《庄子与惠子游于濠梁 》课文,翻译及中考题(含答案)

《庄子与惠子游于濠梁 》课文,翻译及中考题(含答案)
《庄子与惠子游于濠梁 》课文,翻译及中考题(含答案)

































_________________________________________________________________________ _______


8 1 舍生取义

9 2 鱼,是我喜爱(想要)的;熊掌,也是我喜爱(想要)的。这两样东西



10 3 孟子积极入世;庄子消极避世。答到“积极”、“消极”或“入世”、
























A.是.鱼之乐也是.日更定矣 B.子之不知鱼之乐全.矣苟全.性命于乱世

C.子固.非鱼也固.国不以山溪之险 D.子曰“汝安知鱼乐”云.者云.归而岩穴暝20.下列各项中“之”字用法与例句不同


A.公与之.乘 B.杀之.以应陈涉 C.何陋之.有 D.择其善者而从之.






20. C评分标准:3分。



22. 欣赏庄子,因为庄子能以愉快的心境,对待周围的事物,追求天人合一,推崇自然,机智善辩。
















( 2)“闻道百,以为莫已若”者,我之谓也。




11.(1)注入(2)面向;朝向(3)旋转;掉转(4)认为……轻 12.(1)(河伯)认为天下一切美好的东西全都聚集在自己身上。


























23.A (2分)



26.示例:对有损国家、集体、人民利益的团体或个人,要及早发现、及早处理。(或:要虚心向他人请教;事物是相互联系的等等。)(3分,言之有理,表达流畅即可给分)2008 年漳州市

比较阅读【甲】【乙】两个文段,完成第9 一13 题。(17 分)


【注释】(1)大隗(wěi ) 传说中的神名。(2)具茨:山名(3)涂:同“途”,路。(4)辞:谢绝。(5)奚:何,什么。













13 .请说说黄帝的做法对我们今天的学习和生活有怎样的借鉴作用?

答案:9 、( 1 )按时(2 )穷尽,尽(3 )拜见,拜访(4 )正好,恰好

10 、D

11、 ( 1 )听到了上百条道理,便认为天下再没有谁能比得上自己。(或听到道理很多了,就认为没有人能比得上自己。)

( 2 )治理天下的人,与牧马的人有什么不同呢?(或治理天下,和牧马又有什么不同呢?) 12.贻笑大方(或望洋兴叹)、害群之马。




英语翻译题库Translation. Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English to Chinese. Each of the 10 sentences is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer. 1. When exporting goods, it is essential to arrange insurance cover in case the goods are lost or damaged in transit. A.为了促进货物出口, 减少货物的丢失或者损坏, 必须发展保险业. B.出口时, 货物基本上都会上保险, 这样货物就避免了丢失或损坏. C.出口货物时必须办理保险, 以防货物在运输过程中丢失或者损坏. D.出口前货物一般都会上保险, 以便在货物遗失或损坏后得到赔偿. 2. If we do not receive payment by the end of this month, we will have no alternative but to take legal action. A.如果本月底我们还收不到付款, 我们将会采取除申诉以外的一切行动. B.如果在本月底我们仍未收到货款, 我们别无选择, 只能采取法律行动. C.如果本月底我们还收不到订货, 我们就不得不采取其他办法了. D.如果本月底我们还收不到订购的货物, 我们就不得不拒绝付款. 3. Party B has the right to a written notice to Party A under the following conditions. A.乙方在下述情况下有权以书面通知甲方取消合同. B.乙方有义务在下述条件下通知甲方签定书面合同. C.乙方在下列条件下有权拒绝接受甲方书写的合同. D.乙方在下列情况下才得有权与甲方终止书面合同. 4. I have already given instructions for the task to be taken up first and the engineers doing the job to work overtime. A.我已下达指示, 首先要承担这项任务, 并且从事该项工作的工程师们必须加 班. B.我已做了说明, 从事该项工作并肯加班的工程人员具有优先权来参与这项 任务. C.我已经下达指令, 涉及该项工作的人员应首先接受该项任务, 并且要加班工 作. D.我已做了解释, 首先必须有工程师们愿意加班工作才能有可能来完成这项 任务. 5. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. A.尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能理解创造性工作,也不能代替人类。 B.有许多优点的电子计算机也不能代替人类去做创造性工作。 C.电子计算机有很多缺点,既不能进行创造性工作,也不能代替人类。

