


Since reading classics plays a significant role in developing a person's character, many people recognize the importance of reading classics, especially to young people.

However, in modern society, it seems to most people that classical literary works are both outdated and time-consuming compared with their modem counterparts like TV programs, movies, and video games. Only a few people bother to spend a lot of time reading classics. And in the market, those fashionable reading materials, which may cater to modem people's love of fashion, are taking the place of the masterpieces. One of the reasons behind the phenomenon is

that there are so many other leisure activities in the modern society that young people prefer these things for fun to classical literary works.

As the backbone of this society, college students should be fully aware of the importance of reading classics. Therefore, we should read those classical works our ancestors have left to us as much as possible, and advocate the importance of classics so that an increasing number of people can enjoy the pleasure and benefit from reading classics.








阅读经典著作的重要性英语作文 【篇一:英语作文(读名著的重要性)】 for this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. you should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of reading literature. you should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. the importance of reading literature the drawing portrays a classroom scene in which a teacher is telling a student to read a piece of literary works. undoubtedly, the picture aims at highlighting the magnitude of reading classics for young students, which is worth discussing among general public for the time being. as we all know, the classical literature is the representation of the outstanding art of our nation. some familiar characters such as monkey king express the good wishes of our common people. there is no doubt that young people will benefit a lot from reading classics. for one thing, classics will help broaden their horizons from them. while observing characters in classic novels going through ups and downs in their life, youngsters also can definitely learn essential life ethics. for another, with condensed beauty of arts, they will enhance readers aesthetic taste.therefore, we should start reading the treasuries our ancestors left and absorbing the essence of them. we should also advocate to the public the importance so that more general people can enjoy the pleasure of reading 【篇二:阅读的重要性the importance of reading】


英语六级作文预测范文30篇 热点作文1 .. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求“我”针对该现象给出建议,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述当前社会上人们热衷于购买彩票的现象;分析导致人们购买彩票的原因;针对购买彩票提出一至两点“我”的建议。 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/304728984.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) Obligations We all encounter obligations in life, from spending time with family and friends to being present at important functions in the lives of the people who form our community. Many times, the obligations are actually fun and fulfilling, and we want to be there. At the same time, we all sometimes experience resistance to meeting these obligations, especially when they pile up all at once and we begin to feel exhausted, longing for nothing so much as a quiet evening at home. At times like these, we may want to say no but feel too guilty at the idea of not being there. Still, our primary obligation is to take care of ourselves, and if saying no to someone else is what we have to do, then we do not need to feel bad about it. There is a skill to balancing our obligations, and it starts with simply becoming aware of our schedule. We may notice that three invitations have arisen in one weekend, and we know that we will pay energetically if we attempt to fulfill all three. At this point, we can take the time to weigh the repercussions of not going to each event, considering how we will feel if we miss it and how our absence might affect other people. Most of the time, it will be clear which obligation we can most easily let go and which one we simply can’t miss. Sometimes we have to miss something really important to us, and that can be painful for everyone concerned. At times like this, reaching out with a phone call, a thoughtful card, or a gift lets people know that you are there in spirit and that your absence is by no means a result of you not caring. Meeting our obligations to others is an important part of being human and not one to take lightly. At the same time, we cannot meet every obligation without neglecting our primary duty to take care of ourselves. We can navigate this quandary by being conscious of what we choose to do and not do and by finding concrete ways to extend our caring when we are not able to be there in person.YouTheme Recreational Activities In the era of information and technology, there are all kinds of recreational activities. Some people think those recreational activities are great and necessary, because they can help people relax from the hard work and study. Some of the activities, such as hiking, jogging, can help people relax physically; while some of them, such as surfing the Internet, can help people relax mentally. However, some people think that so many kinds of recreational activities may have a bad effect on our lives. Some people may not resist some temptations from those activities, and indulge themselves in those activities. At last they are lured away from their study or their work. In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the advantages of various recreational activities and make the most of them. Meanwhile, we should learn how to use those activities positively, and make them a helpful tool for our development. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Internet. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline


经典阅读的当下意义摘自<新华文摘>2013.4 注:红色括号里是我做的感想,请见解 经典阅读的意义,本不是一个需要反复论证的问题。但因为当今市场经济横行,有偏至的物质追求,不断收窄人的精神空间,加以资讯的泛滥和网络的挤占,遂使其重要性不再像早先那样为人认知。尤其近几年,多种调查显示,国人的阅读率连续走低,从成人到孩子,许多人一年5本书都读不到,更不要说读经典了。有鉴于此,今天重提此话题就非常有必要。 读图、读网与“浅阅读”危机 看看周遭,已有人不再思考问题,只想着去哪里找现成的答案,甚至哪里有上网点,全不知批判式思维的形成,更依赖人的“原始硬盘”——人经由经典阅读养成的智慧头脑,以及由其分析整理过的知识记忆。 如果问人为什么不读书,回答常常是没时间、没精力。但另一方面,日常生活类图书之外,成人读盗墓、穿越;孩子读图文、漫画却越来越多。去年图书零售市场的报告,虚构类书籍销售的前五名全为郭敬明与韩寒包揽,许多大学图书馆的名著出借率被排在百位之外。以图代书,做在线阅读,甚或以上脸书(Facebook)、刷微博代替阅读的也不在少数。雅斯贝尔斯曾感叹人们草草阅读,只知追求简短的、能快速获知又迅速遗忘的讯息,而不是能引起反思的东西,今天的情形就是如此。这种“浅阅读”风气的存在,凸显了整个社会浮躁肤浅的荒败景观。 我们无意否认知识可以通过多种途径获取,更不愿被误解为是一个拒绝接受科技变革的“勒德分子”(Luddite),而只是想提请注意,媒介的变化已然掩夺了阅读的本意,但大多数人对这种变化太不以为意了。尽管生活中,他们不认为开车可以完全代替走路,赏览风景,尤其僻远的美景,更是非走路不可。但一回到阅读,认知就发生了偏差,对读图、读网不能代替读书的认识,并不像自己以为的那么清楚。相反,忘记由文字构成的书籍,因符号抽象,常呈现为一开放的结构,在引发人书对话过程中,能唤起人往复思考,是最锻炼人脑的活动。其中经典阅读,尤能使人在人书互动中形成紧张的思维对待,助成理性对感知的超越,人性对历史的体贴。 而音画构成的具象,多刺激感官,不触及心灵。耽溺日久,很容易使人产生惰性,形成按给定预设被动接受的知觉依赖,进而造成迟钝自闭,沟通不良。严重的,连生存都会发生问题。至于网络,因常提供即刻性与碎片化的资讯,在使读网带上时尚化的“轻阅读”特性同时,也会程度不同地损害阅读的品质,造成人智力的降级与思想的衰退。对此,前年出版的尼古拉斯·卡尔(Nicholas Carr)的《浅薄:互联网如何毒化了我们的大脑》有很详尽的讨论。它指出因网络对人“神经线路”与“记忆程序”的重新编布,使人的阅读常流于字表滑行,而无法做深入的思考,由此,他会觉得《战争与和平》(俄国大文豪托


大学英语六级写作专项训练及参考范文 Directions: Write a composition entitled Fast Food. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映; 2. 快餐受欢迎有两条原因。然而,从营养角度来讲,快餐却差强人意; 3. 对快餐还是以偶尔品尝为宜。 【范文】 Fast Food Fast food is becoming more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today、it’s certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that mirrors the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal —saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food. However From the nutritional point of view. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Therefore, fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. (157 words)



