

( 英文导游词)






Bird's nest tour guide



The National Stadium Bird's Nest is the main stadium for the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games. The design of the giant stadium completed by Herzog, De Mellon and Chinese architect Li Xinggang, who won the Plic Prize in 20xx, was designed by Ai Weiwei as a design consultant. Form is like a " nest" that breeds life. It is more like a cradle that holds human hopes for the future. Designers didn't do any extra work on the national stadium, but frankly exposed the structure, thus naturally forming the appearance of the building.

" Bird's Nest" is mainly composed of huge portal steel frames with 24 truss columns. The top surface of the National Stadium is saddle - shaped, with a major axis of 332.3 meters, a minor axis of 296.4 meters, a highest point of 68.5 meters and a lowest point of 42.8 meters.

The design of the Bird's Nest fully embodies the humanistic care. The bowl-shaped seats encircle the folding structure of the stadium, and the upper and lower floors are strewn at random. No matter where the

audience sits, the distance of sight from the center of the stadium is about 140 meters. The sound-absorbing film material used in the lower layer of the " Bird's Nest", the sound-absorbing material arranged on the steel structure member, and the electroacoustic sound amplification system used in the stadium, these three layers of " special devices" make the index of speech intelligibility in the " Bird's Nest" reach 0.6 - this number ensures that the audience sitting in any position can hear the broadcast clearly. The designers of the Bird's Nest also used fluid mechanics to simulate the natural ventilation of 91,000 people watching the competition at the same time, so that all spectators can enjoy the same natural light and natural ventilation. More than 200 wheelchair seats have also been set up for the disabled in the auditorium of the Bird's Nest. These wheelchair seats are slightly higher than ordinary seats, ensuring that disabled people have the same vision as ordinary spectators. During the Games - time, hearing AIDS and a wireless broadcasting system will be provided to provide personalized services for people with hearing and vision impairments.

Many architectural experts believe that the " Bird's Nest" will not only set up a unique and historic landmark for the 20xx Olympic Games, but will also have pioneering significance in the development of world architecture and will provide historical witness for the development of Chinese and world architecture in the 21st century.


现在咱们继续沿着中轴线行走,面前的建筑叫做天库,而它的正殿就是皇穹宇。皇穹宇建于明嘉靖九年,起初叫做泰神殿,到了十七年,改名为现在的皇穹宇,它的作用就是在平日存放圜丘坛祭祀主神的地方,所以这里也叫圜丘坛寝宫。殿内正面的圆形石台上安放的就是皇天上帝的神牌,而前边两侧的四个方形石台上安放的则是八位祖先神主,还有东西配殿用来存放从祀神位。而皇穹宇三个字也分别代表了至高无上,天,宇宙的意思,更加显示出它的神圣和至尊。 它是一座建筑艺术价值非常高的殿宇,总体呈圆形,下边是高85米的圆形须弥座,为青白石筑成,有东南西三个方向的出陛,也就是台阶,而在南向出陛还有二龙戏珠的丹陛石。上边是蓝色筒瓦单檐攒尖鎏金宝顶。而在殿内还有八根檐柱和八根金柱,大殿上架没有横梁承托,全都是靠各类斗拱层层上叠来支撑,步步收缩,从而形成了精美的穹隆圆顶。这里边还运用了物理学中的杠杆原理。这组建筑不仅十分精美,而且还有回音壁和三音石,这和刚才我们说的天心石合称天坛三大声学现象。回音壁就是皇穹宇的外墙,围墙建造的磨砖对缝,十分的平滑,是很好的声音载体,可以传声,在传递途中对声音损失极小,只要对着墙说话,就算相隔四五十米,见不到面,都可以清晰的听到对方说话。而三音石则是皇穹宇大殿正前方的三块石头,您站在第一块石头上拍手可以听到一次回音,第二块石头可以听到两次,而第三块就可以听到三次回音,所以称为三音石。在后来也有人把它叫做三才石,取天地人三才的意思。 也许您刚才就已经注意到了,天坛有非常多的柏树,不错,它就好像北京一个天然的氧吧。而在这许多古柏当中,有一株500余岁的桧柏,就是回音壁西墙外的这棵九龙柏。它的树干纹理非常的奇特,布满了沟壑,而且旋转扭曲,好像9条蟠龙缠绕嬉戏,所以叫它九龙柏真是一点也不过分。 在游览过了圜丘坛和皇穹宇之后,我们就即将走进祈谷坛了,而现在我们脚下连接两个祭坛的就是丹陛桥,也叫做海墁大道,而它也是皇帝登上祈谷坛的唯一通道,长360米,桥面上分为三条道,中间的是神道,东边是御道,西边的就是王道。而它作为通道为什么又要称为桥呢?这有两种说法,一种是说路面南低北高,步步高升,好像与天相连接的桥;而另一种就是说路面下边建有进牲门,类似立交桥,所以称之为桥。说到进牲门,就是在祭祀前,牛羊都要通过桥下的一个券门被赶到500米外的宰牲亭宰杀,制成供品,所以这个通道也被叫做鬼门关,因为一进去就有死无生了。 好,回到正题,现在呈现在您面前的就是祈谷坛的完整建筑群。前面的这个石台是具服台,在每年孟春祈谷祭祀之前,皇帝照例还是要来到这里搭建幄次,盥洗更衣,所以这里还有小金殿之称。 到此,祈谷坛的主体建筑祈年殿就出现在我们面前了。祈年殿下的基座是三层的圆形石台,而在正面三层石台阶中,分别装饰着巨大的浮雕,叫做殿前丹陛石雕。从下之上内容分别是瑞云山海,双凤山海,双龙山海。各层排水孔的图案和浮雕的内容也是对应的。东西两旁的配殿个有九间,原来是安放从祀牌位的地方,不过在家靖年间,把它们挪到了先农坛,所以现在这里也就没有什么实际用途了。而祈年殿本身就是一座极具中国特色的独特建筑。圆形三重檐攒尖屋顶向上层层收缩,都是用蓝色的琉璃瓦覆盖,以此来象征天。顶部是鎏金


