

1. What is software ?

Collection of programs is called software .

Categories :

System software (1.operating system; 2.perice divers; 3.utilities; 4.programming language) Application software (1.word processing; https://www.360docs.net/doc/3212881658.html,cation and training)

Some of the function of the system software are:

(1).displaying information on the screen .

(2).storing data on disks

(3).sending data to the printer

2. what is computer software ?

it is defined as the instructions and associated data , stored in electronic format , that direct the computer to accomplish task.

3. what is the shareware ?

shareware is copyrighted software marketed under a “try before you buy ” policy

4. network : interconnection between 2 or more computer

host 1


host4server printer

purpose of network :

(1) sharing the file and applications

(2) sharing hardware devices

kinds of network :

(1) UK JANET (Joint Academic Network)

(2) Europe EARN (European Academic Research Network)

(3) USA ARPA net (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network )

Application of network:

(1) resource sharing

hardware (computer resource , disks , prints )

software (application software )

(2) information sharing

easy accessibility from anywhere

search capability

(3) communication

Email , Message broadcast.

T ypes of network :

(1) LAN (Local Area Network) network in small geographical area ;

(2) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) network in a city ;

(3) WAN (Wide Area Network) spread geographical ;

5. ISO/OSI divide into 7 layers :

(1) physical layer --- transmitting individual bits from one node to the next

(2) data link layer --- data representation

(3)network layer --- end to end communication

(4)transport layer --- provide services from internet layer to application layer

(5)session layer --- communication between hosts


(7)application layer --- provide some application

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3212881658.html,pare OSI with TCP/IP

Similarities :

(1)both have layers

(2)both have application layers

(3)both have comparable transport and Network layers

(4)packet ---switched technology is assumed

(5)networking professional need to know both models

differences :

(1)TCP/IP combines presentation and session layer functions into its application layer.

(2)TCP/IP combines the OSI data link and physical layers into one layer

(3)TCP/IP simpler because it has few layers

(4)OSI complex because it has multiple layers

(5)TCP/IP have 4 layers , but OSI have 7 layers


URL stands for uniform resource locator

A URL is the address of document on the computer

8.8. acronym

(1) IC --- Integrated Circuit

(2) PC --- Personal Computer

(3) CPU ---Central Processing Unit

(4) VDU --- V isual Display Unit

(5) PCI --- Peripheral Component Interconnect

(6) USB ---Universal Serial Bus

(7) GUI --- Graphical User Interface

(8) OSI --- Open System Interconnection

(9) ISO --- International Standard Organization

(10) HTTP --- Hypertext Markup Language

(11) TCP --- Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

(12) DNS --- Domain Name System

(13) FTP --- File Transfer Protocol

(14) UDP --- User Datagram Protocol

(15) ARP --- Address Resolution Protocol



1.home page 主页 2.graphical user interface (GUI) 图形用户界面 3.artificial intelligence 人工智能 4.carbon copy 打字副本 5.field 字段 6.software suite 软件套装 7.desktop operating system 桌面操作系统 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3212881658.html,ser printer 激光打印机 9.machine language 机器语言 10.relational database 关系数据库 11.menu bar 菜单栏 12.secondary storage 辅助存储器;二级存储器 13.system software 系统软件 二、 1.内存 memory 2.输入设备 input device 3.扬声器 speaker

4.局域网 local-area network 5.传输控制协议 transmission control protocol 6.集成电路 integrated circuits 7.上下文敏感 context sensitive 8.微处理器 microprocessor 9.只读存储器 Read-only memory 10.触摸屏 touch screen 11.像素 pixel 12.多媒体 multimedia 13.自动换行 word wrap 三


A、people B、OS C、keyboards D、procedures E、software ( abc ) 2、For microcomputer, there are three basic system units: ____________ . A、Desktop system units B、Notebook system units C、Personal digital assistant system units D、Arithmetic-logic units ( a ) 3、Language translators convert programming statements into__________. A、machine languages B、UNIX C、service programs D、operating systems ( b ) 4、The ____________is a list of commands or options from which you can choose. A、icon B、menu C、window D、pointer ( a ) 5、Database management systems are comprised of tables that are made of rows called __________ and columns called __________ . A、fields, records B、ranges, sheets C、records, fields D、 records, ranges ( abcd )6、The four main computer operations are _________.


