

【常用四词英语口语】https://www.360docs.net/doc/3115110175.html,e to the point! 有话直说 2.Don`t give me that! 少来这套 3.Don`t let me down! 别让我失望 4.Give me a break!饶了我吧 5.It’s no

big deal! 没什么大不了的 6.So far, so good!还过得去 7)想都别想。Quit that thought. 8)废话少说 Cut the crap! 9)怎么搞的 How come? 10)你应得的。You deserve it. 11)气死我了 It pissed me off! 12)我想是吧! I guess so 13)真是如此?

Is that so? 14)我说真的。I mean it. 15)不要理我。Leave me alone. 蒋佩蓉 回复@

末小闲:不能跟孩子要求我们自己做不到的事 也不能要求他们没有看过示范以前就会


自己主动学会如何处理情绪 道歉 饶恕 理财 做家务 生活。。。

在孩子面前吵架 至少要让孩子知道任何人都是有表达情绪的权利的 亲自演示给孩子合理正面表达和管理的方式 比讲道理有用得多。美语怎么说第5集 新主持人Mike Bond (对 就是James Bond那个邦德呦 上场! 今天是杨琳欢迎Mike加盟 新人:new hire; 大脑超负荷: brain overload; 导师:mentor,紧张不安:jitters! Do you have first day jitters? 第一天恐惧症,你有没有? Jitters, 紧张。前面可以加名词 表示做某事紧张。first day jitters,第一天恐惧症 date jitters,约会恐惧症; dance jitters 跳舞恐惧症。I don't think i will go clubbing with you, i have dance jitters! 我不去跟你泡吧了

我一跳舞就紧张 「教你用5个地道美语夸奖人」1.Way to go! 做得好 加油 "Way to go. "是"That's the way to go. "的缩写 2.You rock! 你很棒 相当于"You're really great!" 3.You're on top of things! 你掌控了全局4.Sensational! 好极了 5.No one holds a candle to you. 没人比得上你 6.Thanks for your compliment. 感谢你

的称赞。7.Iappreciate that.非常感激。8.Thank you. I'm flattered. 谢谢你 过奖了。【“挖墙角”怎么说 】挖墙角通常两层含义 1. 抢了他人的女/男朋友 英语里是steal one's GF/BF 挖走了是steal away 再挖回来是steal back 例如 Bitch, you stole my BF away! 2. 挖走人才或雇员 英文里可以用poach 例如 How to poach

an employee from a competitor. 挖掘人才poach talent 1. That little bitch stole my

BF away! I'm gonna steal him back! 那个小贱人把我男朋友抢走了 我要把他抢回来。

2. How to poach an employee from a competitor? 怎么样从竞争对手那里挖员工过来?

求婚”的各种表达】男人示爱必备 1. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

我要与你共度余生。2.Will you marry me?你能嫁给/娶我吗 3.Will you become my wife?你能成为我的妻子吗 4.Will you be my fiancée?你能成为我的未婚妻吗 【恋

爱关系的几种表达】1 hit it off相处得好/合得来2 on the rocks恋情告急/恋情出

现危机3 pop the question求婚4 tie the knot结婚5 fall head over heels爱到

死心塌地6 puppy love早恋/少男少女间短暂的爱情7 settle down成家/安家【deport驱逐出境】=★de脱离+★port携带→带走→驱逐(出境) ★de脱离;如①derail脱轨;②depart离开;③deform使变形 ★port携带,搬运(carry) 如①porter搬

运工;②portable便携的 ;③transport运输;④export出口;⑤import进

【各种人际关系】close friend近友 drinking buddy酒友 bad company狐朋狗友 friends with benefits炮友 buddy哥们儿 colleague同事 confidante闺

蜜;intimate至交 mentor导师 superior/boss上司/老板 bosom friend知心朋友

nodding acquaintance点头之交 【人物篇】描写朋友 1. acquaintance 熟人 2. amicable 友善的 3. forceful 坚强的 4. frugal 俭朴的 5. sympathetic 有同情心的 6. sincere 真诚的 7. frank 坦率的 8. intimate 亲密的 9. independent 有主见的 10. medium height 中等个头 They say 95% of people text things they could never say in person. 据说95%的人会发短信来表达自己不敢亲口说的事。Is that true? 【#MJE美剧口语精讲#(5)】save the day救了这一天 不是噢 save the day, 挽救大局,to do something that solves a serious problem.eg:Schwarzenegger saves the day by arriving just in time to shoot the kidnappers and rescue the hostages施瓦辛格及时到达现场,射杀绑匪解救人质,从而挽救了大局【数学mathematics】?角angle; ?三角形triangle; ?长方形rectangle; ?正方形square; ?球形sphere;?平方square;?立方cube;?直径diameter;?半径radius 【SAT考试数学常用词汇汇总】 中英对照 果断分享) ?weighted average加权平均值?exponent指数 幂?square root平方根?cube root立方根?constant常数?variable变量?absolute value绝对值

?round off四舍五入 完整版 【系列(15)1.be allergic to对...过敏 2.I won't take no for an answer 别对我说不。3.Go for it! 努力争取!加油 4.stand out 引人注目 5.give sb a big hand 给某人热烈鼓掌。6.By that logic ,...如果这么说的话(根据那

个逻辑) 那么...7.Count me out.不要算上我。【口语小词系列(16)】 1. look like a dork.像个傻瓜 2.I don’t follow. 我没听懂。3.Give my best to sb.替我问候某人 4.got lucky.运气好 5.day off 休息日 6.It turns out,..结果发现 最后发现 7.car sick 晕车 8. just for the fun of it.为了好玩9. He’s stressed out. 他亚历山大。【常见茶叶英文名称】红茶-black tea 注意是black哦 绿茶-green tea 乌龙茶-oolong tea 茉莉花茶-jasmine['d??smin] tea 菊花茶-Chrysanthemum Tea 玫瑰花茶-rose tea 薄荷茶-mint tea 铁观音-Tieguanyin 乌龙茶的一种 信阳毛尖-XinYangMaoJian 属于绿茶【酒水饮料】软饮料 coke 可乐 sprite 雪碧 orange juice 橙汁 soda 苏打水 coffee 咖啡 lemonade 柠檬水 juice 果汁 tea 茶 ginger ale 姜汁汽水 酒类饮料 beer 啤酒 wine 葡萄酒 cider 苹果酒 whisky 威士忌 brandy 白兰地 rum 朗姆酒 champagne 香槟 cocktail 鸡尾酒【高级口语系列(17)】1.He is full of shit. 他满口谎言。2.My eye is twitching [? twit?i?].我的眼皮在跳. 3.He's just trying to butter you up 他只是在拍你马屁。4.You're makinassumptions.[??s?mp??n] 假定, 臆断.你开始胡说八道了。5.You two look chummy [? t??mi]非常友好的. 你们俩看起来很合得来。6. Don't patronize me!少来这一套 We mistook assumption

that the price would fall. 我们错误地认为价格会下降。【魔鬼动词“put”用法汇总】? put aside 把……放在一边 搁置 排除?put away 把……放好?put back 把……放回

