



Part I True or False Statements:

Directions:The following statements are based on the passages in “British and American Cultures and Customs".Please read and see whether each of the statements is True or False according to what you have learned from the passages.Write T or F on the left of each statement.


1.Americans’ casual wear and behavior in routine 1ife best display their characteristic of informality. [Unit One]

2.You’d better not to ask people in the Western countries s uch questions as marriage,status,income,religious belief,or choice of voting,etc.[Unit One]

3.The British do not expect or welcome bargaining because they consider

it insensitive and offensive. [Unit One]

4.Americans do not expect you to show your courtesy in return,for they

are understanding and enjoy welcoming you and feel pleased if you accept their friendship easily. [Unit Two]

5.A host/hostess usually offers additional serving to the guests by passing the dish containing food from one person to another.

[Unit Two]

6.Americans’ preference to splitting the check fully indicates their stinginess. [Unit Two]

7.The relationship of the individuals of the opposite sex may lead to casual acquaintance, a type of friendship or a passionate involvement

or even marriage.

[Unit Two]

8.Both of the boy(man)and the girl(woman)in America have the responsibility for the expenses on the date.

[Unit Two]

9.You may miss smiles and brief conversations with people in the American cities where everyone appears in a hurry.

[Unit Three]

1 0.As Americans live in a mobile and ever—changing society in which people tend to avoid deep involvements with others,they tend to

have casual friendship.

[Unit Three]

11.When struggling for their status and wealth,Americans usually ignore

the spiritual or human aspect of life.

[Unit Three]

12.Driving in the U.S.entails not only mechanical manipulations of

an automobile,but customary styles of driving.

[Unit Three]

13.People of all classes in Britain prefer to go to pub,in which they

will have great fun and free talk in their private hours. [Unit Three]

1 4.Restaurants on campus and on the outskirts of towns attract students,drivers and motorists because they are convenient and serve large portion

of good and filling food at low prices.

[Unit Four]

1 5.The English people tend to underrate their own food and slight their cookery because their national cuisine is simple and awful.[Unit Four]

1 6.The English enthusiastic adoption of foreign food has enriched their cuisine,and they have almost made some foreign food national dishes. [Unit Four]

1 7.The tradition of holding an “Open House”on New Year’s Day was brought into America by Dutch immigrants and the customs of dressing up

in special costumes for New Year’s Day parade and eating baked ham were brought by Swedish immigrants.

[Unit Five]

1 8.The rules for the game of Easter Egg Roll are:

a)To see who can roll an egg the longest time.

b)To see who can make the egg roll without breaking it on a rough and windy road. [Unit Five]

1 9.Americans’ interest in spectator sports seems really excessive

and even obsessive to many foreign visitors. [Unit Six]

20.The American government is not allowed to operate a radio or TV station

to reach American people,because American people fear that the government might.take the advantage of media to influence voters in elections. [Unit Six]

Part II Vocabulary

Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are three choices.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then circle the corresponding letter you think is the right choice.(10%)

1.A person’s privacy is viewed as an individual or private property that

no one can share without permission in the U.S.

A.possession B.boundary C. territory

2.“Avoiding excess at the dinner table”is viewed as “”.which is the hallmark of the common people in the Western world.A.certainty B.modesty C. courtesy

3.In the United States,there is a widespread practice of making “small talk” in certain social situations.Small talk deals with various topics ,simply for the sake of keeping a conversation going.

A.potentially B.superficially C. essentially

4.Americans do not show visitors great of special courtesy if doing so requires much of their time.

A.amount B.quantity C.number

5.In America,dating a of members of opposite sex does not indicate frivolity on part of a man or promiscuity on part of a woman. A.category B.variety C.type

6.City people in America always appear in a hurry and tend to be impatient

if they are delayed even for a moment.They lead a fast paced life.

A.chief B.certain C.brief

7.The notable characteristics:Individualism,Informality,Casual Friendship,Time Consciousness,and Materialism best describe and practices that are common among the American people.

A.attitudes B.responses C.impressions

8.On the arrival in the U.S.,a foreign student should gain further information on local housing ,and some knowledge of types of housing, rent,utilities,facilities,transit service,etc. before signing

a contract. A.operations B.options C. 0rganlzatlons

9.Traffic accidents in the U.S.are usually considered to carelessness, or mechanical failures,and not from “fate”,“God's will".or other forces beyond human control.

A.coincide with B.result from C.get through

10.A great number of colorful foreign words have been brought into the English language,and many foreign dishes have been adopted and anglicized since th e Great Britain’s colonial time.

A.constantly B.continually C.gradually

11.The Chinese woman found that eating American meals most .She could neither appreciate the food prepared by the

Americans nor understand Americans’ talk and laugh after the dinner.A.troublesome B.disturbing C.elaborate

12.A New Year’s resolution is a to yourself to improve in some

way in the coming new year.

A.dedication B.determination C.demonstration

13.Easter is now a festival less and people in the Western countries celebrate it" just for fun and enjoy it with the Easter Symbols--Easter Bunny,Easter Egg,and Easter flowers.

A.tedious B.fabulous C.religious

14.On Halloween night,people dress up in different costumes,Wear ,

and yell “trick or treat! "at the doors of their neighbors’houses. A.masks B. jewels C.ornaments

15.Sports and recreation absorb a huge amount of Americans,emotion,

as well as their time.And ,money.

A.at any rate B.in some cases C.to some extent

1 6.Making noise while eating is considered as ill—bred,and a person

who does so may those who are having dinner with him/her.A.bother B.restrict C.offend

17.When invited to a dinner,you should not express your or dislike

of certain foods.Either eat it or pass it over quietly.Eat it if you

like and set it aside if you dislike it.

A.displeasure B.disapproval C.disregard

18.When purchasing a car,it is for the foreign student to be accompanied by an American who is familiar with the procedures involved,price ranges,and so forth.

A.advisable B.adequate C.acceptable

1 9.The most refined action of “please pass me the salt/pepper.”is

not about the but requires the greatest number of steps to carry It out.

A.sufficiency B efficiency C.frequency

20.President Nixon had to resign mainly because reporters for Washington Post newspaper that the president had lied when he was asked about

the Watergate burglary.

A.reflected B.released C.revealed

Part III Translation

Directions:There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.In each sentence there a re two blanks for you to fill in with appropriate English words with the reference of the Chinese words given in the bracket.Please write your translation on each line.(10%)

1.A seIf—introduction is (一般足以)to gain acceptance into a group or join in a conversation in the U.S.[Unit One] 2.People’s behavior in public places,like their behavior anywhere else,

is (易于受到)to cultural (影响). [Unit Two]

3.The goal of gaining core knowledge of table manners is to behave

With (谦和)and (沉着)at the dinner table.