6月全国大学英语六级写作范文及解析 【作文题目一】 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. You can give explain to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【解析】 本次作文话题是关于“Never judge a person by his appearance 不要以貌取人”。对于这个话题,考生一定都不陌生,这在大家平常的作文训练中都会涉及或碰到。 此类作文的思路与结构也很清晰:首段,能够引用一两句名言,引出不要以貌取人的观点。中间段落从两方面阐述原因或以貌取人的敝处。末段,重申观点,也可给出建议。 【参考范文一】 There is an old saying that people never judge a book from its cover. From my point of view, this saying also applies to our attitudes towards others: never judge a person from their appearance. Because you never know one person’s true merits if only judging from their appearance. It is true that an attractive appearance is of great significance not only for daily life but also for the job. However, it is unwise to judge one person by the appearance for the following reasons. On the one


《我们为什么要读经典》阅读附答案 我们为什么要读经典 钱理群 ①读文学经典惟一的目的是陶冶我们的性情,开拓我们的精神空间——你坐在小屋里,打开书,就可以突破时空的限制,与千年之远、万里之外的人与生物,宇宙的一切生命进行朋友般的对话,达到心灵的契合,获得精神的真正自由。坚持读下去,你会发现,你变了,像巴金老人说的那样,“变得更好”了。 ②要读经典,就是因为每一个民族、每一个时代精神的精华都凝聚于其中,人类最美好的创造都汇集于其中。人类精神文明的成果,就是通过经典的阅读代代相传的。在这个意义上,受教育的基本途径就是“读经典”。 ③人在受教育时期,例如中学时期,读什么书,不是小问题。【像鲁迅所说,胡乱追逐时髦,“随手拈来,大口吞下”的阅读,吃下的“不是滋养品,是新袋子里的酸酒,红纸包里的烂肉”。】其结果不只是倒胃口而已,喝“酸酒”、吃“烂肉”长大,是可能成为畸人的。鲁迅因此大声呼吁,要给青年的阅读以正确的指引。提倡“读名作,读经典”即是一种导向:惟有用前辈人所创造的最美好的精神食粮来滋养下一代,才能保证他们成为巴老所期待的“更纯洁,更善良”的具有美好心灵的健全的“人”。 ④阅读经典,还要有正确的方法。那种“一主题二分段三写作特点”式的机械、冷漠的传统阅读方法,是永远也进入不了文学世界的。要用“心”去读,即主体投入地感性地阅读:以你之心与作者之心、作品人物之心相会、交流、撞击;设身处地去感受、体验他们的境遇、真实的欢乐与痛苦;用自己的想像去补充、发展作品提供的艺术空间,品味作品的意境,思考作品的意义。 ⑤文学作品,从根本上说,是一种语言的艺术。因此,经典阅读的另一个方法,应是对语言的感悟。真正的文学大师的语言,是具有生命的灵性的:它有声,有色,有味,有情感,有厚度、力度与质感。它是应该细心地去体味、沉吟、把玩,并从中感受到一种语言的趣味。对语言的敏感和驾驭能力,也是衡量人的精神素质的重要标尺,是提高人的精神境界,使人变得更美好的不可或缺的方面。 ⑥经典的阅读,说到底,是对“人”的发现与开掘。因此,他人的示范性分析,无论怎样精彩,都只能启发,而不能代替你自己的阅读。经典的真正魅力要你去发现:通过你的感受、体验、想像而内化为你的精神。一切决定于你自己。 ⑦年轻的朋友,打开书,请读吧! (选自《如何对待从孔子到鲁迅的传统》,有删改) 【问题】 13、阅读经典需要哪些方法?请联系全文简要回答。(2分) 答: 14、文章画线句中的“新袋子里的酸酒,红纸包里的烂肉”指什么?这样写有什么表达效果?(2分) 答: 【参考答案】 13.(2分)①要用“心”去读,即主体投入地感性地阅读;②感悟语言(体味、沉吟、把玩语言的趣味);③将阅读产生的感受、体验、想像内化为自己的