北京天坛英文导游词 北京天坛英文导游词 对于北京天坛英文导游词怎么写呢?下面是WTT为大家搜索整理的关于北京天坛英文导游词,欢迎参考学习,希望对大家有所帮助! Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to the temple of Heaven. (After self-introduction) preserved cultural heritages of China. There are basically two kinds of visitors who come here: local pensioners who do exercises here in the morning and evening and sightseers both from home and abroad. All in all ,there are 12 million visitors very year. Now we are going to go along the route that leads to the alter. It will take roughly one hour. Mind you ,the emperor also walked along this route to pay tribute to the God of Heaven. (Along the Southern Sacred Road leading to the Circular Mound Altar)

The largest group of architectures ever to be dedicated to Heaven ,the Temple of Heaven served as an exclusive altar for Chinese monarchs during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was decreed that rulers of successive dynasties would place altars in their own capitals to worship Heaven and pray for good harvest. But why ? The ancient Chinese believed that Heaven was the supreme ruler of the universe and the fate of mankind ,and thus worshiping rites dedicated to Heaven came into being. The Heaven the ancient Chinese referred to was actually the Universe, or nature. In those days, there were specfic rites of worship. This was especially true during the Ming and Qing dynasties when elaborate ceremonies were held. The Temple of Heaven was built in 1420 during the reign of Emperor Youngle of the Ming Dynasty. Situated in the southern part of the city ,this grand set of structures covers an area of 273 hectares. To better symbolize heaven and earth ,the northern part of the


