

1 a

Lesson 1 Who is it?

Who is it? Biff and Chip . Mum and Kipper. Floppy and a spaceman. No, it’s Dad.

Lesson 2 Six in bed

Mum and Dad. Mum, Kipper and Dad. Mum ,Kipper ,Dad and Chip. Biff, Mum ,Kipper,Dad, Chip and Floppy.

Lesson 3 Fun at the Beach

Dad and Mum. Mum and Dad. Kipper, Chip and Biff. Kipper, Biff and Dad. Mum, Chip and Floppy. Chip, Biff and Kipper. Dad and Floppy. Oh Floppy!

Lesson 4 Floppy Floppy

Oh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Oh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Floppy Floppy.

Lesson 5 A Good Trick

A rug, a sheet, a big box, a little box, Kipper.

Lesson 6 The Pancake

The frying pan, the flour, the eggs, the milk, the butter, the pancake, the pancake race.

Lesson7 Is it?

Is it Kipper? It is kipper. Is it Biff? It is Biff. Is it Chip? It is Chip? It is Chip. Is it Floppy? Yes. It is Floppy!

Lesson 8 Get on

Get on . get on, Biff. Biff got on . get on, Chip. Chip got on. Get on, Kipper. Kipper got on. Oh, no!

Lesson 9 Floppy Did This

Chip did this. It is Biff. Biff did this. It is Kipper. Kipper did this. It is Mum. Oh, no! Floppy did this.

Lesson 10 Get Dad

Go on, Dad! Get Biff. Go on, Dad! Get Chip. Go on, Dad! Get Kipper. Go on, Mum! Get Dad.

Lesson 11 Up You Go

Up you go, Kipper. Go! Up you go, Biff. Go , go! Chip, up you go. Go,go,go! No,Dad. No ,no,no!

Lesson12 I See

I see Biff. I see Chip. I see Mum and Dad. We see Kipper. We see Floppy. I see Biff and Chip. I see me.

Lesson 13 At the Park

Everyone went to the park. Chip went on the slide. Biff went on the horse. Kipper went on the swing. Floppy went to sleep.

Lesson 14 Fancy Dress

Mum was a scarecrow. Biff was a pirate. Chip was a pirate. Kipper was an angel. Dad was a chicken. Everyone was happy.

Lesson 15 Good Old Mum

Mum put on a big red nose. Mum put on a big pillow. Mum put on big boots. Mum put on big eyebrows. She put on a big beard. “Ho! Ho!Ho!” said Mum.

Lesson 16 The Headache

Dad had a trumpet. Chip had a drum. Biff had a recorder. Kipper had a guitar. Mum had a headache.

Lesson 17 The Pet Shop

Everyone wanted a pet . chip wanted a rat. “Oh no!” said everyone. Biff wanted a spider. “Oh no!” said everyone. Kipper wanted a snake. “Oh no!” said everyone. Kipper wanted a snake. “Oh no!” said everyone. Everyone wanted a goldfish.

Lesson 18 Push!

The car was stuck. Mum pushed it. Biff and Chip pushed it. Mum

pulled it. The tractor pulled it. Oh no!

Lesson 19 Making Faces

Dad was fierce. Chip was sad. Biff was good. Mum was frightened. Kipper was hungry.

Lesson 20 Goal!

It was a cold day. Everyone got wet. Everyone got cold. Floppy got tired. Kipper got miserable. Mum got cross. Dad got a goal.

Lesson 21 The Journey

“I’m bored, ” said Kipper. “I’m hungry,” said Biff. “I’m thirsty,” said Chip. “I’m cross,” said Dad. “I’m lost,” s aid Mum. “Hooray!” said everyone.

Lesson 22 Shopping

Chip wanted some sugar. He went to the supermarket. He got some crisps. He went to the shop. He got a comic. He went to the market. He got a ball. He forgot the sugar.

Lesson 23 Who Did That?

Mum was cross. “Who did that?” she said. “It was Chip,” said Biff. “it was Kipper,” said Chip. “It was floppy,” said Biff. “It wasn’t Floppy,” said Dad. “It was me.”

Lesson 24 What a Mess!

Mum made a dress. Dad made some jam. Chip made a scarf. Biff made a lorry. Kipper made a birthday card. Everyone made a mess.

Lesson 25 Hide and Seek

Can you see us? Can you see me? Yes, I can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. We can all see Dad.

Lesson 26 Reds and Blues

We are all in red. We are all in blue. Come on the reds! Come on

the blues! Who is in red? Who is in blue? We are all muddy.

Lesson 27 Big Feet

Come and look at this. Come and look at this. Is it a big monster? Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Come and look at this. Is

it a big giant? No. it is Dad.

Lesson 28 Look at Me

Look at me, Mum. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Oh, no! Look at me!

Lesson 29 Go Away, Floppy

Go away, Floppy. Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. Go away, Floppy. We are painting. Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back. We are sorry.

Lesson 30 Kipper’s Diary

It was a wet day. It was a windy day. I went to the shops. It was a sunny day. I went to the pool. It was a hot day. I went to the park. It was a fun day.

Lesson 31 What Dogs Like

Dogs like to play. They like to walk. Floppy likes to walk. They

like to sleep. Floppy likes to sleep. They like to run. Floppy likes to run. Floppy hates this.

Lesson 32 Go Away, Cat

Go way, little cat. Go way, little cat. A dog is coming. Go away, little cat. A big dog is coming. Go away, little cat. Floppy is coming. Oh, no!

Lesson 33 Go on, Mum!

“Go on, Mum,” said Chip. “Go on, Mum,” said Biff. “I am

g oing,” said Mum. “Go on, Mum,” said Kipper. “I am going,” she said. “Go on, go on,” said Dad. “I am going,” said Mum. “I am not going again.”

Lesson 34 Look After Me

This is Kate. She went up the net. “I like this,” she said. She went on the slide. “I like this,” she said. She went up the ladder.

“I like this,” she said. “We like this,” said Biff.

Lesson 35 Presents for Dad

This is for Dad. This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of flowers. This is for you, Dad. It is a box of chocolates. This is for you, Dad.

It is a bunch of grapes. This is for the best Dad of all.

Lesson 36 Top Dog

Look at all the dogs. We like this dog. This is a little dog. We like this dog. This is a big dog. We all like this dog. This is the top dog. We like Floppy best of all.

Lesson 37 The Ice Cream

Can I get an ice cream? Yes, I can! Come on run to the ice cream van. I want the big one. Look at that! Look out, Kipper! Oh no! splat!

