
Stephens: In order to effect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions and to ensure the common good, a state of emergency is declared for these territories by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett, duly appointed representative of his majesty the king. By decree according to Martial law, the following statutes are temporarily amended:Right to assembly, suspended! Right to Habeas Corpus, suspended! Right to legal counsel, suspended! Right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended! By decree, all persons found guilty of piracy, or aiding a person convicted of piracy, or associating with a person convicted of piracy shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until death.(为了及时制止日益恶化的情况并为公众利益和安全着想,我等属地宣布进入紧急状态,为此尊敬的国王陛下授权卡特勒·贝克特勋爵颁布的法令。根据马歇尔之法律制定的法令,以下法例进行了临时修正:聚众聚会的,绞刑!要求人身保护的,绞刑!寻求法律顾问的,绞刑!贵族陪审员裁定其有罪的,绞刑!根据法令,所有被定罪为海盗的;或帮助其而被定罪为海盗的;或与之有关联的人,均以绞刑处死。)


Stephens: Lord Beckett! They've started to sing, sir.(贝克特勋爵!他们开始唱了,长官。)

Beckett: Finally.(终于唱了...)


Tai Huang: A dangerous song to be singing,For anyone are ignorant of his meaning. Particularly a woman;Particularly a woman alone.(唱这首歌会很危险的,如果不知道它的意思的话。特别对一个女人,更特别是对独自一人的女人。)

Barbossa: What makes you think she's alone?(你怎么就觉得她是独自一人呢?)

Tai Huang: You protect her?(你要保护她?)

Elizabeth: And what makes you think I need protecting?(你又怎么就觉得我需要人保护呢?〈拿刀胁持〉)

Barbossa: Your master's expecting us. And an unexpected death would cast a slight pall on our meeting.(你的主人在等我们。就算现在有人意外地死了,也不会影响我们的会面。)


Elizabeth: Have you heard anything from Will?(你有没有听到关于威尔的消息?)

Barbossa: I trust young Turner to acquire the charts. And you to remember your place in the presence of Captain Sao Feng(我相信特纳是去取航海图了。你要记住自己在萧峰


Elizabeth: Is he that terrifying?(他有那么吓人吗?)

Barbossa: He's much like myself, but absent my merciful nature and sense of fair play.(他和我挺像的,不过没我那么有同情心,也不喜欢公平竞争。)


Tai Huang: Do you think because she is a woman we would not suspect her of treachery?(你认为她是个女人我们就不怀疑她会以下犯上吗?)

Barbossa: Well, when you put it that way...(既然你都这么说的话...)

Tai Huang: Remove...please.(请您卸下行装。)


Tai Huang: Remove...please.(请您再卸下行装。)

2007-7-12 15:55 回复





Sao Feng: Captain Barbosa, welcome to Singapore!...More steam.(巴伯萨船长,欢迎到来新加坡!...多加点蒸气)

Gibbs: None of that. If things don't go the way they want, then we're the only chance they've got.(不要跑。如果进展不顺利,就只有我们去救他们了。)

Sao Feng: I understand that you have a request to make of me.(据我所知,你们想要对我提个要求。)

Barbossa: More of a proposal to put thee. I've a venture underway, and I find myself in need of a ship and a crew.(应该说是个提议,尊敬的船长。我又要开始冒险了,却发觉自己还缺艘船和船员。)

Sao Feng: It's an odd coincidence...(这一切也太巧合了...)

Elizabeth: Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you don't need?(因为你刚


Sao Feng: No,Because earlier this day, no far from here. A thief broke into my most revered uncle's temple and tried to make home with these. The navigational charts. The route to the farthest ticket. Wouldn't it be amazing if this venture of yours to took you to the world beyond this one?(不,因为今天早些时候,不远的地方有个小偷闯进我最尊敬的舅舅的祠庙企图盗走这个。航海图,记载着到最远之门的航线。你们的旅程若能带你们到世界的另一端,那岂不妙哉?)

Barbossa: It would strain credulity, at that.(这个说法未免有些不太可靠吧!)


Sao Feng: This is the thief.Is his face familiar to you?(这就是那个小偷,你们认得这张脸吗?)


Sao Feng: Then I guess he has no further need for it.(那我想,他这张脸留着也没什么用处了。〈抽出把尖锥刺去〉)


Sao Feng: You come into my city and you betray my hospitality.(你们来到我的城市却辜负了我的盛情)

Barbossa: Sao Feng, I assure you, I had no idea...(萧峰,我发誓,我全然不知情...)

Sao Feng: That he would get caught! You intend to attempt a voyage to Davy Jones' Locker. But I cannot help but wonder...why?(那这人就是活该被抓起来的。你们打算起航去“万劫不复之地”,但我不禁疑惑,为什么?)

Barbossa: The song has been sung. The time is upon us. We must convene the brethren court, as one of the nine pirate lords, You must honor the call.(已经有人唱起那歌了,时间在催促着我们。我们必须召开海盗大会,作为九大海盗首领之一,你也必须遵从号召。)

Sao Feng: More steam...More steam! There is a price on all our heads. It is true, And since the only way a pirate can turn a profit anymore is by betraying...other pirates...(多加点蒸气...加蒸气啊!我们的脑袋都挂着赏金。的确,既然现在海盗的生财之道,只在卖友求荣上!)

Barbossa: ***Now that rule is being challenged by Lord Cutler Beckett.(现在,卡特勒·贝克特勋爵正挑战着这些规则。)

Sao Feng: against East India Trading Company, what value is the brethren court?***(要去对抗东印度贸易公司,海盗大会能有什么作为?我们中又有谁能做什么?)

Elizabeth: You can fight! Get off me! You are Sao Feng, the Pirate Lord of Singapore. My bold captain will sail free waters, where waves aren't measured in feet*** Would you have that era come to an end on your watch? The most notorious pirates from around the world are uniting against our enemy, and yet you sit here cowering in your bathwater!(你能反抗啊!放开我!你是萧峰,新加坡的海盗首领。你也见到过辉煌的海盗时代,我勇敢的船长在大海中自由航行,从不怕风疾浪高,这难道只是过去?只是个神话吗?你就能眼睁睁的看着这样的时代结束?世界各处的那些声名狼籍的海盗都在联合起来对抗我们的敌人,而你却坐在这儿,委琐在你的洗澡水里。)

Beckett: A piece of eight. Nine of them, you say?(八分银币,你说共有九枚?)

Mercer: Our new friend in Singapore was very specific, sir. Nine pieces of eight.(我们新加坡的新朋友说得很清楚,长官。九枚八分银币。)

Beckett: What's the significance of that, I wonder?(我想知道这有什么意义?)

Mercer: Does it matter? Nothing can hold against the Armada. Not even the Flying Dutchman, I believe.(这重要吗?我认为没有东西能够抵挡‘无敌舰队’,就算是‘飞行的荷兰人’也不行。)

Beckett: Nothing we know of. Did your friend happen to mention where the Brethren Court are meeting?(仅限于我们所知的。你朋友有没有提到海盗大会在哪里召开?)

Mercer: He was mum on that, sir.(他对此保持沉默,长官。)

Beckett: Then he knows the value of information. Better keep this between ourselves. We don't want anyone running off to Singapore, do we? Ah, Admiral!(他还挺知道信息的价值的。最好别跟任何人提到这个,我们也不想所有人都跑到新加坡去,是吧?啊~舰队司令!)

Norrington: You summoned me, Lord Beckett?(你找我来的,贝克特勋爵?)

Beckett: Yes. Something for you there. Your new station deserves an old friend.(是的,那边有样东西要给你,你的新岗位得配上这位老朋友。)

Swann: Not more requisition orders?(没其他征用指令了?)

MAN#: No sir.Execution.(没有了,先生。除了执行死刑的命令。)

Beckett: The Brethren know they face extinction. All that remains is for them to decide

where they make their final stand.(海盗们知道死期到了,现在他们唯一可以决定的就是选择死在哪里。)

Pintel: No one said anything about cold.(怎么就没人说过这儿这么冷?)

Ragetti: I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering.(我肯定,我们受苦都是有原因的。)

Pintel: Why don't that voodoo woman just bring Jack back, the same way she brought back Barbosa?(为什么那老女人就不能把杰克召唤回来,就像召回巴伯萨那样?)

