






2017年管理类联考真题及答案解析 一、问题求解:(第1~15小题,每小题3分,共45分,下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。) 1.甲从1、2、3中抽取一个数,记为a ;乙从1、2、3、4中抽取一数,记为b ,规定当b a >或者b a <+1时甲获胜,则甲取胜的概率为( ) (A ) 61(B )41(C )31(D )125(E )2 1 2.已知ABC Δ和C B A Δ满足π,3:2::='∠+∠='=''A A C A AC B A AB ,则ABC Δ和C B A Δ的面积比为( ) (A )3:2(B )5:3(C )3:2(D )5:2(E )9:4 3.将6人分成3组,每组2人,则不同的分组方式共有( ) (A )12(B )15(C )30(D )45(E )90 4.甲、乙、丙三人每轮各投篮10次,投了三轮,投中数如下表: 设321,,σσσ分别为甲,乙,丙投中数的方差,则 (A ) 321σσσ>>(B )231σσσ>>(C )312σσσ>>(D )132σσσ>>(E )123σσσ>> 5.将长、宽、高分别是12,9和6的长方体切割成正方体,且切割后无剩余,则能切割成相同正方体的最少个数为 A3 B6 C24 D96 E648 6. 某品牌电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的( ) (A )80%(B )81%(C )82%(D )83%(E )85%

7. 甲、乙、丙三种货车载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车的载重量为95吨,1辆甲种车和3辆丙种车载重量为150吨,则甲、乙、丙分别各一辆车一次最多运送货物为( ) (A )125(B )120(C )115(D )110(E )105 8. 张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接到了45名同学的咨询,其中9位同学下午又咨询了张老师,占张老师下午咨询学生的10%,一天中向张老师咨询的学生人数为( ) (A )81(B )90(C )115(D )126(E )135 9. 某种机器人可搜索到的区域是半径为1米的圆,若该机器人沿直线行走10米,则其搜索出的区域的面积(单位:平方米)为( ) (A )2 10π + (B )π+10(C )2 20π + (D )π+20(E )π10 10. 不等式21≤+-x x 的解集为( ) (A )(]1,∞-(B )??? ? ?∞-23,(C )??????23,1(D )[)+∞,1(E )?? ????+∞,2 3 11. 在1到100之间,能被9整除的整数的平均值是( ) (A )27(B )36(C )45(D )54(E )63 12. 某试卷由15道选择题组成,每道题有4个选项,只有一项是符合试题要求的,甲有6道题是能确定正确选项,有5道能排除2个错误选项,有4道能排除1个错误选项,若从每题排除后剩余的选项中选一个作为答案,则甲得满分的概率为() (A )543121?(B )453121?(C )453121+(D )544321??? ???(E )5 44321?? ? ??+ 13. 某公司用1万元购买了价格分别为1750和950的甲、乙两种办公设备,则购买的甲、乙办公设备的件数分别为() (A )3,5(B )5,3(C )4,4(D )2,6(E )6,2 14. 如图,在扇形AOB 中,,,1,4 OB OC OA AOB ⊥== ∠π 则阴影部分的面积为( )


