






a, 教师与学生能的场景:学生问老师问题;学生寻求老师帮助;学生询问老师对作业的意见;老师要求学生校对论文打印错误。

常见词与短语:textbook, course, subject, homework, assignment, test, quiz, tuition, school record (成绩单), credits(学分), registration, quit school, term paper, thesis(毕业论文), band(乐队),Students’Union, gymnasium, homecoming(校友聚会), dormitory, teaching building,do research for , professor, semester, work as one’s teaching assistant, assistance, assist, trouble a professor, may I ask you a few questions, I have a class at ten, come in one’s office hours, finish reading one’s research report, revise (improve) some parts of it, get it published, read some papers he recommended, correct all the typing errors in a paper, read it through again, check the paper for typing errors等。

b, 图书馆管理员与学生

常见词与短语: library, book for reading assignment, magazine, periodical, fiction, reading room, library card, library catalogue(图书馆的图书目录), loan desk(借书处), journal, reference book, stacks (书库), shelves, renew, due(到期的), overdue(过期的), close, open, weekend, weekday, check out, volume two (ten), check for sb., borrow, one the upper shelf, a book hard to identify/ is missing, has been misplaced 等。

c, 营业员与顾客

常见词与短语: on sale, bargain, price, out of style (老式), fashion, ready-made(成衣), cloth pattern (花纹,图案), tip, cash or charge (付现金还是记账),department store, cashier, supermarket, daily necessities, check-out stand(付款柜台), receipt, shop assistant, salesman, clerk等。


常见词与短语: seasoning (调味品), menu, wine, drink, food, snack, banquet-tray(餐盘), paper napkin(纸餐巾), go Dutch(各自付账),receptionist, service counter, a single room, a double room, customer, manager, boss, well-done(全熟的), underdone(半熟的)等。


常见词与短语: hospital, doctor, nurse, patient, operation, ward, physician, medicine, surgery, hospital register’s office(挂号处), outpatient department(门诊部), emergency department(急诊部), to suffer from, to give an infection, to give first-aid treatment(急诊)等。



常见词与短语: blood pressure, cough, fever, a headache, pills, tablets, take one’s temperature, take medicine, patient, doctor, nurse, dentist, a physical examination, physician, prescribe, prescription等。b,Bank(银行)

常见词与短语: account, bank clerk, current account(活期存款帐户), check, service charge, cash the cheque, saving/check account(储蓄/支票帐户), interest rate, to open a current/ deposit account等。 c,Hotel(宾馆)

常见词与短语:hotel, motel, a single/double room, a suite, book a room, check in/out, register, fill in a room, make a reservation, lobby, Room Service, reception, front desk, porter, tip等。

d, Railway station(火车站)

常见词与短语: train, platform, passenger, check in/out, catch a train, miss a train, fail to catch a train等

e, Bus station/stop(汽车站)

常见词与短语:conductor, passenger, fare, next stop, the terminal station(终点站)等。

f,Airport or on plane(飞机场或在飞机上)

常见词与短语: airliner, airlines, land, take off, flight, on board, boarding card, departure, arrival, destination, cancel a flight, delay, check in, luggage, fasten the safe belt, crew 等。

g. Library(图书馆)

常见词与短语: librarian, assistant, call number, book, due, overdue, return, renew, borrow, lend, latest issue, card, catalogue, fine(罚款), fiction, novel, magazine, bookshelf等。

h, Movie/Theatre(影剧院)

常见词与短语: film, movie, play, show, drama, row, seat, be on (上演,上映), performance, program, Shakespeare, Oscar, ticket, check in, The Twelfth Night等。Lord of the Rings, Star War


常见词与短语: department store, the grocer’s, drug store, shop, go shopping, market, on sale, sell well, size ,type, fashion, style, color, cost, price, counter, brand, cash, check, assistant, May I help you? What can I do for you? How much does it cost? Here you are. pay, buy, purchase, change(零钱), US dollars, Hong Kong dollars, pounds, shelling, penny等。


常见词与短语:campus, department, dean, college, professor, teacher, student, tutor, lecturer, headmaster, principal, lecture, academic report, textbook, semester, examination, test, lab,required course(必修课), elective course(选修课), gymnasium, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate, graduate, post grad uate, grade, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctor’s degree等。


常见词与短语: make a reservation, order(点菜), soft drink, wine, beer, brandy, whisky, dessert, salad, soup, bread, rice, noodle, potato, tomato, beef, meat, pork, chicken, mutton, pie, roast, fry, steam(蒸), a dish, main food, menu, Help yourself, I’m full. cook, delicious, taste, smell, waiter, waitress, pay the bill, cash, go Dutch(各付各的帐)等。

l,Post office(邮局)

常见词与短语: post, mail, postage, stamp, envelope, parcel, air-mail, EMS(Emergent Mail Service), registered mail, transfer(汇款), postcard, telegram, fax(facsimile), cable(电报)等。

m, Customs house(海关)

常见词与短语: declare (报关), clear/clearance(customs clearance清关), tariff(关税), pay duty on, duty free, fill in the form, article(物品), passenger, smuggling/smuggle, drugs, illegal, legal等。 n, Meeting(会议)