Dalma: Because Barbosa was only dead. Jack Sparrow is taken in body and soul to a place not of death,but punishment.The worst fate a person can bring upon himself, Stretching on forever. That's what awaits in Davy Jones' Locker.(因为巴伯萨只不过是死了,杰克·斯派洛是身体和灵魂都被带走了,他不在死亡之地。他在惩罚之地,最糟糕的命运莫过于此,永远的苟延残喘。‘万劫不复之地’就是那样个地方。)

Ragetti: Well, I mean that was a good reason.(听到了吧!我觉得那是个不错的原因。)

Will: Nothing here is said.It is hardly as accurate as modern charts. (这上面什么都没说明,它可不像现代航海图那么精确。)

Tai Huang: No, But it leads to more places.(是的,但它可以带我们到更多的地方。)

Will: "OVER THE EDGE,OVER AGAIN, SUNRISE SETS FLASH OF GREEN". Do you care to interpret, Captain Barbossa?(“越过边界,再次越过,日出落于绿色光芒”。你能解释一下吗?巴伯萨船长。)

Barbossa: Ever gazed upon the green flash, Mr.Gibbs?(你见过绿色光芒吗?吉布斯先生?)

Gibbs: I reckon I've seen my fair share. Happens on rare occasion, at the last glimpse of sunset, a green flash shoots up into the sky. Some go their whole lives without ever seeing it. Some claimed to have seen it who ain't. And some say...(我想我终于能参与其中了。那很少见的,在日落的最后一道曙光中,一束绿色的光芒会射向天空。有人一辈子都不曾见到一次,有人谎称看过但其实没有,还有些...)

Pintel: It signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead...Sorry...(它预兆着某个灵魂重回了这个世界,从死亡中回来。...抱歉。)

Barbossa: Trust me, young master Turner. It's not getting to the land of the dead that's the problem, It's getting back.(相信我,年轻的特纳先生。如何去死亡之地不是问题,如何回来才是个问题。)

Beckett: Bloody hell, there's nothing left.(真他妈见鬼,什么都没剩下。)

Mercer: Jones is a loose cannon, sir.(琼斯可不容易控制,长官。)

Beckett: Fetch the chest.(把那箱子取来。)

Mercer: And the Governour? He's been asking questions about the heart.(那治安官呢?他一直都在打听那心脏的事。)

Beckett: Does he know? Then perhaps his usefulness has run its course.(那他知道了吗?这么说来他的利用价值也快尽了。)


Norrington: Steady, men.(站稳点,伙计们。)

D.J: Go! All of you. And take that infernal thing with you, I will not have it on my ship!(给我走,你们所有人。带上那恶魔般的东西走,我不允许把它放在我的船上。)

Beckett: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Because I will, Because it seems to me the only way to ensure that this ship do as directed by the Company. We need prisoners to interrogate which tends to work best when they're alive.(噢,听到这我真抱歉。因为我允许的,因为这似乎是唯一能确保这船会直接听从公司的意思办事的方法。我们要审问一些囚犯,最好在他们都还活着的时候问。)

D.J: The Dutchman sails as its captain commands.(荷兰人必须听船长的命令才能航行。)

Beckett: And its captain is to sail it as commanded! I would have thought you'd learned that when I had ordered you to kill your pet. This is no longer your world, Jones. The immaterial has become immaterial.(那他的船长就听从命令航行吧!我还以为当我让你去杀你那宠物时就就已经学乖了呢!这个世界已不再是你的了,琼斯。过时的东西已经变得不切实际了。)

Will: How long will we continue not talking?(我们还要这么不说话多少?)

Elizabeth: Once we rescue Jack, everything will be fine.(等我们救了杰克,一切都会好的。)

Will: Then we rescue Jack.(那我们就去救杰克。)

Dalma: For wait we will is white mist. There is a cost must be payed in the end.(等着我们的是一片白雾,在尽头一定会有大瀑布出现。)

Will: Barbosa! I heading.(巴伯萨,我听说了。)

Barbossa: Aye, we're good and lost now.(是的,我们现在迷失了不是很好嘛!)

Elizabeth: Lost?(迷失了?)

Barbossa: For certain you have to be lost to find a place as can't be found. Elseways everyone would know where it was.(有时候,你要找寻失落的地方就必须迷失,不然谁都能知道它在哪里了。)

Gibbs: We're gaining speed!(我们正在加速!)

Barbossa: Aye!(是的。)

Will: To stations!(各就各位!)

MAN#: All hands to stations!(全都快点各就各位!)

Barbossa: Never lay down! Let her run straight is true.(别放下帆!让它一直走就对了。)

Ragetti: Blimey!(天啊!)

Elizabeth: We're doomed, that's all.(我们所有人都被你害了。)

Barbossa: Don't be so unkind. You may not survive to pass this way again, And these are the last friendly words you'll hear.(不要这么没礼貌,你也许没有机会再次穿越这死亡之路了。这将是你听到的最后的善言了。)

Will: Catch all of!(全都抓紧!)

Elizabeth: All to port!(左满舵!)

Will: hold own!(坚持住!)



Jack: My peanut. Oh,lad,slack 'em braces!(我的花生。噢,小伙子们,都打起精神来!)

Jack1: Aye, Captain! Slack 'em braces!(是,船长。都打起精神来!)

Jack2: Stand in the way!***(别挡道,我来不急了。)

Jack3: Help!(救命!〈倒在地上〉)

Jack: ******(扬帆起航,风向变了。大家行动起来,目标就在前方。)

Jack4: Aye, sir.(是,先生。)

Jack5: Roger, sir.(收到指令,先生。)


Jack: Mr. Sparrow?(斯派洛先生?)

Jack6: Aye, captain.(是,船长!)

Jack: What say you about the condition of this lacing line?(你说这系帆索系的怎么样?)

Jack6: It be proper to my eye, sir.(我看差不多了,先生。)

Jack: Proper? It is neither proper nor suitable, sir, it is not acceptable, nor adequate, it is an obvious fact. And abomination.(差不多了?你不是差不多就是还行。这样可不行,差多了,不能让人满意,是很让人讨厌。)

Jack6: Begging your pardon, sir, but perhaps if you gave a man another chance...(您说什么呢?先生,不过您可以再给我一次机会...)

Jack: Shall I?(我可以吗?)


Jack: That sort of thinking got us into these mess. We have lost speed, and therefore time, Precious time, which cannot be recovered once lost. Do you understand(就是有你这种想法才让我们来到这鬼地方的。我们已经落后了,而时间,宝贵的时间,一旦逝去就不能再挽回。你们明白了吗?)

Jack###: Aye, aye, captain.(是,是的,船长!)

Jack: Do you know? It will all have to be redone. All of it, And let this serve as a lesson to the lot of you. Doldrum, sir, has the entire crew on edge. I have no sympathy for any of you feculant maggots, and no more patience to pretend otherwise. Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness.(是吗?那就全都给我重来,所有的一切。把这当成个教训记着。我们到了无风带,先生,大家都很紧张。我不会再同情你们这些废物了,也别再给我假装耐心了。)


Jack: Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness.(先生们,我这会儿洗手不干了。)


Jack: No wind. Of course, there's no bloody wind! My soul, I do swear for the place. Gust, whisper, tiny miniature lick!(没风。当然,这地方没见鬼的风。我的神啊~我要诅咒这见鬼的地方,怪声怪语,窸窸窣窣的脚步声。)


Jack: Yes sir, I know, but why? Why would he do that? Because he's a lummox, isn't he? We shall have a magnificent garden party, and you're not invited...(是的,先生,我知道。但是为什么?为什么他要那么做?因为他是个笨蛋,不是吗?我们该办个隆重的花园宴会,但你不被邀请...)


Jack: A rock.(石头?)


Jack: Now we're being followed by rocks. Never heard that before. Oh! A rope.(我会被块石头跟着?之前从来没那样听说过。噢~绳子。)


Jack: Why should I said with any of you? Four of you have tried to kill me in the past... one of you succeeded.(我为什么要和你们一起航行?你们四个人以前都想杀我,而其中一个还成功了。)

[looks at Elizabeth]

Jack: Oh, she's not told you. You'll have loads to talk about while you're here. As for you... (噢~她还没有告诉你吗?你们既然在这儿,肯定能好好聊聊。至于你...)[going to Tia Delma]

Tia Dalma: Now don't tell didn't enjoy it at the time? (现在,不要告诉我那时你没有快乐过。)

Jack: Fair enough. You're in. (很公平,算你一个。)

Jack: Don't need you, You will scare me.(不要你,你会吓到我。)

[to Ragetti]

Jack: Gibbs, you can come, Marty, Cotton... Cotton's parrot, I'm a little iffy... At least I'll have someone to talk to... Who are you?(吉布斯,你跟着我。马提,卡登...带着你就得多带只鹦鹉,不过,我也想有个人能说说话...你是谁?)

[to Tai Huang]

Tai Huang: Tai Huang. These are my men.(泰黄,这些是我的人。)

Jack: Where does your allegiance lie?(你们替谁办事?)

Tai Huang: With the highest bidder.(谁出的价钱高就跟谁干。)

Jack: I have a ship.(我有艘船。)

Tai Huang: That makes you the highest bidder.(那就是你出价最高了。)

Jack: Good man. Weigh anchor all hands, Prepare to make sail.(识时务!起锚,水手们,我们要起航了。)

[takes out compass]

Barbossa: Jack... Which way will you going, Jack?(杰克...你要往哪儿去呢?杰克。〈拍拍手上的航海图〉)


Barbossa: What are you doing?(你在干什么?)

