


1. Our team sucks.


Suck 这个字在美国用的很多, 它就是指很烂, 很差的意思. Suck 是一个动词, 所以在使用上跟烂这个形容词是不太一样的, 例如你能

够说, That traffic here really sucks! 就是说这里的交通糟透了

的意思. 有时也听得到人家用 suck 的形容词 sucky. 例如有一次我

室友的女朋友先是车子抛锚, 然后又下起大雨, 更糟的是她还找不到

电话能够求救. 所以她那天一来我们这, 就说了一句, Today is very sucky, everything sucks. 说得很好吧!

Suck 这个字的原意是指用嘴巴吸的意思, 所以有人就设计了这么

一个吸果冻的比赛. 规则很简单, 就是不能用手, 只能用嘴巴把果冻

吸光. 所以比赛一开始, 只听到观众大喊, Hey, you suck! 表面上听

来是说, 你快点吸的意思, 事实上则是暗地里骂人烂的意思.

2. I am sick and tired of doing homework.


Sick and tired of something 能够视之为一个片语, 所以并没

有 sick (生病) 的意思在里面! 例如贩卖机老是吃钱, 你也能够说 I am sick and tired of this vending machine. 还有一句话也很有趣, I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. 就是说你对于

老是感到厌烦已经感到十分厌烦了, 我想这是很多都市人共同的心声吧.

3. I am terrible.

I am horrible


这句并不是说我很可怕或恐怖的意思. terrible 翻成中文的意思

是糟糕. 像是有次我问班上同学上次为什么没来上课? 他的回答是, I am so terrible. I keep skipping my classes. 他的意思是说他很

糟糕, 常常在跷课. 有时他们也会用 terrible 来形容一个教授, He

is so terrible, 就是说这个老师教的很烂, 而不是说他很会当人.

要是用 terrible 来形容一样东西, 则表示该样东西很糟糕, 例如形

容食物, 如 The food is terrible, 说的当然就是食物很难吃了!

Horrible 跟 terrible 的意思可说是一模一样, 两者能够互换使用, 例如, The coffee is horrible. 或是 Our professor is horrible.

4. That movie was a turn-off.


Turn-off 就是让你倒胃口的东西, 而 turn-on 则是你非常喜欢

的东西. 例如你说 She is a turn-off. 就表示说你对她是一点兴趣

都没有. 要是 She is a turn-on, 那就表示你对她蛮有兴趣的. 此外, turn-on 跟 turn-off 也能够当成一种个人喜好上的标准, 比如说徵

友吧, 你说, 我不想要低于 160 cm 的, 则低于 160 就是你的 turn-off, 也等于 What's not. 如果说我喜欢住在美国的, 那 "住在美国" 就是你的 turn-on. 另也有人说把 turn-on 说成 What's hot. 把

turn off 说成 What's not. 大家能够看情况自行使用.

Turn on 当成动词的时候也非常普遍, 例如你能够说, The movie totally turns me off. 或是 she turns me off.

5. You scared me!

You frightened me!


被惊吓到时就是这么说的, 或是也能够说, I am scared. 记得我刚到美国第二天就在 Washington D.C 迷路了. 想问路又怕自己英文

不好, 所以犹豫了好久, 好不容易偷偷走到一个中年妇人的背后, 鼓

起我全部的勇气, 大声地说了一句: Excuse me.. 结果你猜如何? 她居然哇的一声, 说 You scared me! 害我觉得十分地不好意思.

此外, 自己被吓到你也能够说, I am scared 或是 I am frightened. Scare 跟 frightene 的意思完全相同, 能够随便选一个来用.

6. That's so stupid.


Stupid 这个字很好用, 它含有轻视, 不以为然的味道在里面, 比如说考试题目出的很烂, 你就能够说, that's a stupid test. 或是

有人在冬天的时候提议去游泳, 你的反应大概就会是, That's a stupid idea. 个人觉得 stupid 不单仅仅笨的意思, 还有愚蠢的味道在里面. 中文里说: "笨笨的"还有点可爱的味道, 但英文中的

stupid 则比较像是我们说的愚蠢的意思, 听来一点也不可爱.