中考英语真题分类汇编 翻译句子

【中考湖南邵阳】B)翻译阅读短文,将文中划线部分翻译成汉语。(共5小题,每小题2分) Rising in the east of the world has been the greatest China dream of Chinese people since modern times. 71 . The Chinese people support the China dream from their hearts. “72. Everybody has his own dream.”Chairman Xi's words have brought “China Dream”into the life of every Chinese. However, 73. there is still a long way to go before the dream comes true. All people in China share the common future which needs long-term efforts. 74. If everyone is hard-working in his life, the China Dream will be realized and 75. our own dreams will come true. Only when the whole nation achieves development, can its people develop themselves in a correct way with freedom and equal chance of success. 【主旨大意】习主席多次提到“中国梦”,并谈到“人生出彩”,谁的人生? 显然,不是少数人的人生,也不是多数人的人生,而是生活在中华人民共和国疆域内每一个国民、每一个个人的人生。本文就是从这个角度阐述如何实现“中国梦”。【答案】71. 中国人民由衷地支持这个中国梦。 72. 每个人都有自己的梦想。 73.还有很长的路要走。 74.如果每个人在生活中努力工作 75.我们个人的梦想将会实现。 【中考四川内江】II.汉译英。将下列汉语翻译成英语(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)。 91. Smith医生叫John戒酒。 92. 我们城市有越来越多的游客。 93. 他告诉我说他见过李华很多次了。 94. 科学家发现在太空旅游是有可能的。 95. 当我小的时候,我父母经常带我去我家附近的公园。 【答案】 91. Dr. Smith told/asked John to give up/stop drinking wine. 92. There are more and more visitors in our city/cities. 93. He told me that he had seen/met Li Hua many times. 94. Scientists (have found) find out that travel in space is possible/it's possible to travel in space. 95. When I was young, my parents often took me to the park near my house. 【中考福建福州】I. 将下列句子译成英语。必须用上所给的提示词。(每小题2分,共8分) 111.你的电脑出了什么问题?(matter)


九年级英语翻译(完成)句子专项练习(含参考答案) 一、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1.同学们,请考马路右边走。 Boys and girls,please walk side of the road. 2.离开教室的时候记着关灯。 Remember to the lights when you leave the classroom. 3.马良想为那个孩子画一匹马。 Ma Liang wanted to for the child. 4.明天的大雨可能会阻碍我们外出。 The heavy rain may us from out tomorrow. 5.我想知道明天我们在哪里见面。 I wonder meet tomorrow. 6.我昨晚看的那场电影真搞笑! movie I saw last night! 7.下一站我得下车了。 I have to the bus at the next stop. 8.你应该学会礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请。 You are supposed to learn others` invitation politely. 9.当我们赶到书店时,他们已经卖光了《哈利·波特》这本书。 By the time we arrived at the bookstore,they Harry Potter. 10.志愿者们正在努力地为俄罗斯世界杯提供更好的服务。

The volunterrs to provide Russia World Cup with better service. 二、句子翻译 1.这个暑假你打算做什么? 2.我已经决定读一些书并游览一些名胜古迹。 3.养成一个良好的阅读习惯对我们来说很重要。 4.旅游被认为是放松的最好方式之一。 5.阅读和旅游能给我们打开一个全新的世界。 6.我们一到学校就会交作业。 7.制作风筝对你来说容易吗? 8.你最好不要在公园里采花。 9.我想知道你是怎样和汤姆保持联系的。 10.上周这家博物馆的一些艺术品被偷了。