Jack: What are you doing?(你在干什么?)

Barbossa: No, what are you doing?(不,你在干什么?)

Jack: What are you doing?(你在干什么?)

Barbossa: No, what are you doing?(不,你在干什么?)

Jack: What are you doing? Hmm... Captain gives orders on the ship.(你在干什么?唔...应该由船长发号施令。)

Barbossa: The Captain of this ship is giving orders!(这艘船的船长正在发号施令!)

Jack: My ship, makes me captain!(我的船,所以我当船长!)

Barbossa: They be my charts!(可航海图是我的!)

Jack: That makes you...Chart-man!(那你就当...航海士!)

Pintel: Stow it! The both of you! That's an order! Understand!(快干活!你们两个!这是命令!明白了吗?)


Pintel: Sorry, I just thought that with the Captain issue in doubt I'd just throw in my name for consideration. Sorry.(对不起,我只是觉得船长还没选定,那我也把自己算到侯选者里了,对不起。)

Pintel: Eerie. That's downright macabree.(真可怕,他们真让人毛骨悚然。)

Ragetti: I wonder what would happen if you dropped a cannonball on one of them.(我想知道要是你朝他们中扔颗炮弹会怎么样?)

Pintel: Be disrespectful, you would?(这么做有点失礼了,你说呢?)

Dalma: They should be in the care of Davy Jones. That was the duty 'im was charged with by the goddess Calypso, to ferry those who die at sea to the other side. And every ten years, 'im could come ashore to be with she 'o love 'im. Truly! But the man has become a monster.(他们应该被安葬在戴维·琼斯的深海里,那是他承担的责任。给海之女神,克丽帕索,将那些死在海上的人送到另一边去。而每隔十年,他才能上岸一次,去和他相爱的人在一起。真的!可是那男人变成了怪物。)

Ragetti: So he wasn't always tentacly?(也就是说,他不是一直都有那触角的?)Dalma: No...'im was a man...once.(不,他也是个男人...曾经。)

Ragetti: Now there's boats coming.(现在,有船过来了。)

Will: They're not a threat to us, am I right?(他们对我们没有威胁,我说的对吗?)Dalma: We are nothing but ghosts to them.(在他们看来,我们只不过是些幽灵。)Barbossa: We've better as just let them be.(我们最好就让他们这样过去。)Elizabeth: It's my father! We've made it back. Father! Father! Hi, look here!(那


Jack: Elizabeth, We're not back.(伊丽莎白,我们回不去的。)

Elizabeth: Father!(父亲!)

Swann: Elizabeth! Are you dead?(伊丽莎白!你也死了吗?)

Elizabeth: No...No...(没有...)

Swann: I think I am.(我想我是死了。)

Elizabeth: No, you can't be!(不,你不能死!)

Swann: There was this chest, you see. I thought. At the time it seemed so important.(我现在只不过是个躯壳了,你看,我是这么认为的。时间真的弥足珍贵啊!)

Elizabeth: Come on board!(上船来!)

Swann: And a heart. I learnt that if you stab the heart, yours must take its place, and you will sail the seas for eternity. The Dutchman must have a captain, silly thing to die for.(也很危险。我听说,如果你刺穿了那颗心脏,你会代替他的位置,然后你将在这片海上航行直至永远。荷兰人号必须有个船长,我就因为知道了这个荒唐的事才死的。)

Elizabeth: Someone cast a line! Come back with us!(谁给我条绳子!快点回来和我们一起!)

Dalma: I told you, I'm destiny.(我跟你说过,我就是命运。)

Elizabeth: Take the line!(抓住绳子!)

Swann: I was so proud of you, Elizabeth.(我为你骄傲,伊丽莎白。)

Elizabeth: Hold on to the line! Hold on to the line!(抓住绳子,快抓住绳子!)

Dalma: She must not leave the ship!(她不能离开船!)

Elizabeth: Father! Please come with us! Please don't leave me!(父亲,请和我们一起!不要离开我,求你!)

Swann: I'll give your love to your mother, shall I?(我会把你的爱传达给你母亲的,好吗?)

Elizabeth: I won't let you go!(我不能让你走啊!)

Will: Elizabeth...This is their way.(伊丽莎白...这是他们要走的路。)

Dalma: He made peace.(他会安息的。)

Pintel: No water. Why is all but the rum gone?(没有水,为什么总是不够?)

Gibbs: Rum's gone, too.(郎姆酒也没有了。)

Dalma: If we cannot escape these doldrums before night, I fear we will sail on trackless seas, doomed to around reach between worlds forever.(如果我们不能在天黑前离开无风带,恐怕我们就会被困在这个无名海域,徘徊于两个世界之间,永远回不去了。)

Gibbs: With no water, forever looks to be arriving a mite too soon.(没有谁,永远听起来也就不那么遥远了。)

Will: Why doesn't he do something?(为什么他什么都不做?)

Ragetti: Me eye! Give it back!(我的眼睛,还给我!)

[to monkey Jack]

Gibbs: There's no sense to it.(要我说没有理由。)

Will: And the green flash happens at sunset. Not sunrise.(绿色光芒应该是在日落,而不是日出。)

Gibbs: "Over the edge." God, driving me over the blooming edge. Sunrises don't set.(“越过尽头”,上帝!什么越过尽头,日出又怎么会落下呢?)

Jack: "UP IS DOWN". Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful. Why are these things never clear?(“上既是下”。真是一点用处都没有,为什么这些东西从来都不讲清楚?)

Jack↑: Clear as mud, Jacky.(再清楚不过了,杰克。)

Jack: What?(什么?)

Jack↑: Stab the heart.(刺破那颗心。)

Jack↓: Don't stab the heart.(不要刺那颗心。)

Jack: Come again?(又来?)

Jack↓: The Dutchman must have a captain.(荷兰人号必须有个船长。)

Jack: Well, that's even more than less than unhelpful.(这听上去比没用更糟糕。)

Jack↑: Sail the seas for eternity.(航行在海上直至永远。)

Jack: I love the sea.(我爱海洋。)

Jack↑: What about port?(那陆地呢?)

Jack: I prefer rum. Rum is good.(我更喜欢郎姆酒,郎姆酒很好。)

Jack↑: Making port. where we can get rum and salty wenches...(只要靠岸。我们可以喝甜酒,还有咸湿的女人。)

Jack↓: Once every ten years.(每十年一次?)

Jack↑: What did he say?(他说什么?)

Jack: Once every ten years.(每十年一次。)

Jack↑: Ten years is a long time, mate.(十年是段很长的时间。)

Jack: Even longer, given the deficit of rum.(甚至比酿造郎姆酒还长。)

Jack↑: But eternity is longer still.(但是永久才是最长的。)

Jack↓: And how will you be spending it? Dead?(你要怎么选择呢?死亡?)

Jack↑: Or not? The immortal Captain Sparrow.(或者生存。永恒的斯派洛船长。)

Jack: Well, I'd love that.(这个我喜欢。)

Jack↓: Come sunset, it won't matter.(就要日落了,看来也不那么重要了。)

Jack: Not sunset. "SUNDOWN AND RISE"... up! What's that? (不是日落。“太阳是向下升起的”。...上!那是什么?)


Jack: What is that? I don't know. What do you think?(什么那是什么?我不知道,你觉得是什么?)

Gibbs: Where?(在哪儿?)

Jack: There.(那儿!)

Elizabeth: What is it?(发生什么事了?)

Pintel: He's rocki the ship.(他要把船弄翻?)

Gibbs: We're rocking the ship!(我们要把船弄翻!)

Barbossa: Aye, he's on to it!(是的,他明白了。)

Pintel: He's rocking the ship!(他正在把船弄翻!)

Ragetti: We tie each other to the mast upside down, so when the boat flips we'll be the right way up!(我们互相倒绑起来,那么等船翻过来的时候,我们就不会掉下去了。)

Barbossa: ******Unstow the cargo! Let it surf!(加大负重,把大炮都松开,把货物也解开,让它们都随着一起动!)

Jack: Now up...is down.(现在上...就是下!)

Gibbs: Blessed sweet westerlies! We're back!(真是他妈可爱的西风带!我们回来了。)

Elizabeth: There's the sunrise.(是日出。)

Pintel: We need our pistols. Get untied, alright?(赶紧去拿枪,先松绑,快!)

Barbossa: Alright then!(都别笑了!)