北京天坛导游词 北京天坛是古代祭天的建筑,是北京著名的景点,吸引了很多游客前去参观,导游带领游客时,要做好充分的解说,让游客了解这个景点的历史典故。下面是橙子整理北京天坛导游词的范文,欢迎阅读! 北京天坛导游词篇一我们现在们在天坛的昭亨门,也就是现在天坛的南大门。 天坛,位于北京城区的东南部,原是明、清两代皇帝祭天、祈谷的圣地,是世界现存规模最大的祭天建筑群。 天坛,建于明朝永乐四年至十八年(1406——1420),与紫禁城(故宫)同时兴建。耗时20xx年,距今已有580多年历史。其占地273公顷,比故宫大3.7倍,略小于颐和园。整个建筑布局呈"回"字形,分为内外坛两大部分,各有坛墙围括。外坛墙总长6416米,原来仅设西门,为天坛的正门,是当年皇帝前来天坛祭祀时进出的大门。现在的东、南、北各门,都是后来开辟的。内坛墙总长3292米,分设有东、南、西、北四大"天门"。明代初年,祭天地都在此处举行,名为天地坛。嘉靖九年(1530年),在北郊另建方泽坛(地坛)后,才实行天地分祭,从此这里专门用于祭天,成为名副其实的天坛。历代封建皇帝对祭天活动都极为重视,每年要两次亲临天坛祭天。第一次是在农历正月十五日,至祈年殿举行祈谷礼,祀(si)"皇天上帝"保佑五谷丰登,第二次是在冬至,至圜丘坛禀告五谷业已丰收,感谢天帝的保佑之恩。新中国成立后,天坛回到了真正当家作主的人民手中,并被列

为全国重点文物保护单位。 我们从南门进去,向北走,首先看到的就是在昭亨门西面的三座高大的石台,它叫作台。台上有长杆,叫望灯杆,该杆始建于明嘉靖九年(1530),杆长九丈九尺九寸。祭天时,三根灯杆上各吊一只直径六尺、高八尺的大灯笼,所用特制,长四尺,粗一尺,并铸有凸龙花纺。燃点时不灭,不流油,不剪蜡花,可燃烧十二个小时,名为“蟠龙通宵宝蜡”。 此刻在我们眼前的便是圜丘坛俗称祭天台,这是名副其实的天坛。建于明嘉靖九年(1530),清乾隆十四年(1749)扩建,是一座四周由白石雕栏围护的三层石造圆台,通高五米,明、清两代,每年冬至日皇帝亲临的祭天礼仪,就在此坛举行。圜丘坛在建筑形式上,有着许多神奇有趣的说法。这是我国古代人民巧妙运用几何学原理设计的一座杰出建筑,各项建筑材料的数学计算均极其精确,其中包含"九"的含义与运用深为中外广大游人所赞叹与称奇。 圜丘坛共分三层,每层四面各有台阶九级。每层周围都设有精雕细刻的汉白玉石栏杆。栏杆的数字均为九或九的倍数,即上层72根、中层108根、下层180根。同时,各层铺设的扇面形石板,也是九或九的倍数。如最上层的中心是一块圆形大理石(称作天心石或太极石),从中心石向外,第一环为9块,第二环18块,到第九环81块;中层从第十环的90块至十八环的162块;下层从十九环的171块至二十七环的243块,三层共378个"九",为3402块。同时,上层直径为9丈(取一九),中层直径为十五丈(取三五),下层直径为21丈(取


学校景点介绍中文英文 导语:学校是我们学习的地方,那么大家都是怎么去介绍自己的学校的呢?,接下来为大家介绍学校景点介绍中文英文文章,仅供参考! 学校景点介绍中文英文 英文: Wuhan Heping Middle School Our shool, Wuhan Heping Middle School, lies in the center of Wuhan city. It was just built and has the perfect size. The school yard is two hundred meters long, one hundred meters wide, and is surrounded by trees. When you walk throught the front gate, there is a huge garden that greets you with every kind of natural things. To the left is the school library in which there are more than 100, 000 books. To the right is the experiment building. In the very middle of the school yard stands the teaching building that stretches for one hundred and fifty meters. This teaching building has four floors with the teachers’ offices at either end of each floor. Standing on the top of the teaching building, you can see a flower bed. Behind the teaching building is a large playground on the right side. The students often do sports here after class.


