

Viewing the Movie My Fair Lady from Sociolinguistic




School of Tourism

Xi'an International Studies University

Xi’an, China


Viewing the Movie My Fair Lady from Sociolinguistic Perspective


My Fair Lady is a classic movie, which has already been appreciated too much from the viewpoint of literature and translation, but few analysis are from linguistic viewpoint. It is also acknowledged that this movie is a good example of sociolinguistics. This paper is to analysis their dialogue in the film from sociolinguistic perspective. To be specific, this paper will discuss several sociolinguistic aspects by analyzing their dialogue and these aspects are language and social class, language and gender and language planning.



Key W ords

My Fair Lady, language and social class, language and gender, languange planning



My Fair Lady is a classic movie, which was adapted from Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion in 1964. My Fair Lady tells how the poor flower girl Eliza Doolittle becomes a lady with the help of the famous phonetic linguist Professor Higgins. The great change was achieved mainly by changing her rude low class level language into standard upper class level language because Henry Higgins, this arrogant and irascible linguist believes that the way people speak determines a person's prospects in society. This movie has already been appreciated too much from the viewpoint of literature and translation, but few analysis are

from linguistic viewpoint. It is also acknowledged that this movie is a good example of sociolinguistics. This paper is to analysis their dialogue in the film from sociolinguistic perspective. To be specific, this paper will discuss several sociolinguistic aspects by analyzing their dialogue in the following part and these aspects are language and social class, language and gender and language planning.

First, the author wants to simply explain these terminology. Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social factors, that is social class, educational level and type of education, age, sex, ethnic origin, etc(Richards, Jack, et al, 2005). The language in My Fair Lady clearly shows that the language one speaks reflects his social class level, educational background. And one's social class level and educational background determines what kind of language he says in return. For example, in My Fair Lady, on that rainy day, during their first meet, Eliza spoke all ellipsis. She had a bad accent. She couldn't pronounce the word clearly and correctly. For example, in this sentence" you wouldn't let 'im spoil a poor girl's flow'rs and run away without payin", she's unable to speak a full sentence and didn't know correct grammar. Like Professor Higgins said Eliza was a woman who utters such disgusting depressing noises and a cold-blooded murder of English tongue. Not only Eliza did so, but also the people like Eliza who lived in the slums spoke such bad English. The language Eliza and people like Eliza said and the poor accent they had clearly showed they were from lower class and had poor education. For contrast, Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering, they spoke pleasant and standard Shakespeare English, which signified that they were from upper class and they must have had good education.

When Eliza went to find Professor Higgins to ask him to teach him standard English, she also showed very ignorant and silly. She was so proud that she would pay for Higgins. She paid him one shilling one class, and thought this was a great pay. Apparently, she knew nothing about the price. She even didn't know how an ordinary would cost, let alone taught by a great professor. She was so ignorant. This also showed she was a lower class girl with really bad education. This was what a lower class girl like her couldn't think about.

Except this, there are more other places gives her out. When she got training from Higgins, the first step was the vowels. She couldn't pronounce them correctly even after hard

training. It is assumed that a person from upper class with good education must have no difficulty in pronouncing these five vowels. She couldn't pronounce /h/ also. She pronounced it so lightly even silent. During the training, although she already could speak these tongue twists correctly, she could only talk about greetings and weather. She used too many slangs like bloke, tec and so on. When she declared she was right, she said" I ain't doing nothing wrong", rather than " I haven't done anything wrong". What she said was very lower class type. When came to other topics, she still couldn't get rid of her lower class way of speaking. Another example totally told she was actually a lower class girl. When she was brought to equestrian park, talking about her aunt's death, she used the phrase "do somebody in". Apparently this was the lower class way of speaking. When she cheered her favorite horse Dover on, she said:" Come on. Come on, Dover. Come on. Come on, Dover! Move your bloomin' arse!"(刘伶俐, 2009) When heard this, the lady beside her exclaimed "Oh! Dear" and got fainted. How rude her word was! It shouldn't been said by a true lady. This totally gave her out and proved she was actually a lower class girl.

All these examples tells that the language one speaks can reflect his social status and educational background. In fact, one's social class and educational background also determines the language he speaks. Because if he is a lower class man, of course he is unable to accept good, let alone best education. The surroundings he lives also can't be a good one. In such environment, his language can just be rude, unpleasant, nonstandard. With all these, how can his language be standard?

From these process, Peter Trugill's theory about regional and social dialect variation, regional and social accent variation also can be seen. When using regional(horizontally) and social(vertically) dialect variation draw a rectangular chart(chart1), the chart will be a ladder-shaped one,without a peak(Trugill, 1983b). Horizontally the regional dialect variation is a dialect continuum - a large number of different but not usually distinct non-standard dialects connected by a chain of similarity, but with the dialects at either end of the chain being very dissimilar(Hudson, R.A. 1996) For example, all the languages they speak in the movie are regional dialects varied from standard English, no matter these people are from Selsey, Hawkestone, Hampton Court and etc. Even people living several miles away, they

speak differently. Like Higgins said, he could figure out the language every six miles. V ertically social dialect, the upper, the more standard. The lowest are the most localized. When using regional (horizontally) and social(vertically) accent variation draw a chart, this chart will be a triangle(chart2), that is to say, this chart is with a peak. In this movie, the pronunciation of these vowels and the accent Higgins taught to Eliza are the most standard one, the received pronunciation. These two charts are different, chart 1 without a peak, chart 2 with a peak. In this movie, there is a most standard accent required, but there isn't a most standard dialect required, which shows the difference between these two charts.