7. I'm so pissed-off with his attitude.


Piss 原意是上小号的意思, 但是现在几乎没有人会用 piss 来代表上小号的意思了, 反而是常用在 pissed-off 这个片语上, 指的是

反感, 厌恶的意思. 例如老美会说 He pissed me off. 就是说他把我给惹毛了.

补充一点就是上小号能够有很多讲法, 例如 pee, take a piss, take a slash, relieve myself, take a number one, urinate 等等.

8. You are mean.


Mean 这个字当形容词能够有二种解释, 一种是指别人很坏, 这种坏并不是说是坏人的坏, 而是像有时候男生喜欢耍贫嘴, 亏女孩子, 这种行为你就能够说他, You are so mean.

另外一种 mean 则是解释成 "贱". 我想就是指它的行为很让人瞧不起, 比如说吧! 有一只猫, 你拿东西给它吃, 它就过来跟你亲热, 你没东西给它吃它就躲的远远的, 这样的行为你就能够用 mean 来形容. 你能够说 The cat is so mean.

有时候 mean 在口语中也能够当成 cool 的意思喔! 例如别人看到一辆很拉风的跑车, 他说, "Wow, look at that car, that is mean!" 在这里不可能说一部车很贱, 所以这个 mean 就是当成 cool 来解释.

9. He is shaky.


Shaky 是指动摇不稳定, 不太确定, 通常就是指一个人不太可靠. 另外 Shaky 也能够用来形容数据, 像是有一次教授就在课常上说, The data is shaky, 就是说这些 data 怪怪的, 不太可靠. Shaky 另外有一个惯用法, He has a shaky start. 就是说有人要上台报告准备却不够充份, 以致一上去就开始紧张, 冒冷汗, 不知所云, 这种情况老美就会说, He has a shaky start. 或是另一个很意思很接近的说法, "He has a bumpy ride."

10. Don't act black.


虽然现在都已经快要迈入二十一世纪了, 不过时至今日还是有些白人会歧视黑人的, 尤其是老一辈的白人, 有时候他们的孩子作错了什么事, 他们还会骂说 Don't act black. 但是这是句非常有种族歧

视的话, 不要乱用, 当然也希望各位国人来到国外时要为华人争一点面子, 不要让老美说 Don't act Chinese. 那样就很不好了.

附记:曾有人写了一封信跟我谈到, 关于 'suck' 这个字该不该用. 大家参考看看.

I noticed something that I wanna tell you.. Maybe it's not a big deal actually. In your message, I saw a word "sucks" um.. I think that's not a good word though... you know I think girls souldn't say that words.. even a guy... I don't know I can hear that word all over the place but I

still can't get used to it.. in my opinion, that's worser than say "fuck" or "shit" but that are all bad words anyway.. ok, don't say those words ok? cause I have very expectation on you and I don't want to hear those words from you ok? maybe it's not that big deal though.... don't know..


英语口语话题交流范文:购物 1.Charge or debit? (Credit or debit?) 使用信用卡或是电子钱包? Charge (Credit) 指的就是一般我们说的信用卡, 信用卡使用上 很方便, 但若是没有收入又没有社会安全卡, 是很难申请到信用卡的. 而我们的提款卡 (ATM 卡) 就是 debit, 它会从你的支票户头直接扣钱. 一般来说, 只要去有刷卡的地方都会被问这个句, 刚来美国的人 常常对这句话感到莫名奇妙, 不知道这句话到底在问什么, 其实只要 了解什么是 charge 什么是 debit, 这句话就不难了解, 视你是使用 信用卡还是 ATM 卡而回答. 使用信用卡就说 charge, 使用 ATM 卡就 答 debit. 2. Cash back? 是否要找回现金? 在美国跨行提款的手续费是 $1.5, 够吓人的吧? 不过偏偏美国那 么大, 你要找到跟发卡银行同一家银行的提款机谈何容易? 那这是不 是意谓著每次去提领现金都要负担高额的手续费? 其实只要你善用 cash back 这个功能, 那情况就完全不一样了, cash back 就是说假设你买 10 块的东西, 但刷卡时你能够刷 30 元, 剩下的 20元他会拿现金 20 块找你, 如此出门就不必带著大笔的现金, 又不必负担高额的提款手续费. 缺点是有金额限制, 有些店最多可 cash back $50, 有些店只能 cash back $20. 一般的情形是只有 ATM 卡才能 cash back 的, 一般的信用卡是不行的, 但是有些特别的信用卡, 如 Discover, 也有提供 cash back 的功能. 他的优点在于不受 发卡银行提款机的限制, 我在亚特兰大拿的 ATM 卡到波士顿一样能够cash back, 而且完全不收手续费, 请大家多加利用.


