







例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.

B. £9.18.

C. £9.15.


1. What does the man like about the play?

A. The actor.

B. The ending.

C. The story.

2. Which place are the speakers trying to find?

A. A bank.

B. A hotel.

C. A restaurant.

3. At what time will the two speakers meet?

A. 5:20.

B. 4:40.

C. 5:10.

4. What will the man do?

A. Wait for a phone call.

B. Change the plan.

C. Sort things out.

5. What does the woman want to do?

A. Offer the man some help.

B. See a film with the man.

C. Listen to some great music. 第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. Where is Ben?

A. In the park.

B. At school.

C. In the kitchen.

7. What will the children in the afternoon?

A. Help set the table.

B. Do their homework.

C. Have a party.


8. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A business trip.

B. A Family holiday.

C. A travel plan.

9. Where did Rachel go?

A. China.

B. Italy.

C. Spain.


10.How did the woman get to know about third-hand smoke?

A. From young smokers.

B. From some smoking parents.

C. From a newspaper article.

11. Why does the man say that he should keep away from babies?

A. He has just become a father.

B. He is a smoker.

C. He wears dirty clothes.

12. What does the woman suggest smoking parents should do ?

A. Reduce dangerous matter in cigarettes.

B. Smoke only outside their houses.

C. Stop smoking altogether.


13. Where does Michelle Ray come from?

A. A small town.

B. A middle-sized city.

C. A big city.

14. Which place would Michelle Ray take her visitors to for shopping?

A. The Zen Garden

B. The Red River area.

C. The Highlands.

15. What does Michelle Ray do for complete quiet?

A. Read at home.

B. Study in a library.

C. Go camping.

16. What are the speakers talking about in general?

A. Late-night shopping.

B. Louisville.

C. Asian food.


17. Why do some people say they never have dreams according to Dr Garfield?

A. They have no bad experiences.

B. They don't want to tell the truth.

C. They forget about their dreams.

18. Why did Davis stop having dreams?

A. He was too sad about his brother's death

B. He got a serious heart attack.

C. He was frightened by a terrible dream.

19. What is Dr Garfield s opinion about dreaming?

A. It prevents the mind from working.

B. It makes things worse.

C. It is very useful.

20. Why do some people turn off their dreams completely?

A. To sleep better.

B. To stay away from their problems.

C. To recover from illnesses.




I don’t know how I became a writer, but I think it was because of a certain force in me that had to write and that finally burst through and found a channel. My people were of the working class of people. My father, a stone-cutter, was a man with a great respect and veneration(崇敬) for literature. He had a tremendous memory, and he loved poetry, and the poetry that he loved best was naturally of the rhetorical kind that such a man would like. Nevertheless it was good poetry, Hamlet’s Soliloquy, Macbeth, Mark Antony’s “Funeral Oration”, Grey’s “Elegy”, and all the rest of it. I heard it all as a child; I memorized and learned it all.

He sent me to college to the state university. The desire to write, which had been strong during all my days in high school, grew stronger still. I was editor of the college paper, the college magazine, etc. , and in my last year or two I was a member of a course in playwriting which had just been established there. I wrote several little one-act plays, still thinking I would become a lawyer or a newspaper man, never daring to believe I could seriously become a writer. Then I went to Harvard, wrote some more plays there, became obsessed with(着迷于)the idea that I had to be a playwright, left Harvard, had my plays rejected, and finally in the autumn of 1926, how, why, or in what manner I have never exactly been able to determine. But probably because the force in me that had to write at length sought out its channel, I began to write my first book in London, I was living all alone at that time. I had two rooms-a bedroom and a sitting room-in a litter square in Chelsea in which all the houses had that familiar, smoked brick and cream-yellow-plaster look.

21.We may conclude, in regard to the author’s development as a writer, that his father _________.

A.made an important contribution

B.insisted that he choose writing as a career

C. opposed his becoming a writer

D.insisted that he read Hamlet in order to learn how to be a writer

22. The author believes that he became a writer mostly because of _________.

A. his special talent

B. his father's teaching and encouragement

C.his study at Harvard

D. a hidden urge within him

23. What can we learn about the author’s life in the autumn of 1926?

A. He left Harvard and got married.

B. He couldn’t make up his mind what to do .

C. He started his dream as a writer.

D.He began to think seriously what to do.


A home school is a school in which parents educate their children at home instead of sending them out to a public or private school. Home schooling is legal throughout Europe, Australia, New Zealand, North America, Hong Kong, and South Africa. Home schooling is most popular in Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Home schooling is legally accepted in all 50 states of the US, but each state has its own laws about it. Currently, it is estimated that over one million families teach their children at home. Most of these families include a breadwinner and a stay-at-home parent who does most of the teaching, although there are single parent families and double career families.

Home schooling education models range from unschooling to traditional classroom schooling. Unschooling is based on interest-based learning in which the child expresses interest in a particular subject, and the parents take steps to provide the materials for that subject.

In some places, the home school group shares in hiring a professional teacher to teach a particular subject. The group may also arrange field trips and sports activities with local private schools. These activities are intended to provide social skills for the students.

Home school families take advantage of technology and the Internet to supplement (补

充) traditional teaching. Some home school families enroll (注册) their children in an online school or course as a supplement to their own teaching.