天坛英文导游词 天坛英文导游词 作为一位无私奉献的导游,总归要编写导游词,导游词具有注重口语化、精简凝练、重点突出的特点。那么什么样的导游词才是好的.呢?以下是整理的天坛英文导游词范文,欢迎大家分享。 Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to the temple of Heaven. (After self-introduction) preserved cultural heritages of China. There are basically two kinds of visitors who come here: local pensioners who do exercises here in the morning and evening and sightseers both from home and abroad. All in all ,there are 12 million visitors very year. Now we are going to go along the route that leads to the alter. It will take roughly one hour. Mind you ,the emperor also walked along this route to pay tribute to the God of Heaven. (Along the Southern Sacred Road leading to the Circular Mound Altar) The largest group of architectures ever to be dedicated to Heaven ,the Temple of Heaven served as an exclusive altar for Chinese monarchs during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was decreed that rulers of successive dynasties would place altars in their own capitals to worship Heaven and pray for good harvest. But why ? The ancient Chinese believed that Heaven was the supreme ruler of the universe and the fate of mankind ,and thus worshiping rites dedicated to Heaven came into being. The Heaven the ancient Chinese referred to was actually the Universe, or nature. In those days, there were specfic rites of worship. This was especially true during the Ming and Qing dynasties when elaborate ceremonies were held. The Temple of Heaven was built in 1420 during the reign of Emperor Youngle of the Ming Dynasty. Situated in the southern part of the city ,this grand set of structures covers an area of 273 hectares. To better symbolize heaven and earth ,the northern part of the Temple is circular while the southern part is square .The whole compound is enclosed by two walls, a square wall outside a round one. The outer area is characterized by suburban scenery, while the inner part is used for sacrifices. The inner enclosure consists of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest and the Circular Mound Altar. (Along the Imperial Passage leading from the Southern Lattice Star Gate in front of the Circular Mound Altar) the Circular Mound Altar is enclosed by two walls ,each containing four groups of Southern Lattice Star Gate, each in turn consisting of three doors, with 24 marble doors altogether. Standing on the passage facing north, you will notice that with each pair of doors on is narrower than the other. This reflects the feudal hierarchy: the wider door was reserved for monarchs, while the narrower one was used by courtiers. On the day of the ceremony ,the emperor would don his ritual costume and be ushered in by the official in charge of religious affairs. He ascended the three terraces in the forefront to pay tribute at the alter. (Atop the Circular Mound Alter) we are now on the top terrace of the Altar, or the third terrace .Each terrace has a flight of 9 steps. At the center of this terrace lies a round stone surrounded by 9 steps. At the center of this terrace lies a round stone surrounded by 9 concentric rings of stone. The number of stones in the


天坛导游词 天坛导游词1 各位!现在我们来到了圜丘坛景区,其实呀,它才是真正的“天坛”,因为这里才是皇帝在冬至祭天用的祭天台。圜丘坛建于明嘉靖年间,即公元1530年,位于整个院落的南端,我先给大家介绍一下圜丘坛院落中的陈设。请看西边,那里有一杆很高的木杆,它叫望灯杆,是祭天的时候挂灯笼用的。各位也许要问:祭天挂什么灯笼呀?当然要挂啦 !因为当年祭天的时间不是在白天,而是在日出前七刻,即零晨四点一刻。您想想,在漆黑的冬夜,老百姓都在被窝里熟睡的时候,皇帝来祭天,也真是够辛苦的,挂个灯笼照个亮,不过分吧?不过,皇帝照亮,非同一般,那必须是“吉灯高照”。那么现在请大家猜一猜这座灯竿有多高?现在我来宣布正确答案:灯杆的高度是九丈九尺九寸,为什么不再加点凑够10丈呢?肯定有原因,不错,请各位先猜猜看,待会儿我再告诉大家。不仅灯杆不一般,那灯笼也不一般,高有两米,直径两米六,够气派吧!但最不一般的还得说那灯笼中的蟠龙通霄宝蜡,长有一米三,直径三十厘米,可连续燃烧12个小时,既不用剪蜡花,也不流蜡油,是当年皇帝祭天的专用宝蜡。 再看看东边的这个绿色建筑物,它的名字叫燔柴炉,是在祭天大典结束后,焚烧祝板及祭品的地方。这是铁镣炉,