[Unit Two]

4.Living with a host family temporarily is one of the housing options

for a foreign student before he/she finds a suitable and

(永久的住处). [Unit Three]

5.Americans are always ready to move because they are (不安分)

and try to (追求)something new and better.

[Unit Three]

6.The Chinese woman feels an (反感)to the American fast food,such

as hot dogs,hamburgers,and sandwiches,because they are all (无

味)and smell worse. [Unit Four]

7.In the past,when kids rang the doorbell,people inside the house Were (期望/就得)to come out and give (夸赞)to the kids

'costumes and put some coins into the“trick or treat”bags.

[Unit Five]

8.The German immigrants bought the (象征物)of the Easter Bunny

to America.It was widely (忽略)by other Christians until shortly after the Civil War.

[Unit Five]

9.Although some recreational activities are costly and time and (精力消耗),most Americans think they are worthwhile.

1 0.The sports ethic is expressed in the Olympic Creed,which is not to

the most important thing in life is not the (成功的喜悦)but the

(拼搏). [Unit Six]

Part IV Questions

Directions:Please give a brief answer to each of the following questions according to what you have learned from British and American Cultures and Customs.Write your answers under each question.(10%) 1.What do the Westerners think of the Chinese Students’excessive expression of gratitude and what is overdoing apology actually considered in the Western world? [Unit One]

2.What does the notion “Line up,and wait your turn.”reflect?

[Unit Two]

3.What is the definition of “Dutch treat”?

[Unit Two]

4.Why is American society said to “be ruled by the clock”?

[Unit Three]

5.Why does a foreign student have to pay a deposit before moving into an apartment or a house7 [Unit Three]

6.Where do middle class people in Britain prefer to go to spend their leisure hours and why? [-Unit Three]

7.Why is the United States described as a “melting pot”?

[Unit Four]

8.What do people usually do on April Fool’s Day?

[Unit Five]

9.What are the features of Thanksgiving Day?

[Unit Five]

10.Why is it said that sports business is a big business in America?

[Unit Six]

Part V Writing

Directions:In this part there are two topics “The Chinese Spring Festival"/“The Chi nese New Year” and “Stress in Life".

Choose one of the topics and write an essay within 200 words.

Please write your composition neatly on the paper..(10%)

A.Write something about the customs and habits Chinese people have on “The Spring Festival/The Chinese New Year” and describe how Chinese celebrate this traditional holiday.

B.Write an essay about “Stress in Life”

a) What are the sources of your stress and pressure in life?

b) What are the positive and negative effects of stress and pressure?

c) What solutions you may take to minimize your stress in life? Answers:

Part III Translation (10%)


Part IV Questions(10%)

empty thanks and insincerity,an awkward behavior People are all equal and no one has the privilege of going directly to the front of a line./American people’S aversion t o touching and being touched.3.Split the check/share the expenses/pay one’s own expenses4.Everything is done

in orderly fashion or by means of schedule./

People are expected tO be punctual.5.for the damages during one’S occupancy/It will be available for the repair.6.To saloon bars,which are more comfortable and less crowded.7.Because of its diversity./Because it consists of different cult tires, nationalities,beliefs and SO on.8.They play practical jokes/tricks on other people/They make good clean fun of other people without hurting/insulting/harming them.9.Family(reunion),feast,football and friends10.Sports games require clothing,supplies,equipments that can be quite costly/surprisingly expensive,and some companies make big profits by advertising、their products on TV,newspapers, magazines,etc.

Part V Writing(10%) Directions:In this part there are two topics“The Spring Festival”/“The Chinese New Year”and“Stress in Life.“Choose one of the topics and write an essaY within 200 words.Please write your composition neatly the paper. (10%)

A.Write something about the customs and habits Chinese people

hav e on the‘“The Spring Festival’”“The Chinese New Year!”and

describe how Chinese celebrate this traditional holiday.

B.Write an essay about“Stress in Life“

a)What are the sources of your stress and pressure in life?

b)What are the positive and negative effects of stress and pressure?

c)What are solutions you can find to minimize stress in life?

Test Paper

一、True or False Statements. Please read and see whether each of

the statements is True or False according to what you have learned

from the passages.Write “T” or “ F” on the left of each statement.(本题10题 ,每题2分,共20分)

1、1.Americans’ casual wear and behavior in routine 1ife best display their characteristic of informality. [ ]

2.You’d better not to ask people in the Western countries such questions as marriage,status,income,religious belief,or choice of voting,etc.[ ]

3.The British do not expect or welcome bargaining because they consider

it insensitive and offensive. [ ]

4.Americans do not expect you to show your courtesy in return,for they are understanding and enjoy welcoming you and feel pleased if you accept their friendship easily. [ ]

5.A host/hostess usually offers additional serving to the guests by passing the dish containing food from one person to another. [ ] 6.Americans’ preference to splitting the check fully indicates their stinginess. [ ]

7.In the States,people of all ages may prefer to be called by their first names.[ ]

8. One more point about “sir”and “madam.”They are followed by either the first names or the last names.[ ]

9. In the United States,one’s income is the top secret.People working

in the same office have the faintest idea of how much each person earns,except the boss.[ ]

10. Overdoing apology actually is an awkward behavior in the American society,even if it is done only to be polite.[ ]

二、Vocabulary: There are 5 incomplete sentences in this part.For

each sentence there are three choices.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then circle the corresponding letter you

think is the right choice.


1.A person’s privacy is viewed as an individual or private property that no one can share without permission in the U.S. ( ) A.possession B.boundary C. territory

2.“Avoiding excess at the dinner table”is viewed as “”. which is the hallmark of the common people in the Western world.( )

A.certainty B.modesty C. courtesy

3.In the United States,there is a widespread practice of making “small talk” in certain social situations.Small talk deals with various topics ,simply for the sake of keeping a conversation going.( )

A.potentially B.superficially C. essentially

4.Americans do not show visitors great of special courtesy if doing so requires much of their time.( )

A.amount B.quantity C.number

5. Whenever you have been a guest in a home,you should send

a hand—written thank—you note.( )

A.must B.of course C.definitely

三、Translation:Translate the English paragraphs into Chinese:(本


1. The host usually shows the guest upon his arrival to the sitting room.If the guest is a lady,most men in the room will stand up when

she comes in.Women of all ages still appreciate this courtesy, although the custom is followed by fewer people now than in the past,especially among the younger generation.

2. The use of “nicknames” is fairly common among people in the United States.A nickname is not the person’s real name but a name assigned to him or her because of certain physical characteristics,behavior patterns,or some other factors.Foreign students often get nicknames if their names seem too long or unpronounceable to their American friends.Being called by a nickname is not usually uncomplimentary;on the contrary,it may indicate that the student

is viewed with respect and even affection.