Some home school families teach their children through high school graduation. Others teach their children until they feel they are mature (成熟) enough to live independently.

In America colleges do recognize a home school diploma (文凭) , but most are more interested in high school transcripts (成绩报告单) and SAT and ACT scores. There are currently over 800 colleges that accept home-schooled graduates including Harvard, Yale, and Stanford.

24.A home school is a school where __________.

A. parents provide social skills for their children

B. children needn’t take any tests

C. parents teach their children at home

D. children can go home every day

25.In the education model of unschooling,_____________.

A. children are taught in traditional ways

B. children don’t need any textbooks

C. special attention is paid to children’s interest

D. everything is decided by children’s parents

26.We can know from the passage that_____________.

A. home schooling is only popular in developed countries

B.children in a home school have no contacts with other students

C.a home school diploma is not accepted by colleges in America

D.some children in a home school also take courses online

27.Famous universities like Harvard, Yale, and Stanford ______________.

A. are only interested in accepting public school graduates

B. also take in students with a home school diploma

C.never enroll home-schooled graduates

D. also provide home school education


I was in my third year of teaching writing at Ralph High School in New York, when one of my students,15-year-old Mikey,gave me a note from his mother.It explained his absence from class the day before:

“Dear Mr. McCort,Mikey’s grandmother,who is eighty years of age,fell down the stairs from too much coffee and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her and his baby sister so I couldn’t go to my job. Please excuse Mikey and he’ll do his best in the future.P.S.His grandmother is OK.”

I had seen Mikey writing the note at his desk.I said nothing.Most parental-excuse note, I received were penned by my students.The writers of those notes didn’t realize that honest excuse notes were usually dull: “Peter was late because the alarm clock didn’t go off.”

The students always said it was hard putting 200 words together on any subject, but when they produced excuse notes, they were excellent.So I decided to give the first class to study the art of the excuse note.

“Today I’d like you to write ‘An Excuse Note from Adam to God’ or ‘An Excuse Note from Eve to God’.”Heads went down.Pens raced across paper.They had to be asked to go to lunch by their friends.

The next day everyone had excuse notes.Heated discussions followed.But suddenly I saw the headmaster at the door.He entered the classroom and walked up and down,looking at papers,and then said.“I’d like you to see me in my office.”My heart sank.

When I stepped into his office,he came to shake my hand and said,“I just want to tell you that lesson, that ask, was great.Those kids were writing on the college level.Thank you.”

28.We can inter that when Mikey was absent from the class, he was

A. somewhere enjoying himself

B. taking care of his baby sister

C. looking after his grandmother

D. studying the art of the excuse note

29. How did the author usually find out his students’ parental-excuse notes were dishonest? A.They were written in dull words.

B.They were more like stories than facts.

C.He called their parents and found out the truth.

D. The handwriting obviously looked like children’s.

30.From the 5th paragraph we know

A.the kids were afraid of God

B.it was too difficult a task for the kids

C.the kids were very interested in the task

D. none of the kids had lunch that day

31.Why did the author’s heart sink?

A.He thought the headmaster would scold him.

B. The heated discussions angered the headmaster.

C. The students were not behaving themselves.

D.The headmaster was looking at his students’ papers.


Someday a stranger will read your e-mail without your permission or scan the Website you’ve visited,Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.

In fact, it’s likely that some of these things have already happened to you. Who would watch you without your permission? It might be a spouse, a girl friend, a marketing company, a boss, a cop or a criminal. Whoever it is, they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen — the 21st century replacement of being caught naked.

Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, that it’s important to reveal yourself to friends, family and lovers in stages, at appropriate times. But few boundaries remain. The digital bread crumbs(碎屑) you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like. In some cases, a simple Google search can reveal what you think. Like it or not, increasingly we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret.

The key question is: Does that matter?

For many Americans, the answer apparently is “no” .

When opinion polls ask Americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it. A survey found a strong bad feeling about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is “slipping away, and that bothers me” .

But people say one thing and do another. Only a tiny part of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy. Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths(收费站) to avoid using the EZ-Pass system that can track automobile movements.

And few turn down supermarket loyalty cards. Privacy economist Alessandro Acquisti has run a series of tests that reveal people will give away personal information like Social Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-off coupon(优惠券).

But privacy does matter —at least sometimes. It’s like health: When you have it, you don’t notice it. Only when it’s gone do you wish you’d done more to protect it.

32. What does the author mean by saying “the 21st century replacement of being caught naked”?

A. People’s personal information is easily accessed without their knowledge.

B. In the 21st century people try every means to look into others’secrets.

C. People tend to be more frank with each other in the information age.

D. Criminals are easily caught on the spot with advanced technology.

33.What would psychologists advise on the relationships between friends?

A. Friends should open their hearts to each other.

B. Friends should always be faithful to each other.

C. There should be a distance even between friends.

D. There should be fewer arguments between friends.

34. Why does the author say “we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret”?

A. Modern society has finally developed into an open society.

B. People leave traces around when using modern technology.

C. There are always people who are curious about others’ affairs.

D. Many search engines benefit from giving away people's identities.

35. What do most Americans do as for privacy protection?

A. They change behaviors that might disclose their identity.

B. They use various loyalty cards for business transactions(交易).

C. They rely most and more on electronic devices.

D. They talk a lot but hardly do anything about it.


Talkative kids can sometimes be a headache for parents, but the willingness to speak aloud and often is considered as a positive thing.___36_________. The benefits go far beyond that to grade school, secondary school, college and especially the workplace. The following is why talkative kids are more likely succeed when they grow up.

