼠、鸭嘴兽、鸸鹋 D.大食蚁兽、卷尾猴、树懒 9、被伊斯兰教、基督教、犹太教都看作圣城的是 ( ) A.耶路撒冷 B.巴格达 C.德黑兰 D.麦加 10、下面是小飞同学在网上学习中收集到的一些精美图片,其中属于埃及的是( ) 11、埃及的农业主要集中分布在 ( ) A.地中海沿岸地区 B.苏伊士运河两岸 C.尼罗河谷地和三角洲 D.红海沿岸地区 12、世界上干旱面积的一个洲是 ( ) A.亚洲 B.欧洲 C.非洲 D.北美洲 13、下列河流与注入海洋之间的连线,正确的是 ( ) A.亚马孙河——太平洋 B.密西西比河——孟加拉湾 C.印度河——阿拉伯海 D.尼罗河——红海 14、亚洲流经国家最多的国际河流是 ( ) A.湄公河 B.多瑙河 C.红河 D.长江 15、关于俄罗斯港口和城市的叙述,正确的是 ( )


代词 (一) 用物主代词填空: (5分, 3分钟) 1. I own that cat; that cat is ____ . 2. You own that cat: that cat is ____ . 3. He owns that cat; that cat is ____ . 4. She owns that cat; that cat is ____ . 5. They own that cat; that cat is ____ . (二)用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空 :(17分, 15分钟) 1. I've eaten all ____ sandwiches. Can I have one of ____ ? 2. Tell Tom not to forget ____ book.And you mustn't forget ____ . 3. George has lost ____ pen.Ask Mary if she will lend him ____ . 4. We've had ____ dinner; have they had ____ ? 5. Jack has a dog and so have I. ____ dog and ____ had a fight (打架). 6. The teacher wants you to return that book of ____ that he lent you. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of ____ are coming to see us. 8. Mary wants to know if you've seen a pair of gloves of ____ . 9. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of ____ . 10.Dinner has been ready a long long time. I have had ____ and Mary has had ____ , Come and have ____ now. (三) 用人称代词填空 :(13分, 10分钟) 1. Children know little about the danger of playing on the road and ____ must be told. 2. The general (将军) visited all the wounded soldiers (伤兵) in the hospital and talked with ____. ____ was interested in everything ____ told ____. 3. Ling Ling is a girl. ____ studies in a primary school. Her brother lives with ____ , and helps ____ to prepare the lessons. 4. The ship is lying at anchor (停泊) . ____ comes from Shanghai. 5. This photo of your mother is very much like her. I like ____. 6. Mike is my classmate. ____ is good at physics . 7. Kate wants a glass of milk.Will you pass it to ____ ? 8. What's the weather like today ? ____ is cloudy. (四) 用适当的反身代词填空 :(5分, 5分钟) 1. I will ask him ____ . 2. Be careful!You will hurt ____ . 3. They told me the news ____ . 4. He ____ was a doctor. 5. We will do it ____ . (五) 用不定代词some或any填空 : (7分, 5分钟) 1. Are there ____ pictures in that book ? 2. I asked him for ____ ink, and he gave me ____ . 3. Have you ____ more books ?