计算机专业英语第4次作业 1.Windows gives you more control over the__A___ your work. A:operation B:way C:energy D:power 2.Tea or coffee ? Which is your___A___? A:preference B:confusion C:puzzle D:mixture 3.Programs that can destroy another computer's programs are called__D_. A:games B:computer languages C:bugs D:viruses 4.You were _C___ to us by our associates. A:told B:suggest C:recommended D:informed 5.You should be able to tell the meaning of this word from its ___C____. A:company B:conclusion C:context D:communication 6.___B___ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch. A:Software

B:Hardware C:Hardship D:Instruction 7.___C______that, I could do it much better. A:If I do B:If I were do C:Were I to do D:Were I do 8.A network is a group of computers linked by communication lines . 正确 9.Most RAM is temporary, losing its contents when the computer's power is turned off. 正确 10.A program is a series of instruction that guides a computer through a process. 正确 11.写出下列术语的英文或中文意思。 1 message encryption 参考答案: 1 信息加密(术) 2 客户机-服务器结构 2 client-server architecture 3 关系数据库 3 relational database 4 microwave radio 4 微波无线电 5 digital television 5 数字电视 12:[论述题]12.阅读下列短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 For every man in the Civil War who died in battle, two or three men died of disease. Doctors of that time knew very little about causes of sickness or ways of preventing it. Thousands of men in poor health became soldiers. Hundreds of others had never had childhood diseases. Many of these soldiers could not withstand the epidemics of measles, mumps, and whooping cough that went through the camps. Army life was hard. Soldiers got few fruits or vegetables. There was no milk unless they happened to find a cow. Neither their clothes nor their shelters protected the troops from rain, snow, and cold. Sickness and disease were spread by insects, rats, and impure drinking water. Often the men drank straight from muddy streams. Gunshot wounds were serious, as in any war,


计算机专业英语 系别:数学系 班级:11级计算机二班姓名:徐小凤学号:110312248

Robot Competition From 11th to 13th October 2013, these three days are special for my teammates and me. I took part in the fifth Robot Competition of Anhui province. After continuous efforts, we got the third prize in the end. In April 2013, this competition was announced in our class by Mr He. In that moment, many students registered for the competition. After hardly training, there were only fifteen students remaining. We were divided into five teams. Each included three people. There were three teams taking part in wheel type robot competition (or named intelligent car). And the other two majored in dancing robot. My two roommates and I engaged in the designing of robot dance. We controlled the robots by program. But the program was programmed in BASIC, which is a high level programming language. The problem was that we had never touched to that language besides C or C++. So, we must learn the language before designing the action. It seemed difficult but we had never lost our courage. After seeking enough data from the Internet and the library, we spent about a few weeks to learn it. When we felt the fundamental grammar was easy, we began to design the dancing action. That was the most important and most difficult part. We spent much time on


计算机专业英语的一些特点 1 引言 计算机专业英语是各个层次的计算机类专业的必修课,是大学英语教学的延伸和提高,也是学生大学期间英语不断线教育中非常重要的一环。由于计算机学科的特殊性,即绝大部分计算机新技术都源于国外,要想快速学习、掌握这些新技术和新的开发工具,必须能够熟练地阅读计算机英文文献。同时目前倡导的双语教学,要求部分专业课程要用原版英文教材,这就要求学生必须先掌握足够的基础知识专业词汇。所以专业英语对计算机科学及相关专业的学生来讲,非常重要。 计算机专业英语教学的目标是培养学生掌握常用的计算机专业英语词汇、培养科技英语的阅读理解、翻译及写作能力,但各高校基本上都是将该课程设为考查课程,相当一部分学生学习效果不理想。从毕业设计中的专业外文文献翻译和毕业论文的英文摘要,就可以明显地看出来,有的学生甚至直接使用“金山快译”之类的翻译软件来翻译。如何更好地讲授好计算机专业英语课程,达到更好地教学效果,是许多计算机学科的教师探讨的课题。 2 计算机专业英语的特点