在进行大典的时候炉内燃烧松杆、松柏,同时还烧些檀香木,一时间火光冲天,香烟缭绕,不但增加了神秘庄严的气氛,而且在寒冷的冬夜给皇帝带来了一丝暖意,真是一举多得呀! 现在,言归正传,我给大家介绍一下圜丘坛,它是一座三层的圆形石台,为什么要将祭天台设计成圆形呢?因为古代人们认为天是圆的,地是方的,既然是祭天台,自然要设计成圆形了。普通人看这座祭天台是用大理石建制的,但设计者们是用数字“九”建成了这座神秘的祭天台,现在我们一起来找找那些神秘的“九”看它们藏在何处。 (走近圜丘坛,在圜丘坛的近前) 耳听为虚,眼见为实,在这儿咱们不妨来个脚踏为实,请大家一边登上这一组台阶,一边数数这组台阶有多少级(自地面层到底间层,因为这里人少,面积大)一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九,正好九级(把客人带到底层平台的东侧)。往上还有两组台阶,每组也是九级,整个圜丘坛东、南、西、北各开一口,每个登坛口都有上、中、下三组台阶,每一组台阶都是九级,现在我们已经找到了12个“九”了。我们再找找看,脚下底层祭坛的坛面直径21丈,没有“九”,中层直径15丈,也没有“九”,顶层“九”丈,有一个“九”,如果把三层直径相加,便是四十五,五九四十五,不但有“九”还有“五”,象征皇帝的“xx”之尊。真是巧夺天工!那么,别的地方还有“九”吗?有!请各位更上二层“九”,我们到最上层看一看。

雅思口语题目详解: an unusual building

雅思口语题目详解:an unusual building 雅思口语考试中有一道题是描述哦一个不寻常的建筑,你是不是立刻脑洞大开到大裤衩,鸟巢,水煮蛋?这次为大家整理关于此题目的思路,看这个建筑要怎样叙述才体现它的不寻常。 Describe an unusual building you’ve visited You should say: where it is what it is used for what it looks like and explain why you think it is unusual 该怎么回答呢,其实建筑物一直是雅思口语的热门考题,建议大家看一些建筑的官网。不仅有亮点介绍(unusual),还有一些比较准确的英文描述,很实用的呢 举个例子来说:广州塔(Canton Tower),昵称小蛮腰(the slender waist),如果我们打开官网,里面的内容真够丰富。看来小蛮腰不仅造型独特,还是休闲娱乐(谈恋爱)的好去处。 话题考频: 建筑物的话题一直是雅思口语话题的热门考题,有时考察的是历史建筑,有时考察的是现代建筑物,这个话题可以涵盖古今建筑,只要突出其“unusual/不同寻常”的特征即可 相关考题: Describe a modern building Describe a historic building 话题解析:

1.在回答这个问题的时候,为了能详细且准确地介绍该建筑物,最好能提前准备一些与建筑物相关的一些词语,比如说“外部”、“内部”、“柱子”、“面”等等,因此,我们可以登陆我们感兴趣的建筑物的英文介绍页面,最好是官方的网站,把里面的一些介绍性的,可取的说法借用过来,这个也是我们所讲的考试前要做准备 2.题目的核心词是“unusual”一字,所以我们在开头以及结尾的时候最好要突出该建筑物比较独特的地方,才能扣题 3.在解释“为何我觉得此建筑物很独特”的时候,要注意关于原因的表达,因果关系要合乎逻辑,比如在接下来要说到的范文当中,小蛮腰造型奇特,且又是当地地表与娱乐场所,用以交代选择说小蛮腰的原因 4.此话题将以广州的地标建筑广州塔作为范例,广州塔有一个外号叫“小蛮腰”,之所以叫这个名字是因为其独特的造型,同时它也是广州人休闲娱乐的好去处,元旦、农历新年、圣诞节也会有很多灯光秀活动,话题可延续性较强话题词汇参考: 1.电视塔:TV tower 2.小蛮腰:slender waist 3.观光:sightseeing 4.地点:venue 5.摩天轮:ferris wheel 6.(小蛮腰的)椭圆形的面:ellipse 7.外部:exterior


天坛导游词文档6篇Guide words of Temple of heaven 编订:JinTai College

天坛导游词文档6篇 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同 游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文 体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是北京的特点展 开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随 意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:天坛导游词范文 2、篇章2:天坛导游词范文 3、篇章3:天坛导游词范文 4、篇章4:天坛导游词数范文 5、篇章5:天坛导游词数范文 6、篇章6:天坛导游词数范文 天坛是我国珍贵的文化遗产,也是世界上最大的祭天建 筑群。下面是为大家准备的天坛导游词400字,希望大家喜欢!篇章1:天坛导游词范文