____37_______.talkative kids aren’t going to be able to stay quiet for long. This can definitely become a problem, but if they’re able to learn when it is ok to talk and when it’s not, it can have big rewards. In a classroom, it can mean that they’re raising their hands a lot and contributing to discussions. Teachers usually need tricks and tips to get a discussion going, but not if one or two talkative kids are in the classroom.

They have more to say. Most child couldn’t come up with enough to talk for 5 minutes.______38_____ .It shows that they have a lot of ideas. That thoughtfulness and sense of imagination will pay off when they need to.

They have a lot of energy._____39________.Just think about all they could get done if they just put that energy to good use. If your child never stays quiet,that’s a problem. Help them find hobbies s that they can divert(转移) the energy towards something productive. They keep things interesting. Any parents of talkative kids can prove that they try to keep things interesting and often entertaining._____40________.In a world where even parenthood can be dull at times,it’s good to have something in your life that is going to keep surprising you,and talkative kids ate the most likely to shake things up.

A They will participate more

B talkative kids are very energetic

C But talkative kids can talk for hours

D They’ll have better communication skills

E Research shows that talkative kids do better in preschool

F It’s not always easy on the parent, but at least it never gets boring

G When you ask more questions, they will naturally give more answers



One day, not too long ago, the employees of a large company in St. Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said, “Yesterday the person who had been hindering(阻碍) your 41 in this company passed away. We 42 you to join the funeral(葬礼) in the room that has been 43 in the gym.”

At first everyone was sad to 44 that one of their colleagues had died, 45 after

a while they started getting 46 about who this person might be.

The excitement 47 as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last 48 . Everyone wondered, “Who is this person that was hindering my growth? Well, 49 he’s no longer here!”

50 the employees got closer to the coffin and when they looked inside it, they

51 became speechless. They stood over the coffin(棺材), 52 into silence, as if someone had 53 the deepest part of their soul.

There was a mirror inside the coffin — everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a 54 next to the mirror that 55 ,“There is only one person who is capable to 56 limits to your growth: it is YOU.”

You are the only person who can change your 57 . You are the only person who can 58 your happiness, realization and success. You are the only person who can help yourself. Your life does not change when your boss changes, your friends change, your parents change, your partner changes or your company changes. Your life changes when YOU change, when you go 59 your limiting beliefs and when you realize that you are the only one 60

for your life.

41A.ability B.progress C.talent D.practice

42.A.demand B.allow C.invite D.suggest

43.A.started B.prepared C.opened D.created

44.A.learn B.receive C.notice D.find

45.A.for B.or C.so D.but

46.A.angry B.sorry C.curious D.nervous

47.A.grew B.appeared C.improved D.developed

48.A.sights B.attentions C.appreciations D.respects

49.A.at least B.in fact C.at once D.in general

50.A. One by one B.All in all C.Hand in hand D.One or twice

51.A.quickly B.finally C.obviously D.suddenly

52A.worried B.depressed C.shocked D.embarrassed

53.A.broken B.touched C.stolen D.changed

54.A.letter B.sign C.mark D.page

55.A.told B.warned C.wrote D.read

56.A.set B.take C.put D.get

57.A.business B.heart C.life D.success

58A.realize B.satisfy C.influence D.consider

59.A.for B.upon C.over D.beyond

60.A.reasonable B.responsible C.suitable D.valuable


Once upon a time three lived a painter named Bill. He was a bit ____61_______(smart) than any other painter around him. In his city there lived a woman who was almost particular about anything.

One day, when the woman _____62_______(shop),she saw a vase that she loved very much. She _________63____(immediate) paid for it and took it home.She loved the vase so much that she decided to have her house __64_____(paint) the same color of the vase. Then she sent for a painter and told him what she wanted to do,_65______the color of the vase was special and the painter couldn’t find the paint the woman wanted.The woman sent for some other painters. But none of them managed ____66______(find) the paint the woman wanted.At last,Bill was sent for.The woman told him that she had asked some other painters to do the same work but none did the work____67______(satisfying).

Bill promised he’d do the work well. He said he’d go to look __68______pant with the vase so that he’d find the exact paint he wanted. The woman agreed.

Bill then bought some paint hat was in the similar color of__ _69______vase and repainted it. When the woman saw the paint,she knew it was what she wanted. Then Bill ___70_______(ask)to repaint her house with the paint.




I fell love with traveling when I was a little girl. I dreamed of travel around the world one day. However, my family wasn’t rich, as I couldn’t ask my parents for money to travel. In order to make my dream come truly, I worked part-time to save money while I was studied at college. After I left for college and started working, I tried my best to save money, too. When I was 28 year old, I quit my job and began to realize my dream. While I was traveling,I took photographs and write articles for websites to make some money so that we could travel longer. If you have the dream, just go for it.