原处 驳回?put down 放下 镇压 制止?put forward 提出?put off 推迟 延期

推脱?put up with 容忍?put one’s heart into 全神贯注 专心致志【#新澳英语

口语#毕业季之“租房”英语大盘点】1. This house is for rent。此房出租。 2. It's really a bargain。租金很便宜。3. I want to rent a furnished house。我想要有家具的房子。4.How much is the rent for a month?每月租金多少 【租房词汇】landlord 房东 tenant房客 flatmate合租者 middleman二房东 apartment公寓 semi-detached 半独立式房子 utilities 水电气暖等公共设施 furniture家具 property agency房地产中介 house leasing contract 租赁合同 deposit 定金 agency fee

中介费【各种“疼痛”】 ache all over 浑身疼 sore throat 喉咙疼 toothache 牙

疼 chest pain 胸疼 muscle pain 肌肉疼 joint pain 关节疼 back pain 后背疼

headache头疼 stomachache 胃痛 heartache心痛 aches and pains浑身不适 疼痛 eggache蛋疼 headache头痛【住酒店基本交流】第2辑 1. I have a reservation under the name of Terry. 我用Terry的名字预定了房间。 2. When did you make the reservation? 你什么时候预定的 3. You're in Room 125. 你在125房间。4. Here is your room key. 这是你的房间钥匙。5. Can I change my room? 我能换房间吗 【酒店基本交流】 1. Keep the change. 不用找零了。 2. They offer 24-hour service. 他们提供24小时服务。 3. Do you want a single or a double room? 你

是要单人间还是双人间 4. How long will you be staying? 你会住多久呢 @Bingo

教你说美语 #美剧高频口语句(28)#1.I think I'm in love with you. 我觉得我爱上你了。

2. Swearing helps sometimes. 有时说脏话是有帮助的。

3. I'm off on Sunday.我周日

不用上班。4. I've been working out lately.我最近一直在健身。5. I really appreciate it. 我真的很感激 6. Shoot. 你说吧。【关于shoot的有趣用法】 1. To give, send, or hand quickly 快速的递给 如 Hey, shoot me that book. 嗨 赶紧把书扔给我。 2.

作为感叹词 意思同shit 只是比shit委婉一些 用以表示失望、惋惜、惊讶、微怒等。 3. shoot 说吧 有屁快放 表现出不耐烦语气时可翻译为此

Miao~我们先来学个片语: pull it off 简单来说就是成功完成某事 达到某种效果。Only Beckham has the body to pull it off. 这衣服只有Beckham那种身材的人才能穿

Only 阿信 has the voice to pull it off. 只有阿信那种声音才能唱这歌 看Mike穿hello kitty 围裙 did he pull it off? 【#MJE美剧口语精讲#(8)】Two is company,

three's a crowd. 意思是说第三个人就是个讨厌的电灯泡么~ A third person spoils the ideal combination of a couple. e.g. - Can I go to lunch with you and Tom 我可以和你还有Tom一起午饭么 - Three's a crowd. 请不要做我们的电灯泡。 7.Don't nitpick!别死抠字眼儿! 8.Say what comes to mind.想到什么就说什么吧 9.Can't you be a little bit flexible?你就将就点 灵活点 不行吗? 10.Let's call it a night.今天就到此为止吧。11.Cut her some slack.放她一马吧 12.What a buzz-kill that was! 真扫兴 无


如第一个很简单的词disrupt扰乱 dis解释为“否定”是个明显的错误。随意查询一

本词源字典可知disrupt中dis为”分开apart“ 如distract使分心 distribute分发

其他的词网友们看看吧 #美剧高频口语句(29)#1.Big deal.有什么大不了的。2.I'm kind of in the middle of something. 我现在有点忙。3.I'll catch up.我会跟上的。4.Oh, get out.少来了。5.Bring it on.放马过来。6.I see what you're saying.我明白你的意思。

7. I know where this is going. 我知道你想说什么了。【老美口头禅】10. All right是

频率极高的口头禅 它在口语中常用于结束一段对话 如你跟朋友聊完了准备离开 可以非常口语化地说 All right, I gotta go.好吧 我得走了。另外口语中它也常表现

出妥协、无奈、放弃等语气 如 All right, your call. 好吧 你自己决定。I don't like u, all right?! 【MJE美剧笔记-越狱S01E05】1. More specifically更确切的说2. Piss sb. off得罪某人 3. We're just backing a horse that died in the gate.我们正从死神的手里

抢夺时间。4. I have a really hard time trusting you.我真的很难相信你。5. There's nothing I can do.我也无能为力了。【住酒店基本交流】第3辑 [确认] 1. I'd like to confirm/reconfirm my reservation. 我想确认/重新确认一下我的预定。[变更] 2. I'm calling to change my reservation from the 1st to the 4th.我打电话是想把我的预定从

1号改到4号。[取消] 3. I need to cancel my reservation.我得取消我的预定。 #雅思口语话题词汇#【人物篇】成功的人 1. courageous 有勇气的 2. determined 坚定的3. open-minded 虚心的 思想开朗的 4. straightforward 正直的 5. strong-willed 意志

坚强的 6. willpower 毅力 7. self-disciplined 自律的 8. self-reliant 自立的 9. enthusiastic 热情的【成功人的特质】charismatic非凡的领导力 innovational富有革新精神的 self-sacrificing自我牺牲的、不自私的 unpredictable难以捉摸的 picky 挑剔的/吹毛求疵的 adaptable适应性强的 aggressive有进取心的 intelligent聪

明机灵的 cautious谨慎的 concentrated专注的【表示生气的俚语】1. tick someone off/tick off someone 惹某人生气 类似于piss sb. off/piss off sb. 2. have

a cow 发飙、大发脾气 3. burn someone up 激怒某人、使某人恼火 4. go ballistic 气疯了、气坏了 5. get to s

b 使某人心烦/生气 6. red-hot 极其恼怒的、情绪激动

的 be furious with 对...大发雷霆 get angry/mad at 对...生气 piss someone off. 惹某人十分的生气 get on one's nerves. 让某人生气 lose one's rag 发脾气 blow a fuse 勃然大怒 blow one's top 怒发冲冠 go ballistic/mad/crazy 非常生气【各种武器装备】 handgun手枪 hand grenade手榴弹 air gun汽枪 bomb炸弹 bullet

