








Jobs and Careers

1. Background Information

Successful Job Interview

A job interview can be one of the toughest situations you will ever have to face. But it is an ideal opportunity for an applicant to be face-to-face with the potential employer. The employer uses this time to evaluate not only your skills and abilities, but also your potential fit within their organization.

A successful interview involves two factors: one mental and the other physical. Mentally, it’s important to prepare yourself fully for the interview, without worrying too much about it. Remember, the job might be the one you have dreamed of, but it won’t be the end of the world if you don’t get it. Tell yourself that the company would be lucky to employ you and it will be their loss if they choose someone else. In fact, your ability to answer all the questions without hesitate will certainly impress the interviewer. Remember to answer their questions objectively and honestly with confidence and enthusiasm.

Practice your answers to common interview questions. Likewise, prepare a list of questions to ask the employer. Most interviews follow this pattern: First, you answer questions about your experience and qualifications, and then you ask questions about the job.

Rehearse your interview with a friend. Y ou should be able to convey the related information about yourself in about 15 minutes. Be careful about your diction, speed, and the body language. Upon initially meeting your interviewer, look him/her directly in the eyes, introduce yourself with a handshake (firm but not overbearing). Maintain eye contact all the time during the interview and show interest in everything the interviewer talks about. Provide direct and honest answers to all questions, but only give what is asked for.

Prepare your interview materials before you leave for the interview. Bring several copies of your resume, a list of references, and if appropriate, any work samples. Make sure they are all up-to-date.

Dress professionally and comfortably. Y ou will be judged in some respects by what you wear. When in doubt, dress conservatively. It’s always a good idea to wear a suit; it does n’t have to be a designer suit, but something plain and conservative.

If following all the above steps, you are not offered the job on the spot, do not panic. Stay assured and confident——remember they need you as much as you want them——and end the interview on a confident note, “This sounds like an excellent company to work for, so I look forward to it.”

Being confident, conservative and to the point will almost certainly get you your dream job.

2. Related Words and Expressions

1)Objective 目标

2)Administrator 行政人员

3)Supervisor 主管人员

4)Entrepreneur 企业家

5)Agent 代理人

6)Salesman 推销员

7)Routines 日常工作

8)Attitude 态度

9)Pressure 压力

10)Efficient 有效率的

11)V acancy 空缺

12)Recruit 招聘

13)Appraisal 鉴定[?’preiz?l]

14)Select 选拔

15)Bonus 奖金

16)Compensation 报酬

17)Performance 业绩

18)Wholesale 批发

19)Retail 零售

20)Budget 预算

21)Promotion 晋升

22)Zeal 热诚

23)Confidence 信心

24)Loyalty 忠诚

25)Devoted 奉献的


27)Aggressiveness 有进取心

28)Conscientious 认真的

29)Enthusiasm 热情

30)Persistence 毅力

31)Scientific management 科学管理

32)Modern operational management 现代经营管理

33)Human relation 人际关系

34)Interpersonal skills 人际交往能力

35)Administrative ability 行政管理能力

36)Quantitative objective 定量目标

37)Qualitative objective 定性目标

38)Market share 市场占有率

39)Sales volume 销售量

40)Board of director 董事会

41)Jack of all trades 多面手

42)Equal work, equal pay 同工同酬

43)A temporary job 临时工作

44)Well-organized 井井有条

3. Speaking Task

Dialogue 1

Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?


A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.


Q:What do you think you are worth to us?


A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.


Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position?


A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.

(我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。) Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual?Or do you work well under stress or pressure?


A:Y es, I think so. The trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I can handle it well.


Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?)

A:Helpfulness and caring. Adaptability and sense of humor. Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐于助人和关心他人。适应能力和幽默感。乐观和友爱。)Q:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?


A:(pause a few seconds) They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.


They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person. (他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。)

Dialogue 2



①I:what is your major?

A:My major is Business Administration. I am especially interested in “Marketing”。


②I:Which university are you attending?

A:I am attending×××University.

③I:Have you received any degrees?

A:Y es. First,I received my Bachelor degree in English Literature,and then an MBA degree.

④I:What course did you like best?

A:Project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think it‘s very useful for my present work.

⑤I:Do you feel that you have received a good general training?

A:Y es,I have studied in an English training program and a computer training program since I graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school.


①I:Have you ever been employed?

②I:Y our resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai,may I ask why you left?

A:I worked in a foreign rep. office for one year. However,I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull. I found another job that is more interesting.

③I:Have you done any work in this field?

④I:What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?

⑤I:What have you learned from the jobs you have had?

A:I have learned a lot about business know how and basic office skills. In addition,I learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues.

⑥I:What‘s you major weak point?

A:I haven‘t been involved in international business,so I don’t have any experience,but I have studied this course in the International Business Training Center of the×××Company.

⑦I:What are your greatest strengths?


⑧I:Please tell me about your working experience.

⑨I:Does your present employer know you are looking for another job?

A:No,I haven‘t discussed my career plans with my present employer,but I am sure he will understand.


①I:How do you spend your spare time?

②I:Are you interested in sports?

③I:Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?

④I:What kind of personality do you think you have?

A:I always approach things very enthusiastically. When I beg in something,I don‘t like to leave it half done. I can’t concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished.

⑤I:What is the most important thing for you to be happy?

A:Different people have different ideas. I think the most important thing for me is having a good relationship with my family members and my friends. My family has always been very close-knit,and my friend sand I spend a lot of time together. Without that I would be much less happy than I am.

⑥I:What makes you angry?

A:Dishonesty. It‘s unacceptable.

⑦I:What are your personal weaknesses?

A:I‘m afraid I’m a poor talker. I‘m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business,so I have been studying public speaking.

⑧I:Are you more of a leader or a follower?