Lesson 38 Can You See Me?

Can you see my teddy bear ? Can you see my dog? Can you see my picture of a big , red frog? You can see my tiger, if you look in the tree. Are you looking? Can you see me?

Lesson 39 Good Dog

I’m a good dog. Look at me. I’m very good, as you can see. You say, “Sit,” I sit. That’s it. If you call, I get the ball. You say, “Stay,” I stay. That’s that. But not if I can see a cat.

Lesson 40 What a Din!

Biff has a pan and a big, red pot. Chip has a tin. What has Kipper got? Kipper has a can. Dad has a bin. Bang, crash, bang! What a din! What a din!

Lesson 41 See Me Skip day.

See me skip. This is the way. I like to do this every day. “ Come on, Dad. Can you skip too?” “Yes, I can. I skip like you.” “Look at me. Look at me go !” “Look out, Dad!” Oh no! Oh no !

Lesson 42 The Mud Pie

This is mud in my hand. Put in water. Mix in sand. Tip it out. Pat

it flat. This is a mud pie…not a hat.


Lesson 1 Floppy’s Bone

Floppy had a bone. A Dog took the bone. Floppy ran after the dog. “Come back!” said Mum. She ran after Floppy. “Come back,” said Dad. He ran afte r Mum. “Come back!” said Biff and Chip. They ran after Dad. The do stopped. A big dog took the bone. The big dog ate the bone. Oh no!

Lesson 2 Hook a Duck

“Hook a duck,” said Mum. Chip had a go. He got a pen. “Have a go,” said Mum. Biff had a go. Biff got a cat. “Go on. Hook a duck,” said Mum. Kipper had a go. He got a dog. It was a big dog. “What a big dog!” said Kipper. “Grrr!” said Floppy.

Lesson 3 Chip’s Robot

Chip had a box. “This is my robot,” he said. “Can you see it?” “This is a leg,” said Chip. “Can you see the robot?” “This is an arm,” said Chip. “Can you see my robot?” “Can you see it, yet?”

said Chip.“No,” said Biff. “This is the head,” said Chip. “Now can you see my robot?” “We can see it now!” said Biff.

Lesson 4 The Sandcastle

Chip had a box. He put sand in it. “Pat it flat,” he said. Kipper had a box. He put sand in it. Biff had a bucket. She put sand in it.

Biff put the bucket on the top.” “good,” she said. It was a sandcastle. It was a good sandcastle. It was the best sandcastle.

Lesson 5 The Box of Treasure

Dad had a map. He hid the map in the sand. Biff found the map. “It is a treasure map,” she said. The map said, “Dig here.” “Dig here,” said Biff. Chip dug in the sand. Chip found a box. “Is it a box of treasure?” he said. No. It was a box of sweets!

Lesson 6 One Wheel

“One wheel,” said Chip. “Look,” said Chip. “One wheel.” “Look,” said Mum.“I am on two wheels.” “Look at me,” said Kipper. “I am on three wheels.” “Look at me,” said Biff. “I am on four wheels.” “Look at Dad,” said Mum. “ He is on one wheel.” “Oh no,” said Dad. “No wheels.”

Lesson 7 Funny Fish

Kipper was fishing. He got a hat. Biff was a fishing. She got a crab. Chip was fishing. He got an octopus! Mum was fishing. She got a bucket. Dad was fishing. He got a boot. SPLASH! Floppy got a fish!

Lesson 8 The Snowman

Wilma made a snowman. It had a red nose. It had a blue scarf. It

had green gloves. It had a black hat. The hat fell on floppy. Floppy ran. Oh no! No snowman.

Lesson 9 Silly Races

Kipper ran. Kipper got a banana. Mum ran. She got an apple. Biff

and chip ran. They got an orange. Dad ran. Floppy ran. Oh no! Dad fell. Dad got a duck!

Lesson 10 Picnic Time

“Picnic time!” said Dad. Biff sat on a log. Some sheep came. “Run!” said Kipper. They sat on a bridge. Some ducks came. “Run!” said Chip. They sat on a wall. Some donkeys came. “Run!” said Biff. They sat on a rock. Oh no! T he rain came!

Lesson 11 Dad’s Birthday

It was Dad’s birthday. Dad had a cake. He had a bike. He got on

the bike. “Go on, Dad,” said Biff. “Go on, Dad,” said Chip. “Go on, Dad,” said Kipper. Dad fell off! Oh no!

Lesson 12 Mum’s New Hat

Mum had a new hat. Th e wind blew. It blew Mum’s hat off. “Get my hat,” said Mum. Dad ran. The wind blew. Oh no! “Get that hat,” sai d Dad. Kipper ran. The wind blew. Oh no! “Get that hat,” said Kipper.

Biff ran. The wind blew. Oh no! “Look at my new hat! Said Mum.

Lesson 13 Hop! Hop! Pop!

Biff and Chip had hoppers. Biff and chip set off. Go on, Biff. Chip wins! The red hopper was big. Dad got on it. Dad and Kipper set off. Pop!

Lesson 14 Catkin the Kitten

Wilma had a kitten. Catkin ran off. Wilma had lost Catkin. She was not on the bed. She was not in the bin. She was not in the bag. But she was in the basket. Wilma put a bell on Catkin.

Lesson 15 In the Trolley

Mum and Kipper went shopping. Kipper got the trolley. Mum put cans

in the trolley. She put bags in the trolley. Kipper put a big egg in the trolley. Mum did not see the big egg. Mum saw the big egg. Kipper had to put the egg back.

Lesson 16 The Trampoline

Wilma and Wilf had a trampoline. Dad put the net up. Wilma got on. She went up and down. Wilf got on. Up and down he went. Dad got on the trampoline. Up he went… . …but not down. Oh, Dad!

Lesson 17 The Enormous Crab

Chip got a crab. Dad put it in the bucket. They got lots of crabs. Then Biff got an enormous crab. Dad held the enormous crab. The crabs

got out. Did the enormous crab nip Dad? No! It did not.

lesson 18 The Caterpillar

Kipper had a caterpillar. Kipper put the caterpillar in a box. He put leaves in the box. Then it was not a caterpillar. It was a chrysalis. But it was not a chrysalis. It was a butterfly.

Lesson 19 The Picture Book Man

The man had a big pad. He had a pen. He did a picture of a cat. He did a picture of a dog. The cat ran. The dog ran. The man ran. He did a picture of a long dog. The picture man was fun.