子弹 machine gun机关枪 missile导弹 revolver左轮手枪 rifle步枪 rocket

火箭 submachine gun (SMG)冲锋枪 tear gas催泪弹 riot shield(警察驱散暴乱群众时用的)防暴盾 #英语词汇# cutlet 肉条 stew 炖肉 roast 烤肉 pork 猪肉

ham 火腿 bacon 咸肉 sausage 香肠 chicken 鸡 turkey 火鸡 duck 鸭

fish 鱼 beef 牛肉 veal 小牛肉 lamb 羊肉 sirloin 牛脊肉 steak 牛排 chop 连骨肉,排骨 都是肉食 也不要忘记多吃vegetable蔬菜哦~~ 【各种肉】嫩肉tender meat 瘦肉 lean meat 肥肉fat meat 或 fatty meat 烟燻肉 smoked

meat 肉干jerky 肉松meat floss 烟燻肉smoked meat 嚼不烂的肉tough meat 香肠sausage 罐头肉canned meat 肉丸meatballs 注水肉water-injected meat 【脱口而出系列(87)】#秒杀3字句# 1. I'm seeing someone.我已有交往对象了。2. I'm ticked off. 我太生气了 3. Act your age. 成熟点。4. It's all yours.你尽管用吧/请随意。5. Don't rush me! 别催我 6. That can't be!这怎么可能。7. How dare you?你怎么敢这样 8. Keep me posted. 保持联系 #美剧高频口语句(30)#1. I mean it.我是真心的。2. Mind your own business. 别多管闲事。3. Let me put it this way. 我这么跟你说吧。4. I don't know how to put this.不知道该怎么和你说才好。5. Well put! 说得好。6. Don't play dirty. 别跟我玩阴的哦。 Don’t follow your dreams; chase them!不要跟随你的梦想 追逐它们 Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much, and just go where your heart takes you——有时候 你不要想太多 跟着自己的心走 走到哪算哪。在美国 左撇子被称为南爪子 Southpaws 两害相逢择其轻 关注不足 underparenting)的危害 尚不及窒息的过度关注(overparenting) 2010年7月19日 《纽约时报》网站上也有丽莎·贝尔金 Lisa Belkin)也写了一篇文章 论述育儿真正的意义所在 “我认为 养儿育女的目的 是引导小孩走向独立。换言之 设法让小孩不再需要你。” I think the point of parenting is to guide children toward independence. The goal, starkly put, is for them to stop needing you. See something coming预料到某事会发。I wasn't surprised when the company closed down. You could see it coming. 公司关门我并不吃惊。这是意料之中的事。Forecasters see big snows coming to cities from New York to Washington, D.C.. 天气人员预测 大雪会席卷从纽约到华盛顿的多座城市。【网虫们的福利来了good stuff for mouse potatoes】我们现在可以在殡仪馆以及去天堂的路上发微博了We can send posts from the funeral home and on the way to heaven.?mouse potato网虫 ?funeral home殡仪馆 ?post帖子 ?heaven天堂 ?casket棺材【疾病的描述句型】1. 过敏 I'm allergic to shrimp/chocolate... 我对虾/巧克力过敏。 2. 皮疹 My skin is breaking out. 我的皮肤出疹子了。 3. 反胃 I feel like throwing up. 我想吐。I feel nauseous. 我感到恶心。 4. 眩晕 I'm dizzy. 我头晕。 5. 头痛 I have a headache. 我头疼。【Sweat 在口语中的用法】这种方式记单词很有意思哦 1.We started to sweat as soon as we got off the plane. 我们一下飞机就开始出汗了。 2.All of us were sweating with fear.我们都吓得直冒汗。3.I was so afraid, I was sweating a lot. 我害怕极了 浑身冒汗【"加油"的几种表达】1) Go! Go! Go! 还有Come on! 2)Go for it! 3)Don't give up! 4)Hang in there! 5)You can do it! 6)Just do it! 7)Let's go! Let's go!8)Cheer up! 当朋友因为某事而垂头丧气时 你可以用Cheer up来鼓励他 表示加油!振作一点!高兴一点!笑一笑吧等意思。韩国人经常说fighting 【''我被炒鱿鱼了''表达】1)They kicked me out. 2)I got fired/ sacked.

3)I got the sack/boot. 4) I was laid off. 5)I was canceled.我被解雇了。 6)My boss told me to find a "better" job. 老板让我“另谋高就”。7)I got a pink slip. 我收到解

僱通知书。与“免职”有关的表达 dismiss from one's post 免职 be removed from office 被免职 to discharge from an office or position 撤换 把…免职 to end the employment or service of 解雇 开除 be relieved of one's post 免职 a removal of rank or office 免职 罢免头衔或官职。【MJE美剧笔记-别对我说谎

S01E03】1.I guess you do a pretty good job of restraining yourself.我觉得你有很强的自制力。2.Can I have a word, please? 我可以跟你说句话吗?3.You blacked out?你刚昏过去了 4.I got disoriented, lost track of time.我迷失了方向 遗忘了时间。

【口语常用语气词】Aha! 表满意 愉快 胜利 Damn(it)!愤怒 失望 Geez=OMG 天呐 表震惊难以置信 Hmmm 表思考 My boy ! 惊奇 Ouch 哎呦 表示疼痛 Ugh 表厌恶 Wow! 惊讶 羡慕 Um 呃 表迟疑的语气 Ew 表恶心 Hmm?嗯 表示疑问 Errr/Eh 额 表示很无语 Pfft(pft) 表示不屑一顾不在乎【老外对中国育儿10大不解】1.让他人带孩子 2.把孩子当比较对象 3.不尊重孩子隐私 4.把孩子塑造成自己想要的样子 5.把学习成绩当唯一指标 6.以为早起好 否则是懒惰 7.认为孩子不该做家务 该把时间拿来学习 8.缺乏幽默和轻松 9.对子女提出不合理要求 10.认为养孩子是艰苦义务。 @王人平 接纳孩子的情绪 承认孩子的愿望 会让孩子更好的接受你的建议。“我要那个小车”“不行 不是刚买了玩具枪吗 ”或“妈妈知道你非常喜欢小车 我们看看这个月买玩具的钱还剩多少 ”哪个更好 “今天我不想上学了 ”“不行 你太任性 ”或“我知道你希望今天是周六 来 我们看看日历。”哪个更好 【MJE美剧口语精髓29】1.Lies will be crushed one day.终有一天谎言会被粉碎。2.I had made my peace to what was coming.我已经能坦然接受将要发生的一切了。3.Don't front off with me, girl!小姐 别跟我作对 4.Haven't you ever been at a loss for words?你就没有说不出话的时候 You have no idea! Used for emphasizes when you are describing how good or bad an experience is不是说人家你什么都不知道奥 e.g. Flying a plane is wonderful, you have no idea! 开飞机太爽啦 【各种"订"和"针"】 sewing needle缝纫针(修补衣服时常用的针) staple订书钉 safety pin 别针 hairpin发簪 paper clip 曲别针 binder clip长尾夹(两个把手是可折叠的) bulldog clip铁夹子 drawing pin图钉 rivet 铆钉 pin 普通针(顶部通常是圆形) dowel pin固定销 hobnail大头钉





https://www.360docs.net/doc/3115110175.html,/view/06875d37a32d7375a41780ad.html 【got在口语中的用法】1.I got a shock!我震惊了 2.I got a little carried away.我有点偏离正轨。3. I got so mad about it! 我对这件事情非常火大 4.You got a minute? 你有时间吗 5.I

got your back. 我给你当靠山。6.You got nothing to worry about.你没什么好担心的。

7.I got it.我明白了。

I got your back. //8.I got sacked. 我被解雇了。9.I've got a bad cold. 我感冒了。

10.What's got you in such a good mood?什么事让你心情这么好 11.I've got a temperature. 我发烧了。12.Got you! (骗、吓……)到你了吧 13.I got tied up.我有事