Barbossa: The Brethren Court has a gathering at Shipwreck Cove, and Jack, you and I are a-going, and there'll be no arguing that point.(海盗大会现在就在船骸湾召开。杰克,你和我都要去,不能有异议。)

Jack: I is arguing the point. If these pirates are gathering, I'm pointing my ship the other way.(我正在提异议。他们聚他们的会,我开我的船。)

Elizabeth: The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett, and you're a pirate.(那些海盗聚集起来是为了对付贝克特,况且你也是名海盗。)

Will: Fight or not, you're not running, Jack.(去还是不去,你不能逃避,杰克。)

Barbossa: If we don't stand together, they'll hunt us down one by one, till there be none left but you.(如果我们不团结,他们就会让我们一个个人头落地,到最后只剩你一个了。)

Jack: Quite like the sound of it. Captain Jack Sparrow...the last pirate.(听起来不错,杰克·斯派洛船长,最后的海盗。)

Barbossa: Aye, and you'll be fighting Jones alone. How does that figure into your plan?(得了吧!之后你就和琼斯孤军奋战,难道这也是你计划之中的?)

Jack: I'm still working on that. But I will not be going back to the locker, nay. Count on that.(我还在策划中呢!但我决不会再回到那鬼地方去了,你省省吧!)


Pintel: Why, we can still use them as clubs!(为什么?我们还能用它当棍子呢!〈被敲了下〉)

Ragetti: Sorry, Effective, though.(抱歉,不过你说的不错。)

Will: There's a freshwater spring on this island. We can resupply there and get back to shooting each other later.(岛的这个地方有淡水泉,我们可以到那边补给后再自相残杀。)

Jack: You lead the shore party. I'll stay with my ship.(你带他们去吧!我要和我的船在一起。)

Barbossa: I'm not leaving my ship in your command.(我不会把我的船交给你的。)

Will: Why don't you both go ashore and leave the ship in my command?(为什么你们两个不一起去,把穿交给我呢?)


Will: Temporarily.(暂时的...)

Pintel: Criminy!(天呐~)

Ragetti: Odds bodkins!(好奇怪的一堆东西啊!)

Ragetti: Careful! Careful!(小心小心!)

Pintel: You stupid fish!(你这条蠢鱼。)

Ragetti: Actually, it's a cephalopod.(其实它是条海生软体动物。)

Pintel: Ha Ha,you're right. (哈哈,你说的对。)

Ragetti: I bet people will pay a shilling to see this.(我想人们一定愿意花一先令来看它这样子。)

Pintel: And another shilling for a sketch from seeing it drop.(并且再花一先令看它的俯视图。)

Barbossa: Still thinking of running, Jack? Think you can outrun the world? You know, the problem with being the last of anything...by and by, there'll be none left at all.(还在想怎么逃跑吗?杰克。你能跑出这么世界吗?你知道,不管是什么,那唯一的幸存者,最终同样会消失殆尽的。)

Jack: Sometimes things come back, mate. We're living proof, you and me.(有些时候事物是会重生的,伙计。你和我,我们就是活生生的例子。)

Barbossa: Aye, but that's a gamble of luck now, isn't it? There's never a guarantee of coming back. Passing on, that's dead certain.(是啊!但你不觉得那是在跟运气赌博吗?谁都无法保证能活着回来,只有死亡才是定数。

Jack: Summoning the Brethren Court then, is it?(要召开海盗大会,是吗?)Barbossa: It's our only hope left.(那是我们最后的希望了。)

Jack: That's a sad commentary in and of itself.(那可真是个悲观的说法。)Barbossa: The world used to be a bigger place. (我们的世界曾经更加广阔。)

Jack: The world's still the same...There's just less in it.(这个世界还是这个世界...只不过少了值得留恋的而已。)

Barbossa: Poisoned. Fouled by the body.(水有毒,全被这尸体污染了。)

Pintel: Hey, I know him! He was in Singapore.(嘿,我认识他,他原来是在新加坡的。)Ragetti: Captain,We got company!(船长,我们有伴了!)

Tai Huang: 别动!〈一群人持枪围攻Jack他们〉

Jack: He's the captain.(他才是船长。)


Barbossa: Sao Feng! You showing up here, it is truly a remarkable coincidence.(萧


Sao Feng: Jack Sparrow. You paid me great insult once.(杰克·斯派洛,上次你让我丢够了人。)

Jack: That doesn't sound like me.(有这回事吗?)


Jack: So we just call it square then?(那么这下算撤平了吧!)

Will: Release her! She's not part of the bargain.(放开她!她不在我们的约定中。)

Barbossa: And what bargain be that?(你们有什么约定?)

Sao Feng: You heard Captain Turner? Release her.(大家听到特纳船长说的话了吗?放开她。)

Jack: Captain Turner?(特纳船长?)

Gibbs: Aye, the perfidious rotter lead a mutiny against us.(你个背信弃义的无赖带着一批叛徒来找打!)

Will: I need the Pearl to free my father. That's the only reason I came on this voyage.(我需要“黑珍珠号”去救我父亲,那才是我这次出海的目的。)

Elizabeth: Why didn't you tell me you were planning this?(为什么你不告诉我你的这个计划?)

Will: That was my burden to bear.(那使我自己的事情吧!)

Jack: He needs the Pearl? Captain Turner needs the Pearl.(他要“黑珍珠号”,特纳船长要“黑珍珠号”。)

[to Will]

Jack: And you felt guilty.(你是觉得愧疚。)

[to Elizabeth]

Jack: And you and your Brethren Court.(你和你的海盗大会。)

[to Barbossa]

Jack: Did no one come to save me just because they missed me?(难道就没有人是因为想我才赶来救我的吗?)

[to everyone]

〈马提、Pintel、Ragetti、卡登、monkey Jack纷纷举手〉

Jack: I'm standing over there with them.(那我就和他们站一起咯!)

Sao Feng: I'm sorry, Jack. But there is an old friend who wants to see you first.(我很抱歉,杰克。不过我想让你先见见一位老朋友。)

Jack: I'm not certain I can survive any more visits from old friends.(我不确定见了这位老朋友后还能不能活着回来。)

Sao Feng: If you're so jealous to find out.(如果你见到他的话你会嫉妒的。)

Beckett: Curious. Your friends appear to be quite desperate, Jack. Perhaps they no longer believe that a gathering of squabbling pirates can defeat the Flying Dutchman. And so despair leads to betrayal. But you and I are no strangers to betrayal, are we? It's not here, Jack.(真有趣啊!你的那些朋友似乎都很失望,杰克。恐怕他们不再相信聚集一群争吵不休的海盗可以对付得了“飞行的荷兰人”,就是这绝望导致了背叛。但你我对背叛都不陌生,对吗?它不在这儿,杰克。)

Jack: What? What isn't?(什么?什么东西?)

Beckett: The heart of Davy Jones. It's safely aboard the Dutchman, and so unavailable for you sir's leverage to satisfy your debt to the good captain.(戴维·琼斯的心脏,它安全地放在了荷兰人的甲板上,看来你不得不好好去偿还你那好船长的债了。)

Jack: By my reckoning, that account has been settled.(据我了解,我的帐已经还清了。)Beckett: By your death, and yet here you are.(用你的死亡来偿还,但你仍在这里。)

Jack: Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream, That's how I get by.(闭上你的眼睛,把它当场噩梦好了,我就是这么做的。

Beckett: And if Davy Jones were to learn of your survival?(但如果戴维·琼斯知道你还活着?)

Sao Feng: My men are crew enough.(我的人做船员就够了。)

Mercer: Company ship, company crew.(公司的船只要公司的船员。)

Will: He agreed. The Black Pearl was to be mine.(他同意了“黑珍珠号”是我的。)

Sao Feng: And so it was.(它的确曾经是。)

Beckett: Perhaps you consider an alternative arrangement. One which requires absolutely nothing from you but information.(或许你可以考虑下其他的协议,一种除了消息之外,不要你任何东西的协议。)

Jack: Regarding the Brethren Court no doubt, In exchange for fair compensation. Square my debt with Jones, guarantee my freedom.(假如海盗大会对公平补偿的事宜没有异议的话。你要还清我欠戴维·琼斯的债,还要保证我的自由。)

Beckett: Of course. It's just good business.(当然,这是笔好交易。)

Jack: Were I in a divulgeatory mood, what then might I divulge?(如果打算向你们透露点什么的话,我该说些什么好呢?)

Beckett: Everything. Where are they meeting? Who are the Pirate Lords? What is the purpose of the nine pieces of eight?(一切。他们准备在哪里会面?谁是那些海盗首领?九枚八分银币是干什么用的?)

Sao Feng: Beckett agreed. The Black Pearl wants to be mine.(贝克特同意了,“黑珍珠号”是我的了。)

Mercer: Lord Beckett's not gonna give up the only ship as can outrun the Dutchman, is he?(你以为贝克特勋爵会把唯一能和荷兰人抗衡的船给你吗?)