港澳台联考语文模拟试题(一) 第一部分 本部分为选择题,有18小题,每小题3分,共54分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 语文基础知识(30分) 1.下列各句中,加点的虚词使用正确的一句是()。 A.分别几十年的骨肉重逢了,老姐妹俩彼此看了再看,都在从对方的身上寻找儿时的影子。 B.对于这些关系到群众切身利益的问题,各级党组织和政府,必须认真加以解决。 C.这么重大的问题,你事先既不请示,事后更不及时报告,这样做不符和党的组织原则。 D.从目前的实际情况看,精简机构,压制编制,裁减多余人员,是我们厂提高生产效率、扭亏为盈的最经济不过的办法了。 2.依次填入下列横线处的词语正确的一项是( )。 ①学习需要长期的努力,他________中考才开始用功,已经来不及了。 ②听力的减退对这个钢琴家的打击非常大,因为从事音乐工作的人要有________的听力。 ③足球比赛即将开始,观众们排队________进入体育场。 ④这所房子工程质量太差,刚建起来,还没住人,就突然________了。 A. 邻近灵活依次崩溃 B. 临近灵敏依次垮塌 C. 临近灵活轮流垮塌 D. 邻近灵敏轮流崩溃 3.下列句子中加粗的成语使用正确的一项是()。 A.经过武警官兵多日奋力扑救,云南森林大火得到基本控制,因而不再生灵涂炭。B.他们响应国家号召,见异思迁,毅然放弃都市的优越条件,扎根西部建功立业。C.许多同学读完《学生危机自救手册》后恍然大悟:学会自救可以躲过许多灾难!D.扬州茱萸湾公园成立了野生动物救助中心,一些遭伤害的野生动物又栩栩如生了。 4.下列句子中,没有语病的一句是()。 A. 保护并了解我们的传统文化,是每个中国人义不容辞的责任。


2018考研管理类联考:历年英语试题(8)2018考研,真题是最有价值的参考复习资料,对于2018工商管理硕士考研的同学来说,大家一定要把真题多做几遍,这样才能够更好地理解出题的方向和模式,从而有助于自己合理的规划和安排自己的复习计划。下面是小编和考生分享的关于考研管理类联考的英语试题,供考生们参考! Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and markA,B,C,D on answer sheet1(10points) The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11, 2009. It is the first worldwide epidemic ___1___ by the Word Health Organization in 41 years. The heightened alert ____2___ an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that assembled after a sharp rise in cases in Australia, and rising _____3___ in Britain, Japan, Chile and elsewhere. But the epidemic is” ____4____” in severity, according to Margaret Chan, the organization’s director general, ____5___ the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery, often in the ____6___ of any medical treatment. The outbreak came to global ____7____ in late April 2009, when Mexican authorities noted an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths ___8_____ healthy adults. As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic, cases began to ____9____ in New York City, the southwestern United States and around the world. In the United States, new cases seemed to fade ____10____ warmer weather arrived. But in late September 2009,officials reported there was___11__ flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the ____12____ tested are the new swine flu, also known as(A)H1N1,not seasonal flu. In the U.S, it has____13____more than one million people,and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations. Federal health officials ____14___ Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began ___15___ orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine. The new vaccine, which is different from the annual flu vaccine, is ____16___ ahead of expectations. More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 2009, though most of those ___17__ dose were of the FluMist nasal spray type, which is not ____18 ___ for pregnant women, people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties, heart disease or several other ___19__. But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk group,health care workers, people ___20____infants and healthy young people. 1. [A]criticized [B]appointed [C]commented [D]designated 2. [A]proceeded [B]activated [C]followed [D]prompted


港澳台联考英语满分作文模板(五种常见文体) 发布日期:2016-01-16浏览量:次作者:admin 同样是英语作文,有的能拿高分,有的只在及格线徘徊,不少同学诉苦,明明背了N多的单词,却依旧写不好英语作文。那么,小编来给大家送温暖——英语作文模板,一路护送同学们拿下英语作文高分。 英语书信常见写作模板 1 开头部分 How nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you something about the activity. I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th. I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a visit. I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America. 2 结尾部分 With best wishes. I’m looking forward to your reply. I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier. 口头通知常见写作模板

1 开场白部分 Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. 2 正文部分 All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes. Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups. Please come on time and don’t be late. 3 结束语部分 Please come and join in it. Everybody is welcome to attend it. I hope you’ll have a nice time here. That’s all. Thank you. 议论文模板 1


