

On the Translation of Euphemisms Between T wo Different Cultures

Euphemism is an effective language expression that is created when people are intent to realize the expecting results in the social communication. It is widely used in all walks of life. The utility of euphemism not only meets the need of people in communication, but also plays an important role in coordinating human relationship with social relationship in the procedure of language communication. The functions of euphemism make people express idea more easily and make communication go more smoothly. This paper begins with the definition of euphemism, and points out that it has come in need of the life of social communication, and then uses substantial English language examples to analyze the five functions of English euphemism including functions of taboo, politeness, concealing, positive and praising. From the observation, it is understood that euphemism, especially English euphemism, can bring people to the successful process of social communication, and can beautify languages, which will ease people tense relationship with the indirect and concealing expressions. However, when it comes to its translation, there are several points that we should pay attention to.

First, the English slang translation of euphemisms, slang euphemism in proportion is relatively large. The emergence of euphemism, often in life when people contacts, people appear awkward and hard to tell whether or easily hurt the feelings of the occasion, people consciously avoided a direct hit, but with more modest, yet elegant image of the word, twist express their views, opinions and emotions. This expression is frequently encountered in Chinese, and sometimes in English for the very same semantics with the same or similar expression. Thus making Translation, may be the same translation

Second, the English slang spell on gambling translation in English and Chinese languages, all with a swear, swear, swear to pray for the expression of stress, evil monks, dissatisfied with the hope that such emotional words. However, it is noteworthy that swear words have meaning, more often than not its literal meaning. Therefore, the translation should be used free translation approach. In the translation process, it is necessary to retain its original meaning, but also very different cultural backgrounds, according to foreign customs and language, translation adjustments; it can better meet their people's habits. From the following examples, you can glimpse the translation adjustment of the original slang.

Third, the English language translation of vulgar slang phrase generally refers to the so-called vulgar insulting, rude words unbearable

human ear, and its actual meaning is not expressed in its literal meaning. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to vent their discontent, worry, surprise and contempt, and so intense emotional protest. Therefore, the translation of such terms should be especially cautious and discreet.

Euphemism is a kind of linguistic phenomena. Since different societies, different histories and cultures produce different euphemisms, euphemisms can reflect history, culture and customs of a nation from a unique angle. There are certain realistic meanings to the correct understanding the translation of euphemism and its usages. More figures of speech are used in English reports in order to enhance the literariness of sports games, like metaphor, euphemism, personification and exaggeration. Modern society, the original euphemism still in use, and because of new social problems continue to increase, the new euphemism is constantly generated. We should also notice the usage in them.




褒扬功能。通过分析, 我们进一步理解了委婉语, 尤其是英语委婉语,它用婉转含蓄的表达美化了语言,使人们的社交生活更为和谐。但当谈到其翻译时,有几点我我们需要注意。










泥浆泵操作规程示范文本 In The Actual Work Production Management, In Order To Ensure The Smooth Progress Of The Process, And Consider The Relationship Between Each Link, The Specific Requirements Of Each Link To Achieve Risk Control And Planning 某某管理中心 XX年XX月

泥浆泵操作规程示范文本 使用指引:此操作规程资料应用在实际工作生产管理中为了保障过程顺利推进,同时考虑各个环节之间的关系,每个环节实现的具体要求而进行的风险控制与规划,并将危害降低到最小,文档经过下载可进行自定义修改,请根据实际需求进行调整与使用。 1 .开车前的准备 1.1 检查吸井水量是否足够,吸水高度是否符合要求; 1.2 检查设备是否完好,轴承是否缺油,连轴节是否良 好,吸排水管及底阀有无问题; 1.3 盘车1-2圈,检查有无卡阻; 1.4 打开灌水阀门,将水泵灌满引水。 2 .开机

2.1 合上开关手把、按下启动按钮,电动机开始转动; 2.2 待电动机转速达到正常后慢慢打开排水闸门; 2.3 观察压力表的变化。 3 . 运行注意事项 3.1 运行中司机应注意检查; 3.2 水泵的转动方向,水泵的上水情况; 3.3 各部有无异响和震动; 3.4 轴承温度是否超限(滚动轴承温度不超过75℃,