人教版七年级地理下册期末试卷及答案 七年级地理下册期末质量检测试卷 题号一二三四五总分 分数一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意。每题2分,共40分) 1.亚洲在世界中的位置,描述正确的是:() A、全部位于东半球、北半球 B、全部位于西半球、南半球 C、主要位于东半球、北半球 D、主要位于西半球、南半球 2.亚洲气候复杂多样的根本原因是() B. 亚洲三面环海 A.亚洲面积广大 D. 亚洲纬度范围广 ,海陆跨度大C. 亚洲南北跨度大 3.关于亚洲地形地势的描述,正确的是: ( ) A、中部地势高,四周地势较低 B、以高原地形为主,山地、平原、盆地 C、东西部高,中部低 D、以平原地形为主,山地、高原、盆地极少 4. 有关日本地理特征的叙述,正确的是()A.日本是太平洋东部的群岛国家 B.日本境内多平原,平原面积占国土总面积的四分之三 C.气候冬暖夏凉,为典型的温带海洋性气候 D.日本的铁矿、石油、煤炭等矿产资源贫乏,绝大部分依赖进口 5.能给印度带来大量降水的是() D. 西北季风 B. 西南季风 C. 东北季风 A.东南季风6.中日文化交流源远流长,日本文化深受中国影响,突出表现在() A .语言和文字方面 B. 建筑和文字方面 D. 文字和农业技术方面 C. 语言和建筑方面() 7.世界上惟独占有一块大陆的国家是 B. 英国澳大利亚 C. 日本 D. .新西兰A 8.日本占绝对优势的民族是() B. 朝鲜族 C. 高山族.蒙古族A D. 大和族 () 9.美国“硅谷”最重要的工业部门是 B. 汽车工业 C. 钢铁工业宇航工业 D. .电子工业A .世界最寒冷的地区是 10 () C. 南极地区 D.青藏高原.北极地区A西伯利亚B. 11.登艾菲尔铁塔,在罗浮宫欣赏名画《蒙娜丽莎》应该去() 5 / 1 人教版七年级地理下册期末试卷及答案 A德国 B、英国 C、法国 D、奥地利


新目标七年级英语上册期末综合测试卷 班级:________ 姓名:__________ 分数:_________ 第一部分:听力测试(25%) I. 听录音,选择正确的图画,每小题念一遍。(5分) II. 听录音,判断原图意思是否与所听内容相符,正确用“T”,错误用“F”对话念两遍。(5分)

III. 听录音完成对话,对话念两遍。(5分) A: Hi, Jim! Do you (1) soccer? B: Yes, I like soccer and basketball. A: Do you like tennis too? B: Yes, I do. My sister and I (2) tennis. A: Do you have tennis racket? B: Yes. But (3) is my tennis racket? A: Oh, do you have a basketball? B: Yes, I do. A: OK, Let’s play (4) . B: That sounds (5) . IV. 听短文后回答问题,短文念两遍。(10分) 1. How old is Sam? 2. What is Sam’s favorite subject? 3. Does Sam like swimming and painting? 4. Can Sam play the piano? 5. Do they want to visit China? 第二部分:笔试(95分) V. 读一读,猜一猜:根据首字母提示完成单词(5分)。 1. Brad can play basketball. He wants to j__________ the basketball club. 2. F____________ is the second month of a year. 3. Ja ck Chen is Mike’s f_____________ movie star. Mike likes his movies best. 4. The runners are very strong. Because they eat a lot of h__________ food. 5. We want to play tennis after school. But we don’t have tennis r____________. VI. 看一看,做一做:单项选择(15分)。 ( )1. Look at these ___________. Victor has ____________ aunt and two uncles. A. photos, a B. photos, an C. photos, the ( )2. Can you _____________ jiaozi __________ English? A. say, with B. speak, in C. say, in ( )3. Where __________ she ___________ from? A. does, come B. is , come C. does, comes ( )4. How ____________ did you pay? A. much yuan B. many yuan C. much yuans ( )5. Her mother is ___________. She ____________ a car now. A. a driver, drive B. driver, drives C. a driver, is driving ( )6. Do you want __________ with me? A. go shopping B. to go shop C. to go shopping ( )7. ---___________? ---Yes, please.