现代社会是一个信息社会,这就要求我们不断的获取信息。阅读便是获取信息的一个重要途径。尽管当前获取信息的渠道形式多样而且速度相当惊人,但是据统计当前各种信息约有85%来源于图书文献。这足以表明阅读在当今社会的重要性。相对于小学生而言,阅读更是他们获取信息的最基本途径和最简便的方法。语文教育学家吕淑湘在回答别人问他是怎样成功时说过:他的成功课内知识占30%,课外知识占70%。这充分说明学习语文的全过程应包括两个方面,即课内和课外。课内阅读为我们大家所熟知,关于课外阅读曾经有人说过:“取法于课内,得益于课外。”由此可见语文教学局限在课堂是有缺陷的,其源泉应源于课外阅读。俗话说:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。”所以我们在进行语文课外活动教学时应把课外阅读列为主要内容之一,把课外阅读作为语文知识的补充和延伸。在学习过程中,学生从课堂上得到的课外知识少,从课外阅读中获取得多,而要加强小学生语文课外知识的积累,就必须意识到课外阅读的重要性。 一、课外阅读的重要性 苏霍姆林斯基对课外阅读推崇备至,他曾说过:在小学里,独立阅读在学生的智力发展、道德发展和审美发展中起着至关重要的作用。他在《给教师的建议里》一书中不下百次谈到了阅读,他认为那种只会死读教科书不会真正阅读的人,是“不善于思维”的人,是将“受到精神空虚的威胁”,并由此“产生许许多多的灾难”的“命运不值得羡慕的”人。我国历史上的一些文人也曾对阅读的价值给予一定的肯定:朱熹说过“读书百遍,其义自见”;杜甫指出“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”;古人也有“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”之说。可见:阅读具有获取知识、积累知识、开发智力、培养能力、陶冶性情、塑造品格的价值;具有提升学生的整体综合素质,使小学生身心得以健康成长、潜能得以充分的发挥,以适应和面对未来社会的挑战和需要的


大学英语六级作文写作范文 大学英语六级作文写作范1: On Students' Interpersonal Relationship 1.目前许多大学生处理不好人际关系 2.出现这种现象的原因 3.我的看法 参考范文: On Students'Interpersonal Relationship Positive interpersonal relationships are vital for optimal humsit growth and development. However, in recent years, educators have expressed their concern about the ability of interpersonal relationship among students in institutions of higher education. According to a survey conducted by Hebei University, many college-age students regard interpersonal relationship as the biggest headache. Increasing diversity and rapid changes m our society make interacting with others more and more complex and difficult. With 1 united life experiences and social skills, college students face more challenges in dealing with interpersonal relationship. This is especially true for students coming from rural areas. Because of the lack of social skills, they are often rejected by others _ and rejection gives them even fewer chances to leam how to interact with others. In my opinion, now that interpersonal relationship is important to students* devclopmentj colleges should offer courses about comprehensive interpersonal relationships. The course should address the knowledge,skills, attitudes and behaviors involved in participating in positive relationships in the family and with individuals at school, m the conununity and in the workplace. 2:


2009年12月英语六级写作真题及范文 题目:Should parents send their kids to art class? 1. 现在有不少家长送孩子参加各种艺术班; 2. 对这种做法有人表示支持,也有人并不赞成; 3. 我认为—— Should parents send their kids to art classes? A child's world is supposed to be fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement. Unfortunately, this is not the case for some kids, especially for those born and bred in cities ——their joys are dimmed and even lost because a majority of them are forced to attend various art classes. Some claim that it is beneficial for children's development. They might have their reasons because most parents are convinced that their kids are gifted gifts from the god. They presume that the earlier their children are exposed to arts, the more likely it is to find out the artistic potential hidden in them. Even if their children fail to become another child prodigy like Lang Lang or Li Yundi, the interests in arts, say, in music, cultivated in childhood will be of great value in their whole life. In spite of the possible benefits mentioned, I, like others, am strongly against it. The major harm is that it might deprive children of their pleasure to play after school. Faced with competition and contest for better universities, most children are buried in piles of homework. Forcing them to art classes will leave them less time to enjoy the beauty of the nature or to find their talent in things they are really interested in. To sum up, childhood is a time for children to play as they wish. Rather than cramming knowledge, it is more important to pave the way for their desire to know than to put them on a diet of facts they are not ready to assimilate.