1)你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼。(reasonable) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising. 2) 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都更健康,受到了更好的教育。(in general) In general, children are healthier and better educated than ever before. 3) 待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。(come along) Wh en the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it. 4)每天他都留出点时间跟家人在一起,享受生活。(set aside) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life 5) 我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。(hand in hand) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father 6) 他最终辜负了父母的期望。(live up to) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations. 相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。(in contrast) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously. 8) 经过努力,他成功地克服了自己的致命弱点。(overcome) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. 1) 人们认为,悲观常常会导致绝望、疾病和失败。 It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure. 2) 与此相反,乐观主义能使你幸福、健康和成功。 Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. 3) 当你做某件事失败时,把失败当作一种学习的经历从中汲取益处。 When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience ) 在问题或困难面前,要想想自己的长处并树立起自信心。 Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties. 5) 不要让消极的想法阻碍你。 Don’t let negative thoughts hold y ou back. 6) 每个人都经历过失败和失望,因此不要过多地责怪自己。 Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much. 1) She wore a dress ____with a pattern of rose__________ (有玫瑰图案) on it. 2) Helen had ____prepared a wonderful/good meal for us_ (为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜). 3) Ann _______promised faithfully___ (信誓旦旦地保证) that she would never tell. 4) Could you ____deliver this letter__ (把这封信送到) to the accounts department? 5) We were offered ____a selection of milk and plain____chocolate (精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力). 6) Tell the children to ___keep out of mischief / behave themselves_____(别胡闹). 7) We could hear _____the sound of distant thunder_____ (远处打雷的声音). 8) The project has now __received approval from the government (得到政府的批准). 9) Kelly loved her husband ____in spite of the fact that he drank too much (虽然他喝酒太多). 10) Experts seem unable to ____agree whether the drug is safe or not_ (就这个药是否安全取得一致意见). 1. Not every bomb has hit its target. 并非每个炸弹都击中了目标。 2. We can have one or the other but not both simultaneously. 我们能够得到其中一个,但不能同时两个都有。 3. She wanted nothing more than work. 她只想要工作。 4. You cannot be too careful. 你越仔细越好。 5. I have yet to receive an apology from a child who just ran over my foot while chasing a sibling. 有个小孩在追逐自家的兄弟姐妹时踩了我的脚,却仍未向我道歉。 1. 并非所有父母都和你一样能提供很多情况。 Not all parents are as informative as you


【2015湖南长沙】第一节语篇翻译读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分〉 What are magic words? Words like "thank you”,"please" and "sorry" can work wonders in our daily life. These polite expressions arc used every day in America 一among strangers, between friends or with family. 66. People with good manners always communicate with others well by using these magic words. What should you do when you receive a gift for your birthday? 67.你最好坐下来写一封感谢信。 68. The words “th an k vou” are very important and used very often. We say them when someone hands us a letter, passes us a book, offers us a drink, or lends us an umbrella. "Please" is another important word, but many people forget to use it. It is not polite to ask someone for without saying "please”. 69. We are supposed to use it when we ask for something too. It may be a book, a pen, or more milk. It may be in the classroom, at home, or at the bus stop. We can use“please”to make a request (请求)pleasant. 70. 我们也应该会说“对不起”。If we have hurt someone's feeling, we have to say“sorry”. When we have told a lie and regret it, the same word should be used. Sometimes we have forgotten something or broken a promise, so we need to explain with the word as a beginning, "Sorry" is such a word that can make people forget wrongs. "Thank you! Please! Sorry!"—these words are simple but useful. Man said them long ago. We use them now. So will our kids. 66. _________________________________ 67. _________________________________ 68. _________________________________ 69. _________________________________ 70. _________________________________ 66.有礼貌的人总是会用有魔力的语言跟别人交流的很好。 67.You’d better sit down and write a letter of thanks. 68. “谢谢你”这句话是非常重要的和经常使用的。 69.我们也希望当我们询问事情的时候使用它。 70. We also should learn to say“sorry”。 【2015湖南邵阳】B)英汉互译阅读短文,将文中划线的句子翻译成汉语或英语。(共5小题,每小题2分) As teenagers, we should always keep ourselves safe. How can we keep safe? Here is some advice. ▲71. We must pay attention to the importance of food safety. When we buy food, we should read the instructions and dates carefully. 72. 请保持食品的干净和新鲜。We’d better eat less junk food. ▲73.We must follow the traffic rules. Please don’t run or play in the street. It’s very dangerous. ▲74. In summer, we mustn’t swim alone in the river. We need our parents to go with us. If we are in danger, we must keep calm and call the police for help. ▲75. 保持安全对于我们来说很重要。Hope all of us can protect ourselves well. 【主旨大意】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍夏季青少年要保持安全的几种方法。 71.我们必需注意食品安全的重要性。 72.Please keep food clean and fresh.


