



53度茅台53 degrees Mouta

38度茅台38 degrees Mouta

52度水井坊52 degrees of Shuijingfang

39度水井坊39 degrees of Shuijingfang

52度五粮液52 degrees of Wuliangye

39度五粮液39 degrees of Wuliangye

38度剑南春38 degrees Jiannanchun

十二年郎酒Twelve years of Lang Liquor

52度国窖52 degree Cellar

国窖1573 The first cellar in China

52度舍得酒52 willing to Liquor

38度舍得酒38 willing to Liquor

紫砂陶Pottery wine

浓香郎酒Flavour Lang Liquor

锦上添花The icing on the cake of Wuliangye Liquor

盛世天香共赏52度52 degrees of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor 盛世天香共赏38度38 degrees of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor 盛世天香荣华45度45 degrees of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor 盛世天香祥和38度38 degrees of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor 耀眼明珠Dazzling Pearl of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor

泸州典藏Luzhou Vintage Liquor

泸州特曲Luzhou Special Liquor

国窖典藏Vintage Liquor Cellar

十八年郎Eighteen years of Lang Liquor

泸州老酒坊五年Five years of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor 泸州老酒坊八年Eight years of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor 泸州老酒坊十年Ten years of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor 汉唐雄风佳酿Hantang Xiongfeng Vintage Liquor

汉唐雄风特制Hantang Xiongfeng Special Liquor

汉唐雄风精品Hantang Xiongfeng Essence Liquor

百年泸州老窖30年30 years of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor 百年泸州老窖60年60 years of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor 百年泸州老窖90年90 years of Luzhou Laojiao Liquor

金色庄园Golden Villa

银色庄园Silver Villa

精品红庄Essence Red Villa

红色庄园Red Villa

精品干红Essence Red Dry Wine

卡斯特解百纳Custer Cabernet

卡斯特波尔多Custer Bordeaux

特级精选Super selected wine

珍藏版Edition of red wine

茹妙果汁Rumiao Juice

都市庄园醋fruit vinegar

大可乐Coca Cola (bottle)

大雪碧Sprite (bottle)

听可乐Coca Cola (tin)

听雪碧Sprite (tin)

红牛Red bull

露露杏仁露Lulu Almond Juice

苏打水soda water

大矿泉水mineral water (big)

小矿泉水mineral water (small)

蓝莓汁Blueberry Juice

核桃奶Walnut milk

王老吉Wang Laoji Cool Tea

苏烟Sue smoke

软中华soft-case Chunghwa cigarette 硬中华hard-case Chunghwa cigarette 小熊猫The little panda cigarettes

金装玉溪Golden Yuxi cigarettes

玉溪Yuxi cigarettes

黄山yellow mountain cigarettes

七匹狼seven wolves cigarettes

木盒黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower cigarettes


矿泉水Spring Water 1. 冰露矿泉水Ice Dew Spring Water 2. 火山泉矿泉水Volcano Spring Spring Water 3. 巴黎矿泉水Perrier Spring Water 4. 崂山带汽矿泉水Laoshan Spring Water(Sparkling) 5. 崂山矿泉水Laoshan Spring Water 6. 雀巢矿泉水La Vie Spring Water 7. 雀巢健怡矿泉水La Vie Promium Spring Water 8. 屈臣氏矿泉水Watson''s Spring Water 9. 圣培露矿泉水San Pellegrino Spring Water 10. 依云矿泉水Evian Spring Water 咖啡Coffee 11. 哥伦比亚咖啡Colombian Coffee 12. 牙买加咖啡Jamaican Coffee 13. 蓝山咖啡Blue Mountain Coffee 14. 巴西山度士咖啡Brazil Santos Coffee 15. 曼特林咖啡Brazilian Coffee 16. 意大利咖啡Italian Coffee 17. 意大利浓咖啡Espresso 18. 意大利泡沫咖啡Cappuccino 19. 拿铁咖啡Café Latté (Coffee Latte) 20. 美式咖啡Café Americano 21. 法式滴滤咖啡French Coffee 22. 冰法式滴滤Iced French Coffee 23. 低因咖啡Decaffeinated Coffee 24. 曼巴咖啡Special Coffee (Mandeling and Brazilian Coffee) 25. 速溶咖啡Instant Coffee 26. 现磨咖啡Fresh Ground Coffee 27. 冰咖啡Iced Coffee 28. 浓缩冰咖啡Iced Espresso 29. 冰薄荷咖啡Iced Mint Coffee 30. 冰卡布奇诺Iced Cappuccino 31. 冰焦糖卡布奇诺Iced Caramel Cappuccino 32. 冰香草卡布奇诺Iced Vanilla Cappuccino 33. 冰榛子卡布奇诺Iced Hazelnut Cappuccino 34. 果味冰卡布奇诺Iced Fruit Cappuccino 35. 果味卡布奇诺Fruit Cappuccino 36. 薰衣草卡布奇诺Lavender Cappuccino