常见词与短语: deliver a speech, preside, host, chairman/chairperson, conclude, propose, suggest, for, against, agree, disagree, reinforce, argue, debate, dispute, solution, decide/decision 等。

o, Dance & party(舞会/聚会)

常见词与短语: gather, together, DJ, disco, have a ball, dance with, music, band, dancer, singer, May I have the pleasure of next dance? 等。

p, Gas station(加油站)

常见词与短语: pull in/out, petrol, gasoline, fill in the tank, litre等

q, At home(家里)

常见词与短语: housework, go to bed, retire to bed, housewife, sitting room, bedroom, washing room, do cooking, gardening, take a rest, in the garden等。

r, Court(法庭)

常见词与短语: your honor, jury, judge, justice, case, counselor, recess, lawyer, witness, victim, proof, identity, suspicion, to be executed sentence(裁决), imprisonment, execution, laws, legal, illegal, defendant, complainant等。


run out of 用完了check out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);结帐离开wear out

穿破be worn out (物)破旧;(人)疲惫make out 辨认出figure out 想清楚,弄明白

She has a figure that kills. 身材很棒。She has a face that kills. 长得非常漂亮

work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym场景)拼命锻炼help out 帮个大忙find out 打听,查明真相

dine out 外出吃饭,下馆子cafeteria 饭堂,自助餐厅【学校的饭菜不好吃】cook out 在外野餐hang out 闲逛turn out (to be) 事实证明


operation 手术infirmary (校内)医务室;cafeteria 饭堂;tuition 学费treat, treatment 治疗(过程)cure 治愈(结果)[study, learn; search, find; try, manage]clinic 诊所ward 病房student health center 学生健康中心medical center 医疗中心prescribe 开处方;preview 预习;interview 面试;international 国际的fill the prescription 抓药refill the prescription 再抓药check out 办理出院手续emergency department 急诊室


come up 突然来临reschedule 重新安排时间fit me in 安排run out of coin 硬币用光cut off 通话被中断hang up 挂断电话receiver 听筒hook 挂钩telephone book 电话簿yellow pages 电话簿yellow press 色情出版物dial the number 打电话

打电话步骤:look up the number in the telephone; pick up the receiver;

drop the coins in the slot 投币孔; dial the number you wanted.


2. fog 大雾,浓雾mist 薄雾shower 阵雨pour 倾盆大雨high wind 大风gale 狂风blizzard 大风雪

3. let up 雨停了clear up 天放晴warm up 天变暖

4. super hot 特别热burning hot 特别热freezing cold 冰冷icy cold 冰冷


airplane 飞机;flight 航班;take off 起飞;land 降落;circle 盘旋;wing 机翼,侧面建筑(常用),听到wing想起 museum. Do you like the new exibit. Yes, I like it, especially the new wings(侧面的建筑,博物馆等)

机翼minal 候机大厅,终端(常用),终点站

Appendix 1:历年真题重点考词分类记忆

1 近形异义词辨析(52组)

adopt, adapt, adjust;/ attribute, distribute, contribute;

attain, maintain, sustain, retain, contain;/ ashamed, shameful, shameless;

act, action, activity;/amaze, amuse;/assemble, accumulate;

affect, effect, infect,;/admit, commit, submit, permit;

considerable, considerate, considering;/ coarse, course;

contract, contact, contrast, contrary;/complimentary, complementary;

confirm, conform, concord;/conceive, deceive, perceive;/dairy, diary;

consist, assist, insist, persist, resist;/conserve, reserve, preserve;/decay, delay;

dedicate, delicate;/desert, dessert;/effective, efficient, sufficient;/definite, infinite;

decent, descent;/diversity, version;/expansive, expensive;/hostility, hospitality;

imaginable, imaginary, imaginative;/loyal, royal;/inform, perform, reform;

later, latter;/literal, literary, literate;/perspective, prospective;/physician, physicist;

precede, proceed;/prescribe, inscribe, subscribe, describe;/

nuisance, nonsense, bore;/precious, previous;/project, reject, inject;/

principal, principle;/relieve, release;/reserve, reverse, revise;

resume, presume, assume, consume;/spit, split;/stationary, stationery;

successful, successive;/staff, stuff;/strip, stripe;

transport, transmit, transform, transfer, transparent;/unlike, dislike, alike;

wander, wonder.


accuse, blame, charge;/aggressive, ambitious;/affair, accident, case, incident, event;

bare, blank, empty, hollow, vacant;/capability, capacity;/conserve, preserve, reserve;

continual, continuous, constant, consistent;/change, convert, alter, transform, vary;

entitle, grant;/false, artificial, unnatural, unreal;

group, herd, swarm, litter, flock, company;/hide, conceal;/intensive, extensive, dense

mistake, fault, error, defect, blunder, flaw;/raise, rise, arise, arouse;

reveal, expose, discover;/protect, save, shield, shelter;/

rare, scarce, insufficient, inadequate;/spot, stain;/reject, refuse, decline, deny;

shake, shiver, shudder, quake;/sight, view, vision, glimpse;/worth, worthy, worthwhile