新目标英语七年级上册Starter1—3复习题 一、字母 A)按顺序写出英语的26个字母(包括大小写)。 _______________________________________________________________ B)你知道哪5个字母是元音字母吗?请按字母表顺序写出来(包括大小写)。 _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 二、词汇 A)完成下列单词。 1.下午___________________ 2.英语_______________ 3.橙子_________ 4.夹克衫_______________ 5.紫色的_______________ B)根据要求完成下列各题。 1.what is(缩写)__________ 2.it is(缩写)______ 3.I am(缩写)______ 4.hard black(缩写)____ 5.kilogram(缩写)_____ 6.white(对应词)________ 7.hello(同义词)_______ 8.Uu(同音词)_______ 9.Rr(同音词)________ 10.“中国中央电视台”的缩略词_____11.“英国广播公司”的缩略词_______ C)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1.What’s your n______? Bob. 2.S____________ it,please. G—O—O—D. 3.W_________ is this? It’s a pen. 4.Good e___________,Alice. 5.The ruler is red a______ green. 三、选择填空从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。( ) 1. –Good morning, Eric. -________, Cindy. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening ( ) 2. –What’s your name? -________. A. Clark B. I’m OK. C. Thank you ( ) 3. Lili is a ________ girl. A. good B. fine C. well ( ) 4. –What’s this in English? -It’s a ________. A. CD B. orange C. egg ( ) 5. Is this ________ apple? A. a B. an C. the ( ) 6. -________ ? -It’s red. A. What’s this? B. What colour is it ? C. How are you? ( ) 7. -What’s this? -________ a key. A. He’s B. This’s C. It’s ( ) 8. -What’s this ________ Chinese? “尺子”. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 9. A. -________ are you? -Fine, thanks. A. What B. Where C. How ( )10.A. There’s a book on the desk. ________ book is blue. A. The B. / C. A ( ) 11.当对方帮了你的忙后,你应该说_______________ A. OK B. Thanks ! C. How are you ? ( ) 12. 当你不认识某物时,你应用英语向别人问 A. What’s this ? B. What this is ? C. This is what ? ( ) 13. What’s this ______ English ? A. on B. OK C. in ( )14.开学第一天,你想知道你同桌的名字时,你可以问 A. What’s your name? B. What’s this? C. What color is it? ( )15.英语字母共有个,其中元音字母有个。 A. 26; 5 B. 26; 3 C. 24; 5 八年级英语试题共8页第1页


2017-2018学期七年级下册地理期末试卷班级姓名学号成绩 一、选择题(下列各题的选项中,只有一个是正确的,请将正确答案前的代号对应填入相应的括号内,选对一个得2分,共60分。) 1.亚洲北部濒临的大洋是() A.北冰洋 B.印度洋C.太平洋D.大西洋 2.亚洲所在的纬度向北超过北纬80?,向南超过南纬10?,则亚洲所跨的纬度大约有()A.70多度 B.90多度C.180多度D.120多度 3.世界上人口自然增长率最低的大洲是() A.欧洲B.非洲C.亚洲D.南美洲 4.亚洲的地势特点是() A.西高东低B.南高北低 C.中间高,四周低D.中间低,四周高 5.世界上第一长河是() A.尼罗河B.密西西比河C.长江D.亚马孙河 6.亚洲分布最广泛的气候类型是() A.热带雨林气候 B.亚热带季风气候 C.温带大陆性气候D.热带季风气候7.苏伊士运河沟通的是() A.地中海和红海 B.太平洋和大西洋 C.地中海和里海D.北冰洋和太平洋 8.世界上面积最大的洲是() A.亚洲 B.北美洲C.南美洲D.非洲 9.亚洲有大小民族1000个左右,不同地区的民族创造了不同的文化。旗袍与和服分别是下列哪两个国家的民族服饰() A.韩国、日本B.中国、印度C.日本、印度 D.中国、日本10.日本工业主要集中在太平洋沿岸一带的主要原因是() A.有适宜的气候条件B.有优良的港湾便于进口原料,出口工业产品C.接近太平洋的大渔场 D.受火山、地震等自然灾害的影响小 11.世界上海外华人分布最集中的地区是() A.美国B.东南亚C.西亚D.西欧 12.中南半岛的地形特点是() A.山河相间,纵列分布B.地形崎岖,火山众多 C.南高北低,以高原为主D.东高西低,以山地为主 13.印度最重要的河流是() A.恒河B.布拉马普特拉河C.红河D.印度河14.世界上面积最大的国家是() A.美国B.俄罗斯C.加拿大D.中国 15.德国的首都是() A.巴黎B.柏林C.东京D.莫斯科 我国某经贸代表团将于今年7月份赴东南亚采购货物,并观光考察。据此完成16--17题。16.该代表团的随行物品中,最不需要准备的是() A.