Customs Declaration for Export of the Peoples’ Republic of China Number of pre-recording : Customs serial number : Export port :Record number:Export date: Declaring date:Business unit: Mode of Transportation: Names of transportation means: Bill number of loading and transportation: Consignor: Trade mode: Nature of tax collection and exemption: Mode of foreign exchange settlement: License number: Country (region) of dispatch / arrival: Port of destination: Location in China of goods supplied: Number of approving certificate: Deal mode: Transportation expenses: Insurance expenses: Incidental expenses: Number of agreement or contract Number of units Kinds of package Gross weight (Kilogram) Net weight (kilogram) Number of container Attached documents Manufacture Mark and remark Number of item Commodity number Name specification and type of commodity Quantity and unit Country (region) of final destination Unit price Total price Currency Tax collection and exemption Tax collection as constitution Column for Customs checking and annotating Checking documents Checking price Tax collection Statistics Recording staff Recording unit Hereby confirming that the declaration is Correct and bearing the legal responsibility. Declarant Declaring unit (stamp) Address of the Declaring unit: Post code: TEL Date of filling Examine All clear


红茶 black tea 绿茶 green tea 白茶 white tea 茉莉花茶 jasmine tea 柠檬茶 lemon tea 黑咖啡 black coffee 浓缩咖啡 Espresso 美式咖啡 Americano 冰咖啡 iced coffee 速溶咖啡 instant coffee 拿铁 latte 卡布基诺 cappuccino 摩卡 moca 热巧克力 hot chocolate 牛奶 milk 全脂奶 whole milk 脱脂奶 skimmed milk 半脱脂奶 semi-skimmed milk 奶粉 powdered milk 炼乳 condensed milk 矿泉水 mineral water 气泡水 sparkling water 不含酒精的饮料 soft drink 汽水 soda water 柠檬汽水 Lemonade 桔子汽水 orangeade 水果汁;果子露 fruit syrup 烈性酒 liquor;spirit 葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine 甜酒 dessert wine 起泡酒 sparkling wine 黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine(Shaoxing wine) 白葡萄酒 white wine 红葡萄酒 red wine 雪利酒 sherry 味思美酒;苦艾酒 Vermouth

朗姆 rum 香槟 champagne 白干 white spirit 白兰地 Brandy 法国白兰地 cognac 杜松子酒 gin fizz 马提尼 martini 苹果酒 cider 威士忌 whisky 松子酒;金酒 gin;dry gin 伏特加 vodka 五味酒 punch 鸡尾酒 cocktail 啤酒 beer 生啤酒 draught beer 黑啤酒 black beer 雪碧 sprite 可乐 coke 芬达 fanta 姜汁汽水 ginger ale 橘子汁 Orange juice 蔓越莓汁 cranberry juice 柚子汁 grapefruit juice 葡萄汁 grape juice 苹果汁 apple juice 番茄汁 tomato juice 芒果汁 mango juice 椰子水 coconut water 椰汁coconut juice 椰奶 coconut milk 奶昔 milk shake 杏仁奶 walnut milk 豆浆 soy milk 能量饮料 energy drink