滑动轴承不超过65℃)。 3.5 查看水位是否正常,水质是否符合要求。 3.6 出现以下情况应立即停泵,进行处理: 3.6.1 转向不正确,底阀或叶轮被堵塞; 3.6.2 有无异响,震动; 3.6.3 各部温度是否超限; 3.6.4 泵体发热,或有异味; 3.6.5 其它紧急故障。


中英文对照外文翻译文献 中英文对照外文翻译 The Internet is Applicated in Real Estate The Real Estate Industry and the World Wide Web: Changing Technology, Changing Location.The Internet, in its Web based graphics version, has captured the imagination of both consumers and businesses. Its convenience, speed, low cost and versatility are being exploited on a daily basis in ever-changing ways. Together with its capacity to transform existing businesses, promote new businesses and facilitate exchange of information and data, its other striking attribute has been the speed with which this new technology has spread throughout the global economy. Keywords:The internet;Real Estate;Applicated The number of computer hosts grew by more than ten-fold between 1995 and early 1999. The number of Web sites increased almost 100-fold, to over two million, between 1995 and 1998.By the year 2000, there will be approximately 400-500 million Internet users in the world, and the total number of Web sites will exceed five million. This new technology has the potential for affecting the real estate industry directly and indirectly. Directly, it may become a tool that allows a real estate business to expand its information and sales network. Indirectly, it may change the location equation where and how firms do business which in turn will affect the role of firms involved in real estate development, investment and transactions. Measuring the Spread of the Web


本实验要使用CMOS4046集成电路研究锁相环(PLL )的工作原理。电路包括两个不同的鉴相器和一个VCO 。另外还有一个齐纳二极管参考电压源用在供电调节中,在解调器输出中有一个缓冲电路。用户必须提供环路滤波器。4046具有高输入阻抗和低输出阻抗,容易选择外围元件。 注意事项 1. 本实验较为复杂,进入实验室之前,确认你已经弄懂了电路预计应该怎样工作。对某样东西还没有充分分析之前,不要去尝试制作它。在开始实验之前要通读本文。 2. 在实验第一部分得到的数据要用来完成实验的其它任务。 所以要仔细对待这部分内容。 3. 小心操作4046芯片,CMOS 集成电路很容易损坏。避免静电释放,使用10k Ω电阻把信号发生器的输出耦合到 PLL 。在关掉4046供电电源之前先关闭信号发生器,或者从信号输入端给整个电路供电。要避免将输出端对电源或对地短路,TTL 门电路可以容忍这种误操作但 CMOS 不能(要注意松散的导线)。CMOS 输出也没有能力驱动电容负载。VSS 应该接地,VDD 应该接5V ,引脚5应该接地(否则VCO 被禁止)。 1 VCO 工作原理 阅读数据手册中的电路描述。 VCO 常数(0K 单位为弧度/秒-伏)是工作频率 变化与输入电压(引脚9上)变化之比值。测量出0K ,即,画出输出频率关于 输入电压的曲线。确认数据范围要覆盖5kHz 到50kHz 。对于R1, R2 和C 的各种参数取值进行测量,确定 0K 对于R1 ,R2 和C 是怎样的近似关系。测量VCO 输出的上升和下降时间,研究电容性负载的影响。2 无源环路滤波器 无源环路滤波器位于鉴相器输出与VCO 输入之间。此滤波器对鉴相器输出中 的高次谐波进行衰减,并控制环路的强度。通常用一个简单 RC 滤波器就可以满足要求,这种设计能避免有源滤波器设计中固有的电平移动和输出限制的恼人问 题。但另外一方面,有源滤波器可以提供更优越的性能。 2.1 相位比较器首先来看一下4046的相位比较器II 的输出。该输出端是一个三态器件,这可以在环路锁定时减小波纹。与存在两倍基频拍频的情况不同,这里没有任何拍频。糟糕的方面是,当我们需要为环路建立一个框图时, D K 却不能很好地定义。当向上或向下驱动之一接通时,输出端表现为电压源。但是当输出端悬浮时,它实质上为一个电流源(一个 0A 电流源)。因此D K 的值将依赖于给定的滤波器。考 察图1。 图1 相位比较器II 的输出 图中当向上驱动器接通时,相位比较器输出为 5PO v V ,当向下驱动器接通时,0PO v V ,当相位比较器处在开路状态时,PO D v v 。我们可以求出输出的平均值:



英文文献翻译 二〇年月日

科技文章摘译 Definition of a Management Information System There is no consensus of the definition of the term "management information system". Some writers prefer alternative terminology such as "information processing system", "information and decision system", "organizational information system", or simply "information system" to refer to the computer-based information processing system which supports the operations, management, and decision-making functions of an organization. This text uses “MIS” because it is descriptive and generally understood; it also frequently uses “information system” instead of “MIS” to refer to an organizational information system. A definition of a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software; manual procedures; models for analysis planning, control and decision making; and a database. The fact that it is an integrated system does not mean that it is a single, monolithic structure; rather, it means that the parts fit into an overall design. The elements of the definition are highlighted below. 1 Computer-based user-machine system Conceptually, management information can exist without computer, but it is the power of the computer which makes MIS feasible. The question is not whether computers should be used in management information system, but the extent to which information use should be computerized. The concept of a user-machine system implies that some tasks are best performed by humans, while others are best done by machine. The user of an MIS is any person responsible for entering input data, instructing the system, or utilizing the information output of the system. For many problems, the user and the computer form a combined system with results obtained through a set of interactions between the computer and the user. User-machine interaction is facilitated by operation in which the user’s input-output device (usually a visual display terminal) is connected to the computer. The computer can be a personal computer serving only one user or a large computer that


基于Multisim的锁相环解调系统仿真毕业论文 目录 第1章绪论 (1) 1.1 研究背景 (1) 1.2 研究现状 (1) 1.3 研究容介绍 (2) 第2章基本原理 (3) 2.1 Multisim介绍 (3) 2.2 锁相环基本原理 (5) 2.2.1锁相环的基本组成 (5) 2.2.2 锁相环的工作原理 (5) 第3章调制解调电路设计 (8) 3.1 2FSK调制解调电路设计 (8) 3.1.1 2FSK调制电路设计原理 (8) 3.1.2 2FSK调制单元电路的设计 (9) 3.1.3 2FSK解调单元电路的设计 (13) 3.1.4 2FSK解调电路的整体设计 (15) 3.2 2PSK调制解调电路设计 (17) 3.2.1 2PSK调制解调电路设计原理 (17) 3.2.2 2PSK调制与解调电路的设计与仿真 (18) 3.3 2ASK调制解调电路设计 (19) 3.3.1 2ASK调制解调电路设计原理 (19) 3.3.2 2ASK调制与解调电路的设计与仿真 (20) 3.4 解调结果分析 (22) 总结 (24) 参考文献 (25) 附录:(外文翻译) (26)

致谢 (50)

第1章绪论 1.1 研究背景 实现调频波解调的方法有很多,而锁相环鉴频是利用现代锁相环技术来实现鉴频方法,具有工作稳定失真小,信噪比高等优点,所以被广泛用在通信电路系统中。锁相环路是一种反馈电路,锁相环的英文全称是Phase-Locked Loop,简称PLL。其作用是使得电路相位同步。因锁相环可以实现输出信号频率对输入信号频率的自动跟踪,所以锁相环通常用于闭环跟踪电路。锁相环在工作的过程中,当输出信号的频率与输入信号的频率相等时,输出电压与输入电压保持固定的相位差值,即输出电压与输入电压的相位被锁住,它还具有载波跟踪特性。作为一个窄带跟踪滤波器,可提取淹没在噪声中的信号;用高稳定的参考振荡器锁定,可提供高稳定的频率源;可进行高精度的香味与频率测量等等。如今锁相环解调器在通信、雷达、测量和自动化控制等领域应用极为广泛,随着电子技术的发展,对锁相环解调的研究和应用得到了越来越多的关注。 现在通过分析与研究,加深对锁相环解调方式的理解,并根据它的原理,设计出2FSK、2PSK、2ASK的调制电路,并通过锁相环解调出来。 1.2 研究现状 锁相环解调技术的发展十分迅速,如今已经在很多领域都应用了锁相环解调的理论。可用于手机中、SDH网络中、在汽车MP3无线发射器中‘测量汽车转速都是十分典型的应用。调频波的特点是频率随调制信号幅度的变化而变化,压控振荡器的振荡频率取决于输入电压的幅度。当载波信号的频率与锁相环的固有振荡频率ω0相等时,压控振荡器输出信号的频率将保持ω0不变。若压控振荡器的输入信号除了有锁相环低通滤波器输出的信号uc外,还有调制信号ui,则压控振荡器输出信号的频率就是以ω0为中心,随调制信号幅度的变化而变化的调频波信号。当然,锁相环的许多优越性使得锁相环解调技术在很多我们周围都可以见到的物品中发挥着其巨大的功效。 如今,锁相环路理论与研究日臻完善,应用围遍及整个电子技术领域。随着通信及电子系统的飞速发展,促使集成锁相环和数字锁相环突飞猛进。现在品种齐全繁多,提高系统的工作稳定性和可靠性和小型化,目前仍朝着集成化,数字化,多用化方向迅速发展。