A:I don‘t try to lead people. I’d rather cooperate with everybody,and get the job done by working together.


①I:Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?

A:Y es,in most circumstances.

②I:Are you available for travel?

A:Y es,I like traveling. I am young,and unmarried. It‘s no problem for me to travel frequently.

③I:How about overtime work?

A:Overtime work is very common in companies. I can work overtime if it‘s necessary,but I don’t think we will work overtime everyday.

④I:How long do you think we can depend on your working here?

⑤I:Do you like regular work?

A:No,I don‘t like regular work. I am interested in different projects with new opport unities and new challenge,but I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so.

⑥I:What salary do you expect A:Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.

⑦I:Do you work well under pressure A:Working under pressure is exciting and challenging. I don’t mind working under pressure. I work well under the secircum

stances. People can,I Can.

⑧I:Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration?

A:No,nothing in particular.

⑨I:How soon can you begin working for us?

A:I need about two to three weeks for necessary formalities. I will quit then transfer to your company.


①I:Any questions?

A:When will I know your decision?

②I:How can we get in touch with you?

③I:We will notify you of our decision by mail,is this convenient for you?

④I:Thank you for your interest in our company. A:Thank you,Mr. Smith. Goodbye.(Thank you for your time.)

⑤I:Y ou will be hearing from us very soon. Please send the next application on your way out. A:OK. Thank you very much.


Questions asked by employers

1.介绍一下你自己Tell me about yourself

请形容一下你自己Please describe yourself

2.我们为什么要雇用你Why should we hire you

为什么你是这项职务的最佳人选Why are the best person for the job

3.你最喜欢什么课程What classes did you like best

4.你最大的优点和缺点是什么What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses

5.你最擅长的专业技能是什么What is your greatest skills

6.你为什么想要来我们公司上班Why do you want to work for our company

7.你对我们公司了解多少What do you know about out company

8.你的长期目标是什么What is your long-term goals

9.你最自豪的是什么What are you proudest of

10.你的动力是什么What motivates you

11.描述一下你的工作经验Describe your experience

12.你受过什么训练可以胜任该工作What training do you have that has prepared you for this job

13.你对这份工作了解多少What do you know about the position

14.工作时你如何面对压力How do you work under pressure

15.工作上有什么事情会让你生气What kinds of things irritate you on the job

16.你最喜欢什么工作What kind of work do you like best

17.你最不喜欢什么工作What kind of work do you like least

18.你认为自己是领导者还是跟随者Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower

19.你个人的工作类型是什么What is your work style

20.你打算继续进修嘛Do you plan to continue your education

21.你的业余爱好是什么What is your hobbies

22.你期望的待遇是什么What is your salary expectation What do your think is a proper salary for this positions

23.你期望五年后的待遇会是多少What is your salary expectation for five years in the future

24.你从错误中学到了什么What have you learned from your mistakes

25.你为什么要辞掉以前的工作Why did you leave your last job

26.你还有什么事情想告诉我们Is there anything else you would like to tell us

27.请描述你在工作上犯的错误,又是如何克服的Describe a mistake you made on the job and how you overcame it

28.如果上司请你帮忙处理一些事情,在性质上你认为属私人事情,和工作没有关系,这时你会如何处理If your boss asked you to do some work that you thought was personal in nature and not really related t the job,what would you do

29.如果你手下额员工请你帮他签早退,你会怎么做If an employee you supervise asked you to sign him out early, what would you do

30.你曾被解雇吗Have you ever been fired from a job

31.如果你可以改变以前公司的政策,你会如何做If you could make a policy change at your previous company, what would it be

32.你第一天上班会怎么做What would you do the first day on the job

33.你在大学时参加过什么课外活动What extracurricular activities were you involved in when you went to college

34.你为什么要选……为主修Why did you choose to major in ……

35.你为什么选择进入这一行Why did you choose to enter this field of work

36.如果你可以和世上任何一个人交换工作,你会和谁交换If you could trade jobs with anyone in the world for a week, who would you trade with

37.我们公司哪里最令你印象深刻What impresses you most about our company

38.你认为我们这个行业最大的问题在哪里What do you think are the biggest problems in our industry

39.你认为我们这个行业应该要如何改变,才能在未来的十年里更具竞争力In what ways do you think our industry should change in order to be more competitive in the next ten years

40.你认为自己要具备什么条件,才能做好这份工作What do you think is required for you to be successful in this position

41.请描述你理想中的工作Describe your dream job

42.你最喜欢那本书What is your favorite book

43.如果你可以邀请这个世界上任何两个人与你共进晚餐,你会邀请谁If you could invite any two people in the world to have dinner with you,who would you invite

44.你最喜欢的杂志或期刊是哪一本What is your favorite magazine or journal


而这部分是从你的履历表或这次的面试无法获知的If you worked for this company for a year, what do you think we would learn about you that we may not know now from your resume and from this interview

46.你目前的工作职责有哪些What are the responsibilities of your current position

47.什么人对你影响最深,是什么样的影响Who has had the greatest influence on you, and what was the influence

48.你希望自己的上司具备何种特质What qualities do you like to see in your supervisor

49.你认为这份工作最具挑战的地方在哪里What do you think is the most challenging part of this job

50.你愿意出差吗Are you willing to travel

51.你愿意上司比自己年轻吗Do you mind working for a younger supervisor

52.你愿意被公司调派到其他地方吗?Are you willing to relocate?

4. Writing Task

Writing a resume in English can be very different from writing it in your mother tongue. The following is how to outline a standard resume format.

1)First, take notes of your work experience——both paid and unpaid, full time and part time. Write down your responsibilities, job title and company information.

2)Take notes of your education, including degree or certificates, major or course emphasis, school names and courses relevant to career objectives.