Lesson 20 In the Tent

Lee and Kipper had a tent. Lee and Kipper had fun in the tent. It got cold… …and it got wet. It was a lot of fun in the tent. It was not cold and wet!

Lesson 21 The Bag in the Bin

Mum got the shopping. Mum put it in a bag. Mum put the bag on the step. Dad put the shopping in the bin. The bin man took the bin. Mum ran to the bin men. The bin man got the bag. Oh no! scrambled eggs.

Lesson 22 Stuck!

Floppy was in his back garden. Button was in his back garden.

Button dug and dug… Button was stuck. Button did not budge. Button did not budge. Floppy got a big bone and … He did it!

Lesson 23 The Big Red Bus

Kipper got on the bus. It was the big, red bus. The big, red bus

set off. He went to Dinosaur Land. It had a lot of dinosaurs. He went to Monster Land. Kipper got off the bus.

Lesson 24 The Sock

Grandpa Chen had a sock. Lee went to get buttons. Grandpa Chen put the buttons on the sock. Kipper got a red pen. Lin got a cowboy hat. The sock was a lot of fun. Is this it? It is a sock puppet!

Lesson 25 What a Bad Dog!

Floppy went on the concrete. Floppy went in the mud. Floppy pulled the washing d own. Floppy pushed and barked. Dad couldn’t sleep. Dad was cross. “What a bad dog!” said Dad. The tray was on fire. What a good


Lesson 26 The Dream

Biff couldn’t sleep. Dad told her a sto ry. The story was about a dragon. Biff dreamed about the dragon. It was a nasty dragon. It was a very nasty dragon. Biff had to fight it. Biff went downstairs. Mum told her a story. The story was about a dolphin. Biff dreamed about a dolphin.

Lesson 27 The Go-kart

Dad made a go-kart. Biff wanted the go-kart. Chip wanted the go-

cart. Biff wanted a go chip wanted a go. Biff pushed. Chip pulled. They had a fight. “Stop it,” said Dad. “Stop it,” said Mum. Dad put the

go-kart away. They made a swing. Oh no!

Lesson 28 A New Dog

Kipper wanted a dog. Everyone wante d a dog. They went to the dogs’ home. They looked at the dogs. Kipper wanted this dog. It was too big. Biff wanted this dog. It was too little. Mum wanted this dog. It was too strong. Everyone liked this dog. They took the dog home.

Lesson 29 The Toys’ P arty

Kipper wanted a party. Nobody wanted to come. He got his toys. He wanted a cake. He put in cornflakes. He put in tomato sauce. He put in milk. He put in jam. He put in sugar. He put in baked beans. Mum was cross. Kipper was sorry.

Lesson 30 New Trainers

Chip wanted new trainers. He liked this pair. Chip wore the new trainers. Chip went to play. The trainers got muddy. The trainers got wet. Dad was cross. Chip washed the trainers. Oh no!


典范英语6 1、《海象加入了“表演”》 2、吵闹的邻居 3、皮皮公主的假期 4、《哦!奥托》 5、《科密特船长与紫色星球》 6、《丛林短裤》 7、《来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工》 8、《蒙面清洁女工反败为胜》 9、《蒙面清洁女工面对海盗》 10、《水母鞋》 11、花朵街的狗老大 12、玉米片硬币 13、幽灵船 14、机器狗 15、球王贝利 16、北极英雄 17、拓荒女孩 18、我的朋友曼德拉 每个身处北极的动物都很兴奋,因为这里即将举行一场人人都可以参加的演出。 “我要表演滑雪”北极狐说,“我对此很在行”。 “我要表演翻筋斗”,北极熊说,“没人翻筋斗能比我好” “我唱歌吧”,海豹说,“每个人都说我嗓音很美。 “那我就表演潜水吧”鲸鱼说,“你们知道,我以前在学校可是拿过潜水奖牌的” 之后大家都看着海象,问他:你表演什么呢? 但是海象什么都不擅长,既不会滑雪也不会翻筋斗。 他的歌唱的很糟糕,而他潜水时,鼻子也是露在水面上的。 于是海象难过的坐在那里,嚼他的胡子。 “没关系”,北极狐说,“你可以看我们表演啊”。 北极狐,北极熊,海豹和鲸鱼都在为那场大型远处而努力练习着,而海象却躲在一个雪堆后面边看着他们,边嚼着他的胡子。 他真希望自己能擅长些什么。 2。盛大的夜晚 终于,表演的盛大夜晚到来了,每个人都坐下来等待演出的开始。 还想坐在最前排,他很激动,狐狸走到冰上向大家示意,众人都欢呼着。 狐狸开始表演滑冰了,他时而前滑,时而后退,时而向两边滑去,他滑出一个优美的圆圈,并8字型的滑着,她的表演简直是无与伦比的完美,海象非常喜欢她的表演,狐狸表演这一切似乎都是那么的简单轻松。 海象认为如果自己也真正的去尝试,一定也能像狐狸表演的那么好。 海象情不自禁的跳到冰上和狐狸一起滑冰“我能滑冰了”他叫嚷着,“快,看我” 然而,海象并没能滑多久,他只是把一切搞砸,摔了一跤,他撞到狐狸,狐狸摔倒压在他的脸上,真糟糕! 狐狸被他搞得心烦。 “海象搞砸了我的演出”狐狸悲叹说