1. consume v. ~t~,';~fa/g

2. spit v. ii~(l~);n~-

3. spill v. "~IB,~fll,{9]~

4. slip v. ~-5~,~?-~;~111~-

5. transform v. $~,,~_~2;~t~

6. transmit v. l'~}i~,~}i~'~;{~:h~

7. transplant v. ~1~

8. shift v. ~-~,;~5~;~

9. vary v. '~t'g,~;~JS](C-{J610. vanish vi. ~fi,X,3X~11. accelerate vt. ;IJll~,~J~!2. appreciate vt. -~';~,~n,~~13. approve v. v~,~,~,,~?~14. stimulate vt. ~l]~l(t,~j15. acquire vt. ~,~!};'.~z~lJ16. accomplish vt.~,~]'~>2;~:17. wander vi. '~:'~,1~18. weaver. ~,~19. preserve v. {~,~,~,~{t~20. abuse v. ~I,,~,~'~;~'~21. oblige v. ~_%,/,~'/J~;{~.~l{22. decay vi. ~2,~$523. tend vi.~ ]-',~lh]24. undergo v. ~x~,.~25. adoptv, q~C~;~,t4q;~ttl26. adapt vi.J~__,/3Y..,h~_~;-d~,~ vt.'f~_)/~.27. expel v. ~,f[:~,'~28. expendv. ~'1~29. expand v. ~;-;k,;,ff-{}K;~fl:,J.~30. grant vt. ~',F~,~331. invade v. ~:2,X,,1';~1~,~,~:~:32. acknowledge v. I~.)~;~(~l33. calculate vt. ~-~,~g~34. impose vt. ~...;Ol~(on);3~q,~]~35. offend v. ~'~J~,,j~l~JP~36. bother v. ~:l~,J~~~37. interfere v. ~:~,-~)~;3~]j~/[4l38. isolate vt. 1'5~[q~,ffS~32/.39. adhere vi. $//~q,llfJ;~i:;~,~!~-~40. ban vt. g,Y,~;~,~lk41. capture vt. ~$~,~42. explode v. '~~~;'~;~43. exploitv. ~]~l];31]~,~y~44. explore v. ~J~45. render vt. ~3~,~1'5~46. identify vt. $,k'~,~47. resolve vt. ffl~-~)~;~5~,?~,*~~,48. advertise v. Y~...~~J"~49. forbid vt. ~'i.-~',~lL50. enclose vt. F51. scan vt. ~';J/:t~;~,~52. decline v. ~,i~]]~;'~'ll~53. emphasize vt. ~J_~[g],~54. devise vt. ~n~,~lJ,,*~'dl55. pursue vt. ~.;513.'~;))~-$,L:~5:56. deserve vt. /~,.~_v.~,1'I[~~57. insure vt. ~...(~,~i/E,~ffi{~58. spray v. n~';59. compete vi. )v~,~g~60. distribute vt. ~61. disturb vt. ~:l:~,~J~/'462. inferv. ~$~,~',ltfi:63. integrate v.(into,with)f~/~J~-21'$,~64. promote vt. ~;~~{-65. cancel vt. ~/'~,fSJ~[~;~66. cope vi. (with)OS~:rJ3:~tg)~4,-j',~?-~67. maintain vt. ~~~,-$,{~;~:~,~lq68. commit vt. ~g($~$~,~-~~'~),5::(~$~)69. distinguish vt. ~,~j~l]70. yawn vi. ~71. dash vi. ~ig~,-~,~72. dive vi. lO~/Jq,'~/Jq73. entitle vt. ~...$y,~l],74. regulate vt. ~,[J~q~75. exaggerate v. :~JC,~[q76. shrink vi. ft~l/~,~;~77. subtract v. '~(-J~-)78. adjust v: ig]_;~.,~g]-'l~'79. attach vt. ~,l~;-f~l~fq~80. reinforce vt. ~c~,3~81. reject vt. :J:~82. dump vt. q[7~lJ,'f~~I]83. decorate vt. ~&/[~,~//13~84. prohibit vt. ~l.k,~ft~85. undertake vt. Cg~_B,~--T-{~;~],~,~86. omit vt. -~'111~87. restrain vt. [;Ji.lk,~[~$1]88. resume v. (~[~)L~d:~89. simplify vt. ~{-g90. thrust v. ;~,~,:~91. arisevi. '?z~.,'dl~dr~,~';~92. arouse vt. ~J]~,~;frg_;lt~93. retain vt. (~[~,~'~94. restrict vt. 1;~[$~,~4J31{95. twist vt. {~;~~Tg/j;~4~96. vibrate v. ~,3t~97. appoint vt. ~~-~,~s~J~98. interpret v. 1~1i:~,~-~--99. leak v. ~,~,'[',100. lean vi. {~'~.,{5,~-101. leap vi. 10g. g~,102. modify vt. ~~103. rely vi. (on ,upon){~$q,~,~t'~ ~:~104. utilize vt. ~lJ~105. conquer vt. ~]~.106. evolve v.~,,~107. frustrate vt. {~'~ ;'t~108. participate v. (in)~,~;0[l109. respond vi. ~,~;~.~110. tremble vi. ~5111. derive vt. l~,~,'~t];(from)~O;~(-]=112. descend v. -F~,-F~113. notify vt. '~~11,~~L1114. resemble vt. {g(,3~:{~-T-115. reveal vt. ~E'~116. urge vt. e~J~Jj,;b~J117. evaluate vt. ~{i~,i,~{fl'118. exceed vt. P~_'~,;~ '~119. exclaim v. "']~)~,JCS&'i5~120. exclude vt. ~...~t]~71,,~-121. flash vi. 15,~,15q3~-122. flee vi. '~_~fr~123. infect v. ]4~124. launch vt. ~,~J~125. neglect vt. ~,%~,~I~126. prevail vi. ~~]:,~]:127. quit v. {~lk128. recruit vt. }~,~(~)f~)129. skim vt. t~(-~-),~';t~~;~l]'.~130. kneel vi. '3/~131. prescribe vt. Yl:~,j,~}~I3~...'~'~132. withstand vt. ~.~,//~133. withdraw v. ~,}~[~'~134 smash vt. g~.~,t]-~~135 submerge vi. '~,7](9h136 submit vi.(to)J~ Jl~,llY/' )>g,137 drift vi. ~}~,~}~]~138 loosen v. ~-~,]-~k/f2139 gaze v. ~,~140. motivate vt. ~J,~ '141. generate vt. ~,~-(Y~;, ~5, ~)142. hesitate v. ~143. highlight vt. ~ ~,?~ '~ :