3)Take notes of other accomplishments, membership in organizations, military service and any other special accomplishments.

4)From the notes, choose which skills are transferable (skills that are similar) to the job you are applying for——these are the most important points for your resume.

5)Begin your resume by writing your full name, address, telephone number, fax and email at the top of the resume.

6)Write an objective. The objective is a short sentence describing what type of work you hope to obtain.

7)Begin work experience with your most recent job, including the company specifics and your responsibilities——focus on the skills you have identified as transferable.

8)Continue to list all of your work experience job by job progressing backwards in time. Remember to focus on skills that are transferable.

9)Summarize your education, including important facts (degree type, specific courses studied) that are applicable to the job you are applying for.

10)Include other relevant information such as languages spoken and computer programming knowledge, etc. under the heading: Additional Skills.

11)Finish with the phrase: REFERENCES available upon request.

12)Y our entire resume should ideally be between one to two pages.


Curriculum Vitae 和Resume 都是个人简历,CV是英国英语,Resume是美国英语。阅读时请注意中英简历的不同:中文简历是顺时间排序,即最早的情况排在最前面;英语简历一般是逆时间排序,即最近的情况排在最前面。



In general, a good job application should contain at least 4 points:

1)Explain how you know the vacancy of the position

2)Tell briefly why you are interested in the position, and why you believe you

are qualified for it

3)Ask for an interview

4)Let the company know the way to correspond with you

Application Letters


P.O. Box 36

Tsinghua University

Beijing, China 100084

Dear Sir/Madam:

Y our advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement, your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,

Wang Lin



Zheng Y an


To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.


1997.9-2000.6 Dept. of Automation, Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.

1993.9-1997.7 Dept. of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, B.E.

Academic Main Courses


Advanced Mathematics Probability and Statistics Linear Algebra

Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm

Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear Programming

Electronics and Computer

Circuit Principal Data Structures Digital Electronics

Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network

Computer Abilities

Skilled in use of MS FrontPage, Win 95/NT, Sun, JavaBeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL: 623; GRE: 2213

Scholarships and Awards

1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate

1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award

1997.4 Academic Progress Award


General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare

Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense



*More than 13 years administrative/clerical experience; type 90 wpm. *Self-motivated; able to set effective priorities and implement decisions to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines.

*Proven communication abilities, both oral and written.


1988-Present CALDYNE ASSOCIATES, Providence, RI


Process technical reports, engineering specs, and traffic studies utilizing Multi-mate WP. Type all requisite documents for staff of 30 professionals. Arrange meetings, handle incoming calls. Expedite UPS mailings, Federal Express, faxing and courier services. Type statistical charts, manuscripts, correspondence, and minutes. Order supplies, coordinate daily meetings, arrange luncheons, and administer labor cards.

1984-1988 BRISTOL BANK, Bristol, CT


Utilized call director, typed reports, letters, and expense sheets. Reserved conference rooms, order supplies. Responsible for calligraphy assignments.

1981-1984 SARGENT AGENCY, Hamden, CT


Assigned to school of public health. Managed typing of medical charts used in textbooks for government funded medical program in Iran.




DOS, Microsoft Word, IBM Compatible, Lotus 1-2-3

Separate category for computer experience calls attention to candidate's technical knowledge.

Education is applicable to candidate's job objective and adds weight to resume.


1. Answer the following questions

a) What kind of job do you like to do? Why?

b) If you were an interviewer, what sort of job applicants would you prefer?

2. Prepare a mock interview with your partner.

Practice questions that you might be asked and think about possible responses.

3. Write your own application letters and resumes


https://www.360docs.net/doc/329930892.html,/qiuzhizhinan/qiuzhiyingyu-1.html 应届毕业生https://www.360docs.net/doc/329930892.html,/en/biz/7/index.htm

https://www.360docs.net/doc/329930892.html,/kouyu/office/job900/Index.shtml 求职英语300句https://www.360docs.net/doc/329930892.html,/yingyu/43/category-catid-143.html



求职面试心得体会 海阔天空在勇敢以后--我的求职路 两个月的求职征途宛如一次华丽而曲折的探险旅程。最初上路的时候只有一个空空的行囊,而现在驻足回首,留下的有思考、信心、成长,也有压力、挑战和对新旅途的展望。 这两个月找工作的体验,于我而言,更像是一个认识自己的过程。为了更好的回答面试官的问题,你要仔细的挖掘自己的故事;面对offer的选择,你要清楚的明白自己的兴趣,特长,以及期待。与面试官的交流,与面试者的交流,与其他人的交流,他们的反应,评价,回馈都是一个很好的认识自己的镜子。 (1)求职准备: 一、心中有佛: 找工作对大部分人而言是一个持久的过程,可能会面对一些压力,经受一些挫折。在这些压力,挫折面前仍然保持良好的状态需要一定的情商和意志力。找到一些能够自我鼓舞的东西或行为可以有效的维护自己必胜的信念。小孩子往往要抱着自己心爱的娃娃才能入睡,有些人通过大喊来派遣压抑的情绪都是同样的道理。我们可以通过心理上的自我转移来将环境的负面影响屏蔽。有了这样一层屏蔽,我们就会强壮很多。 我个人的调节是通过一部电影《The Pursuit of Happiness》. 强烈推荐所有找工作的人都来看看这部电影。男主人公克服困难的勇气与谋略,对工作的激情