计算机专业英语除了具有科技英语的一般特点外,还有其自身的特点。 ●长句多。 ●被动语句多。 ●祈使语句多。 ●专业术语多。 ●新词多,且合成新词多。 ●缩略语多。 ●一词多义。 其中缩略语出现的频度高,以及新词(包括新缩略语)产生快和数量多是计算机专业英语区别于其它学科专业英语的主要特点。 3 教学内容的选择

3.1 教材的选择 计算机专业英语的教材比较多,层次也不同。选择一本合适的教材是取得好的教学效果的基础,选择教材时有以下几个原则: (1)全面性。计算机专业英语是要介绍计算机专业课程涉及的词语和知识,所以教材内容要尽量全面,至少要包括大部分计算机专业课程的内容,如计算机原理、数字逻辑、数据结构、数据库、操作系统、计算机网络、软件工程、程序设计语言等等。目的是掌握相关词汇,所以理论上不要求太深,通常是介绍性质的,事实上目前计算机英语教材中不少课程内容都是源自某一课程的英文教材的内容介绍,或者是摘编出来的。 (2)时效性。由于计算机技术发展非常迅速,且新技术市场化周期越来越短,要使学生能够掌握新的计算机技术和新的实用工具软件,就必须考虑教材内容的时效性,达到与时俱进。 (3)适用性。由于计算机专业英语教材较多,层次不同,包括两年高职、三年高职、专生本、本科等层次,相应的内容深浅、侧重点各有不同。同时现在计算机相关专业也越来越多,如计算机科学与技术、软件工程、网络工程、信息安全专业、软件测试等,不同的或方向对课程内容的侧重也不同,所以要根据不同的教学对象选择适用的教


2014年上半学期计算机专业英语 期末考试试卷(A卷)答案 一、选择题 Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分) (一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。)( 共10分,每题1分) 1. 操作系统 2. 需求分析 3. 网络安全 4. 数据结构 5. 决策支持系统 6. 关系数据库 7. 软件危机 8. 计算机病毒 9. 邮件附件 10.中央处理器(单元) (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviatio ns.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。) (共10分,每题1分) 1.DBMS 2.TCP 3.MDI 4.OOP

5.ROM 6.VCD 7.CAD 8.SQL 9.USB 10.B2B (三) Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。)(10分,每空1分) 1. c 6. h 2. f 7.j 3. e 8. d 4.g 9. i 5. a 1 0. b Ⅱ. Comprehension(阅读理解) (一)

Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the lis t given below, and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。)(10分, 每空2分) maintain disciplined requirements coding modified (二) Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) accord ing to the passage A.(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误)(10分,每题2分)1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F (三)、choose the best answer according to the passage B.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。(10分,每题2分) 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C (四) Choose the best answer according to Passage C.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。10分,每题2分) 1.C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B Ⅲ.Translation.翻译(30分) (一) Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(将下列句子翻译成汉语。)(共20分,每题5分)


