



E xercice 1 choissez la bonne réponse . 1.Avez-vous besoin _______argent que vous m’avez prêté ? A.de l’ B.un peu de C.de plus de D.le 2.______dimanche, nous allions souvent au cinéma. A. Les B. Tout le C. Le D. Des 3.J’en ai assez _______examens. A.d’ B.des C.mes D.pour les 4.Il me faudrait ______agneau pour préparer ce plat. A.d’ B.d’un C.l’ D.de l’ https://www.360docs.net/doc/344415608.html,ment la vendeuse dit-elle merci au client ?Elle______lui dit très courtoisement. https://www.360docs.net/doc/344415608.html, B.en C.y D.le

6.Je dois faire attention à ce gens-là ?Non,ne fais pas attention ______. A.leur B.à eux C.pour eux D.sur eux 7.Pierre avait inventé un jeu ______les règles étaient très simple. A.avec lequel B.dont C.sur lequel D.avec duquel 8.Dans le train, les deux vieilles dames n’ont pas cesséde bavarder pendant tout le voyage. J’etais assis _______elles. A.avant d’ B.en face d’ C.avec D.pour 9.Il y a un fait nouveau. _______ce fait, le procès pourrait être révisé, A.Pours B. Si C. De D. Sur 10.J’ai mis la corbeille à papier _______bureau. A.au dessus du B.pour le C.avec le D.à c?té du


2009年英语专业八级真题答案 In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Writing Experimental Reports I.Content of an experimental report, e.g. --- study subject/ area --- study purpose --- ____1____ II.Presentation of an experimental report --- providing details --- regarding readers as _____2_____ III.Structure of an experimental report --- feature: highly structured and ____3____ --- sections and their content: INTRODUCTION ____4____; why you did it METHOD how you did it RESULT what you found out ____5____ what you think it shows IV. Sense of readership --- ____6____: reader is the marker --- ____7____: reader is an idealized, hypothetical, intelligent person with little knowledge of your study --- tasks to fulfill in an experimental report: ? introduction to relevant area ? necessary background information ? development of clear arguments ? definition of technical terms ? precise description of data ____8____ V. Demands and expectations in report writing --- early stage: ? understanding of study subject/area and its implications ? basic grasp of the report's format --- later stage: ? ____9____ on research significance --- things to avoid in writing INTRODUCTION: ? inadequate material ? ____10____ of research justification for the study


法語專業四級考試題庫(詞匯、閱讀理解訓練題-6)答案 I Choisissez le mot ou le groupe de mots qui a le sens le plus proche du mot ou groupe de mots soulignés. 1. Evitez de prendre le métro aux heures de pointe A. de foule B. d’affluence C. d’abondance D. de population 2. Ce professeur est une vraie rosse. Il ne met presque jamais une note au-dessus de treize. A. sévère B. timide C. sympathique D. courageuse 3. Dans chaque quartier d’une grande ville fran?aise, on trouve boucherie, boulangerie, papeterie et bar-tabac. On peut y faire des courses ordinaires. A. courir B. faire des matchs C. faire des achats D. jouer aux cartes 4. Après l’arrestation du marchant de légumes, la peur règne de plus belle. A. terriblement B. fort C. partout D. plus 5. Je vous prie d’êtr e attentif à mes propositions susceptibles de vous intéresser. A. faciles à B. difficiles à C. sensibles à D. capables de 6. Je vous conseille une lecture intégrale d’un roman noir La bête et la belle de Thierry Jonques. A. interdite B. complète C. partielle D. fragmentaire 7. Maxim’s est peut-être le restaurateur le plus illustre de Paris. A. célèbre B. lumineux C. élégant D. glorieux 8. Les conditions d’admission dans ce cercle très fermé sont très particulières. A. précis B. visibles C. typiques D. spécifiques 9. Si vous voulez, nous pourrons faire un voyage ensemble, en auto-stop, pourquoi pas ? A. en voiture gratuite B. en voiture payée C. le stop automatique D. en automobile 10. Les vins fran?ais sont renommés à travers le monde entier. A. portés B. réputés C. transportés D. Buvables 11. Ne quittez pas. A. Ne sortez pas B. N’écoutez pas C. Ne raccrochez pas D. Ne parlez pas 12. Qui ne risque rien n’a rien. A. Il faut être prudent pour réussir. B. Celui qui ne veut rien perd tout. C. A tout risquer on ne gagne rien. D. Il faut prendre des risques pour réussir. 13. Il n’en peut plus. A. Il a tout fait. B. Il est épuisé. C. IL ne peut rien faire D. Il est découragé 14. Marie gagnait à pied la Sorbonne. A. Marie allait à pied à la Sorbonne. B. Marie obtenait de bonnes notes à la Sorbonne. C. Marie gagnait un peu d’argent à la Sorbonne. D. Marie faisait du travail à la Sorbonne en se mettant debout. 15. En travaillant davantage, vous auriez réussi. A. V ous avez travaillé davantage, vous avez réussi. B. V ous avez travaillé davantage, vous n’avez pas réussi.