144. alterv. ~'~,~,~

145. dispose vi. ~!3g;~'~.;~-}~)~;~L~(of)




英语四年级听力常考场景词汇及规律总结 1、词汇总结: 校园: department, school, law school, research paper, term paper, reading list, reading report, lecture, undergraduate, graduate, post graduate, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, course, credit, tuition, scholarship, cafeteria 公司: interview, post, position, apply for, resume, working experience bank: deposit, draw, interest, check, bankbook, open an account, exchange, money exchange, rate of exchange, currency, deposit savings 邮局: letter, stamp, envelope, postage, ordinary mail, express mail, zip code, money order, package, parcel, registered letter, airmail, mail a letter 火车站: platform, waiting-room, inquiry office, baggage office, ticket office, one-way ticket, return ticket 机场: plane, waiting lounge, information office, duty-free shop, boarding pass/ticket, first class, business class, economy class, air ticket, airfare, direct flight, non-stop flight, stopover, domestic flight, international flight, flight No. 280, air hostess, No Smoking sign, seatbelt, take off, land, gate number, departure, arrival,coach, go through the customs 餐厅: menu, waiter, waitress, main dish, appetizer, dessert, the first course, ready to order, a table for four, underdone, well-done, half-done, over-done, tender, have the bill, reserve a table, beef, mutton, pork, steak, chicken, salad, cabbage, potato, tomato, knife, fork, spoon, tray, sea food, hamburger, drinks, apple pie 旅馆: single room with bath, double room, suite, presidential suite, lobby, check in, check out, room number, receptionist, make a reservation 图书馆: borrow a book, return a book, overdue, renew, catalog, fine, librarian, back issue, current issue, reference book, magazine, journal, bookshelf


大学英语四级听力技巧规律及常见词汇总结 四级听力的三个基本思路: 1. 学习——基于学生的角度,一定是抱怨学习 2. 生活——poor,很穷。 Student ID 学生证用于discount 打折,bargain 讨价还价 3. 学习vs 生活——忙,忙于学习 (就是说,解题从这三个思路出发,如果听不清题目说什么,就用这三个思路 往上套) Part I对话题 一.But 题型 形式:A:…… B:……,but ……. 重点听第二个说话人B说话,but 后面所说的话为重点,出题点往往在but 后面。四级听力题中,But 后面的为重点的占95%,之前的为重点的占5%。 e.g. (这题是反例,考的居然是but之前的内容,不过这种情况很少出现的) A: I suppose you’ve bought some gifts for your family. B: Well, I’ve bought a shirt for my father and two books for my sister. But I’ve not decided what to buy for my mother. Probably some jewels. Question: Who did the man buy the book for? Answer: His sister. 二. 场景题 1. 每一类场景,常考出题思路——用于解题 2. 线索词 场景题选项特点: (1) 介词结构in/at somewhere (2) To do开头的(问的是purpose目的) (3) Doing……/ They’re doing……/They’re …ing. (4) A and B(人之间的关系relationship) e.g. Students and teacher. 场景题提问方式: (1) what (过去,现在,将来) (2) Where is the conversation taking place? / Where does the conversation take place? (3) When is the conversation taking place? (4) Who——>where (location) 问人是谁,可以从他所在的地方来判断。