1.判断题 ()1. Operating system first appeared during the third computer generation. ()2. Unlike the other buses, the address bus always receives data from the CPU; the CPU never reads the address bus. ()3. The main operations of set algebra are complementation, union and intersection. ()4. If an empty stack is popped, we say the stack overflows, which is normally an error. ()5. The CPU can be shared in a sequential manner only. ()6. Freeware is free software with no restriction. ()7. When writing data to memory, the CPU first outputs the data onto the data bus, then outputs the address onto the address bus. ()8.The FORTRAN programming language was developed during the first computer generation. ()9.A stack is a dynamic set that obeys the FIFO property. ()10.Two popular strategies for resource allocation are static allocation and dynamic allocation. ()11.The CPU can be shared in a sequential manner only. ()12. A program written in the assembly language of one microprocessor can run on a computer that has a different microprocessor. ()13. Object-oriented programming(OOP) is a programming language model organized around “objects” rather than “actions” and data rather than logic. ()14. FORTRAN is a particularly good language for processing numerical data, but it does not lend itself very well to organizing large programs. ()15. C++ and Smalltalk are two of the more popular object-oriented programming language. 2.词汇 Vacuum tube 真空管general purpose 通用transistor 晶体管 :大规模集成电路)Large Scale Integrated Circuit(LSI. VLSI(Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit):超大规模集成电路 Mainframe 大型机medium-sized computer 中型机minicomputer 小型机 Microcomputer 小型机 machine language 机器语言assembly language 汇编语言high-level language 高级语言Multiprogramming 多道程序设计virtual memory 虚拟存储time-share 分时 Batch system 批处理系统interactive system 交互式系统 Instruction cycle 指令周期 Address bus, data bus, control bus Internal register内部寄存器external register 外部寄存器flag register标志寄存器 Instruction register 指令寄存器program counter程序计数器combinatorial logic组合逻辑Control signal 控制信号instruction code指令代码instruction pipeline指令流水线Bidirectional 双向的unidirectional 单向的 ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit) 算术逻辑单元


计算机专业英语作业答案(供参考) 计算机专业英语作业1 第1-3章作业一.( 词汇) (一).(写出下列词组的汉语。) 1.()中央处理器 2 标题栏 3.操作系统4.个人计算机 5.菜单栏6.桌面排版 7.电子表格8.硬盘 9.数据库10.光标 (二)..(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。) 1.随机存储器2.只读存储器 3.传输控制协议P 4.数字视频光盘5.通用串行总线6.计算机辅助设计7.计算机辅助制造8.中央处理器 (三)..(根据汉语写出相应的英语。) 1.键盘2.鼠标3.扫描仪 4.打印机5.输入6.输出 7.显示器8.存储器9.数据库 10.操作系统11.应用软件 12.字处理器13.网络浏览器 二.(T) (F).(判断正误。) 1., . (√)

2.'s . (√) 3.: . (√) 4. a 2000 . (×) 5.( ) a . (√) 6. , a . (√) 7. , ’s . (×) 8. ’t . (×) 9. . (×) 10. . (×). 三..(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。) (一). 1. () a. 操作系统 2. b. 输入. 3. ( ) c. 只读存储器 4. ( ) d. 应用软件 5. e. 中央处理器 6. f. 系统软件 7. g. 硬件 8. h. 随机存储器 9. i. 内存 10. j. 输出 1.e 6. j 2.g 7.a 3.h 8. d 4.c 9. f 5.b 10. i (二) . 1. a

2. b a 3. c 4 d a 0 1 5. e a 6. f 7. g 8. h a 9. i a 1.d 6. a 2.g 7.f 3.h 8. c 4.b 9. e 5.i 四., . (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。) 1. () . , a . , . , , . , . 2. , , . , a a a , a , a , a . , , . a , , a . , 1-2-3 . a , a ( ) . 3.


A B C D The data, when they are not encrypted, are called A B C D A virus is a A B C D Many viruses go resident in the memory like a ( ). A B C D Now, about ( ) different viruses account for all the viruses that actually spread in t A B C D

C、attack phase D、create phase 2、( ) maybe a certain cause that some viruses infect upon. A、a day B、a time C、an external event on your PC D、a counter within the virus 3、Many viruses do harmful things such as ( ). A、deleting files B、simulating typos C、slowing your PC down D、changing random data on your disk 4、If a virus simply reproduce and have no cause for an attack phase, but it will still ( ) without your permission. A、stealing storage B、pilfer CPU cycles C、del_ete files D、play music 5、Some viruses, with no attack phase, often damage the programs or disks they infect bec ause they ( ). A、have bugs in them B、contain poor quality code C、steal storage D、show messages on your screen 第三题、判断题(每题1分,5道题共5分)