情脱不开身. 【口语小词系列(17)】 1.fight dirty玩阴的/下黑手 2.What a buzz-kill

that was!真扫兴 3.coin purse 装硬币的钱包 4.Don’t take it personally.不要放在心上 5.Don't you dare say that again ! 你再说一遍试试看 6.Child's play.小孩子的把戏7.Fancy pants爱臭美的人 8.makes no sense.没意义 #英语词汇#work overtime 加班 overtime pay加班费 request for overtime加班申请 overtime meals加班餐 work overtime regularly/on a regular basis定期加班 leave it for tomorrow/put it off until tomorrow留到明天做 stay up熬夜/通宵 work overtime for days连着几天加班 【工作相关表达】找工作look for a job 八小时工作制eight-hour shift 轮班shift 试用人员 probation staff 加薪 salary raise 年薪annual pension 年终奖year-end bonus 奖金bonus 津贴allowance 底薪basic pay(salary) 绩效奖金performance bonus #Bingo带你看美剧学美语(1)# 1.Karen kicked me out.Karen把我赶出来了. 2.The pay's decent. 薪水很不错。3.I don't know what I was thinking.我

当时脑子进水了。4.What's that supposed to mean? 你这话什么意思 5.Everything pretty much sucks.一切都烂透了。 明天开始有录音版 【口语小词系列(17)】

1.fight dirty玩阴的/下黑手

2.What a buzz-kill that was!真扫兴

3.coin purse 装硬币的钱包

4.Don’t take it personally.不要放在心上

5.Don't you dare say that again ! 你再说一遍试试看

6.Child's play.小孩子的把戏

7.Fancy pants爱臭美的人

8.makes no sense.没意义【热点词汇】#延安特大交通事故# serious traffic accidents 特大交通事故; double-decker sleeper bus 双层卧辅客车 methanol-loaded tanker 装有甲醇的

罐车 rear-ended 追尾 burst into flames 突然燃烧起来/着火 three people survived 3名幸存者 36 people were killed36人遇难【E-mail中常用英语短语】

1.first of all 首先

2.in the meantime 同时

3.from one's point of view 从某人的观点来

看 4.generally speaking 一般而言 5. in conclusion 总之 6. in terms of 在某方面

7.apart from that 此外 8.due to 由于 9. as a reminder 在此提醒 10. on one's behalf

代表某人 11.Please see comments below.请参考下面的评论。12.My answers are in blue below.我的回答已标蓝。13.Attach is the ..., please review it. ..在附件里 请评阅. 14.The current status is as following.目前数据如下15.make delivery plan.制定交

货计划②He is not my type. 或者 He is not my cup of tea. ③He is a muscle man. 或者 He is beefy. ⑤这里的Flo是Florence的缩写 但其实Flo这里暗指flow的意思 所以大家应该不难猜到 所谓的"My aunt Flo is visiting" 就是相当于中文里的

“我的大姨妈来了。【潮人MM潮语】①Damn-it boy 该死的男孩。②He is not my type. 他不是我喜欢的类型。③He is a muscle man. 他是个有肌肉的男人。④I saw a girl throw herself on him. 我看到有一个女孩对他投怀送抱。⑤My aunt Flo is visiting. 我的芙洛姑妈来拜访我了。⑥I am not g【如何点评菜肴】1. This meat isn't fresh. 这肉不新鲜啊。 2. This meat is too fatty/tough. 这肉太肥了/老了。 3. This fish is overcooked. 这鱼烧过头了。 4. This dish doesn't agree with me. 这道菜不合我胃口。

5. Umm, yummy! 嗯~真好吃

6. It tastes really good. 这个吃起来真不错 ossipy.

我才不会长舌呢。【爱情循环习语串烧】1. be attracted 被吸引→ 2. have a crush

on 有好感→ 3. fall in love with 坠入爱河→ 4. be in a relationship with 确定关系→5. fall head over heels in love 神魂颠倒→ 6. love-hate relationship 爱恨交加→ 7.

fall out of love 爱已停息→ 8. break up 分手

【《牛津在线英语词典》本季收录新单词】 e-learning 在线学习 lolz 好玩/大笑 tweeps 推特(Twitter)上的粉丝 mwahahaha表示大笑(哇哈哈) ridic可笑的/荒谬的.ridiculous缩写 e-cigarette 电子香烟 mansion tax 豪宅税 micropig迷你猪 OH 另一半,指一个人的太太、先生 other half 的缩写

【哈尔滨大桥坍塌the fatal bridge collapse in Harbin】(图)?豆腐渣工程jerry-built project;?坍塌collapse;?货车cargo truck;?超载overloading;?高架桥viaduct;?

悬索桥suspension bridge;?死亡人数fatalities/death toll;?调查investigate;?问责accountability;?承包商contractor 【事故中伤亡的英语表达】一、这次事故导致3人死亡 5人受伤①the accident caused 3 fatalities and 5 injured 或 The toll of the accident was 3 persons dead and 5 persons injured. 二、这次事故死亡人数上升到

3人 the death toll from the accident rises/climbs to 3 美语怎么说第6集 今天是蓝

色星期一 可为啥两人笑的这么欢 原来是Mike周末走丢啦 绕个弯儿:take a detour; 前不着村,后不着店: in the middle of nowhere 了如指掌 know sth. like

the back of my hand; 顺其自然 go with the flow 【美剧口语常见三字表达2】1. Ready to order? 准备好点餐了吗 2. You tell me. 你说呢 3. Ready to serve. 准备

就绪/随时候命。4. Looks that way. 貌似是那样。5. Are we cool? 我们没事儿了吧。6. No offense taken. 我不介意。7. Question for you. 问你个问题。【石头剪子布用英语怎么说 】 rock-paper-scissors 在英文中也叫‘scissors-paper-stone’是一种手

势游戏 hand game 常常缩写为RPS 即石头 rock/ro 、布 paper/ cham 和剪刀 scissors/ beau 。其它类似的游戏还有投硬币coin flipping/toss与抽签drawing straws。俚语学习】1.talk big 说大话 自吹自擂 2. put one's shoulders to the wheel 全力以赴 鼎力相助 3. take a rain check 改天进行 4. put the wind up sb. 使某人惊慌 5. kick over the traces 不守规矩 不受拘束 6. couldn't care less 不在乎 7.

risk life and limb 出生入死【美国俚语系列(22)】stay out of不介入 make it fast动

作快一点 sleep tight晚安/睡个好觉 With all due respect恕我直言/冒昧地说一句

out of it迷迷糊糊/神志不清醒的 make a big deal out of something.对某事大惊小怪 get out of the mess理清头绪【#MJE美剧口语精讲#(16)】catch sb. out 字面上解释把某人抓出来……no no no 这个短语的意思是陷某人于困境 Eg.A lot of people were caught out by the sudden change in the weather. 许多人都被天气的突变困住了。【时尚口语】当你表示赞同他人观点时 最通俗的表达是I agree with you 但是不同情境下你也可以灵活变换表达方式 1. Yeah, we're now on the same page. 我们现在算是意见一致了。 2. That's what I'm thinking/talking about. 这正是我所想的/所说的。

