








读后续写好句积累 1. She tried to hide her anger. 她试图掩饰自己的愤怒。 (hide your disappointment/anger...掩饰...) 2. She laughed to hide her nervousness. 她笑了笑以掩饰自己的紧张。 3. The treatment offers a ray of hope for cancer sufferers 这种治疗方法给癌症患者一线希望。 (a ray of hope/light 一线希望/光明) 4. Rays of light filtered through the trees. 一束束光线透过树丛照射下来。(透过?f?lt?) 5. His statement was greeted with cries of astonishment and anger. 他的这番话被报以一片叫喊声,有震惊,也有愤怒。(be greeted with /by sth被报以...) 6. Complete silence greeted us as we entered the room. 走进房间,迎接我们的是一片沉默。 7. I felt a rush of excitement when she arrived. 她来到的时候,我感到一阵激动。(a rush of anger / excitement / gratitude...一阵...)

8. A rush of jealousy swept through(over) her. 她心中突然涌起一阵嫉妒。(妒忌?d?el?si) 9. The smoke hung in the air. 烟在空中缭绕。(mist/smoke/smell hangs in the air在空中缭绕) 10. A thick mist hung over the town. 小镇笼罩在浓浓的雾霭中。 11. Joe's been ill for weeks now - it's really dragging him down. 乔已经病了几个星期了,这使他很沮丧。(drag sb down 使人感到不愉快) 12. Forester stared at his car, trembling with rage. 福里斯特盯着他的汽车,气得浑身发抖。(trembling / shaking with rage 气得浑身发抖) 13. Sobbing with rage, Carol was taken to the hospital. 卡罗尔气得呜呜哭,被送往医院。 14. His face was red with rage. 他气得满脸通红。 15. The child was quivering(trembling) in her arms. 那孩子在她怀里发抖。 (抖动?kw?v?) 16. Her mouth quivered slightly as she turned away. 她嘴唇微微哆嗦着,转过头去。 17. I lay there quivering with fear. 我躺在那儿,害怕得直发抖。


最新初中英语作文开头结尾好词好句 初中英语作文开头结尾好词好句精选 1.In view of the seriousness of this problem ,effectivemeasures should be taken before things get worse.考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施. 2. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number offoreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响. 3. An increasing number of experts believe that migrantswill exert positive effects on construction of city .However ,this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents ,who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.越来越多的专家相信移民对城市的建设起到积极作用.然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,象犯罪和卖淫. 4. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses intheir city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus ,whichis usually crowded with a large number of passengers.许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客. 5.There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem :thecity authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。 初中英语作文开头结尾好词好句推荐 1.An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.一项调查显示妇女欢迎退休. 2. A proper part-time job does not occupy student'stoo much time .In fact ,it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study .As an old saying


一、英语作文范文:2018浙江卷高考英语作文范文:引以为傲的事题目的作文怎么写 导语:2018年浙江卷高考英语真题中的英语作文题目是命题作文:One Thing Im Proud of。通过对这件事情的阐述,谈谈自己的引以为自豪的原因以及从中得到了怎样的启示。看看自己的作文和英语作文范文差距在哪里呢。了解到不足,才会改正才会更加有进步的空间。 One Thing Im Proud of I still remember how I became a good table tennis player. The first day I went to high school,I saw some of my classmates playing table tennis. Amazed at how skillful they were, I was determined to be just as good. Later on, I often watched them carefully to learn their techniques. Then I kept practicing until I became confident enough to challenge the good players. At the end of the term I became one of the best players in my class. I am really proud of this experience, because it helps me realize that we all can fulfill our potential and achieve our goals through hard work. It also helps me better understand the proverb Practice makes perfect. 2018浙江高考英语作文题目及范文:续写 【范文】 Paragraph 1 Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. Instinctively, I yelled out loud, pulling back the reins hard in order to stop the horse from hurting the little creature. Badly startled by the sudden incident, the horse sped off the track into another direction. Dad followed closely behind, calling out to tell me how to soothe the terrified horse and I did as told. Finally,


初中英语作文开头结尾好词好句 开头 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 任何事物都是有两面性,…也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and()is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. …已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 ……has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young andheated debates are right on their way. …在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。 ……has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well 人类正面临着一个严重的问题…,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem () which is becoming more and more serious. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出…。很显然…,但是为什么呢?


