



第一部分阅读理解第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 45 分)阅读下列短文,从每题

所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.

1.(9分)Directory of camps for kids and teens. Find the best overnight, residential and sleepaway camps for this summer.

?Game On! Sports Camp 4Girls

Girls Only - Day Camp

Chicagoland Area, Illinois, USA - (847)229-9959

Game On! Sports 4 Girls is the best organization committed to empowering young girls

through sports. Our unique & fun programming, all-girl environment, and staff of passionate role models foster the "GIRLSTRONG" crucial to every girl's development as an athlete and a person.

?International Riding Camp

Girls Only - Overnight Camp

Greenfield Park NY, New York, USA - (845)647-3240

Located 90 miles NW of NYC. 2, 4 and 8 week sessions, Mother Daughter week. Horse shows, jumping, three hours riding daily. Beginners welcome. Tennis, water skiing, jet skiing, arts and crafts. Swim your horse in the ocean! Organic food menu. One week

Equestrian(马术)Teen Tour of Russia.

?All Tournament Players Park

Boys Only - Day Camp

Marietta, Georgia, USA - (678)384-6500

Baseball, volleyball, softball, and basketball camps for all levels.


Girls Only - Overnight Camp

Ahmic Harbour, Ontario, Canada - (705)387-3810

Ak-O-Mak: "Bound by tradition and inspired by the future". Founded in 1928, as North America's first competitive swim camp, Ak-O-Mak is dedicated to providing the perfect combination of traditional camp experience and sport activity. Instruction provided in over 25 sports/activities.

?Michigan Tech Sports Camps

Both boys and girls - Day and Overnight Camp

Houghton, Michigan, USA - (888)829-9688

Basketball, cheer, skating, football, ice hockey, mountain biking, soccer, tennis & volleyball.

?Endicott College Sports Mania

Both boys and girls - Day and Overnight Camp

Beverly, Massachusetts, USA - (978)232-2312

The Endicott College Sports Mania Day Camp is a dream come true for the child who loves sport.

(1)Which number should you call if you want to improve your swimming skills?





(2)Which camp would you recommend to your younger brother who wants to make camp for the night?

A.International Riding Camp.

B.All Tournament Players Park.


D.Michigan Tech Sports Camps.

(3)Which of the following does the International Riding Camp provide?

A.Enjoying horse performances.

B.Practicing cooking organic meals.

C.Riding horses through the day.

D.Travelling to Russia for a week.

2.(12分)Personal trainer Courtney Black used to pretty much live on vegetables and kill herself doing tiring workouts. No surprise, her diet and food rule made her "unhealthy, unhappy,and angry."

Less than three years of deciding to eat more and switching up her exercise routine, the UK resident shared a few transformation photos and explained how her decision to stop restricting her food intake and overdoing it at the gym has now made her "happy and healthy."

In a photo, Black describes her diet at the time: yogurt for breakfast; a protein shake,chicken breast and vegetables for lunch and extra vegetables if she got hungry later. She gave up sugar, alcohol and cheat meals, and her workouts were incredibly exhaustive.

"I would make sure I burned more than I ate," she said, writing that she wouldn't get off the treadmill (跑步机) until she torched at least a thousand calories. As a result, she was "unhappy, unhealthy, faint, food deprived, angry, and in bad relationships," Black wrote.

In another picture, she describes "My daily diet consisted of plain yoghurt for breakfast, a protein shake, a chicken breast and vegetables for lunch, then if I was hungry I'd have another bag of vegetables. I wouldn't eat fruit as it had too much sugar, wouldn't drink alcohol and wouldn't have any sort of cheat meal."

Now, her improved meal plan consists of oats with banana and protein; a post-workout shake, chicken, rice and vegetables; and fish, sweet potatoes and vegetables. She also snacks on almonds, rice cakes, protein bars, and other whole, satisfying foods. While she still does some cardio (有氧运动), she's involved in weight lifting, among other workouts.

"Outcome: healthy, happy and strong," she wrote.

Most body transformations shared on social media focus on losing weight. Black's post shows how finding the right balance for your body so you feel great is a positive body transformation too.

(1)What can we learn about Courtney Black from the first paragraph?

A.She used to be pretty.

B.She mainly fed on vegetables.

C.She died while doing tiring workout.

D.She would feel sick of her appearance.