7.来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工 1.城堡有麻烦了。 “我不干了”皇家清洁工宾斯太太说“这里一个人干的活太多了”宾期太太把城堡的钥匙交给诺拉王后,就走了。 诺拉王后告诉了其他的王室成员。“那我们该怎么办?”简公主问道。 “首先,你不能再带朋友到这儿来了,”诺拉王后说 “为什么不能?”简公主问。“因为他们把这里搞得乱七八糟” “也许我们能试着自己让城堡保持整洁”哈利国王说。“我相信琼期上尉和史密斯上尉也会搭把手,我自己也能洗盘子” “什么?”诺拉王后大叫“人们会说,哈利国王要自己洗衣服,绝对不行” “我们可以张贴启事招聘清洁工”简公主说。 “好主意,”诺拉王后说“现在就写招聘启事”简公主写了张启事,并把它钉在城堡的门上。 日子一天天过去,却没有人来询问招聘清洁工的事,城堡变得越来越脏,没有干净的衣服可穿没有干净的盘子可用。 一天早上,诺拉王后听到有歌声从厨房传来,她从门边探出头来,看到了令她吃惊的一幕:哈利国王在水池边上洗盘子。史密斯上尉在拖地,琼斯上尉在洗皇室的衬衫。“马上停下”诺拉王后大叫道“这可不是国王和他的上尉该干的活,他们应该去勇斗恶龙” “我们从来没有见过一只恶龙,亲爱的,”“那是因为你从来没有找过它们”诺拉王后说 诺拉王后十分难过,那一刻她决定来一次皇家旅行。“还有你们三个,别再想着干那些洗洗涮涮的活儿了,”她补充道:“当我离开时,你们要踏上寻找之旅” “寻找?”哈利国王问,他的脸变白了。“寻找恶龙?” “你们也可以去找恶龙”诺拉王后说,“不过主要工作是寻找清洁工” “那我呢?”简公主问。“你可以呆在家里,不要让贼或者你的朋友们进来” 诺拉王后让人去拿了她的皇家箱子和皇家手袋准备开启她的皇家旅行。 哈利国王、史密斯上尉、琼斯上尉动身去寻找清洁工。他们看上去很不高兴。 简公主跟他们每个人挥手再见。 “这不公平”简公主哼了一声,“每个人都走了,去寻找,去旅行。我一个人被困在这个臭哄哄的老城堡里”. 2.简公主噘起了嘴,生了好一会闷气。 当有人敲城堡门的时候,简公主已经不怎么生气了。 简公主找开了门,门前站了三个戴着面具的人,“我们是来自奥姆的戴面具的清洁工”其中一个人说。“我们是你父亲,哈利国王派来的”另一个说。 “这么快”简公主说,“我父亲在哪儿?” “追捕恶龙去了”第三个戴面具的人说。 “你们为什么要戴着面具”简公主问道 “我们得保护自己不吸入灰尘”其中一个人说道“我们可以开始了吗?” 一整天,戴面具的清洁女工们用力地擦洗地板,除尘,洗衣,擦亮餐具,到了傍晚,整个城堡焕然一新。


The Boss Dog of Blossom Street By Rita Ray 1 Snap was a small black and brown dog. He was the boss dog of Blossom Street. One Saturday morning he walked up and down Blossom Street as usual. He sniffed all the doorsteps and lampposts. He wagged his tail at all the children who saved scraps(面包屑)for him. He poked his head into baby Kelly’s pram (婴儿车). Kelly laughed and touched Snap’s wet nose. Then Snap made sure that the dogs and cats on the street were in their places. Dogs had to stay in their own back yards and cats had to sit on the back yard walls. That’s if they dared to come out at all. Snap trotted back to his own door. Everything seemed fine on Blossom Street. But everything was not fine. Snap’s owners, Ada and Harry, were at home. This was odd. They always went to work on Saturday mornings. There were boxes everywhere. Harry was taking a bed apart. Ada was putting cups into a box. ‘Hello, Snap,’ she said, as he came in. snap sniffed the boxes. ‘You’d better have your Doggy Chunks befor e the van comes.’ ‘What van?’ Snap thought. He soon found out. A big van came to the front of the house. Two men helped Harry and Ada to put all their things in the van. ‘I can’t move away!’ thought Snap. ‘Who’s going to look after Blossom Street? Who will play with the children and keep the other dogs off the street? Who will make sure the cats stay on the back yard walls?’ ‘Come on, Snap,’ called Harry. ‘Say goodbye to Blossom Street.’ He picked Snap up and put him in the front of the van. The children on Blossom Street came out to wave as the van set off. Kelly’s mum gave Snap a bit of cake. As he looked out of the van window Snap thought, ‘If I move away, how can I do my job? I’m the boss dog of Blossom Street, but I can’t stay behind. I can’t lea ve Ada and Harry. Dogs stay with their owners. Not like some cats I know. They’ll go anywhere for a warm fire.’ 2


2.科密特船长与紫色星球 1.斯潘纳无聊了 星尘号空间站,一个宁静的早晨。史黛拉船长正在检查太空穿梭机,科密特船长在给植物浇水,机器人斯潘纳觉得无聊了。 “我能坐到控制台那儿吗?”他问道。 “可以”科密特船长说“但是不要碰任何东西,也不要按那个红色的按钮” 扳手坐在了控制台前,看着上面的各种按钮。有开空间站所有门的按钮,也有开所有灯的按钮。甚至有个按钮控制所有冲刷马桶的。还有一个红色的按钮,上面标注着“重力”。斯潘纳不明白这个“重力”是怎么回事。 “我很快地按一下”斯潘纳说“看看它到底是什么”,它按下了红色按钮。 科密特船长正给植物浇着水,忽然有了奇怪的感觉,他从地板上飘了起来,植物也飘了起来,他猜一定是有什么事发生了。 “斯潘纳”他大叫“我跟你说过,不要按那个红色按钮” 斯潘纳看到了,原来重力就是使物体留在地板上的东西。 由于太空没有重力,于是空间站自己制造了重力。斯潘纳按了下红色按钮使重力恢复,所有的盆栽植物跌回到了地板上。 科密特也跌回地板上,落到植物的旁边。 “斯潘纳”科密特抱怨道 2.那肯定是棵星球 早晨接下来的时间,斯潘纳都在清理刚才制造出的一地狼藉。当他关掉吸尘器,每个人都听到了哔哔的响声,那个哔哔声来自太空扫描仪。 每个人都停下了手里的活过来查看。 “扫描仪发现东西了”科密特说。他指着一个正在扫描仪屏幕上移动的闪烁光点。 “那是什么”史黛拉船长说 “是颗小行星吗?”斯潘纳问道“一颗小行星就是一块在太空飘浮的石头” “我知道”科密特船长说“不过,它太大了,不可能是一颗小行星” “那它肯定是个星球”斯潘纳说。 “它来自哪里呢”科密特说“它为什么移动的这么快”。 “你们最好去看看”史黛拉船长说。 科密特和斯潘纳坐着太空穿梭机出发去寻找那个新星球,斯潘纳非常的兴奋。 “我以前从来没有找到过一个新星球”斯潘纳说“我们叫它什么好呢?” “首先,我们得找到它”斯潘纳…… 但是斯潘纳根本就没在听“我要把它命名为斯潘纳星球”他说。 斯潘纳发出了嗡嗡的声音,从它胸前的卡槽里出来了一面旗子。 “你干什么呢?”科密特问他。 “我做了一面旗子,把它插到斯潘纳星球上,这样人人都知道是我们第一个发现它的”斯潘纳解释道。 他给科密特看它的旗子,红艳艳的旗子上面印着两个斯潘纳。