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听力(共20个小题,每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

1-5 ABCAB 6-10 ACBAC 11-15 BCBCA 16-20 BCACB

阅读理解第一节(满分30分) 评分标准:21~35题,每小题2分。

21~25ABCCB 26~30ADCBA 31~35DAADA

阅读理解第二节(满分10分) 评分标准:36~40题,每小题2分。



41~45CADBD 46~50ADCBC 51~55BAABC 56~60ADBCD


第Ⅱ卷(共50分) 评分标准:第61~70题,每题1.5分。有任何错误,包括用词错误、单词拼写错误(含大小写)或语法形式错误,均不给分。

61.seeems 62.totake 63.who 64.harmful 65.opportunities

66.harder 67.of/for 68.left 69.Unfortunately 70.otherwise/or


1、the 2. Stayed→Stay 3. a visit to 4. How beautiful 5. Lost 6. Ourselves 7. and→but 8. heavy→heavily 9. funs→fun 10. Frightening=→frightened


As a senior student, I often imagine what I will be doing in the future. Talking of my dream job, I expect to be an English teacher for the following reasons.

First, I’m an energetic girl/boy with great patience. That’s what makes a qualified teacher, in my opinion. Besides, I am crazy about the English language, and I am doing quite well. Above all, teachers are generally respected and well-paid. With two vacations each year, I may enjoy more relaxing time. As a responsible girl/boy, I hope to take up a job which is beneficial to society. Being a good teacher may influence more students to shoulder their responsibilities and contribute to their country.

In short, I’ll work even harder to become a popular English teacher.


高二11月月考英语试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节听下面5段对话,回答第1至5小题。(每段对话仅读一遍)1.What’s the time? A.About 4:30. B.About 5:00. C.About 5:30. 2.What are the two speakers probably doing? A.They are doing some shopping. B.They are watching a TV program. C.They are attending a concert. 3.When are they talking? A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening. 4.What does the man want to drink? A.Tea. B.Coffee. C.Cold water. 5.How old is the man’s grandma? A.She’s 92. B.She’s 90. C.She’s 70. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听第6段材料,回答第6—7题。 6.What’s the time limit of Doris’ passport? A.Three years. B.Four years. C.Five years. 7.What’s the purpose of Doris’ going to the UK? A.To have a holiday. B.To get further education. C.To do business. 听第7段材料,回答第8—9题。 8.What will the man probably do? A.He will watch TV. B.He will fill in a form. C.He will wash his shirt. 9.Who will come to take the clothes and shoes? A.The woman speaker. B.The manager. C.The maid. 听第8段材料,回答第10—12题。 10.What can we learn from the conversation? A.The speakers will attend a job interview. B.The speakers have just graduated.


宝鸡市渭滨中学2016-2017学年第一学期10月月考英语 I、听力-单选题(本大题共10小题,共20分) 1.Where are the two speakers probably? A.In a store B.In a supermarket C.In a post office 2.What do we know from the conversation? A.Andy will come to visit the two speakers tomorrow. B.The two speakers are looking forward to Andy’s coming. C.Andy is not popular with other people. 3.What will they order? A.Beef with potatoes. B.Pork with potatoes. C.Pork and beef 4.What does the man ask the woman to do for him? A.To ask for leave. B.To call their teacher C.To send for a doctor. 5.What does the woman want? A.A visit to town. B.An English magazine. C.A dictionary. 听下面一段对话,回答第8/9两个小题。

6.What is the man? A.A hotel clerk. B.A shop assistant. C.A bank clerk. 7.How much will the woman pay for the bankbook? A.50 dollars. B.15 dollars. C.5 dollars. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。 8.What do we know about the woman? A.She is learning German after work. B.She knows several languages. C.She is very good at German. 9.What does the man usually do in his spa re time? A.He studies. B.He works. C.He watches movies. 10.Why will the man call Henry? A.To ask him to teach him French. B.To borrow some books. C.To ask for advice. 听下面一段对话,回答四个小题。 11.Where was the man when he got the phone call? A.In a bus.


大名一中2020-2021学年高二上学期9月月考 英语试题 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并 标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What time is it now ? A. 5:40. B. 5:20. C. 5:10. 2. What will the woman do on Friday? A. Study at home. B. Take an examination. C. Go on a tour with the man. 3. What will the woman probably do? A. Buy a new fridge. B. Call a repairman. C. Ask the man to fix her fridge. 4. What can we know about the man? A. He will not give up his job. B. He likes his job very much. C. He has a large family to support. 5. How will the guests go to New York? A. By train. B. By car. C. By plane. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. What is the man’s te lephone number? A. 720-6622. B. 720-2626. C. 720-7722. 7. What can we learn from the conversation? A. Mr. James Miller is the man’s brother. B. The man doesn’t know Mr. James Miller.