企业人力资源管理系统分析与设计 外文翻译

Enterprise Human Resources Management System Design And Implementation Abstract: Human resource management system is the core content of modern enterprise management. With the rapid development of the computer information technology and unprecedented prevalence of electronic commerce mode,the competition between enterprises is turning from visible economic markets to the network. Developing the human resource management system supported by computer technology,network technology and information technology can not only improve the skill of human resource management and the efficiency of the enterprises but also make human resource management modern and decision sciencefic,Modern human resource management uses B/S mode to avoid C/S modes short coming of difficult in maintdning and reusing.According to the functional requirements of the actual project,this article specificly state the analysis of system,the general desigin of the system,the detail design of system and the practice of the system. The development of the system is the practice of MVC design ideas, maing using the Jsp+Servlet+JavaBean form of development.Jsp is the practice of MVC design ideas’view,in charge of receiving/responding the request of the customer.Servlet mainly responsible for the core business control of the whole system is the practice of the vontroller of MVC design idea to take charge of the statistics and rules of the whole system. In the practice of the system, somr open-source projrcts,such as the Ajax technique,JfreChart statements,fileupload technology,has been used. Using the modern human resource management theropy and analysising the actual situation, comparing the current situation of human resource management system, a huaman resource contents of management system basied on the Internet/Intranet has been designed. The main management,attendance management training more efficient statistics. Keywords:human resource management; B/S mode; Open-source projects; MVC mode. 摘要 人力资源管理系统是现代企业管理的核心内容。随着计算机信息技术的高速发展,电子商务模式的空前盛行,企业之间的竞争也从有形的经济市场转向了网络。开发以计算机技术、网络技术、信息技术支持的现代人力资源管理系统,既能提高企业人力资源管理的技术含量和企业的办事效率,也能使人力资源管理能够进入现代化、决策科学化的进程。现代人力资源管理系统采用了B/S模式,可以避免C/S模式的重用性差、维护难度高的缺点和

手机电路图英汉翻译 英汉对照

模数转换 地址线 音频 自动频率控制控制基准频率时钟电路在手机电路中只要看到字样则马上可以断定该信号线所控制地是主时钟电路该信号不正常则可能导致手机不能进入服务状态严重地导致手机不开机有些手机地标注为文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 自动增益控制该信号通常出现在接收机电路地低噪声放大器被用来控制接收机前端放大器在不同强度信号时给后级电路提供一个比较稳定地信号文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习告警属于接收音频电路被用来提示用户有电话进入或操作错误 铃声电路 放大器 先进地移动电话系统 天线用来将高频电磁波转化为高频电流或将高频信号电流转化为高频电磁波在电路原理图中找到就可以很方便地找到天线及天线电路文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 天线开关控制信号 自动频率控制通常出现在手机发射机地功率放大器部分(摩托罗拉手机比较常用) 自动功率控制参考电平 专用应用集成电路在手机电路中.它通常包含多个功能电路提供许多接口主要完成手机地各种控制文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 鉴权中心 音频 辅助 音频供电 背光 平衡不平衡转换 频段 频段选择只出现在双频手机或三频手机电路中该信号控制手机地频段切换 基带信号 电源 电池电压 广播信道 接收数据信号 发射数据信号 背景灯控制 偏压常出现在诺基亚手机电路中被用来控制功率放大器或其他相应地电路 屏蔽罩 发光 基站 基站控制器 频段切换 基站收发器 电池尺寸在诺基亚地许多手机中若该信号不正常会导致手机不开机 缓冲放大器常出现在电路地输出端 通信总线