2019年公共英语考试一级口语必考话题及参考答案(1) A 节部分即口头提问,是针对所给的Topic(主题)设计出若干问题, 向考生发问。它出现在考试的起始阶段和最后阶段。在这两部分中每 位考生大约分别有一分钟左右的时间回答问题,大概要说十句话左右。所以不能简单地说上一两句就结束了。因为在口头提问部分不给准备 时间,所以考生无论在考试前还是考试过程中都应有充足的准备。 (1)事先学习使用一些表达方式给自己争取一点时间思考。常用 的表达方式有: As everybody knows. Sofar as I am concerned. What I mean is...Well... That is to say...You know, ... (2)重复考官的问题也是一种得体的方式,为的是让自己有一点 时间思考。 (3)考试中选择自己熟悉的东西或事情来谈,否则会因为有些词 不会用英文表述,而给自己造成麻烦。比如就音乐或书籍来讲,考试 时选择一种会表述或表述较为容易的音乐或一本自己熟悉的书,比选 择一种自己真正喜欢的音乐或一本书更现实。 (4)考试中为了使自己回答问题的内容更充实些,能够用列举法 或举例说明法予以适当展开阐述。 (5)考生在回答问题时,如果发现自己要说的话太少,或觉得无 话可说时,不妨把自己想到的问题再详细地说明或细化一下。 A 节部分常考话题汇总及答案 1. And what shall I call you? Most people call me Xiao Huang.

2. Where do you come from? a. I was born in Xi‘an, which is one of the major cities in China. It used to be the capital city at one point in China’s history. b. I come from Shanghai,but I was born in Xi‘an. My parents moved to Shanghai when I was just 4 years old, so I really don’t know much about Xi‘a n, apart from occasional summer visits to see some good friends of the family. In fact, I don’t have any relatives at all living in Xi'an. 3. Where about is your hometown? Xi’an is located in Shanxi Province, which is in central China. 4. Could you tell me something about your hometown? a. Hmm. . well, the population is about 6 million. It's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi'an was named the capital of China several times over many dynasties. Also, Xi'an is the starting point of the famous Silk Road, which was important in ancient times. The weather is extremely hot in summer, about 40 degrees Centigrade, and fairly cold in the winter, about 14 degrees Centigrade below zero. b. Okay. Well, first of all, my hometown is "X". I was born in the city, but moved to the outskirts of the town when I was small. "X" is a fairly large city — a pretty important economic centre actually. It has a population of 3 million. It's pretty flat, and is situated right near a large lake.