After discussing the reflections of the relation between language and social class in this movie, the author wants to talk about the reflection of language planning and policy in this movie. Language planning is an attempt to interfere deliberately with a language or one of its variation. That attempt may focus on its status with regard to some other language or variety or its internal condition with a view to change that condition, or on both of these since they are not mutually exclusive. The first focus results in status planning; the second results in corpus planning(Wardhaugh, 2006). In this movie, Higgins' opinion on British English and the language policy he said should be the first kind of language planning, status planning. Through the control of their language, they can achieve the control of people. During Eliza and Higgins' first meet in that rainy day, arrogant Higgins sharply criticized Eliza's way of speaking. He thought their language was the language of Shakespeare and Milton and the Bible. Look at what he said about Eliza's language: "Condemned by every syllable she utters". Look at what he said about other poor people's language: " Hear them down in Soho Square, dropping H's everywhere, speaking English any way they like." He thought this kind of people were cold-blooded murder of the English tongue and should be should be taken out and hung." In fact, it seems to be a law to do so, because Higgins said by the right she should be taken out and hung. This was the language policy of Britain at that moment. This is a kind of language planning. The government wants all people in Britain just speak standard British English like in China, the government spread Putonghua. It can be understand. But if these people who speak bad English are really hung, it is too cruel. It is unbelievable that there is such kind of language policy. But if there really exists such kind of language policy, it is a

murder of language diversity.

Professor Higgins also complained that Americans across Atlantic Ocean hadn't use their standard English many years. Americans want to get rid of the control of the Great Britain, so they create their own language,which becomes a regional dialect because of historical factors and their independence. The Great Britain wants to spread its language to American to keep their absolute position, which is status language planning, but they failed to do so. When Professor Higgins said so, he must have never think American English could also be a mainstream language, which even prevails over British English and even gradually get control of the thought of whole world.

From these examples, it can be seen that the power of language is really great. The power of language planning is much greater.

Except these there points, the relation of language, gender and social class is also obviously shown in this movie. "Gender" is a social notion not necessarily on the basis of biological distinction. The sociolinguists investigate how gender plays a role in sociolinguistic behavior and norms of communication(Wardhaugh,2006). Gender studies shed much light on how we as a human society communicate and sustain human civilization. Through the different language Eliza and Professor Higgins use, it is clearly seen that man has absolute power at that time. Their language had sharp contrast, which reflected their gender difference and their different social class levels. Before training, Professor Higgins used very bad words to call Eliza. For instance, he called Eliza"a prisoner of the gutters", "you silly girl", but Eliza called him "sir", "gentleman". When Eliza tried to justify for herself, Professor Higgins coldly and sharply interrupted: "Oh, shut up! Shut up!" Contrasting with Eliza's coward tone, this showed Professor Higgins as a man had absolute leading role in the conversation. These striking contrast showed that men in that society had more social power than women. Even when Eliza learned the so-called standard English and became a lady, Professor Higgins, the arrogant upper class man still called Eliza "Y ou impudent hussy!" and "Y ou brazen hussy!", which shows that even you are a lady, but you are a women, still have less discourse power and social power in that society.

About language and gender, this movie also shows some hints. For example, women say

much less taboos than men. Women are more likely to say feminie words and euphemism. When Higgins realized Eliza wanted to leave him, he kept saying "Damn, damn, damn...". Although this kind of words like "damn" are taboos for women, but Higgins, as a man, he can use this kind of words to express his strong feelings. Women are more likely to speak slowly and speak every word clearly. Like Labov's post-vernacular /r/ experiment shows women are likely to pronounce these syllabus clearly(Labov,1966). In this movie, when Eliza learned all these vowels and had a quite good language skills, she was likely to speak very slowly and clearly. Even when she and Higgins read the same sentence "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain", she read more slowly and clearly than Higgins.

From all the changes of the language Eliza speaks, the great power of language can be clearly seen.


This thesis analyzes the movie My Fair Lady from sociolinguistics point of view, focusing mainly on the language the hero and heroine speaks. This paper analyzes the reflections of language and social class, gender, regional and Peter Trugill's Triangle Theory, and also the language planning. From the different language these two characters speak, the relation of language, social class and gender is shown. From the whole opinion Higgins had about English, the reflection of Peter Trugill's theory can be seen. Language planning also can be seen from Higgins' saying about the language policy at that time. This paper analyzes My Fair Lady from sociolinguistics perspective, thus we can better understanding the art of language.


Labov, W. (1966). The Social Stratification of English in New York City. Washington, DC:

Center for Applied Linguistics.

Richards, Jack, et al. (2005). Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.3rd Edn. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Ronald Wardhaugh. (2006). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.3rd Edn. Beijing: Language Teaching and Research Press.

Trugill, P. (1983b). Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society, rev. Edn. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books.