典范英语 6 1、《海象加入了“表演”》 2、吵闹的邻居 3、皮皮公主的假期 4、《哦!奥托》 5、《科密特船长与紫色星球》 6、《丛林短裤》 7、《来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工》 8、《蒙面清洁女工反败为胜》 9、《蒙面清洁女工面对海盗》 10、《水母鞋》 11、花朵街的狗老大 12、玉米片硬币 13、幽灵船 14、机器狗 15、球王贝利 16、北极英雄 17、拓荒女孩 18、我的朋友曼德拉 每个身处北极的动物都很兴奋,因为这里即将举行一场人人都可以参加的演出。 “我要表演滑雪”北极狐说,“我对此很在行”。 “我要表演翻筋斗”,北极熊说,“没人翻筋斗能比我好” “我唱歌吧”,海豹说,“每个人都说我嗓音很美。 “那我就表演潜水吧”鲸鱼说,“你们知道,我以前在学校可是拿过潜水奖牌的” 之后大家都看着海象,问他:你表演什么呢? 但是海象什么都不擅长,既不会滑雪也不会翻筋斗。 他的歌唱的很糟糕,而他潜水时,鼻子也是露在水面上的。 于是海象难过的坐在那里,嚼他的胡子。 “没关系”,北极狐说,“你可以看我们表演啊”。 北极狐,北极熊,海豹和鲸鱼都在为那场大型远处而努力练习着,而海象却躲在一个雪堆后面边看着他们,边嚼着他的胡子。 他真希望自己能擅长些什么。 2。盛大的夜晚 终于,表演的盛大夜晚到来了,每个人都坐下来等待演出的开始。 还想坐在最前排,他很激动,狐狸走到冰上向大家示意,众人都欢呼着。 狐狸开始表演滑冰了,他时而前滑,时而后退,时而向两边滑去,他滑出一个优美的圆圈,并8字型的滑着,她的表演简直是无与伦比的完美,海象非常喜欢她的表演,狐狸表演这一切似乎都是那么的简单轻松。 海象认为如果自己也真正的去尝试,一定也能像狐狸表演的那么好。 海象情不自禁的跳到冰上和狐狸一起滑冰“我能滑冰了”他叫嚷着,“快,看我” 然而,海象并没能滑多久,他只是把一切搞砸,摔了一跤,他撞到狐狸,狐狸摔倒压在他的脸上,真糟糕! 狐狸被他搞得心烦。


3.皮普公主的假期 1. 准备出发 皮皮公主城堡里的每一个人都很忙。国王忙着擦亮他的钱币,王后忙着挑选遮阳帽,所有的女仆们抱着一堆堆的马甲跑来跑去。 “我可以带上杜宾度假吗?”皮皮公主问。 “恐怕马车上没有小马的地方。”王后说。 “噢,那我可以带上阿曼达和伯特吗?”皮皮公主问。 “车上没有蛇的地方,就是宠物蛇也不行”国王说。 皮皮公主阴沉着脸,说:“这个假期肯定特别无聊。” 他们乘坐最豪华的金色大马车度假去了。 “亲爱的,向所有的人挥挥手”王后说。 皮皮公主双臂交叉,抱着胳膊,说:“我在度假。”“我们已经快到了吗?” 王后肯定的说:“我们要过很久才能到。” 他们确实用了很长的时间才到海边。马车变得很热了,皮皮公主感觉不舒服。“我们终于到了!”国王高兴的说。 “但这是个城堡啊!”皮皮公主说,“就像家一样,真没意思!” 2.正如家一样 有个女孩等在城堡的大门旁边。 王后说:“皮皮,这是黛西,她会照顾你” 黛西带着皮皮公主参观了她的房间。 “我不喜欢有四根柱子的大床,”皮皮公主说,“就像家里一样!” 黛西说:“那你睡我的稻草垫子,我睡那张床。” “哦,好的”皮皮公主说。 晚上举办了盛大的宴会,宴会开了好几个小时。 “再来点甘蓝小包菜吗?”国王愉快的问。 “真没意思”皮皮公主说。 “别胡说,亲爱的。”王后说。“怎么会没意思呢,我们在度假啊!” “我要回家!”第二天皮皮公主说。她已经绕着城堡的围墙转了一个早晨了,却没发现能做什么。 “可是我们过的很开心啊,”王后躺在沙滩椅上说。、 “你就看看我的钱在阳光下的闪闪发光的样子,”国王说,“真是太美了!”“但是,这太没意思了!”皮皮公主说。 “你为什么不去找黛西和她聊聊呢?”王后建议道。 皮皮公主生气的蹬蹬的走开了。 “算了吧”皮皮公主对黛西说,“我想回家!” 3. 回家的路 “如果你待得时间长点,你可能会喜欢上海边的。”黛西说。 但是皮皮公主根本没有听。她在收拾行李。她把所有重要的东西都放进了行李箱里。 “我觉得我们得拿出些东西才行”黛西说。 黛西给她们两个人各找了个背包,启程回家。


《典范英语》(2a-L9)教学参考 New Trees 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1. 语言能力目标:学生能够听懂故事;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;理解故事情节;学会运用“… gave a tree.”,“… put it by …”这两个句型;能根据提示复述故事;能够仿写故事。 2. 非语言能力目标:了解植树活动的意义;体会孩子们在公园植树的乐趣。 二、课时安排 要求每周不少于两课时,每课时至少完成一个故事。 三、教师要求 1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事背景: 在英国,学校和社区经常会组织一些公益活动,鼓励人们参与社区建设。本故事中,爸爸与孩子们就是参与了社区公园举办的“植树周”活动,美化公园和自己的社区。 2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作表情帮助学生理解。 3. 全英文授课。

四、教学用具 多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、人物图(Dad, Biff, Chip, Kipper, Wilma, Wilf, Floppy)、图片(the shed, the stream, the pond, the bridge, the swing, the seesaw, the slide)。 五、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):了解植树活动,为进入故事做铺垫 让学生观察植树活动图片,了解植树活动,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。 (1)利用PPT展示关于植树的图片,并与学生互动: I’d like to show you some pictures. Look! What are they doing? (引导学生作答) They are planting/giving trees. What trees did they give/plant? (展示课件上的植物名卡) (2)联系实际,自然引入故事: Have you ever given trees? What trees did you give? Where did you put the trees?