3. Tell me about it! 可不是嘛 这还用说 ① I'm so fed up with your BS. Cut the crap. 我受够了你的废话 少说废话吧。②Hey! Wise up! 放聪明点好吗 ③Put up or shut up. 要吗你就去做 不然就给我闭嘴。④Don't you dare! How dare you! 你好大

的胆子啊 ⑤Don't push me around. 不要摆布我

②【用英语幽雅的骂人】①You eat with that mouth? 你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗 ②You are dead meat. 你死定了。③Are you raised in the barn? 你是不是乡下长大的啊 ④You want to step outside? / You want to take this outside? 你想要外面解决吗 ⑤You and what army? 你和哪一路的人马啊 【词汇解析】①emperor皇帝 ②empire 帝国 ③imperial帝国的, 皇帝的,三个词同源,均来自于拉丁语词根【imper命令】

?emperor发布命令的人→皇帝 ?empire命令→权威→政权→帝国 ? imperial帝国的,皇帝的,al为形容词后缀 ? imperative命令式的 ? imperious专横的,傲慢的【老外使用最多的英语口头禅?二字篇】①You had it coming! 活该 ②That’s monkey business! 胡闹 ③Go for it! 加油 ④I got your back. 放心 ⑤So annoying! 讨厌

⑥No need to discuss! 免谈 ⑦That was close! 好险 ⑧Shut up! 闭嘴 ⑨It sucks! 好烂 ⑩What a coincidence! 真巧 【英文二字篇】1. Strictly speaking, 严格来说。

2.Stop pretending! 别装了

3. Straight up.坦白说。

4.Forgive me.原谅我。

5.Zip it.住嘴.

6.Watch yourself .说话小心点。

7.Sounds nice.听上去不错。

8.Nailed it.搞定。

9.Then what 然后呢 舒尔特方格训练法是一种提高和测量孩子注意力水平的方法 包括注意的稳定性、转移速度和广度。方法 在一张方形卡片上画上25个方格 格子内任意填写上阿拉伯数字1—25的共25个数字。训练时 让孩子用手指按1—25

的顺序依次指出其位置 同时诵读出声。父母记录所用时间 数完25个数字所用时间越短越好。口语中的各种off: turn it off 把它关掉 put it off 把它往后推迟 call it off

把它取消掉 knock it off赶紧停止,别闹了 laugh my ass off 笑掉大牙 sleep it off睡一

觉就没事了 cut it off把它切下来 take off 离开 走了 起飞 show off 炫耀 piss sb off 惹火某人 piss off滚蛋 Eff off 滚蛋提高孩子的专注力 1、陪孩子时全心全意。2、


高标准更易让孩子注意力分散。5、不干扰孩子专注他喜欢的事。6、要孩子每次只做一件事。7、少带孩子去人多的地方。8、创造机会让孩子发泄精力。9、利用舒尔特方格法等小游戏。10、保护好孩子的好奇心、求知欲。11、尊重和保护好孩子的兴趣、爱好。12、做好时间管理 节约的时间由孩子自由支配。13、少玩电脑游戏和看电视 刺激的画面会让孩子习惯被动接受 丧失主动性 降低专注力。14、过多的目标和选择会让孩子无所适从 简单规律的生活会更利于专注力的培养。【词汇接力棒42—shoes】皮鞋:leather shoes 凉鞋:sandals 人字拖:flip-flops 拖鞋:slippers 旅游

鞋:sneakers 木拖鞋:clogs 高跟鞋:high-heeled shoes 旱冰鞋:roller skates 棉鞋cotton-padded shoes 跑鞋:racing shoes 休闲鞋:casual shoes 鞋底:sole 鞋带:shoestring 鞋扣:buckle 鞋匠:cobbler洞洞鞋:Crocs 长筒雨靴:wellies 棉鞋:cotton shoes 跑

鞋:running shoes 平底芭蕾舞鞋:ballet pumps 溜冰鞋:ice skates 旱冰鞋:roller skates 【long johns 秋裤, 长内衣裤】例 South Korea's civil servants公务员 have been ordered to do their public duty by switching off the heating关掉暖气 and donning long johns穿上秋裤 as the severe cold puts a strain on使经受严峻考验 power resources, according to officials.


(三)通知 1.口头通知 写作指导 ①口头通知一般是由一方向另一方口头传达的 通知,叙述表达尽可能口语化,简洁明了,说清意思就行。 ②口头通知不用写通知时间和发通知的单位。 ③口头通知一开头可有称呼语,具体因通知对象 而异。常用的称呼语有“Comrades and friends”、“Boys and girls”、“Teachers and fellow students”、“Ladies and gentlemen”,也有的不用开头语,直接开始。 ④口头通知的一些常用的开头语和结束语。 开头语 结束语 Any questions? Does everyone understand? That's all. Thank you. 精选范文 ①Please be quiet, everyone. There's something you need to know. As our teacher is ill, we're to have reading class together with the

students of Class Three today. Please take your benches with you to their classroom. The oral class will be put off until tomorrow. That's all. Thank you. ②Attention please, comrades. There is going to be a talk on American Family in the Lecture Hall this afternoon. It'll be given by an American professor _____ Mr. Smith. Those who want to attend please be there at 2∶30 Any question? If no, that's all. Thank you. ③Listen, please, I have something important to tell you. We're going to hold a get-together with some foreign students at 7∶00 p. m. on Friday in the Foreign Student's Dining Hall. Any one who wants to take part in it, please be there on time. Thank you. ④Ladies and gentlemen, Listen, please. This afternoon we're going to visit the Great Wall, the bus will stop at the foot of the Great Wall. Three hours later, we'll get together here and back to the hotel. When you go to visit the Great Wall, please take your valuable things with you. And remember to come back to the bus at five o'clock. Do be there on time. Does everyone understand? Since everyone understands very well. Thank you. 练习 ①假如你是班长,利用课余时间告诉你的同班 同学,本星期六下午4∶00在本班教室召开班会,主题是:如何保持教室干净、整洁。请同学们准备好发言。(字数:60~80左右) 参考词语 将……四处扔to throw…about 对……危害to do harm to 吐痰to spit 保持……干净go keep…clean 准备好to get ready for


2015上海高三一模英语写作解析(4) ——大数据看规律 赶在现在还没有正式发行完整的全部2015年上海高考一模试卷之际,上海新东方优能中学 精品班【大熊老师许振斌】独家发布2015年上海高三一模考写作数据分析~ 标题很唬人吧?接下来继续更加意想不到!跟着本大熊开始分析吧,SHALL WE? 首先我们先来看看我们整理的全部写作题吧:

每个人在生活中都有被错怪或冤枉的经历,请讲述一个你的故事并谈谈你当时的感受或看法。 教室的一角空着,现在征求学生意见,是布置成绿化角(Green 总共17套2015上海高三一模试卷收集了16套,大数据的可靠性应该就可想而知了。但是光有题不会分析依旧还是白搭~所以现在才是真正的大家伙!GET READY!!!

