



()1.A.rose B.wide C.fi nd D.ride

()2.A.park B.zoo C.bus stop D.garde n

()https://www.360docs.net/doc/352467126.html,fortable B.popular C.l ess on D.music

()4.A.every B.each C.enjoy D.exam

()5.A.sometime B. sometimes C. some D. someth ing

2 .情景反应:听5句话,然后根据所听到的内容选择适当的答案。(5分)

( )6 . A. Yes, I do B . That' s all right C . Yes, please.

( )7 . A. David B . Sally C . Tom

( )8 . A. In the street B . The shop C . My father

( )9 . A. Lion B . Elephant C . fish

( )10 . A Pretty B . Handsome C . Old

3?对话理解:听下列几组对话,然后从A B、C三个选项中选出一个能回答所听到的问题的答案。(5 分) ()11.A ? Shorter one B. pen C . A longer one.

()12.A . Diving B. Hiking C . Running

()13.A . Sam B . Sam s father C . Sam s uncle

()14.A.play football B.yes.he does. C.climbi ng

()15.A.38 B.20 C.40

4. 短文理解:从A B、C三个选项中选出一个与你所听到的短文内容相符的答案。(5分)

( )16 . The writer ' s best friend is ___________________

A. a Chinese boy B . an American boy C . an American girl

( )17 . She came to with her

A . England, parents

B . China, parents

C . China, father

( )18 . She is very ______________ , almost _________________ metres.

A . short, 1.70

B . tall, 1.75

C . tall, 1.70

( )19 . Her hair is _______________

A . long and black

B . short and yellow

C . long and yellow

( )20 . Now, she is __________________ .

A . playing with me

B . helping a child C.helping an old woman



A. 根据句意和首字母完成句子。(每空1分,共5分)

1. My father and mother are my p _____________

2. Lily h __ out with her friends yesterday.

3. —How ofte n does Che ng watch TV ? —He watches TV t a week

4. —What' s the matter with Gin a? —She' s s ______ out ____

5. —What' s she going to be whe n she g up? _______ —Be an actress.

6. His father takes exercise every day,so he is very ______ (health) _

7.If you want to draw very well, you must _____ it hard ________ (practice )

2O.Jason ' s clothes has the ______ ( 最友好)service.

( )1. The hotel is the best here. It has rooms. __________

A. the worse

B. most comfortable

C. best

D.the most comfortable (

)2. — Where is Jack?


basketball on the playground.

A. plays

B. is playi ng

C. is goi ng to play

D. play


)3. He likes singing songs, but I sing than he does.

A. more good

B. best

C. more worse

D. better

( )4. — Could you please help me do the laundry this after noon?

— ____ e free after 2:30 in the after noon. A. Sorry, I can

' t B. No, you can

' t

C. Sure, I ' d love to

D. Of course not


)5. — did he play soccer?

— About 3 hours.

A. How many

B. How much

C. How often

D. How long


)6. Let ' s buy a big house

8.Although they are twins, there ' re s ome differences between .(they)

9.1 enjoy

(live ) in a town called Alice Springs. 10. Mary hardly ever exercise, so she isn't in good health.(take) 11.

P eter is much tha n his brother .(fat) 12. ______________________ Who was the tor? 13.lt took me ten minu tes (get) to my home by bus yesterday. 14.How many __________ (tomato)are there in the basket? 15.How ___ __(happy) the childre n are singing and dancing!

C.根据句意及汉语意思填空。 (5分) 16.I ' m feeling more ____________ ( 17. _________________________ They are going to __________________ ( 18. _____________________________ H is father works as an________________ 舒适的)now .

修建)a big subway n ext year

( 工程师)in China .

19.What do you want to be whe n you 生长)up ?

the money.

四、用所给词的正确形式填空: (5分)

( )7. The art exhibition will me rich and famous. A. do

B. have

C. help

D. make

( )8. — When did she the USA ? — Three years ago. A. tour

B. trip

C. go

D. watch

( )9. Her younger brother is young to go to school. A. so

B. very

C. too

D. really

( )10. — Whd s ,Tom or Tim? — Tom is. A. quieter

B. more healthy

C. worst

D. best ( )11. — Do you look the same? B.

f ew C. a little

D. many

( )12. — Who the souve nir?