1.读后续写主要考查什么能力? 读后续写主要关注学生以下四个方面的能力: ①把握短文关键信息和语言特点的能力。学生需要了解所给短文的主要内容,清楚其关键词和语言结构的使用情况,并通过续写短文表现出来。 ②语言运用的准确性和丰富性。学生能准确、恰当地使用所学词汇和语言结构,还能够根据内容需要使用较多、较复杂的词汇和语言结构。 ③对语篇结构的把控能力。学生需要掌握上下文逻辑关系,所续写的短文与所给短文及段落开头语之间要有连贯性,所续写的短文内语句要连贯、有序。 ④创造性思维能力。学生所续写的短文要具有较丰富的内容,包含详细和生动的情景、态度和感情描述。 2.新题型的高考真题到底长什么样? (2018年6月浙江高考真题) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 It was summer, and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West. We took a plane to Albuquerque, a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afternoon.Uncle Paul, my dad’s friend, picked us up from the airport and drove us up to his farm in Pecos.

His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guestroom of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast. “The day starts at dawn on my farm,”he said. After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens, while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze (吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool. In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. I wasn’t going to take a horse ride by myself anyway. So, my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats, got on our horses, and headed slowly towards the mountains. “Don’t be late for supper,”Uncle Paul cried, “and keep to the track so that you don’t get lost!”“OK!”my dad cried back. After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were out of sight. It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven (编织的) blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.


读后续写好句积累 He had time to reflect on his successes and failures. 他有时间反思他的成功和失败。(reflect on...反思;仔细思考...) Environmentalists are alarmed by the increase in pollution. 不断加重的污染引起环保人士的担忧。(be alarmed at/by...对...感到担忧;惊慌) He was alarmed to discover that his car was gone. 他惊慌地发现自己的车不见了。(be alarmed to see /hear...惊慌地看到;听到...) Tim was a clumsy boy, always bumping into the furniture. 蒂姆是个笨手笨脚的孩子,老是撞到家具上。(bump into sb/sth撞到...) I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. 我吃力地下床走进浴室。 (drag yourself to /into /out of...费力地走到/进/出某处) He paused for breath, then continued up the hill. 他停下来歇口气,然后继续上山。

"No," he replied, without pausing for thought. "不是的。" 他不假思索地答道。 Charles was overcome with grief. 查尔斯悲痛欲绝。 His eyes fell on her bag. "Are you going somewhere?" 他的目光落在她的包上。"你是不是要去什么地方?"(sb's eyes / gaze / glance fall(s) on sth 某人的目光落在某物上) Only one man tried to help us, the rest just looked on in silence.只有一个人尽力帮助我们,其余的人都只是一声不吭地袖手旁观。 He sprang to his feet and rushed after her. 他腾地站起身,冲过去追她。(spring to one's feet一跃而起) Tears rolled down her cheeks. 泪珠顺着她的脸颊滚落。 Thunder rolled in the distance. 远处雷声隆隆。


2016年浙江新高考英语题型解读—概要写作 一、2016年浙江新高考《考试说明》英语写作样题 第二节:概要写作(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Getting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thing. However, there is no thing fixed about attitudes to dirt. In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block o ut disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up t he skin and let ills in. A particular danger was though to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 15 46. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a frie ndly way. Henry IV, King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman h ad taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman sho uld not go out. Though the belief in the merit (好处) of dirt was long-lived, dirt has no longer been re garded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18 century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning awa y dirt is good to health. Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of pre venting disease. Yet, it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War II. Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea: clothes need to be whiter th an white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too f ar? Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of diseas e. On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist (免疫学家), encourages ch ildren to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter (后者) positi on is gaining some ground. (原创范文,仅供参考) One possible version: People have mixed opinions towards dirt on our skin. (要点 1 ) For a long time in histo ry, people of some European countries, such as France, believed that dirt protected peop le from getting ill. (要点 2 ) However, people began to change their attitudes to dirt abou t 200 years ago. People have been told that washing dirt off our body can keep us health y. (要点 3) However, some scientists believe that exposure to some dirt may help our im mune system. (要点 4) 【范文点拨】 (一)要点分析 1. 文章第一段就是本篇文章的主题句,亮明了总的观点:However, there is nothing fix ed about attitudes to dirt. 换句话说:Different people have different attitudes towards di rt. 再结合下文谈到的主题可知Different people have different attitudes towards dirt on th