2007年法语专四题答案 第一部分:听写 Les Vacances de Louise Louise est une petite fille de dix ans.L’année dernière,elle est allée en vacances au bord de la mer pour la première fois.Voici ce que Louise nous raconte: J’habiteàla campagne,alors pour moi,c’était unévênement.Nous sommes partis,mes parents et moi,t?t le matin et nous sommes arrivés tard le soiràMarseille. J’ai ditàma mère:?Je veux voir la plage tout de suite.? Ma mère a répondu:?Ce n’est pas possible pour ce soir.Va dormir.? Alors j’ai attendu jusqu’àminuit et je suis sortie tout doucement de la maison. Je me suis dirigée vers les bateaux.Quand je suis arrivée sur la plage,j’ai vu la mer qui brillait au clair de la lune.C’était magnifique.Je suis revenue très heureuse et je suis rentrée sans bruit dans ma chambre.Cette soirée est l’un de mes meilleurs souvenirs de vacances. 听力 Section A:CBAAB CACCB Section B:BACAC BABCA 第二部分:词汇 近义词1-5C B A C D 反义词6-10B A B B D 完型B D D A B D B A C C 第三部分:语法 语法单选:1-5B C D C C 6-10A A A D C 11-15B A B B D


TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010) -GRADE EIGHT- PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN) SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically & semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes. Paralinguistic Features of Language In face-to-face communication speakers often alter their tomes of voice or change their physical postures in order to convey messages. These means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories. First category: vocal paralinguistic features A.(1)__________: to express attitude or intention (1)__________ B.Examples 1. whispering: need for secrecy 2. breathiness: deep emotion 3. (2)_________: unimportance (2)__________ 4. nasality: anxiety 5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacy Second category: physical paralinguistic features A.facial expressions 1.(3)_______ (3)__________ ----- smiling: signal of pleasure or welcome 2.less common expressions ----- eye brow raising: surprise or interest ----- lip biting: (4)________ (4)_________ B.gesture gestures are related to culture. 1.British culture ----- shrugging shoulders: (5) ________ (5)__________ ----- scratching head: puzzlement 2.other cultures ----- placing hand upon heart:(6)_______ (6)__________ ----- pointing at nose: secret C.proximity, posture and echoing 1.proximity: physical distance between speakers ----- closeness: intimacy or threat ----- (7)_______: formality or absence of interest (7)_________ Proximity is person-, culture- and (8)________ -specific. (8)_________ 2.posture ----- hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indeicate(9)_____ (9)________ ----- direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitude 3.echoing ----- definition: imitation of similar posture ----- (10)______: aid in communication (10)___________ ----- conscious imitation: mockery



TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010) -GRADE EIGHT- PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN) SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically & semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes. Paralinguistic Features of Language In face-to-face communication speakers often alter their tomes of voice or change their physical postures in order to convey messages. These means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories. First category: vocal paralinguistic features A.(1)__________: to express attitude or intention (1)__________ B.Examples 1. whispering: need for secrecy 2. breathiness: deep emotion 3. (2)_________: unimportance (2)__________ 4. nasality: anxiety 5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacy Second category: physical paralinguistic features A.facial expressions 1.(3)_______ (3)__________ ----- smiling: signal of pleasure or welcome 2.less common expressions ----- eye brow raising: surprise or interest ----- lip biting: (4)________ (4)_________ B.gesture gestures are related to culture. 1.British culture ----- shrugging shoulders: (5) ________ (5)__________ ----- scratching head: puzzlement 2.other cultures ----- placing hand upon heart:(6)_______ (6)__________ ----- pointing at nose: secret C.proximity, posture and echoing 1.proximity: physical distance between speakers ----- closeness: intimacy or threat ----- (7)_______: formality or absence of interest (7)_________ Proximity is person-, culture- and (8)________ -specific. (8)_________ 2.posture ----- hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indeicate(9)_____ (9)________ ----- direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitude 3.echoing ----- definition: imitation of similar posture ----- (10)______: aid in communication (10)___________ ----- conscious imitation: mockery


In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Writing Experimental Reports I.Content of an experimental report, e.g. --- study subject/ area --- study purpose --- ____1____ II.Presentation of an experimental report --- providing details --- regarding readers as _____2_____ III.Structure of an experimental report --- feature: highly structured and ____3____ --- sections and their content: INTRODUCTION ____4____; why you did it METHOD how you did it RESULT what you found out ____5____ what you think it shows IV. Sense of readership --- ____6____: reader is the marker --- ____7____: reader is an idealized, hypothetical, intelligent person with little knowledge of your study --- tasks to fulfill in an experimental report: ( introduction to relevant area necessary background information( ( development of clear arguments definition of technical terms( precise( description of data ____8____ V. Demands and expectations in report writing --- early stage: ( understanding of study subject/area and its implications basic grasp of the( report's format --- later stage: ____9____ on research( significance --- things to avoid in writing INTRODUCTION: inadequate( material ____10____ of research justification for the study( SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.