(2)Which of the following can replace the underlined word "torched" in Paragraph 4?





(3)What has happened to Courtney Black?

A.She eats more meat and sugar.

B.She enjoys her balanced lifestyle.

C.She becomes more strong-willed.

D.She eats more and takes less exercise.

(4)The writer's attitude toward Courtney Black's decision would be best described as.A.neutral




3.(12分)Investigators at The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research discovered dozens of new genetic variations(基因变异)associated with a person's general cognitive ability(认知能力). The findings, which were published online today in Cell Reports, have the potential to help researchers develop more targeted treatment for cognitive and memory disorders.

"For the first time, we were able to use genetic information to point us towards specific drugs that might aid in cogni tive disorders of the brain, including Alzheimer's disease,

schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(注意缺陷障碍)," said Todd Lencz, PhD, senior author of the study and professor at the Feinstein Institute and the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra Northwell.

In the largest peer-reviewed study of its kind, an international team of 65 scientists, led by Dr. Lencz, studied the genomes of more than 100,000 individuals who had their brain function measured by neuropsychologica(神经心理的)tests.

These data were then combined with genomes from 300,000 people measured for the highest level of educati on achieved, which serves as an estimate for cognitive ability, or how the brain acquires knowledge.

While analyzing cognitive ability, researchers also discovered a genetic overlap(基因重叠) with longevity(长寿). They found when examining an individual's family that a genetic tendency towards higher cognitive ability was associated with longer lifespan. A new genetic overlap between cognitive ability and risk for autoimmune(自身免疫的)disease was also identified.

This study appears less than a year after Dr. Lencz and his colleagues published a similar,smaller study that was only able to identify a few key genes associated with cognitive ability.

"The field of genomics is growing fast," Dr. Lencz said. "The number of genes we can discover is a direct function of the sample size available, and thus further research with additional samples is likely to provide even more insight into how our genes play a role in cognitive ability."

(1)What information about the investigators can we get from the first paragraph?

A.They published their findings in a newspaper.

B.They devoted themselves to improving cognitive ability.

C.They found a lot of genetic variations about some disorders.

D.Their findings are likely to help find more treatment for some diseases.

(2)What can be inferred from what Todd Lencz said?

A.They could cure cognitive disorders of the brain for the first time.

B.It's their first time to make use of genetic variations.

C.Our genes play an important role in cognitive ability.

D.Researchers are making rapid progress in genomics.

(3)What can we know about their study?

A.It could only identify a few key genes.

B.It was conducted by scientists worldwide.

C.Their study is second to none in its field.

D.It was meant to help man live a longer life.

(4)Why will the scientists probably do further research?

A.Because more genes must be discovered.

B.Because the field of genomics is growing fast.

C.Because more samples are needed to find more genes.

D.Because they wonder why our genes play a role in cognitive ability.

4.(12分)The older I get the worse I look. My hair has started graying and things have started hanging down loosely. I'd never really been self-conscious about the effects of aging but over time I noticed a difference; not in me, but in my customers.

While some of my customers appear to be ageless, others appear considerably older than they are simply due to the lack of care they give their appearance before they go out in

public. Looking back on some of my older photos, I realized worriedly that I was just as bad and determined to find a way to improve myself.

But how? I'm not exactly a beauty expert and I didn't want to spend a fortune either. I continued watching my customers as I searched for answers.

I quickly realized that regardless of social class, females at my age can make a variety of

simple wardrobe choices. Even an old, faded T-shirt can look nice when presented in a certain way.

I had cosmetics already but I hadn't purchased jewelry for myself in years! I stopped wearing

dangly(悬摆得)things when my kids were babies since they liked to pull them, then passed my collection along to friends so the items wouldn't go to waste.

Bravely, I started wearing cosmetics when I went out as I began searching for some budget-friendly jewelry. I wanted something cheap, timeless, and a bit dangly since I wear my hair up frequently. I eventually wandered across some jewelry that had been placed on clearance. I've now clipped(修剪)my nose hair, pulled my isolated eyebrows, wore a bit of cosmetics, and added a bit of jewelry to my everyday jeans and T-shirts. Now, to my delighted surprise, I actually receive the occasional compliment as opposed to the indifference I'm accustomed to receiving so my self-confidence has received a boost as well.

Not a bad reward for the cost of a dollar and a little time!

(1)What can be inferred about the writer from the first two paragraphs?