JG02 Unified Serial No. from Data Centre: Customs Export Declaration Form of the People’s Republic of China

Customs Declaration Form 报关单 An exporter has to apply to the customs for declaration of the commodity before the shipment. The customs officer will sign on the customs declaration form and release the goods if the goods are up to the requirement. 出口方必须在装运前对出口货物进行报关,如果货物符合要求,海关官员就签署报关单对货物进行放行。 The person who asks for declaration is required to be qualified, that is to say, he/she should have the certificate of customs declaration. The examination is held by the General Administration of Customs of 申请报关的人要求具备资质,就是说他或她应有报关证。考试由中华人民共和国海关部署举行。 The customs declaration form is in different colors, for example: the white one is made out for general trade and the pink one is used for processing trade. The contents of these documents are similar. We take the specification of an export customs declaration form for general trade as an example to show the method of making out the document. 报关单有不同颜色,如白色报关单按一般贸易缮制,粉红色报关单用于加工贸易。这些单据的内容相似。我们以一般贸易的出口货物报关单的内容为例介绍该单据的缮制方法。 The Main Contents and Notes of Customs Declaration Form: 报关单的主要内容及注释: 1. 预录入编号:No. of Pre-record It is given by the customs while the exporter is applying to customs. It is given by computers automatically. 出口方申请报关时由海关给的编号,是由计算机自动编制的。 2. 海关编号:No. of Customs It is given by the computer system automatically or given by the custom officer. 由计算机系统自动编制或由海关人员给出。 3. 出口口岸:Port of Export It refers to the name and code of the customs at final port of export. 指最后口岸的海关名称及代码。 说明:若出口货物在设有海关的发运地办理报关手续,出口口岸仍应填写出境口岸的名称。如在深圳办理报关手续,陆路运输至上海出境的货物,其出口口岸为上海。同时加注关区代码。 4. 备案号:record number for checking It refers the number of “Register Manual” or the number of “Certificate of Paid or Free Tax” 指《登记手册》编号或《征免税证明》编号。 5. 出口日期:Date of Export It refers to the date of shipment. It is the applied date of departure of the vessel. 指发运日期,也就是船申报出境的日期。 6. 申报日期:Date of Application It is the date that the exporter applies for declaration. 指出口方向海关申报出境的日期。 7. 经营单位:Executive company Fill in the company’s name who signs and executes the S/C in Chinese, (generally refers to the exporter), and the customs code of the company. 用中文填写签订和执行合同的公司(一般指出口人)名称及经营单位代码。 说明:如果总公司签订合同,由分公司执行,则填分公司名称。出口企业间相互代理,以代理方为经营单位。注意填写全称,注明经营单位代号,该代号是出口企业办理海关注册登记时,海关设置的编码,共10位数字。 8. 运输方式:Mode of Transportation It refers to the final departure mode of transportation , such as sea, road, railway and air, etc. 指货物出境的最后运输方式,如江海、公路、铁路及航空等。 9. 运输工具名称Name of Transportation Tool It refers to the name of departure tool of transportation (for example, sea for vessel and number of voyage, railway for the number of train and air for the number of flight). 指货物出境的运输工具名称(如江海填船名及航次,铁路填车次,航空填航班号)。