蜂鸣器出现在铃声电路 带宽 卡 码分多址多址接人技术一种通信系统容量比更大其微蜂窝更小手机所需地电源消耗更小所以手机待机时间更长文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 小区 蜂窝 信道 检查 充电正电源 充电电源负端 时钟出现在不同地方起地作用不同若在逻辑电路则它与手机地开机有很大地关系在卡电路则可能导致卡故障文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 复制 金属氧化半导体 编译码器主要出现在手机地音频编译码电路 列地址线出现在手机地按键电路 串口 连接器 联系服务商 代码 耦合 覆盖 表示鉴相器地输出端 控制信号输出 发射控制输出端 中央处理器在手机地逻辑电路完成手机地多种控制 晶振 片选 数模转换 数据 数据总线 外接电源输入 直流接通 数字通信系统工作频段在频段该系统地使用频率比更高也是数字通信系统地一种它是地衍生物地很多技术与一样文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 频段选择信号 功率放大器输出地信号 射频接收信号 调解 检测 数字址 数字 二极管


餐饮管理系统外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 英文: 1、China food industry development prospects analysis The catering industry in China as the tertiary industry is a traditional service industries, experienced reforming and opening starts, quantitative expansion, scale chain development and brand promotion strategy of 4phase, made make a spurt of progress in the development of. At present, the country has4 millions catering outlets. 2005/2006annual Chinese top 100 catering enterprises with total assets of about thirty-two billion yuan, total profit of about six billion yuan, employees about eight hundred thousand people, respectively, over the same period last year increased40.38%,28.84% and33.33% higher than that of the whole society, the catering industry average growth level. China's reform and opening up has gone through ups and downs in the30year, in the30 years of reforming and opening of China's catering industry along with the tide of reform has undergone three leap type development. In the past 30 years, China has experienced from fast food restaurants grabs beach China market to SARS impact, then to food safety ( tonyred event, apple events ), Chinese food and beverage industry in the impact, achieve sales growth.


一、3NB-1600泥浆泵操作规程 1.1操作人员 A.泥浆泵的操作人员应是接受了该项目的专门培训、持有相关证书的人 员,如钻井队长、司钻、副司钻等; B.负责培训的指导教师应具备操作资格,并负责受训人员的操作技能鉴 定; C.受训人员应在指导教师的监督下至少接受一个海班的实操训练,经指 导教师鉴定完全合格后方可在工作中使用泥浆泵。 1.2设备维护保养和检验 1.2.1 日保养 D.检查链条箱内油位和油质。工作时(油压5-15 psi/0.352-1.06 ksc) 观察润滑油是否充分供至链条,同时查看油泵的运转情况; E.泵静止时检查动力端的齿轮油液面; F.检查泵体各部的泄漏情况; G.目视检查链条的拉长或其他损坏情况; H.避免液体溅到十字头拉杆上为条件,尽量使缸套冷却液泵流量调到最 大(约每个缸套每分钟10加仑); I.检查缸套冷却液容器液量,液位应在容器滤网的中间位置,保证既有 足够的液体,又能使滤网起作用; J.检查冷却水在缸套处的冷却情况并检查连接喷嘴的运动软管有无磨损情况; K.检查缸套冷却泵是否工作正常; L.检查动力端润滑泵的压力,在泵的转速为每分钟25冲时有最低压力5psi(0.352kg/cm2);