A.She didn't really know about the effects of aging until her customers reminded her.B.Her customers' behaviors caused her to care about her own appearance.

C.She realized she looked younger than her customers.

D.She should have been better aware of she is too old.

(2)Which of the following will the writer probably do?

A.Spending a lot of money on clothes and cosmetics.

B.Spending much time dressing up.

C.Buying some jewelry on sale.

D.Behaving like a young lady.

(3)What has the writer been doing to improve herself in her life?

①Learning to be a beauty expert.

②Wearing some dangly.

③Clipping her nose hair.

④Wearing a little makeup.

⑤Wearing some jewelry.





(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.It Doesn't Cost a Fortune to Look Nice

B.Never Too Old to Have Passionate

C.The Older, the More Charming

D.Caring for Yourselves, Ladies

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 15 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.

5.(15分)There is a lot of controversy around whether or not teachers should be allowed to wear jeans, but I think jeans should be a part of the teacher dress code, and here's why.

?Jeans say I'm dressed to work, not just for work.

It's hard to sit down on the carpet and read a book with your kids while you're wearing a

skirt. I can't lean over a desk to help a student in a classroom full of teenagers if I'm concerned about where my skirt ends up when I'm bent over.

(1). I can work in jeans: I can move, sit, stand, or kneel without worry.


What is the key to being an excellent teacher? Great relationships with your students. Dress clothes say I am your boss, but jeans say I'm with you. In my classroom, I am a facilitator,a coach, and a mentor.(3).

?Teachers who wear jeans are ha ppier.

"Happy teacher, happy class" seems like a good saying.(4). When you're comfortable, you're happy. When you're happy, you're a better teacher. And when you're a better teacher, your students learn more. Who isn't happy when they're wearing their favorite pair of comfy jeans?


Teachers today don't just stand up in front and lecture anymore. Being comfortable means being able to move, to bend down to help students, or to sit on the floor to help a kid organize their backpack full of papers.

I work in a school where teachers wear jeans regularly, but we don't look like a slovenly(不整洁的)group of people, nor are our students suffering because of our casual clothes. Most of the arguments against wearing jeans claim that if teachers want to be treated like professionals, they should look like professionals, but I'd argue that there is no longer a blanket look for professionals.

A.Jeans solve these problems

B.Wearing jeans helps build relationships

C.Teachers and students feel energetic wearing jeans

D.Jeans allow teachers to be more mobile and hands-on

E.Jeans help teachers do their jobs at the highest possible level

F.After all, the teacher's mood usually sets the tone for the day

G.Jeans allow me to fill those roles more easily and comfortably

第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 55 分)第一节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 2

分,满分 40 分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.

6.(40分)Once upon a time, a villain, called Millisphore, was so thoroughly (1)that he devised a plan to destroy everything important in the world. Helped by his machines and inventions, he managed to ruin everything. He also managed to (2) everyone with such a smelly gas that they (3) to stay at home.

When things had reached the point where the entire world had been (4),

Millisphore saw that only one more thing (5) in his way in his desire for complete domination, and this one thing was the(6). Despite all his evil inventions and (7), it seemed that families were still(8). What bothered him most was that all the families were(9)him.

He tried making the houses smaller, but the families just lived closer together in (10)space. He also destroyed food, but the families just(11) what little they had. He continued with his wicked deeds against the last thing that still resisted him, but nothing was (12).

Finally he discovered the (13) to the strength of every family: they (14)

each other, and there was no way to change that. Though he tried to invent something to destroy this love, Millisphore never(15) it. Sad and annoyed at not having managed to (16) the world, he gave up and let everything return to (17).

He ended up so depressed that he went crying to his parents. And, despite all the wicked deeds he had done, his parents ran out to (18) him. They forgave him, and (19)him to be good.

And so it is that even the family of the most wicked will love him and forgive him anything!

Aren't we(20) to have a family?

