
2010-05-18 00:46:33| 分类:默认分类| 标签:|字号大中小订阅



今天有个朋友要做这样一个产品,就是一个产品能过USB线和电脑相连,这个产品有三个模块,1、包含一个4口的USB HUB,2、一个读卡器,能读MS,XD,SD(三合一的卡座)。另外一个单独的CF卡座,3、通过一个30PIN的连接座,和IPOD产品相连,然后再通过USB线和电脑实现通讯。于是上网查找,终于查到IPOD接口的定义,和大家一起分亨。




1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


1 Ground (-) 地*

2 Line Out - Common Ground (-) 线路输出地*

3 Line Out - R (+) R声道线路输出

4 Line Out - L (+) L声道线路输出

5 Line In - R (+) R声道线路输入

6 Line In - L (+) L声道线路输入


8 Video Out - Composite Video (for ipod colour when slideshow activated) 复合视频输出(只有彩屏的ipod有效)******



11 Serial GND RS-232串口地

12 Serial TxD RS-232串口TxD

13 Serial RxD RS-232串口RxD


15 Ground (-) 地**

16 USB GND (-) USB电源负极**


18 3.3V Power (+) 3.3V电源正极

19 Firewire Power 12 VDC (+) 1394火线12V电源正极***

20 Firewire Power 12 VDC (+) 1394火线12V电源正极***

21 Accessory Indicator 附件识别接口****

22 FireWire Data TPA (-) 1394火线数据TPA(-)

23 USB Power 5 VDC (+) USB 5V 电源正极

24 FireWire Data TPA (+) 1394火线数据TPA(+)

25 USB Data (-) USB 数据(-)

26 FireWire Data TPB (-) 1394火线数据TPA(-)

27 USB Data (+) USB 数据(+)

28 FireWire Data TPB (+) 1394火线数据TPB(+)

29 FireWire Ground (-) 1394火线12V电源负极*****

30 FireWire Ground (-) 1394火线12V电源负极*****


* 1,2 与电路板连接

** 15,16 与电路板连接

*** 19,20 与电路板连接

**** 21 通过一个电阻连接到地。不同的阻抗表明不同的辅助部件被连接。

已知的resistances/functions (欧姆) 是如下:

1k0 - iPod 基座

10k - 照相机适配器

500k - RS-232通信

1M0 - Belkin 自动适配器, iPod 自动地关闭了当力量分开了

***** 29,30 与电路板连接

****** 全部连接在公共地


Apple Accessory Protocol

From wikiPodLinux

The Apple Accessory Protocol is used for communication between the iPod and serially connected accessories (such as the Remote, iTalk etc). The protocol was introduced with the 3rd generation iPods, and at present it is assumed is also compatible with the 4th generation iPods and mini iPods. (The Dock Connector provides access to this communication channel as well.)

The connections uses a standard 8N1 serial protocol. The original speed rate is 19200 baud - higher rates (up to 57600 baud) work properly (tested the 5G) but make trouble sending large amounts of data (picture blocks) faster than 38400 baud.

Table of contents

Request/Response Structure

The request and response messages follow this general form.

Request/Response Message checksum10xXX - (8 bit additive checksum) ( (sum of all

length/mode/command/parameter bytes) & 0xFF)

The mode in the message indicates which mode the command belongs to, these same mode values are used in the mode switching command below.

Mode List

List of Modes

Mode Switching (Mode 0)

Mode 0 Commands0x01 0x01Switch to Voice Recorder mode (not working on 5G)0x01 0x02Switch to iPod Remote mode0x01 0x04Switch to AiR mode0x04 0xXX(response) the current mode number (0xXX is the mode returned by the iPod), 0x04 0x01 could also be an indicator that the iPod is currently busy - I frequently get this skipping tracks very fast --- this info is not 100% correct, I′m getting different responses. Will try to work this out later.0x06Switch to iPod Remote mode (same as 0x01 0x02?)

Clearly there's stuff here waiting to be figured out.

