

A new way to measure word-of mouth marketing

April.2010 ?Jacques Bughin, Jonathan Doogan,and Ole Jrgen Vetvik

? McKinsey Quarterly

Consumers have always valued opinions expressed directly to them. Marketers may spend millions of dollars on elaborately conceived advertising campaigns, yet often what really makes up a consumer’s mind is not only simple but also free: a word-of-mouth recommendation from a trusted source. As consumers overwhelmed by product choices tune out the ever-growing barrage of traditional marketing, word of mouth cuts through the noise quickly and effectively.

Indeed, word of mouth1 is the primary factor behind 20 to 50 percent of all purchasing decisions. Its influence is greatest when consumers are buying a product for the first time or when products are relatively expensive, factors that tend to make people conduct more research, seek more opinions, and deliberate longer than they otherwise would. And its influence will probably grow: the digital revolution has amplified and accelerated its reach to the point where word of mouth is no longer an act of intimate,one-on-one communication. Today, it also operates on a one-to-many basis: product reviews are posted online and opinions disseminated through social networks. Some customers even create Web sites or blogs to praise or punish brands.

As online communities increase in size, number, and character, marketers have come to recognize word of mouth’s growing importance. But measuring and managing it is far from easy. We believe that word of mouth can be dissected to understand exactly what makes it effective and that its impact can be measured using what we call “word-of-mouth equity”—an index of a brand’s power to generate messages that influence the consumer’s decision to purchase. Understanding how and why messages work allows marketers to craft a coordinated, consistent response that reaches the right people with the right content in the right setting. That generates an exponentially greater impact on the products consumers recommend,buy,and become loyal to.

A consumer-driven world

The sheer volume of information available today has dramatically altered the balance of power between companies and consumers. As consumers have become overloaded, they have become increasingly skeptical about traditional company-driven advertising and marketing and increasingly prefer to make purchasing decisions largely independent of what companies tell them about products.

This tectonic power shift toward consumers reflects the way people now make purchasing decisions.2 Once consumers make a decision to buy a product, they start with an initial consideration set of brands formed through product experience, recommendations,or awareness-building marketing. Those brands, and others, are actively evaluated as consumers gather product information from a variety of sources and decide which brand to purchase. Their post-sales experience then informs their next purchasing decision. While word of mouth has different degrees of influence on consumers at each stage of this journey, it’s the only factor that ranks among the three biggest consumer influencers at every step.

It’s also the most disruptive factor. Word of mouth can prompt a consumer to consider a brand or product in a way that incremental advertising spending simply cannot. It’s also not a one-hit wonder. The right messages resonate and expand within interested networks, affecting brand perceptions, purchase rates, and market share. The rise of online communities and communication has dramatically increased the potential for significant and far-reaching momentum effects. In the mobile-phone market, for example, we have observed that the pass-on rates for key positive and negative messages can increase a company’s market share by as much as 10 percent or reduce it by 20 percent over a two-year period, all other things being equal. This effect alone makes a case for more systematically investigating and managing word of mouth.

Understanding word of mouth

While word of mouth is undeniably complex and has a multitude of potential origins and motivations, we have identified three forms of word of mouth that marketers should understand:experiential,consequential,and intentional.


Experiential word of mouth is the most common and powerful form, typically accounting for 50 to 80 percent of word-of-mouth activity in any given product category. It results from a consumer’s direct experience with a product or service, largely when that experience deviates from what’s expected. Consumers rarely complain about or praise a company when they receive what they expect.) Complaints when airlines lose luggage are classic example of experiential word of mouth, which adversely affects brand sentiment and, ultimately,equity, reducing both receptiveness to traditional marketing and the effect of positive word of mouth from other sources. Positive word of mouth, on the other hand,can generate a tailwind for a product or service.


Marketing activities also can trigger word of mouth. The most common is what we call consequential word of mouth, which occurs when consumers directly exposed to traditional marketing campaigns pass on messages about them or brands they publicize. The impact of those messages on consumers is often stronger than the direct effect of advertisements, because marketing campaigns that trigger positive word of mouth have comparatively higher campaign reach and influence. Marketers need to consider both the direct and the pass-on effects of word of mouth when determining the message and media mix that maximizes the return on their investments.