本科生课程论文 论文题目:Care for Bilingual Children 课程名称:Introducing Sociolinguistics 任课教师:刘承宇 专业:英语 班级:2012级英语1班 学号:222012310032017 姓名:魏宗琴 2015 年11 月17 日

Care for Bilingual Children Abstract:Nowadays, raising bilingual children is more and more appealing to many families, but obviously it is not a easy course.This paper is to present some social linguistic phenomenons concerning some children raised in bilingual families and appeal to care for them. Key Words:individual bilingualism, language interference, language accommodation,bilingual language-planning I. Introduction Having more than one language at children’s fingers provides them more accessibilities to another world; therefore, the idea of raising bilingual children is appealing to more and more parents. These parents believe that bilingual kids have the advantage of knowing two cultures, of being able to communicate with a wider variety of people and of possible higher economic status in the future. Nevertheless, in the planning for children’s bilingual language development, parents should take some social linguistic factors into consideration as well as children’s self identity, self esteem,and schooling options etc. .


母语负迁移对汉英翻译的影响及解决办法 廖银玲 (长沙理工大学外国语学院, 湖南长沙 11113021066) 摘要:母语迁移在第二语言习得研究领域占据重要位置。迁移有正负之分,正迁移是指母语与目标语结构相同或相似,对目标语的学习有促进作用;负迁移则是指母语与目标语结构不同,对目标语的学习产生干扰。翻译涉及双语信息转换的过程,尤其会受到母语负迁移的影响。本文首先分析母语负迁移在汉英翻译中的表现形式及其产生的原因,并就此探讨克服此现象的对策。 关键词:负迁移;翻译;表现形式;原因;对策 Abstract: Language transfer has been a central issue in second language acquisition.It is widely accepted that language transfer can be mainly classified as positive transfer and negative transfer.Positive transfer is the facilitation of the first language through its similarities with the target language;while negative transfer is the negative influence of the first language,resulting from the dissimilarities between the first language and the target language.As a process involving the shift of bilingual information,translation is particularly constrained by the negative transfer of the first language.This study is an effort to explore the manifestation and causes of negative transfer in Chinese-English translation, and then provide some solutions. Key words: negative transfer;translation; manifestation;causes ; solutions 随着我国社会、经济的发展.与世界的交流越来越频繁。而英语作为运用最广泛的语言。作为人类社会交际的重要工具,其重要性更是不言而喻。近些年来,越来越多的人开始学习英语.可是往往事倍功半。造成这种现象的有各方面的因素.母语负迁移便是其中一个重要因素。 1、定义及相关理论背景 迁移作为一个心理学术语,是指已有的知识被运用到新知识的环境中的过


2008年外国语学院新闻信息综述 * 元月3日,中国社会科学院研究员、博士生导师、《外国文学评论》主编盛宁教授来院为青年教师及研究生做了题为“文学批评与文学能力”的讲座。讲座围绕“什么是文学”,“文学批评的内容和任务是什么”,以及“如何培养文学能力”等问题,进行了深入浅出的阐释。(英文) * 元月11日,由教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地“外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心”承办的“第二届西方语言哲学研讨会暨中西语言哲学研究会成立大会”在广东外语外贸大学隆重开幕。外语学院隋然教授当选为中西语言哲学研究会副会长。隋然教授做了题为“俄罗斯语言哲学的形成与发展评述”的大会特邀学术报告,并主持了大会特邀学术报告会。我校外国语学院教授、“中国俄语教学研究会”秘书长杜桂枝等8名教师和博士生也应邀参加了会议。(学院、俄语系) * 元月17日下午,学院召开了2007年度工作总结大会。院长封一函全面总结了一年来教学、科研、学生工作和行政管理工作的成绩,同时也对当前学院发展中所面临的问题作了分析。科研副院长隋然、教学副院长赵秦岭、党委副书记常建勇、行政副院长龚淑英分别宣布了教师获奖名单,总结了科研、教学、学生工作和管理工作方面的主要成绩。党委书记刘华就学院的建设发展问题讲了话,并表彰了一批工作成绩突出的教师和职员。(学院) * 元月21日,教育部公布了2007年度全国28所普通高校英语专业本科教学工作评估结论(教高司函【2008】14号,我校英语专业被确定为优秀。(学院) *元月,法语系黄晞耘老师翻译的法国当代著名学者于丽娅·克里斯特娃的学术著作《反抗的未来》在广西师范大学出版社出版。(法语) * 3月6日下午,中国社会科学院外国文学研究所副所长、博士生导师陆建德教授为外语学院师生做了题为“文学中的历史背景”的讲座。此次讲座正式启动了外语学院新学期为本科开设的系列学术讲座,讲座由教学副院长赵秦岭主持。(学院) * 3月20日下午,外院举办本科教学质量专题报告会,教务处处长王德胜教授受邀为全体外院教师做了题为《找准抓手、强化建设、有效提升--关于本科教学质量工程建设的几个问题》的精彩报告。随后,作为2门校级优秀课程的建设负责人,英语教育系主任邱耀德老师介绍了他的课程建设团队在课程建设中的经验,为教师们提高课程建设水平提供了良好的示范。(学院) * 3月20日,外语学院新一届工会换届选举进行了投票表决,根据选举结果,院党委讨论通过常建勇、成亚君、帅鸣、徐壮垣、陶莹、关晶辉、李茂贵当选为新一届工会委员。21日上午,新当选的工会委员进行了工作分工。主席:常建勇;副主席:成亚君、帅鸣;宣传委员:徐壮垣;女工委员:陶莹;文体委员:关晶辉;福利委员:李茂贵。(学院) *3月25日,法国国家东方语言文化学院教授、博士生导师、世界汉语教学学会副会长、法国教育部汉语总督学白乐桑先生来院做了题为《中文教学的崛起》的精彩讲座。讲座由外语学院党委书记兼法语系主任刘华老师主持,法语系教师和高年级学生积极参加。(法语) * 3月,法语系李军老师参加了在广外举行的“中法跨文化研讨会”,并做了题为《中法经贸合作弱项分析》的专题发言。(法语) * 据国家教育部主管、清华大学主办的“中国知网”,外国语学院日语系2007年硕士毕业生四元吾朗的学位论文----《中日法令用语比较研究》入选“中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库”。四元吾朗是来自日本海上保安大学的留学生,师从外语学院李均洋教授,难能可贵的是,论文是用中文写成。(日语)