高考英语作文专题复习:读后续写10篇范文 1. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Thanks to my conservative(保守的) Jewish background, I didn’t believe in angels. That is, not until Christmas Eve of 1979, when an angel brought unexpected joy to my home. After divorce, my two daughters not only lost the security of a whole family, they also tearfully left behind neighborhood friends, a familiar school, and a large house. These had all been replaced with a narrow two-bedroom apartment in a poorer part of town. I arranged to take my vocat ion during my children’s winter school holiday. We spent evenings planning activities: cookie baking, games, a pizza night, and evening car rides to view neighborhood holiday lights. With expectation, they seemed to be in good spirits. The week before the school break, however, terrible news of family disasters arrived. By Christmas Eve, gloom clouded our vacation plans. An afternoon outing for movie did little to improve our mood. On returning to our apartment, we were astonished to see a beautiful, six-foot Christmas tree propped(支撑) against our front door. In silent wonder, we looked back and forth, from the tree to one another and around the empty street. Excitement built, and the girls begged to keep the tree. “Maybe it’s for us,” insisted my older daug hter. “Yeah,” echoed my younger child. “I bet an angel brought it to us!” I laughed aloud at the idea of an angel bringing a Christmas tree to a Jewish family. Caught up in their happiness, I pronounced the tree “ours.” We dragged it inside and headed out to the only supermarket in our small town open that late on Christmas Eve. With holiday goods marked down to half price, I gave a nod of approval to a tree stand(底座), two boxes of multicolored balls, a package of six Santa figurines(小雕像), a 100-foot string of mini lights, and one paper angel. Paragraph 1: Back home, we moved “our” tree into our tiny living room. Paragraph 2: The annual winter holiday became a family tradition.


1) Recently a series of severe school bus accidents has come as a shock to everyone. Therefore, our class has held a heated discussion about its causes and solutions. (议论型文章第一段套句, 特别是有问题要解决的) 2) Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning. I’m Li Hua from Fujian, China. It’s my great honor to be here to say something about the global water shortage and ways of dealing with it. (演讲型文章第一段套句) 3) Dear editor, I’m writing to tell you about the heated discussion we have held recently about whether our parents should accompany us studying at school. (书信体文章第一段话套句) 4) 罗列要点:first/firstly/to begin with/first of all, second/secondly, thirdly, lastly/finally/last of all moreover/what’s more/additionally 此外above all/most importantly 最为重要的是 要点两个:For one thing, …. For another…. /O n the one hand,….On the other (hand), …. 5) 陈述个人观点:Personally, I think…. . For one thing, …. For another…. 6)两种相反观点比较:Some students are in favour of …. On the contrary/By comparison, others hold/argue/believe that… 7) 最后一段总结:总结前面的话用in a word/in conclusion 如果要求你表达自己的看法结束文章则用: Personally, I think…/For my part,…/From my perspective,…. Don’t hesitate to write to me if you are in need of any help. Please feel free to turn to me for help if you are in trouble. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon! (书信)I am looking forward to your opinion/early reply. (书信) I would appreciate (感激的) it if you could give me some constructive (建设性的) advice. Thank you. (书信) 部分高频好词好句(不以重要性排序,使用方法请参照作文攻略): It is high time that sb should do sth. 是某人做某事情的时候了。 There is no denying that…无可否认… There is no doubt that…毫无疑问… I can guarantee that…我敢保证… When it comes to (doing) sth, …当提到(做)某事情的时候 There are times when sb do sth. 某人经常会做某事情。 There was a time when sb did sth. 曾经有一段时间某人…