2017年管理类联考考试大纲(综 合能力和英语二) 2016年管理类联考考试大纲(综合能力和英语二) 2016年管理类联考综合能力大纲 考试性质 综合能力考试是为高等院校和科研院所招收管理类专业学位硕士研 究生(主要包括MBA/MPA/MPAcc/MEM/MTA 等专业联考)而设置的具有选拔性质的全国联考科目,其目的是科学、公平、有效地测试考生是否具备攻读专业学位所必需的基本素质、一般能力和培养潜能,评价的标准是高等学校本科毕业生所能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以利于各高等院校和科研院所在专业上择优选拔,确保专业学位硕士研究生的招生质量。 考查目标 1、具有运用数学基础知识、基本方法分析和解决问题的能力。 2、具有较强的分析、推理、论证等逻辑思维能力。 3、具有较强的文字材料理解能力、分析能力以及书面表达能力。

考试形式和试卷结构 一、试卷满分及考试时问 试卷满分为200分,考试时间为180分钟。 二、答题方式 答题方式为闭卷、笔试。不允许使用计算器。 三、试卷内容与题型结构 数学基础75分,有以下两种题型: 1)问题求解15小题,每小题3分,共45分 2)条件充分性判断10小题,每小题3分,共30分 逻辑推理30小题,每小题2分,共60分 写作2小题,其中论证有效性分析30分,论说文35分,共65分 考查内容 一、数学基础 综合能力考试中的数学基础部分主要考查考生的运算能力、逻辑推理能力、空间想象能力和数据处理能力,通过问题求解和条件充分性判断两种形式来测试。 试题涉及的数学知识范围有: (一)算术 1.整数 (1)整数及其运算 (2)整除、公倍数、公约数 (3)奇数、偶数 (4)质数、合数 2.分数、小数、百分数 3.比与比例 4.数轴与绝对值


2017年管理类联考真题及答案解析 一、问题求解:(第1~15小题,每小题3分,共45分,下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。) 1.甲从1、2、3中抽取一个数,记为a ;乙从1、2、3、4中抽取一数,记为b ,规定当b a >或者b a <+1时甲获胜,则甲取胜的概率为( ) (A )61(B )41(C )31(D )125(E )2 1 2.已知ABC Δ和C B A &&&Δ满足π,3:2::='∠+∠='=''A A C A AC B A AB ,则ABC Δ和C B A &&&Δ的面积比为( ) (A )3:2(B )5:3( C )3:2( D )5:2( E )9:4 3.将6人分成3组,每组2人,则不同的分组方式共有( ) (A )12(B )15(C )30(D )45(E )90 4.甲、乙、丙三人每轮各投篮10次,投了三轮,投中数如下表: 设321,,σσσ分别为甲,乙,丙投中数的方差,则 (A ) 321σσσ>>(B )231σσσ>>(C )312σσσ>>(D )132σσσ>>(E )123σσσ>> 5.将长、宽、高分别是12,9和6的长方体切割成正方体,且切割后无剩余,则能切割成相同正方体的最少个数为 A3 B6 C24 D96 E648 6. 某品牌电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的( )

(A )80%(B )81%(C )82%(D )83%(E )85% 7. 甲、乙、丙三种货车载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车的载重量为95吨,1辆甲种车和3辆丙种车载重量为150吨,则甲、乙、丙分别各一辆车一次最多运送货物为( ) (A )125(B )120(C )115(D )110(E )105 8. 张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接到了45名同学的咨询,其中9位同学下午又咨询了张老师,占张老师下午咨询学生的10%,一天中向张老师咨询的学生人数为( ) (A )81(B )90(C )115(D )126(E )135 9. 某种机器人可搜索到的区域是半径为1米的圆,若该机器人沿直线行走10米,则其搜索出的区域的面积(单位:平方米)为( ) (A )210π +(B )π+10(C )220π +(D )π+20(E )π10 10. 不等式21≤+-x x 的解集为( ) (A )(]1,∞-(B )??? ??∞-23,(C )??????23,1(D )[)+∞,1(E )?? ????+∞,23 11. 在1到100之间,能被9整除的整数的平均值是( ) (A )27(B )36(C )45(D )54(E )63 12. 某试卷由15道选择题组成,每道题有4个选项,只有一项是符合试题要求的,甲有6道题是能确定正确选项,有5道能排除2个错误选项,有4道能排除1个错误选项,若从每题排除后剩余的选项中选一个作为答案,则甲得满分的概率为() (A )543121?(B )453121?(C )453121+(D )544321??? ???(E )544321?? ? ??+ 13. 某公司用1万元购买了价格分别为1750和950的甲、乙两种办公设备,则购买的甲、乙办公设备的件数分别为() (A )3,5(B )5,3(C )4,4(D )2,6(E )6,2