采购合同 PURCHASE CONTRACT 合同编号Contract: 签约日期Date: 15-11-12 签约地点Signed At: 电话Tel:+86-- 买方: 传真Fax: +86- The buyer: 英语名称 地址: Address: 英文地址 卖方: The seller: . 电话TEL:+82-32-816-8963 地址Address: 传真FAX:+ 本合同是经买卖双方许可并由买卖双方共同签订的,关于以下约定的项目及状态下的物资采购合同。 This purchase contract is made by and between the seller and the buyer whereby the seller agree to sell and the buyer agree to buy the under-mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 1.包装要求Specification & Packing:国际运输标准包装 Standard international transportation packing, 2.装运口岸Port of Shipment: 3.目的口岸Port of Destination: 上海 4.装运期限Time of Shipment:2013年6月15日之前发出,before Jun. 15th,2013 5. 装运唛头Shipping Mark:AAAAA-13-5-9 SHANGHAI,CHINA 6.付款条款Terms of Payment:T/T prepaid 7.生产国别及制造厂商Country of Origin & Manufacturer: 8.保险Insurance:由买方负责。To be covered by the Buyer. 9.不允许转船,允许分批装运。Transshipment is not allowed. Partial shipment is allowed. 10.装船通知:货物装船前,卖方立即以电报/传真通知买方合同号、货名、所装数量或重量、发票价值、船名、起运口 岸及目的口岸。 Advice of Shipment: Before loading of goods on board the vessel, the Seller shall advise the Buyer by cable/fax of the contract number, name of goods, quantity or weight loaded, invoice value, name of vessel, port of shipment, sailing date and port of destination. 11.装船单据:卖方凭下列单据向付款银行议付货款:(a)2/3清洁提单(注明运费已付)。(b)已签署的发票六份,注明合同号及装船唛头。(c)装箱单及/或重量单四份。(d) 制造厂出具之品质检验证明书及数量或重量证明书各三份。(e)装船通知传真副本3份。(f)如系CIF价格条款需加可转让的保险单或保险凭证两份。 注:卖方除将上述单据通过银行提交买方外,另需于装船前三天用航空快件寄送一套上述正本单据至买方. Shipping Documents: The Sellers shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation of payment: (a) 2/3 set of clean on board, Bills of Lading showing “Freight Prepaid”. (b) Six originals of signed invoice, indicating contract number and shipping marks. (c) Four originals of packing lists and/or weight memos. (d) Three originals of the certificate of quality and quantity or weight that are authorized by the manufacturer. (e) Three duplicate copy of the cable /fax advice of shipment as stipulated in the Clause 1 of the Terms of Delivery. (f)Transferable Insurance Policy or Certificate in duplicate if the prices are on CIF terms. Attention: Except the above documents that is given to the bank, the seller should send a set of original documents to the buyer by air express three days before the loading of goods on board .


1.红茶black tea 2.绿茶green tea 3.浓(淡)茶strong(weak)tea 4.砖茶brick tea 5.(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡black coffee 6.牛奶咖啡coffee with milk;white coffee 7.速溶咖啡instant coffee 8.可可cocoa 9.牛奶milk 10.全脂奶whole milk 11.奶酪milk curd 12.奶粉powdered milk 13.炼乳condensed milk 14.麦乳精malted milk 15.矿泉水mineral water 16.不含酒精的饮料soft drink 17.汽水soda water 18.桔子水orangeade 19.水果汁;果子露fruit syrup 20.烈性酒liquor;spirit 21.葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的)wine 22.甜酒sweet wine 23.不甜的酒dry sweet wine 24.汽酒bubbing wine 25.黄酒;绍兴酒yellow wine;rice wine(Shaoxing wine) 26.白葡萄酒white wine 27.红葡萄酒red wine;port 28.雪利酒sherry 31.香槟酒champagne 32.白干;高梁酒white spirit 33.白兰地Brandy 34.苹果酒cider 35.威士忌whisky 36.松子酒;金酒gin; dry gin 37.伏特加;俄得克酒vodka 38.鸡尾酒cocktail 40.啤酒beer

41.生啤酒draught beer 42.黑啤酒dark beer 43.雪碧sprite beverages 饮料 soya-bean milk 豆浆 syrup of plum 酸梅汤tomato juice 番茄汁 orange juice 橘子汁coconut milk 椰子汁asparagus juice 芦荟汁grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁vegetable juice 蔬菜汁ginger ale 姜汁sarsaparilla 沙士 coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐tea leaves 茶叶 jasmine tea 茉莉(香片) tea bag 茶包 lemon tea 柠檬茶 white goup tea 冬瓜茶 soda water 苏打水 artificial color 人工色素mineral water 矿泉水distilled water 蒸馏水coffee mate 奶精 iced coffee 冰咖啡 ovaltine 阿华田 chlorella yakult 养乐多 ice-cream cone 甜筒sundae 圣代; 新地 vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋ice candy 冰棒 milk-shake 奶昔 straw 吸管