绝密★启用前 四川省成都市龙泉中学 2021届高三年级上学期11月月考检测 理综-化学试题 2020年11月本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共40题,满分300分,考试时间150分钟。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 Na 23 Cl 35.5 Sr 88 Ba 137 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共126分) 一、选择题(每小题6分,本大题共13小题。每小题给出的四个选项中,只 有一项是符合题目要求的。) 7.化学与生活、环境密切相关,下列说法错误的是( ) A.生活中钢铁制品生锈主要是由于发生吸氧腐蚀所致 B.石油的裂化、裂解和煤的干馏都属于化学变化 C.天然纤维、人造纤维、合成纤维的组成元素相同 D.工业废水中的Cu2+、Hg2+等重金属阳离子可以通过加入FeS除去 8.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值。下列说法正确的是( ) A.1 mol OD-和17 g —OH所含的质子与中子均为9N A B.在标准状况下,4.48 L甲烷的氯代物分子含原子数目为N A C.8.8 g乙酸乙酯中含共用电子对的数目为1.3N A D.7.8 g Na 2S与Na 2 O 2 的混合物,含离子总数为0.3N A

9.短周期主族元素 X 、Y 、Z 、W 原子序数依次增大,X 是地壳中含量最多的元素,Y 原子的最外层只有一个电子,Z 位于元素周期表ⅢA 族,W 与X 属于同一主族。下列说法正确的是 A .原子半径:r(W) > r(Z) > r(Y) B .由X 、Y 组成的化合物中均不含共价键 C .Y 的最高价氧化物的水化物的碱性比Z 的弱 D .X 的简单气态氢化物的热稳定性比W 的强 10.下列实验装置能达到实验目的的是( ) A .用图甲所示装置制备Fe(OH)2 B .用图乙所示装置制取少量Cl 2 C .用图丙所示装置蒸干NH 4Cl 饱和溶液制备NH 4Cl 晶体 D .用图丁所示装置分离乙醇和CH 3COOC 2H 5的混合物 11.一定条件下,以CH 3CH 2OH 为原料可以制取CH 2===CH 2、CH 3CHO(乙醛)、CH 2===CHCH===CH 2(1,3-丁二烯)、 (环氧乙烷)及CH 3COOC 2H 5等物质。下列说法 不正确的是( )


四川省广元川师大万达中学2020学年高二英语11月月考试题 注意事项: 1.答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、座位号、班级用 0.5mm 黑色签 字笔写在答题卡上。 2.第一卷选择题和第二卷的非选择题必须都答在答题卡上。考试结束,只将本试 卷的答题卡交回. 第一卷(共 115 分) 第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选 项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What color does the man prefer? A. Blue. B. Yellow. C. Pink. 2.What will the weather be like next month? A. Cool. B. Cold. C. Hot. 3.What sport did the woman learn to play today? A. Soccer. B. Volleyball. C. Swimming. 4.When did John arrive at the classroom this morning? A. At 7:45. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:15. 5.What are the speakers talking about? A. Friends. B. Family members. C. School life. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A. B.


四川省成都市树德中学2020级高三物理期中考试卷 考试时间120分钟,分值150分 第I卷(选择题共60分) 一、不定项选择题:(60分)本题共12小题,在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确。全部选对的得5分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分。 1、下列说法中正确的是() A、跳高时,在沙坑填沙,是为了减小冲量 B、推小车时推不动,是因为合外力冲量为零 C、小船过河,船头垂直河岸正对对岸航行时,如果河水流速加快,则横渡时间将变长 D汽车拉拖车沿平直路面加速行驶,汽车拉拖车的力大于拖车拉汽车的力 2、下列关于机械能的说法中正确的是() A、在物体速度减小的过程中,其机械能可能反而增大 B物体所受的合力做功为零,它的机械能一定守恒 C物体所受的合力不等于零,它的机械能可能守恒 D改变物体速度的若是摩擦力,则物体的机械能一定改变 3、如图所示,甲、乙、丙三个轮子依靠摩擦传动,相互之间不打滑,其半径 分别为「1、「2、「3。若甲轮的角速度 为速度为() " 「1 1 f 「3 1 —「31 A、 B 、 C 、 r 3 「1 r2 4、如图,位于水平桌面的物块P, 由跨过定滑轮的轻绳与物块Q相连, 从定滑轮到P和Q的两段绳都是水平


间的动摩擦因数都是卩,两物块的质量都是m,滑轮的质量、滑轮轴上的摩擦都不计, 若用一水平向右的力F 拉P 使它做匀速运动,则力F 的大小为 ( ) A 、4 ii mg B 、3 fl mg C 、2 卩 mg D 、卩 mg 5、如图,一物体从半圆形光滑轨道上边缘处由静止开 滑,当它滑到最低点时,关于动能大小和对轨道最低点压 说法中正确的是( ) A 、轨道半径越大,动能越大,压力也越大; B 轨道半径越大,动能越小,压力越大; C 轨道半径越小,动能越小,压力与半径大小无关; D 轨道半径越大,动能越大,压力越小; 7、如图所示,小球从a 处由静止自由下落,到b 点时与弹簧接触,到c 点时弹 簧被压缩到最短,若不计弹簧的质量和空气阻力,在小球由 ( ) A 、小球的机械能守恒 B 小球在b 点时的动能最大 C 、从b 到c 运动过程中小球的机械能逐渐减小 D 小球在C 点的加速度最大,大小一定大于 g 8假设一小型宇宙飞船沿人造地球卫星的轨道在高空中做匀速圆周运动, 若从 飞船上将一质量不可忽略的物体向飞船运动相反的方向抛出,以下说法错误的有 ( ) A 、 物体和飞船都可能按原轨道运动 B 、 物体和飞船可能在同一轨道上运动 6、 一根长为L 的细绳一端固定在0点, 为m 的小球A ,为使细绳与竖直方向夹角为 处于静止状态,对小球施加的最小力等于: A 、 3 mg B 、-3mg 2 a — b — c 运动过程中 mg 2 A