(1)A.wild B.fierce C.evil D.ambitious

(2)A.infect B.supply C.fill D.influence (3)A.prepared B.pretended C.disgusted D.preferred (4)A.panic B.spoilt C.opposed D.surrendered (5)A.stood B.stuck C.remained D.appeared (6)A.love B.cooperation C.courage D.family

(7)A.attempts B.courage C.efforts D.strength (8)A.working hard B.sticking together C.getting together D.joining hands (9)A.fighting B.rebelling C.resisting D.objecting (10)A.lower B.shabby C.narrower D.less

(11)A.reserved B.provided C.shared D.offered (12)A.doing B.working C.progressing D.developing (13)A.solution B.resource C.secret D.root

(14)A.saved B.admired C.adored D.loved (15)A.succeeded B.managed C.fulfilled D.accomplished (16)A.dominate B.defeat C.win D.invade (17)A.former B.calmness C.history D.normal (18)A.criticize B.embrace C.condemn D.punish (19)A.encouraged B.allowed C.ordered D.forced (20)A.positive B.keen C.fortunate D.fond

第二节语篇填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.

7.(15分)Telling small lies to make ourselves look better in front of other people is a normal part of growing up. We've probably all done it (1) some point.

You've realized that you have a problem with telling lies, so the most natural next step is to (2)(simple) stop doing it.

Wanting to stand out and (3)(notice) in the crowd at high school is natural. We all want to be liked and we all want people to think we're (4)(interest), but lying about (5)(we)isn't the way to go about this.

Simply being ourselves is the best way to attract real friendships.(6)(pretend)to be someone we're not may bring friends,(7) they're not true friends if they don't know the real you.

It's difficult to keep track of what stories we've told people, and the lies all come out into the open eventually.

Telling the truth is the only way you can get people (8)(start) believing you again. Acting humble and trying not to seek attention will show people that you're (9)(true) sorry for what you did, and they will gradually let you into their lives again. It may take a while, but the people in your life will eventually forgive you.

You don't need to tell lies and exaggerate (夸大) to get people to like you. Just believe that you're an interesting enough person as you are, and others will believe (10)


第三部分写作第一节短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)

8.(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词.删除:


2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分.

It's said that school years are the best time of one's life. Whoever said that was probably an adult - one had forgotten the hard work of being at school. This is especially true for Senior 3student, who are nearing the end of their high school experience. All the later nights and early starts will soon be worth of it, as you get readily for an important stage of our life.

With the heavy pressure and huge workload, it won't be surprising if you wonder whether you'll ever get through an experience. It's like be in the middle of a long tunnel with no sign of light at the end of it.

But people did survive - some even succeed in the face of real adversity or eventually see their shining light.

第二节书面表达(满分 25 分)


1.词数 100 左右;




第一部分阅读理解第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 45 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.

1.【分析】本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,主要向我们介绍了一些夏季儿童和青少年营地.【解答】1.D.推理判断题.根据Ak-O-Mak部分Founded in 1928, as North America's first competitive swim camp, Ak-O-Mak is dedicated to providing the perfect combination of traditional camp experience and sport activity. Instruction provided in over 25


2.D.推理判断题.根据Michigan Tech Sports Camps部分 Both boys and girls - Day and Overnight Camp可知,你会向想要在夜晚营地的弟弟推荐密歇根科技运动营.故选D.

3.A.细节理解题.根据International Riding Camp部分 Horse shows, jumping, three hours riding daily. Beginners welcome. Tennis, water skiing, jet skiing, arts and

crafts. Swim your horse in the ocean! Organic food menu..马秀,跳跃,每天骑三个小时.初学者欢迎.网球,滑水,水上摩托艇,工艺品.在海洋中游泳你的马!有机食品菜单.可知,国际骑术营提供马秀表演.故选A.


2.【分析】文章主要讲述了Black 的帖子展示了如何为你的身体找到合适的平衡,一个好的膳食计划搭配一个健康的运动计划才会使我们拥有一个健康的身体.

【解答】1.B.推断题.根据文章第一段第一句 Personal trainer Courtney Black used to pretty much live on vegetables and kill herself doing tiring workouts.可知,Courtney Black 过去经常以蔬菜为食,并且十分疯狂地训练.故B项正确.A项,"她过去很漂亮".文章第

一段未提及.故A项错误.C项,"当她在做疲惫的训练时死亡了".文章第一段第一句中kill herself doing tiring workouts 表述的意思为强调 Courtney Black 的训练强度之大,并非真正描述 Courtney Black 死亡.故C项错误.D项,"她讨厌她的外表".文章第一段未提及.故D项错误.故正确答案为B.