A less common form of word of mouth is intentional—for example, when marketers use celebrity endorsements to trigger positive buzz for product launches. Few companies invest in generating intentional word of mouth, partly because its effects are difficult to measure and because many marketers are unsure if they can successfully execute intentional word of-mouth campaigns. What marketers need for all three forms of word of mouth is a way to understand and measure its impact and financial ramifications, both good and bad.

Word-of-mouth equity

A starting point has been to count the number of recommendations and dissuasions for a given product. There’s an appealing power and simplicity to this approach, but also a

challenge: it’s difficult for marketers to account for variability in the power of different kinds of word-of-mouth messages. After all, a consumer is significantly more likely to buy a product as a result of a recommendation made by a family member than by a stranger. These two kinds of recommendations constitute a single message, yet the difference in their impact on the receiver’s behavior is immense. In fact, our research shows that a high-impact recommendation—from a trusted friend conveying a relevant message, for example—is up to 50 times more likely to trigger a purchase than is a low-impact recommendation.

To assess the impact of these different kinds of recommendations, we developed a way to calculate what we call word-of-mouth equity. It represents the average sales impact of a brand message multiplied by the number of word-of-mouth messages. By looking at the impact—as well as the volume—of these messages, this metric lets a marketer accurately test their effect on sales and market share for brands, individual campaigns, and companies as a whole. That impact—in other words, the ability of any one word of-mouth recommendation or dissuasion to change behavior—reflects what is said, who says it, and where it is said.It also varies by product category.

What’s said is the primary driver of word-of-mouth impact. Across most product categories, we found that the content of a message must address important product or service features if it is to influence consumer decisions. In the mobile-phone category, for example, design is more important than battery life. In skin care, packaging and ingredients create more powerful word of mouth than do emotional messages about how a product makes people feel. Marketers tend to build campaigns around emotional positioning, yet we found that consumers actually tend to talk—and generate buzz—about functional messages.

The second critical driver is the identity of the person who sends a message: the word- of mouth receiver must trust the sender and believe that he or she really knows the product or service in question. Our research does not identify a homogenous group of consumers who are influential across categories: consumers who know cars might influence car buyers but not consumers shopping for beauty products. About 8 to 10 percent of consumers are what we call influentials, whose common factor is trust and competence. Influentials typically generate three times more word-of-mouth messages than noninfluentials do, and each message has four times more impact on a recipient’s purchasing decision. About 1 percent of these people are digital influentials—most notably,bloggers—with disproportionate power.

Finally, the environment where word of mouth circulates is crucial to the power of messages. Typically, messages passed within tight, trusted networks have less reach but greater impact than those circulated through dispersed communities—in part, because there’s usually a high correlation between people whose opinions we trust and the members of networks we most value. That’s why old-fashioned kitchen table recommendations and their online equivalents remain so important. After all, a person with 300friends on Facebook may happily ignore the advice of 290of them.It’s the small, close-knit network of trusted friends that has the real influence.

Word-of-mouth equity empowers companies by allowing them to understand word of mouth’s relative impact on brand and product performance. While marketers have always

known that the impact can be significant,they may be surprised to learn just how powerful it really is. When Apple’s iPhone was launched in Germany, for example, its share of word-of-mouth volume in the mobile-phone category—or how many consumers were talking about it—was about10 percent,or a third less than that of the market leader. Yet the iPhone had launched in other countries, and the buzz accompanying those messages in Germany was about five times more powerful than average. This meant the iPhone’s word of- mouth equity score was 30 percent higher than that of the market leader, with three times more influentials recommending the iPhone over leading handsets. As a result, sales directly attributable to the positive word of mouth surrounding the iPhone outstripped those attributable to Apple’s paid marketing six-fold.Within24 months of launch,the iPhone was selling almost one million units a year in Germany.

The flexibility of word-of-mouth equity allows us to gauge the word-of-mouth impact of companies, products, and brands regardless of the category or industry. And because it measures performance rather than the sheer volume of messages, it can be used to identify what’s driving—and hurting—word-of-mouth impact. Both insights are critical if marketers are to convert knowledge into power.