雨伞B.御寒衣物C.摄像机D.地图 17.下列产品最有可能出现在订货合同中的是() A.棉花、小麦 B.橡胶、椰子C.蔬菜、牛奶D.苹果、棕油 18.下列国家中,属于地跨亚、非两大洲的国家是() A.印度B.土耳其C.中国D.埃及 19.被欧洲西部的人们称为“绿色金子”的是() A.牧草B.绿宝石C.小麦D.水稻 20.世界上最著名的围海造田的国家是() A.美国B.德国C.英国D.荷兰 21.澳大利亚首都堪培拉的中学放寒假时,镇江的自然景观是() A.白雪皑皑B.春暖花开C.草木枯黄D.烈日炎炎 22.澳大利亚有憨实可爱的考拉、善于游泳的鸭嘴兽……澳大利亚至今保存着这些古老的动物,其主要原因是() A.常年冰雪覆盖B.长期孤立在南半球的海洋上,自然环境单一C.澳大利亚大盆地有丰富的地下水 D.气候炎热干燥,有大面积的沙漠和草地 23.澳大利亚出口的矿产主要是() A.石油B.煤和铁矿石 C.铅锌矿D.黄金和金刚石 24.巴西所属的大洲是() A.北美洲B.南美洲C.大洋州D.欧洲 25.巴西境内分布有世界最大的河流是() A.巴拉那河B.尼罗河C.亚马孙河D.刚果河 26.全世界希望巴西着重保护的自然资源主要是() A.热带草原B.热带雨林C.野生动物D.亚马孙河水源 27.距离南极洲最近的大洲是() A.大洋州B.非洲C.南美洲D.亚洲 28.世界上平均海拔最高的大洲是() A.亚洲B.非洲C.北美洲D.南极洲 29.到南极考察的最佳时间是() A.北半球的夏季 B.2月 C.南半球的冬季D.7月 30.下图中,哪个是联合国的旗帜?() 二、你会读图吗?(地图是学习地理的工具,运用你所学的读图技能解答下列问题。共40分) 31.读下列图文材料,回答问题。(14分) 材料一:日本处于太平洋火山地震带上,有火山200多座,其中活火山有80多座,火山分布广,类型齐全,堪称“世界火山博物馆”。日本地震频繁,有“地震国” 之称,近百年来,5级以上地震发生100余次,强烈地震感约每3年1次,有 感地震平均每天有4次。地震主要分布在日本列岛的太平洋沿岸。 A B C D


1 / 9 2017—2018学年度第一学期期末质量检测 七年级英语试题(卷) I 、单项选择(每空1分,共20 分) ( ) 1.He has _______ egg and ________ hamburger. A. an;an B.a;a C.an;a D.a;an ( )2.---_________﹗Where is my cup? ---_________ ,I don’t know. A. Excuse me;Yes B.Yes,Sorry C.Excuse me;Sorry D.Sorry;Yes ( ) 3.Sorry, this is not ______ eraser.Please ask __________. A.his;his B.my;his C.his,me D.my;him ( ) 4. ---How much _________ this bag? ---___________eight dollars. A.be;It’s B.am;They’re C.is;It’s D.are;They’re ( ) 5.Thank you _______ the photo _______ your family. A.for;for B.for;of C.of;of D.for;to ( ) 6.September is the_______ month of the year. A.nineth B.tenth C.nine D. ninth ( )7. ―Your hat is very nice. ―______. A. You are right B. That's right C. You are welcome D. Thank you ( )8. I found a set ofin the classroom. A. key B. keysC. a key D. an key ( )9. —Is thispencil? —Yes. The pen is, too. A. your; my B. yours; mine C. your; mine D. yours; my ( )10. ---_________ your father _________ eating meat? A.Do;like B.Does;like C.Do;likes D.Are;like ( ) 11. This is my dress. That one is. A. Mary’s B. my sister C. mother D. Mary ( )12、I don’t like this TV program. It’s _____. A. fun B. difficult C. boring D. relaxing ( ) 13. Let’s _________ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to ( )14. Jim likes sports, he only watches them on TV. A. and B. but C. or D. with ( )15.If you need my help, you can me__________ 63271567. A. at B. by C. in D. to ( )16.__________is your backpack? It’s red and yellow . A .What B .Where C .What color D .Why ( )17. I want __________ the music club. A. join B. to join C. joins D. be join ( )18. I ________ two baseballs and my friend ________five baseballs. A. have; have B. have; has C. has; have D. has; has ( )19. ________you play the violin? A. Are B. Can C. Is D. When ( )20. He _________ his homework at school. A. doesn’t do B. don’t does C. isn’t do D. does not 考场 班级 姓名 考号 密 封 线