1. What is the scope of Sociolinguistic research? 问:什么是社会语言学研究的范围? 答:广义的把从不同角度去考察语言的都看成社会语言学等等范围,如社会学、人类学、民族学、心理学、地理学、历史学、哲学等等。狭义的是研究语言使用中的变异现象与社会环境之间的相互关系。变异指语言运用上的变化和差异,通过使用各种不同的语言上的变体表现出来。具体来说,社会语言学的研究范围包括:1)一个国家或地区的语言状况如双言制、双语、多语或多方言状况; 2)各种语言变体包括地域方言和社会方言、标准语和土语、正式语体和非正式语体等构造特点及其社会功能; 3)交谈情景与选择语码之间的关系以及语码选择与人际关系的相互作用; 4)社会以及不同的集团对各种语言或语言变体的评价和态度以及由此产生的社会效应; 5)由于社会的、文化的、经济的、政治的种种原因以及语言接触所引起的语言变化的方式和规律,等。 最后,社会语言学的研究范围也在不断的延伸,相信在今后的发展中社会语言说的研究会取得更大更多的成就,同时也对我们社会的发展起到巨大的作用。 Generalized to study from different angles to the language areas are regarded as social linguistics, etc。Such as sociology,

anthropology, ethnology, psychology, geography, history, philosophy and so on. Narrow the variation in use of language phenomena and the relationship between the social environments. Variability refers to the change in language and differences, through the use of different language variants shown. Specifically, social linguistics includes: (1) The language of a country or region, such as two-word system status, bilingual, multi-lingual or multi-dialect situation; (2) variations in various languages, including regional dialects and social dialects, standard language and dialect, formal and informal language body language body characteristics such as structure and social function; (3) The conversation scenarios and selection of the relationship between the Code and the Code Selection and interpersonal interactions; (4) Social and different languages or language groups on evaluation and attitude variations and the resulting social effects; (5) The social, cultural, economic and political reasons, as well as language contact caused by changes in the way of language and law, and so on. In conclusion, the development of social linguistics is constantly extending the scope; I believe in the future development


社会语言学研究的新角度:公众语感 定性研究和定量研究相结合在语言研究中占有方法论上的优势。本文从研究方法和研究角度两个方面对《汉语词的社会语言学研究》展开评述。调查统计、定量分析的研究方法和立足于大众语感的研究角度是该书的一大亮点,对汉语词的研究很有价值。 标签:汉语词研究方法研究角度公众语感 近读江汉大学王立教授的《汉语词的社会语言学研究》(商务印书馆,2003年8月出版。以下简称《汉语词》),感觉耳目一新。虽然此书出版已近五年,但仍有进一步推介的必要。这本著作用社会语言学的研究方法、从语感角度对汉语词进行了相关调查和研究。对汉语的基本单位“词”的研究,正如胡明扬先生所言,“是一个众说纷纭、莫衷一是的老大难问题”[1]。虽然我们已把“词”作为汉语语法的基本分析单位和基本应用单位,但对词的概念界定始终没有完全明晰起来。王立先生用社会语言学的研究方法,从一个新的角度——公众语感,为汉语词研究提供了一个全新的研究模式,也成为社会语言学研究本土化的一个成功尝试。 全书共八章。第一章采用文献研究法,将汉语词的百年研究历程分为“汉语词观念的萌发——形成——确立——传播——深化”5个时期进行考察。第二章简要阐述了“从语感的角度认识汉语的词”的研究思想是如何获得的,对“语感”“语感测量”等概念进行了界定,并结合5次语感测量的实例,着重介绍了语感测量的工作程序。第三章至第七章是整个研究过程的全面展开,是语感测量的整个研究过程,向我们展示了社会语言学的研究理念和研究方法在解决语言问题上的独特价值,可谓本书的精华部分。第八章是结语部分,主要阐述从社会语言学视角研究汉语的“词”会得到一个怎样的结果,这一结果将带给汉语研究一个怎样的启示。 这部研究汉语词的学术专著,在研究方法和研究角度上是很应该引起注意的,即调查分析、定量研究的研究方法和立足大众语感的研究角度。 一、可取的研究方法——调查分析、定量研究 对于语言本体研究来讲,不同的方法论反映了不同的语言观。社会语言学研究方法的主要特点是调查分析、定量研究,是多视角的、动态的。对汉语语法进行多视角、动态的研究是当代语法学的一个明显特征,并成为当今语法学界所致力探讨的热门话题。社会语言学奠基人拉波夫提出的定量研究模式一直是社会语言学的主要研究方法并影响至今,而调查分析就是对定量研究模式的实践。拉波夫主张把语言放在语言集团的场景中进行研究,语法问题也不例外。例如,他认为对变项X属于语法Y还是语法Z的问题,要根据整个言语群体而不是根据言语个体进行判别。《汉语词》就很好地实践了这一研究模式。正如王立在书中所言,“对词的理解是一个复杂的社会心理过程,把寻求汉语基本结构单位的研究放到汉语使用的大背景中去进行,看看存在于汉语社团成员头脑中的基本语言单