学习资料汇编 重庆市铜梁一中2018-2019学年高二英语10月月考试题 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What kind of films does Tina like? A. Thrillers. B. Comedies. C. Cartoons. 2. What happened to the boy yesterday? A. He lost his keys. B. He broke his cell phone. C. He forgot to take his bag. 3. How much is the green dress? A. $200. B. $400. C. $800. 4. Why is the woman late? A. Her flight was delayed. B. She was caught in a traffic jam. C. The road was under construction. 5. What did Jason do? A. He went to a concert. B. He played with Lily. C. He did his homework. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6. What will Alice do during her holiday? A. Walk on the beach. B. Do some reading. C. Go swimming. 7. When will Jim leave for Florida?


2019-2020学年高二英语9月月考试题(10) 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分, 共150分。考试时间120分钟。 第I卷 (共90分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15. B.£9.15. C.£9.18. 答案是B。 1.When will the man return the car? A.At 5:30. B.At 5:00. C.At 4:30. 2.What are the speakers talking about? A.A fancy restaurant. B.A birthday celebration. C.A family reunion. 3.What does the woman advise the man to do with the computer? A.Have it repaired. B.Get a second-hand one. C.Buy a new one. 4.Why does the man come to the police station? A.To make an appointment. B.To express his thanks C.To get his car back. 5.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers? A.Husband and wife. B.Patient and dentist. C.Student and teacher. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小


(人教版)高三一轮复习《化学实验基础》单元过关试题 (考试时间:50分钟,满分100分) 一、单项选择题:本题包括7小题,每小题6分,共42分 1.下列做法不正确的是(C) A.易燃试剂与强氧化性试剂分开放置并远离火源 B.用湿润的红色石蕊试纸检验氨气 C.在50 mL量筒中配制0.100 0 mol·L-1碳酸钠溶液 D.金属钠着火时,用细沙覆盖灭火 【解析】:本题考查化学试剂的存放、试纸的使用、仪器的使用以及常见安全事故的处理。易燃试剂往往具有非常强的还原性,遇到强氧化剂时易燃烧,A项正确;氨气溶于水后溶液显碱性,能使红色石蕊试纸变蓝,B项正确;必须用相应规格的容量瓶才能准确配制一定物质的量浓度的溶液,C项错误;金属钠以及燃烧生成的过氧化钠都易与水反应,故着火时用细沙灭火,D项正确。 2.为探究溴乙烷与NaOH的醇溶液共热发生的是水解反应还是消去反应,甲、乙、丙三名同学分别设计如下三个实验方案: 甲:向反应混合液中滴入溴水,若溶液颜色很快褪去,则可证明发生了消去反应。 乙:向反应混合液中滴入稀硝酸中和NaOH,然后再滴入AgNO3溶液,若有浅黄色沉淀生成, 则可证明发生了消去反应。 丙:向反应混合液中滴入酸性KMnO4溶液,若溶液颜色变浅,则证明发生了消去反应。 则有关上述实验方案叙述(D) A.甲正确 B.乙正确 C.丙正确 D.上述实验方案都不正确【解析】:A、反应混合液中存在氢氧化钠,溴与氢氧化钠反应而褪色,不能说明发生了消去反应,甲错误;B、溴乙烷发生水解反应也会有此现象,不能说明说明发生了消去反应,乙错误;C、反应混合液中的醇也可以使酸性KMnO4溶液颜色变浅,不能说明说明发生了消去反应,丙错误,答案选D。 3.下列实验可实现鉴别目的的是(C) A.用KOH溶液鉴别SO3(g)和SO2 B.用湿润碘化钾淀粉试纸鉴别Br2(g)和NO2 C.用CO2鉴别NaAlO2溶液和CH3COONa溶液 D.用BaCl2溶液鉴别AgNO3溶液和K2SO4溶液 【解析】:CO2通入NaAlO2溶液中出现白色沉淀,通入CH3COONa溶液中不反应,可以鉴别,C项正确。 4.进行化学实验时必须注意安全,下列选项正确的是( D) A.用方法点燃酒精灯 B.不慎将浓碱溶液沾到皮肤上,要立即用大量水冲洗,然后涂上2%~5%的硼酸溶液