Voice Memo (Mode 1)

The mode 1 commands are used for the voice recording functions. To initiate the recording mode on the iPod the send the switch to mode 0x01 command - this will switch the iPod display to the "Voice Memo" screen. When the record button is pressed the iPod will send the command "0x00 0x00", sending the command to switch to mode 0x01 will start the actual recording.

Mode 1 Commands

iPod Remote (Mode 2)

The mode 2 commands are used by the remote control to signal button presses. When a button is pressed the appropriate code is send 66 times per second until the button is released at which point the button released command is sent.

Note that the 3 and 4 byte commands may not work for older (tested on a 3g) iPods. They are valid for newer (tested on an iPod Nano) iPods however.

Mode 2 Commands

Advanced Remote (Mode 4)

The mode 4 commands are used for the Advanced iPod Remote (AiR) functions. The commands can be used to remotely control much of the iPod functions. Unfortunately when switched to this mode the iPod display changes to "OK to disconnect".

Commands you send to the iPod are in bold, responses to those commands from the iPod are not. The response is always the command + 1.

Mode 4 Commands 0x00 0x00Result(1) Command(2)think that the result 0x04 means that the command wasn′t understood0x00 0x01Result(1) Command(2)Gives you feedback on the command you just executed. Result:

0=success, 2=failure, 4=you exceeded the limit of whatever you were requesting/wrong parameter-count, 5=sent an iPod-Answere-Cmd(?). The Command is the command that this is in response to.0x00 0x02noneperhaps a simple ping-request ?!0x00 0x09none? returns flag set with 0x00 0x0b, don′t know, what this means (perhaps an indicator for track-change - if you set this flag to 0x01 it turns to 0x00 again after changing the track)0x00 0x0b1 byteparameter

0x00 & 0x01 result in a success-answere (copare 0x00 0x01), don′t know what happens - seems to be a flag which can be read with 0x00 0x090x00 0x0c?(1) (4)position ?(2)the 2-5 bytes of the parameters is the position in the play list. ?? results in a answer 0x0d0x00 0x0d11 bytes or 1 bytetried some parameters - result seems to dependent on current playlist

parameters 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 give (on my Ipod) 11 bytes

(0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 0xf0 0xdb 0x00 0x00 in main-Playlist - *not* the playlist-number and *not* the count of tracks in this playlist)

This command can also inform the accessory when there is a track change (one song ends and another begins). So it is a "subscription" - some previous query caused the ipod to send this every time the track changes. Probably the parameter bytes are a kind of track ID, maybe based on some filesystem attribute, such as actual position on the hard disk.

0x00 0x12none? Get iPod Type Size ?0x00 0x132 bytesGen3 20GB: 0x01 0x02 (0x01 = Gen3 iPod, 0x02 = 20GB ??) Gen4 30GB: 0x01 0x09

Gen5 30GB: 0x01 0x090x00 0x14noneGet iPod Name0x00 0x16noneSwitch to the main library playlist (playlist

0)0x00 0x17type(1) number(4)Switch to item identified by the number and type given.0x00 0x18type(1)Get Count of the given types (count of playlists, etc)0x00 0x1A type(1) number(4) number(4)Get Names for a range of items, first number is starting item offset (0 for the first item), second number is number of items to retrieve. The iPod will send back an entire message for each item requested.0x00 0x1Bnumber(4) stringoffset, name of the item (note that playlist 0 is the "main library" and will contain all the songs on the iPod and have the same name as the iPod itself as in command 0x00 0x14).0x00 0x1C noneGet time and status info0x00 0x1Dlength(4) time(4) status(1)Track length in milliseconds, elapsed time in milliseconds, status=0x0 stop, 0x01 playing, 0x02 paused0x00 0x1E noneGet current position in playlist0x00 0x20number(4)Get title of a song number0x00 0x22number(4)Get artist of a song

number0x00 0x24number(4)Get album of a song number0x00 0x26pollingmode(1)Start Polling Mode = 0x01, Stop Polling Mode = 0x00. Polling mode causes the iPod to return the time elapsed (0x00 0x27) every 500 milliseconds.0x00 0x28number(4)Execute Playlist switch specified in command 0x00 0x17, and jump to specified songnumber in the playlist (0xFFFFFFFF = start at the beginning of the playlist, even when shuffled... probably what you want to use)0x00 0x29command(1)AiR Playback Control. Play/Pause=0x01, Stop=0x02, Skip++=0x03,