郑州大学现代远程教育《社会语言学》课程考核要 求 说明:本课程考核形式为提交作业,完成后请保存为WORD 2003格式的文档,登陆学习平台提交,并检查和确认提交成功(能够下载,并且内容无误即为提交成功)。 1. 作业要求 1. 认真学习课程,广泛查阅文献资料,高质量完成课程作 业。 2. 必须由自己独立完成,不得抄袭或请人代写,雷同作业按照零分 处理。 2.作业内容 论述题 (1) 中国社会语言学发展的三个阶段(25分) 答:一)初创阶段(1979-1987):从自发到自觉 一般认为,中国的社会语言学是舶来品,源于20世纪60年代的美国。中国最早提出社会语言学的学者之一陈原则指出,社会语言学发源比较早。自古以来,中外语文学家都曾讨论过古语与今语、文语与口语、标准语与方言在社会功能上的差别。欧洲19世纪初的方言学家对于自己民族语言内部各种变体的调查,其实即是进行社会语言学的工作。事实上,社会语言学的诞生和有没有社会语言学的研究是两回事。进行某一方面的研究并不等于建立了某一个学科。当然,一个学科的出现决不是突然从天上掉下来的。它一定是长时间学科积累的结果。现代中国历史上的许多语言运动,如20世纪初期的国语运动、20年代的白话文运动、30年代的大众语讨论以及北方拉丁化运动,50年代的推广普通话、现代汉语规范化等等,都可以算是社会语言学的工作。但是这些运动或工作可以说是自发的,而不是自觉的。70年代后期,随着“社会语言学”这个术语的出现,人们对社会语言学的研究从自发走向自觉[7]。 这一阶段,中国社会语言学的成果主要表现在通论性的著作和理论的译

介方面。前者除上述陈原的两本著作外,还有陈松岑的《社会语言学导论》(北京大学出版社,1985)、游汝杰、周振鹤的《方言与中国文化》(上海人民出版社,1986)。许国璋早在70年代末开始引进社会语言学,有关论文后来收入《许国璋论语言》(外语教学与研究出版社,1991)。1980年到1982年,英国语言学家特鲁基尔的《社会语言学导论》由林书武等翻译,在《国外语言学》连载。1987年北京大学出版社出版了祝畹瑾编的《社会语言学译文集》和前苏联什维策尔的《现代社会语言学》(卫志强译)。此外,《国际社会科学杂志》1985年第5期(中文版)以 “语言与交往:社会语言学研究个案与应用”的专刊形式,发表了一大批社会语言学的论文,很有指导意义。可惜因为发行上的原因,许多人没有看到。 这一时期有两大缺点:一是结合中国社会实际不够,二是对社会语言学的对象和范围的认识还相当模糊。例如有的学者把语言与思维的关系之类问题也列入社会语言学,这显然是不妥的。此外,受国外的影响,也有热衷于无谓的名份之争的现象。 迅速发展阶段(1987-1993):从引进走向结合中国实际 1987年12月1日至5日,中国社科院语言文字应用研究所在北京举办了首届社会语言学讨论会。会议展示了70年代以来中国社会语言学的研究现状和水平,它标志着中国社会语言进入了一个火热的阶段,对推动我国的社会语言学研究具有重要意义。1988年8月,深圳教育学院深港语言研究所主办了首次“双语·双方言”讨论会。1990年11月,中国社会科学院语言文字应用研究所和苏州大学在苏州召开了首届应用语言学讨论会,其中有不少的论文也是关于社会语言学的。 这一时期出现了许多社会语言学的专题研究。著作有张清常的《胡同及其他——社会语言学的探索》(北京语言学院出版社,1990)、高天如的《中国现代语言计划的理论和实践》(复旦大学出版社,1993)等。论文数量很多,结集出版的有《双语双方言》(1-4集)(分别由中山大学出版社等出版)、《语言·社会·文化——首届社会语言学学术讨论会论文集》(语文出版社,1991)等等。 这个阶段,继续出版了一批关于社会语言学的译介、概论性著作和教材。在译介国外社会语言学研究成果方面,除了《国外语言学》等杂志连续刊登译介文章(例如Lesley Milroy的《语言和社会网络》等)外,还出版了佐伊基的《社会语言学演讲录》(刘明霞等译,北京语言学院出版社,1989)、郝德森的《社会语言学》(丁信善译,中国社会