A. is going to buy

B. bought

( )13. — Arthur is a lovi ng gra ndmother

—Yeah, she all her free time with her gra ndchildre n.


)16.Timmy goes to school ____ e very day . It's 5 minu tes' walk from his home to school.

A. in a bus

B. by pla ne

C. on foot

D. by boat

( )17.lt is __ today tha n yesterday . Shall we go swimmi ng this after noon ?

A. the hottest

B. hot

C. hottest

D. hotter

( )18.There's ________ w ith your watch . Time is not right .

A .wrong someth ing B. someth ing wrong C .wrong nothing

D. nothing wrong

( )19.--- I hear you talk about your friend, Joh n so much. ___________ ?

---Well, he's a bit tall. He is always well dressed. A. Is he tall B. What does he look like C. How is he

D. How is he doing

( )20.--- Why n ot go and play football outside? --- ____________ . A. Yes, I think so. B. It's a good game. C. That's a good idea. D. Of course we do.

A. for

B. with

C. use

D. spend

—No, I am taller tha n her.

A. Little —Maria did.

C. buys

D. wants to buy

A. pays

B. takes

( )14.1 ' m going to write articles and

A. send

B. take


)15. — When did he go to Beiji ng?

A. in

B. at

C. uses

D. spends

them to magaz ines and n

ewspapers. C. bring D. give

—He went there may 12

C. on

D. by

1.________ (not run) in the classroom.

2.He spe nt a whole day _______ (build) the house.

3.How many _________ (play) are there in your class?

4.How ____ the boy __________ (fall) off his bike just now?

5.Did you have fun ______________ (dance)?


1. Mr. Wang put his bag on the table just now.(改为否定句)

Mr. Wang _______________________ h is bag on the table just now.

2. Laura buys some souvenirs in the shop.(用on last vacation 改写)

Laura ____________ some souve nirs in the shop on last vacati on.

3. There are over 2,000 students in this school.(同义句)

There are _______________________ 2,000 stude nts in this school.

4. We are so tired that all of us can ' t walk any farther.(同义句)

We are _____________ tired ____________ walk any farther.

5. She is going to work hard at English next year.(对划线部分提问)_____________ is she goi ng to ______________ ?

6. Tim doesn ' t work as carefully as Jason.(同义句)

Jas on works ______________ carefully tha n Tim.


A: What are you going to be whe n you leave school?



B: No. I'm not. I'm going to sing rock music.


B: rm going to take singing less ons.

A: When are you going to start?


A: ⑤___________________ B: In New York.

()3.At what t ime did Kim leave Mike ' s house?


Jack lost his job last week. It was difficult for him to find ano ther job. 1 told him

()3.At what t

ime did Kim leave Mike ' s house?

that it was possible (可能的) to get a new 2 in a town two hundred kilometers 3 . He decided to get there 4 . So he went to the railway stati on and got 5 a train. He was the only one in the car ( 车厢).The train 6 . Suddenly a man came in 7 a gun (枪)and said to him,

“Your money 8 your life! ” Jack sat t here without 9 up.

“ I don ' t have any money, ” Jack answered.

"Then why are you so afraid of me? ” the man asked angrily.

“ Because I 10 you were the con ductor (售票员), and 1 didn ' t buy a ticket ” ,answered Jack

( )1. A 、Nobody

B 、Somebody

C Anybody

D 、

No one ( )2. A 、one B 、it C 、 ones

D them


)3. A 、from B 、 farther

C 、away

D 、 off (

)4. A 、by bike B 、 on foot C 、by train D 、

by bus (

)5. A 、off

B 、

on C up

D 、 to ( )6. A 、stopped

B 、start

C stop

D 、

started (

)7. A 、with B 、 has C have D 、 there was

( )8. A 、but

B 、and

C so

D 、

or (

)9. A 、stand B 、 sta nding C stood D 、

stan ds ( )10. A 、know B 、 di dn ' t know C thi nk D 、


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

阅读Kim 的时间表并选择答案:

()1.What was the w eather like on the day Kim wrote her diary? It ' s .

A. cloudy

B. windy

C. wet

D. sunny

()2.Kim had lunch ________.