2011年6月英语六级范文 1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试 2.其目的各不相同 3.在我看来 Certificate Craze The pursuit for certificate is a time-honored phenomenon in the colleges and universities;however, faced with the tough job market, the certificate craze has swept people from all walks of life in recent years. People vary from one another in their purposes for acquiring certificates. Some of them hold that professional certificates are important supplement for their school work because the employer values professional competence, while the school courses lay particular stress on the imparting of knowledge. Besides, diplomas and vocational credentials can effectively enhance the competitiveness of university graduates. Professional certificates will improve the chances of employment, without a doubt. But there is no lack of people, who hold down quite a good job, taking professional certificates to enhance their self-worth. In my opinion, people should avoid blindness in their pursuit for professional certificates because the capabilities outweigh the certificates when the enterprises recruit staff. Therefore, choosing certificates in accordance with ones career development is wise move. 2010年12月英语六级范文 1. 现在有很多高校评级 2. 人们对此看法各异 3. 你认为 My View on University Ranking Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that university ranking has gained increasing popularity --- institutions home and abroad are always interested in it; newspapers and magazines are fond of carrying the news. Unfortunately, it has also given rise to some problems never thought of. Confronted with the dilemma, should we carry on the practice? When it comes to this question, people’s views vary from one to another. People who support ranking have their reasons. They are convinced that it can stimulate people, teachers and students alike, to work harder so that they can climb on the ladder or at least maintain their position. In this way, universities can produce more talents and knowledge demanded by our society. Also, supporters of university ranking maintain that it can act as a guide for employers when they decide where to find right employees.. But others may not agree. These people would argue that university ranking might force universities to care more about their position in the ranking but not about research that they are expected to do. For instance, it is often reported that some professors spend more time in bribing than in labs in order to have an edge in the fierce competition. Another good case in point is that some scholars even sacrifice their integrity to plagiarize under the pressure of “publish or perish”. Who is right? Of course both sides have their reasons. As far as I am concerned, we might as well stop the practice for the good of universities and society. Universities are a place for free academic study. Only when scholars are free to in their pursuits, can they make contribution to society. 2010年6月英语六级作文题 Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese 1.近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象; 2.出现这种现象的原因和后果; 3.我认为…


读书的意义作文800字五篇 新时代的人们都要学习知识,还是不学习知识,是一个重要问题,我仍然觉得学习知识是对于新时代的人是相当重要。爱因斯坦说:学习知识要善于思考,思考,在思考。下面是我推荐的读书的意义作文800字,仅供大家借鉴。 读书的意义作文800字(一) “万般皆下品,惟有读书高”、“书中自有颜如玉,书中自有黄金屋”,古往今来,读书的好处为人们所重视,有人“学而优则仕”,有人“满腹经纶”走上“传道授业解惑也”的道路……但是,从长远的角度看,笔者认为读书的好处在于增加了我们做事的成功率,改善了生活的质量。 三国时期的大将吕蒙,行伍出身,不重视文化的学习,行文时,常常要他人捉刀。经过主君孙权的劝导,吕蒙懂得了读书的重要性,从此手不释卷,成为了一代儒将,连东吴的智囊鲁肃都对他“刮目相待”。后来的事实证明,荆州之战的胜利,擒获“武圣”关羽,离不开吕蒙的“运筹帷幄,决胜千里”,而他的韬略离不开平时的读书。由此可见,一个人行事的成功率高低,与他的对读书,对知识的重视程度是密切相关的。 著名的物理学家牛顿曾近说过,“如果我比别人看得更远,那是因为我站在巨人的肩上”,鲜花和掌声面前,一代伟人没有迷失方向,自始至终对读书保持着热枕。牛顿的话语告诉我们,渊博的知识能让我们站在更高、更理性的角度来看问题,从而少犯错误,少走弯路。 读书的好处是显而易见的,但是,在社会发展日新月异的今天,依然不乏对