新高考 英语 作文 续写

浙江新高考英语作文指津 专题一读后续写 [选材特点] 1.所需阅读的短文词数在350 以内; 2.多以记叙文故事类文章或者夹叙夹议类文章为主,故事情节有曲折、有起伏,但是,故事线索的逻辑性比较强。 [评分参考] 阅卷时主要考虑以下内容:1.与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度; 2.内容的丰富性和对所给关键词语的覆盖情况; 3.应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性;4.上下文 的连贯性。注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150 左右; 2.应使用5 个以上(即至少6 个)短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线(单下划直线即可)标出你所使用的关键词语。 [写作步骤] 1.精读文章,确定文章线索,如是以时间为线索还是以空间为线索等,这有利于“顺藤摸瓜”。 2.仔细审题,明确续写要求,如字数限制、使用几处下划线关键词语、续写段落的首句提示等,做到“心中有数”。 3.回扣原文,想象续写内容。快速回读短文,揣摩文章的思路,结合段首的提示语和划线词语提示,确定续写段落的内容。 4.拟写草稿,修改错词病句。结合提示语和文中划线的关键词拟写出草稿,注意句子结构的多样性,语言的丰富性,上下文的衔接。 5.标出所使用的原材料中标有下划线的关键词语,最后誊写文字时,务必做到“字迹工整、清晰”。 [方法技巧] 1.在读懂原文的基础上,紧扣原文中心,以原文的结局为起点,写出故事情节的发展和变化。 2.对原文故事没有写出的情节展开合理的推想,打开思路。多角度地想象出几种情况或结局,并从中加以最优选择。 3.要注意前后照应,符合逻辑,防止自相矛盾。必须与上文紧密联系,使上下文融为一体。 4.原文的主要角色,续文中都要安排“戏”,但不要引进影响事件结局的新角色。 注意确保四个一致: 1.要与原文的主题或作者的本来意图保持一致。


读后续写好句积累(1) 1. She tried to hide her anger. 她试图掩饰自己的愤怒。 (hide your disappointment/anger...掩饰...) 2. She laughed to hide her nervousness. 她笑了笑以掩饰自己的紧张。 3. The treatment offers a ray of hope for cancer sufferers 这种治疗方法给癌症患者一线希望。 (a ray of hope/light 一线希望/光明) 4. Rays of light filtered through the trees. 一束束光线透过树丛照射下来。(透过?f?lt?) 5. His statement was greeted with cries of astonishment and anger. 他的这番话被报以一片叫喊声,有震惊,也有愤怒。(be greeted with /by sth被报以...) 6. Complete silence greeted us as we entered the room. 走进房间,迎接我们的是一片沉默。 7. I felt a rush of excitement when she arrived. 她来到的时候,我感到一阵激动。(a rush of anger / excitement / gratitude...一阵...) 8. A rush of jealousy swept through(over) her.

她心中突然涌起一阵嫉妒。(妒忌?d?el?si) 9. The smoke hung in the air. 烟在空中缭绕。(mist/smoke/smell hangs in the air在空中缭绕) 10. A thick mist hung over the town. 小镇笼罩在浓浓的雾霭中。 读后续写好句积累(2) 11. Joe's been ill for weeks now - it's really dragging him down. 乔已经病了几个星期了,这使他很沮丧。(drag sb down 使人感到不愉快) 12. Forester stared at his car, trembling with rage. 福里斯特盯着他的汽车,气得浑身发抖。(trembling / shaking with rage 气得浑身发抖) 13. Sobbing with rage, Carol was taken to the hospital. 卡罗尔气得呜呜哭,被送往医院。 14. His face was red with rage. 他气得满脸通红。 15. The child was quivering(trembling) in her arms. 那孩子在她怀里发抖。 (抖动?kw?v?) 16. Her mouth quivered slightly as she turned away. 她嘴唇微微哆嗦着,转过头去。 17. I lay there quivering with fear.