浅谈从社会语言学角度浅谈网络流行语的特征及其形成原因 浅谈从社会语言学角度浅谈网络流行语的特征及其形成原因 论文关键词网络流行语特征 论文摘要网络流行语是网络社会这个虚拟的世界中最流行的用语,它不同于现实中的语言,但也在一定程度上受到社会发展的影响和制约。本文主要从社会语言学的角度来分析网络流行语,讨论其不同于现实语言的特征及其形成原因。 0引言窗体底端 所谓社会语言学,“它是语言学的重要分支之一,顾名思义,就是研究语言与社会相互关系的学科。”①从一门语言诞生之日起,它就不再是孤立着的,而是同社会密切相关的,并随着社会的前进而不断变化发展。而我国是一个拥有4.2亿网民的国家,由网络所构成的虚拟社会日渐庞大,在这个网络社会使用的网络流行语也自然而然成为人们关注的焦点。本文仅从社会语言学的角度出发,对网络流行语进行分析,总结出其不同于现实语言的一些区别特征以及这些特征形成的原因。 1特征 (1)从语言全民性的角度来看,有些网络流行语体现了汉语普通话里的谐音现象。“语言作为最重要的社会交际工具,属于社会的所有成员。语言既不是由社会的某些集团或个人创造的,也不由某些集团和个人所专用;语言对于社会的全体成员来说是共同的,是各种社会集团通用的交流沟通的工具。这就是通常所说的语言的全民性。”②普通话是汉民族共同语,每个汉族人都有使用普通话的权利。在网络社会同样如此,网络社会也是一个巨大的统一的语言社群。只有使用普通话才不会引起交际障碍。有些网络流行语甚至直接利用普通话中相谐音的词汇。例如“豆你玩”“蒜你狠”等词,都是利用谐音的方式反映了菜价普遍上涨的客观事实,也反映了这种现象对老百姓正常生活的不良影响。这种故意改变“能指”与“所指”对应关系的方式,既生动形象又不乏力度,最重要的是这种谐音所有人都听得懂,这也是它能够快速传播和流行的基本条件,反映了语言的全民性。 (2)从语言地域变体的角度来看,有些网络流行语直接受方言的影响。所谓地域变体,简单说就是指不同地区的方言。在现实生活中,人们的交流是通过有声语言,同一个词在不同的方言中可能读音不同,但书面文字还是相同的,例如“鞋子”在有的方言中读成“孩子”,但书面语写出来都是“鞋子”这两个字。而在网络交际中,语言没有声音,全部由文字所代替。但网民来自全国各地,出于自身习惯,他们常常会根据自己方言的读音来书写词汇,这就创造出了若干个没有任何关联的语素拼凑起来的新词。 例如有的人把“非常”写成“灰常”,这说明这个地区的人h和f不分;有的人把“感觉”写成“赶脚”,这出自湖南一带的方言。久而久之,这些词就成了网络流行语,


Viewing the Movie My Fair Lady from Sociolinguistic Perspective by 寇佳艳 School of Tourism Xi'an International Studies University Xi’an, China 2010

Viewing the Movie My Fair Lady from Sociolinguistic Perspective Abstract My Fair Lady is a classic movie, which has already been appreciated too much from the viewpoint of literature and translation, but few analysis are from linguistic viewpoint. It is also acknowledged that this movie is a good example of sociolinguistics. This paper is to analysis their dialogue in the film from sociolinguistic perspective. To be specific, this paper will discuss several sociolinguistic aspects by analyzing their dialogue and these aspects are language and social class, language and gender and language planning. 摘要 《窈窕淑女》是一部经典电影,许多学者已经从文学和翻译学角度对这部电影做了赏析,但很少有评析是以社会语言学角度出发的。这部电影也是有关社会语言学一个很好的教材。这篇文章将从社会语言学角度分析电影中的语言和对话。具体来讲,这篇文章将分析这几个有关社会语言学的方面在电影中的映射,这几个方面分别是:语言和社会阶层,语言和性别,语言规划。 Key W ords My Fair Lady, language and social class, language and gender, languange planning 关键词 《窈窕淑女》,语言和社会阶层,语言和性别,语言规划 My Fair Lady is a classic movie, which was adapted from Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion in 1964. My Fair Lady tells how the poor flower girl Eliza Doolittle becomes a lady with the help of the famous phonetic linguist Professor Higgins. The great change was achieved mainly by changing her rude low class level language into standard upper class level language because Henry Higgins, this arrogant and irascible linguist believes that the way people speak determines a person's prospects in society. This movie has already been appreciated too much from the viewpoint of literature and translation, but few analysis are


从社会语言学角度分析美国俚语 一.Definitions of slangs 二.Characteristics of American slangs 三.Social analysis of slangs from the perspective of gender, age, occupation and social settings to use slang 四.Social functions of slang 五.Social reasons for the use of slang 1.Introduction To study slang scientifically,we can take the anthropological tradition of cultural relativism.“According to Bryjak and Soroka(1994:57),‘cultural relativism is the belief that there is no universal standard of good and bad or right and wrong and that an aspect of any given culture can be judged only within its own context.’Cultural relativists appear to suggest that all cultures or institutions are equally valid or fitting and tend to assume that the mere presence of a cultural trait warrants our valuing it”(Lin Dajing,1997). 俚语作为语言的一种,引起特殊性发挥着自己独特的作用,然而很多人并未对俚语有正确的认识,很多人把俚语作为地俗语对待,笔者认为,语言作为一种社会现象,尤其存在的合理性,从社会语言学的角度讲,任何语言种类都是平等的,没有层级之分。本文将从社会语言学的角度对俚语这一语言特殊现象做一粗浅分