M.空气包压力是否正常,一般不超过泵压的2/3,最大值为 700psi(50kg/cm2); N.黄油枪向灌注泵盘根盒处黄油嘴注2号工业锂基脂1-3下; O.检查拉杆和缸套固定螺帽是否拧紧; P.检查凡尔盖是否拧紧。 1.2.2 半年保养 A.清洁动力端油池,重新加入极压齿轮油shell 320到油位; B.查动力端润滑油泵,清洗油泵吸入滤器和排出滤器; C.清洗链条箱内机油,并重新加入机油shell 15w-40到高油位丝堵溢 油为止; D.疏通链条润滑油喷嘴,更换滤器滤芯; E.更换缸套冷却水,并清洗水池和滤网; F.清洗排出管线滤器,更换损坏的滤芯。 1.2.3 两年维修 A.检查泵的中心拉杆是否松动,中心拉杆密封盘根是否损坏,更换损坏 油封,检查小齿轮和十字头销轴承、链条及链轮; B.检查液力端凡尔盖和缸盖及其丝扣、双头螺栓,确定是否应维修或更 换,上水凡尔固定结构的检查,更换损坏的螺栓和排列环; C.全面检查空气包,更换损坏的胶囊; D.检查所有盖板,管线及其密封件是否泄漏; E.检查动力端润滑油泵,链条油泵和冷却水泵,更换损坏零件。检查联 轴节,若损坏应更换。 1.3操作前检查 A.检查动力端齿轮油箱油位是否符合要求。当第一次启动新泵或在泵存 放后启动时,泵需开启十五分钟后停泵近五分钟再一次检查油位是否 符合要求,检查润滑油是否变质; B.检查链条箱内机油位是否合适,润滑油泵是否处于工作状态,机油是


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:研究建设项目的工程造价 文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业:工程管理 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

科技文献翻译 题目:研究建设项目的工程造价 研究建设项目的工程造价 摘要 在工程建设中,中国是拥有世界最大投资金额和具有最多建设项目的国家。它是一 项在建设项目管理上可以为广泛的工程管理人员进行有效的工程造价管理,并合理 确定和保证施工质量和工期的条件控制施工成本的重要课题。 在失去了中国建筑的投资和技术经济工程,分离的控制现状的基础上,通过建设成 本控制的基本理论为指导,探讨控制方法和施工成本的应用,阐述了存在的问题在 施工成本控制和对决心和施工成本的控制这些问题的影响,提出了建设成本控制应 体现在施工前期,整个施工过程中的成本控制,然后介绍了一些程序和应用价值工 程造价的方法在控制建设项目的所有阶段。 关键词:建设成本,成本控制,项目 1.研究的意义 在中国,现有的工程造价管理体系是20世纪50年代制定的,并在1980s.Traditional 施工成本管理方法改进是根据国家统一的配额,从原苏联引进的一种方法。它的特 点是建设成本的计划经济的管理方法,这决定了它无法适应当前市场经济的要求。 在中国传统建筑成本管理方法主要包括两个方面,即建设成本和施工成本控制方法 的测定方法。工程造价的确定传统的主要做法生搬硬套国家或地方统一的配额数量 来确定一个建设项目的成本。虽然这种方法已经历了20多年的改革,到现在为止,计划经济管理模式的影响仍然有已经存在在许多地区。我们传统的工程造价控制的


目录 目录 目录 (1) 1、项目概述 (2) 2、数字示波器的基本原理及特点 (2) 2.1、基本原理 (2) 2.2、主要特点 (2) 2.3、主要技术指标 (3) 3、系统总体设计方案 (4) 3.1、方案论证比较 (4) 3.2、系统详细功能图 (7) 3.2.1、程控放大 (7) 3.2.2、高速A/D (7) 3.2.3、FPGA (8) 3.2.4、ARM处理器 (8) 4、参考文献 (8)