英语续写作文技巧 读后续写的阅读材料一般是词数大约为350词以内的记叙文。考生要在此文的后面接着续约150词左右的文字与前文构成一个完整的故事。一般来说,记叙文浅显易懂,但故事情节多曲折动人,故事线索的逻辑性也较强。接下来小编告诉你高中英语续写作文技巧。 阅读材料虽然是一篇不完整的文章,但是它有趣,内容能延伸。要求考生续写的部分多是故事发展的高潮或结局。写作要求考生在读懂原文的基础上,在规定时间内展开合理的想象,并运用所学的英语知识完成一篇约150词左右的续写。考生所续写的部分要有创新性和想象力,不是原文的抄写或胡编乱造,同时,还要带有原文色彩(必须使用5处以上的关键词语)。 续写一般分为两类:半开放性续写和完全开放性续写。半开放性续写要求考生务必根据文章的逻辑推理续写。完全开放性续写则要求考生依据文章的思路自由发挥。续写时要尽可能与原材料的中心思想和语言风格上保持一致。 1.审题:速读阅读材料和写作要求,明确写作任务。 2.读文:细读阅读材料,确定文章体裁和话题。注意文中的关键词,也就是故事中的时间、地点、人物和事件,特别要标记能描述事件发展过程的词和短语。 3.谋段:先仔细阅读续写部分所给出的两段段首文字,再构思这两段要写的段落大意。根据确定好的段落大意,选出每一段可能要用

到的原文中带有下划线的关键词。结合这些关键词,确定每一段的写作要点。这两段加起来要能写到10到15个句子,以满足续写词数要求。 4.初写:按照第三步谋段时确定好的写作要点进行初写。写作时要注意所用的人称和时态要与原材料一致。另外,还要注意尽可能地减少表达上的语法错误。如果语言上的表述困难,可多参考原阅读材料中的有关语句。 5.定稿:写好初稿后,考生要结合原材料中故事线索读一读自己续写的内容。既要确保不出现与原材料相矛盾的地方,又要做到材料上前后连贯,语句通顺。最后规范誊写并标出使用过原材料中下划线的关键词语。


故事续写 第一节 假定你是李华,在你班学习一个月的美国男孩Tom不太适应这里的生活,请给他写一封信,内容包括:1.安慰;2.提建议;3.邀请参加你的生日聚会。 注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 第二节 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 A Simple Thank I have been in the teaching profession more than thirty years, and one of the best teachers I have ever known was Mr. Rowe. I was lucky enough to co-teach fourth grade with him. Mr. Rowe had infinite patience and understanding and I learned so much from watching him. He could perform miracles, like the one her performed with Steven, one of the unhappiest kids I ever saw. Steven couldn’t stand school. He didn’t like being picked last for kickball. He didn’t like the kids who raised their hands and knew all the answers, and most importantly, he didn’t like himself. The first day he walked into Mr. Rowe’s classroom, he ignored the other students, looking angry and annoyed, and slid into his chair, knocking a couple of textbook onto the floor. Mr. Rowe walked over to him and touched Steven’s shoulder, but Steven pulled away. Nevertheless, Mr. Rowe welcomed him: “Hi, Steven. I’m happy you are in my class. We are gonna have a great year.” Steven looked around the room as if Mr. Rowe must be mistaken. No teacher in his right mind would want Steven to be part of his classroom. So, while Mr. Rowe seemed cheerful and relaxed that day of school, it seemed like Steven was angry and confused. That day after classes, Mr. Rowe chose Steven to pitch the kickball at recess. “Hey, Steven,” Mr. Rowe commented, “You are good at pitching. Let me show you my secret trick.” Mr. Rowe taught Steven one of the tricks that not a single kid could perform. Steven learned fast and did quite well! Everyone cheered for him! After the kickball, Steven sat as closer to Mr. Rowe in classes as he could. When a question was asked, Steven lit up; he knew the answer! He raised his hands. When he answered the question, his voice shook. However, he got the answer right! He said, with Mr. Rowe , his days of the fourth grade promised wonderful. That is not to say that every day went smoothly, but it was evident that Steven grew to love Mr. Rowe more and more with each passing day. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: Time passed quickly that year, and before we all knew it, it was the last day of school. Paragraph 2: Many years later, Mr. Rowe and I were surprised when a handsome young man walked into our classroom, dressed in the Marine Corps(海军) uniform. [高考英语作文范文] 1