计算机专业英语》考核说明 一. 考核说明 《计算机专业外语》是软件开发与应用专业(专科)的一门统设必修课程,总学时为72 学时,4 学分。本课程主要通过对计算机专业英语语文章的学习,使学生掌握本专业常用英语词汇和习惯表达方式,提高英语阅读和翻译能力,能够从英文资料中获取知识,为熟练阅读英文的计算机技术文献、资料和书籍打下良好基础。 本课程要求的先修科目为:英语(1)(2),计算机应用基础,程序设计基础,软件技术基础。 现将有关考核的几个问题说明如下: (一)考核对象:电大理工科类软件开发与应用专业专科生及其他计算机专业的学生。 (二)考核依据:本课程所用教学大纲为2003年7 月审定通过并下发执行的、电大理工科类软件开发与应用专业专科生《计算机专业英语课程教 学大纲》;所用文字教材为穆志纯主编的2004 年出版的《计算机专业 英语》。本课程考核说明是形成性考核和终结性考试命题的基本依据。 (三)考核方式:采用形成性考核和终结性考试相结合的方式。 1.课程总成绩的记分方法:形成性考核成绩在课程总成绩中占 20%,终结性考试成绩在课程总成绩中占80%。课程总成绩为百分 制,60 分为合格。 2.形成性考核的要求和形式:形成性考核的形式主要是平时作业。 能够按时、按质、按量完成平时作业者方可得满分。 3.终结性考试的要求和形式: 1)考试要求:考核重点是考察学员是否掌握计算机应用中的英语知 识,包括常见的专业英语语法、句型、常用词组,并具有一定的翻译能 力。具体考核要求分为几个层次:熟练掌握:要求学生能够全面、深入 理解和熟练掌握所学内容,例如专业英语课文中出现的基本专业词汇、 词组和句型,以及其中涉及的计算机专业知识等,并能够在此基础上具 备熟练运用基本专业英语词汇和词组的能力。掌握:要求学生能够较 好地理解和掌握相应内容,例如在掌握专业外语词汇和词组的基础上阅 读和翻译难度适当的文献等。了解:要求学生能够一般地了解所学内 容,例如在课文后的补充阅读材料中出现的专业词汇、词组和涉及的计 算机专业知识等。 2)组卷原则: 在教学大纲和考核说明所规定的目的、要求和内容范围之内命题。 在教学内容范围之内,根据专业外语的实际应用,考察学员 专业外语综合应用能力的试题,不属于超纲。 试题的考察要求覆盖面广,并适当突出重点。 试题兼顾各个能力层次,熟练掌握60%掌握占30% 了解占


少工学结合创新教程....................... 计算机专业英语 2014年上半学期计算机专业英语 期末考试试卷(A卷)答案 一、选择题 I . Vocabulary(词汇)(30 分) (一).Tran slate the follow ing words and expressi ons into Chin ese( 汉语。)(共10分,每题1分) 1. 操作系统 2. 需求分析 3. 网络安全 4. 数据结构 5. 决策支持系统 6. 关系数据库 7. 软件危机 8. 计算机病毒 9. 邮件附件 10. 中央处理器(单元) (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.( 写出相应的英语缩写。)(共10分,每题1分) 1 . DBMS 2. TCP 3. MDI 4. OOP 5. ROM 6. VCD 7 . CAD 8 . SQL 9 . USB 10. B2B (三) Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in mea ning in the right colum n.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。写出下列词组的 根据汉语)(10分,每空