06年专四真题 PARTⅠDICTION Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] In Sections A B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONL Y. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 1.How did Mark get there? A.By train and by car. B.By plane and by coach. C.By train and by bus. D.By bus and by plane. 2.Mark used to wear all the following EXCEPT A.short hair. B.glasses C.moustache. D.beard. 3.Where is the meeting for new students to be held? A.In the third room on the right. B.In the Common Room. C.In a room at the other end. D.In Room 501. Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 4.What did Steve originally plan to do? A.To go to a park near the beach. B.To stay at home. C.To see a new film. D.To do some study. 5.Maggie finally decided to go to see a film because A.there was no park nearby. B.the weather wasn’t ideal for a walk. C.it would be easier to go to a cinema. D.Steve hadn’t seen the film yet. 6.Where did they plan to meet? A.Outside the Town Hall. B.Near the bank. C.In Steven’s place. D.At the cinema. PART Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 7.The following details are true about the new device EXCEPT


2014年全国高等学校法语专业四级考试 Test national de fran?ais destiné aux étudiants spécialisés en langue fran?aise dans les établissements d'enseignement supérieur - Niveau IV (TFS4) - 2014 试题卷 A 答题注意事项(请考生认真、仔细阅读) 1.每套试卷由一份试题卷、一份答题卷和一张答题卡组成。 2.将自己就读的院校名称、本人姓名和准考证号分别填写在试题卷、答题卷首页密封线左侧以及答 题卡上面的相应位置,另外用2B沿笔在答题卡相应位置依次涂写准考证号的丨2位数字;请注意:上述内容填写或涂写于其它位置或导致试卷作废,亦不得在试卷上做任何与答题无关的标记! 3.试题分为书写题和选择题两类》书写题包括昕写、动词时态填空和作文三項》其余题目均为三选 一或四选一的选择题。 4.统一使用黑色或蓝钢笔或圆珠笔填写书写题答案、使用2B铅笔涂写选择题答案。填写时字迹应清 楚、端正;涂写时应按照答题卡上的说明进行。 5.书写题答案只能填写在答题卷上相应空白处,选择题答案只能涂写在答埋卡相应题号所选字母上, 写在试题卷上或其它位置无效。答题时,可将草稿写在试题卷空白处,然后誊写在答题卷或答题卡上,不能使用自带纸张。 6.对每道选择题只能选择一个答案,多选无效。如果考生对某项目各道选择题全部选择相同答案, 此答案亦被视为无效。 7.答题前,请仔细阅读试题卷各项題目的答题要求和说明。 8.考试实行书面闭卷形式,独立答题。除上述规定用笔外,不得携带和使用任何纸介或电子参考资 料、电子设备、箱包和自备纸张等,否则按作弊处理. 不得与其他考生进行任何形式的交流,如果遇到特殊情况,应及时向监考老师汇报,由其安排解决。 9.考试总时间为180分钟。请在规定时间内完成答题,然后将试题卷、答题卷和答题卡交给监考老 师,不得拖延时间。为保证听力部分的正常进行、维护考场的良好秩序,如无特殊情况,考生在开考60分钟后才能交卷。 2014年法语专业四级考试-试题卷(A)-共16页


2007年英语专八试卷真题及答案 Part2 Reading Comprehension (30min) Text A The Welsh language has always been the ultimate marker of Welsh identity, but a generation ago it looked as if Welsh would go the way of Manx. once widely spoken on the isle of Man but now extinct. Government financing and central planning, however, have helped reverse the decline of Welsh. Road signs and official public documents are written in both Welsh and English, and schoolchildren are required to learn both languages. Welsh is now one of the most successful of Europe’s regional languages, spoken by more than a half-million of the country’s three million people. The revival of the language, particularly among young people, is part of a resurgence of national identity sweeping through this small, proud nation. Last month Wales marked the second anniversary of the opening of the National Assembly, the first parliament to be convened here since 1404. The idea behind devolution was to restore the balance within the union of nations making up the United Kingdom. With most of the people and wealth, England has always had bragging rights. The partial transfer of legislative powers from Westminster, implemented by Tony Blair, was designed to give the other members of the club- Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales-a bigger say and to counter centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union. The Welsh showed little enthusiasm for devolution. Whereas the Scots voted overwhelmingly for a parliament, the vote for a Welsh assembly scraped through by less than one percent on a turnout of less than 25 percent. Its powers were proportionately limited. The Assembly can decide how money from Westminster or the European Union is spent. It cannot, unlike its counterpart in Edinburgh, enact laws. But now that it is here, the Welsh are growing to like their Assembly. Many people would like it to have more powers. Its importance as figurehead will grow with the opening in 2003, of a new debating chamber, one of many new buildings that are transforming Cardiff from a decaying seaport into a Baltimore-style waterfront city. Meanwhile a grant of nearly two million dollars from the European Union will tackle poverty. Wales is one of the poorest regions in Western Europe- only Spain, Portugal, and Greece have a lower standard of