3. In order to understand the Western idea of personal privacy,

you should start by thinking of a nation’s concept of “territoriality.”A nation has borders or boundaries,and everything within those boundaries belongs to that nation and no other.And so is it in the case of a private house.If one enters

a private house without asking for permission,he is likely to be accused of trespassing or even burglary.

4. In Britain,small gifts such as a pen or a book would be suitable tokens of genuine gratitude and flowers or champagne suffice to thank colleagues for their services.Do not,however, appear patronizing or unduly forward,especially if the recipient is a woman.

5. From time to time,it is necessary to display a more sophisticated knowledge of table etiquette.This is not difficult,once you have mastered the basics.Anyone armed with this core knowledge and the

ability to adapt smoothly to the situation at hand will be able to handle even the most formal event.The goal is not,after all,to demonstrate utter mastery of the most arcane details, but rather to behave with graciousness and poise at the table.

四、Questions :Please give a brief answer to each of the following questions according to what you have learned from Western Cultures

and Customs.Write your answers under each question.(本题共5小


1.What do the Westerners think of the Chinese Students’excessive expression of gratitude and what is overdoing apology actually considered in the Western world?

2.What does the notion “Line up,and wait your turn.”reflect? 3.What is the definition of “Dutch treat”?

4.What does the notion Three “ings” reflect in Britain?

5.What does the notion Three “don’ts” reflect in Britain?

五、Writing:In this part there is a topic “M y ideal life”.

Write an essay within 200 words.

Please write your composition neatly on the paper.(本题共1小题,




1. T 、2 T 。

3. F 、 4 T 。

5. F 、 6 F 。

7. T 、 8 F 。

9. T 、 10 T 。














some Chinese students make excessive expressions of gratitude,which gives US,Westerners,the sense of empty thanks and insincerity,and makes US feel uncomfortable.

Overdoing apology actually is an awkward behavior in the American society,1.答:

This behavior reflects their notion that all people are equal,in the sense that no one has the privilege of going directly to the front of a line.It also reflects their aversion to touching,which is much less likely to happen in a line than in a crowd jostling to get service.


It means split the check, or share the expenses or pay one’s own expenses.


Three “ings” refer to betting, drinking and tipping,the ending for each of which is “ing”.

5. 答:

They don’t like jump the queue, They don’t like ask a woman about her age, They don’t like bargain in Britain when you do the shopping.五、Writing:In this part there is a topic “M y ideal life”.

Write an essay within 200 words.

Please write your composition neatly on the paper.


国家体育总局体育社会科学、软科学研究项目 (编号:1142SS07099) 儒学与体育礼仪文化 摘要 项目负责人:曹莉

曲阜师范大学 二○○八年十二月 儒学与体育礼仪文化 摘要 《儒学与体育礼仪文化》课题应用社会学、体育学、哲学、历史学、教育学、文化学、民族学、传播学等多学科知识,综合运用文献资料法、系统分析法、专家访谈法、历史研究法等研究方法,系统考察了儒学对中国传统体育礼仪文化的形态、结构、价值系统、传承等方面的影响,论证了儒学在中国当代体育礼仪文化系统中的地位及积极作用;并针对当前中国体育礼仪文化存在的问题,深入挖掘了儒学中的积极因素,探讨了新时代背景下的中国体育礼仪文化的教育、管理、传播的有效途径。探寻儒学中符合人类最普遍道德情感和深刻人文精神的礼学精蕴,抽象出儒家礼学中具有流传性、持久延续性的基本准则,在此基础上,构建了基于儒学的中国体育礼仪文化的体系结构及发展模式。该研究成果为丰富中国体育礼仪文化价值体系,促进中国体育礼仪文化的教育、管理水平,形成具有儒学文化特色的体育礼仪文化,丰富体育礼仪文化内容提供了非常有价值的理论和方法支持。 本研究共分6个子课题,共计16万字,其主要内容为: 1 儒学与中国传统体育礼仪文化研究 在体育历史的长河中,体育礼仪文化的产生和发展无疑彰显了人类文明的进步。礼仪属于道德的范畴,是儒学的核心内容,是建立和谐社会的重要基础,我国古代《礼记·曲记》中就有这样的记载:“道德仁义,非礼不成;力争辩讼,非礼不决”。道德为

万事之本,仁义为群行之大,人要实行道德仁义四事,不用礼是不行的。儒学伦理注重人的道德品质的修养,而体育礼仪作为礼仪文化的一个组成部分,必然也和儒学有着千丝万缕的关系,体育礼仪不仅以外在形式表现出了儒学的伦理内涵,同时也吸收了儒学礼仪的精华,内化为体育伦理道德。 本研究重点分析了儒学与传统体育礼仪文化的相互关系,包括儒学视野下传统体育礼仪的内在价值与外在表现、儒学与传统体育礼仪的互动关系以及儒学传统礼仪研究的SWOT分析。在此基础上提出了基于儒家礼学下的传统体育礼仪文化的挖掘、保护及可持续发展策略。研究认为:(1)儒学是体育礼仪文化得以绵延不断的内在精神动力之一,即是贯穿于其中的对传统文化的传承意识与创新精神的紧密结合,应兼顾中国传统体育礼仪文化的传承与变易,并汲取其他国家和民族的体育礼仪文化中的积极因素。(2)儒学能充实中国体育礼仪文化中的人文精神内容,能丰富中国体育礼仪内容。(3)应从儒家“以人为本”、义利观、“德治”、“贵和尚中”等管理思想出发,加强对传统体育礼仪的操作规范。(4)传统体育礼仪文化在其发展的过程中对儒学的发展也产生了重要影响,它是儒学的基本思想和伦理融入到实际社会生活,使儒学更大众化、具体化。(5)传统体育礼仪发展到现在,其文化内涵逐步被人遗忘和淡化,出现了传统体育礼仪文化内涵的缺失。 2、儒学与中国当代体育礼仪文化系统研究 体育礼仪文化体现着一个国家、地区、民族的整体精神面貌和文化内涵。我国是有着悠久历史的文明古国,被誉为“礼仪之邦”。如何与时俱进、充分挖掘中国传统礼仪文化、尤其是儒家礼仪文化,并借鉴其他体育礼仪文化,建构有中国传统文化特色的体育礼仪文化是时代赋予我们的重要使命。 本研究基于儒学礼仪文化的基础上,并借鉴其他体育礼仪文化,综合运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、比较研究法、逻辑分析法、系统分析法等研究方法,运用社会学、