典范英语翻译 Ting Bao was revised on January 6, 20021

6.丛林短裤 1. 这是星期五的下午,3班的学生们已经穿好了外套,排成一队等着回家。兰尼站在队尾因为他的防水服的拉链卡住了,他忙着弄拉链,几乎没听到老师考克斯先生说了什么。 “这是给大家的一封信”考克斯先生说“别弄丢了,一定要交给你们的父母,里面有好消息的”。 兰尼很想知道这个好消息是什么,他匆忙跑过了操场,找到了妈妈。 “快,打开这封信”兰尼说“考克斯先生说这里面有好消息” “要先跟我打招呼”妈妈笑着说。但是她还是打开了信,读完了信她告诉兰尼,“下周3班要上一节足球课,学校会借给你们足球鞋” “哇呜,”兰尼大叫“真正的足球鞋,我敢说我一定能进15个球” 她妈妈把信放进了包里 “条纹衫和短袜怎么样?我能有一件真正的球服吗”兰尼恳求道 “等等看吧”妈妈说 到了家里,兰尼还是脱不下他的防水服,他妈妈不得不去帮他。 “我很高兴你没有弄坏拉链,在下个月之前我没法给你再弄件衣服”她说。“我不想要新外套”兰尼说“但是我能有一件新足球服吗,求你了” “喝完茶再问我”他妈妈说。 他们的茶点吃了带果酱和苹果的薄饼。薄饼是兰尼最爱吃的。可是,今天他以最快的速度吃完了它。他卡它一声放下了刀和叉。 “你答应我吃完茶点就说足球的事”妈妈从包里拿出了考克斯先生的信。 “每个孩子将会需要一件旧T恤和一些袜子”她读道 “不是真正的足球用品吗?”兰尼问道 “很抱歉,没有。除了短裤。考克斯先生想让你们都穿上新短裤。我们明天就去市场买” 兰尼很不高兴,但是他知道他妈妈,她一旦下定决心就不会更改了。他看上去很** “我敢打赌他们都有象样的足球服”他想“我敢打赌他们都没有穿旧T恤” 那个夜晚,他躺着睡不着一直在想,他要确保他妈妈买足球短裤。他想要双合适的白色足球短裤。然后,他知道他能进好多的球。 2.第二天早上吃过早饭,他们出发去买新短裤。市场离兰尼住的地方隔两条 街。在路上,他们看到3班的泰德和肖恩。泰德和肖恩住在兰尼家附近,他们正在马路的里面把球踢来踢去。肖恩猛地把球拍向他,兰尼把球踢了回去。 泰德叫他:“想玩吗?“现在还不能,我得跟我妈去买新的足球短裤。”“我们的已经买好了”泰德大声的说。 市场非常的拥挤,每个人都在看货摊上高高堆起的水果和蔬菜。在条纹帆布顶篷下有鞋子和衣服卖。一个男人正在卖短裤。 “来买丛林短裤喽”他大声吆喝着。 他戴了顶宽檐草帽,裤子外面穿了条超大号的丛林短裤。短裤上面印的有高大的绿树,树顶上猴子们在咧嘴笑。


4.哦,奥托 1.重要的事情 四班的孩子们正忙着功课,他们的老师,安德伍德小姐说:“我在重要的事情要跟你们讲”。 她笑着说:“一个新男孩将来到我们班,他的名字叫奥托。他来自很远很远的地方,事实上,他来自外太空……” 正说着,门开了,一个男孩走了进来,他看上去和别的孩子们一样,除了颜色,他是个绿色的人。 安德伍德小姐让奥托和乔、查利、乔什坐在一起,然后她看着乔说:“我想要你照顾下我们的新男孩,如果他需要,就伸只手帮帮他。” “拜托,小姐,我不是“新的”,我已经七岁半了。而且,我不需要一只手,我已经有两只手了,你看” “哦,奥托,”安德伍德小姐笑说“坐下吧,乖乖的”奥托坐了下来。 接着他说“我不觉得我能成为鹿,不过我能像鸭子一样嘎嘎的叫” 他拍打着胳膊,象拍打着翅膀一样,走着叫着“嘎,嘎,嘎” 查理也加入了进去,和他一起“嘎,嘎,嘎”。 安德伍德小姐笑着对奥托说“课堂上不能学鸭子叫” 然后她对查理皱了皱眉:“查理”她说“你知道什么该做什么不该做,继续做你的功课吧” “这不公平”查理抱怨道,“我惹了麻烦这个新男孩却一点事也没有”。 就在那时,查理决定不喜欢奥托了,他一点都不喜欢他。 2.查理生气了 奥托犯了很多的错。查理向后仰靠在他的椅背上,奥托也试着那样做,但是,他摔了仰巴叉,并且桌子上各种颜料也被带倒。现在查理也成了绿人,他对此一点都不高兴。 查理越来越生气了。 课间,当奥托在操场的时候,查理决定去吓唬吓唬他。 “如果你站在那里,你会被熊吃掉的”查理说。 “一只熊,在哪里?”奥托尖叫道 查理咯咯地笑着“我们把一头熊关到校长的办公室里了,所有地球上的学校都有一头熊”他接着说:“有时熊会出来……并且有时,熊很饿” 奥托看上去被吓到了。 3.寻宝游戏 那天下午,班上正在组织一个寻宝游戏,所有的孩子都很期待。 安德伍德小姐给了每组学生同样的线索。 “我想要你和奥托一组”她对乔说。 “在一个梨里?”奥托说“怎么做?”“那得要一个大大的梨,不能有太多汗水,我们不能被弄得粘乎乎的” 乔大笑“哦,奥托,你什么都不懂” 寻宝游戏开始了。查理和乔什一起,乔和奥托一起。 这是给他们提供的线索:在教室门前开始,往前走,不能向右,这样你就不会搞错。 “这是什么意思啊?”查理说。


新版典范英语7(旧版6) 2 第二篇 Noisy Neighbours 1Mr Flinch In a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man. It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man. Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours. On one side of Mr Flinch’s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars. Carl loved cars – and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise. On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive. Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered. He put his fingers in his ears. He rapped on the wall … but his neighbours did not hear. They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good. Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head. He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘ Stamps cost far too much money!’ he said. Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise. But the cars still revved and the music still jangled. Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich. elf. He even shouted it out loud: ‘This can’t go on,’ Flinch thought to hims 2Nasty Tricks Mr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house. Carl was mending cars. It was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge. ‘That will get rid of him!’ said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!’ At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and – carefully, carefully – crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppy’s chimney and gave a long, loud, ‘Hooowooowoooo!’ ‘That will get ride of her,’ he said with a grim grin. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house