1.Sport star: My favorite sport star is Liu Xuan ---- a beautiful Chinese women gymnasts, who born in 1984 in Changsha City, Hunan Province started gymnastics training, 8-year-old. She is the 1990s the Chinese gymnastics team heyday of one of the first team, is also the first Chinese woman to participate in two Olympic gymnasts. 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, LIU Xuan in the women's gymnastics balance beam competition, to perfect moves conquered the referees and spectators, as the Chinese women's balance beam project did not touch the history of Olympic champion zoned to an end. 现在她是一名演员,并试图将体操与舞蹈结合,她是一个很有想法的人,我非常看好她,希望她在舞蹈艺术这条路上走出自己的天地。 1、“要想战胜别人,必须首先战胜自我。” 2、“一靠理想,二靠实力,三靠平静的心态。奥运比赛只有战胜自我, 才能成为真正的强者。” 2. A character 主演James Blackwell饰演Matt Prater 《面对巨人》Facing the Giants片讲述一位教练如何重拾信心与勇气,并用信仰击败恐惧的故事。在泰勒的六年教练生涯中,他从未在赛季中获胜,当球队中最优秀的队员Shiloh决定转学后,他们连在新赛季中获胜的希望都随之而去了。赛季一开始便输了三场比赛之后,泰勒发现那些爸爸们决定解雇他,随之而来的一系列压力令他完全失去了希望。他将如何重拾勇气与信心,用信仰击败恐惧The death crawl Your action will always follow your belief. 你的信念总是支配着你的行动。 If you accept defeat,then that what you'll get. 如果你接受失败,那么你将得到失败。 Don't you ever let anyone tell you that you're under par... 不要让任何人跟你说你比别人差... With god all things are possible. Praise God either you win or lose. 3.An interesting historic place 华清池 Huaqing Hot Spring is a natural spring at the foot of Mt Lishan in Lintong County, about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. This hot spring is known as China's famous hot spring resort. Huaqing Hot Spring owns 6000 years history of hot spring use and 3000 years history of royal garden architecture. There are four springhead in Huaqing Hot Spring. They are all in a stone hole and the existing circular pool has the radius of about 1 meter with clear, colourless and transparent water seen at the bottom.The water temperature is


2016年英语四级口语常用话题汇总 一、运动 对话: A: Brain, playing tennis seems interesting. B: Would you like to learn? A: Yes.how do you play? B: Tennis can be played in singles and doubles. The outside line is for doubles and the inside line is for singles. A: How do you decide who starts? B: Well, you can toss a coin to decide. Whoever wins chooses either to start or which side of the court o play on. A: How do you score? B: To begin with, the score is “LOVE all”. A: LOVE means 0? B: You have got it. You then score 15, 30 and 40. If you get to 40 and win again, you win the game. A: The opponent starts serving then? B: Right. See. You know how to play now. A: Let’s try it sometime. B: Sure! 补充句型: 1. I usually go to the gym after work.. 我经常下班以后去健身房。


1.Personal Present Situation: Are you a student or do you have a job? a) study What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Which is the best university in China? Do you think your present subjects are relevant? b)working What kind of job would you prefer after graduation? What are your job prospects? What do you do for a living? Describe your job in detail. Is your job important to you? If you could, would you change jobs? Are their possible changes that could affect your job in any way? Describe an ideal job/ Describe a job you think you would be good at(新增) What do you think of your major/job? Why do you choose it? 2. Hometown/city Where are you from? What’s the most interesting part of your hometown? Has your hometown changed in recent years? Describe your hometown. Describe a city that you like best Where it is What are the general features What you can do there



What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a big city? With the development of economy, the speed of urbanization of our country is faster and faster. The area of cities is larger and larger. More and more people crowd into cities, resulting in larger and larger population of citcities. The abundance of consumer goods in big city indeed bring us much convenience. However, there are also many challenges and pressures living in a big city. Such as crowded transport, dirty air, noisy street and so on. Among these challenges, I believe, the most serious one is the tense pace of life. To get enough consumer goods and live a happy life, We have to work every day to make money. We get up early in the morning and go to work in a hurry even no time to have breakfast. After a day,s busy work, we go home at night and go to sleep. We spend half of our time to work even forget to stop to enjoy our life. Sometimes I think that we are so stupid to devote ourselves to work and forget the purpose we work for. But most of time, we have to do so. So that is the reason for my view. Say something about the impact of horror films on young children. When it comes to horror films, opinions vary from person to person. It is the same to young children. I believe horror films have both positive and negative impact on young children, the point depend on the attitudes of children on horror films. Horror films indeed excite us greatly compared with other films. For children like horror films, watching horror films is an interesting adventure. Kids who always watch horror films would have more curiosity on the world and life. This results that children watching horror films have the spirit of exploration and innovation. However, for those timid and do not like horror films, watching horror films may make them have nightmares. What is worse, it may lead to psychological illness and make them more timid, resulting them afraid of trying unfamiliar things. So it is concluded that if children like horror films, they are admitted to watch them, if they do not like, do not force them to watch. What factors influence you most in your choice of a job? With the increasing of population of our country and the diversification of economy, it is becoming more and more difficult for our young to find a satisfactory job. Too many factors affect us to