Barbossa: Shame that you're not bound to honor the code of the Brethren, isn't it? Because honor's a hard thing to come by nowadays.(很遗憾,你没有遵守海盗的规则,不是吗?如今荣耀不是这么简单就能得到的了。)

Sao Feng: There is no honor to remain me with the losing side, Leaving it for the winning side is just good business.(败者可谈不上什么荣耀,只有胜者才有资格。这就是好的交易。)

Barbossa: The losing side, you say?(你说我们的失败的一方?)

Sao Feng: They have the Dutchman. Not the Pearl! And what do the Brethren have?(他们有荷兰人,而不是“黑珍珠号”,然而海盗都有些什么?)

Barbossa: We have Calypso.(我们有...克丽帕索。)

Sao Feng: Calypso? An old legend.(克丽帕索?一个古老的神话。)

Barbossa: No, The goddess herself, bound in human form. Imagine all the power as you see is brought to bear against our enemy. I intend to release her, but for that I


《加勒比海盗4》杰克船长经典台词中英对照I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. The original. The only! 我是杰克·斯派洛船长。独此一家,如假包换。 【小编:The only!!观众们都表示同意……】 Captain, I wish to report a mutiny! I can name fingers and point names。 船长大人,我来跟你汇报谋反的人的名单吧。我能扳着指头数出来,一个个名字报给你听。 【小编:明明你就是谋反的头头,噗!】 Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again。 大家伙儿都见着没?别让我再来一次了哈。 【小编:看到了耶~~太帅的大爆炸+灯塔跳水咯。上厕所错过精彩片段的童鞋请自重。】 Clergyman...on the off chance that this does not go well for me, I would like you to note it–hearing now–that I am fully prepared to believe in whatever I must, and be welcomed into that place where all the "goody-goodies" want to go once they pop their clogs. Savvy? 传教士先生……万一这一行我有什么三长两短的话,我希望你能记住……挺好了哈……我完全准备好了皈依随便神马信仰,这样就能让我跟着那些老好人们翘辫子之后该上哪儿上哪儿,你滴明白? 【小编:好不严肃啊船长大人……宗教信仰哪有这么随便唷!】 You know that feeling you get, sometimes, in a high place, with the sudden urge to jump?...I don't have it。 话说你们那种感觉没有?那种站在很高滴地方,突然就很想跳下去啥的?这个我真没有。 【小编:嗯,我也没这感觉……】 It is not the destination so much as the journey, they say。 人家说目的地不重要,重要的是旅行的过程嘛。


加勒比海盗经典台词 导读:1、目的不在永远活着,杰克,要诀是永远活出自己。 2、你什么都见过了,什么都做过了,你活下来了,一定有要诀吧?为了生存? 3、生命的意义远不止是生存,真正的技巧在于学会永远靠自己生活。 4、疯狂和伟大之间只有一线之隔,他们往往是相伴而行的。 5、这世界上只有,什么事不能做,什么事可以做。 6、信仰虽然光芒万丈,但是依然照不亮所有的黑暗。 7、你不用明白她说什么,你只要相信她。 8、他们知道自己即将被消灭,所以他们要放手一搏。 9、闭上眼,当做一切都是梦,我就是这么活过来的。 10、我的船,当然我是船长! 11、我们的命运纠缠在一起,但无缘结连理。 12、你们一旦参加战斗,就都得死。 13、过来,你这个肮脏的,黏糊糊的,生满疥癣的杂种狗。 14、我为什么应该告诉你们啊?要知道你们四个有一个算一个,过去都曾想过要杀我。 15、你参加你的海岸Party,我要和我的船待在一起。 16、杰克,你亲眼见过青春之泉吗? 17、船上的索具都有了生命,我们的船变成了我们的敌人。

18、别吵了,你们两个,这是命令!明白? 19、那就要看那一天,有多值得了。 20、一件善举并不能补偿一个人作恶一世犯下的罪行。 21、我倒是认识一个叫啥啥的西班牙人。 22、他夺走了我的一切,我只剩下复仇的暴怒。 23、世界仍是一样的,只是值得留恋的越来越少了。 24、因为地平线一直在那。你想到达那儿,但你永远到达不了,就是这样,遥不可及难以放弃。 25、现在可能是我惟一的机会!我爱你!我做出了我的选择,那么你的呢? 26、感谢老天爷,因为如果我没有疯,可能永远都不会让你体验到被炮轰的恐惧。 27、他是一个没有规则,又善于打破别人规则的船长。 28、杰克·斯派洛,你给了我极大的侮辱。 29、最好还是别知道自己的死期,这样你每时每刻都在探索生命的神秘。 30、赌注才是生活,意外才是人生,冒险才是真理。我就是大海! 31、你什么时候才能正经点,总是这么顶着我。 32、现在我们正被一群石头跟着,真是闻所未闻。 33、这些日子以来,海盗惟一能够采用的生存方式,就是背叛其他海盗。


Jack Sparrow: Did no one come to save me just becausethey missed me? [Everyone looks around. Finally Jack the Monkey raises his hand] 杰克?斯派洛:难道在你们这些人当中,没有一个只是因为想念我才 救我的吗? (每一个人都互相看了看,最后只有那只同样叫杰克的猴子举起了它的手) Jack Sparrow: Why should I sail with any of you? Four of you have tried to kill me in the past. [looks at Elizabeth] Jack Sparrow: One of you succeeded. 杰克?斯派洛:我为什么应该告诉你们啊?要知道你们四个有一个算 一个,过去都曾想过要杀我。 (看着伊丽莎白) 杰克?斯派洛:其中有一个还成功了。 Lord Cutler Beckett: [Jack has a cannon aimed at Beckett] You're mad! Jack Sparrow: [grins] Thank goodness for that because if I wasn't, this'd probably never work. 卡特勒?贝凯特大人(看到杰克将大炮对准了他):你疯了!杰克?斯派洛 (裂着嘴一笑):感谢老天爷,因为如果我没有疯,可 能永远都不会让你体验到被炮轰的恐惧

Barbossa: There was a time when a pirate was free to make his own way in the world. But our time is comin' to an end. Our enemies are united; they vow to destroy us. The Pirate Lords from the four corners of the Earth, must stand together. 巴伯萨:海盗们曾经以他们自己的方式在这个世界上存 活着,但是我们的时代即将终结,我们的敌人团结在了一起,他们想要摧毁我们。来自于地球东南西北四个方向的海盗大佬们必须暂时将成见放在一 边,共同战斗。 Barbossa: [at a pirate gathering] There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime. Jack Sparrow: And I owe them all money. 巴伯萨(看着一名海盗在收 钱):在我有生之年,从没看过这种收钱方式。 杰克?斯派洛:可能是因为我欠他们每一个人钱。 Lord Cutler Beckett: They know they face extinction. All that remains is where they make their final stand. 卡特勒?贝凯特大人:他们知道自己即将被消灭,所以他们要放手一搏。 Tia Dalma: What would you do? What would any of you be willing to do? Would you brave the weird and haunted shores at world's end to fetch back wit' ye Jack? 蒂娅?达尔玛:你们想做什么?你们愿意做什么?你们足够勇敢到会去充满着


《加勒比海盗1—3观影随笔》 《加勒比海盗1—3》部是连贯的故事情节,所以这里也只写到第三部。 一、《加勒比海盗》十大经典人物(一) TOP10:瑞盖提和平特尔 瑞盖提就是那个木假眼的瘦子海盗,当然平特尔就是和他一起出场并一直是搭档的矮胖子海盗,他们两个是一个整体不能分开,所以在十大经典人物评选时要放在一起说。 他们的第一次出场是在第一部里黑珍珠号夜袭皇家港之时,瑞盖提用刀雕刻了几下他的木头眼珠直接摁进眼眶里,而平特尔一枪干掉了总督府的管家,至此他们已经给大家留下了面目狰狞,心狠手辣的海盗形象。他们的任务是去找带着“被诅咒金币”的人,结果把伊丽莎白抓上了黑珍珠号。 此后他们扮演的都是小喽啰的角色,不是拖地板就是看守犯人,只是在后面他二人穿着贵妇服划着小艇的样子让人捧腹大笑,随着诅咒解除他们两个不用多说也知道肯定是被皇家海军抓起来了。 本来这两个人已经可以交代掉了,谁知在第二部中他们又出现了,这次出场他们一改往日狠毒的形象,因为他们通过智慧利用叼钥匙的狗成功的从监狱逃了出来,而在第一部里他们是倒霉透了到了第二部上帝都开始眷顾他们,他们走了鸿运,一逃出来就遇到了因潮汐搁浅的“黑珍珠号”,瑞盖提那句话也成为经典:“哪怕是不识字,拿着《圣经》也会得到上帝怜悯的。” 正当他二人准备利用涨潮驾驶珍珠号出海时杰克等人从土著手中成功逃脱,他们很肃敬的给杰克披上衣服,立正敬礼顺其自然成为了杰克手下的一员。其实从这时开始一直到第三部结束他们都是英勇作战而忠诚可靠的,不论是对战“挪威海怪”还“飞翔的荷兰人号”,不论是枪对枪炮对炮还是短兵相接他们都很勇敢,可以说他们二人是杰克船上除了吉布斯之外的第三把交椅。 他二人在影片中另外一项重要任务就是调侃气氛。印象最深刻的应该是第三部杰克在摇晃船准备把船翻过来时他们把自己倒着绑在桅杆上,他们只知道船倒过来之后自己会顺着,但没想到倒过来是为了回到现实世界,结果船还是正的,他们还是头朝下的倒着,看到这一幕时很多观众都爆出了发自内心的笑声,这样