2.A.推断题.根据文章第四段第一句中 I would make sure I burned more than I ate 可知,Courtney Black 会确保她每天燃烧的能量要比吃的多.又结合划线词所在句中 a thousand calories 可知,划线单词应与 burn 意思相近,意为"燃烧一千卡路里".故A项正确.waste 意为"浪费",eat 意为"吃",decrease 意为"减少",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A.

3.B.推断题.根据文章倒数第二段 "Outcome: healthy, happy and strong," she

wrote.可知,Courtney Black 享受她均衡的生活方式.故B项正确.A项,"她吃更多的肉和糖".根据文章第三段倒数第一句中 She gave up sugar, alcohol and cheat meals 可知,她放弃了糖.故A项错误.C项,"她变得更意志坚强".文中未提及.故C项错误.D 项,"她吃得更多但锻炼得更少".根据文章第四段第一句中 I would make sure I burned more than I ate 可知,她锻炼得更多.故D项错误.故正确答案为B.

4.C.推断题.根据文章最后一段最后一句 Black's post shows how finding the right balance for your body so you feel great is a positive body transformation too.可知,作者认为 Black 的帖子展示了如何为你的身体找到合适的平衡,让你感觉很棒,这是一个积极的身体转变.因此作者对 Courtney Black 的决定的态度是支持的.故C项正确.A项,neutral 意为"

中立的";B项,cautious 意为"谨慎的";D项,objective 意为"客观的",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C.


3.【分析】本文是一篇科教类阅读,属于说明文,主要讲述了费因斯坦医学研究所的研究人员发现了许多与人的一般认知能力相关的新遗传变异.今天在线发表在Cell Reports上的这些研究结果有可能帮助研究人员开发针对认知和记忆障碍的更有针对性的治疗方法.

【解答】1.D.细节理解题.根据第一段 The findings, which were published online today in Cell Reports, have the potential to help researchers develop more targeted treatment for cognitive 7and memory disorders.这些发现发表在今天的"细胞报告"在线上,有可能帮助研究人员开发出更有针对性的治疗认知7和记忆障碍的方法.可知,他们的发现可能有助于为某些疾病找到更多的治疗方法.故选D.

2.D.推理判断题.根据第二段For the first time, we were able to use genetic information to point us towards specific drugs that might aid in cogni tive disorders of the brain, including Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(注意缺陷障碍)第一次,我们能够利用遗传信息来指出可能有助于大脑认知障碍的特定药物,包括阿尔茨海默病、精神分裂症和注意力缺陷多动障碍.可知,研究人员正在基因组学方面取得快速进展.故选D.

3.B.细节理解题.根据第三段 In the largest peer-reviewed study of its kind, an

international team of 65 scientists在同类最大的同行评审研究中,一个由65名科学家组成的国际研究小组.可知,他们的研究由世界各地的科学家进行.故选B.

4.C.推理判断题.根据最后一段The number of genes we can discover is a direct function of the sample size available, and thus further research with additional samples is likely to provide even more insight into how our genes play a role in cognitive ability我们可以发现的基因数量是样本大小的直接函数,因此,进一步研究更多的样本可能会更深入地了解我们的基因在认知能力中的作用.可知,科学家们可能会做进一步的研究因为需要更多的样本来寻找更多的基因.故选C.



【解答】1. B.推理判断题.根据第一段和第二段的内容,I'd never really been self-

conscious about the effects of aging but over time I noticed a difference; not in me, but in my

customers.从来没有真正意识到衰老的影响,但随着时间的流逝,我注意到了变化:不是我,而是我的顾客. Looking back on some of my older photos, I realized worriedly that I was just as bad and determined to find a way to improve myself.回过头来看我的一些老照片,我担心地发现自己和以前不一样,并决心想办法改善自己.可见作者从她顾客那里注意到了自己的外貌,所以选B.

2.C.推理判断题.根据第五段句子:I had cosmetics already but I hadn't purchased jewelry for myself in years! 我已经有化妆品了,但是好多年没有为自己买首饰了!可以推断出作者可能会为自己买点首饰,所以答案选C.

3. C.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段句子:I've now clipped(修剪)my nose hair, pulled my isolated eyebrows, wore a bit of cosmetics, and added a bit of jewelry to my everyday jeans and T-shirts.我剪了鼻毛,拉了拉孤零的眉毛,戴了一点化妆品,在日常的牛仔裤和T恤上添了一点首饰.所以答案是C.