大数据分析结论1:漫画类文章明显少了 因为2012年的上海高考英语写作考察了漫画作文,直接导致了2013年的一模考17套卷子 考了6套漫画和图片的。但是2013年和2014年连续两年高考没有再出漫画类作文所以2014年高三一模和2015年高三一模的漫画比率都在【1/17】了~ 提问:这真的代表漫画类的文章不考了么? 【2010(参考数据:上海高考曾经考过漫画图片的题目时间为【2002年秋考】、【2004年春考】、 年秋考】、【2012年秋考】) 大数据分析结论2:按照文章结构分类老四样 所谓的【结构老四样】,我们总结如下: 1. 选择+理由(从题干中选择并且提出选择的理由,部分需要对比)9/16 宝山、普陀、长宁、松江、金山、 青浦(建议信)、崇明(建议信)、静安(申请信)、闸北(申请信) 2. 现象+看法(题干给出现象,就此谈谈你的看法,也可能重点在建议上)4/16 嘉定、虹口、奉贤、浦东 3. 记叙+议论(结合亲身经历or简要描述图片为记叙,由此展开议论)3/16 黄浦(建议信)、杨浦、徐汇 4. 申请信or 发言稿(书信or邮件格式,内容和前三样重复)5/16 【静安、闸北、青浦、崇明、黄浦】(此处为重复内容) 当然这个只是大致分类,有部分文章可以涉及两种不同写法(比如记叙+议论部分的文章就可以和1/2融合)。这里的分类依据为多数学生会写成的模式,不代表全部。 大数据分析结论3:范围依旧控制在【学校生活】&【热点话题】 对于平时总觉得词穷的同学,这部分的建议可能会比较有用~上海高考英语出题的主题范围就近几年来看并没有太大的扩展(相较于【雅思】和【托福】而言)。 这就代表了我们在平时可以多积累一些相关的词汇和句子内容。 【学校生活1】:同学和同学之间 (Friendship/ Cooperation/ Same Hobbies/ ……) 【学校生活2】:同学和老师之间 (Respect/ Love/ Grow Up/ ……) 【学校生活3】:校内活动+自我成长(也可包含1 & 2) (Fun/ Honor/ Help/ Explore Hobbies/ Sharp Skills/ ……) 【热点话题1】:科技 (Convenience/ Efficiency/ Time-saving/ ……)


通知告示类英语作文一. 书面通知 1. A Brief Introduction 1) What is a notice? As an effective means of written communication, a notice gives information published by the appropriate authority. It is intended to publicize social events, to report on matters of general interest to staff, to inform staff of instructions, change of plan, new systems and regulations, and to make the staff conform to certain arrangements, etc. 一般告示类文体都需要写标题,如Notice或者Announcement。告示类文体主要用于说明或者 传达某件事情、某项活动等,重在言简意赅。如果是关于活动的通知,需要说明活动的内容、时间、地点、参加人员范围以及其它必要细节。请注意通知的三大要素:1)时间;2)地点;3)内容。书面通知或告示应在题头中间写“Notice”,最后右下方写出通知的单位或者个人。 2) How to write a notice? The heading of the notice is usually in the middle of the page, in boldfaced words. For example, NOTICE ENGLISH EVENING LECTURE 1) The main information such as time, place, should be made distinct. 2) Give the name of the person who gives the notice. 3) Give the date when the notice is issued if necessary. 3) A notice should be: 1)Attractive (so that people will NOTICE it) 2)Simple and easy-to-read 3)Clear and specific


图表类英语作文范文英语作文模板(图表类的)这里很全 一、图表类作文常用的单词、短语和句型 1.表示数据变化的单词或短语 in the case of (在……的情况下) in terms of (在……方面) increase / raise / rise / go up(增加) decrease / grow down / drop / fall (减少) increased by (增长了) increased to (增长到) the number sharply goes up to(数字急剧上升至)

significant(重大的),steady(平稳的),gradual(逐渐的),slow(慢慢的),stable(稳定的),rapid(快速的)…… 2. 表示从图表得知的信息的句型 The table / chart / graph shows that...(这个图表告诉我们……) Aording to the table / chart /graph, we can see that...(根据图表,我们可以看出……) It can be concluded from the graph that...(从图表中可以得出……) The table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...(该表格描述了在……期间……数量的变化) 二、图表类作文的模式

图表类作文中的图表主要有以下形式:柱形图类(chart)、圆饼图类(pie chart)、曲线图类(line chart)、表格类(table)。写文章时,首先要对图表加以描述,而后引出主题加以讨论,最后得出结论,也就是按照描述图表—解释原因—下结论的步骤来写。切忌对图表不作交代就直接谈论主题。 1.表格类作文的模式 表格类作文一般可以分为三段:第一段对表格中的数据进行描述,只要抓住变化规律即可,切忌一一列举数据;第二段说明变化的原因;第三段得出结论。即: (1) Studying the table carefully, we can see...(仔细研读表格,我们可以看出……) (2) In my opinion, the reasons why...are as follows. Firstly...Secondly...Thirdly...(在我看来,为什么……的原因在于以下几点:第一……第二……第三……)

英语作文 通知模板

假如你是校学生会主席,请你以校学生会的名义写一份书面通知。 NOTICE Boys and girls, Our school will have a meeting on the playground at 3:00 p. m. on June 18th. The meeting is about being (keeping)away from net bars and refusing unhealthy publications. We'll visit a picture show about healthy knowledge after the meeting. Please get there on time with your chairs. That' s all. Thank you. The Students' Union 英语通知范文一 NOTICE Attention, please. I have an announcement to make. We are going to visit the History Museum this Saturday. We are going to meet at the school gate at eight in the morning. Please bring a notebook with you and make some notes. We will have a discussion about it in the class meeting next Monday. Please come on time. That's all. 范文一点评 这是一份口头通知,介绍了这个星期六有一次参观活动,即参观历史博物馆。集合地点是学校大门口,出发时间是上午8:00。要求随身带上笔记本(notebook)并做笔记,以准备下个星期一班会课讨论(discussion)。请准时参加。 英语通知范文二 NOTICE Our class will go to the Red Star Farm to help the farmers to pick the apples to morrow morning. We' ll meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning and will go to the farm by bus. We' 1! have lunch on the farm. You' d better put on your old clothes. Please get to school on time tomorrow morning. The Headmaster's Office 范文二点评 这是关于明天去农场劳动的书面通知,所以大部分句子用一般将来时。这份通知从行文上看,通知的三大部分一应俱全。如标题部分是NOTICE;正丈部分中的活动内容是“go to the Red Sta,Farm,help the farmers to pick the apples”;参加的方式和要求是“meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning,go to the farm by bus,have lunch on the farm,put on your old clothes”等;参加这项活动的对象是“our class”,该活动的时间是“March 12th”;发通知的单位名称是“the headmaster's office”;通知的时间是“March 11th”。