读书,对知识缺乏认知的人,《今日说法》中我们反复看到农民工没有和用人单位签订劳动合同,最终讨薪无果;屠户不知道往牛肉里掺“巴西疯牛肉”是犯法的;某父母坚持“棍棒底下出孝子”,结果伤害了孩子的身心,也将自己送进了班房……对书本,对知识的零解读让他们付出了惨痛的代价,当他们奔波在讨薪的路上,当他们面对高墙电网时,幸福,从何谈起?高质量的生活,从何谈起? 读书,让我们体会到“锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土”的艰辛;读书,让我们感知到“四海无闲田,农夫犹饿死”的无奈;读书,让我们感悟到“为报倾城随太守,西北望射天狼”的豪情壮志。 读书的好处在于提高了生活的质量,它填补了我们人生中的空白,让我们不至于在大好的年华里无所事事,从书本中,我们学会提炼出有用的信息,汲取成长所需的营养。所以,我们要认真读书,充分认识到读书对改善生活的重要意义,只有这样,才是一种负责任的生活态度。 读书的意义作文800字(二) 书是一把火焰,照亮迷途者前进的道路;书是一杯香醇的美酒,令人回味无穷。从小,我就是一个读书迷,读书,让我受益无穷。 读书使我快乐,我四岁的时候幼儿园老师送我一套《十万个为什么》。从这以后我就体会到阅读的快乐,原来世间万物皆有道理……从此我就开始读很多有趣的课外书,一没事就拿着看,经常会沉浸在那些有趣的情节当中。每次不开心,只要一翻开书,那些小烦恼早就跑到九霄云外去了。有时候一个人捧着书边看边乐,连妈妈喊我吃饭都听不见…… 读书使我开阔眼界、增长智慧。随着年龄的增加,我开始看《三国演义》、《水浒传》这些经典名著了。其中我最喜欢看的书非《三国演义》莫属了。《三


大学英语六级写作经典范文及点评 大学生自我创业已经不是一个新鲜的话题了。那么自我创业有何利,又有何弊呢?看过本文之后你就知道了。或许这对面临毕业的你还是个不小的帮助呢! Self employment Self employment could bring many advantages. One of the advantages of being self-employed is that the profit the business makes belongs to the owner. If the self-employed person succeeds in business, he has the chance to earn a great deal of money. The profit earned is the reward for the owner’s effort, ability and creativity. Thus, a second advantage is that a person’s intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on the earnings. A third advantage of being self-employed is that a person can control his working hours. While not all self-employed people are completely free, most of them have more control over this area than the salaried people. However, being self-employed is not without problems. First, being one’s own boss places the responsibility directly on that individual shoulders. Everyone has some weaknesses in a certain aspects. These weaknesses will affect how successful a self-employed person is. Second, though the self-employed can earn considerable profits with a successful business, losses can force them out of business and sometimes, place them in debt. A third disadvantage concerns income security. Self-employed people have no guaranteed wage. Their earnings can vary greatly, depending on business conditions. Salaried people, however, can generally count on continued earnings. In addition, salaried people often enjoy fringe benefits that mean greater peace of mind. One of these b enefits may be insurance paid for by the employer that continues the employee’s salary in the event of sickness or accident while many self-employed people do not have such protection①. [253 words] 行文点评 文章结构简单明了。第一段阐述了自我创业的3个好处。第二段分析了自我创业所存在的问题。 两段中“first, second, third”的使用,不仅使文章在句式上显得条理分明,更在内容上体现了连贯性。 好文妙译 自我创业