1分) 1. c 6. h

1. 开发一个软件产品,开发过程分为五个步骤:需求分析和说明,设计,写代码,测试和维护。 2. 功能测试检验的是用有效的输入是否能够得到所期望的输出。+ 3. EDI指的是两个公司之间通过私有网络使用特定、结构化的格式电子交换商业信息。 4. 一些应用软件,例如Word,允许几个窗口同时在一个叫做MDI的模式下存在,你能够在 一个软件中打开多个文档。 (二)Tran slate the follow ing paragraph into Chi nese. (将下段文章翻译成汉语。)(共10分) 高级语言是一种人造语言,使用它我们可以写不同的指令。这成为可能不是因为计算机处理器如今是如此的技术先进以至于它们可以理解这些语言。你需要将这些语言翻译成计算机处理器能够理解的机器语言。编译器能够完成这项工作。这就意味着高级语言程序不是直接可项目1 3. e 8. d 4. g 9. i 5. a 10. b n . Comprehension(阅读理解) (一) Fill in the bla nks with suitable words or expressi ons from the list give n below ,and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适 当的形式填空。)(10分,每空2分) maintain discipli ned requireme nts codi ng modified (二)项目2 项目3 Tell whether the follow ing stateme nts are true(T) or false(F) accord ing to the passage A.(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误)(10分,每题2分)项目4 1 . F 2 . T 3 . F 4 . T 5 . F (三)、choose the best answer according to the passage B.(确的答案。(10分,每题2分) 1 . B 2 . A 3 . D 4 . B 5 . C (四)Choose the best answer according to Passage C. 案。10分,每题2分) 1 . C 根据上文的内容选择正 (根据上文的内容选择正确的答 项目5 2. D 3. A 项目6 4. C 5. B 川.Translation. 翻译(30 分) (一)Tran slate the followi ng senten ces in to Chin ese. 20分,每题5分)(将下列句子翻译成汉 语。 ) (共 项目7 项目8 项目9 项目10


计算机英语试题 一、词汇(选择一个最合适的词汇,将对应的英文字母填入空格内。每题1分,共10分) 1、____ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch. A. Software B. Hardware C. Hardship D. Instruction 2、primary memory which is stored on chips located ____. A. on the motherboard B. outside C. inside the processor D. on the CPU 3、The display screen is the most common ____ device used to show you what the computer is doing. A. input B. printing C. output D. electronic 4、Windows gives you more control over the ____ you work. A. operation B. way C. energy D. power 5、The most important program on any computer is ____. A. Operating System B. Virus C. software D. Office 2000 6、There are ____ separate products that form the Windows 2000。 A. only one B. two C. three D. four 7、C might best be ____ as a 'medium-level language'. A. developed B. decoded C. programmed D. described 8、Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by ____ your computer's memory and disk devices. A. deleting B. changing C. scanning D. replacing 9、Multimedia will become increasingly ____ throughout every aspect of our lives. A. pass B. precise C. permit D. pervasive 10、Communication through the Internet, the____ performs the reverse function. A. A station controller (STACO) B. DTE C. Data communications equipment (DCE) D. CRT 一、词汇(选择一个最合适的词汇,将对应的英文字母填入空格内。每题2分,共20分) 1、A is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines. A. keyboard B. modem C. mouse D. printer 2、A is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds. A. network card B. video card C. sound card D. monitor 3、is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents. A. Word 2000 B. Outlook 2000 C. Access 2000 D. Excel 2000 4、is a fast and powerful operating system, based on the UNIX O.S. A. Windows 2000 B. Office 2000 C. Windows 98 D. Linux 5、The OSI model has layers. A. four B. five C. six D. seven 6、The purpose of the is to provide fully integrated analog services to users. 1


计算机专业英语作业(1 一、Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese. 1.计算机 2.多媒体 3.硬件 4.软件 5.输入设备 6.存储器 7.外部设备8.处理器 9.鼠标10.语音识别 11.扫描仪12.寄存器 13.Arithmetic and logic unit 14.Binary form 15.Control unit 16.Instruction cycle 17.Execution cycle 18.Central processing unit 19.Universal serial bus 20.Universal parallel bus 二、For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one. 1.A personal computer keyboard includes . a.a typewriter layout and a set of arrow keys

b.a numeric keypad C.a Set of function keys d.a11 of above 2.A display is a device that is used to display . a.numbers letters b.special characters c. graphic information d.all of above 3.system software includes and . a.operating system and application software b.operating system and programming language c.special—purpose programs and application software d.OS and special—purpose programs https://www.360docs.net/doc/3212881658.html,rmation flows from a computer into a peripheral device as . a.output b.memory c.a program d.input 5.programs are known collectively as .