武汉大学研究生成绩单 Wuhan University Graduate Student’s Transcript 姓名:学号:学院:专业:层次:学制:年 学年学期School Year 课程名称 Course 学分 Credit 成绩 Grade (供2004级至2007级同学使用,打印时此句红色提示请删去) PS: The Graduate School of Wuhan University has used Ten-point grading scale since 2008. 96-100= A+; 90-95= A; 85-89= A-; 80-84= B+; 75-79= B; 70-74= B-; 67-69= C+; 63-66= C; 60-62= C-; 0-59= D. (供2008级和以后的同学使用,打印时此句红色提示请删 去) Tel: (86) 27 Fax: (86) 27 E-mail 1

武汉大学Wuhan University 核实人: Registrar: 研究生院院长: Dean of the Graduate school: 制作研究生中英文成绩单注意事项: 1.无论实际学习时间是几年,2004级及以后的硕士生学制均为两年,2004级以前的硕士生学制均为三年,博士生学制均为三年。硕博连 读生若把硕士阶段和博士阶段成绩都制作在一张成绩单上时,学制填五年。 2.课程名称、学分和成绩都对照中文成绩单正确填写,中文成绩单中所有课程都要填写在中英文成绩单中,课程名称要求中英文对照。 成绩单列表的行数若不够,可以添加;若有多的行,请删去,确保不留空行。整张成绩单尽量控制在一页纸上。 3.成绩单末尾部分关于计分制的说明,请根据自己的情况选择适用的保留。 4.研究生中英文成绩单不需要所在学院盖章,带上盖有学院成绩章或档案馆公章的中文成绩单原件即可。 5.成绩单办理时间:每周二下午和周三下午(14:30——17:00),办理地点:研究生院202室。 2


饮料Non-Alcoholic Beverages 矿泉水Spring Water 冰露矿泉水:Ice Dew Spring Water 火山泉矿泉水:Volcano Spring Spring Water 巴黎矿泉水:Perrier Spring Water崂山带汽矿泉水:Laoshan Spring Water (Sparkling) 崂山矿泉水:Laoshan Spring Water雀巢矿泉水:La Vie Spring Water 雀巢健怡矿泉水:La Vie Promium Spring Water 屈臣氏矿泉水:Watson's Spring Water 圣培露矿泉水:San Pellegrino Spring Water 依云矿泉水:Evian Spring Water 咖啡Coffee 哥伦比亚咖啡:Colombian Coffee 牙买加咖啡:Jamaican Coffee 蓝山咖啡:Blue Mountain Coffee 巴西山度士咖啡:Brazil Santos Coffee 曼特林咖啡:Brazilian Coffee 意大利咖啡:Italian Coffee 意大利浓咖啡:Espresso 意大利泡沫咖啡:Cappuccino 拿铁咖啡:Café Latté(Coffee Latte) 美式咖啡:Café Americano 法式滴滤咖啡:French Coffee 冰法式滴滤:Iced French Coffee 低因咖啡:Decaffeinated Coffee 曼巴咖啡:Special Coffee (Mandeling and Brazilian Coffee) 速溶咖啡:Instant Coffee 现磨咖啡:Fresh Ground Coffee 冰咖啡:Iced Coffee 浓缩冰咖啡:Iced Espresso 冰薄荷咖啡:Iced Mint Coffee 冰卡布奇诺:Iced Cappuccino 冰焦糖卡布奇诺:Iced Caramel Cappuccino 冰香草卡布奇诺:Iced Vanilla Cappuccino 冰榛子卡布奇诺:Iced Hazelnut Cappuccino 果味冰卡布奇诺:Iced Fruit Cappuccino