图表分析作文1 As is clearly shown in the table/ figure/ graph / chart, 图表总体描述between 年代and 年代. Especially, 突出的数据变化. There are three reasons for 具体表示急剧上升、下降或特殊现象的词. To begin with, 原因一. In addition / Moreover, 原因二. For example, 具体例证. Last but no least, 原因三. In short,总结上文. As far as I am concerned, / For my part, / As for me,作者自己的观点. On the one hand, 理由一. On the other hand, 理由二. In brief,总结上文. 图表分析作文2 The table / figure / graph / chart shows that 图表总述from 年代to年代. It is self-evident that 突出的数据变化. Three possible reasons contribute to 具体表示急剧上升、下降或特殊现象的词或代词代替上文内容. One reason is that原因一. Another reason is that原因二. For instance,举例证. What’s more原因三. As a result, 重述上文之趋势. However, in my opinion 作者观点. For one thing,理由一. For another, 理由二. To sum up,总结上文. 图表分析作文3 It can be seen from the table / figure / graph / chart that图表总述between年代and年代. Especially,突出的数据变化. Why are there such great changes during 图表涉及的年头数years? There are mainly two reasons explaining具体表示急剧上升、下降或特殊现象的词或代词代替上文内容. First,原因一. In the old days,比较法说明过去的情况. But now,说明现在的情况. Second,原因二. As a result,总结上文. In my viewpoint,作者自己的观点. On the one hand,论点一. On the other hand,论点二. 图表分析作文4 As the table / figure / graph / chart shows,图表总述in the past years年代. Obviously,突出的数据变化. Why are there such sharp contrasts during 图表涉及的年头years? Two main factors contribute to具体表示急剧上升、下降或特殊现象的词或代词代替上文内容. First of all,原因一. In the past,比较法说明过去的情况. But now 说明现在的情况. Moreover,原因二. Therefore,总结上文. As I see it,作者自己的观点. For one thing,论点一. For another,论点二. 图表作文补充句型 ?As is shown in the graph… 如图所示… ?The graph shows that… 图表显示… ?As can be seen from the table,… 从表格中可以看出… ?From the chart, we know that… 从这张表中,我们可知… ?All these data clearly prove the fact that… 所有这些数据明显证明这一事实,即… ?The increase of …. In the city has reached to 20%. ….在这个城市的增长已达到20%. ?In 1985, the number remained the same. 1985年,这个数字保持不变. ?There was a gradual decline in 1989. 1989年,出现了逐渐下降的情况.


Notice 通知(通告)是要告知某种信息而使用的一种文体。形式有:在通知(通告)上方居中写上Notice字样作为标题;无称呼语,通知中用第三人称;出通知单位或负责人名字应写在正文最后的右下方,或放在标题之上,作为标题的一部分,这样最后不再署名;出通知的日期写在正文右下方,应在单位名的下一行。如: Notice All teachers and students are requested to meet in the auditorium at 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon to hear a report on current international affairs by Mr. Liu from the Institute of Foreign Affairs. Be sure to attend on time. The President Office October 8,2003 [思路分析] 通知一般可分为口头通知和书面通知两种。书面通知又有两种:一种是布告式通知,即以布告的形式把事情通知有关人员;另一种是书信式通知,即以书信的形式把事情传达给有关人员。 [解题过程] 通知的内容一般可分为五个部分: —、标题 通知的正上方通常要有一个标题。口头通知常用Announcement,书面通知多用Notice 或NOTICE。 二、日期 口头通知因是现场发布,不需要日期,但书面通知要写日期。布告式通知的日期一般写在最后一行,即左下角,要低于落款;书信式通知的日期可写在右上角。 三、呼语 口头通知往往要有呼语,如Boys and girls,Ladies and gentlemen,Dear friends,Comrades等。 四、正文 通知正文所使用的语言应尽量简明扼要。 口头通知开始往往要用上“Attention,please,或“May I have your attention,please?”或“Be quiet,please”,其后可以加上I have an announcement to make,结束时可加上“That’s all”,“Thank you!”之类的客套话。对举行活动的书面通知,常用“sth will /is going to be held+地点+时间”或“There will/is going to be+sth+地点+时间”结构。结束语前常用“Please attend it on time”,“Do be present on time”或“Everyone is/All are welcome/expected to attend it”,“Don’t be late”之类的句子。 五、落款 口头通知通常不用落款;书面通知要落款,写出发出通知的人或单位名称。落款一般写在通


关于通知的英语范文 【篇一:英文通知范文】 通知英语范文 ; y } x3 p- e8 {, c2 n7 } —、标题 通知的正上方通常要有一个标题。口头通知常用announcement, 书面通知多用notice 或notice。 二、日期 口头通知因是现场发布,不需要日期,但书面通知要写日期。布告 式通知的日期一般写在最后一行,即左下角,要低于落款;书信式 通知的日期可写在右上角。 三、呼语 口头通知往往要有呼语,如boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen,dear friends,comrades等。 四、正文 通知正文所使用的语言应尽量简明扼要。口头通知开始往往要用上“attention,please,或“may i have your attention,please?”或“be quiet,please”,其后可以加上i have an announcement to make,结束时可加上“that’s all”,“thank you!”之类的客套话。对举行活动的口头或书面通知,常用“sth will /is going to be held+地点+时间”或“there will/is going to be+sth+地点+时间”结构。结束语前常用“please attend it on time”,“do be present on time”或“everyone is/all are welcome/expected、to attend it”,“don’t be late”之类的句子。 五、落款 口头通知通常不用落款;书面通知要落款,写出发出通知的人或单 位名称。落款一般写在通知的右下角。 this is to announce that the university will organize a “teach in the west” program. this program applies to all the undergraduate students on campus. the volunteers will teach at junior middle schools for a year in the west area, and the subjects are chinese, english, math, physics and chemistry. the specific locations of the middle schools are upon further notice.