大学英语四级考试听力技巧讲解和真题分析 李洁慧 一、大学英语四级考试对听力能力的要求 《大学英语课程教学基本要求》对学生英语听力能力的一般要求(即四级水平)可以量化为:能听懂英语授课、能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座、能基本听懂英语慢速节目,语速130词/分,并能运用基本听力技巧帮助理解中心思想和信息要点,准确率不低于70%。 二、大学英语四级听力考试的题型 Section A:包括八个短对话(8道题)和两篇长对话(7道题)。 Section B:三篇短文(10道题),每篇短文长度在200~240词之间。 Section C:一篇复合式听写(11道题)。复合式听写要听三遍,补全8个单词,根据意思写出3个句子,文章长度在240~280词之间。 三、提高听力的方法和步骤 1. 听懂考题。 真题训练+模拟题训练是听力应试的捷径。精听真题,泛听模拟套题。精听强调听懂词汇、短语和句子结构,就是一个词一个词地往过抠,标点符号都要搞清楚。泛听是抓大意,听重点信息。 2.朗读与跟读使用过的材料,主要是纠音,并熟悉语调,记清楚听力中的问题词汇和短语。 3. 把握出题规律,掌握做题技巧。 四、大学英语四级听力各种题型的应对策略 1. 短对话 (1) 综合解题思路 遵?以场景词为核心(如:家庭、学习、生活、工作、娱乐、用餐、天气、购物、医疗、交通等),把握关键结构词汇(如:转折、因果、时间、比较、重复等)和关键句型句式(如:反问句式、建议句型等),结合语音、语调、语速变化所引起的特征发音现象(如:连读、失去爆破等)。 (2) 历年大学英语四级考试短对话中七种常见句型 根据近年出题思路与喜好偏向,我们不难发现,就考点而言,近年的短对话中常见句型有以下七种。熟悉这些句型对听力能力的提高很有帮助。 A. 表达建议的句子 Why not…? Why don’t you…? What do you think of…? If I were you, I would… You’d better… B. 否定句 全否定关键词:no, none, nobody, nothing 半否定关键词:Not all, not everything, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom 双重否定关键词:not uncommon, no one can deny… 表面否定,其实表达肯定意义:Never better, I can’t agree with you more... (我非常同意……观点) 表面肯定,其实表达否定意义:Climbing is the last thing in the world I want to do. (字面意思是:爬山是这世界上我最后想做的事;其实正确的理解是:我根本不想去爬山。) C. 转折句but题型 but以后是重点。常见的句式是:I’d?love to / I’d like to / Sounds great / Sounds a lot of fun... but....


听力常考词汇和短语 A a couple of a great deal of a little further a loaf of a moderate amount of a variety of advanced in years agree with accuse of anything wrong with add to all aspect of all the time all the way apply to apply for arrange for airport staff any longer as a result as soon as as well as at a time at a loss at least at that time at this point address abuse accident advertise affect agent ambition analyze ancient announce anytime arise appreciate approve arrest artificial attitude article audience authorities automatically available awfully B barber shop be allowed to be angry at be aware of be determined to be eager to be expose to be free to be full of be lost be supposed to be tired of be used to be used for behind schedule believe in belong to benefit from blow up business trip by coach book up by the name of buy out by now by this time beyond one’s reach by far barely board bother bill blame briefcase C call off call on call back can’t stand catch a cold catch fire care for can’t bear chase away check in check out come out of come to realize come to common cold come up with count the days contribute to classic music cut off cut down on compensate for cancel cafe cafeteria challenge change choke circle comb collect complain composer conduct comprehend conference confuse concept


2018大学英语四级高频词汇700个 1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2. burst vi. n. 突然发生,爆裂 3. dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4. blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5. consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6. split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a. 裂开的 7. spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10. slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯 11. bacteria n. 细菌 12. breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13. budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14. candidate n. 候选人 15. campus n. 校园 16. liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17. transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18. transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19. transplant v. 移植 20. transport vat. 运输,运送n. 运输,运 21. shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22. vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23. vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25. suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26. suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 27. mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡 28. tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29. nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或 30. insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的; 31. accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32. absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33. boundary n. 分界线,边界 34. brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35. catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目 36. vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37. vain n. 徒劳,白费 38. extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39. extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40. extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端, 41. agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42. alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43. appeal n. /vi. 呼吁,恳求 44. appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45. approve v. 赞成,同意,批准 46. stimulate vt. 刺激,激励47. acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到 48. accomplish vt . 完成,到达;实行 49. network n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络 50. tide n. 潮汐;潮流 51. tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 52. trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹 53. torture n. /vt. 拷打,折磨 54. wander vi. 漫游,闲逛 55. wax n. 蜡 56. weave v. 织,编 57. preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持 61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂 62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的 63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会 64. battery n. 电池(组) 65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏 66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物 67. career n. 生涯,职业 68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管 69. vertical a. 垂直的 70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激 71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊 72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度 73. exterior n. 外部,外表a. 外部的, 74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的 75. petrol n. 汽油 76. petroleum n. 石油 77. delay vt. /n. 推迟,延误,耽搁 78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽 79. decent a. 像样的,体面的 80. route n. 路;路线;航线 81. ruin v. 毁坏,破坏n. 毁灭,[pl. ]废墟 82. sake n. 缘故,理由 83. satellite n. 卫星 84. scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度 85. temple n. 庙宇 86. tedious a. 乏味道,单调的, 87. tend vi. 易于,趋向 88. tendency n. 趋向,趋势 89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,n. 极端 90. undergo v. 经历,遭受 91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的 92. adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳 93. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写vt. 使适应 94. bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉 95. casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的 96. trap n. 陷阱,圈套v. 设陷阱捕捉 97. vacant a. 空的,未占用的