欧洲与美国的礼俗有许多是相同的,但相对来说,欧洲人比美国人保守,因而对礼节更加注重。在美国一些被认为稍有失礼的举止(如嚼口香糖、手插在口袋里谈话、腿随便地跷在家具上、拍后背等等),欧洲人则认为是极端的恶习。欧洲人称呼对方避免直呼其名而省略其姓,要在长期交往后才能这样做。一些有学位和学术头衔的人,希望你在称呼他们时,冠之以这些头衔,以示尊敬。除了欧洲的南部和东部不支持Flash 冬天一场温泉的盛宴张艺谋印象主题之旅冬季出游现在进行时一路向北雪景独好地区,握手是标准的问候形式,但那只是轻轻地一碰,绝不像美国人那样,握手时胳膊上下摆动,甚至带动肩膀,在所有的商务会晤及大多数的私人交往中互换名片从礼仪上讲,是非常必要的。另外约会必须准时,在北欧国家尤其如此,在饭桌上抽烟是令人生厌的,即使要抽也要等到上酒或咖啡的时候。送礼物最好是鲜花,它既适当又受欢迎。在衣着上,在办公室、饭店及大街上仍有很多人穿西服,妇女在工作单位及在讲究衣着的饭店里,不穿长裤,只着裙装。 英国:在交往中,情感极少得到表露,礼节受到极端的重视。人们见面称呼时,即使在熟人之间,大多数头衔也要被冠在名字的前面。最好的办法是先听别人是怎样称呼你的,然后仿之以称呼别人。交谈时,不要说有关君主制的闲话,也不要谈宗教。不能以“你是干什么的”做为谈论的开始,那被认为是个人私事,不宜进行讨论。 法国:法国人一般比较拘泥于形式并且很保守,当地人对其他人所说的话语总持挑剔态度,在法国赴约要准时,不然会被认为是缺乏礼貌的表现。法国人极少上门作客,除非是在主人的盛情之下,如果去别人家作客,要为女主人带一些花或巧克力之类的小礼品,以示你的谢意。在法国,平时谈话时不要以个人、政治或钱作为话题,那样会引起别人的反感。 意大利:意大利人在路上见面一般是握手或简单打个招呼,称呼大学毕业生要加上他们通用的头衔。进行商业会晤要提前安排,但不一定准时,因为在社会活动中,准时并不被认为是意大利人的美德。意大利人热情好客,如果你被人邀请,则不能拒绝,那样做是不礼貌的。午餐在一天中是最丰盛的一餐,时间一般持续两三个小时,在意大利,互相赠送商务性礼物也是很普遍的。意大利人交谈的话题一般有足球、家庭事务、公司事务以及当地新闻等,避免谈美式足球和政治。


国外风俗与礼仪 结业论文 指导老师:刘伶俐 学生:杨胜利 学号:2012112206

摘要:西方礼仪课堂上,我们学到许多国家在不同方面的礼仪,这篇文章中我 只选择了国外的服饰礼仪进行介绍。服饰礼仪是人们在交往过程中为了相互表示尊重与友好,达到交往的和谐而体现在服饰上的一种行为规范。服饰是一种文化,它反映着一个民族的文化水平和物质文明发展的程度。服饰具有极强的表现功能,在社交活动中,人们可以通过服饰来判断一个人的身份地位、涵养;通过服饰可展示个体内心对美的追求、体现自我的审美感受;通过服饰可以增进一个人的仪表、气质,所以,服饰是人类的一种内在美和外在美的统一。但是,世界上的各国在服饰上有着不同的欣赏标准,下面我会从不同的国家中挑选几个比较典型的进行介绍。分别是亚洲的日本,非洲的南非共和国,美洲的巴西,欧洲的英国以及大洋洲的澳大利亚,希望从这些不同大洲,我们能够更好的了解一下国外的服饰礼仪,也是我们从《国外风俗礼仪》课堂上学习的最好展示。 关键词:服饰礼仪文化气质各国服饰介绍 世界各国礼仪风俗 要点: 1。培训的主要目的:了解客人,胸怀世界。(南外的校训) 2。饭店主要的客源国介绍(数字比例) 3。抛砖引玉,不尽之处,多多指正。 4。引入一个笑话:美国人、法国人、中国人沙漠行走的故事(配合搞笑的图片)

介绍以下几个国家的(日本、韩国、新加坡、英国、德国、意大利、美国) 一。国家简介 二。风俗礼仪 三。国人性格 四。饭店长住公司客人简介(照片) 穿插游戏:猜字游戏(礼仪风俗方面的名词、国家代表人物等) 介绍1本好书、1张好碟、1个网站。 最终回到主题:开阔视野,了解客人、提供针对性个性化服务 韩国正式名称是大韩民国。全国面积9.9万平方公里,全国人口4485万,首都是首尔。太极旗是韩国的国旗,国歌为爱国歌。受我国佛学、儒学影响,韩国居民多信奉佛教、基督教天主教和儒教,首都汉城文庙每年春秋两季都要举行祭孔大典。 韩国饮食:韩国饮食风格介于中国和日本之间,多数人用餐使用筷子。莱料以高蛋白食物为主,辅以蔬菜。喜食汤和饭(牛肉汤、排骨汤等和在饭中)、火锅、汤面、冷面、生鱼片、生牛肉、什锦饭等。也喜欢热辣口味。在宴会上,韩国人习惯互相斟酒,喝交杯酒;受人劝酒时不可拒饮;不胜酒力时杯中应留点酒;对于醉酒者,他们多持宽容的态度。受人敬菜时要礼貌地推让两次,第三次才欣然接受。饭后被人邀歌时不可拒唱。韩国人不喜欢较油腻的炒菜,喜欢清淡的生菜,


世界各国的礼仪文化 (美国握手礼) 美国若非亲朋好友,美国人一般不会主动与对方亲吻、拥抱。他们在正式场合见面,握手致意;在非正式场合见面,礼节比较随意,往往以点头、微笑为礼,或者只是向对方“嗨”上一声。 俄罗斯和初次见面的人一般行握手礼,熟悉的人大多会热情拥抱。 (日本鞠躬礼) 日本正式社交活动要鞠躬,两手放在膝上,并且频频弯腰(约30度);日常使用的鞠躬(约15度),两手垂在身旁。 马来西亚见面时,男子一般是一面举起右手放在胸前,一面深鞠躬;女子一般是先双腿稍微弯曲,然后鞠躬。 韩国韩国人见面时也行鞠躬礼,不过男人既可鞠躬,也可握手,而妇女一般只鞠躬或点头示意。