高二11月月考(英语) I、听力测试:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 第一节 1. Who might Jane be? A. The woman's mother. B. The man's wife. C. The man's mother. 2. Where does the man want to go? A. The seaside. B. A bus stop. C. A post office 3. What does the woman mean? A. The man should quit (退出) Mr. Smith's lessons. B. The man can't graduate. C. The man has to take Mr. Smith's lessons. 4. What will the woman do? A. Lend the man something. B. Type something for the man. C. Take a chance to guess. 5. What do we know about the woman? A. She didn't listen to the man. B. She regretted having listened to the man. C. She will choose more courses this term. 第二节 听第6 段材料, 回答第6 、7 题。 6. Why can't the woman have the party on the twenty-ninth? A. She will attend a meeting. B. She will travel to another city. C. She will see her doctor. 7. How long will the party run? A. Four hours. B. Three hours. C. Two hours. 听第7 段材料, 回答第8 至10 题。 8. Why can't the woman use both her hands well? A. Her mother didn't allow her to use left hand. B. She was born right-handed. C. She wanted to be the same as other people. 9. What does the man think of being left-handed? A. It is sometimes inconvenient. B. It doesn't matter to him. C. It is better than being right-handed. 10. What do we know about the man? A. He often lends his car to others. B. He drives with his left hand. C. He is not Chinese 听第8 段材料, 回答第11 至13 题。 11. What does the woman want the man to do first? A. Dry some dishes(盘子)B . Wash some plates(盘子).C. Clean the stove(炉). 12. Where will the man look for another towel? A. On the shelf. B. In the drawer. C. In the cabinet. 13. What does the man suggest the woman do with the old towel? A. Clean her bike. B. Clean her car. C. Clean the garage. 听第9 段材料, 回答第14 至15 题。 14. What is the man doing here? A. Taking a business trip. B. Visiting his girlfriend. C. Having a holiday alone. 15. Where will he return the car? A. In San Francisco. B. Right here. C. In another office. II、单项填空:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项标号涂黑。

A 高二英语10月月考试题(无答案).doc

四川省眉山中学2018-2019学年高二英语10月月考试题(无答案)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where is the woman husband now? A. In Paris B. In Tokyo. C. In London 2. Who is using the bike? A. Ann B. Bob C. John 3. How will the speakers go to the park? A. On foot B. By car C By subway. 4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. The weather B. A trip C. A beach 5. How many pages do the speakers have to read for English homework? A. Four B. Five C. Six 第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Where does the woman want to go? A. A hotel B. A restaurant C. A post office 7. How far away is the place? A. About 10 minutes’ walk B. About 15 minutes’ walk C. About 20 minutes ‘walk 请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What is the man probably trying to do?


—高二月考 英语试题 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分75分) 第一节:单项填空(共35小题;每小题1分,满分35分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.---I don’t believe it’s good to hang the drawing here. ---- _______ I move it over there? Do you think it will look better? A.What about B.What if C.How about D.What with 2.His words surprised everyone.I couldn’t _____ so. A.imagine his saying B.think him saying C.imagine him to say D.consider him saying 3._____ you have bought! A.What a fine piece of furniture B.How fine furniture C.what a fine furniture D.How beautiful a furniture 4.When he came to,he found himself _____ by a group of villagers. A.surrounding B.being surrounded C.surrounded D.surround 5.--- Didn’t you have a good time at the party? ---- Of course I did.As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _____ so quickly. A.go by B.go away C.go out D.go over 6.The girl got married ______ the man who she had been engaged _______. A.with; with B.to; to C.with; to D.to; in 7.It was the first time that he______ a game, so he felt very sad. A.loses B.lost C.has lost D.had lost 8.We are kept ____ of what is happening in the world by reading newspapers and watching television. A.to inform B.to be informen C.informing D.informed 9.Pop music is liked by many people, but it is not _____ everyone’s taste. A.with B.in C.on D.to 10.It was a small place then, _____ what it is now. A.to be compared to B.comparing to C.compared to D.comparing with 11.We would like to pay you a visit this weekend ________. A.if you are convenient B.if it will be convenient to you C.if it is convenient to you D.whether you are convenient 12.There are two new hotels near here_______ construction.


2016-2017学年四川省成都市龙泉中学高二(下)入学数学试卷(理科) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,满分60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.) 1.若集合A={x|x2﹣x﹣2<0},且A∪B=A,则集合B可能是() A.{0,1}B.{x|x<2}C.{x|﹣2<x<1}D.R 2.已知命题p:?x0∈R,x02+1<0,则() A.¬p:?x∈R,x2+1>0 B.¬p:?x∈R,x2+1>0 C.¬p:?x∈R,x2+1≥0 D.¬p:?x∈R,x2+1≥0 3.点P在边长为1的正方形ABCD内运动,则动点P到定点A的距离|PA|<1的概率为() A.B.C.D.π 4.设数列{a n}的通项公式,其前n项和为S n,则S2016=() A.2016 B.1680 C.1344 D.1008 5.已知一个几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为() A.B.C.D.2 6.已知=(﹣2,1),=(k,﹣3),=(1,2),若(﹣2)⊥,则||=()A.B.3C.D. 7.已知A,B分别为双曲线C:﹣=1(a>0,b>0)的左、右顶点,P是C上一 点,且直线AP,BP的斜率之积为2,则C的离心率为() A.B.C.D. 8.已知程序框图如图所示,则该程序框图的功能是()

A.求数列的前10项和(n∈N*)B.求数列的前10项和(n∈N*) C.求数列的前11项和(n∈N*)D.求数列的前11项和(n∈N*) 9.设球的半径为时间t的函数R(t).若球的体积以均匀速度c增长,则球的表面积的增长速度与球半径. A.成正比,比例系数为C B.成正比,比例系数为2C C.成反比,比例系数为C D.成反比,比例系数为2C 10.在四棱锥P﹣ABCD中,底面是边长为2的菱形,∠DAB=60°,对角线AC与BD 相交于点O,PO⊥平面ABCD,PB与平面ABCD所成角为45°,若E是PB的中点,则异面直线DE与PA所成角的余弦值为() A.B.C.D. 11.已知定义在R上的函数f(x)=2|x﹣m|﹣1(m为实数)为偶函数,记a=f(log2),b=f(log25),c=f(2m),则a,b,c的大小关系为() A.<b<c B.a<c<b C.c<a<b D.c<b<a 12.过抛物线y2=2px(p>0)的焦点F作两条相互垂直的射线,分别与抛物线相交于点M,N,过弦MN的中点P作抛物线准线的垂线PQ,垂足为Q,则的最大值为()A.1 B.C.D. 二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分.)