各位游客大家好!今天,我们要浏览的是举世闻名的天坛。 天坛是我国重点文物保护单位,位于天北京城内崇文区 永定门大街东侧,始建于明永乐十八年(1420xx年),初名 天地坛。嘉靖九年(1530年)增建圜丘坛、皇穹宇,改称天坛,是明清两代皇帝祭天祈谷之地。 天坛由圜丘、祈谷两坛组成。现在大家看到的是圜丘坛,坛北为皇穹宇,是放置圜丘祭祀神牌之处。东西各有配殿5间,周围有圆形围墙环绕,墙壁面平整光滑,声波可由墙壁传递,这就是有名的“回音壁”。现在参观的是祈谷坛,这个大门称祈年门,门北为坛,上层坛面正中是祈年殿。殿高38米,直 径32.72米。殿内设雕龙宝座,是祭祀时放神牌的地方。祈年殿之北还有皇乾殿,是祈谷坛奉祀神位的供奉所。 1949年新中国建立后,天坛经多次维修,今已成为天坛 公园,其庞大而独特的建筑艺术,在中外游客中享有极高的声誉。 篇章2:天坛导游词范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 各位游客:你们好,我叫牛牛,今天由我来做你们的导 游!


天坛的经典导游词5篇 第1篇:天坛导游词 各位游客: 大家好,我是你们的导游,曹宇翔。 下面我要给大家讲讲天坛的传说,现在大家抬头看一下这就是美丽的天坛,从远出看是个八角形宝塔。 天坛是王屋的主峰,高峰耸寺深古纵横,一峰突起,万峰臣伏,唯我独尊,从南向北看中间高,两边低,好似屋顶像王者之屋,称王屋山。天坛原名叫琼林台,因皇帝在山顶设坛祭天,后人为了纪念,该为天坛。为了纪念皇帝老师华盖对皇帝指点,把天坛峰前的山叫华盖峰。 我们走过天坛,又来到了望景寺,这里可以这人观赏天坛的风景。 天坛是世界文化遗产,国家5A级旅游景区,全国重点文明保护单位。于北京正阳门,东南方自,为明清两朝皇帝祭天,求雨和祈,寿年专用祭坛,是世界上现在规模最大,最完美的古代祭天建筑群。总面积273平方米。1918年作为公园正式对外开放。 坛为三层圆形石台,坛区占地20万余平方米。因此;明清时期北京的天坛与历朝代郊坛有一脉相承的渊源。 天地坛遂改称为天坛。消沿明制,天坛一称沿用至今。从乾隆八年1743年起,对天坛建筑进行了多次修理,天坛终于形成了南北两坛,规制严谨的盛郎风貌。

天坛到处有美丽的风景,说也说不尽,希望你有机会细细游赏。 第2篇:北京天坛导游词 亲爱的游客们,你们好吗?我是你们的导游,你们可以叫我刘导,我们今天所要参观的就是以前皇帝祭天的地方——天坛。 明朝永乐皇帝在北京南城仿照南京的大祀殿建立了这作用于祭天的圣坛,主建筑是大祀殿,也就是今天祈年殿的位置上。天坛有外坛墙和内坛墙,北面是圆形,南面是方形,取意天圆地方。 现在我们正沿着天坛建筑的中轴线向南行进,将要看到的就是古代皇帝祭天的圜丘坛。圜丘有两道围护墙,使外方内圆,符合天圆地方的说法。需要特别提到的是皇帝恭读祝文所站立的地方,就是刚才所说的台面中心天心石。他是天坛三大声学现象之一。在这里朗读的时候声音特别洪亮,而且现在这里也是一样的,各位游客不妨体会一下这奇特的效果,也像当年的皇帝一样,向上天诉说自己美好的愿望。 也许您刚才就已经注意到了,天坛有非常多的柏树,不错,它就好像北京一个天然的氧吧。而在这许多古柏当中,有一株500余岁的桧柏,就是回音壁西墙外的这棵九龙柏。它的树干纹理非常的奇特,布满了沟壑,而且旋转扭曲,好像9条蟠龙缠绕嬉戏,所以叫它九龙柏真是一点也不过分。请大家不要攀爬树木,注意自己的言行,这是一个神圣的地方,我们要保持宁静的心态, 解放以后天坛不仅成了着名的旅游景点,而且还是北京城市绿地的组成部分,来这里的不光是旅游者,还不乏一些专门为了强身健体的老人们。