7 1 One morning the postman came down Elm Road. In his bag were two letters. They looked like this: “Miss P Jones 10 Elm Road Bilton”; “Miss F Jones 79 Elm Road Bilton” There were two Miss Jones in Elm Road. Pippa Jones lived at number 10. She was mad about ponies. Flo Jones lived at number 79. She was mad about football. But that morning the postman had broken his glasses and he couldn’t see very well. That’s how the mix -up began. Pony-mad Pippa was out at the stable when her letter came. Pippa had a pony called Blossom who was a champion jumper. She gave Blossom some oats and a kiss on the nose. Then her dad stuck his head out of the back door. “Pippa, there is a letter for you.” Football-mad Flo was in the garden when her letter arrived. Flo played for Redland Rovers. She was wearing her Rovers kit as usual. She dribbled past the cat and swerved round the swing. “Thud.” the ball hit the back door. “goal.” cried Flo. “Flo!” called her mum. “Stop that racket and come inside. There’s a letter for you. ” Flo tore open her letter. It said: Dear Miss Jones, The Junior Cup is on Saturday at Chestnut field. We hope to see you there. “Wow!” said Flo. “I’m playing in the Cup Fin al on Saturday. Redland Rovers will win for sure.” At 10 Elm Road, Pippa was also reading her letter. “Dear Miss Jones, The Junior Cup Final is on Saturday at Redland Park. We hope to see you there. ” “Fantastic,” said Pippa. “I’m riding Blossom in the Junior Cup. We are sure to win.” 2 Pippa and Flo couldn’t wait for Saturday to come. They didn’t notice that they had got the wrong letter. They were both going to the wrong place. On Saturday morning Pippa rode Blossom to The Wrong Letter 送错的信


精心整理 典范英语7-15翻译典范英语 7-15 ,他 到一个试用的机会.他很有天赋,桑托斯收下了他.当贝利告诉她的时候,贝利的妈妈哭了. 这意味着她的儿子将要离开家,住在城市.贝利想家了. 但他坚持了下来,他很快就得到了他的奖励.他在球队里他的第一场比赛踢进了一个球.这是第一个进的球.一年之内,贝利在他的俱乐部踢进了32

个球. 然后他被挑选代表他的国家-巴西参加比赛,在他的头两场国际比赛,他踢进了三个球.足球迷们开始叫他’黑珍珠’. 贝利仍然只有16岁.有世界杯即将在瑞典举行,他想知道是否他被选中成为队员. . 这是一个美妙的时刻.但麻烦就在前面... 贝利闻名世界.他和桑托斯前往许多国家.他一年打了几乎100场比赛. 这对一个年轻球员很累人而且很困难的. 然后1962年在智利的世界杯,贝利踢了第一场比赛,但他在第二次受伤. 现在他退出了锦标赛.

贝利伤心的看着巴西就没有他继续赢得了世界杯.他想知道他是否会再次为巴西踢球.贝利确实康复了,他参加巴西1966年在英国的世界杯.但对贝利来说,一切都出了问题. 他再次受伤,屡次被判犯规.巴西输了-他们出局了.英国最终赢了,但伤心的贝利已经回到巴西.这个时候贝利太累了,他说他不会再踢另一个世界杯. . . . . 民在电视上看.巴西开球后就发起猛攻,但意大利队似乎很强. 然后贝利一记强有力的头球越过意大利足球守门员. 巴西1比0领先,现在似乎没有人能阻止他们赢得奖杯. 但是巴西队送掉了一个愚蠢的球,比分是1比1… 巴西很快卷土重来,他们踢一个球,然后贝利又为建立他的一个队友造成

了一个进球机会.但最好的目标是最后一个.贝利踢球,他的队长,卡洛斯阿尔伯托,在他右侧奋勇向前.贝利等到最后一刻,然后给卡洛斯阿尔伯托传了一个精彩的球,他用力一脚将球射进网.巴西4分,意大利1分!贝利从不打另一个世界杯,1977年从球队退役了. 他仍然参与这项目,去世界各地做大量慈善工作. !


典范英语读后感5篇 读后感也可以叫做读书笔记,是一种常用的应用文体,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。《典范英语》根据学生的心理特点,精心创作了一个个引人入胜的故事,均出自名家里手,涵盖童话、人物传记、世界名著、英美文学经典等,堪称一套英语小“百科全书”。下面是小编为你带来的典范英语读后感5篇,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:典范英语读书笔记上学期,我们集体购买了《典范英语6》,通过一年的学习,我们的英语是在提高,学习了许多知识。 我们每次学习前都先听录音,这大大提高了我们的英语听读水平,使我们的听力题成绩有了一些提高,是我们受益匪浅。 二是我们在看,在读时,有许多生词,老师也让我们自己猜,然后自己查,这给我们下了很深的印象,也比老师告诉我们要好得多。 三是我们由教材中的故事,自己改编成话剧,有一些同学表演,更是英语融入了我们的生活。 总而言之,这套教材给我们留下了许多知识,是我们受益匪浅。 第二篇:典范英语读书笔记寒假,我读了高尔基的自传体小说《童年》,它给我的感触颇深。 它向我们艺术地展示了阿廖沙在黑暗社会追求光明的奋斗历程,还有十九世纪七十到八十年代的俄国社会风貌。3岁的时候,父亲病故,母亲就带阿廖沙回了娘家。可惜外公是个自私而又专横的小业主,但是资本主义俄国的发展打断了外公发财的好梦,从此破产以至于贫 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