Harnessing word of mouth

The rewards of pursuing excellence in word-of-mouth marketing are huge, and it can deliver a sustainable and significant competitive edge few other marketing approaches can match. Yet many marketers avoid it. Some worry that it remains immature as a marketing discipline compared with the highly sophisticated management of marketing in media such as television and newspapers. Others are concerned that they can’t draw on extensive data or elaborate marketing tools fine-tuned over decades. For those unsure about actively managing word of mouth, consider this: the incremental gain from outperforming competitors with superior television ads, for example, is relatively small. That’s because all companies actively manage their traditional marketing activities and all have similar knowledge. With so few companies actively managing word of mouth—the most powerful form of marketing—the potential upside is exponentially greater.

The starting point for managing word of mouth is understanding which dimensions of word-of-mouth equity are most important to a product category: the who, the what, or the where. In skincare, for example, it’s the what; in retail banks, the who. Word-of-mouth equity analysis can detail the precise nature of a category’s influentials and pinpoint the highest-impact messages, contexts, and networks. Equipped with these insights, companies can then work on generating positive word of mouth, using the three forms we identified:experiential,consequential, and intentional.

Although the importance of these triggers varies category by category, experiential sources are the most important across them. Harnessing experiential word of mouth is fundamentally about providing customers with the opportunity to share positive experiences and making the story relatable and relevant to the audience. Some companies, such as Miele and Lego, build buzz around products before launch and work to have early, highly influential adopters by involving consumers in product development, supported by online communities. Consistently refreshing the product experience also helps harness experiential word of mouth—consumers are more likely to talk about a product early in its life cycle, which is why product launches or enhancements are so

crucial to generating positive word of mouth. Buzz also can be sustained after launch: Apple has maintained interest in and excitement about the iPhone via its apps store, as constantly evolving and user-generated content maintains positive word of mouth.

Most companies actively use customer satisfaction insights when developing new products and services. Yet a satisfied customer base may not be enough to create buzz. To create positive word of mouth that actually has impact, the customer experience must not only deviate significantly from expectations but also deviate on the dimensions that matter to the customer and that he or she is likely to talk about. For instance, while battery life is a crucial driver of satisfaction for mobile-handset consumers, they talk about it less than other product features, such as design and usability. To turn consumers into an effective marketing vehicle, companies need to outperform on product and service attributes that have intrinsic word-of-mouth potential.

Managing consequential word of mouth involves using the insights provided by word-of mouth equity to maximize the return on marketing activities. By understanding the word of- mouth effects of the range of channels and messages employed and allocating marketing activities accordingly, companies can equip consumers to spread marketing messages and drive their reach and impact. In fact, McKinsey research shows that marketing-induced consumer-to-consumer word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising in categories as diverse as skincare and mobile phones.

Two things supercharge the creation of positive consequential word of mouth: interactivity and creativity. They are interrelated, and particularly important for brands in relatively low-innovation categories that often struggle to gain consumer attention.One example of a company successfully harnessing this power is the UK confectioner Cadbury, whose “Glass and a Half Full” advertising campaign used creative, thoughtful, and integrated online and traditional marketing to spur consumer interaction and sales. The campaign began with a television commercial featuring a gorilla playing drums to an iconic Phil Collins song. The bizarre juxtaposition was an immediate hit. The concept so engaged consumers that they were willing to go online, view the commercial, and create amateur versions of their own, triggering a torrent of YouTube imitations. Within three months of the advertisement’s appearance, the video had been viewed more than six million times online, year-on-year sales of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate had increased by more than 9 percent, and the brand’s positive perception among consumers had improved by about20percent.

Intentional word-of-mouth campaigns revolve around identifying influentials who become brand and product advocates. Of course, companies can’t precisely control what consumers tell others. But ambitious marketers can use word-of-mouth equity insights to shift from consequential to intentional campaigning.

The type of campaign that companies choose to adopt depends on the degree to which marketers can find and target influentials. Marketers capable of undertaking one- to-one marketing—such as mobile-phone operators—are uniquely positioned to execute controlled and effective intentional word-of-mouth campaigns. Mobile carriers have granular customer data that can precisely locate influentials who know the category, talk to many people, and provide them with trusted opinions. That means messages can be directed at specific individuals who are most likely to spread positive word of mouth

through their social networks. As a message spreads, this approach generates an exponential word-of mouth impact, similar to the ripple effect when a pebble is dropped in a pond.