提单中英文对照(全) 1] Reference number (提单号): 2] Name of vessel / Voyage number (船名/航次): 3] E T A (预计到港日): 4] Load Port (起运港): 5] Tranship Port (if any) (中转港): 6] Discharge Port (卸货港): 7] Term of this shipment.( CY/CY ) : 8] Proper shipping name under IMDG code (运输品名): 9] Proper chemical name ( If applicable ) (化学品名): 10]Quantity and type of inner and outer package(内外包装类型及数量): 11]Gross weight (KGS)(货物毛重): 12]Nett weight (KGS) (货物净重): 13]Number, size and type of container (箱型,箱数): 14]Class / UN number (危险品类别/国际编码): 15]Label, subsidiary risk label (危标): 16]Packing group (包装类别): 17]Flash point in unit deg.C ( If applicable )(闪点): 18]MPA group : 19]EMS ( Emergency schedule ) : 20]Marine pollutant ( Yes / No ) (海洋污染): 船公司SO文件的英文简单解释




报关单常用英文缩写 单证(Documents) 1、进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1。金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票) 2、商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3。用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等) declaration form报关单ν Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, areνtaken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。 the person in charge of the declarationν invoice发票ν ocean bill of lading提单ν air waybill空运提单ν packing list或packing specification(装箱单)ν shipping order(装货单)ν letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)ν insurance policy(保险单)ν sales confirmation售货确认书ν

contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of or igin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipme nt, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarant ee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration) certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证 animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证 certificate of origin原产地证) import进口 export出口 import & export corporation(Corp.) import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export busine ss) export drawback出口退税 import & export licence processing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工 buyer买方 seller卖方 The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the sel ler. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject t o Customs examination) cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-o wner What cargo is inside the container? The cargo is now released.) Commodity(commodity inspection)


附录1:船舶伙食名称中英文对照单 中式早點 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 饭类 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面类 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面Duck with noodles 鱔魚面Eel noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 汤类 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup


报关单英文对照 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

进口口岸/出口口岸ImportCustomsPort/ExportCustomsPort 备案号CustomsRecordNumber 进口日期/出口日期DateofImport/DateofExport 申报日期DateofDeclaration 经营单位ManagementEnterpriseofForeignTrade 运输方式ModeofTransport 运输工具名称Conveyance 提运单号BillofLadingNumber/WayBillNumber 收货单位发货单位FinalUser/Supplier 贸易方式ModeofForeignTradeforCustomsSupervision 许可证号LicenceNumber 运抵国(地区)/起运国(地区)DestinationCountryorArea/LoadingCountryorArea 指运港/装货港PortofDestination/PortofLoading 境内货源地/境内目的地PlaceofManufacture/PlaceofFinalDestination 批准文号approvalNo. 成交方式TermsofTrade 运费/保险费/杂费Freight/Insurancepremium/OtherCharge 合同协议号ContractNumber 件数NumbersofPackages 包装种类KindsofPacking 毛重GrossWeight 净重NetWeight 集装箱号ContainerNumber 随附单据AttachedDocuments 用途/生产厂家Application/Manufacturer 标记唛码及备注ShippingMarks&Remarks 项号ItemNumber 商品名称、规格型号DescriptionOfGoodsIncludingSpecification&Type 数量及单位Quantity&Unit 原产国/最终目的国(地区)CountryofOrigin/FinalDestination/CountryOrArea 单价UnitPrice 总价TotalAmount 币制Currency 出口许可证中英文对照: 1.出口商:Exporter 2.发货人:Consignor 3.出口自动许可证号:AutomaticexportlicenceNo. 4.出口自动许可证有效截止日期:Automaticexportlicenceexpirydate 5.贸易方式:Termsoftrade 6.合同号:ContractNo. 7.报关口岸:Placeofclearance 8.出口最终目的国(地区):Country/Regionofpurchase 9.付款方式:Payment 10.运输方式:Modeoftransport