与执着,对人生的态度都激发了我内心深刻的共鸣。他在面试时所表现的姿态、回答方式都是找工作的朋友们很好的教材。这部电影前后看了不下五遍,主人公的形象几乎就刻在了自己的身上。电影里,每次男主人公命运即将发生转折,他必然有一段在大街上狂奔的镜头作为预示。于是在现实里,我每次面试前,都会小跑一阵,心里不断地告诉自己“The Pursuit of Happiness”。然后整个人就会特别亢奋,面试的状态也就出来了。所以有一个可以将负面情绪转移,激发自己的转移载体。前行的路上会轻松很多。 二、未雨绸缪 求职准备是一个长期的过程,不可能到了公司招聘开始了才开始准备。对于普通面试而言,我强烈建议大家对着镜子练习一下表达,有能力的话可以录下来,以寻找自己的不足。既来之,则面之。穿着正装的我便面对着摄像头自我模拟请相信我,一个人在面试时候的表现可能会和平时表现的很不同。很多不自觉的表现或者小动作绝对会影响面试的整体表现。也正是因为有了这样一次经历,我才开始有针对性的纠正自己的小动作,而这个过程是及其痛苦的但也是非常值得的。 (2)求职 一、网申: 有些公司会先联系学校或者学院推荐学生,然后要求学生去网申。在这点上,请被推荐的学生还是不要太过于高兴。一是这种推荐只不过是保证你能跳出海选,后续还得靠自己。


英文版求职简历表格 在英文简历的最前页,附上一页求职信,表达你对该企业具体某一职务的兴趣,然后简单的介绍自己的学历背景与工作经验,并简列出职业生涯乃至人生规划的重点。这样可以让HR在浏览简历时,能够快速了解你,同时也容易记住你的优势及对自己职业生涯的定位与思考 简历重点突出近3年经历。一个人的经历是很多HR关注的重要环节,因而简历也是HR对你产生良好第一印象的关键,如果有一个理想工作值得你去争取,如何制作一份具有战斗力的简历就需要好好研究。在职人士应包括个人资料、经验与优势简介、工作经验、荣誉、特殊技能与训练、参与过的活动、学历背景等。 Name:fwdqNationality:China (Mainland)Current Place:BaiyunHeight/Weight:156 cm50 kgMarital Status:SingleAge:32 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type:JobseekerPreferred job title:English Translator: marketing merchandize 、 Foreign Trade/ImportExport Specialist/Assistant: export merchandize 、Leather/Shoes Industry: xport merchandizeWorking life:7Title:Senior titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a dayExpected salary:¥XX~¥3499Preferred working place:Guangzhou Jiangmen



十大面试常见问题 面试常见问题一:请做五分钟的 招聘官让你做自我介绍,其实并不是那么真的想要从这里了解他们真正想要了解的。叫你谈谈自己,目的不出二个:一个是让面谈能从较轻松的气氛导入,另一个是看你会怎么说,看看你的表达能力。 因此,回答这个问题有个原则: 少谈不愉快的经验,少谈个人私事,多谈一些你的优点,不论是个性,嗜好,学历,经历,参加的社团等,当然你挑出来谈的优点和你应征的这份工作有某程度的关连,但你表达时最好过水无痕。具体可参阅: 面试常见问题二:你为什么要应聘这份工作 这个问题其实是在问,为什么你认为你有条件做好这份工作。因此回答这个问题,你要朝这个方向思考 你不要简单的回答如“我对这个工作很感兴趣”或“贵公司知名度高,我非常愿意在这里服务”,因为你这样回答会让主考人员认为你还没清楚了解这个工作的性质,就冒然地说出自己的主张

因此,回答这个问题,你要采取三个步骤: 陈述你认为这个工作性质是怎样的 请教主考人员,你对这个工作性质的描述是否正确,并让主考人员能补充说明说明你为什么能做好这份工作及为什么你对这份工作有兴趣. 面试常见问题三:你的工作目标是什么你五年后的职场目标是什么 这个问题是要了解你的职业生涯规划及工作抱负,公司的立场当然是希望找一个有计划,有抱负的员工,但你所谈的计划与抱负最好是公司有能力满足你的。因此,回答这个问题,你可从你能贡献什么给公司的角度去发挥,你可谈例如:我首先要对这个产业状况做深入的了解,在这个阶段我要深入学习掌握市场状况的各种方法,例如市场调查,客户需求调查,客户满意度调查,了解了市场状况后,我希望有机会发挥我最有兴趣的行销知识,将来我希望有能力成为专业的行销人员,在行销的领域,替公司做一些贡献. 你从贡献的角度谈自己的,对公司而言,心理不会产生任何要配合你的负担,反之,若你从职位的角度规划你的职业生涯,例如: 三年以后要成为部的主管,五年以后要 ... ,这种讲法虽然表现出你的自我肯定,但总是让人听起来有些不对劲,因此,我们建议你还是从“贡献”的角度去说明你的抱负,虽然“贡献”与“职位”所代表的意义是一样的.


Resume Personal Information Family Name: Yang Given Name:yin English Name: Sissi Date of Birth: April 8, 1987Place of Birth: DaLi , YunNan Province Sex: Female Marital Status: Single Religion: NA Nationality: Chinese Major: Economical Law Permanent Address: Room 23,HongQi Road, DaLi City, YunNan Province,China Present Address: Room 314,RuXi Apartment, YanYang Road, NanKai District, TianJin City, China Fixed Phone: (022) -60254143 Mobile Phone: 187229999 E-mail: cicystar@https://www.360docs.net/doc/329930892.html, Job Objective To obtain a position as a legal adviser offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of law. Education background 2010.9 till now Law School, NanKai University ,expected Law Master Degree in Economical Law in 2011. 2005.9-2009.7 Law School, NanKai University ,Bachelor of Law. Academic Core Courses Economical Law Contract Law Company Law Property Law International Economical Law Financial Law Securities Law Law of negotiable instruments Insurance Law and so on Computer Abilities Skilled in use of Microsoft Office xp/2003, Windows xp/sp2 Passed the CCT-2 English Skills Advanced . Have a good command of both spoken and written English Passsed CET-4/ CET-6 Practice 2008.07—2009.08: It is two months that I had an Hands-on learning in YunLong Basic People's Court in YunNan Province .