Companies unable to target influentials precisely must take a different approach.While Red Bull, for example, can’t send text messages to specific consumers, it has successfully deployed science to orchestrate effective intentional word-of-mouth campaigns. After identifying influentials among its different target segments, the energy-drink company ensures that celebrities and other opinion makers seed the right messages among consumers, often through events.While it can’t be sure who will attend, Red Bull knows that those who do will be the kinds of consumers it seeks—and that the positive messages they will relay across their own social networks can generate a superior return for its marketing investment.

Marketers have always been aware of the effect of word of mouth, and there is clearly an art to effective word-of-mouth campaigning. Yet the science behind word-of-mouth equity helps reveal how to hone and deploy that art: it shows which messages consumers are likely to pass on and the impact of those messages, allowing marketers to estimate the tangible effect word of mouth has on brand equity and sales. These insights are essential for companies that want to harness the potential of word of mouth and to realize higher returns on their marketing investments.



























口碑价值能够让企业了解口碑对于品牌和产品的市场表现产生的相对影响力。虽然营销商一直都知道这种影响可能会非常大,但是,一旦他们真正了解了这种影响力有多大能耐后,他们或许还是会大吃一惊。例如,当苹果公司的iPhone在德国推出时,其在手机产品中所占的口碑数量份额(或者说多少消费者在谈论这种手机)大约为10%,比市场领先产品少三分之一。但是,iPhone 也在其他国家推出,在德国传递的这些信息,其口碑影响力是平均水平的五倍。这就意味着iPhone的口碑价值分数比市场领先产品高出30%,推荐iPhone的有影响力者是推荐市场领先手机者的三倍。结果,有关iPhone的正面口碑而产生的直接销售量,是苹果公司付费营销活动所产生的销售量的六倍。在推出24个月后,iPhone在德国的销量几乎达到一年一百万部。



















译文: 零售企业的营销策略 Philip Kotlor 今天的零售商为了招徕和挽留顾客,急欲寻找新的营销策略。过去,他们挽留顾客的方法是销售特别的或独特的花色品种,提供比竞争对手更多更好的服务提供商店信用卡是顾客能赊购商品。可是,现在这一切都已变得面目全非了。现在,诸如卡尔文·克连,依佐和李维等全国性品牌,不仅在大多数百货公司及其专营店可以看到,并且也可以在大型综合商场和折扣商店可以买到。全国性品牌的生产商为全力扩大销售量,它们将贴有品牌的商品到处销售。结果是零售商店的面貌越来越相似。 在服务项目上的分工差异在逐渐缩小。许多百货公司削减了服务项目,而许多折扣商店却增加了服务项目。顾客变成了精明的采购员,对价格更加敏感。他们看不出有什么道理要为相同的品牌付出更多的钱,特别是当服务的差别不大或微不足道时。由于银行信用卡越来越被所有的商家接受,他们觉得不必从每个商店赊购商品。 百货商店面对着日益增加的价格的折扣店和专业商店的竞争,准备东山再起。历史上居于市中心的许多商店在郊区购物中心开设分店,那里有宽敞的停车场,购买者来自人口增长较快并且有较高收入的地区。其他一些则对其商店形式进行改变,有些则试用邮购盒电话订货的方法。超级市场面对的是超级商店的竞争,它们开始扩大店面,经营大量的品种繁多的商品和提高设备等级,超级市场还增加了它们的促销预算,大量转向私人品牌,从而增加盈利。 现在,我们讨论零售商在目标市场、产品品种和采办、服务以及商店气氛、定价、促销和销售地点等方面的营销策略。 一、目标市场 零售商最重要的决策时确定目标市场。当确定目标市场并且勾勒出轮廓时,零售商才能对产品分配、商店装饰、广告词和广告媒体、价格水平等作出一致的决定。如沃尔玛的目标市场相当明确:


International private enterprises external constraints and the Government Service Innovation Abstract: In the opening to the outside world situation growing, private enterprises can not be separated from the internationalization of the rational power of the Government. This paper analyzes the internationalization of private enterprises of the external constraints, a private enterprise internationalization of innovation need to government services. Keywords: private enterprises of the external factors of international service innovation With the world economy, increasing globalization, China has become the world's fourth-largest economy, including private enterprises in economic development by increasing the role. Private enterprises are faced with not only the competitiveness of domestic firms and foreign multinational companies are faced with challenges. Therefore, expanding the opening up of the situation, the private enterprises to develop and grow, not only to make use of domestic markets and resources, but also going out to implement the strategy and the internationalization of private enterprises, in a broader competitive environment to meet the challenge. Towards world-class enterprise can not be separated from the support of the Government, the Government should be private enterprise to provide a good environment, strengthening innovation services. International private enterprises external constraints At present, the development of private enterprises in China has made great achievements, but our small and medium-sized private enterprises still dominated the majority of private enterprises through the first start of the primitive accumulation period, being the second business, the implementation of international strategy, international operations, enterprises must create a certain degree of accumulation and the capacity and conditions. However, the internationalization of private enterprises of the potential hindering the external environment, so that many companies fall into the plight of the development. (A) financial bottlenecks encountered At present, private enterprises, especially those in the survival of small and medium-sized financial institutions from the public it is difficult to obtain adequate financing for development. These enterprises can apply for loans to small, low visibility due to take the way of external financing is very difficult. Most of them only through self-financing and non-formal channels of access to capital financing. High-risk and cost of financing and financial situation of the shortage of channels for private enterprises has seriously hampered the pace of foreign trade, and even lead to business in the international competition of mortality. Small and medium-sized private


毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:企业品牌战略研究 文献、资料英文题目:Brand Strategy Research 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

Brand Strategy Research Kapferer,J.H Available online 11 June 2010 Economic globalization,how to adapt to international trends,establish,a s trong brand and enhance our competitiveness,have become pressing issues facing enterprises.Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy in enterprise marketing role.Enterise needs to sue a variety of means of competition to increase brand awarenss, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image. First, Japanese brands across the board defeat. November 22,2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention. If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago,I think the biggest difference is that Japanese c ompanies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market ,it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market;2 is weak in marketing ,product planning capacity is not strong ,it is difficult to judge according to their marker lacunch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance. Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation ? To make the internanational route and whether the enterprise of“Japanese Company”to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current Situation Many old famous“flash in the pen” Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war;just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-know 80’s brand ,not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the last