The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird's nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies. In 2002 Government officials engaged architects worldwide in a design competition. Pritzker Prize-winning architects Herzog & de Meuron collaborated with ArupSport and China Architecture Design & Research Group to win the competition. The stadium will seat as many as 100,000 spectators during the Olympics, but this will be reduced to 80,000 after the games. It has replaced the original intended venue of the Guangdong Olympic Stadium. The stadium is 330 metres long by 220 metres wide, and is 69.2 metres tall. The 250,000 square metre (gross floor area) stadium is to be built with 36 km of unwrapped steel, with a combined weight of 45,000 tonnes. The stadium will cost up to 3.5 billion yuan (422,873,850 USD/ 325,395,593 EUR). The ground was broken in December 2003, and construction started in March 2004, but was halted by the high construction cost in August 2004. In the new design, the roof of the stadium had been omitted from the design. Experts say that this will make the stadium safer, whilst reducing construction costs. The construction of the Olympic buildings will continue once again in the beginning of 2005. In depth The stadium's appearance is one of synergy, with no distinction made between the facade and the superstructure. The structural elements mutually support each other and converge into a grid-like formation - almost like a bird's nest with its interwoven twigs. The spatial effect of the stadium is novel and radical, yet simple and of an almost archaic immediacy, thus creating a unique historical landmark for the Olympics of 2008. The stadium was conceived as a large collective vessel, which makes a distinctive and unmistakable impression both from a distance and when seen from up close. It meets all the functional and technical requirements of an Olympic National Stadium, but without communicating the insistent sameness of technocratic architecture dominated by large spans and digital screens. Visitors walk through this formation and enter the spacious ambulatory that runs full circle around the stands. From there, one can survey the circulation of the entire area including the stairs that access the three tiers of the stands. Functioning like an arcade or a concourse, the lobby is a covered urban space with restaurants and stores that invite visitors to stroll around. Just as birds stuff the spaces between the woven twigs of their nests with a soft filler, the spaces in the structure of the stadium will be filled with inflated ETFE cushions. Originally, on the roof, the cushions were to be mounted on the outside of the structure to make the roof completely weatherproof, but the roof has been omitted from the design in 2004. While the rain was to be collected for rainwater recuperation, the sunlight was to filter through the translucent roof, providing the lawn with essential ultraviolet radiation. On the facade, the inflated cushions will be mounted on the inside of the structure where necessary, e.g.


