

/e ?//?/ /e//?//ɑ:/al


/e ?/ar /ɑ://i://e//i://e//??//e ?/ee


/ ?://??/

/ ?:/

/a ?/


ir / ?:/


/a ?//??//?//U:// ?/oa



/?:/(w 后)a



ear i o


or report short sport word world work do movie two who come month some son color boat coat coach boy toy book good look cool food noodle room school soon too zoo ice like nine nice price white write big city kid list sing trip wish with birth birthday first night knight(骑士)go no notebook old only photo piano sofa clock from lost rock dot really great green need see seen deep her per dear year tear fear learn day May play say art card star start guard car dark park be he me she these we bed best desk get let pen red sell ten when yes cream eat please teacher meat breakfast bread age case date sale at bag bat marry lag and any many bet leg merry end want watch what cock pot afternoon class father all also ball call

/a ?//U:// ?//a ?//??/ore /?:/our /?://ju://U:// ?//?/a e/i o/or/ou ar/er u/ur/ure b /b// k//s/d /d/ f

/f//g//d ?/h / h/j

/d ?/k

/ k/l

/ ?/m

/m/n /n/ou ow u about around


g last late many math name nice

family father game get geography giraffe hat have job join key kid put /?/bag ball call can city dad date hello student April o'clock doctor favourite gramar answer brother August Saturdy show know snow more store your four computer music student Tuesday unit huge humid ruler blue June bus but drum fun fuuny lunch run runner found sound around out mountain you group soup through young country how now

p /p/r / r//s/

/z/t / t/v /v/w / w//ks/

/gz/y / j/z /z//t ?/

/ k/ck / k/dr /dr/ds /dz//f/

/-/kn /n/ng /?/ph /f/sh /?//θ/

/e/tr /tr/ ts /ts// w/

/ h/wr / r/s x ch gh th wh who write she shop thank thing that this trip train bats hats what white beds cards laugh eight know knight sing English photo phone year yes zero zoo chair chess school black rock draw dress his is table take video violin wont watch six sixteen example pen play red ruler sad salad