机械求职个人面试心得体会及常见面试题 问题一:自我介绍 这个环节很是重要,太重要了,我认为,一个成功的自我介绍是成功面试的一半。记得在面试******时,我们六个人面试,前面两个自我介绍很烂。HR几乎都没怎么理。我和另外一个人条理很分明,面试官在之后的环节中表现了很强的兴趣。在自我介绍中首先要条理分明,最后按一定的顺序来:比如学习,校内活动,校外实习等等。在介绍时一定要把自己的优点和优势强烈的表现出来,一定要让HR明白你来公司之后能给公司带来什么。尽量埋下一些伏笔让HR在之后的环节中可以继续探讨,这样你就能掌握面试的主动权。我认为,这个环节要比做简历都重要,一定要好好准备。 问题二:家庭情况及有无女朋友 这个问题主要是考察你以后会不会长期在公司发展,所以很重要。比如说你南方人应聘北方的企业,人家肯定会担心对你培养几年后你会跳回南方,所以这些方面一定要主动的表明自己的立场,打消面试官的顾虑。一般都会问及家里都有什么人,这个时候独生子女就有了一点点劣势。像我有个哥哥,有个姐姐,我就回答:大姐在南方工作,二哥呆在我们家乡的一家县医院,家里都希望我趁着年轻的时候出去闯一闯,父母身体都很健康。另外在介绍父母时尽量介绍下父母的优点,比如母亲和蔼,父亲勤劳,一个良好的家庭环境,对你应聘时有帮助。 女朋友的问题,如果没有,你就说我喜欢**的妹子,比如面试重庆的单位,你就说我希望加盟公司之后能找一个重庆的妹子,。如果有,一定要慎重,回答的原则:不要让HR认为女朋友是影响你以后发展因素。 问题三:英语问题 很多人认为自己英语不好,所以对英语面很恐惧。其实不然,挑战越大,只要把握好,你的机遇就越大。英语面的问题一般都比较固定:介绍下自己、家庭、学校,最成功的事和最失败的经历,职业规划、你最喜欢的一门课等等。只要你有准备,那么劣势就会成为你的优势。这个环节完全可以把握好。 问题四:为什么选择我们公司或你对公司的了解 这个我认为可以分以下几个方面回答:企业,地域,个人。企业来讲,主要有公司的实力及发展前景,内部文化及培训体制、业内口碑,最好能与自己相结合,说明企业和你正匹配。地域的话如果离家近最好,离得远你就说你喜欢这座城市,比如重庆,你说我喜欢辣食,重庆人的生活方式我非常欣赏,另外重庆的妹子···;个人的话结合自己和企业的优势,说明你非常适合这个企业,如果能在企业发展,既是你的荣幸,你也相信能给企业的发展贡献你的才能和智慧。 问题五:你最成功失败的事 其实描述的内容不重要,重要的事事后你做了什么。尤其是失败的经历,失败后你一定要说明事后你好好总结到失败的原因是******然后我做了******在后来遇到同样的情况时,我*******最后获得了巨大的成功。有次群面,同样的问题两个人回答,一个就详细的描述自己的失败经历,另一个却主要说自己面对失败的反思及改进措施,HR的反应很明显不同,呵呵,技巧啊。 问题六:你能给我们公司带来什么或比较一下你和***同学 这两个问题核心都是你的优势,这个问题在自我介绍中便可有所体现,你可以从两方面回答:软件和硬件。硬件方面你成绩好,英语棒,专业知识扎实,软件方面你勤劳踏实,独立上进等等,要有条理,软件方面最好有实例证明,把你的核心竞争力体现出来。这是你推销自己的一个很好的机会,一定要好好把握


求职者常见面试问题及回答技巧 面试的时候面试官会有很多方法来考验面试者的各方面能力,面试官的问题通常能够反映出面试者的性格,工作能力等方面。今天给大家带来的是求职者常见面试问题及回答技巧介绍,欢迎大家参考。 1、你觉得你个性上最大的优点是什么? 回答提示:沉着冷静、条理清楚、立场坚定、顽强向上。乐于助人和关心他人、适应能力和幽默感、乐观和友爱。我在北大青鸟经过一到两年的培训及项目实战,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。 2、说说你最大的缺点? 回答提示:这个面试问题企业问的概率很大,通常不希望听到直接回答的缺点是什么等,如果求职者说自己小心眼、爱忌妒人、非常懒、脾气大、工作效率低,企业肯定不会录用你。绝对不要自作聪明地回答“我最大的缺点是过于追求完美”,有的人以为这样回答会显得自己比较出色,但事实上,他已经岌芨可危了。企业喜欢求职者从自己的优点说起,中间加一些小缺点,最后再把问题转回到优点上,突出优点的部分。企业喜欢聪明的求职者。 3、你对加班的看法? 回答提示:实际上好多公司问这个面试问题,并不证明一定要加班。只是想测试你是否愿意为公司奉献。回答样本:如果是工作需