上学期高二英语11月月考试题01 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题,每题1.5,共7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. In a hospital. B. In a friend’s house. C. In the man’s house. 2. What is the woman going to buy? A.A book on planes. B. Pictures of ships. C.A book on ships. 3. What kind of music does the man like? A. Folk music. B. Pop music. C. Classical music. 4.Why doesn’t the woman buy the coat? A. It is expensive. B. There isn’t her size. C. She doesn’t like the color. 5. What is the man doing? A. Finishing his homework. B. Doing physical exercise. C. Smoking on the upper floor. 第二节(共15小题,每题1.5,共22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. What’s the matter with Hudson’s mother? A. She was ill, but she felt much better. B. She was seriously ill. C. She went to see him. 7. What kind of person is Mr. Hudson according to the dialogue? A. A very good worker. B. A person who often gets angry. C. A person who cares nothing. 8. Which may be the reason why Mr. Hudson is so sad? A. His mother’s illness. B. Maybe his son has brought him some trouble. C. His manager wants to fire him. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What are the two speakers generally talking about? A. People served in shops. B. Goods in various qualities. . C. Shopping in different places.


2020届四川省成都市树德中学高三期中考试高中物 理 物理试卷 总分值150分考试时刻120分钟 一、选择题〔此题包括12小题,共48分。每题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个选项正确,有的有多个选项正确,全部选对的得4分,选对但选不全的得2分,有选错的得0分。〕1.如下图,物体由高度相同、路径不同的光滑斜面静止滑下,物体通过AB的路径l与通过ACD的路径2的长度相等,物体通过C点前后速度大小不变,那么( ) A.物体沿路径1滑下所用时刻较短 B.物体沿路径2滑下所用时刻较短 C.物体沿两条路径滑下的时刻相同 D.路径2的情形不够明确,无法判定哪条路径滑下用的时刻的长或短 2.质点所受的合外力F随时刻变化的规律如图,力的方向始终在一直线上,t=0时质点的速度为零,在图示的t1、t2、t3和t4各时刻中,哪一时刻质点的动能最大〔〕 A.t1B.t2 C.t3 D.t4 3.如下图,细绳的一端固定在O点,另一端拴一个小球,平稳时小球位于A点,在B点有一钉子位于OA两点连线上,M点在B点正上方,且AB=BM,与B点等高有一点N,且BN=AB,现将小球拉到与M点等高的点P,且细线绷直,从静止开释小球后,小球的运动情形是( )

A.小球将摆到N点,然后再摆回 B.小球将摆到M、N之间的圆弧的某点,然后自由下落 C.小球将摆到M点,然后自由下落 D.以上讲法均不正确 4.滑轮A可沿与水平面成θ角的绳索无摩擦地下滑,绳索处于绷紧状态可认为是一直线,滑轮下端通过轻绳悬挂一重为G的物体B,假设物体和滑轮下滑时相对静止,那么( ) A.物体的加速度一定小于gsinθB.轻绳所受拉力为Gsinθ C.轻绳所受拉力为GcosθD.轻绳一定与水平面垂直 5.如下图,A、B两物体的重力分不是G A=3N,G B=4N。A用细线悬挂在顶板上,B放在水平面上,A、B间轻弹簧的弹力为F=2N,那么细线中的拉力T及B对地面的压力N的可能值分不是〔〕 A.7N和0N B.5N和2N C.1N和6N D.2N和5N 6.假如一作圆周运动的人造地球卫星的轨道半径增大到原先的2倍,仍作圆周运动,那么( ) A.依照公式V=ωr,可知卫星的线速度将增大到原先的2倍 1 B.依照公式F=mV2/r ,可知卫星所需的向心力将减小到原先的 2 1 C.依照公式F=GMm/r2,可知地球提供的向心力将减小到原先的 4

高二英语10月月考试题(无答案) (新版)新人教版

2019学年高二英语10月月考试题(无答案) 考试时间:90 分钟试题满分:100 分2018.9 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节 A Burlington School, London Burlington School is located in Parso ns Green, 15 minutes by underground from the centre of London. Our standard of teaching is high, with courses in General and Specialist English. The coffee bar is open all day serving freshly-cooked meals, and the school organizes a range of social activities to complement(补充)the classes. Students live either in homestays or in one of our hotels. See Burlington School courses and save 10% University of Liverpool, English Language Centre You can have confidence in the University of Liverpool. While studying here, you will benefit from modern English teaching methods in small classes of fewer than 16 students. See University of Liverpool courses and save 12%. Interactive English School, Brighton We are a small friendly school. Being a small school means we can cater for your individual needs more easily than larger schools can. All of our teachers are native speakers, qualified and experienced. Our prices are very affordable and start from ~60 per week for full-time courses of 12 lessons.