英语口语面试基本话题(小升初入学考试必备) 话题一个人情况(Personalinformation) 能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成员、电话号码、爱好、邮箱地址、外貌、特征和自己的生活情况等),并能够写出自己简单的基本情况。 能够听懂他人的有关个人信息,并且记录简单信息。 话题二家庭(Familyandhome) 能够介绍家庭成员(姓名、年龄、职业、外貌特征、爱好等)的基本信息。 能够利用所学的语言,互相询问有关对方家庭的基本情况。 能够简单地写出家庭成员的基本信息。 能够介绍家庭住房的各种房间的名称,并能简单描述部分室内的物品。 能够简单介绍家庭成员平时经常在这些房间做的事情。 尝试着设计自己梦想中的卧室,调查同学家里房间的拥有情况。 话题三学校(Schoollife) 能够介绍自己的学校生活(学校名称、任课教师、专业教室的名称等)。 能够介绍自己的学习科目,喜欢和不喜欢的科目,并能简单单说明理由。 能够向他人介绍自己的课程表,并设计自己喜欢的课程表。 话题四朋友(Friends) 能够简单介绍自己的朋友(姓名、年龄、外貌特征、爱好等)。 能够简单地写出朋友的主要信息。 话题五天气(Weather) 能够谈论有关天气情况。 能够听懂简单的天气预报,并记录相关的信息。 能够根据天气情况,设计自己的活动计划(合适的着装、活动去向、活动目的等)。 话题六饮食(Foodanddrink) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并简单说明理由。 能够简单介绍自己一日三餐的饮食。 能够根据自己的喜好,为自己或他人点餐。 话题七:动物(Animals) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物,并说出为什么。 能够描述动物的外貌特征以及它们的习性。 话题八:购物(Shopping) 能够询问物品的价格。 能够描述自己对所需物品的看法(如颜色、尺寸、大小等)。


English Speaking Topics for Final Exam(Preliminary) 第一部分生活life 1.This is my house 2.I want to buy a cell phone 3.House work 4.Today is holiday 5.What do you do in your daily life 6.My hobby 7.Do you like flowers 8.Music can make me feel happy 9.Do exercises 10.Today is my birthday 第二部分工作学习work and study 1.I like reading https://www.360docs.net/doc/3417041419.html,ing computer to study 3.My school 4.This is my teacher 5.Let’s go shopping 6.Movie is wonderful 7.I am a good student 8.Do you know how to drive

9.Time is important 10.Bad habit 第三部分人际interpersonal relationship 1.Bad temper 2.Don’t bother me 3.Someone I hate 4.I will have a party this Sunday 5.Which season do you like 6.How should I arrange my money 7.Long time no see 8.Breakfast is important 9.Saying goodbye 10.Let me introduce my friend to you 第四部分社会society 1.Heavy rain 2.Rent a house 3.Eating out 4.Read news paper 5.Traffic jams 6.Ask for direction 7.The working day