困潦倒。可怜的母亲改嫁之后,生病而死,十一岁的作者被外公残忍地赶出了家门,到社会上自谋生路……其实,阿廖沙的原型就是高尔基本人,高尔基借阿廖沙这个人物来描述自己的童年。高尔基用真实优美的文笔描述了自已苦难而令人难以置信童年. 我们现在丰衣足食,要什么有什么,又是父母的“掌上明珠”、“心肝宝贝”哪能和高尔基那悲惨的童年相提并论,年代的不同就是这差别,一个是天堂,一个是地狱;一个充满阳光,一个到处黑暗。我们现在的童年来之不易啊!童年充满着欢乐,童年到处是温暖,童年是值得回忆的相机,童年爱满心窝!而高尔基的童年除了一些教育和友谊,没有什么再值得回忆! 假如我们生活俄国沙皇时期又会怎么样?会认为那根本不是人生活的地方吗?我们不仅要珍惜眼前的幸福,而且要学会制造幸福。屠格涅夫说过:“屠格涅夫说过:“想要得到幸福,你首先要学会吃得起苦。”美好的生活必须有所付出,才会长久,有所争取,才会得到. 第三篇:典范英语读书笔记有一个在城堡。皇家清洁工给告诉女皇,一开始不能有乱七八糟的朋友。国王哈利认为我们可以尽量将城堡变得整洁。女皇诺拉不休息。公主简写了一份通知。她把这份通知贴在了城堡的门上。清洁工希望能得到一个更高的薪水才去拜访城堡。日子一天天过去,没人来问关于清洁的工作。这个城堡变得非常脏。一天早上,皇后诺拉看到了一个令人震惊的意见。国王哈利在做饭。史密斯队长在拖地。琼斯上尉洗女王诺拉的皇家衬衫,女皇认为你应该去与龙战斗。但他们不这么认为。女王诺拉非常伤心,便去

典范英语2 句子翻译

典范英语第七套第二本翻译句子测试 姓名:__________ 学号:__________ 成绩: __________ 1.Old Baggy-Pants, that’s what he is,’ Derek added, sticking his fork into his jam roly-poly. 2.Janey’s mouth fell open and Derek could see the mashed up jam roly-poly inside. 3.There was Mr. Such in a brand new suit. A spotless white suit without a crease in it. 4.I’m just getting used to it. 5.While they were talking, Mrs. Venn came out of the kitchen with a bowl of custard in her arms. 6.She was so shocked to see Mr. Such in his bright new suit she gave a little jump. 7.She was pleased with the green stuff, but she’d mixed up to much. 8.He could have green stuff coming out of his nose, couldn’t he? 9.Then he reached behind him and rubbed his hands on the towel. 10.When Mr. Such came over to look at their pictures, the suit was still swinging slightly on the cupboard door. 11.At home time Mr. Such pottered around for ages and would not leave them on their own.


《典范英语》(1a-L5)教学参考 A Good Trick 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗 读故事;能够看图说出故事中的实物名称(rug, sheet, big box, little box);初步掌握字母“b”的拼读规律。 2. 非语言能力目标:让学生在故事中体验变戏法的乐趣;通过观察Biff和Chip表演变 戏法,培养学生的观察能力和预测能力;使学生在表演中提升学习兴趣,培养表达能力。 二、课时安排 要求每周不少于两课时,每课时至少完成一个故事。 三、教师要求 1.教师课前须熟读故事,了解本课故事内容。 2.对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。 3.全英文授课。 四、教学用具 多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、彩色打印的故事截图(见附录)、人物头饰(Biff, Chip)、人物图(Kipper)、毛绒玩具、小地毯、床单、大盒子、小盒子、小小盒子、小球。 五、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):了解“trick”的含义,激发学生对变戏法的兴趣 教师借助道具演示戏法(trick),在师生互动中激发学生兴趣,让学生体会“trick”的含义。 (1)教师在课前准备好大盒子、小盒子、小小盒子和一个小球,把球装进小小盒子,把小小盒子套入小盒子,最后把小盒子套入大盒子。 (2)把套好的大盒子呈现给学生,提问:What’s this? It’s a box. It’s a big box. 然后请学生猜:What’s in the box? (BQ: Is it a book? Is it a pen?) (3)打开大盒子,取出小盒子,提问:What is it? Oh, it’s a small box. What’s in the small box? (BQ: Is it a teddy bear? Is it a doll?) (4)打开小盒子,取出小小盒子,提问:Look! It’s a smaller box. What’s in the smaller box? (BQ: Is it another box?) (5)打开小小盒子,取出小球,提问:What is it? It’s a ball. 之后,教师导入故事:I did a trick just now. Do you like the trick? Is it a good trick? (请学生自由回答)There is a good trick in our book. Shall we read the story? (PPT展示故事标题) 2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,感受变戏法的乐趣


典范英语7-15翻译典范 英语7-15 这是一个男孩成长为一个伟大的足球运动员的故事.他的名字是贝利,他出生在巴西. 他在四世界杯之间的1958和1970,他可能是有史以来最着名的足球运动员. 这是如何发生的… 这一切都开始于1940年时,贝利是出世在一个小村庄. 贝利的父亲是一名职业足球运动员,但一次重伤意味着他从来没有靠踢球挣很多钱. 所以贝利的家庭很穷.贝利也辞职来帮助他的父母.但他也与他的朋友在街道踢足球. 他决定他想成为一名足球运动员,像他的父亲一样.贝利的母亲不喜欢这个主意. 没有什么能阻止贝利实现他的梦想. 他打了几个当地的队,然后在15岁他在一个叫桑托斯的大足球俱乐部得到一个试用的机会. 他很有天赋,桑托斯收下了他.当贝利告诉她的时候,贝利的妈妈哭了. 这意味着她的儿子将要离开家,住在城市.贝利想家了.

但他坚持了下来,他很快就得到了他的奖励.他在球队里他的第一场比赛踢进了一个球. 这是第一个进的球.一年之内,贝利在他的俱乐部踢进了32个球. 然后他被挑选代表他的国家-巴西参加比赛,在他的头两场国际比赛,他踢进了三个球. 足球迷们开始叫他’黑珍珠’. 贝利仍然只有16岁.有世界杯即将在瑞典举行,他想知道是否他被选中成为队员. 广播里宣布运动员名单的时候他仔细听…当他听到他的名字,他激动得都站不起来了! 当他在1958年抵达瑞典,贝利是17岁.他是最年轻的巴西队的球员. 他当足球运动员个子相当小,而且很干瘦,但每个人都期待他能大放异彩. 贝利膝盖有伤,他直到巴西的第三场比赛才上场,对苏联队. 但他在对威尔士的比赛中踢进一球,一比零获胜. 然后,在对法国的半决赛中,贝利完成了一次精彩的帽子戏法-在一场比赛三个进球! 谢谢贝利,他的国家队在世界杯决赛. 巴西对阵瑞典的比赛.比赛开场巴西很糟糕-瑞典领先,一比零. 但是不久巴西二比一领先.然后,下半场,贝利踢进两次. 最后巴西五比二赢了-他们是世界冠军!贝利的队友们把他