Skip--=0x04, FFwd=0x05, FRwd=0x06, StopFF/RW=0x070x00 0x2C noneGet Shuffle Mode0x00

0x2Dshufflemode(1)Returns current Shuffle mode: Off = 0x00, Songs = 0x01, Albums = 0x020x00

0x2E shufflemode(1)Sets the shuffle mode. Off = 0x00, Songs = 0x01, Albums = 0x02.0x00 0x2F noneGet Repeat Mode0x00 0x30repeatmode(1)Returns current Repeat mode: Off = 0x00, One song = 0x01, All songs = 0x020x00

0x31repeatmode(1)Sets the repeat mode. Off = 0x00, One song = 0x01, All songs = 0x020x00 0x32Picture BlocksUpload Picture for AiR mode (see picture block description below)0x00 0x33none? Get Max Screen Size for Picture Upload ?0x00 0x342+2+1 bytesGen3 20GB: 0x00 0x78 0x00 0x41 0x01 => 120 x 65 ?

Gen5 30GB: 0x01 0x36 0x00 0xa8 0x01 => 310 x 168 ?

what means the 0x01 at the end? - perhaps the supported resolution for 1bit bitmaps

0x00 0x35noneGet number of songs in current playlist0x00 0x37number(4)Jump to specified Songnumber in the current playlist0x00 0x392*(2+2+1) = 10 bytes?? Gen5 30GB: 0x01 0x36 0x00 0xa8 0x02 0x01 0x36 0x00 0xa8

0x03 ... some similarities to 0x00 0x34

perhaps different solutions for different colordepth?

Picture Blocks

Transferring a picture to the iPod's screen is done using picture blocks. A picture block is basically the picture command (0x00 0x32). It's complicated enough to deserve its own section.

The parameter bytes of a picture block look like the following:

Picture Block Parameters bytes per line4number of bytes you will send for each line. Divisible by 4, and only in the first blockpicture bytesN3 lines? of pixels to be displayed, every 2 bits represents a pixel (4 color greyscale)

An example would look something like the following:

First block:

0xFF 0x55 (standard header) 0x6E (length of data in this block) 0x04 (mode of the command) 0x00 0x32 (command for picture display) 0x00 0x00 (indicates the first block (block zero)) 0x01 (damned if I know.. perhaps indicates that the size info for the picture is here) 0x00 0x78 (width of picture to be displayed) 0x00 0x40 (height of picture to be displayed) 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x20 (number of bytes you're sending for each line of the display - must be a multiple of 8 and has to fit the needed bits!) The rest is a 4 color picture, with every two bits representing a pixel. Checksum. Second block and every block thereafter:

0xFF 0x55 (standard header) 0x65 (length of data in this block) 0x04 (mode of the command) 0x00 0x32 (command for picture display) 0x00 0x01 (indicates the second block (increment as you go)) The rest is a 4 color picture, with every two bits representing a pixel. Checksum.

Any extra pixels you send outside the range of the picture size on the right or bottom of the picture then get cut off. You can see if the command was valid when you watch the response string for each block.

Good response is 0xFF 0x55 0x06 0x04 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x32 0xC3.

Bad response 0xFF 0x55 0x06 0x04 0x00 0x01 0x04 0x00 0x32 0xBF.

Below a width of 0x10 fillbits are used (only every 4th nibble of the picturedata is taken for the picture).

Nike+ (Mode 9)

Mode 9 is apparently used to transmit information and commands associated with the Nike+ product line. Commands can be transmitted to or from the ipod. All data is at 57600 with 8N1 formating.