研究生英语口语考试 话题范文

话题一:Please describe the importance of self-confidence and give some examples to support ideas. Share your own experience about it with your partners. Hi,guys,Today our topic is self-confidence,What do you think about self-confidence. Self-Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude. A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful. 自信对于日常生活非常重要,它让你有一个健康的态度,研究表明自信会更快乐,它还能让人更有机会成功。 People say that self-confidence is half of the success. Without self-confidence, You can’t do well in anything. Self-confidence is very importance to a person. 人们说自信是成功的一半。没有自信,一个人就不能做好任何事。自信对一个人很重要也很有价值。 Firstly, Self-confidence, let a person maintain a good mental and physical state.We often say that the body is the capital of the revolution. Only when you are in good health, can you be really successful eventually. Secondly,once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to overcome the setbacks and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop your way.Thirdly, with self-confidence we may accomplish something which seems to be impossible. No great thing is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anything is possible. We should trust in ourselves. 首先,自信让人保持好的身体和精神状态,我们常说身体是革命的本钱。只有你身体健康,你最后才能真正成功。其次,一旦我们获得了自信,我们就拥有了勇气和力量去克服挫折和困难。有了自信,没有人也没有什么能够阻止你成功。再次,有了自信我们可能实现一些以前看起来不可能的事。没有什么大事对我们是容易的,因此我们应该相信一切皆有可能。我们应该,或者必须相信自己。 When I was a child, I was very unconfident and often doubted everything. It's even like this question “What day is today”,I had to go to the calendar to make sure.This feeling is not good.


雅思英语口语考试30个常见话题归纳 1. describe your favorite animal 2. describe relaxation method 3. describe communication method 4. describe al job you are interested in 5. describe sth old in your family(可以谈礼物或jewelry或clothes) 6. describe a book which influenced you in your childhood 7. describe a library 8. describe a physical exercise 9. describe a store 10. describe your favorite magazine or newspaper 11. describe an advertisement you like. 12. describe a school you attended. 13. describe the type of clothing or jewelry you choose in special t ime? 14. describe your favorite room in your home.

15. describe a change in your life. 16. describe the part of day you like most 17.describe the city you enjoyed visiting. 18.describe an old man you are familiar with. 19.describe a river or lake you have seen. 20. describe something which was made by yourself 21.describe the best present you got in your life. 22.describe your favorite way of transport. 23.describe a famous person you admire. 24.describe your favorite movie. 26. describe your best friend. 27. describe an electric equipment you use in your life. 28. describe a subject you studied at school. 29. describe a building. 30. describe a club or team or organization you joined


雅思口语话题范例:Speech Question Describe the most influential speech that you heard. Sample answer I have heard numerous speeches, lectures, commentaries on various topics and issues throughout different stages of my life and among them the speech that was given by our primary school teacher on occasion of our fare-well is the most influential one and I still vividly recall it. The teacher who gave the speech was Mr. Mark Augustine and he was at his late forties at that time. As fifth grade school going kids we did not comprehend quite clearly what was the school fare-well all about. We knew that this is going to be our last day at our primary school and we would start our new school soon. Mr. Mark was already a revered teacher for his teaching style, good manor, humour and honesty. Rumour had that, he was much more qualified to be a college professor rather than being a primary school teacher. On the day, we had our parents present in school and we had been enjoying everything. As part of the farewell speech Mr. Mark approached to the stage and started mentioning what funny things we had done in the last 5 years. We as well as our parents started laughing on the things he mentioned. He mentioned how a kid started screaming in the sight of a cockroach, how a kid of class two expressed his friendship to a girl, how we tried to play amid of the class and many more interesting and funny events. He then moved on topics that I still hear in my mind. He told how study is our primary responsibility, how we should listen to our parents, how have we achieved our liberation as a nation, how to respect the Mother Nature and all the honestly and bravery we should possess in our heart. The topics and his way of presenting them vibrated us heavily. I can still remember how the advises came back to my life time to time. As a kid those advises and moralities were probably way to heavy to grasp but I still believe that the speech had a great impact in my life as well as the lives of the other kids who were present there. Tips for answering this cue card topic: Think about a speech that you heard and liked/ disliked. Usually people remember speeches which are interesting, which were delivered with great eloquence and have lasting impressions. Such speech can be something you heard in person or watched on TV or heard on radio. Sometimes