加勒比海盗4杰克船长经典台词(中英文) 《加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪》杰克船长经典台词中英双语对照 I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. The original. The only! 我是杰克·斯派洛船长,加勒比海盗4杰克船长经典台词(中英文)。独此一家,如假包换。 Captain, I wish to report a mutiny! I can name fingers and point names. 船长大人,我来跟你汇报谋反的人的名单吧。我能扳着指头数出来,一个个名字报给你听。 Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again. 大家伙儿都见着没?别让我再来一次了哈。 Clergyman...on the off chance that this does not go well for me, I would like you to note it–hearing now–that I am fully prepared to believe in whatever I must, and be welcomed into that place where all the

"goody-goodies" want to go once they pop their clogs. Savvy? 传教士先生……万一这一行我有什么三长两短的话,我希望你能记住……挺好了哈……我完全准备好了皈依随便神马信仰,这样就能让我跟着那些老好人们翘辫子之后该上哪儿上哪儿,你滴明白? You know that feeling you get, sometimes, in a high place, with the sudden urge to jump?...I don't have it. 话说你们那种感觉没有?那种站在很高滴地方,突然就很想跳下去啥的?这个我真没有,经典台词《加勒比海盗4杰克船长经典台词(中英文)》()。 \\ It is not the destination so much as the journey, they say. 人家说目的地不重要,重要的是旅行的过程嘛。

加勒比海盗 经典台词

2.1.5 经典台词 1. I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t know. If I see one I shall inform you immediately. 我实在很抱歉。我并不知道。如果我见到一个市民我会马上通告你们的。 2. Clearly you’ve never been to Singapore. 你肯定没去过新加坡。 3. But you have heard of me. 但你听说过我。 4. Expect, once again, you’re be tween me and my way out. 只是你再一次挡住我逃跑。 And now you have no weapon. 而且你现在没有武器了。 5. Come on doggy. It’s just you and me now. 过来乖狗狗。现在只有我们两个了。 Come on, you filthy, slimy mangy cur. 过来,你这个肮脏的,黏糊糊的,生满疥癣的杂种狗。 Don’t do that! No! No! I didn’t mean it! I didn’t. 不要这样!不!不要!我并不是那个意思!我不是! 6. Will: This is either madness or brilliance. 这(个做法)不是疯狂就是才智。 Jack: It’s remarkable how often those two traits coincide. 这两个的特点经常惊人的相符。 7. Human hair from my back. 我身后的体毛。 8. The girl’s blood didn’t work. 那女孩的血没用。 9. A distant cousin from my aunt’s nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice, though, eunuch. 他是我姑妈的外甥的远房表弟。声音不错,不过是个太监。 10. Welcome to Caribbean! 欢迎来到加勒比! 11. A wedding! Oh, I love weddings!


难以被时间湮灭的经典电影台词 一部优秀的电影不能没有经典的台词.也许多年以后,优秀电影的许多情节都被人们渐渐遗忘,但是,那一句句经典的台词犹如一颗颗璀璨的钻石闪耀在人们的脑海中,永不褪色… King Arthur(亚瑟王) Lancelot:I don't believe in Heaven,I've been living in this Hell. 我不相信有天堂,因为我被困在地狱太久了。 Gladiator(角斗士) Proximo:Ultimately,we're all dead men.Sadly,we cannot choose how but,what we can decide is how we meet that end,in order that we are remembered,as men. 最后,我们都会化为一堆枯骨,可悲的是我们无法选择命运。但是我们有权利选择面对死亡的态度——惟有如此,才会被人追忆。 Troy(特洛伊) Hector:I've killed men and I've heard them dying and I've watched them dying and there's nothing glorius about it,nothing poetic.You say you're willing to die for love but you know nothing about dying and you know nothing about love. 我杀过人,我听过他们死时的惨叫,看过他们死时的惨状。杀人既不光荣也没有诗意。你说你愿意为爱而死,可你对死亡一无所知,对爱情一无所知。 Lawrence of Arabia(阿拉伯的劳伦斯) Lawrence:Nothing is written. 没有什么是注定了的。 Braveheart(勇敢的心) William Wallace:Fight,ans you may die.Run,and you'll live at least a while,and dying in your beds many years from now.Would you be willing to trade?All the days from this day to that,for one chance,just one chance,to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives,but they'll never take our freedom!Freedom… 战斗,你可能会死,逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。你们愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换一个机会!回到战场,去告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命。但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由! 自由… 《加勒比海盗4》杰克船长经典台词


加勒比海盗经台词中英文 1.Y ou'll always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow. This is the day Y ou'll alwaysremember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow 你们应该永远记住今天,你们差点捉到杰克·斯派洛船长 2.So you see, mercer,every man has a price he will willingly accept even for what he hoped never to sell 你看,只要价位合适,几乎所有的人都可以被收买。哪怕是他从不曾打算出买的东西 3. Jack Sparrow:you’ve seen it all,done it all.yousurvived.this the trick,isn’t it ?to survive ? Cap’nTeague(蒂格船长):it’s not just about living forever ,Jackie,the trick is living with yourself forever。 你什么都见过了,什么都做过了,你活下来了,一定有要诀吧?为了生存?目的不在永远活着,杰克,要诀是永远活出自己。 3.Jack Sparrow: Did no one come to save me just because they missed me? [Everyone looks around. Finally Jack the Monkey raises


经典电影里的经典爱情台词 1、洛丽塔,我生命之光,我欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵魂。洛丽塔。舌尖向上,分三步,从上颚往下轻轻落在牙齿上。——《洛丽塔》 2、我跨越了时间的瀚海来寻找你。——《吸血僵尸惊情400年》 3、这最后一吻,让她对这个世界最后的印象,就是你嘴里的味道。——《破碎的拥抱》 4、现在,我必须离开了。我走到街角,然后转弯。答应我,别看着我,把车开走,离开我,就像我离开你。——《罗马假日》 5、你一生做了什么无关紧要,重要的是你去做了,因为没有其他的人去做。就像有人走进你的生活,有一半的人说:“你从来就没有准备好,”但是另一半人说:“永远守护著她”。——《记住我》 6、如果我知道怎么戒掉你,那该有多好。——《断背山》 7、有天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,当你遇到这个人后,会觉得其他人只是浮云而已。——《怦然心动》 8、伊丽莎白镇,由死亡开始的盛典,我们失去,哭泣,惊慌失措,陷入低谷,然后,我们穿越漫长的旅途,“在甜蜜的痛苦中沉醉,去品尝,去拥抱,然后将之丢弃,继续赶路”。——《伊丽莎白镇》 9、我在想如果我失去了你,我的生命就将结束了。我就会一

无所有了。——《原罪》 10、可现在我发现只有自己一个人坐在屋顶上自言自语,像傻瓜一样,就这样一个人在外边。我也在。对,你也在。——《八月迷情》 11、如果你跟我走,我们将永无安宁之日。我们会被追杀,遭众神诅咒。但,我会爱你,直到我死的那一天。我会永远爱你。——《特洛伊》 12、我爱你。我要你有自己的思想,自己的意见和感受。即使是在我怀里的时候。——《看得见风景的房间》 13、“我是船长,我随时都可以在这里举行一个婚礼,就在这,就在这甲板上。” “总有一天你会接受海盗的生活。总有一天你会接受我。” ——《加勒比海盗》 14、人要擅长讲故事,因为这样才可以记住你爱的人。——《乱世澳洲情》 15、现在,哪怕已经过了很多年,只要一看见穿红外的女人,他的心还会颤抖。——《巴黎,我爱你》 16、她曾经说过,如果有一天我走丢了,就在原地等着,她会来找我。——《蓝莓之夜》 17、美丽的女人骤然出现在面前,总是引人注目,泫然而逝,但是我们从未真正看透她。我们只见到躯壳,我们被美丽的外表蒙蔽了。爱上一个漂亮女人比什么都危险。——《挽歌》 18、爱是激情,是迷恋,是不可或缺的。疯狂去爱一个迷恋你的人,他在哪里?要用心去寻找,不要用理智,否则人生将失去意义。这辈子若没深爱过,就枉此一生。要勇于尝试,否则等


加勒比海盗经典台词 1、目的不在永远活着,杰克,要诀是永远活出自己。 2、你什么都见过了,什么都做过了,你活下来了,一定有要诀吧?为了生存? 3、生命的意义远不止是生存,真正的技巧在于学会永远靠自己生活。 4、疯狂和伟大之间只有一线之隔,他们往往是相伴而行的。 5、这世界上只有,什么事不能做,什么事可以做。 6、信仰虽然光芒万丈,但是依然照不亮所有的黑暗。 7、你不用明白她说什么,你只要相信她。 8、他们知道自己即将被消灭,所以他们要放手一搏。 9、闭上眼,当做一切都是梦,我就是这么活过来的。 10、我的船,当然我是船长! 11、我们的命运纠缠在一起,但无缘结连理。 12、你们一旦参加战斗,就都得死。 13、过来,你这个肮脏的,黏糊糊的,生满疥癣的杂种狗。 14、我为什么应该告诉你们啊?要知道你们四个有一个算一个,过去都曾想过要杀我。 15、你参加你的海岸Party,我要和我的船待在一起。 16、杰克,你亲眼见过青春之泉吗? 17、船上的索具都有了生命,我们的船变成了我们的敌人。 18、别吵了,你们两个,这是命令!明白?