Two types of commands have been observed; those which are commands to/from the receiver, and data from the wireless sensor. Packets containing data from the wireless sensor have additional structure inside their payload.

Mode 9 Commands unknown To receiverExit linking mode, use this sensor (based on WU paper)unknown To receiver"I am ipod serial number" (based on WU paper)unknown To ipod"I am receiver serial number" (based on WU paper)unknown To ipod"I am listening for sensor serial number" (based on WU paper)

The received wireless data payload is formated as

4 bytes, unique sensor id 22 bytes, data (structure unknown at this time)


The bulk of this information is due to the hard work by Christoph, you can find his results at . Generalisation of the results was the work of Otto, see https://www.360docs.net/doc/3110041119.html,/forums/viewtopic.php?p=3362#3362.




?2010 Baidu



接口排列方式为: 内部焊接点排列为:

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


1 Ground (-) 地*

2 Line Out - Common Ground (-) 线路输出地*

3 Line Out - R (+) R声道线路输出

4 Line Out - L (+) L声道线路输出

5 Line In - R (+) R声道线路输入

6 Line In - L (+) L声道线路输入


8 Video Out - Composite Video (for ipod colour when slideshow activated) 复合视频输出(只有彩屏的ipod有效)******



11 Serial GND RS-232串口地

12 Serial TxD RS-232串口TxD

13 Serial RxD RS-232串口RxD


15 Ground (-) 地**

16 USB GND (-) USB电源负极**


18 3.3V Power (+) 3.3V电源正极

19 Firewire Power 12 VDC (+) 1394火线12V电源正极***

20 Firewire Power 12 VDC (+) 1394火线12V电源正极***

21 A CC essory In DIC ator 附件识别接口****

22 FireWire Data TPA (-) 1394火线数据TPA(-)

23 USB Power 5 VDC (+) USB 5V 电源正极

24 FireWire Data TPA (+) 1394火线数据TPA(+)

25 USB Data (-) USB 数据(-)

26 FireWire Data TPB (-) 1394火线数据TPA(-)

27 USB Data (+) USB 数据(+)

28 FireWire Data TPB (+) 1394火线数据TPB(+)

29 FireWire Ground (-) 1394火线12V电源负极*****

30 FireWire Ground (-) 1394火线12V电源负极*****


* 1,2 与电路板连接

** 15,16 与电路板连接

*** 19,20 与电路板连接

**** 21 通过一个电阻连接到地。不同的阻抗表明不同的辅助部件被连接。

已知的resistances/functions (欧姆) 是如下:

1k0 - iPod 基座

10k - 照相机适配器

500k - RS-232通信

1M0 - Belkin 自动适配器, iPod 自动地关闭了当力量分开了***** 29,30 与电路板连接

****** 全部连接在公共地



Wire Color Generation 2 Generation 3 Signal

black Tip Tip Audio, left

white Ring (Next-to-tip) Ring Audio, right

red Ring 2(3rd ring from end) Ring 2 Audio ground

green Sleeve (4th ring from end) PIN1 Data to iPod

blue inner ring PIN4 Power to remote, +3.3v yellow outermost ring PIN3 Digital ground

PIN2 Data from iPod (format


Sleeve no connect / unknown

控制芯片使用的是M IC ro Chip12C508A microcontroller 单片机.



有谁能够买到ipod用的数据线的插头么?接口定义我有,想做一条line out线



1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


1 Ground (-) 地*

2 Line Out - Common Ground (-) 线路输出地*

3 Line Out - R (+) R声道线路输出

4 Line Out - L (+) L声道线路输出

5 Line In - R (+) R声道线路输入

6 Line In - L (+) L声道线路输入


8 Video Out - Composite Video (for ipod colour when slideshow activated) 复合视频输出(只有彩屏的ipod有效)******



11 Serial GND RS-232串口地

12 Serial TxD RS-232串口TxD

13 Serial RxD RS-232串口RxD


15 Ground (-) 地**

16 USB GND (-) USB电源负极**