4. A.标题归纳题.本文作者发现自己开始变老的时候,对自己开始有了一些改变,不是花了很多的钱但是得到了人们的赞扬,所以A选项不用花很多的钱看起来就很好符合主旨,故选A.


第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 15 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.



1.A.联系下文题.根据后文I can work in jeans: I can move, sit, stand, or kneel without worry.可知我可以穿着牛仔裤工作:我可以毫无顾虑地移动、坐、站或跪.A 项:Jeans solve these problems.牛仔裤解决了这些问题.符合文意,故选A.

2.B.段落理解题.根据后文What is the key to being an excellent teacher? Great

relationships with your students.可知成为一名优秀教师的关键是什么?与学生的良好关系.B项:Wearing jeans helps build relationships.穿牛仔裤有助于建立关系.符合文意,故选B.

3.G.语境辨析题.根据前文In my classroom, I am a facilitator, a coach, and a

mentor.可知在我的教室里,我是一名辅导员、教练和导师.G项:Jeans allow me to fill those roles more easily and comfortably.牛仔裤让我更轻松、更舒适地扮演这些角色.符合语境,故选G.

4.F.理解判断题.根据前文"Happy teacher, happy class" seems like a good saying.可知"

快乐的老师,快乐的课堂"似乎是一句好话.F项:After all, the teacher's mood usually sets the tone for the day.毕竟,老师的心情通常决定一天的语气.符合文意,故选F.

5.D.小标题选择.根据后文Teachers today don't just stand up in front and lecture

anymore. Being comfortable means being able to move, to bend down to help students, or to sit on the floor to help a kid organize their backpack full of papers.可知今天的老师不再只是站在前面讲课了.舒适意味着能够移动,弯腰帮助学生,或者坐在地板上帮助孩子整理背包里的文件.D项:Jeans allow teachers to be more mobile and hands-on.牛仔裤可以让老师们更加灵活和亲身体验.符合文意,故选D.


第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 55 分)第一节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.

6.【分析】本文是一篇故事类阅读,讲述的是很久很久以前,有个恶魔Millisphore 计划来摧毁世界,但是受到了世界上每个家庭的力量的抵制,最终失败.最后家庭还是原谅了他,由此可见我们应该庆幸拥有家庭,因为家庭的力量是无穷的.

【解答】1-5 CADBA 6-10 DABCD 11-15 CBCDB 16-20 ADBAC

1.C.考查形容词及语境理解.结合下文 that he devised a plan to destroy everything important in the world.以及文章第二段第二句中 Despite all his evil inventions 可知,Millisphore 是如此的邪恶(evil),他设计了一个计划来摧毁世界上重要的事物.wild 意为"野生的;野蛮的",fierce 意为"凶猛的",ambitious 意为"有野心的",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C.

2.A.考查动词及语境理解.结合下文中 a smelly gas 可知,他还设法让一种臭气体感染(infect)每个人.supply 意为"提供",fill 意为"装满,充满",influence 意为"影响",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A.

3.D.考查动词及语境理解.结合文意,他还设法用一种臭气体来感染每个人以至于人们都更喜欢(prefer)待在家里.prepare 意为"准备",pretend 意为"假装",disgust 意为"反感,厌恶",均不符合文意.故正确答案为D.

4.B.考查动词及语境理解.结合文意,当事情已经发展到整个世界被毁掉(spoil)的地步.panic 意为"惊慌",oppose 意为"反对",surrender 意为"投降;自首",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B.

5.A.考查动词及语境理解.结合文意,Millisphore 看到,在他完全统治的愿望中,只有一样东西阻碍了他(stand in his way).stand in one's way 意为"妨碍,阻碍",为固定搭配,符合文意.stick 意为"粘贴;容忍",remain 意为"保持;留下",appear 意为"出现",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A.

6.D.考查名词及语境理解.结合下文中 it seemed that families were still 可知,阻碍了Millisphore 的是家庭(family).love 意为"爱",cooperation 意为"合作",courage 意为"勇气",均不符合文意.故正确答案为D.

7.A.考查名词及语境理解.结合上文中Millisphore saw that only one more thing …in his way in his desire for complete domination 可知,Millisphore 的计划受到了阻碍,因此尽管他有邪恶的发明和多次尝试(attempt),他还是未成功.courage 意为"勇气",effort 意为"努力",strength 意为"力量",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A.