饮料及与其相关词汇的中英文对照翻译 Drink / beverage 饮料 Mineral water 矿泉水 Orange juice 橘子汁 Orangeade / orange squash 橘子水 Lemon juice 柠檬汁 Lemonade 柠檬水 Beer 啤酒 White wine 白葡萄酒 Red wine 红葡萄酒 Claret 波尔多红葡萄酒 Cider 苹果酒 Champagne 香槟酒 Cocktail 鸡尾酒 Liqueur 餐后甜酒 Shaohsing / shaoxing wine 绍兴酒 Yellow rice wine 黄酒 Kaoliang spirit 高粱酒 Wu Chia Pee 五加皮 Brandy 白兰地酒 Cognac 法国白兰地 Gin 杜松子酒 Martini 马丁尼酒 Soda water 苏打水 Rice wine 黄酒;米酒 Appetizer (正餐前的)开胃饮料 Martini Rosso 马丁尼红 Gordon’s 哥顿金酒 Rum 朗姆酒 Bacardi 百加得 Vodka 伏特加 Smirnoff 皇冠伏特加 Whisky 威士忌 Calvados 苹果白兰地 Glenfiddich 格兰菲迪 Bailey’s 百利酒 Budweiser 百威啤 Foster’s 福士啤 Beck’s 贝克啤 Carlsbery 嘉士伯啤 Guinness 健力士啤 Coke / coca cola 可口可乐 Spirit 雪碧

Bar 酒吧 Counter 吧台 Bar chair 酒吧椅 Barman 酒吧男招待Barmaid 酒吧女招待 Bottle opener 开瓶器Corkscrew 螺旋形开瓶器Ice shaver 削冰器 Ice maker 制冰机 Ice bucket 小冰桶 Ice tong 冰块夹 Ice scoop 冰勺 Cocktail shaker 调酒器Pouring measure 量酒器Juice extractor 果汁榨汁机Electric blender 电动搅拌机Water jug 水壶Champagne bucket 香槟桶Enamelled cup 搪瓷杯Ceramic cup 陶瓷杯 Straw 吸管 Decanter (盛酒的)玻璃杯Mixing glass 调酒杯 Beer mug 啤酒杯Champagne glass 香槟杯Measuring jug 量杯 Wine glass 葡萄酒杯Brandy glass 白兰地杯Tumbler 平底玻璃杯Goblet 高脚杯 Tapering glass 圆锥形酒杯


成绩单 英文解释 report;report card;transcript ; 例句: 1. 我可以看一下你的学业成绩单吗? Can I see your school report? 2. 你想看我的成绩单吗? Wanna see my report card? 3. 我们拿到她的成绩单了真的? We got her transcripts. Really? 4. 我可以看看你在大学时的成绩单吗?我想知道你的优势所在。 Is it possible to have your score sheet in the university? I would like to understand whe re your strength is. 5. 你看见我的成绩单吗? Have you seen my report card? 6. 为了一份更好的成绩单? For getting a good report card? 7. 你拿到成绩单了吗? Did you get a report card? 8. 你的成绩单告诉了你父母你所取得的进步. Your school report tells your parents about your progress. 9. 从她的成绩单可看出她算术和生物成绩很差。 Her school report shows that she is weak at arithmetic and biology. 10. 成绩单表明她生物学成绩差。在生物学方面很差。

The school report shows that she is weak in biologic. 11. 我需要看你的成绩单,你在学校必须更专心些. I saw your report card, you need to focus more on school. 12. 有无成绩单,学生参加学校活动或体育活动的评价? School report, lists of grades, any clubs or sports? 13. 当我的父母收到成绩单时,他们并不生气,而是难过。 When my parents received the school report, they were angry, disappointed. 14. 她觉得爸爸不会让你唱,尤其是在看了你的成绩单后. She thinks dad won't let you, especially after he sees your report card. 15. 爸爸在看我的学校成绩单,但他看起来没有很高兴的样子。 My father is looking at my school report now, and he doesn't look too pleased.