计算机专业英语练习参考答案 Unit 1 [Ex 1] 1..F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.F [Ex 2] 1.input, storage, processing, and output 2. power, speed, memory 3. central processing unit 4. internal, primary, memory 5. keyboard, central processing unit, main memory, monitor [Ex 3] A. 1.F 2.D 3.G 4.C 5.B 6.E 7.H 8.A B. https://www.360docs.net/doc/3212881658.html,er 2.monitor 3.data 4.keyboard 5.data processing 6. information https://www.360docs.net/doc/3212881658.html,puter 8.memory [Ex 4] 1.input device 2. screen, screen 3.manipulates 4.instructions 5.retrieve

6.code 7.hard copy 8.function/code/instruction [Ex 5] 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.F Unit 2 [Ex 1] 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F [Ex 2] 1. sizes, shapes, processing capabilities 2. supercomputer, mainframe computer, minicomputers, microcomputers 3. mainframe computer 4.microcomputers, storage locations 5. portables, laptop computers/ notebook/palm-sized computer, desktop workstations 6.semiconductor 7. CPU, memory, storage, devices, processing, users 8. microprocessor ship [Ex 3] A. 1.C 2.A 3.H 4.I 5.E 6.F 7.G 8.B


计算机英语期末考试试题 I. 单选题. (1*20) 1.A computer system includes both _________ and software. A.cable B.memories C.CPU D.hardware 2.The heart of the computer is _________ A.CPU B.BUS C.CAI D.DIV 3.Which is not input device used with microcomputers ? A.Keyboard B.Printer C.touch screen D.Mouse 4.Basically , a computer consists of four components : Central Processing Unit , _________, Input Device and Output Device. A.Memory B.Keyboard C.Monitor D.The Control Unit 5.A _________ is a small , hand-held object that is pushed around a desktop to move the cursor or pointer on the screen or to select choices from menu displayed on screen. A.keyboard B.mouse C.monitor D.printer 6.Which is "删除" in Chinese ? A.shift B.Control C.Insert D.Delete 7.__________ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch. A. Software B. Hardware C. Hardship D. Instruction 8._________ is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines A. keyboard B .modem C. printer D. Mouse 9.__________is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds. A. network card B. video card C. sound card D. Monitor 10. The display screen is the most common device used to show you what the computer is doing. A. input B. printing C. output D. electronic 11._________ is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents. A. Word 2003 B. Outlook 2003 C. Access 2003 D. Excel 2003 12.The first generation of computer lasted from _________ to 1958. A.1965 B.1946 C.1947 D.1970 13._________ is the application of the computer and communications technology to improve the productivity of office workers. A.CAI B.AI C.OA D.CAM 14._________ is a software system based on graphics, which can run under MS-DOS. A.Office B.Mouse C.OS D.Microsoft Windows 15.Generally software can be divided into two types: software system and _________ system. A.hardware B.DOS C.application D.Windows 16.The _________ is the part of the computer where programs and data are stored. A.Input Device B.Memory C.CPU D.CU 17. refers to data storage equipment that allows the stored data to be accessed randomly rather than just in sequence. A.Random Access Memory B.Magnetic tapes C.Disks D.ROM 18.Word processing , of course, relies on perhaps the most basic computer _________ : the keyboard. A.output device B.input device C.storage D.CPU 19._________ refers to any machine capable of representing information from a