(东南亚双手合十礼) 东南亚双手合十礼盛行于印度、斯里兰卡、尼泊尔以及泰国、柬埔寨、缅甸等东南亚国家。人们见面时,通常把双手手掌对合于胸前,十指并拢,并微微弯腰顿首以此表示敬意。 (波兰吻手礼) 波兰在波兰,至今仍盛行吻手礼。波兰妇女喜欢别人尊重她们,希望自己的丈夫和亲朋好友把她们当作贵妇人看待,见面时吻她们的手。吻手时,要由妇女先伸出手来,手背朝上,手略下垂,男子欠身将妇女的手放在嘴边轻轻吻之。 巴西巴西人在社交场合通常是以拥抱或者接吻作为见面礼仪。贴面礼是巴西妇女之间特有的礼节。行礼时,双方要互贴面颊,同时口里发出表示亲热的亲吻声,但是不可以用嘴唇真正接触对方的面颊。 美国 美国人在待人接物方面,具有下述四个主要特点: 第一、随和友善,容易接近。 第二、热情开朗,不拘小节。 第三、城府不深,喜欢幽默。 第四、自尊心强,好胜心重。 加拿大 加拿大的基本国情是地广人稀。特殊的环境对加拿大人的待人接物有一定影响。一般而言,在交际应酬中,加拿大人最大的特点是既讲究礼貌,又无拘无束。加拿大国民的主体是由英法两国移民的后裔所构成的。一般而言,英裔加拿大人大多信奉基督教,讲英语。性格上相对保守内向一些。而法裔加拿大人则大都信奉天主教,讲法语,性格上显得较为开朗奔放。与加拿大人打交道要了解对方情况,


各国文化以礼仪(双语) 同步练习题 Part I True or False Statements: Directions:The following statements are based on the passages in “British and American Cultures and Customs".Please read and see whether each of the statements is True or False according to what you have learned from the passages.Write T or F on the left of each statement. (10%) 1.Americans’ casual wear and behavior in routine 1ife best display their characteristic of informality. [Unit One] 2.You’d better not to ask people in the Western countries s uch questions as marriage,status,income,religious belief,or choice of voting,etc.[Unit One] 3.The British do not expect or welcome bargaining because they consider it insensitive and offensive. [Unit One] 4.Americans do not expect you to show your courtesy in return,for they are understanding and enjoy welcoming you and feel pleased if you accept their friendship easily. [Unit Two] 5.A host/hostess usually offers additional serving to the guests by passing the dish containing food from one person to another. [Unit Two] 6.Americans’ preference to splitting the check fully indicates their stinginess. [Unit Two] 7.The relationship of the individuals of the opposite sex may lead to casual acquaintance, a type of friendship or a passionate involvement or even marriage. [Unit Two] 8.Both of the boy(man)and the girl(woman)in America have the responsibility for the expenses on the date. [Unit Two] 9.You may miss smiles and brief conversations with people in the American cities where everyone appears in a hurry. [Unit Three] 1 0.As Americans live in a mobile and ever—changing society in which people tend to avoid deep involvements with others,they tend to have casual friendship. [Unit Three] 11.When struggling for their status and wealth,Americans usually ignore the spiritual or human aspect of life. [Unit Three] 12.Driving in the U.S.entails not only mechanical manipulations of an automobile,but customary styles of driving.


由于各国的历史与文化底蕴不同,各国人民在进行礼尚交往时的习惯也有不少差异。特别是中西方之间,礼仪上的差别很大,若不了解,就容易引起不必要的误会和损失。例如,在中国近代史上,由于中国闭关自守,对西方不了解,在一次希特勒举行的宴会上,一位中国使节按照在中国的习惯用餐巾去揩拭刀叉,殊不知这种做法在国外是极不礼貌的,仿佛是在责备刀叉不干净。希特勒一见之下,立即命令侍者将全体客人的餐具一律重新换过,使那位中国使节窘迫难堪。再例如,李鸿章曾应俾斯麦之邀前往赴宴,由于不懂西餐礼仪,把一碗吃水果后洗手的水喝了。当时俾斯麦不了解中国的虚实,为了不使李鸿章丢丑,他也将洗手水一饮而尽,见此情景,其他文武百官只能忍笑奉陪。在文化方面就美国来讲,中国人赞赏推崇的愚公移山,令全拿搬家不当回事的美国人大惑不解,他们会用智叟的语调发问:“他为什么不搬家?”中国人以谦虚为美德,而美国人对中国人“水平不高,能力有限”的自谦并不以为然,相反地他会认为你缺乏自信,不知有多少留学生在美国因为“谦虚”而推掉了饭碗。如此相反的结论,如此巨大的反差,是东西方存在的文化差异的显现。 造成这种差异的根本原因,是因为西方人和我们有着完全不同的世界观和价值取向。当然西方人也有许多地方是值得我们学习的。例如,中国游客在美旅游后准备买票回国,凭主观想象买票是肯定要排队的,但当他们进入售票大厅时,见窗口只有一个人在办理手续,另有几个人静静地坐在大厅的边上。我国的游客马上拥至窗口抢购机票,售票员在给中国游客办好机票后,微笑着对他们说:“下次买票请自觉排队,并用手指了指边上的人,当中国人回头看时,他们报微笑,使几个中国人真是无地自容。在现代的社会再犯这样的错误是不应该的,以自己的国情来看待别国才会出“洋相”,这有待于提高自己的文化素质,因此,了解中西方礼尚交往之间的习惯差异是很有必要的。若一无所知,就容易在与外国人交往时处于不利的形势。无论是在政治上,还是在经济贸易中,了解对方国家的礼仪习惯,是对对方的尊重,容易给对方留下一个好印象,以便交往的顺利进行。 首先要明确,东方文明和西方文明都是在一定的社会历史条件下产生和发展的,存在都是合理的,没有孰优孰劣的问题。就美国来说,它的历史只有短短200年,而它的人民是从各个地方移民而来的,可以说美国是一个“大熔炉”,它合众为一,众多不同民族和种族都融合在一起,很多人被同化了,不管什么肤色,不管讲何种语言,都自豪地称自己是美国人。他们的宗旨是永远向前看,遥望目力所及的前方,并且迈开双脚前进;自强自立,追求幸福,永不满足。这是他们良好的品质和素质,而他们信奉的誓言是:“只要我们能够梦想的我们就一定能够实现!”这是美国精神,是在英雄主义和献身精神的基础上建立起来的,以它短短200年的历史,创造了人类史上的灿烂文明,它所创造的生产力,比过去一切世代创造的全部生产力还要多,还要大,这就是美国的魅力。我们不能因为中国是拥有五千年传统文化的,就盲目自大,而应尊重别人,尊重他人的人格与习惯,这样交往才能顺利进行。所以了解、研究别国的礼仪就显得很有必要了。 下面,我们对美国的礼仪文化作点研究: 美国成立时间不长,国内各类移民又不计其数,因此美国的礼仪文化可以说是多种文化的汇合,有不少都与中国人的习惯截然相反。 一、见面的礼仪。