一、图表作文写作常识 1、图形种类及概述法: 泛指一份数据图表:a data graph/ch art/diagram/illustration/table 饼图:pie chart 直方图或柱形图:bar chart / histo gram 趋势曲线图:line chart / curve di agram 表格图:table 流程图或过程图:flow chart / sequ ence diagram 程序图:processing/procedures dia gram 2、常用的描述用法

The table/chart diagram/graph sho ws (that) According to the table/chart diag ram/graph As (is) shown in the table/char t diagram/graph As can be seen from the table/cha rt/diagram/graph/figures, figures/statistics shows (tha t)…… It can be seen from the figures/s tatistics We can see from the figures/stati stics It is clear from the figures/stat istics It is apparent from the figures/s tatistics

table/chart/diagram/graph figures (that)…… table/chart/diagram/graph shows/d esc ribes/illustrates how…… 3、图表中的数据(Data)具体表达法 数据(Data)在某一个时间段固定不变:fixed in time 在一系列的时间段中转变:changes o ver time 持续变化的data在不同情况下: 增加:increase / raise / rise / g o up …… 减少:decrease / grow down / drop / fall …… 波动:fluctuate / rebound / undul ate / wa ve …… 稳定:remain stable / stabilize / level off ……


As can be seen from the table given above, popular fiction is most popular with Chinese students, accounting for 65.9% of book circulation in the library. General Nonfiction takes up 18.2%, while books concerning science, technology and education, only 10.8%. In contrast, books of art, literature and poetry only have a circulation of 5.1%. Several reasons contribute to their reading preferences. Firstly, popular fiction is fascinating to the young students. Secondly, books about science and technology are usually too complex and difficult to read. They often contain many special terms which most students can’t understand. Finally, in today’s market economy, much more emphasis is laid on practical and vocational books rather than art or poetry. When it comes to me, poetry and art are my favorites. Such kind of books can nourish my mind, broaden my horizons and render me a fresh feeling. Reading a piece of good poetry tends to relieve my burden, and lessen my tension, making me more creative and dynamic. It gets me into an imaginary world, fresh and beautiful. I just love that feeling!(179 words) My View on Reading Extensively Nowadays few of us read extensively after we leave school. This tendency is rather disturbing, for one should know that reading extensively are no less necessary to one’s mental life than fresh air to one’s physical life. From reading extensively, we can derive companionship, experience and instruction. First and foremost, a good book is our faithful friend. It can increase our contentment when we are cheerful and happy, and lessen our pain when we are sad or lonely. Furthermore, reading extensively can also offer us a wide range of experiences. In reading we may join tourists marveling at incredible power of Niagara Falls, mingle with the happy throngs strolling in the Paris boulevards and experience the bitterness or joy of people in different lands and in different times. Few of us can travel far from home or live long over one hundred, but all of us can live many lives through the pages of books. The last but not the least, reading extensively can increase our intellectual ability, broaden our minds and make us wise. Though with the advent of TV and Internet, books are no longer read as extensively as they once were, nothing can replace the role that reading extensively plays in our lives. (206 words) It is obvious in the graph/table that the rate/number/amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes. It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as X varies). At the point of (接近)X1, Y reaches its peak value of …(多少). What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are … (多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table. First of all, …(第一个原因). More importantly, …(第二个原因). Most impo rtant of all, …(第三个原因). From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the graph/table will continue for quite a long time (if necessary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势). 图表作文经典句型总结


英语作文范文 各种英文告示范文 1. 开业 Opening of new business Dear Mr. / Ms, We have opened at the above address a sales office for our products here in New York. We employ a staff of consultants and a well-trained service department which makes routine checks on all equipment purchased from us. We would be pleased if you would take full advantage of our services and favourable shopping conditions. We fully guarantee the quality of our products. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 我们已在纽约上述地址为我们的产品开设了一家办事处。我们雇有一个谘询人员和一支受过良好训练的服务队伍,可以为从我处购买的设备进行日常检查。如果你能充分利用我们的服务和良好的购物环境,我们会很高兴。我们全面保证产品的质量。你诚挚的 2. 建立办事处 Establishment of new branch Dear Mr. / Ms, Owing to the large increase in the volume of our

trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with Mr. Wang Lo as manager. The new branch will open on 1st March and from that date all orders and inquiries should be sent to Mr. Wang Lo at the above address, instead of to our London office. We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your cooperation in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 因在该国贸易额大量增加,我们决定在这里开设一家分支,由王洛先生任经理。新办事处将于三月一日开业,今后所有的订单和询价请按上述地址送到王洛先生那,而不是伦敦办公室。我们籍此机会向您过会与我们的合作表示感谢,我们希望新的安排能产生好的结果。你诚挚的 3. 歇业 Discontinuation of business Dear Mr/Ms, With the demolition of our premises at the above address under a redevelopment scheme, the part of our business carried on there will be discontinued after the end of October. On Monday, 1st October, we are holding a closing-out sale. Stock on hand will be cleared regardless of cost. There will be substantial reductions in all departments and in some cases, prices will be marked down by as much as one half. Stock to


英文写作中数据分析初探 摘要:本文结合经典教案和教学实践,阐述了基本英文写作中数据分析的基本方法和技巧,从综述数据,强调观点分析涵义,分析的组织以及数据分析总结四方面初探了数据分析的写作方法,词汇和例句并举,具有很强的实用性。 关键词:英语写作;数据分析;严谨表达;英语连接词 在很多英文写作中都存在数据分析。通常数据有图表,图形,表格和其他表现方式。这些数据可能来源于第一手的搜集整理研究,也可能来源于其他渠道,作为主要的佐证材料,对数据的准确优质描述,是一篇有说服力的文章不可缺少的重要组成部分。 对于绝大多数中国学生来讲,英文的数据表述属于一个难点,存在两个误区:一是简单的重复图形或图表的表现,即仅仅对数据进行描述而非分析;另一个极端是过度解读数据,致使曲解出数据没有传递的错误结论。正确合理分析解读数据非常关键,通常来讲,数据分析有以下几种目的:强调结果;验证理论;对比评估;从方法论上评价数据的可靠性;讨论数据涵义。数据分析通常包括综述数据,强调观点,分析涵义,问题预测以及建议,评论总结等部分。以下阐述一下值得借鉴的几个方面。 1. 综述数据 首先要明确各种数据表示方式,例如图表(table,chart,diagram)柱状图(column chart),饼形图(pie graph)数字(figure),也要掌握“描述,表示”等词汇,比较常用的有show, reveal, present, illustrate, give, suggest等。在表述时,语态可以使用主动语态(Eg. The graph reveals…)也可以用被动语态(Eg. The results of the regression are shown in the table. );时态一般应使用一般现在时。在各类文献中“As…”结构也比较常见,例如:As shown in…; As predicted by…;As described on….etc. 2. 强调观点,分析涵义 强调观点是数据表述的中心环节。这里所谓的观点是可以从繁杂的数据分析中得出的结论。提出有价值的观点是数据分析者才智的体现和数据分析的意义所在,数据分析者应把握数据趋势,抓住重点,合理的分析数据。在陈述观点时,要注意把握语言分寸,学会谨慎表达,这代表了一种严谨的作风和科学的态度。谨慎表达可以通过以下方式实现: 使用情态助动词以表示不同的语气和程度: will?may?might, 由强到弱; 使用程度副词或形容词: certain?almost certain?very highly likely?likely?possible? unlikely,由强到弱; 保持自己与数据的“距离”: seem, appear, it has been said that…, according to…, in view of some experts…,based on the limited data available…etc.; 侧重于数据趋势或将结论广义化:tend to,many,a majority of, in most parts of…etc. 加入例外情况的叙述:apart from,except for…etc. 使用语气缓和或避免绝对化的动词:contribute to…etc. 使用了这些技巧后,分析可以在某些程度上无懈可击,从而更符合严谨的要求,请对比以下两句话,相信可以看到明显的在严谨度上的差距:The use of seat belts prevents physical injuries in car accidents.