1、项目概述 示波器作为电子工程师常用的一种电子测量仪器,它能测试出高速变化的信号的不同电量,如电压、电流、频率、相位、调幅度等等。能够帮助工程师快速发现设计者存在的问题,用途十分广泛。然而传统的示波器体积大、功耗高、价格昂贵、对工作电压要求高等等的特性,让传统的示波器只能使用在实验室中,对于需要现场测量的一些信号,就可能有心无力了。相比较而言,手持示波器体积小,功耗低,工作电压要求低,使用方便灵活。手持示波器正在以这些优秀的性质,在市场上占据越来越多的比重。目前,国内具有自主知识产权的数字存储示波器产品还非常少,高昂的价格阻碍了数字存储示波器在生产和试验中广泛的应用。在研究剖析数字存储示波器产品工作原理的基础上,本文利用ARM+FPGA设计示波器,并详细论述了其设计和实现过程 2、数字示波器的基本原理及特点 2.1、基本原理 数字示波器就是利用A/D转换器将模拟信号转换为数字信号,然后存储在半导体存储器FIFO中,需要时从FIFO读取相应的数据,通过ARM处理器将读取到的数据显示在TFT 彩屏之上。数字示波器的主要性能取决于A/D转换器、FIFO读写速度、微处理器等,因此,相比较模拟示波器而言,数字示波器精度更高,处理速度可以达到更快。 2.2、主要特点 与模拟示波器相比较,数字示波器有很多特点,主要如下: 1、具备波形存储的功能,存储的时间可以无限延长,对于观察单次脉冲信号极为重要。


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译设计(论文)题目图书管理系统 院系计算机工程系 专业计算机科学与技术 年级 学生学号1040520007 学生姓名bianhaiwei 外文出处CHINA-USA Business Review

Combining JSP and Servlets The technology of JSP and Servlet is the most important technology which use Java technology to exploit request of server, and it is also the standard which exploit business application .Java developers prefer to use it for a variety of reasons, one of which is already familiar with the Java language for the development of this technology are easy to learn Java to the other is "a preparation, run everywhere" to bring the concept of Web applications, To achieve a "one-prepared everywhere realized." And more importantly, if followed some of the principles of good design, it can be said of separating and content to create high-quality, reusable, easy to maintain and modify the application. For example, if the document in HTML embedded Java code too much (script), will lead the developed application is extremely complex, difficult to read, it is not easy reuse, but also for future maintenance and modification will also cause difficulties. In fact, CSDN the JSP / Servlet forum, can often see some questions, the code is very long, can logic is not very clear, a large number of HTML and Java code mixed together. This is the random development of the defects. Early dynamic pages mainly CGI (Common Gateway Interface, public Gateway Interface) technology, you can use different languages of the CGI programs, such as VB, C / C + + or Delphi, and so on. Though the technology of CGI is developed and powerful, because of difficulties in programming, and low efficiency, modify complex shortcomings,


1000型泥浆泵操作规程 1编制目的 为加强安全生产工作,规范员工各项操作行为,提高员工安全操作技能,确保设备正常运转,预防各类事故的发生,结合已有规程,制定完善1000型泥浆泵操作规程。 2适用范围 本规程适用于3NB-1000型泥浆泵的操作与使用,其它类似 型号的泥浆泵也可参照执行。 3 设备安装 3.1 安装基础要求 3.1.1 泵基础应符合SY/T 5466—2004 3.6的规定。 3.1.2 基础表面应略低于或水平于泥浆罐的基础。 3.1.3 基础应水平摆放,水平度误差3 mm。 3.2 泥浆泵的安装 3.2.1 通用技术要求 泥浆泵基础与机房基础水平度应小于3mm。 泵护罩及所有附件无变形、缺损。 皮带传动泥浆泵的安装3.2.2 泥浆泵按设备平面布置要求就位,穿好传动皮带。 校正泥浆泵。以带泵轴皮带轮外缘为基准校正泥浆泵,联动机皮带轮与泵皮带轮外缘面误差不大于3mm。 用顶杠将泥浆泵顶紧,安装传动护罩。 3.2.3 万向轴传动泥浆泵的安装 泥浆泵按设备平面布置图的要求就位,连接好传动万向轴。 校正泥浆泵,连接法兰平行度误差不大于0.5 mm;被动机械连接盘外径与驱动轴轴心径向跳动不大于1 mm;万向联轴器花键轴间隙应为25 mm~40 mm。连接泵与底座、泵与泵之间的顶杠,并定位。 安装好万向轴护罩。 3.2.4 电传动泥浆泵的安装 3.2. 4.1 泥浆泵及电机安装在撬座上。 3.2. 4.2 安装并校正皮带轮,安装护罩等其它附件。 3.2. 4.3 按设备平面布置图位置就位。 3.3 附件安装 3.3.1 吸入管线内径应等于泵连接部位外径。安装前吸入管内清理干净,安装后吸入管连接部位不应有漏气现象。吸入管路应减少不必要的阀和弯头,避免90°弯。 应加灌注泵。,4 m如大于,4 m上水管线长度应不大于3.3.2 3.3.3 空气包预充压力为泥浆泵工作压力的20%~30%,但不得超过附录A中的规定压力。 3.3.4 安全阀出口用引出管线引入泥浆罐内,引出管线内径不得小于放喷口径。引管接口与安全阀可靠连接固定,加12.7