西方礼仪文化论文在这学期我选修了《西方礼仪文化》这个课程。之所以选它是因为,对于个人来说,适当的礼仪既尊重别人同时也是尊重自己的体现,在个人事业发展中起着决定性作用。它提升人的涵养,增进了解沟通,细微之处显真情。对内可融洽关系,对外可树立形象,营造和谐的工作和生活环境。 特别是中西方之间,礼仪上的差别很大,在课上老师就给我们讲述了因为不了解这些差异而引起的误会和笑话并不少见。有一个故事是:一个国民党军官携夫人去机场迎接来自美国的顾问。双方见面后,美国顾问出于礼貌说:“您的夫人真漂亮!”军官甚感尴尬又不免客套一番:“哪里,哪里!”在中国,这本是一句很普通的客套话,可是蹩脚的翻译却把这句话译成:where?where?美国顾问听了莫明其妙,心想:我只是礼貌地称赞一下他的夫人,他居然问起我他的夫人哪里漂亮?于是他只好说:“从头到脚都漂亮!”这个故事就是由于中西文化差异闹出的礼仪上的笑话。由此可见,了解中西方礼尚交往之间的习惯差异是很有必要的。 在课上老师给我们欣赏了,西方不同国家的婚礼;日常习俗;在重要场合的礼仪礼貌;初次见面的礼仪;如何回复他人对你的邀请;着装的搭配等等。 往大处来说,一个国家无论是在政治上,还是在经济贸易中,了解对方国家的礼仪习惯,将有利于各国之间的交往。从小处来讲,一个人了解对方的礼仪民间习惯,是对对方的尊重,容易给对方留下一个好印象,以便交往的顺利进行。随着东西方文化的不断发展,东西方的礼仪正在相互融合,西方人逐渐地接受了东方文化中重情感等合理因素,东方人也逐渐地接受了西

方文化中先进文明的礼仪和交往方式。但在现实生活中,由于东西方文化的差异而对礼仪产生的影响还很多,为此本文就以下几方面具体探讨东西方文化差异对礼仪所产生的影响: 社会交往方式的差异对礼仪的影响 东西方文化都非常重视人际交往,但在交往的观念、交往的方式上都有着明显的差别。如中国人热情好客,在人际交往中饱含热情,问寒问暖,似乎没有什么可保留的,对于了解有关年龄、职业、收入、婚姻状况、子女等问题,觉得都理所当然。而在西方国家中,特别重视对方的隐私权。个人稳私主要包括:个人状况(年龄、工作、收入、婚姻、子女等)、政治观念(支持或反对何种党派)、宗教信仰(信仰什么宗教)、个人行为动向(去何种地方,与谁交往、通信)等。凡是涉及到个人隐私的都不能直接过问。西方人一般不愿意干涉别人的私生活和个人隐私,也不愿意被别人干涉。比如,中国人会直接询问别人所买物品的价格。因为在中国人看来,物品的贵贱只是表示该物品的质量。而在西方人眼里,如果你直接询问别人所购物品的价格,就可能是探问对方的经济条件,因此,这也是西方人的隐私,属于不宜直接询问的问题。如果你想了解该物品的价格,只能委婉地夸耀、赞赏该物品,而这样的情况下西方人一般也只告诉你该物品的贵或贱,一般不会告诉你准确价格。中国人见面打招呼时喜欢问一句“上哪儿去?”,这是招呼的一种形式。而在美国,你如果问朋友上哪儿去,则可能会使对方尴尬,因为这也属于对方的隐私,是你不该过问的。另外,人际交往的空间距离可以分为亲密距离、个人距离、社交距离、公共距离四种。中国人的空间距离相对较近。我们在大街上经常可以看到两个中国少女挽臂亲昵而行,而在西方则很少见


Five Relationships: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife, elder-younger brother and friend-friend. This was explained as“There should be affection between father and son , righteous sense of duty between ruler and minister, division of function between man and wife, stratification between old and young, and good faith between friends.”During the more than two thousand years of the feudal period, the ruling class arrange every thing by this relationships, and then formed a class society. In this kind of society, a minister owes loyalty to his ruler, and a child filial respect to his parent. The result is the humanity is neglected and people have no equality. Different from China, in the Renaissance period of England, people began to emphasize the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of their life, but also have the ability to perfect themselves and perform wonders. This is the rudiment of Humanism. People became respect the humanity from then on. And then develop into the ideas of what we always said freedom, democracy. Today, take Americans for instance; the top personal values were self-reliance, hard work, and a tie between achieving success in life, personal achievement, and helping others. Hard work, respect for learning, honesty, and self-reliance were most valued among Chinese people. In terms of social values, the top six for Americans were freedom of expression, personal freedom, rights of the individual, open debate; thinking for oneself, and official accountability. The top six social values for Asian people were maintenance of an orderly society, harmony, accountability of public officials, openness to new ideas, freedom of expression, and respect for authority. This study finds that unlike Americans, East Asians are generally more respectful of authority and prize an orderly society, however in concurrence with the West, Asians honor new ideas, official accountability, and free expression. 3.Individualism and Collectivism Individualism refers to the doctrine that the rights of the individual are the most important ones in a society. Most westerners believe that each person has his own separate identity and personality, which should be recognized and reinforced. Therefore, one cannot comprehensive western and its people without understanding individualism. Only with the cognition of individualism can we understand how westerners conceptualize family, friendships, and privacy. The core of individualism is the pursuit of personal and achievements. It is highly valued, earnestly believes and well appreciated as a fundamental social virtue. In Christianity traditions, individuals are important not only to each other, but also to the society and God. Individualism has been handed down from their ancestors. Therefore, to westerners, individualism is not selfishness but rather virtue. They emphasize individualism so much that they believe that there must be something wrong with someone who fails to demonstrate individualism. That likes the sentence “God helps those who help themselves.”However to Chinese people , the word“individualism”is related to the derogatory meaning as egoism, with represents selfishness in quality and


世界各国礼仪 美国 美国人在待人接物方面,具有下述四个主要特点: 第一、随和友善,容易接近。 第二、热情开朗,不拘小节。 第三、城府不深,喜欢幽默。 第四、自尊心强,好胜心重。 加拿大 加拿大的基本国情是地广人稀。特殊的环境对加拿大人的待人接物有一定影响。一般而言,在交际应酬中,加拿大人最大的特点是既讲究礼貌,又无拘无束。加拿大国民的主体是由英法两国移民的后裔所构成的。一般而言,英裔加拿大人大多信奉基督教,讲英语。性格上相对保守内向一些。而法裔加拿大人则大都信奉天主教,讲法语,性格上显得较为开朗奔放。与加拿大人打交道要了解对方情况,然后再有所区别的加以对待。 法国 与英国人和德国人相比,法国人在待人接物上表现是大不相同的。主要有以下特点: 第一,爱好社交,善于交际。对于法国人来说社交是人生的重要内容,没有社交活动的生活是难以想象的。