【英语】高考英语翻译试题经典 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.熬夜大大影响健康。(affect) _________________________ 2.等他明年回来,这个体育馆就建好了。(by the time) _________________________ 3.从长远来看,你的知识面越广,就越有能力应付工作中的问题。(capable) _________________________ 4.据信,过分溺爱孩子会不知不觉地造成孩子的坏脾气,甚至缺乏自理能力。(It) _________________________ 【答案】 1.Staying up late affects one’s health greatly. 2.By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up. 3.In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems at work. 4.It is believed that spoiling children too much may unconsciously cause their bad temper, even the lack of ability to take care of themselves. 【解析】 【分析】 本题考查翻译句子,注意使用括号内的提示词进行翻译。 1.考查非谓语动词。affect表示“影响”,是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,stay up表示“熬夜”,本句使用动名词作主语,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,注意动名词作主语时谓语动词用第三人称单数,故翻译为:Staying up late affects one’s health greatly. 2.考查时态语态。by the time引导的时间状语从句,表示将来的时间时,从句用一般现在时,主句用将来完成时,stadium与set up之间是被动关系,所以用将来完成时的被动语态,故翻译为:By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up. 3.考查固定句式。be capable of表示“能够”,根据句意可知本句使用“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,表示“越……,就越……”,陈述的是客观事实。用一般现在时,故翻译为:In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems at work. 4.考查形式主语和非谓语动词。ability后用不定式作后置定语,ability to do表示“做……的能力”,根据提示词可知本句使用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为:It is believed that spoiling children too much may unconsciously cause their bad temper, even the lack of ability to take care of themselves. 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in


中考英语句子翻译题 翻译填空题考点1:考查固定句式 1.李平昨晚花了半小时做功课。 _______________LiPing___________________hishomeworklastnight. 2.那所新学校美丽得像个大花园。 Thatnewschoolis______________thatit_______________. 3.当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以至于大喊大叫。WhenthefootballfanssawBeckham,theygot_______excited_______theycriedout. 4.秋天的天气不冷也不热。 Itis__________________________________________inautumn. 5.你最好脱掉你的外套。 You‘dbetter________________yourovercoat. 6.她不仅会说英语,还会说汉语。 Shecanspeak_________English_________Chinese. 7.我认为这所房子不够大。 I____________thehouseisbigenough. 8.他跑得如此之快,以至于我都赶不上他。 Heran_____fast_______Icouldn‘tcatchupwithhim. 9.昨晚玛丽11点才睡觉。 Marydid_______gotobed_______eleveno‘clocklastnight. 10.建造这座立交桥将花费工人们一年多时间。 Itwill________theworkersoverayear________________thefly-over. 11.外面正在下大雨,你最好呆在家里。 It‘srainingheavilyoutside.You’d________athome. 12.我想能尽快看到他。 Iwouldliketoseehim_________aspossible,please. 13.如果今晚他们外出散步,我也去。Iftheygooutforawalkthisevening,_____________. 14.孩子们对科学越来越感兴趣了。 Childrenarebecoming_____________inscience. 15.他是一个好人,与每个人都相处得很好。 Heissuchakindman_____________. 16.她和我都不正确。 _____shenorI_____right. 17)我们觉得晚上出去是危险的。 Wefind____________togooutatnight. 18.我认为在短时间内学好一门外语很难。 I_________it________tolearnaforeignlanguagewellinashorttime. 19.乘公共汽车去那里需要我们20分钟。 Itakes_____twenty_____togotherebybus. 20.在强烈的光线下看书不好。 _______________ustoreadinstronglight. 21.每个人都保持健康是很重要的。 It‘sveryimportantforeverybody______________healthy. 22.他说得太快了,别人听不懂。 Hespoketoofastto_____himself______. 23.天气如此寒冷,以至于我们都呆在家里。 It‘s__________cold_________we_________stayedathome. 24.你最好不要在早饭时间去看他。 You_______________________toseehimatbreakfasttime. 翻译填空题考点2:考查词形变换 1.今天的报纸上有什么重要内容吗?