英语四级听力对话题经常用到的词汇 1)在Library 图书馆 [speakers:librarian and reader 馆员和读者] librarian 馆员periodical 期刊 borrow 借人magazine 通俗刊物 loan借出journal 学术刊物 check out 办手续借current issue 现刊 renew 续借back issue过刊 overdue 超过期限latest issue 最新刊 fine 罚款circulation desk 出纳台 return 归还call slip索书单 catalogue 目录open shelves 开架 title 书名closed shelves 闭架 author 作者stack(room) 书库 subject主题bound volume 合订本 index索引book on reserve保留图书 reader's card 读者证reference book 参考书 library card 借书证dictionary工具书,词典 borrower's card 借书证 2)School 学校 [speakers:teacher and student;classmates师生;同学] campus 校园term paper 学期论文 dorm(itory) 宿舍thesis 毕业论文 department 系graduation 毕业(典礼) gym(nasium)体育馆extension论文延期 auditorium大礼堂deadline最后期限 be admitted被录取undergraduate student本科生 dropout辍学(post)graduate student研究生 required course必修课doctoral candidate博士生 elective/optional course选修课lecturer讲师 tutor导师presentation课堂宣讲 professor教授make-up exam补考 term/semester学期quiz小测验 scholarship奖学金mid-term exam期中考试 tuition学费final exam期末考试 credit学分freshman(大学)一年级学生 hour学时sophomore(大学)二年级学生 coarse课程junior(大学)三年级学生 group discussion小组讨论senior(大学)四年级学生 seminar讨论课program授课计划,课程 A:Excellent优秀BA/BS文科/理科学士学位 B:Good良好MA/MS文科/理科硕士学位 C:Pass及格Ph.D博士学位 D:Fail不及格MBA工商管理硕士 3)Hospital医院 [speakers:doctor and patient医生和病人] clinic诊所surgeon外科医生 medicine药品physician内科医生 pill药丸dentist牙医 tablet药片operation手术 capsule胶囊surgery外科手术 lotion药水treatment治疗 injection针剂first-aid kit急救箱 cough咳嗽cancer癌症 fever发烧intensive care特殊护理 flu流感emergency room急诊室 vomit呕吐prescription处方 heart attack心脏病visiting hours探视时间 dizzy头晕examine体检 faint昏迷stomachache胃疼,肚子疼 worn out疲乏high blood pressure高血压 4)Restaurant餐厅 [Speakers:waitress and customer女侍者和顾客] menu菜单apple pie苹果饼 order点菜tray托盘 waiter男侍者fork叉 waitress女侍者knife刀 pay the bill买单,付账spoon勺 go Dutch各付一半账beef牛肉 chicken鸡肉noodle面条 fish鱼coffee咖啡 sandwich三文治salad沙拉 pizza比萨饼soup汤 hamburger汉堡包fried rice炒米饭 shrimp虾steak牛排 pudding布丁egg鸡蛋 It's my treat我请客tip小费 5)Hotel旅馆 [Speakers:receptionist and customer接待员和顾客] make a reservation订房间check in登记人住 reception desk接待处checkout结账离开 receptionist接待员fee房费 single room单人房间porter行李工 double room双人房间hot water开水 fill out a form填表VAT增值税 register登记accomodation住宿 bathroom浴室full up住满了 Room Service客房服务台air-conditioner空调 6)Post office邮局 [Speakers:postal clerk and customer邮局职员和顾客] 11


英四听力常 沃得点:和听力几乎决定英四的成,于短突破性的考,英四 的听力度更大,掌握好听力之中容易出的关反而会助益不少,在里南京沃得就将四听力里的高呈献大家,要考四的童鞋注意看咯。 1 accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速 【例】 accelerate the rate of economic growth加速增 【派】 acceleration n. 加速accelerating a.加速的 2 account n. 、考 【考】 take sth. into account 把?考在内 3accustom vt.使【考】 be accustomed to 4adapt vi. 适 【考】 adapt to ?适 5adjust vi. 适 【考】 adjust to... 适? 6 advocate vt. 宣 7 affluent a. 富裕的 【派】 affluence n.富裕 8 annoy vt. 使 , 使怒 【派】 annoying a. 令人人的 ; annoyance n.;annoyed a.生气的 9ascribe vt.把?咎于 【考】 ascribe..to 因于 10assess vt.估 【派】 assessment n. 估 ;分配,布置(作 ) 11 assign vt.指派,派 【派】 assignment 作 12 assume vt.假象、假定 13 attain vt. 得 【考】attain one’s ideal达到理想 14 attribute vt.把?因于 【考】 attribute sth. to 把 ...咎于 15 attribute vt. 咎于 【考】be attributed to attribute sth. to? 16 automatically ad.自地 17 boost vt. 提高,推,使增n. 推,增 【例】 boost the economy 推增 【派】 booster n.支持者,推器 18 brilliant a. 光的、煌的 【派】 brilliance n. 19 collaborate vi. 合作 【考】 collaborate with. sb. 20 comprehensive a. 合的 【考】合性大学