绝密★启用前 2015 年中华人民共和国普通高等学校 联合招收华侨、港澳地区、台湾省学生入学考试 英语 注意事项: 1、答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。 2、每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选题其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3、考试结束后,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 Ⅰ. 听力(共20 小题,每小题1.5 分;满分30 分) 听完录音后,从各题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。所有录音材料 均仅读一遍。 例:(录音) Man: I wonder why the office is still not open? Women: But it’s not yet eight. In fact, it’s only a quarter to eight. When does the office open? A. At 8:30 B. At 8:15 C. At 8:00 D. At 7:45 答案是C。 听第1段材料,回答第1小题 1.What does the woman mean ? A.The tickets might have been sold out. B.They are lucky to s it near the stage. C.The tickets are too expensive. D.The tickets are free of charge. 听第2段材料,回答第2小题 2.What can we know from the conversation? A.Mary likes the movie a lot. B.The movie was not so go od. C.Peter was busy last night. D.Mary didn’t see the movie. 听第3段材料,回答第3小题 3.Where does this conversation take place? A.In a hotel. B.In a restaurant. C.In a supermarket. D.In an office. 听第4段材料,回答第4小题 4.Who are the speakers? A.Classmates. B.Co-workers. C.Husband and wife. D.Teacher and student. 听第5段材料,回答第5、6小题 5.What is the man’s suggestion for the woman? A.Be pleasant at work. B.Get off work a bit early. C.Have a rest the next day. D.Pay attention to this case. 6.What will the woman do ?


全国管理类联考英语二真题及答案 案 Section I Use of English Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered black and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) The Internet affords anonymity to its users, a blessing to privacy and freedom of speech. But that very anonymity is also behind the explosion of cyber-crime that has 1 across the Web. Can privacy be preserved 2 bringing safety and security to a world that seems increasingly 3 ? Last month,Howard Schmidt,the nation‘s cyber-czar,offered the federal government a 4 to make the Web a safer place-a “voluntary trusted identity”system that would be the high-tech 5 of a physical key,a fingerprint and a photo ID card,all rolled 6 one. The system might use a smart identity card,or a digital credential 7 to a specific computer .and would authenticate users at a range of online services. The idea is to 8 a federation of private online identity systems. User could 9 which system to join,and only registered users whose identities have been authenticated could navigate those systems. The approach contrasts with one that would require an Internet driver‘s license 10 by the government. Google and Microsoft are among companies that already have these“single sign-on”systems that make it possible for users to 11 just once but use many different services. 12 .the approach would create a “walled garden”n cyberspace,with safe “neighborhoods”and bright “streetlights”to establish a sense of a 13 community. Mr. Schmidt described it as a “voluntary ecosystem”in which “individuals and organizations can complete online transactions with 14 ,trusting the identities of each other and the identities of the infrastructure 15 which the transaction runs”。 Still,the administration‘s plan has 16 privacy rights activists. Some applaud the approach; others are concerned. It seems clear that such a scheme is an initiative push toward what would 17 be a compulsory Internet “drive’s license”mentality. The plan has also been greeted with 18 by some computer security experts,who worry that the “voluntary ecosystem”envisioned by Mr. Schmidt would still leave much of the Internet 19 .They argue that all Internet users should be 20 to register and identify themselves,in the same way that drivers must be licensed to drive on public roads. 1. A.swept B.skipped C.walked D.ridden 2. A.for B.within C.while D.though 3. A.careless https://www.360docs.net/doc/3415978540.html,wless C.pointless D.helpless 4. A.reason B.reminder https://www.360docs.net/doc/3415978540.html,promise D.proposal 5. https://www.360docs.net/doc/3415978540.html,rmation B.interference C.entertainment D.equivalent 6. A.by B.into C.from D.over