第二,诙谐幽默天性浪漫。他们在人际交往中大都爽朗热情。善于雄辩高谈阔论,好开玩笑,讨厌不爱讲话的人,对愁眉苦脸者难以接受。受传统文化的影响,法国人不仅爱冒险,而且喜欢浪漫的经历。第三,渴求自由,纪律较差。在世界上法国人是最著名的“自由主义者”。“自由、平等、博爱”不仅被法国宪法定为本国的国家箴言,而且在国徽上明文写出。他们虽然讲究法制,但是一般纪律较差,不大喜欢集体行动,与法国人打交道,约会必须事先约定,并且准时赴约,但是也要对他们可能的姗姗来迟事先有所准备。 第四,自尊心强,偏爱“国货”。法国的时装、美食和艺术是世人有口皆碑的,在此影响之下,法国人拥有极强的民族自尊心和民族自豪感,在他们看来,世间的一切都是法国最棒。与法国人交谈时,如能讲几句法语,一定会使对方热情有加。 第五,骑士风度,尊重妇女。在人际交往中法国人所采取的礼节主要有握手礼、拥抱礼和吻面礼。 德国 德国人在待人接物所表现出来的独特风格,往往会给人以深刻的印象。 第一,纪律严明,法制观念极强。 第二,讲究信誉,重视时间观念。


世界各国礼仪 世界各国礼仪美国 美国人在待人接物方面,具有下述四个主要特点: 第一、随和友善,容易接近。 第二、热情开朗,不拘小节。 第三、城府不深,喜欢幽默。 第四、自尊心强,好胜心重。加拿大 加拿大的基本国情是地广人稀。特殊的环境对加拿大人的待人接物有一定影响。一般而言,在交际应酬中,加拿大人最大的特点是既讲究礼貌,又无拘无束。加拿大国民的主体是由英法两国移民的后裔所构成的。一般而言,英裔加拿大人大多信奉基督教,讲英语。性格上相对保守内向一些。而法裔加拿大人则大都信奉天主教,讲法语,性格上显得较为开朗奔放。与加拿大人打交道要了解对方情况,然后再有所区别的加以对待。法国 与英国人和德国人相比,法国人在待人接物上表现是大不相同的。主要有以下特 点: 第一,爱好社交,善于交际。对于法国人来说社交是人生的重要内容,没有社交活动的生活是难以想象的。 第二,诙谐幽默天性浪漫。他们在人际交往中大都爽朗热情。善于雄辩高谈阔论,好开玩笑,讨厌不爱讲话的人,对愁眉苦脸者难以接受。受传统文化的影响,法国人不仅 爱冒险,而且喜欢浪漫的经历。 第三,渴求自由,纪律较差。在世界上法国人是最著名的“自由主义者”。“自由、平等、博爱”不仅被法国宪法定为本国的国家箴言,而且在国徽上明文写出。他们虽然讲究 法制,但是一般纪律较差,不大喜欢集体行动,与法国人打交道,约会必须事先约定,并且准时赴约,但是也要对他们可能的姗姗来迟事先有所准备。 第四,自尊心强,偏爱“国货”。法国的时装、美食和艺术是世人有口皆碑的,在此影 响之下,法国人拥有极强的民族自尊心和民族自豪感,在他们看来,世间的一切都是法国最棒。与法国人交谈时,如能讲几句法语,一定会使对方热情有加。 第五,骑士风度,尊重妇女。在人际交往中法国人所采取的礼节主要有握手礼、拥抱礼和吻面礼。德国


中西方礼仪文化的差异 一:研究的背景 礼仪是人与人之间交流的规则,是一种语言工具,由于形成礼仪的重要根源——宗教信仰不同,使得世界上信仰不同宗教的的人民遵守着各自不同的礼仪。中国的礼仪,使于夏商周,盛于唐宋,经过不断的发展变化,逐渐形成体系。西方礼仪曾一直和中国遥相呼应,经过中世纪的黑暗,迎来了文艺复兴,并孕育着资本资本主义和现代文明,产生了现代科技和文化。在现代社会生活中,随着经济于文化的发展,讲究文明礼貌,注重礼仪礼节,越来越成为人们的一种共识。讲礼貌、懂礼仪,是一个国家和一个民族文明程度的标志,也是一个人道德水准和修养水平的体现,对于提高国民素质,改善人际关系,败仗社会稳定,促进社会进步和经济发展有着不可忽视的作用。 二:研究的目的和意义 中华各族人民共同创造的中华文明源远流长,博大精深。在几千年的风雨洗礼之下依然熠熠生辉。中国自古就是礼仪之邦,西方的礼仪和我国存在着诸多差异。在当前国际交往频繁的形式下,不论是国内接待外宾或出国访问旅游,不论是将要留学或常驻国外工作都有必要学习一下西方的礼仪。 礼仪、礼节、习俗是人类生活中带有规范作用的文化现象,受到人们的普遍重视。礼仪文化在很大程度上反映一个国家或民族的历史传统、精神面貌和社会风尚。西方国家的礼仪文化在世界文化中占有重要地位,它不仅构成西方各国人民的社会生活要素,也越来越多流传到世界各地。我国是文明古国、礼仪之邦,许多礼仪习俗于欧美国家有一定的相同性,共通性,当然也存在不少差异。在今天改革开放的形势下,了解欧美国家的文明礼仪、熟悉他们的礼仪习俗,有利于我们开阔视野,遵守国际礼仪和确立的习惯做法,增进与各国人民的友谊。 三:研究的时间安排 1.2008年10月,邀请老师就本课题进行研究方法的指导;


中西方礼仪文化差异 With China entry the WTO and will hold the Olympic game s in 2008, the relationship between China and Western in politics, economy, culture will become more and more close. It is undoubtedly that the etiquette will play an important role in this process. To the definition of etiquette, China and Western have a different understanding. As Chinese thinks that the etiquette is the common behavior standards that all the members must obey, and its purpose is to keep the normal living order of the society. In ancient China, a famous philosopher thinks that etiquette is a principal to deal with the relationship between man and supernatural beings, man and ghosts, man and men. There are also many words about etiquette in English. For example, courtesy which means courteous behavior, good manners; protocol which means system of rules governing formal occasion, e .g, meetings, between governments, diplomats, etc. And these words are all from the same French word etiquette. Of course, more spread and more profound cultural comment of the western etiquette is from the Classical Period, i.e., old Athens and Roma culture. Today, etiquette become the reflection and manifestation of one country's politics, economy, culture in people's social contact. And it include the principal and moral that people should obey in daily life. Etiquette