项目成本控制 1施工企业成本控制原则 施工企业的成本控制是以施工项目成本控制为中心,施工项目成本控制原则是企业成本管理的基础和核心,施工企业项目经理部在对项目施工过程进行成本控制时,必须遵循以下基本原则。 1.1成本最低化原则。施工项目成本控制的根本目的,在于通过成本管理的各种手段,促进不断降低施工项目成本,以达到可能实现最低的目标成本的要求。在实行成本最低化原则时,应注意降低成本的可能性和合理的成本最低化。一方面挖掘各种降低成本的能力,使可能性变为现实;另一方面要从实际出发,制定通过主观努力可能达到合理的最低成本水平。 1.2全面成本控制原则。全面成本管理是全企业、全员和全过程的管理,亦称“三全”管理。项目成本的全员控制有一个系统的实质性内容,包括各部门、各单位的责任网络和班组经济核算等等,应防止成本控制人人有责,人人不管。项目成本的全过程控制要求成本控制工作要随着项目施工进展的各个阶段连续进行,既不能疏漏,又不能时紧时松,应使施工项目成本自始至终置于有效的控制之下。 1.3动态控制原则。施工项目是一次性的,成本控制应强调项目的中间控制,即动 态控制。因为施工准备阶段的成本控制只是根据施工组织设计的具体内容确定成本目标、编制成本计划、制订成本控制的方案,为今后的成本控制作好准备。而竣工阶段的成本控制,由于成本盈亏已基本定局,即使发生了偏差,也已来不及纠正。 1.4目标管理原则。目标管理的内容包括:目标的设定和分解,目标的责任到位和执行,检查目标的执行结果,评价目标和修正目标,形成目标管理的计划、实施、检查、处理循环,即 PDCA 循环。 1.5责、权、利相结的原则。在项目施工过程中,项目经理部各部门、各班组在肩负成本控制责任的同时,享有成本控制的权力,同时项目经理要对各部门、各班组在成本控制中的业绩进行定期的检查和考评,实行有奖有罚。只有真正做好责、权、利相结合的成本控制,才能收到预期的效果。


Introduction to database information management system The database is stored together a collection of the relevant data, the data is structured, non-harmful or unnecessary redundancy, and for a variety of application services, data storage independent of the use of its procedures; insert new data on the database , revised, and the original data can be retrieved by a common and can be controlled manner. When a system in the structure of a number of entirely separate from the database, the system includes a "database collection." Database management system (database management system) is a manipulation and large-scale database management software is being used to set up, use and maintenance of the database, or dbms. Its unified database management and control so as to ensure database security and integrity. Dbms users access data in the database, the database administrator through dbms database maintenance work. It provides a variety of functions, allows multiple applications and users use different methods at the same time or different time to build, modify, and asked whether the database. It allows users to easily manipulate data definition and maintenance of data security and integrity, as well as the multi-user concurrency control and the restoration of the database. Using the database can bring many benefits: such as reducing data redundancy, thus saving the data storage space; to achieve full sharing of data resources, and so on. In addition, the database technology also provides users with a very simple means to enable users to easily use the preparation of the database applications. Especially in recent years introduced micro-computer relational database management system dBASELL, intuitive operation, the use of flexible, convenient programming environment to extensive (generally 16 machine, such as IBM / PC / XT, China Great Wall 0520, and other species can run software), data-processing capacity strong. Database in our country are being more and more widely used, will be a powerful tool of economic management. The database is through the database management system (DBMS-DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) software for data storage, management and use of dBASELL is a database management system software. Information management system is the use of data acquisition and transmission technology, computer network technology, database construction, multimedia