港澳台联考模拟试卷 英语 考生须知: 本试卷分试题卷和答题卷,满分150分,考试时间150分钟。 第一部分:听力(30分) 略 第二部分:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 16. I received an invitation ___Jack ___ his wedding yesterday. He'll get married next week. A. of; to B. from; to C. of; at D. from; at 17. ______ your exercises _____ Jack's and you'll realize you should work harder. A. Compare; with B. Compare; to C. Comparing; with D. Comparing; to 18. He promised ____ he would visit me and ____ he would try his best to help me. A./; / B. that; / C./; that D. if; that 19. If the way _____ you do the job is wrong, you'll surely fail ____ good your idea may be. A. how; however B./; however C. that; whatever D. in which; how 20. _______ little children made _______ many toys. A. Such; so B. So; such C. So; so D.


Section I Use of English Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Happy people work differently. They’re more productive, more creative, and willing to take greater risks. And new research suggest that happiness might influence 1 firms work, https://www.360docs.net/doc/3415978540.html,panies located in places with happier people invest more, according to a recent research paper. 2 , firms in happy places spend more on R&D (research and development ). That’s because happiness is linked to the kind of longer —term thinking 3 for making investments for the future.The researchers wanted to know if the 4 and inclination for risk —taking that come with happiness would 5 the way companies invested. So they compared U.S. cities’ average happiness 6 by Gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas.7 enough, firms’ investment and R&D intensity were correlated with the happiness of the area in which they were 8 . But is it really happiness that’s linked to investment, or could something else about happier cities 9 why firms there spend more on R&D? To find out, the researchers controlled for various 10 that might make firms more likely to invest —like size, industry, and sales —and for indicators that a place was 11 to live in, like growth in wages or population. The link between happiness and investment generally 12 even after accounting for these things.The correlation between happiness and investment was particularly strong for younger firms, which the authors 13 to “less codified decision making process” and the possible presence of “younger and less 14 managers who are more likely to be influenced by sentiment.” The relationship was 15 stronger in places where happiness was spread more 16 . Firms seem to invest more in places where most people are relatively happy, rather than in places with happiness inequality.17 this doesn’t prove that happiness causes firms to invest more or to take a longer —term view, the authors believe it at least 18 at that possibility. It’s not hard to imagine that local culture and sentiment would help 19 how executives think about the future. “It surely seems plausible that happy people would be more forward-thinking and creative and 20 R&D more than the average,” said one researcher. 1.[A]why [B]where [C]how [D]when 2.[A]In return [B]In particular [C]In contrast [D]In conclusion 3.[A]sufficient [B]famous [C]perfect [D]necessary 4.[A]individualism [B]modernism [C]optimism [D]realism 5.[A]echo [B]miss [C]spoil [D]change 6.[A]imagined [B]measured [C]invented [D]assumed 7.[A]Sure [B]Odd [C]Unfortunate [D]Often 8.[A]advertised [B]divided [C]overtaxed [D]headquartered 9.[A]explain [B]overstate [C]summarize [D]emphasize 10.[A]stages [B]factors [C]levels [D]methods 11.[A]desirable [B]sociable [C]reputable [D]reliable 12.[A]resumed [B]held [C]emerged [D]broke 13.[A]attribute [B]assign [C]transfer [D]compare 14.[A]serious [B]civilized [C]ambitious [D]experienced 15.[A]thus [B]instead [C]also [D]never 16.[A]rapidly [B]regularly [C]directly [D]equally 17.[A]After [B]Until [C]While [D]Since 2016年管理类专业学位全国联考 英语(二)试卷