19、那就要看那一天,有多值得了。 20、一件善举并不能补偿一个人作恶一世犯下的罪行。 21、我倒是认识一个叫啥啥的西班牙人。 22、他夺走了我的一切,我只剩下复仇的暴怒。 23、世界仍是一样的,只是值得留恋的越来越少了。 24、因为地平线一直在那。你想到达那儿,但你永远到达不了,就是这样,遥不可及难以放弃。 25、现在可能是我惟一的机会!我爱你!我做出了我的选择,那么你的呢? 26、感谢老天爷,因为如果我没有疯,可能永远都不会让你体验到被炮轰的恐惧。 27、他是一个没有规则,又善于打破别人规则的船长。 28、杰克·斯派洛,你给了我极大的侮辱。 29、最好还是别知道自己的死期,这样你每时每刻都在探索生命的神秘。 30、赌注才是生活,意外才是人生,冒险才是真理。我就是大海! 31、你什么时候才能正经点,总是这么顶着我。 32、现在我们正被一群石头跟着,真是闻所未闻。 33、这些日子以来,海盗惟一能够采用的生存方式,就是背叛其他海盗。 34、为了救我,你必须相隔十年才能和她见一次面,值得吗? 35、亡灵已经控制了整个海洋,他们正在寻找黑珍珠号,一个女


《加勒比海盗4》杰克船长经典台词中英对照 I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. The original. The only! 我是杰克·斯派洛船长。独此一家,如假包换。 小编:The only!!观众们都表示同意…… Captain, I wish to report a mutiny! I can name fingers and point names. 船长大人,我来跟你汇报谋反的人的名单吧。我能扳着指头数出来,一个个名字报给你听。 小编:明明你就是谋反的头头,噗! Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again. 大家伙儿都见着没?别让我再来一次了哈。 小编:看到了耶~~太帅的大爆炸+灯塔跳水咯。上厕所错过精彩片段的童鞋请自重。 Clergyman...on the off chance that this does not go well for me, I would like you to note it–hearing now–that I am fully prepared to believe in whatever I must, and be welcomed into that place where all the "goody-goodies" want to go once they pop their clogs. Savvy? 传教士先生……万一这一行我有什么三长两短的话,我希望你能记住……挺好了哈……我完全准备好了皈依随便神马信仰,这样就能让我跟着那些老好人们翘辫子之后该上哪儿上哪儿,你滴明白? 小编:好不严肃啊船长大人……宗教信仰哪有这么随便唷! You know that feeling you get, sometimes, in a high place, with the sudden urge to jump?...I don't have it. 话说你们那种感觉没有?那种站在很高滴地方,突然就很想跳下去啥的?这个我真没有。 小编:嗯,我也没这感觉…… It is not the destination so much as the journey, they say.


加勒比海盗经典语录 1.Captain Sao Feng: Jack Sparrow, you have paid me a great insult. Jack Sparrow: That doesn't sound like me. [Sao Feng punches Jack in the nose] 萧峰船长:杰克〃斯派洛,你给了我极大的侮辱。 杰克〃斯派洛:你口中那个人好像不是我。 萧峰打中了杰克的鼻子) 2. Barbossa: Everything we've ever done has lead to this. 巴伯萨:我们做过的每一件事导致了这样的结果。 Jack Sparrow: My hands are clean of this.

杰克〃斯派洛:这可不是我偷的。 Jack Sparrow: We'll have to fight... to run away! 杰克〃斯派洛:我们不得不反抗……然后逃跑! 3.Elizabeth Swann: Will you ever forgive me? Jack Sparrow: No. 伊丽莎白〃斯万:你会原谅我吗? 杰克〃斯派洛:不会。 4. Davy Jones: Do you feel dead? Jack Sparrow: You have no idea. 戴维〃琼斯:你感觉到死亡了吗? 杰克〃斯派洛:你肯定感觉不到。

5. Barbossa: The only way for a pirate to make a living these days is by betraying other pirates. 巴伯萨:这些日子以来,海盗惟一能够采用的生存方式,就是背叛其他海盗。 6. Davy Jones: Are you prepared for what's next? 戴维〃琼斯:你准备好做下一个了吗? 7. Jack Sparrow: Should he be doing that? [about Monkey Jack running around below decks] 杰克〃斯派洛:它应该那么做吗? (指猴子杰克在甲板上乱窜) 8. Jack Sparrow: I promise you will not be dissapointed. Count on that!


《21克》:主不会为我们解脱痛苦,他给我们忍痛的力量。 《2046》:我曾尝试做另外一个梦,然而我却失败了。我终于明白,我的梦只属于那个离去的人。我也发现,有梦原来是一件痛苦的事。 《V字仇杀队》:艺术家用谎言揭穿真相,政治家用谎言隐瞒真相。 《阿飞正传》:听别人说这世界上有一种鸟是没有脚的,他只能一直飞呀飞,飞累了就在风里面睡觉,这种鸟一辈子只能下地一次,那便是他死亡的时候。 《阿甘正传》:人生就像巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么味道。 《阿司匹林》:人们总是喜欢用“如果”去勾勒一些莫须有的奇迹,可大部分“如果”都不可兑现,不过是从希望到绝望的一个缓冲地带。 《阿司匹林》:当你对一个人从想念变成了想起,这说明你已经心甘情愿的在他的生活中蒸发掉了,至于到底是你蒸发了他,还是他蒸发了你,这两个几率几乎相等的可能性就像是投掷一枚硬币,结果是哪一面都不意外。 《爱玛》:世界上总有一半人不理解另一半人的快乐。 《俺爹俺娘》:有天,我摸着父亲的沧桑的老手,突然明白,我从来没有认真抚摸过,而且以后也没有机会去抚摸了。 《暗战》:“我想我们不会再见面了。”“这辈子而已。” 《八月照相馆》:小时候,同学都走了,我仍然坐在操场,想已经逝去的母亲。我忽然明白,我们最终都会消失:父亲、姐姐、所有的朋友。 《巴顿将军》:我要各位记住,我们不是为了马革裹尸,不是为了为国捐躯而战,我们赢得战争,要的是让对方的可怜虫为国捐躯,马革裹尸。 《巴顿将军》:一个职业军人的适当归宿是在最后一战被最后一颗子弹击中而干净利索德尔死去。 《霸王别姬》:说的一辈子,差一年,一个月,一天,一个时辰……都不算一辈子。 《百万美元宝贝》:拳击中的每样东西都是逆向的,有时候给出一记重拳的最好方式就是退


加勒比海盗4台词 1、你什么时候才能正经点,总是这么顶着我。 2、信仰之光不足以照亮我眼前的黑暗! 3、据我所知,你可是个很懂技巧的小姑娘。 4、你的女儿真可爱,那她就是你眼中最后一道美景了。 5、如果你有个妹妹和狗,我肯定会选择狗。 6、我跟你说的假话不全是假的!那你跟我说过的真话全是真的? 7、不老泉是一个考验。不过我宁愿不知道自己的生命终点是什么时候,让自己活在无止境的未知谜团之中。而且谁说我就不能长生不老咧,是吧?好歹也是“发现不老泉的人”耶。自己可没法定生死,海盗生活,我过着挺乐的。 8、你的脚印不能成双吧。 9、船长大人,我来跟你汇报谋反的人的名单吧。我能扳着指头数出来,一个个名字报给你听。 10、我是杰克·斯派洛船长。独此一家,如假包换。 11、最好还是别知道何时是生命的尽头,因为在生命的每个瞬间,都能感受到生命本身无限的奥秘。 12、他们知道自己即将被消灭,所以他们要放手一搏。 13、想当船长还不容易,有船就行。 14、人家说目的地不重要,重要的是旅行的过程嘛。 15、是绅士就不会计较女人发挥无穷的想象力。