市场营销策略 1 市场细分和目标市场策略 具有需求,具有购买能力并愿意花销的个体或组织构成了市场。然而,在大多数市场中,购买者的需求不一致。因此,对整个市场采用单一的营销计划可能不会成功。一个合理的营销计划应以区分市场中存在的差异为起点,这一过程被称为市场细分,它还包括将何种细分市场作为目标市场。 市场细分使公司能更加有效地利用其营销资源。而且,也使得小公司可以通过集中在一两个细分上场上有效地参与竞争。市场细分的明显缺点是,其导致了比单一产品、单一大市场策略更高的生产和营销成本。但是,如果市场细分得当的话,更加符合消费者的需求,实际上将生产更高的效率。 确定目标市场有三种可供选择的策略,它们是统一市场、单一细分市场和多重细分市场。统一市场策略即采取一种营销组合用到一个整体的、无差异的市场中去。采取单一细分市场策略,公司仍然仅有一种营销组合,但它只用在整个市场的一个细分市场中。多重细分市场策略需要选择两个或更多的细分市场,并且每个细分市场分别采用一种单独的营销组合。 2 产品定位 管理者将注意力集中于一种品牌,并以恰当的方式将其与类似的品牌相区分,但这并不意味着该品牌就一定能够最后赢利。因此,管理者需要进行定位,即塑造与竞争品牌和竞争对手的其他品牌相关的自我品牌形象。 市场营销人员可以从各种定位策略中加以选择。有时,他们决定对某一特定产品采用一种以上的策略。以下是几种主要的定位策略: 2.1与竞争者相关的定位 对一些产品来说,最佳的定位是直接针对竞争对手。该策略特别适用于已经具有固定的差别优势或试图强化这种优势的厂商。为排挤微处理器的竞争对手,Intel公司开展了一项活动使用户确信它的产品优于竞争对手的产品。公司甚至为电脑制造商出钱,让它们在自己的广告中带上“Intel Inside”标志。作为市场领导者,可口可乐公司推出新产品并实施其市场营销策略。同时,它密切注视百事可乐公司,以确保对主要竞争对手的任何一次巧妙、有效的营销举措采取相应的对策。 2.2 与产品类别和属性相关的定位 有时候,公司的定位策略有必要将自己的产品与其类别和属性相联系(或相区别)。一些公司尽力将其产品定位在期望的类别中,如“美国制造”。用一句某顾问的话来说,“当你说‘美国制造’的时候,有一种强烈的感情因素在吸引着你”。因此,一家名为Boston Preparatory的规模不大的运动服制造商正在运用这种定位策略,以期胜过那些并非所有产品都在美国制造的势力强大的竞争对手如Calvin Kiein和Tommy Hilfiger。 2.3 通过价格和质量定位 某些生产者和零售商因其高质量和高价格而闻名。在零售行业,Saks Fifth Avenue和Neiman Marcus公司正是定位于该价格—质量策略的。折扣店Target Kmart则是定位于该策略的反面。我们不是说折扣商店忽视质量,而是说它们更加强调低廉的价格。Penny's公司努力—并且大多获得了成功—通过升级高级服装线和强调设计者的名字将其商店定位于价格—质量策略上。 “品牌”一词是个综合性的概念,它包含其他更狭义的理解。品牌即一个名称和(或)标志,用以识别一个销售者或销售集团的产品,并将之与竞争产品相区别。 品牌名称由能够发音的单词、字母和(或)数字组成。品牌标志是品牌的一部分,它以符号、图案或醒目的颜色、字体的形式出现。品牌标志通过视觉识别,但当人们仅仅读出品牌名称的时候,品牌标志并不能够被表达出来。Crest、Coors、Gillette都是品牌名称。AT&T由醒目的线条构成的地球以及Ralph Lauren's Polo的马和骑手是品牌标志,而Green Giant(罐装冷冻菜蔬产品)和Arm&Hammer(面包苏打)既是品牌名称又是品牌标志。 商标是销售者已经采用并且受到法律保护的品牌。商标不仅包括品牌标志,如许多人所认为的那样,也包括品牌名称。1946年的The Lanham Art法案允许厂商向联邦政府注册商标,以保护它们免受其他厂商的使用或误



DESIGNING PRICING STRATEGIES All for-profit organizations and many nonprofit organizations set prices on their goods or services. Whether the price is called rent (for an apartment), tuition (for education), fare (for travel), or interest (for borrowed money), the concept is the same. Throughout most of history, prices were set by negotiation between buyers and sellers. Setting one price for all buyers arose with the development of large-scale retailing at the en d of the nineteenth century, when Woolworth’s and other stores followed a “strictly one-price policy” because they carried so many items and had so many employees. Now, 100 years later, technology is taking us back to an era of negotiated pricing. The Internet, corporate networks, and wireless setups are linking people, machines, and companies around the globe, connecting sellers and buyers as never before. Web sites like https://www.360docs.net/doc/3114461201.html, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/3114461201.html, allow buyers to compare products and prices quickly and easily. On-line auction sites like https://www.360docs.net/doc/3114461201.html, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/3114461201.html, make it easy for buyers and sellers to negotiate prices on thousands of items. At the same time, new tech- nologies are allowing sellers to collect detailed data about customers’ buying habits, preferences—even spending limits—so they can tailor their products and prices. 1 In the entire marketing mix, price is the one element that produces revenue; the others produce costs. Price is also one of the most ?exible elements: It can be changed quickly, unlike product features and channel commitments. Although price competi- tion is a major problem facing companies, many do not handle pricing well. The most common mistakes are these: Pricing is too cost-oriented; price is not revised often