翻译界顶级人物对话-曾文雄教授对话仲伟合教授 从《疯狂英语教师版》上看到由广东商学院的教授曾文雄教授采访广外仲伟合教授的文章,真的很精彩,两位翻译学领域的顶尖级人物对话,感觉就是不一样。 作者曾文雄教授简介: 曾文雄,外国语言学及应用语言学教授,广东省高等学校“千百十工程”第四批培养对象,文学硕士,翻译学在职博士生和国内高级访问学者,为中文核心期刊《英语辅导教师版》特约编辑,广州市涉外应用外语学会会员,广东省翻译协会、中国翻译协会与中国语用学研究会会员,研究领域为翻译学、外国语言学及应用语言学、旁涉跨文化语言学与语言哲学。出版第一部从综观和微观探索翻译研究的语用学途径的著作《语用学翻译研究》,主持或参与省、厅级和校级科研项目5项,在国内外学术期刊《外语学刊》、《外语教学》、《外语研究》、《中国科技翻译》、《解放军外国语学院学报》、《四川外语学院学报》、《外语电化教学》、《社会科学家》、《安徽大学学报》等刊物发表论文90篇,多篇文章被《高等学校学报学术文摘》、《人大复印资料》、《中华翻译文摘》、《中国翻译教学研究五十年回眸》等转摘,在《英语周报》、《英语辅导》大学版发表文章50篇,有多篇论文获全国性研讨会、省厅级科研教学成果奖。 以下文章来自《疯狂英语教师版》: 人物简介: 仲伟合, 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院院长、教授、翻译学硕士生导师。全国翻译专业资格考试专家委员会委员(人事部)、全国外语翻译等级证书考试委员会委员(教育部)、国际英语教师协会会员、中国翻译工作者协会理事、翻译理论与翻译教学委员会委员、中国英汉语对比研究会会员、广州翻译协会、广州科技翻译协会副理事长、广州外事翻译协会副会长;广东省青年科学家协会会员、广州市青年联合会常委、副主席、广东省留学回国青年创业促进会常务理事;英国西敏斯特大学语言学院、广东省人文社科基地“外国文学文化研究中心”兼职研究员、广东外语艺术职业学院客座教授。2004 年获广东省优秀教学成果一等奖、国家级教学成果二等奖、2005 年获第七届“广东青年…五四?奖章”等。 发挥学科优势,造就特色人才 带着翻译学科建设与发展、翻译人才培养等问题,我们采访了全国同声传译专家、广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院院长仲伟合。仲院长幽默自信、随和从容,语言极度流畅,讲话耐人寻味。 问:广外高级翻译学院的学科建设与翻译人才培养有何优势与特色? 广东外语外贸大学是全国最早培养翻译与口译人才的外国语学院之一,继北外、上外之后,于2005年5月正式成立了高级翻译学院,肩负着全国翻译与口译人才培养的重任。仲院长介绍说,中国翻译人才培训有上百年的历史,但翻译作为一门专业化或职业化的外语教育是近代才出现的,而中国专业化翻译人才培养的院校只有三个院校,此外,大约有二十多个院校成立翻译系或开设了翻译方向专业,从事研究生、本科层次的教育。外语教学在中国经历了从一门选修课到核心课程转化的过程,英语加上专业方向的发展趋势越来越明显,外语教育的其中一个终端就是外语翻译人才的培养。广外建校40多年来,为翻译人才的培养作出了重要的贡献,1997年成立了中国大陆第一个翻译系,与英国语言文化委员会合作开展高级口笔译人员培训项目,成为全国第一所在本科层次上从专业化方向开展口译应用型人才培训的高校。经过8年的发展,翻译系在翻译教学、翻译理论、翻译学与翻译研究以及翻译学科建设等方面得到了很大的发展。学校考虑到学科的发展,把翻译学科作为学校新的增长点,把翻

英语专业社会语言学论文 socialinguistics

社会语言学论文 A Brief Analysis of Gender Differences in Language 姓名:何丽丽 学号:201110010107 院系:外国语学院 班级:英语1101 指导教师:邓林 二〇一四年五月二十三日

A Brief Analysis of Gender Differences in Language Abstract Sociolinguistics is the descriptive study that concentrates on the study of how language is used, and the effects of language use on society. It also studies how language varieties differ between groups separated by certain social variables, for instance, ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of education, etc. With regard to this paper, the emphasis will be put onto the differences in the actual speech of different gender. We can classify the gender differences in language into two categories. The first category is mainly about sexism in language, as for this category, we mainly focus on how speakers demonstrate their different cultural attitudes toward different genders. The second category is about the differences in the actual speech of men and women. In the first part, I will make a brief introduction about sociolinguistics and gender differences in language. In the second part, it will concern the categories of gender differences in language and previous study of gender differences in language. The third part concentrates on the approach of the analysis. The fourth is about the data collection and research methodology. The fifth part analyzes the differences of the speech between men and women from three perspectives— the purpose of the speech, the topic of the conversation and the mode of the speech. The final part comes to the conclusion about the gender differences in language. Key words: Gender differences, sociolinguistics, analysis