2008—2009学年辽宁省辽阳九中七年级地理下册期末试卷 (人教版) 全卷满分100分,时间为60分钟 题号一二总分 得分 一、选择题:将正确答案的代号填入下表中(每题正确答案只有一个)共40分 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 题号11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 1、有关亚洲说法错误的是()。 A、世界上面积最大的洲。 B、跨经度最广的洲。 C、跨纬度最广的洲。 D、跨东西距离最长的洲。 2、日本发展经济的有利条件是 () A、位于两大板块之间,多火山、地震 B、地域狭小,资源贫乏 C、日本人人种优良,智商高 D、岛国海岸线曲折,多优良港湾,便于运输 3、中南半岛的地形特征是() A、多盆地地形 B、海拔较高,以高原为主 C、地势平坦,起伏不大 D、山河相间,纵列分布 4、关于贝加尔湖特点的叙述,正确的是:() A、世界最大的淡水湖 B、世界最大的咸水湖 C、世界海拔最高的湖泊 D、世界最深的湖泊 5、伊斯兰教、基督教和犹太教都看作圣城的城市是() A、麦加 B、耶路撒冷 C、麦地那 D、巴格达 6、被欧洲西部人们称为“绿色金子”的是() A、橄榄 B、牧草 C、水稻 D、森林 7、世界上面积最大的高原是() A、青藏高原 B、土耳其高原 C、巴西高原 D、东非高原 8、世界华人、华侨分布最集中的地区是: A、东南亚 B、加拿大 C、澳大利亚 D、美国 9、印度最容易发生的自然灾害是() A、火山 B、地震 C、泥石流 D、水旱灾害 10、20世纪60年代推行的“绿色革命”,其主要目的是为了解决() A、人口问题 B、环境问题 C、气候问题 D、粮食问题


新目标英语七年级上册期末复习 一.代词(pron.) 第一人称单数第二人称 单数和复数第三人称单数(三单)第一人称复数第三人称复数 人称代词我你/ 你们他她它我们他们 主格Iyouhesheitwethey 宾格meyouhimheritusthem 物主代词我的你的/ 你们的他的她的它的我们的他们的 形容词性myyourhisheritsourtheir (一) 翻译成英语: 1.我是_______________ 2.我父母________________ 3.你可以______________ 4.你的电话号码______________ 5. 谢谢你_____________ 6. 他有________________ 7.他的姓氏_____________ 8. 听他说_____________ 9. 她喜欢它。____________ 10.她全家照______________ 11.帮助她____________ 12. 它吃________________ 13.它名字______________14.看见它____________ 15.我们想要____________ 16.我们最喜爱的水果_____________________ 17.加入我们_________ 18. 他们唱歌___________ 19.他们旧电脑_______________20.画出它们__________ (二) 选词填空: 1. What’s ________ name? (you / your ) _________ name is Bob. ( My / I / me) 2. _________ erasers are in ________drawer. (her / she / Her / She) 3. Can ________(you / your ) do _______ (you / your ) homework? 4. ___________ is a cat. ________ name is Mimi. ( it / its / It / Its ) 5. _________ brother can speak Japanese. (He’s / His / He ) 6. Please take _________ keys to school. __________ are on the table. ( they / their / them / They / Their / Them ) 7. __________ is thirteen years old. __________ birthday is March 1st. (He / His / Him) 8. __________ favorite vegetable is tomato. (her / she / Her / She) 9. Can you help ______ ?( we / us / our) Please take ______ to school. ( they / their / them) 10. _________ can’t see _________baseball. It’s behind _________.( My / I / me / my ) (三)完成句子: 1. A: What’s this / that ? B: _________ is a dresser. A: How do you spell _________ , please ? B: D-R-E-S-S-E-R. 2. A: What are these / those ? B: _________ are tomatoes. 3. A: Does Cindy like salad? B: No, _________doesn’t.


一、单项选择(80分) ( )1.I can’t speak ______ English. What’s that _____ English? A. /, of B. in, in C. /, in D. the ( )2.Please come ______ see ______ yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store. A.to;about B. at; for C.and;for D. to; at ( )3.--Hey, Uncle Joe. Happy birthday!-- A. You're welcome. B. Thank you. C. The same to you. D. Hello. ( )4.They have clothes A. at good price B. at a good price C. in good price D. in a good price ( )5.I have aunts, and my aunt works in Nanjing. A. two; two B. two; second C. second; two D. second; second ( )6.