历年中考英语真题翻译汇总 2018长沙 People have been trying to find out if homework is good or bad for school children,and they have different opinions. 65.Some people think that homework is an important part of learning for students.They believe it not only enables children to practice what they have learned in class,but also helps improve their handwriting.They also say that homework helps teach children how to work on their own.66.Also,it's a skill which is useful to them in future life. Others disagree,though.67.他们认为家庭作业给孩子们太多的压力.And the time spent on homework could have been used to do other activities like reading and playing sports.To back up their opinion,they give the example of Finland(芬兰).68.在芬兰,学生几乎没什么作业.But the country remains one of the most educationally successful countries in the world. Here is my point of view(观点)on this matter.69.Whether the homework is good or bad depends on the purpose of it.If there is no clear reason for giving homework,the students won't get anything from doing it,so it should not be set.However,I still believe that homework can really help with children's learning,if teachers clearly tell them why they should do the homework and let them know how they have done in their homework. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 2017长沙 Starting high school can be difficult. Everyone is nervous and nobody knows where to go for classes Thinking about making new friends might make you feel nervous too. 66. 但是别担心,因为你不是孤身一人。You are going to school with a group of students of your age,and we have several tips (贴士)for you to follow. Forget your fear and just talk to someone. 67.It is easier said than done. But try to take a deep breath and find your voice. Don't be afraid to approach(接近)people. Introduce yourself and start a conversation about something you have in common. Sit in the middle of the c1assroom with as many new friends around you as possible. Join clubs.


英语翻译题库 Translation. Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English to Chinese. Each of the 10 sentences is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer. 1. When exporting goods, it is essential to arrange insurance cover in case the goods are lost or damaged in transit. A.为了促进货物出口, 减少货物的丢失或者损坏, 必须发展保险业. B.出口时, 货物基本上都会上保险, 这样货物就避免了丢失或损坏. C.出口货物时必须办理保险, 以防货物在运输过程中丢失或者损坏. D.出口前货物一般都会上保险, 以便在货物遗失或损坏后得到赔偿. 2. If we do not receive payment by the end of this month, we will have no alternative but to take legal action. A.如果本月底我们还收不到付款, 我们将会采取除申诉以外的一切行动. B.如果在本月底我们仍未收到货款, 我们别无选择, 只能采取法律行动. C.如果本月底我们还收不到订货, 我们就不得不采取其他办法了. D.如果本月底我们还收不到订购的货物, 我们就不得不拒绝付款. 3. Party B has the right to a written notice to Party A under the following conditions. A.乙方在下述情况下有权以书面通知甲方取消合同. B.乙方有义务在下述条件下通知甲方签定书面合同. C.乙方在下列条件下有权拒绝接受甲方书写的合同. D.乙方在下列情况下才得有权与甲方终止书面合同. 4. I have already given instructions for the task to be taken up first and the engineers doing the job to work overtime. A.我已下达指示, 首先要承担这项任务, 并且从事该项工作的工程师们必须加 班. B.我已做了说明, 从事该项工作并肯加班的工程人员具有优先权来参与这项 任务. C.我已经下达指令, 涉及该项工作的人员应首先接受该项任务, 并且要加班工 作. D.我已做了解释, 首先必须有工程师们愿意加班工作才能有可能来完成这项 任务. 5. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. A.尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能理解创造性工作,也不能代替人类。 B.有许多优点的电子计算机也不能代替人类去做创造性工作。


人教版中考英语句子翻译专项练习 1.我们坚信什么也不能阻止历史的车轮滚滚向前。 We’resurenothingcan________________thewheelofhistoryfrom_____________ ___. 2.无论刮风下雨,我们的老师总是第一个到校。 ________________windy first________________school。 3.必须采取措施使地球免受污染。 Something________________to________________from being polluted。 4.正是团队协作使我们越来越自信。 Itis________________thatmakesus________________。 5.本星期五晚上你能来我家吗?23点之前我有空。 ___________________________ 6.明天星期几?明天星期三。______________________________________ 7.我打算明天看望我姑姑。________________ 8.为什么不把这些生单词记在你的笔记本上?________ _______write down thenew words in your note book? 9.她和有耐心,非常适合教学。She is very patient and she is________ ________________. 10.我除了步行回家,什么也不能做。汽车站已经没有汽车了。I could do________________walk home。there were no buses at the bus shop。 11.我觉得每晚睡8小时很重要。I think it’s ________________eight hours a night.