要我会义不容辞加班。我现在单身,没有任何家庭负担,可以全身心的投入工作。但同时,我也会提高工作效率,减少不必要的加班。 4、你对薪资的要求? 回答提示:如果你对薪酬的要求太低,那显然贬低自己的能力;如果你对薪酬的要求太高,那又会显得你分量过重,公司受用不起。一些雇主通常都事先对求聘的职位定下开支预算,因而他们第一次提出的价钱往往是他们所能给予的最高价钱。他们问你只不过想证实一下这笔钱是否足以引起你对该工作的兴趣。 回答样本一:“我对工资没有硬性要求。我相信贵公司在处理我的问题上会友善合理。我注重的是找对工作机会,所以只要条件公平,我则不会计较太多 回答样本二:我受过系统的软件编程的训练,不需要进行大量的培训。而且我本人也对编程特别感兴趣。因此,我希望公司能根据我的情况和市场标准的水平,给我合理的薪水。 回答样本三:如果你必须自己说出具体数目,请不要说一个宽泛的范围,那样你将只能得到最低限度的数字。最好给出一个具体的数字,这样表明你已经对当今的人才市场作了调查,知道像自己这样学历的雇员有什么样的价值。 5、在五年的时间内,你的职业规划? 回答提示:这是每一个应聘者都不希望被问到的面试问题,但是几乎每个人都会被问到。比较多的答案是”管理者“。但是近几年来,许多公司都已经建立了专门的技术途径。这些工作地位往往被称作”顾问“、”参议技师“或”高级软件工程师“等等。当然,说出其他


研究生个人英语简历范文 Wang Beijing university floor 1000 Job intentions , Educational background 2005/09 ~ 2008/04 Master of Beijing University of direction Institute (Rank 0 / 00) Awards " " corporate scholarships, the first comprehensive ranking, were all only 000 enterprises ;"" scholarship winners; school class scholarship; Outstanding graduates in Beijing; outstanding member of the school, outstanding cadres, Miyoshi school students (two); "" Beijing University First Cup Business Plan Competition second prize; 0000 National Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling the success of team awards; Mission led by the Beijing branch in 0000 was优秀团支部English and professional skills ◆ English through 46 countries; TOEFL000 points; TWE (TOEFL Writing Part I) 0.0; the National College English in 0000 the second prize competition ◆solid foundation of the text, as well as good communication skills, in the " newspaper" published an article, as well as "" "" ◆familiar with the mobile communication technology, in particular, TD-SCDMA, WCDMA and CDMA2000 in the background, development, and understanding of industry market manufacturers, carriers, terminals, marketing and other operations; proficiency in the use of EXCEL, PowerPoint and SPSS software Internship experience ◆ track TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000 latest technology trends, collect, collate information on the wireless market, to conduct in-depth analysis of industry development, in cooperation with "TD-SCDMA Content", an independent complete the "CDMA2000 Content"; ◆manufacturers with some communication to help Datang Mobile TD successful trial demonstration of new business networks; Depth understanding of the development of 3G industry chain with the latest developments and improve the analysis, and communication skills; the accumulation of the English market, written by industry experience report ◆ organize China Mobile wireless network test norms, translation wireless core network systems market and technical information Greatly improve the professional standard of English; understanding of testing standards for equipment operators, as well as the demand for 2003/07 ~ 2003/09 Tianjin Branch of China Network interns ◆ assist members of the network, with Korea Exchange companies to carry out reception, meeting records and some translation work Widened the field of vision, access to world-class operator of the operational and technical experience; tempered spoken English as well as the habit of systematic work Project experience 2003/04 ~ 2003/11 Beijing University of "ABC" Cup first Business Plan Competition, Marketing Director ◆0 person team responsible for marketing value-added services, integration of large amounts of data research, analysis of product market positioning, development of marketing mix strategies; with the other members of the discussion and implementation of projects; write a business plan based on the demand for the book 00 of the planning document ◆ Business Plan Competition was the second prize and China Unicom's data services center recognized Telecom mastered the basic knowledge of marketing; accumulated a certain amount of practical experience and methods of marketing; exercise of the business plan writing ability Social activities ◆ 00 people led by the team, the successful planning, implementation of the "Second job Forum" and companies full sponsorship in session 0, each with more than 000 spectators; activities carried out large-scale survey feedback to the company, received recognition and praise enterprises; the success of planning, "the capital of University creative competition", to be full support network media; ◆ 0 session Business Plan Competition Organizing Committee members of the Secretariat, the coordination of other departments, the successful completion of the drafting of the text, as well as all major outreach activities Campus-depth understanding of business strategy


关于面试的心得体会 篇一:模拟面试感想 在大家的共同努力下,我们组终于在笑声中完成了对模拟面试的录制。对于此次模拟面试的录制,我也感慨良多。虽然只是一次作业的完成,但是从大家的表现中就可以体会到对于面试这个我们每个人都必须经历的过程来看,我们还有很多不足,我们对于面试太过陌生与紧张。 我们组安排了5名面试官和4名面试者,我在此次活动中只担任了面试官一职,但从面试者的反应来看,我还是得到了以下几点收获: 1、面试主要就是考察两个方面:一方面就是考察个人基本素质,其中包括:语言表达能力、日常事务的处理能力、综合分析能力。另一方面就是考察一个人的心理素质。我们组中有一位平时学习成绩特别优异的同学,他第一个进入到我们的面试现场,当我们让他做一个简短的自我介绍时,他对于他平时十分熟悉的地质填图都说的结结巴巴,可以想象他是多么的紧张。他私底下一定准备了很久,但是一旦进入这个严肃紧张的环境就变得语无伦次。心理素质在面试中占相当大的比重,如果情绪波动,对面试发挥影响是非常大的。如果让自己情绪稳定呢,那么就要把该想的想好,把该做的做到位,做到胸有成竹。尽全力把自己的事做好了,那我们就没什么好遗憾了,所谓谋事在人,成事在天,面试是实力加运气,有实力了,运气的天秤就会倾向你这一边。