中华人民共和国普通高等学校 联合招收华侨、港澳地区、台湾省学生入学考试 英语听力1 Ⅰ、听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 听完录音后,从各题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。所有录音材料均仅读一遍。 例:(录音)Man: I wonder why the office is still not open? Women: But it’s not yet eight. In fact, it’s only a quarter to eight. When does the office open? A. At 8:30 B. At 8:15 C. At 8:00 D. At 7:45 答案是C 听第1段材料,回答第1小题 1.What has the woman done? A.She has saved the man’s life. B.She has helped the man to buy food. C.She has helped the man cook the dinner. D.She has helped clean up the kitchen. 听第2段材料,回答第2小题 2.What does the woman say to the man’s invitation? A.She’ll go to the man’s home for the weekend. B.She has to go for an appointment at the weekend. C.She’s very thankful for the man’s invitation. D.She’ll tell the man her decision later. 听第3段材料,回答第3小题 3.What is the woman going to do in the next minute? A.Hang up the phone. B.Join the man for the holidays.


考研管理类联考英语二 真题 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

绝密★启用前 2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 管理类专业硕士联考 2016年管理类专硕联考英语(二)试题及详解 考生注意事项 1. 考生必须严格遵守各项考场规则 2. 选择题的答案须用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上,其它笔填涂的或做在试卷或 其它类型答题卡上的答案无效。 3. 其他题一律用蓝色或黑色钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸上按规定要求作答,凡 做在试卷上或未做在指定位置的答案无效。 4 .交卷时,请配合监考人员验收,并请监考人员在准考证相应位置签字 (作为考生交卷的凭据)。否则,所产生的一切后果由考生自负。 Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Happy people work differently. They’re more productive, more creative, and willing to take greater risks. And new research suggest that happiness might influence___1___firms work, too. Companies located in places with happier people invest more, according to a recent research paper.___2___, firms in happy places spend more on R&D ( research and development ). That’s because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking ___3___ for making investments for the future. The researchers wanted to know if the ___4___ and inclination for risk-taking that come with happiness would ___5___the way companies invested. So they compared U.S. cities’ average happiness ___6___by Gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas. ___7___enough, firms’ investment and R&D intensity were correlated with the happiness of the area in which they were ___8___.But is it really happiness that’s linked to investment, or could something else about happier cities ___9___why firms


2016考研管理类联考真题及答案 一.问题求解:本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分. 下列每题给出的五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的. 请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑. 1. 某家庭在一年总支出中,子女教育支出与生活资料支出的比为3:8,文化娱乐支出与子女教育支出为1: 2. 已知文化娱乐支出占家庭总支出的10.5%,则生活资料支出占家庭总支出的( ). (A)40% (B)42% (C)48% (D)56% (E)64% 【答案】D 【考点】联比【难度】简单 【对照】新东方在线《冲刺讲义》例1.3,基础班讲义数例16(2007真题) 2. 有一批同规格的正方形瓷砖,用他们铺满整个正方形区域时剩余180块,将此正方形区域的边长增加一块瓷砖的长度时,还需要增加21块瓷砖才能铺满,该批瓷砖共有( ). (A)9981块(B)10000块(C)10180块(D)10201块(E)10222块 【答案】C 【考点】应用题(列方程) 【难度】简单

【对照】《套路化攻略》习题 3. 上午9时一辆货车从甲地出发前往乙地,同时一辆客车从乙地出发前往甲地,中午12时两车相遇,已知货车和客车的时速分别是90千米/小时和100千米/小时,则当客车到达甲地时货车距乙地的距离是( ). (A)30千米(B) 43千米(C) 45千米(D) 50千米(E)57千米 【答案】E 【考点】应用题(行程问题) 【难度】简单 【对照】新东方在线强化班讲义应用题例题5 4. 在分别标记了数字1、2、3、4、5、6的6张卡片中随机取3张,其上数字之和等于10的概率( ). (A)0.05 (B) 0.1 (C)0.15 (D)0.2 (E)0.25 【答案】C 【考点】概率【难度】简单 【对照】新东方在线强化讲义计数原理与古典概型例34 5. 某商场将每台进价为2000元的冰箱以2400元销售时,每天销售8台,调研表明这种冰箱的售价每降低50元,每天就能多销售4台. 若要每天销售利润最大,则该冰箱的定价应为( ).