各国的礼仪文化 各国的礼仪文化 美国若非亲朋好友,美国人一般不会主动与对方亲吻、拥抱。他们在正式场合见面,握手致意;在非正式场合见面,礼节比较随意, 往往以点头、微笑为礼,或者只是向对方“嗨”上一声。 澳大利亚: 澳大利亚人见面习惯于握手,不过有些女子之间不握手,女友相逢时常亲吻对方的脸。澳大利亚人大都名在前,姓在后。称呼别人 先说姓,接上先生,小姐或太太之类。熟人之间可称小名。 俄罗斯和初次见面的人一般行握手礼,熟悉的人大多会热情拥抱。 日本正式社交活动要鞠躬,两手放在膝上,并且频频弯腰(约30度);日常使用的鞠躬(约15度),两手垂在身旁。 马来西亚见面时,男子一般是一面举起右手放在胸前,一面深鞠躬;女子一般是先双腿稍微弯曲,然后鞠躬。 韩国韩国人见面时也行鞠躬礼,不过男人既可鞠躬,也可握手,而妇女一般只鞠躬或点头示意。 东南亚双手合十礼盛行于印度、斯里兰卡、尼泊尔以及泰国、柬埔寨、缅甸等东南亚国家。人们见面时,通常把双手手掌对合于胸前,十指并拢,并微微弯腰顿首以此表示敬意。 波兰在波兰,至今仍盛行吻手礼。波兰妇女喜欢别人尊重她们,希望自己的丈夫和亲朋好友把她们当作贵妇人看待,见面时吻她们 的手。吻手时,要由妇女先伸出手来,手背朝上,手略下垂,男子 欠身将妇女的手放在嘴边轻轻吻之。

巴西巴西人在社交场合通常是以拥抱或者接吻作为见面礼仪。贴面礼是巴西妇女之间特有的礼节。行礼时,双方要互贴面颊,同时 口里发出表示亲热的亲吻声,但是不可以用嘴唇真正接触对方的面颊。 加拿大: 法国: 与英国人和德国人相比,法国人在待人接物上表现是大不相同的。主要有以下特点: 第三,渴求自由,纪律较差。在世界上法国人是最著名的“自由主义者”。“自由、平等、博爱”不仅被法国宪法定为本国的国家 箴言,而且在国徽上明文写出。他们虽然讲究法制,但是一般纪律 较差,不大喜欢集体行动,与法国人打交道,约会必须事先约定, 并且准时赴约,但是也要对他们可能的姗姗来迟事先有所准备。 第四,自尊心强,偏爱“国货”。法国的时装、美食和艺术是世人有口皆碑的,在此影响之下,法国人拥有极强的民族自尊心和民 族自豪感,在他们看来,世间的一切都是法国最棒。与法国人交谈时,如能讲几句法语,一定会使对方热情有加。 第五,骑士风度,尊重妇女。在人际交往中法国人所采取的礼节主要有握手礼、拥抱礼和吻面礼。 德国: 德国人在待人接物所表现出来的独特风格,往往会给人以深刻的印象。 第一,纪律严明,法制观念极强。 第二,讲究信誉,重视时间观念。 第三,极端自尊,非常尊重传统。 第四,待人热情,十分注重感情。



英国的风土人情和一些习俗: 盥洗室与去“100号” 盥洗室一词的本意为洗手或洗脸的地方,但其实际含义则是厕所,英国人上厕所时不会直截了当地说“去上厕所”,在提醒别人时也是如此,都不直接提到“厕所”二字。如果你想要上厕所,可以说“去男人的房间”,或“去女人的房间”,也可以说“请原谅几分钟”或“我想洗手”等等。小孩子们想要大小便时便说“我要去那个地方”。在朋友之间和家庭内部,“100号”则是最常用的说法。 舞会上怎样不失礼 英国大型舞会一般在晚上10点左右开始。舞会可在私人家中或到饭店举行。主人邀请客人应事先寄送请柬,并注意邀请的客人男女数目要大致相当;如不等,可使男子多于女子。按照习惯,主人请人参加舞会,有时也设晚宴;有时光请跳舞而不设晚宴;而有的则请参加舞会的

他效劳。在街上行走,或过马路时,男子要走在女士身旁靠来车方向的一侧。如果一个男子和两个女士一起走,他应当走在两者当中。如果男主人或女主人或者两者同坐一辆车来接客人去吃饭,客人应该挤在汽车的前座,让后座空着,因为司机就是男主人或女主人。在宴会上,主人把客人领进客厅时,如果客人是位女士,她进客厅时,厅中的大多数男子都要站起来以示敬意。如果女主人的女儿在,她要把客人给女儿作介绍。通常是把男士介绍给女士,除非他年长得多或地位高得多。一般的惯例是年轻的介绍给年长的。不管进入客厅的是男士还是女士,在客厅里就座的女士都不必起身为礼。宴会开始,男士们为女士们拉开椅子,帮女士入座。 有些英国人慨叹,在对待女士的礼遇方面,如今世风已不如以前。据说是因为妇女在选举、就业、工资待遇和接受高等教育方面获得了与男人平等的权利,她们就不再需要以往的那种照顾了。看来,对女士的礼貌是出于男士觉得女士需要保护。


海外文化:各国餐桌礼仪大盘点 对于旅行者而言,餐桌礼仪(table manners)可是必修课。“孤独星球”旅游指南特地为旅行者们盘点了各国的餐桌礼仪,以便他们能更好地“入乡随俗”。 Table manners are how to behave when you eat a meal. They include how to handle cutlery and how to eat in a civilized manner. The world's largest travel and digital publisher, Lonely Planet has assembled etiquette tips. It warns of blunders you should avoid at table. "It celebrates the fun of travel. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they are informative," said US editor Robert Reid, whose team pulled together tidbits from various cross-cultural books. 餐桌礼仪指的是你的用餐行为准则,包括如何使用餐具以及如何文明进餐。全球最大的旅行指南数字出版商“孤独星球”最近汇集了各类餐桌礼仪,并列出了餐桌禁忌警示。美国编辑罗伯特?瑞得同自己的团队将各类跨文化书籍中的珍闻搜集起来,他说:“此举用来宣扬旅行的乐趣,有时很有趣,有时也可以增长见闻。” Eating 进餐 Japan 日本 Lonely Planet: It is "perfectly" okay to slurp when you eat noodles. “孤独星球”:吃面时“滋滋”出声是“完全”没有问题的。