2、我觉得参加面试时,仪容仪表很重要毕竟第一印象于外表。在衣着方面,我觉得最好是穿正装,这既体现了对面试方的尊重,又能展现应试者阳光自信的精神风貌。即使不穿正装,也要做到衣着得体,整洁大方,不要穿得特别另类,因为这样很有可能就引起某位面试官的反感,留下较差的印象。 3、在面试官的问题差不多提问完毕时,要主动把握机会,引导对话内容向自己的优点方向,提出一些自己比较关心且有意义的问题,占据面试的主动性,从而使对方能够看到自己的优势,使自己更有机会在面试中脱颖而出。 4、面对着招聘者的刁难问题,需要应聘者有着清晰的思路去理解招聘者的用意,然后才能找到较好回答问题的点,让招聘者满意。然而在真正的面试中,招聘者表现得会更加盛气凌人,让应聘者更加有压力。模拟面试中的都是自己所认识的同学,应该表现得更加自如。此时大家面对的是朝夕相处的同学,他日当我们面对社会阅历丰富的形形色色的人时,我们更应该不卑不亢,从容面对。 5、大学对于每个人来说至关重要,它可以让我们更好地得到锻炼。大学生除了在学校认真上课之外,还要积极参加学校组织的社会实践活动,提高专业知识技能。个人觉得参加实践活动对于以后面试也是有帮助的,可以培养各个方面的能力。一个人如果想胜任工作,不但要增加自信心,提高与人的沟通能力,还要具备一定的专业知识和技能。因此我要珍惜现在的大学生活,积累我的实践经验,学好专业知识。


个人求职简历英文版模板 本文是关于个人求职简历英文版模板,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 求职英文简历模板(一) Michael J. Graham 1812 Elsie Drive Mount Vernon, SD 57363 phone no.- 605-236-3276 Email address- Academic Background Obtained Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Allegheny University, Allegheny in the year of 1988 at Art Education as the major. Areas of Excellence Have an experience as the craft instructor and worked in this sector for last few years. Have exclusive knowledge as a program coordinator. Have training and teaching capability and very much capacitated with the curriculum developmental skills. professional Qualifications Obtained Fundamental Education Certificate from the Northeastern University, California. Obtained Basic and Secondary Education Certificate in Art Education from the Indiana University. professional Background 1998- present date: Work as an art instructor at Murray Regional School, Honolulu with the following work responsibilities


面试常见问题-求职动机 求职动机是面试常见问题之一,对该类中应用的技巧如下: 1.求职动机定义:求职动机是指在一定需要的刺激下直接推动个体进行求职活动以达到求职目的的内部心理活动;个人的求职目的与拟任职位所能提供的条件相一致时,个体胜任该职位工作并稳定地从事该工作的可能性较大。 2.面试答题技巧:现实性需要(解决住房、户口迁移、专业对口等)与岗位情况;兴趣与岗位情况;成就动机(认知需要、自我提高、自我实现,服务他人的需要,得到锻炼等)与岗位情况;对组织文化的认同。 3.该类面试常见问题解析: (1)你为自己的人生设定了一个怎样的目标?你觉得在我部门工作能实现自己的目标吗? 命题思路:背景性问题。考察其求职动机与拟任职位的匹配性。 评价等次: 好:表达清楚、有条理。对自己人生目标的定位客观、可行,其目标与拟任职位匹配。 中:表达比较清楚。其人生目标的定位与所拟任职位基本匹配,但知识结构及经历与拟任职位的要求有差距。 差:表达不清,人生目标与其条件与拟任职位不匹配。 (2)如果今天面试结束后我们决定不录取你,你认为主要原因会是什么?为什么? 追问的问题:您认为我们今天的面试使您的能力都展现出来了吗?为什么?您认为这种面试有何改进之处? 命题思路:情境性问题。主要考察求职动机与拟任职位的匹配性,也可考察考生的应变能力。此问题主要是让考生对自己的劣势做出分析。通过考生对自己在面试中的表现进行分析,可以反映出考生是否能符合拟任职位。 评价等次: 好:考生对自己的认识和分析客观、合理,其劣势对于拟任职位基本没有什么影响。 中:考生对自己的认识和分析基本上合理。其劣势对于拟任职位有影响。 差:考生对于自己的认识和分析不到位。其劣势对于拟任职位有重大影响。


Personal Information Family Name: Yang Given Name:yin English Name: Sissi Date of Birth: April 8, 1987 Place of Birth: DaLi , YunNan Province Sex: Female Marital Status: Single Religion: NA Nationality: Chinese Major: Economical Law Permanent Address: Room 23,HongQi Road, DaLi City, YunNan Province,China Present Address: Room 314,RuXi Apartment, YanYang Road, NanKai District, TianJin City, China Fixed Phone: (022) - Mobile Phone: 9 E-mail Job Objective To obtain a position as a legal adviser offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of law. Education background till now Law School, NanKai University ,expected Law Master Degree in Economical Law in 2011. Law School, NanKai University ,Bachelor of Law. Academic Core Courses Economical Law Contract Law


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DOCER Objective : Program Director 讣;Birthday:1995.05.05 ft. Sichuan.Chengdu Education Docer Uni versity / Finan cial Man ageme nt Major / Bachelor 2019.08.11 -2019.08.12 Work experience Basic in formatio n Experie nee: 2 years Birthday:1995.05.05 GuangDong Shen Zhe n 2015.08--2016.08 Buena Vista Con cordia Intern ati onal School Sales Departme nt Sales Man ager 1. Built and maintained a well-coord in ated sales force gen erati ng over $55 milli on in ARR. Grew sales reve nue by 6% YoY over the past 3 years through con siste nt part nership with buyer and ven dors 2. Drafted sales best-practice docume ntati ons, con ducted team training on weekly basis to over 50 sales represe ntatives, orga ni zed the sales force into 6- tiers based on performa nee, recruited an additi onal 40 members to the team over a 6-m onth growth period and achieved rete nti on rate above 80% 2015.08--2016.08 Buena Vista Con cordia Intern ati onal School Sales Departme nt Sales Man ager 1. Demon strated ability to effectively establish and maintain key acco unt relati on ships and referrals through face-to-face con tact, email, mail-i n and teleph one corresp ondences 2. Established a weekly average of 40% to 50% of repeat clie ntele bus in ess. Contributed to over a quarter of the store ' s annual sales growth 3. Mon itored sales activities and collected customer feedbacks to en sure high Net Promotor Score and overall customer satisfact ion rates Self-evaluation PERSONAL RESUME n ever give up halfway; willi ng to lear n, there is a problem not to escape, willi ng to learn from others; self-c on fide nee, but not con ceited, not self-c on fide nee, not selfcon fide nee, do not Self-ce ntered; willi ng to admire the modest attitude to accept the superior, authoritative; will use 100% of the enthusiasm and energy into the work. J 170 7070 7070 i:-J Docer@https://www.360docs.net/doc/329930892.html,