英语四级听力题型分类讲解 一、短对话 对于绝大多数英语学习者来说,从刚接触英语听力考试开始就有短对话这种最常见、最固定的题型。短对话共有8个题目,占卷面总分的8%。该部分一般是日常生活中的对话,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、生活等话题。 短对话具有如下特点:对话是一男一女的形式,每人说一句,然后提问,卷面只有选项,没有问题;美式英语发音和英式英语发音的混合对话。 短对话按题型分类主要有地点题、人物关系或身份职业题、数字计算题、请求和建议题、判断推理题、因果关系题、词汇和习惯用语理解题、观点态度题等。各种题型的答题技巧在第二节中会作详细的讲解。 1.熟悉常考场景及常用词汇 大学英语四级听力短对话的场景每年都是比较固定的,在相同的场景中会使用到相同或相近的词汇,因此如果掌握了这些场景中的常用词汇,这对于提高听力理解能力起着非常重要的作用。 四级对话中常涉及的场景包括:诊所或医院(clinic or hospital)、餐馆(restaurant)、学校或校园(school or campus)、书店(bookstore)、火车站(railway station)、机场(airport)、图书馆(library)、邮局(post office)、银行(bank)、旅馆(hotel)等。 2.预览选项,预测谈话内容,抓住重点 最重要的是好好把握播音之前的时间,我们应该利用好这段时间来阅读选项。阅读选项的过程中要注意以下两个方面的问题。 首先,根据选项预测对话内容和提问内容。通过四个选项的对比和对关键词

的研究,我们就会预测出对话的内容和将要提问到的问题,在听的过程中就会抓住重点,解答试题就会事半功倍。 【典型例题】(2006年6月) 12.A) The woman does her own housework. B) The woman needs a housekeeper. C) The woman’s house is in a mess. D) The woman works as a housekeeper. 显而易见,此题是有关housework的问题,因为四个选项中分别出现了does housework, needs housekeeper, house mess, work as housekeeper;由此推断此题是关于做家务方面的一个谈话,在听这则对话时,就可以轻而易举地对号入座了。 其次,根据选项确定提问的人物对象。短对话是一男一女的形式,通过对选项的分析我们就可以确定提问内容是关于男士的谈话内容还是女士的谈话内容,从而在听的过程中会有所侧重。 【典型例题】(2007年6月) 14.A) He quit teaching in June. B) He has left the army recently. C) He opened a restaurant near the school. D) He has taken over his brother s business. 通过对选项的分析可知,四个选项的主语都是he,因此提问的内容集中在男士的回答上,在听的过程中要重点听男士所说的内容。 4.请求和建议题


大学英语四级听力常见场景词汇 短对话的常见场景 1. 学校场景 课程分类 Optional course 选修课 Required course 必修课 Day course 白天的课 Evening course 晚上的课 经常出现的科目或专业 Chinese 中文 English 英语 mathematic 数学 history 历史 chemistry 化学 Literature 文学 考试 Final exam 期终考试 middle exam 期中考试 make up test补考 test测验 pop test 事先没有说好的测验 quiz 测验 oral test 口试 考试临近 draw on / in sight of / draw nearly 考试延期或取消 delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend 学校分类 public school 公立学校 private school 私立学校 religious school 教会学校学校中的人 president 校长 dean 院长 professor 教授 lecturer 讲师 coordinator 管理员 doctor 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士 freshman 大一新生 sophomore 大二学生 junior 大三学生 senior 大四学生 图书馆 借书 lend / borrow / check out 参考书 reference book 续借 renew 过期 overdue 还书 return 罚金 fine attend / have a lecture 上课cut a class 逃课 miss a class 错过了课scholarship 荣誉奖学金assistantship 助教奖学金teaching assistant 助教research assistant 助研semester 学期 2. 交通运输场景 fare 车票 licence 驾照 rush hours 高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞 one way street 单行道 over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fine 罚金 fast way / express way / high way 高速公路motor way 机动车道free way 免费高速公路 交通工具(出现频率从高到低) plane / train(女) / bus / bike(女) / walk (女) / taxi (女):女生比较喜欢 tunnel / channel 隧道 subway(美) / underground (英)地铁metro 地道 take a taxi 乘出租车 call a taxi 招出租车/订出租车 catch a train / bus 赶火车/汽车


2010年12月大学英语四级考试听力真题及答案 Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 11. [A] The man should visit the museums. [C] The beach resort is a good choice. [B] She can’t stand the hot weather. [D] She enjoys staying in Washington. 12. [A] Her new responsibilities in the company. [B] What her job prospects are. [C] What the customers’ feedback is. [D] The director’s opinion of her work. 13. [A] Combine her training with dieting. [B] Repeat the training every three days. [C] Avoid excessive physical training. [D] Include weightlifting in the program. 14. [A] When she will return home. [B] Whether she can go by herself. [C] Whether she can travel by air. [D] When she will completely recover. 15. [A] The woman knows how to deal with the police. [B] The woman had been fined many times before. [C] The woman had violated traffic regulations. [D] The woman is good at finding excuses. 16. [A] Switch off the refrigerator for a while. [B] Have someone repair the refrigerator. [C] Ask the man to fix the refrigerator. [D] Buy a refrigerator of better quality. 17. [A] He owns a piece of land in the downtown area. [B] He has got enough money to buy a house. [C] He can finally do what he has dreamed of. [D] He is moving into a bigger apartment. 18. [A] She is black and blue all over. [B] She has to go to see a doctor. [C] She stayed away from work for a few days. [D] She got hurt in an accident yesterday. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. [A] She was a bank manager.