品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译 目录外文文献翻译..............................................................................................1 摘要..........................................................................................................1 1. 品牌战略内涵与其功能意义.......................................................................2 2. 我国企业品牌发展概况..............................................................................3 2.1 国内品牌与国外品牌相比存在着很大的差距............................................3 2.2 品牌发展缺乏整体规划. (4) 2.3 产品质量低下品牌个性不足缺乏创新和发展能力.....................................4 2.4 品牌发展策略存在误区. (4) 3. 企业品牌策略选择..................................................................................6 3.1 树立正确的品牌竞争意识着力提高品牌竞争能力......................................6 3.2 搞好品牌定位培养消费者品牌偏好与品牌忠诚.. (6) 3.3 遵循品牌设计规律注重品牌形


Marketing Strategy Market Segmentation and Target Strategy A market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets. Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-market strategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency. The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiple segment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, a company still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entails selecting two or more segments and developing a separate marketing mix to reach segment. Positioning the Product Management's ability to bring attention to a product and to differentiate it in a favorable way from similar products goes a long way toward determining that product's revenues.Thus management needs to engage in positioning,which means developing the image that a product projects in relation to competitive products and to the firm's other products. Marketing executives can choose from a variety of positioning strategies.Sometimes they decide to use more than one for a particular product.Here are several major positioning strategies:



企业品牌战略研究 在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。本文在分析我国企业营销品牌战略发展状况的基础上,从品牌战略的内涵与其功能意义入手,探讨了品牌战略在企业营销中的作用。企业需要综合运用多种竞争手段提高品意,搞好品牌定位,塑造良好品牌形象。 一、日系品牌全线崩溃 2006年11月22日上午,NEC宣布将推出2G及2.5G手机市场,这意味着继夏普、松下、东芝、三菱、三洋之后又一家日本手机厂商退出中国市场,日系手机除京瓷外几乎全部退出中国2G手机市场的争夺。 如果我们总结今天的中国家电市场与十年前有什么不同的话,我想,最大的不同就是,日系企业在中国的繁荣已经渐行渐远。 对于日系手机败退,乃至日系家电走到中国市场的低谷,主要原因有以下几点:一是企业制度呆板,决策困难,反应速度慢,与另市场现实格格不入,难以适应快速变化的中国市场;二是市场营销能力弱,产品规划能力不强,很难根椐自己对市场的判断与预测推出迎合消费需求的产品,一直处于跟风的被动局面,无法满足中国市场的需要;三是未能把握住产业转型最佳时机,是日系家电企业失去市场主导地位的重要原因。 日系企业在中国市场上走到边缘是否引起我们民族企业的深思?欲走国际化路线的企业又是否从“日系企业”的背后吸取教训? 二、我国企业实施品牌战略的现状分析处 第一,众多昔日名牌“昙花一现”,中外企业在市场上的品牌大战,使刚刚成长起来的民族品牌受到极大的冲击。上世纪80年代稍有知名度的品牌,不是被抢注商标,就是被收购、挤垮,即使残留下来的也是惨淡经营,真正发展起来的极为有限。这里典型的案例,上世纪80年代至90年代初期,曾在空调界创下奇迹的华宝空调,在1998年被科龙收购,其后的品牌形象就一再下滑。 第二,品牌战略已日渐引起国内企业重视,获得政府的扶持。自上世纪80年代改革以来,我国社会主义经济建设取得了令人瞩目的成就,从计划经济时代走向市场经济时代的中国企业,品牌经营无从无到有。


市场营销策略外文文献及翻译 Marketing Strategy Market Segmentation and Target Strategy A market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets. Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-market strategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency. The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiple segment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, a company still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entails