如何应对面试中常见问题 1、请你自我介绍一下你自己? 回答提示:一般人回答这个问题过于平常,只说姓名、年龄、爱好、工作经验,这些在简历上都有。其实,企业最希望知道的是求职者能否胜任工作,包括:的技能、最深入研究的知识领域、个性中最积极的部分、做过的最成功的事,主要的成就等,这些都能够和学习无关,也能够和学习相关,但要突出积极的个性和做事的水平,说得合情合理企业才会相信。企业很重视一个人的礼貌,求职者要尊重考官,在回答每个问题之后都说一句“谢谢”,企业喜欢有礼貌的求职者。 2、你觉得你个性上的优点是什么? 回答提示:沉着冷静、条理清楚、立场坚定、顽强向上、乐于助人和关心他人、适合水平和幽默感、乐观和友爱。我经过一到两年的培训及项目实战,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。 3、说说你的缺点? 回答提示:这个问题企业问的概率很大,通常不希望听到直接回答的缺点是什么等,如果求职者说自己小心眼、爱忌妒人、非常懒、脾气大、工作效率低,企业肯定不会录用你。绝对不要自作聪明地回答“我的缺点是过于追求完美”,有的人以为这样回答会显得自己比较出色,但事实上,他已经岌岌可危了。企业喜欢求职者从自己的优点说起,中间加一些小缺点,最后再把问题转回到优点上,突出优点的部分,企业喜欢聪明的求职者。 4、你对加班的看法? 回答提示:实际上好多公司问这个问题,并不证明一定要加班,仅仅想测试你是否愿意为公司奉献。

回答样本:如果是工作需要我会义不容辞加班,我现在单身,没有任何家庭负担,能够全身心的投入工作。但同时,我也会提升工作效率,减少不必要的加班。 5、你对薪资的要求? 回答提示:如果你对薪酬的要求太低,那显然贬低自己的水平;如果你对薪酬的要求太高,那又会显得你分量过重,公司受用不起。一些雇主通常都事先对求聘的职位定下开支预算,因而他们第一次提出的价钱往往是他们所能给予的价钱,他们问你只不过想证实一下这笔钱是否足以引起你对该工作的兴趣。 回答样本一:我对工资没有硬性要求,我相信贵公司在处理我的问题上会友善合理。我注重的是找对工作机会,所以只要条件公平,我则不会计较太多。 回答样本二:我受过系统的软件编程的训练,不需要实行大量的培训,而且我本人也对编程特别感兴趣。所以,我希望公司能根据我的情况和市场标准的水平,给我合理的薪水。 回答样本三:如果你必须自己说出具体数目,请不要说一个宽泛的范围,那样你将只能得到最低限度的数字。给出一个具体的数字,这样表明你已经对当今的人才市场作了调查,知道像自己这样学历的雇员有什么样的价值。 6、在五年的时间内,你的职业规划? 回答提示:这是每一个应聘者都不希望被问到的问题,但是几乎每个人都会被问到,比较多的答案是“管理者”。但是近几年来,很多公司都已经建立了专门的技术途径。这些工作地位往往被称作“顾问”、“参议技师”或“高级软件工程师”等等。当然,说出其他一些你感兴趣的职位也是能够的,比如产品销售部经理,生产部经理等一些与你的专业有相关背景的工作。要知道,考官总是喜欢有进取心的应聘者,此时如果说“不知道”,或许就会使你丧失一个好机会。

求职简历求职报告 个人介绍模板英文版

WORK EXPERIENCE Loremipsumdolorsitamet, consecteturadipiscing elit. FRONT END DEVELOPER @ HILLSONG J a n u a r y 2014 - Loremipsumdolorsitamet, consecteturadipiscing elit. Aeneanutaccumsanpurus. Morbiegetsemperenim. Proinvestibulumlacus et PHP DEVELOPER @ CREATIVE WIZARDS M a r c h 2012 – D e c e m b e r 2013Loremipsumdolorsitamet, consecteturadipiscing elit. Aeneanutaccumsanpurus. Morbiegetsemperenim. Proinvestibulumlacus et UX DESIGNER @ GRAPHIC MASTERMINDS J a n u a r y 2010 – F e b r u a r y 2012EDUCATION Loremipsumdolorsitamet, consecteturadipiscing elit. Aeneanutaccumsanpurus. Morbiegetsemperenim. Proinvestibulumlacus et WEB DEVELOPER @ HARVARD UNIVERSITY A u g u s t 2006 – M a y 2010Loremipsumdolorsitamet, consecteturadipiscing elit. Aeneanutaccumsanpurus. Morbiegetsemperenim. Proinvestibulumlacus et variusaliquet. Donecnectortordui. Proinporttitoreratacesttincidunt, id COLORADO SPRINGS COLLEGE A u g u s t 2003 – M a y 2006