16、话说你们那种感觉没有?那种站在很高滴地方,突然就很想跳下去啥的?这个我真没有。 17、你犯有海盗罪,以及残忍剥夺他人右腿罪! 18、永远不要妄图知道自己的末日,生命的奥妙就在于活在当下。我是一个不折不扣的海盗。 19、最好还是别知道自己的死期,这样你每时每刻都在探索生命的神秘。 20、和命运抗衡是十分愚蠢的事情,可我还是想试试。 《加勒比海盗4》剧情介绍/简介 《加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪》是《加勒比海盗》系列电影的第四部。影片由罗伯·马歇尔执导,约翰尼·德普将继续续扮演杰克船长,故事以他寻找青春泉水为主线。佩内洛普·克鲁兹饰演他的老情人,但让杰克船长不确定的是,她究竟是因爱情而来、还只是想利用他来找到传说中的不老泉。2011年5月18日,该影片在北京新东安影院举行媒体看片会。2011年5月20日零点起,《加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪》在中国公映,“美人鱼”成为影片最大亮点。 杰克船长被英国国王乔治二世抓住,受命去寻找传说中的“不老泉”,与他一同前往的还有他的老朋友,已经被招安了的巴博萨船长。然而这趟航程出师不顺,杰克船长遇到了他的老情人安洁丽卡,他不清楚她究竟是真的爱自己,还是在利用他寻找"不老泉"。不过杰克还是被迫上了她的贼船,和她的父亲——臭名昭著、令人不寒而栗的海盗“黑胡子”一起展开了前途叵测的冒险。几位各自心怀鬼胎的主角在这趟


Stephens]: Commodore. [ Gillette]: Sir,they've taken the Dauntless! Commodore. They've taken the ship! Sparrow and Turner have taken the Dauntless! [ Norringtion]: Rash,Turner. Too rash. That is without doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen. [ Will]: Here they come. [ Gillette]: Bring her around! Bring her around! [ Norringtion]: Search every cabin,every hull,down to the bilges. Sailors,back to the Interceptor. Now! [ Jack]: Thank you,Commodore,for getting us ready to make way. We'd have had a hard time of it by ourselves. [ Norringtion]: Set topsails and clear up this mess. [ Stephens]: With the wind,we won't catch them. [ Norringtion]: I don't need to. Get them in range of the long nines. [ Stephens]: Hands,come about!Run out the guns!We are to fire on our own ship,sir? [ Norringtion]: I'd rather see her at the bottom of the ocean than in the hands of a pirate. [ MAN]: Commodore,he's disabled the rudder chain,sir. [ Gillette]: Abandon ship! [ Stephens]: That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen. [ Norringtion]: So it would seem. [ Will]: When I was a lad living in England,my mother raised me by herself. After she died,I came out here,looking for my father. [ Jack]: Is that so? [ Will]: My father,Will Turner. It was only after you learnt my name you agreed to help. Since that's what I wanted, I didn't press the matter. I'm not a simpleton,Jack. You knew my father. [ Jack]: I knew him. Probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner. Everyone else called him Bootstrap or Bootstrap Bill. [ Will]: Bootstrap? [ Jack]: Good man. Good pirate. I swear,you look just like him. [ Will]: It's not true. He was a merchant sailor. A respectable man who obeyed the law. [ Jack]: He was a bloody pirate. A scallywag. [ Will]: My father was not a pirate. [ Jack]: Put it away,son. It's not worth you getting beat again. [ Will]: You ignored the rules of engagement. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight,I'd kill you. [ Jack]: Then that's not much incentive for me to fight fair. Now,as long as you're just hanging there,pay attention. The only rules that really matter are these. What a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance,you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man or you can't. Pirate is in your blood,so you'll have to square with that someday. Now,me,for example. I can let you drown. But I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesy,savvy? So. Can you sail under the command of a pirate?Or can you not? [ Will]: Tortuga? [ Jack]: Tortuga. More importantly,it is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep this sweet bouquet that is Tortuga,savvy? What do you think? [ Will]: It'll linger. [ Jack]: I'll tell you,mate,if every town in the world were like this one,no man would ever feel unwanted. Scarlett! Not sure I deserved that. Giselle!


一说起杰克·斯派洛船长,我第一时间想到的便是乐观 可怜的杰克从一开始就不断陷入麻烦,并先后进了数次牢笼,但即便是在牢里,我们的杰克船长依然保持豁达的心境,哪怕攻城的海盗船席卷而来,呼啸的炮弹却只帮他打破了一个只能供黄鼠狼进出的墙洞,他也不急不躁,静候逃脱的最佳时机。如果不乐观,谁能忍受一个人在一座孤岛上呆一个月?如果不乐观,谁能做到明知要被土著烤了吃还半真半假地演戏?海盗生活,多半是惊险与恐怖同在,恶心和饥寒交加,像威廉·特纳这种拿得起放不下的人,肯定是没办法持之以恒的。杰克船长名满天下(虽然不是什么好名声),追债者(情债、命债、经济债都有)数不胜数,其中不乏邵峰这样翻脸比洗脸还快的怪蜀黍,和戴维·琼斯这样令人闻风丧胆的兽性爷,要是不乐观,这日子怎么过? 第二,见风使舵,机灵善变 杰克·斯派洛总是让人爱恨交加,很大一部分原因就是紧要关头,他善于与各方斡旋,从风云变幻的局势中揪出于自己有利的因素,并以此为依据和各方谈判,最令人佩服的还是他能在和A谈好条件1的情况下完全不让B知道,却和B谈下了条件2,而条件1和条件2压根儿就是水火不相容的!这要归功于海上江湖反目比眨眼还快的生存环境,但紧要关头如果不是天性机灵,死几百次恐怕杰克自己都数不过来。每次宝藏当前,其他小喽啰都乐疯了的时候,我们的杰克船长往往视金钱如无物,为什么?因为他知道还有比这些更有价值的东西,这也是他的生活总比别的海盗更加精彩的原因。每次海盗头子们为了眼前利益争得你死我活不可开交,杰克总是偷偷溜走,因为他知道只有附膻之蚁才盯着那些蝇头小利不放,寻找形而上的东西才是冒险寻觅的真谛。打打杀杀,奇珍异宝?只是生活中的小情趣。那么杰克的终极意义是什么?别忘了他一直追着黑珍珠号不放,yes,没错,他的终极意义就是好好当那艘自己最爱的海盗船的船长!全片始终,杰克船长所做的一切都是为了干回自己的本职,和所有人的谈判都本着这个目的,一旦不需要就立马舍他而去,忘恩负义、出尔反尔、过河拆桥的事情他做的不要太多哦! 第三,可以娘娘腔,但是身体一定要强壮 杰克·斯派洛的兰花指、S型步伐都授人以话柄,但却没人说他娘娘腔,反而是正义无限、爱情至上的威廉·特纳,经常被他说成太监,为什么?因为杰克·斯派洛给人永远打不垮、压不倒的感觉,很man——江湖生活常年紧张,还天天餐风露宿衣不蔽体,吃不好睡不好,若非拥有一具强壮的身体,肯定早早身心都出问题了。要知道海盗这样的职业,身体的残缺是非常影响前途的,像片中一个没舌头和另一个只有一只眼睛的两个海盗,就只能当当小喽啰,成不了大气候,杰克船长身经百战而四肢健全,这就保存好了革命的本钱,再大的挑战都不怕!而威廉·特纳就不行,最后被人刺了一刀,要几年之后才能还回人形和爱人见面。之所以身体强壮,是因为杰克船长平时注意保养,喝酒专注于一个品牌(朗姆酒),不抽烟,自从电影正式开始之后就没嫖过妓,经常和人打架锻炼身体,不在男女之事上浪费体力 第四,不怕脏不怕累 首先,杰克自己从来没洗过澡——被巴布沙扔到海里不算,下雨天没带伞也不算——更别提刷牙了。其次,他在龟岛生活过一段时间,那基本上是世界上最肮脏的地方,被世人所遗忘的角落,猥琐的海盗们不分日夜地嫖妓、喝酒、打架,累了就和猪睡在一起,而杰克船长一点都没觉得脏。再有,戴维·琼斯那么一个扫把头、常年浸泡在海里、满嘴吐不明液体的怪物,一般人看了不说吓死,恶心都恶心得差不多了,杰克船长却很正常地和他打交道且无丝毫沟通障碍,这种本事不是一天两天能学会的,如果当年杰克去了上海,那估计王虎就要下岗了!为了寻找自己想要的东西,他发动全体船员,靠一个指不了北的指南针瞎指挥,迎风顶浪没日没夜在汹涌澎湃的大海上航行,一般人哪受得了?那些船员可以三班倒,杰克船长