市场营销英文文献 Innovation Is a Good Way to Maintain Market Presence The Jumbo-Koter venture is a good example of the development of a successful new product by solving a consumer problem. The Wooster Brush Company identified the difficulty that painters were having because their minirollers were sticking after a few uses. The new Jumbo-Koter mini-rollers solved that problem by using a smooth-turning cage frame. Wooster Brush further improved these mini-rollers by using high-quality fabrics from its highly successful nine-inch rollers. Finally, by not extending fabric over the end of the new mini-rollers, Jumbo-Koter enabled the painter to get into tighter spaces than with traditional mini-rollers. This also prevented paint from spinning off onto another surface. One lesson to be learned from the Jumbo-Koter program is that innovationis a good way for a company to maintain its presence in the marketplace. The Wooster Brush Company has made a notable effort to continue to innovate, developing truly beneficial products in a very stodgy, old-fashioned business for many years. The Jumbo-Koter product line is a good example of this. This continuous innovation has enabled the company to compete successfully without participating in industry price wars. At the time of this writing, the Wooster Brush Company was in the process of developing additional new products to meet the paint application needs of its customers. Summary Marketing Plan for: Wooster Jumbo-Koter TM Wooster Brush Company MARKETING PLAN SUMMARY BACKGROUND. Many painters have problems with their mini-rollers. Because these rollers are smaller than traditional rollers, they are great for getting paint into


中英文外文翻译文献 消费者行为与市场营销战略 消费者行为学是研究个体,群体和组织为满足其需要而如何选择,获取,使用,处置产品,服务,体验和想法以及由此对消费者和社会产生的影响.传统上,消费者行为研究侧重于购买前和购买后的有关活动.关于消费者行为学的界定较之传统观点更广泛,它将有助于引导我们从更宽广的视角审视消费者决策的间接影响以及对买卖双方的各种后果.为了在竞争激烈的环境中求得生存,企业必须比竞争者更多地为目标客户提供价值.顾客价值是顾客从整体产品中获得的各项利益扣除各种获取费用后的余额. 1.市场营销战略 对每一选取的目标市场,都应分别制定营销战略.选择目标市场的关键性标准或依据是企业是否有能力提供较竞争品高的消费者价值.消费者价值很大程度上是由营销战略决定,所以公司在评估潜在目标市场时,应当发展一般的营销战略.

1.1 产品 产品是消费者获得和用于满足其需要的任何东西.消费者所购买的或追求的是需要的满足,而不是具体形态的物质特性. 1.2 传播 营销传播包括广告,人员分销,公共关系,包装以及企业提供的关于它自身及其产品的其他信号. 1.3 定价 价格是消费者为获得拥有,使用产品的权利而必须支付的金钱数量.消 费者可以拥有一件产品,也可以仅仅拥有产品的使用权. 1.4 分销 分销实际上是让顾客在需要的时候能买到产品,它对企业的经营成败至关重要.绝大多数情况下,消费者不愿为获得某一特定品牌而伤身费力.很明显,有效地渠道决策应即建立在掌握消费者在何处购买的知识的基础上. 2.市场分析 市场分析要求全面深入地了解企业自身能力,现在和潜在竞争者的实力,潜在消费者的消费过程以及经济的,物质的和技术的环境. 2.1 消费者 不了解消费者,就无法预测其需要与欲望,也无法对其需要做出恰当的 反映.发现消费者现在需要什么是一个复杂的过程,但一般来说,可以通过直接的营销调研予以实现 2.2 公司 每一个公司都必须透彻了解其满足消费者需要的能力.为此,需要评价 公司的各个方面,如财务状况,一般管理技巧,研究和开发能力,技术装


文献出处:Guzzo T, D’Andrea A, Ferri F, et al. Evolution of Marketing Strategies: From Internet Marketing to M-Marketing[C]//On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012 Workshops. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 627-636. 原文 Evolution of Marketing Strategies:From Internet Marketing to M-Marketing Tiziana Guzzo, Alessia D’Andrea, Fernando Ferri, and Patrizia Grifoni 1 Introduction Marketing is “the process which creates, communicates, delivers the value to the consumers, and maintains the relationship with consumers. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments. It is “an integrated process through which companies build strong consumers relationships and create value for their consumers and for themselves” Marketing strategies have a long history and mainly interested economists and sociologists. The wide use of Internet, pervasiveness of social networks and the evolution of mobile devise are implying a wider involvement of interdisciplinary competences enlarging the interest toward ICT competences. This paper is to describe the evolution of marketing strategies from the advent of the Web (Internet Marketing) - through the advent of Social Networks (Marketing 2.0) - to the evolution of Mobile Social Networks (M-marketing). In particular, the paper analyses the use that Italian people make of mobile devices and the user perception and acceptance of M-marketing.