英语口语话题大全:蜘蛛 It was interesting as well while we were out on the farm, there were thousands of trees I think out on the farm, so we saw lots of different insects and little animals as well. The most exciting thing I saw was a red back spider, because the red back is one of the most poisonous spiders in Australia. So I had been traveling there for over a year I think at that stage and I'd never seen a red back spider, but I'd seen lots of colorful spiders, so that every time I saw a new colored spider I'd go and have a look and maybe play with it a bit or take a photo, something like that, so while I was picking the macadamia nuts with my friends I saw a really brightly colored spider, so I decided to, to get a stick and and kind of turn over a leaf and see what it was doing, and then I was kind of looking at it for awhile and then suddenly I realized, "Oh, my God! It's red and black, it's a red back spider!" So I thought, OK, I'd better stop playing with this guy, and leave him alone. So after over a year in Australia I saw my first red back on this macadamia farm and then later on that night, just before I was going to bed, I walked into the room I was staying in with my friend, and there on my bed was baby redneck spider, red back spider, sorry and I couldn't believe it. After one year, no red backs and then two in one day. It was a bit crazy really so I had to get someone to help me to get rid of it, cause it was a bit scary. 这非常有趣,我们去农场的时候,我想那农场有数千棵树,我们 还看到了很多不同种类的昆虫和小动物。最让我兴奋的是我看到了一 只红背蜘蛛,而红背蜘蛛是澳大利亚最毒的蜘蛛之一。当时我已经在 那里旅行了一年多的时间,我从未见到过红背蜘蛛,但是我看见了很


话题简述 1.学校生活School Life 例一 1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校。 2.他最喜欢的学科是中文课,他认为学习外语很有趣。 3.学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到学校图书馆的许多书和杂志;他很喜欢他的学校。 例二 1.南希14岁,是七年级学生。 2.她每周放学后打两次排球;她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习。 3.每周一她去“同伴俱乐部”,在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况;她的同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况。朱莉是她的好朋友。 2.爱好与学业 Hobbies and Studies 例一 1.我有许多爱好,喜欢游泳、唱歌和购物,目前旅游是我的最爱; 2.但是,每天我有很多家庭作业;做作业花费很多时间,我没有时间用在爱好上;对此我真的感到遗憾; 3.我不想因为家庭作业而放弃全部爱好。 例二 1.迈克迷恋足球,喜爱看足球比赛,当然也喜爱踢足球。 2.放学后,他经常和同学们一起踢一小时左右的足球;他的父母不喜欢这一点,要求他在5点半之前回。 3.他认为有必要花些时间在爱好上,希望能得到父母的支持。

3.饮食Diet 例一 1.为了更健康,我已改变了饮食。 2.以前,我很少吃水果、蔬菜,喜欢糕点、糖果和可乐; 3.现在,早餐时我总是吃一根香蕉、一些面包,喝一杯牛奶;午餐时,通常吃鱼和蔬菜; 4.我现在越来越健康,学习情况也因此大有改善。 例二 1.以前,汤姆喜爱薯条和汉堡包,吃很多甜的零食,很少吃水果和蔬菜。 2.现在,为了更健康,他已改变了饮食。早餐常喝点牛奶,吃点面包;正餐常吃米饭、鱼和蔬菜;饭后常吃些水果。 3.汤姆现在健康多了,他知道改变不健康的饮食很重要。 4.大熊猫 Giant Pandas 例一 1.人人喜欢大熊猫。大熊猫温顺且安静,吃一种特别的竹子。 2.野外现仅有大约1,600只大熊猫,它们的数目越来越少。 3.大熊猫生活的地方正在变为农田,而且人们也为取其毛皮而猎捕它们。如此下去,世界上很快将再无大熊猫。 例二 1.熊猫宝宝名叫“希望”,出生时重约90克,每天喝母乳;6个月时,开始吃竹子。 2.可悲的是,大熊猫在野外很难存活。假如人们砍掉树和森林,大熊猫将无栖身之处。 3.我们应当尽力保护它们。