初三英语英汉互译题专练 1.This is not only great fun,but it is also great exercise. 2.一些孩子很擅长玩这个。 3.Kids usually spend a lot of time on their study. 4.事实上,锻炼和学习一样重要。 5.All children will be very happy if they get the toy as a gift. 6.你的新家怎么样? 7.I hope you are doing well. 8.Again,I’m really sorry it took me so long to write to you! 9.我度过了美妙的一年。 10.I truly hope we can keep in touch. 11.we should learn how to deal with our problems. 12.有时我们会生朋友的气。 13.However,this usually does not last for long. 14.他们有太多的作业要做。 15.Let’s face the challenges. 16.It’s wonderful to hear from you. 17.这里有来处世界各地的名师。 18.It’s interesting for me to take part in different kinds of after-school activities. 19.株洲发生了很大的变化。 20.We can ride bicycles by the Xiangjiang River. 21.澳大利亚比中国小一点。 22.Australia is in the south of the earth. 23.when it’s spring in China,it will be autumn in Australia. 24.澳大利亚因绵羊和袋鼠而著名。 25.You can see kangaroos(袋鼠)not only in zoos but also outside the cities and towns. 26.The quickest way to make friends is to smile. 27.Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. 28.他们放学后做些什么? 29.When someone asks you a question,you’d better have an answer for them. 30.水对我们很重要。 31.Human beings and animals can’t live without water. 32.Sometimes we can see it.But sometimes we can’t. 33.水对一些体育运动具有帮助作用。 34.We are short of water. 35.如果我们没有好的身体,就不会取得好的成绩。 36.Other people prefer collecting stamps,reading or shopping.


2019中考英语专题练习-英 译汉(含解析) 一、翻译 1.英译汉:将下列短语翻译成中文。 (1)three times a week ________ (2)help with housework________ (3)stay up________ (4)at least________ (5)hardly ever________ 2.英译汉 (1)go over (2)have a picnic (3)check one's email (4)see a movie 3.将英语词组翻译成中文 (1)have a piano lesson (2)in the park (3)stay at home alone (4)help with the housework 4.将你看到的英文词组翻译成中文 (1)get on well with sb. (2)choose…as… (3)be good at (4)work hard (5)ready to do sth. 5.英译汉 (1)by train (2)do some shopping (3)meet sb.at the station (4)spend all day 6.No matter how hard your situation is, you had better not give up. 7.英译汉 (1)in pieces (2)sit down (3)be asleep

(4)hurry out of 8.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 9.英译汉 (1)movie star (2)get to (3)go swimming (4)at the airport 10.翻译句子 Do you have any hobbies? If students don't have any interest except school work,they may become boring people. And that can influence their studies. Studying without relaxing isn't good for health. ⑴We can't get good grades if we have bad health. We should make use of our free time .We should do something we like. Some people like singing, taking photos and drawing pictures. Other people prefer collecting stamps,reading or shopping. I have a few hobbies,but my favorite one is collecting stamps. ⑴I like it best because I learn a lot from stamps. Some people collect stamps because they can make money from the stamps. But I am just interested in collecting them and enjoy looking at them when I am free. ⑴Collecting stamps is becoming more and more popular around the world. I know an Australian boy and a French girl through the Internet. They all like collecting stamps. We show our stamps to each other online. That is so cool. ⑴________⑴________⑴________ 11.句子翻译。阅读下面的短文,把下面划线部分的句子翻译成中文。 You probably think you will never be a top student. In fact, you can become a better student if you want to. You maybe say, “It takes me lots of time to study, but I don't still make progress.” But if you can use your time well, you may improve your study without much work. There are a few ways here to help you with your study. Plan your time carefully. You should make a list of things that you have to do during a week. First, you should write down the time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then you should use the time that you can study. Of course, studying shouldn't take all of your time. Don't forget to leave enough time for hobbies yourself. Find a good place to study. Keep this place, which may be a desk or just a corner of your room. No games, radio, or television! When you sit down to work, think only about the subject! Make good use of your time in class. Listen to what the teacher says carefully. Careful listening in class means less work later. You also need to take notes in class, because it can make it easier for you to learn well. Can you give any other ways to study? (1)“It takes me lots of time to study, but I don't still make progress.” (2)Plan your time carefully.