听力场景词汇及常用俚语习语复习 ⑴关于短对话听力的应对策略: 八个短对话按照真题分析可以归纳为如下场景:涉及校园场景(宿舍、教室、实验室、图书馆等高频词汇)、天气场景(天气变化、温度变化、降水、降雪、风沙等灾害性天气)、医院场景(问诊、问候、问药、问价、问方向)、面试场景(个人爱好、兴趣、教育背景、工作经历、对应聘职位的了解和期盼、对工资待遇和上班时间的特殊要求等)、租房场景(租金、押金以及数额、支付方式、房客应遵循的规则、对房屋设施等的介绍)、娱乐场景(影院、剧院、舞厅、球场、游泳等娱乐设施)、餐馆场景(定座、点菜、结账、小费、投诉等场景词汇)、选课场景(选修课程、必修课程、课程难度、教授要求、同学推荐、参考书目)、作业场景(教师与学生、学生与学生、课程作业、课程论文、学期论文、期中测试、单元小节等)、图书馆场景(借书、还书、丢书、续借、查询、罚单等高频词汇)。英语交际通常使用一种模式化的语言,在固定的场景中其词汇和表达也相对比较固定,平时注意积累场景高频词汇和习惯表达,考生只要在复习时重点突出,强化训练,就可以在四级听力短对话部分做到未听半知的状态。 短对话听力测试突破的第二个途径就是分析选项,因为客观题目的选项设计一般都有其内在的逻辑关系,有些相互印证,有些截然对立,还有些毫不相关,但是至少可以帮助考生提示关键词汇和表达,所以抢时间阅读选项就非常重要。笔者过去的辅导经历大致经历了四个阶段:逐步从最初阶段的“直接听到的是答案”(最简单)过渡到“直接听到的往往不是答案”(迷惑干扰)再到“四个选项提到仨”(未提及选项)到现在的“各路英雄全都有” (必须听完问题)。虽然短对话的选项设计更加复杂,但是笔者认为辅导中绝大多数情况下还是遵循“同义词替换”的原则。比较经典的例子就是:如果对话中出现了taxi driver, 选项中的正确答案一般不会包含这个词汇,而是用同义的cab driver 替换。 ⑵两组长对话是个新生事物,对学生短时记忆和快速提取信息的能力提出了更为严峻的挑战。长对话分值为7%,难度上增加不大,但是话轮的频繁更替使部分考生不太适应。建议学生训练时要抓紧时间审题、读选项、做笔记,否则考试中很难适应。从出题类型分析,长对话的问题主要集中在:原因追问(在英语中表达原因的句型非常普遍,但是比较实用而考试又常见的有介词thanks to|due to|because of|owing to、连词as|since|because|for、介词短语on the gr ound that|for fear that|seeing that等)、建议句型(how about|what about |what will you say?)、反问句式(why not?|Why don't…?|isn't it…?)、语意转折(however|although|nevertheless)、固定表达(It's not my cup of te a|I have little to do with|it's|it's up to you etc)。


四级听力四大题型全解析 四级听力题目构成与比例 小对话: 8% 选择题共8道对话,每题长约1分钟 长对话: 7% 选择题共2段对话,每段长约3分钟 听力短文: 10% 选择题共3篇文章,每篇长约3分钟 复合式听写:10% 听写填空填8个单词和三句话,放音三遍,共计8分钟 听力位于考试的卷二部分,共占全卷35%。 第一部分:小对话 做题方式:视听反向原则、同义替换原则,第二句话易为考点。 例题: 2009年12月四级考试第9题

A) She must have paid a lot for the gym. B) She is known to have a terrific figure. C) Her gym exercise has yielded good results. D) Her effort to keep fit is really praiseworthy. Woman: I’ve been working out the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape. Man: You look terrific! It seems that your effort has paid off. Question: What does the man imply about the woman? 解析:可以明显看出,本题的答案为C(她的健身房联系获得了好的结果)。yielded good results和原文中的your effort has paid off 产生了替换作用。其中,类似gym和terrific、efforts等这样明显的词汇是特别需要慎选的,因为这些词汇都在原文中被明显播读过。另外本题目中还包括很多有用的说法:例如terrific figure


英语四级听力常考词汇和短语 A a couple of a great deal of a little further a loaf of a moderate amount of a variety of advanced in years agree with accuse of anything wrong with add to all aspect of all the time all the way apply to apply for arrange for airport staff any longer as a result as soon as as well as at a time at a loss at least at that time at this point address abuse accident advertise affect agent ambition analyze ancient announce anytime arise appreciate approve arrest artificial attitude article audience authorities automatically available awfully B barber shop be allowed to be angry at be aware of be determined to be eager to be expose to be free to be full of be lost be supposed to be tired of be used to be used for behind schedule believe in belong to benefit from blow up business trip by coach book up by the name of buy out by now by this time beyond one’s reach by far barely board bother bill blame briefcase C call off call on call back can’t stand catch a cold catch fire care for can’t bear chase away check in check out come out of come to realize come to common cold come up with count the days contribute to classic music cut off cut down on compensate for cancel cafe cafeteria challenge change choke circle comb collect complain composer conduct comprehend conference confuse concept