题目程序在线评测系统 题目程序在线评测系统 姓名 学号 所在学院 年级专业 指导教师** 职称讲师 完成时间2011 年月日

综合评定成绩:指导教师评语: 评定成绩: 指导教师签名:日期: 答辩小组意见: 评定成绩: 答辩小组长签名:日期:

程序在线评测系统 ——后台评测模块 摘要:ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛,是一项旨在展示大学生创新能力、团队精神和在压力下编写程序、分析和解决问题能力的年度竞赛。经过近30多年的发展,ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛已经发展成为最具影响力的大学生计算机竞赛。随着其发展,各高校也越来越重视这项竞赛,广东外语外贸大学的程序在线评测系统也应运而生。在这个平台中,用户只需要提交他们的代码,系统就可以自动地为其程序做出相应的评测,并且返回相应的评测结果。通过这个平台,用户不但可以巩固学科知识,也可以大大提高代码的实践能力。 后台评测模块主要负责对用户提交的源程序进行编译,运行,得到是评测结果再反馈给用户。 关键词:在线评测,程序设计,ACM

Online Judge System ——Background Judge Module Cheng Jin Yu School of Informatics Abstract: ACM international collegiate programming contest, is an annual competition that aims at showing their abilitities of innovation, teamwork, programming under pressure, analysing and solving problems. Through more than 30 years’ development, it has become the most influential computing contest for college students and been taken more seriously by many higher eduction universities and colleges, so there comes the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Online Judge. System which can provide great convenience for programming lovers and students. Users only need to submit their code, then the system can automatically make the appropriate evaluation of its procedures, and returns the corresponding evaluation results. Wiht this platform, users can not only consolidate the academic knowledge, but also can greatly improve the ability of pratical programming. Background judge module is mainly responsible for a user to submit the source code to compile, run, and return the judge result to the user. Key words: Online judge, Programming, ACM


语言学专业毕业论文题目汇编 1、基于语料库的认知功能语言学理论指导下的语音研究 2、应用语言学中“语言能力”的多元性探究 3、聚类分析在外国语言学研究中的应用 4、浅谈社会语言学视角下性别差异的体现 5、普通语言学浅析 6、大数据时代语言学研究的新趋势 7、认知语言学之框架语义学探析 8、以《长恨歌》为例浅析现代语言学批评的特征 9、基于档案学视角对语档语言学的探讨 10、心理语言学在二语习得研究中的主要问题 11、简析认知语言学与批评话语分析的融合 12、语言学家时枝诚记的语言过程理论研究 13、认知语言学理论中交际话语原则研究 14、生态语言学的兴起与发展 15、刍议认知语言学三个基本假设与语言习得 16、认知语言学视角下的词汇多义观 17、应用语言学研究方法新探:复杂系统的视角 18、系统功能语言学及物性理论发展综述 19、论社会关系与角色关系的跨文化差异--基于社会语言学视角 20、从理性到沟通:哈贝马斯的“语言学转向” 21、国际应用语言学期刊效应值报告与解释现状研究 22、应用语言学的研究现状与展望 23、浅析语言相对论对当代认知语言学的影响 24、系统功能语言学中韩礼德语言理论概说 25、语言学中介词的语用功能作用研究 26、认知语言学视域下语言与思维的关系 27、心理语言学视阈下的二语词汇教学 28、认知语言学前沿动态--对话句法学初探 29、国外应用语言学早期发展综观

30、论政治语言学的根基与研究路向 31、认知语言学视角下的隐喻理论分析 32、认知语言学中的语篇连贯研究 33、评几种质疑共时和历时划分的语言学观点 34、西方语言学中的科学范式及其转换 35、应用语言学研究的多模态分析方法 36、认知社会语言学的界定、取向与外延 37、社会语言学视界中的语言变体 38、翻译主体性的范式转换--从语言学、文化学到生态学 39、卡西尔的符号哲学转向及其语言学意义 40、认知语言学理论视角下的一词多义现象实证研究 41、从社会语言学看网络火星文 42、索绪尔语言学革命与“文化主义范式”的奠基 43、系统功能语言学研究 44、普遍语言学下的语言模因研究 45、翻译教学的认知语言学观 46、网络称呼语“女汉子”的社会语言学分析 47、论系统功能语言学在计算语言学中的应用 48、法兰西社会心理学派的语言学贡献述要 49、认知语言学研究方法解析 50、形式与功能:西方语言学转向的二维统一 51、外国汽车商标词汉译新探--以认知语言学为切入点 52、现代语言学理论形成与发展研究 53、认知语言学视角下的语义和语用解读 54、语言学模因论指导下的多义词研究 55、论索绪尔语言学研究的跨学科视野 56、乡村社区的社会语言学价值阐释 57、认知语言学定量研究的几种新方法 58、社会语言学视角下的民俗语言研究方法--以陕北说书研究为例 59、生态语言学视阙下的“绿色语法”研究