A. at home

B. in the park

C. at Mike ' s house

D. at school

A. 7:45 am

B. 12:30 pm

C. 3:00 pm

D. 3:30 pm

()4.Who did Kim see on the way home?

A. Gord on

B. Mi ng

C. Alex

D. Mike

()5.Kim ' s diary tells us that she _________

A. liked her lunch B . doesn ' t like hamburg ers

C. went to Ming ' s house for dinner

D. saw Mi ng in the park on the way home


Do you often listen to Jazz music? It sounds wonderful!There

are many great Jazz sin gers in the world. One of them is North

Jon es.

Norah came to China in March ,2020.She had some con certs for

her Chin ese fans .She played the pia no and sang her songs .

People call Norah the “ Jazz Princess ” .she was born in New York in 1979.Her parents are musicians.They taught Norah music. Norah can play many musical instruments.But piano is her favorite .It matches her music best.

The year 2020 was important to her. Her first album cameout.Its namewas “ ComeAwayWith Me. ” Norah got 8 GrammyAwards(格拉米大奖)the next year.It was really surprising! In 2020,Norah had her second album "Feel Like Home. ” It helped Norah with 3 Grammy Awards in 2020.

Norah sa id , " I like writing songs.lt ' s nice to sing your own songs. ” the Jazz Princess will bring us some surprises.

()6.NorthJ ones is one of the best in the world now.


B. musicians

C.film stars

D.football players

()7.NorthJ ones was born in

A.E ngla nd

B.America n

C.Fra nee

D.Germa ny.

()8.She likes to play best of ma ny musical in strume nt.

A.the guitar

B.the violi n

C.the pia no

D.the drum.

()9. helped Norah with three Grammy Awards in 2020.

A "the moon Express My heart ” B. “ Feels like Home ”

C. “ Come Away With Md'

D. “ The Color Could Pursues The Moo n ”

()10.the Jazz Princess will bring us some surprises.The word “ surprises ” means


B. 烦恼

C.惊喜D 悲伤





2. 语法正确,语言流畅。

3.80 个词左右。参考词:meet, arrive, go boating, have a party, play games/chessgofishing,takphotos , see, eat, how, beautiful, have a good time , National, Humid land Park(公园),live in Zhangye.

Dear Jim,

Last Sun day my classmates and I went to the Humid land Park,

I hope we will meet in Zhan gye in 2020

Best wishes.



1. Can vouiide abik^ n

2.Excuse me r v^'hi

3.Soccer is the most pgular sports in \merica.

4 Ybu can eniov the fresh flox\ ers

5” Som亡tiru亞I'm glad to be aloae.


6.Would you like sojneth.lng to drink?

匚Who do you vote for, Tina cr T QJW?

8* Who is the man Ln the car?

9* T/hat1s the bi ggest animal on 1 ^nd?

10. What does your brother look like?

Ill-对话理解:听下列几组对话.然后从取E. C三个选项中选出一个能回答所听到的问题的答'柔。行分〉(听两遍)11. W: Can I help you?

M: I want to buy a ruler.

W: What kind of ruler would you like?

M: I would like a Ion ger one

Q: What would the man like to buy?

12. W: Which is your favourite sport?

M: Can you guess?

W: Hiki ng?

M: No. I like running best.

Q: What sport does the man like best?

13. W: There is a han dsome man. Who is he?

M: He is Tony, Sam ' s father.

W: No. Sam' s father is at work.

M: Oh, he ' s Sam' s uncle.

Q: Who is the han dsome man?

14. W: Do you like swimmi ng?

M: Yes, I do. And you?

W: I like playing football.

M: Why?

W: Play ing football is more in teresti ng tha n swim ming.

M: Oh, I know.

Q: Does the woma n like play ing football?

15. W: How do your classmates come to school?

M: 20 come by bike, 16 walk to school, and the other two come by bus.

Q: How many stude nts are there in his class?

IV .短文理解:从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个与你所听到的短文内容相符的答案。(5分)


Do you know who is my best friend? She is Lin da. I will tell you somethi ng about her. She is from America. She came to China with her father last year.

we re classmates now. She is very tall, almost 1.75 metres. She is slim and her hair is very

Ion g. It is yellow. She is helpful and always wears a smile on her face. Look, she is help ing a child cross the road.




6-10 CCCBB


15-20 CCBCB