--Do you like these yellow shoes? --Yes, A. I don’t like them B. I’ll take it C. I’ll take them D. it’s 5 dollars ( )7.The red socks $4. A. are B. is C. am D. can ( )8.---______do we have for dinner?. -- Eggs A. Where B. What C .How D. What color ( )9.Do you like chicken? _______ A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I don’t D. No,I do ( )10.—How much the socks? — __ twenty dollars. A. is; It's B. are; They're C. are; It's D. is; They're ( )11.What ____________ you do after supper? A.does B.do C.is 选择可替换划线部分的选项。 ( )12.When is your birthday? A. age B. date of birth C. day ( )13.How old is he? A. How is he B. How old is she C. What's his age ( )14.What time does she play basketball? A. Where B. When C. What ( )15.I often have lunch at 12:00. A. eat B. eats C. has ( )16.She is 9 years old. A. She is 8 years old B. Her age is 9 C. I am 9 years old ( )17.--Let's meet the morning of September --OK. A. in B. at C. on . for ( )18.-- is your cousin? --She's fifteen years old. A. How B. How old C. How many D. How much ( )19.All my classes finish ____________ 4:00 p.m. A.in B.on C.at ( )20.-- Mary and Tony want to go to the party? --No, they don't. A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are ( )21.They like ______very much. A. banana B. apple C. orange D. pears ( )22.—Does the bookstore math books? —Yes. Do you want to______ one? A. sell; buy B. sell; sell C. buy; buy D. buy; sell ( )23.They have bananas _______ lunch. A. at B. for C. in D. on ( )24.brother is in Grade Seven. A. Lisa's and Linda's B. Lisa and Linda C. Lisa's and Linda D. Lisa and Linda's ( )25.I ______ a great sports collection ______ I don’t play sports. A. have; and B. have; but C. has; and D. has; but ( )26.Ken and Linda's favourite subject ____________ P.E. A. are B. is C. am ( )27.What's ____________ favourite subject? A.Ken B.Ken is C.Ken's ( )28.Many children go to school at the of seven. A. date B. year C. number D. age ( )29.-- is your mother's birthday? --It's May 8th. A. What B. Where C. Which D. When ( )30.I eat some vegetables, like ___. A. chicken B. eggs C. tomatoes D. hamburgers ( )31.Twenty-eight and twelve A. are fourty B. is forty C. is fourty D. are forty ( )32.—Does he play sports?—No, ______. He only watches them ______TV. A. he does, on B. he does, in C. he doesn't, on D. he doesn't, in ( )33.—Do you have a basketball? —______. A. Yes, I do B. I do C. Yes, I have D. Yes, I’ve ( )34.—Let’s play soccer. —That ______ good. A. sound B. is sound C. sound is D. sounds ( )35.Tom and Jim ______ a sports collection. A. has B. have C. is D. are ( )36. There _________ any money on the floor. A. are B. is C. isn’t D. aren’t ( )37. Let me help you _________ the box. A. to finds B. to see C. look D. find ( )38. Are Lily and Lucy in _________ class? No, they are in _________ classes. A. the same, the different B. a same, a different C. same, different D. the same, different ( )39. Jim likes _________ TV after school. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. to see ( )40. _________ young man in a black shirt is _________ good worker. A. The, the B. The, a C. An, a D. An, the ( )41. It’s7 o’clock. It’s time for _________. A. get to school B. go to school C. school D. schools ( )42. These books are Miss Li’s. Please give _________ A. her them B. them to her C. it to her D. her it. ( )43. Mr Smith is forty, but he _________ very old. A. look B. looks like C. looks D. look like ( )44. This isn’t _________ skirt. _________ is on the clothes line. A. my, My B. his, He C. her……Her D. your……Yours ( )45. ---_________ is your bike? ---The green one. A. Where B. Which C. What D. What colour ( )46. Who’s the girl _________ green. Is she your sister? A. on B. in C. in the D. in a ( )47. Tom is _________ brother. A. Lucy’s and Lily B. Lucy’s and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily D. Lucy and Lily’s ( )48. This is _________ picture of _________ Green family. A. a, a B. the, / C, a, the D. the, the ( )49. Can you see the bird _________ the apple tree. A. on B. in C. down D. behind ( )50. ---- What colour is your new coat? ---- It’s _________ orange. It’s _________ orange coat. A. the, the B. a, an C. /, a D. /, an ( )51. ---- Who is the girl over there? ---- I don’t know. Let’s _________ him. A. to go and meet B. to go and to meet C. to go and meet D. go and meet ( )52. This is my cousin. ____ name’s Tom. A. He B. His C. Her ( )53. This box is____.Thank you for giving it back (还给)to me. A. your B. mine C. my ( )54.The girl is Kate Green. Kate is her______ name. A. family B. last C. first ( )55. We have sweaters _______all colors 50 yuan each. A. in; for B.at; in C. in; in D. at; at ( )56. _________. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Hi ( )57. Do you have two ________? A. tennis racket B. tennis rackets C. tennis’ racket D. tennis’ rackets ( )58. He _________ his homework at school. A. doesn’t do B. don’t does C. isn’t do D. does not ( ) 59. Let Tom _________ now. A. watch TV B.to watch TV C. watches TV D. watching TV ( )60. How much are these shoes? _________ twenty dollars. A. Are B. There C. They’re D.It’s ( )61. We can _____books ___ the bookstore。 A. sell; to B.buy; from C. sell;from D. buy; to ( )62.Have a look ________ my white shoes. A. on B. in C. at D. \ ( )63. --What’s this in English?--____________A. It’s a orange. B. This is a pen. C. It’s a key. ( )64. --What’s your phone number?--________886-9988. A. It B. Is it C. It’s ( )65. ____ lunch, Bill and his brother____ hamburgers and ice-cream?