北京天坛导游词 北京天坛导游词 大伙儿好,今天将由我带领大伙儿参观世界上现存规模最大的祭天建筑群→天坛。 天坛位于北京正阳门东南侧,始建于明朝永乐初年,至今已有近600年的历史。天坛是明清两朝皇帝祭天和祈谷的场所,是中国也是世界上现存规模最大,形制最完备的的古代祭坛建筑群。天坛平面布局呈回字形,北圆南方,象征天圆地点。天坛分为内,外坛两部分,每年孟春祈谷大典在祈谷坛凉快,冬至祭天在圜丘坛凉快。明清共有22位皇帝在那个地点凉快过祭祀大典。 天坛不但以精美的古代祭坛建筑群闻名于世,也是北京城内最大的园林景观。占地面积有273公顷,植被覆盖率达89%。100年以上的古树名木就达3600余株之多。在1998年被列入《世界遗产名录》。 明朝天坛要紧分为两个时期,一个是天地合祀时期,一个是天地分开祭祀的时期。明成祖朱棣迁都北京,在营建北京宫城的同时,建天地坛。初建时为天地合祀,称天地坛。主体建筑有大祀殿。有9位明朝皇帝在天地坛凉快过合祀天地大典。嘉靖年间,将天地合祭改为天地分祭。在原有的大祀殿的南面建圜丘,专门祭天。又在北京城的北郊建了方泽坛,祭地;东郊建朝日坛,祭日;西郊建夕月坛,祭月。嘉靖十七年时,把原来的大祀殿改成了我们今天看到的三层圆形攒尖顶,更名为大享殿。三层圆顶又分不铺盖成了绿色、黄色、蓝色,三色琉璃瓦,在那个地点进行凉爽大享礼。 清代乾隆皇帝对天坛的礼制、建筑进行完善和相应的改变。要紧有六项: 第一,改建斋宫。第二,改天坛的内外坛墙为夯土砖包墙。第三,扩建圜丘。第四,把祈谷坛大享殿改称祈年殿,三色琉璃瓦统一成今天我们看到的蓝色。第五,在天坛西侧增设圜丘坛门,两坛两门,规制更加严谨。第六,改建皇穹宇。将重檐改称单檐。我们今天看到的天坛祈年殿是光绪年间重建的。 1918年新年元旦天坛对外开放。抗日战争时期,日军曾在天坛驻扎;解放前期,天坛曾经是国民党军队的弹药库。园内杂草丛生,昔日皇帝祭天的神坛差不多面目全非。 新中国成立后,党和政府对天坛进行了大规模的清理,部分建筑进行了修缮。使得天坛焕然一新。形成了以一、三、五、七、九为特点的建筑布局。 一,一条明显的中轴线。 三,三道坛墙。内坛墙;外坛墙;圜丘、祈谷之间的隔墙。 五,五组建筑。圜丘坛建筑群;祈谷坛建筑群;斋宫建筑群;神乐署和牺牲所建筑群。七,七星石。 九,九座坛门。外坛墙两座,一座通往圜丘坛,一座通往祈谷坛。圜丘坛周围四座,泰


天坛导游词 天坛导游词 各位游客,你们好!今天我们要参观的是以前皇帝祭天的地方天坛。 天坛是明朝永乐皇帝建成的祭天圣坛,主建筑是大祀殿,也就是今天的祈年殿。天坛有外坛墙和内坛墙,北圆南方,寓意天圆地方。乾隆年间,将大祀殿改为现在的祈年殿,将屋顶瓦片改成蓝色的琉璃瓦,形成了今天我们看到的这个世界上最大的祭天建筑群。 这一祭天圣地,在1860年遭到了英法联军的洗劫,1900年又遭到八国联军的蹂躏。新中国成立以后,这里成了著名的旅游景点,来这里的除了旅游者,还有很多健身的人们。 现在就让我们沿着当年皇帝登坛的路线开始游览。 现在我们是沿着天坛建筑的中轴线在向南行进,将要看到的就是古代皇帝祭天的圜丘坛。圜丘有两道围护墙,外方内圆,符合天圆地方的说法。每道墙都有四组门,大家可以注意到,门的大小都不一样,这是因为中门是上帝专用的,所以高大;皇帝只能从左侧的门进入;而其他的官员只能从右边最小的门通过。 来到圜丘坛下,我们马上要开始登坛了,不过要请您留心数一数,每层坛面都有多少台阶。到了最高层,大家会发现,坛上所有的台阶数,都是九或者九的倍数。这些难道都是巧合么?当然不是,因为古人认为九是极阳数,所以工匠们便用这个数字来赋予圜丘坛崇高之意。 说完了神坛的奇妙,我再给您介绍一下祭天大典的盛况。 到了每年的冬至,皇帝就要在这里祭天。在这个典礼上,需要特别提到的是皇帝恭读祝文所站立的地方,就是这块天心石。它是天坛三大声学现象之一。在这里朗读的时候声音特别洪亮,各位游客不妨体验一下,也像当年的皇帝一样,向上天诉说自己美好的愿望。 现在咱们继续沿着中轴线行走,面前的建筑叫做天库,它的正殿就是皇穹宇。皇穹宇三个字也分别代表了至高无上天宇宙的意思,更加显示出它的神圣和至尊。这组建筑不仅十分精美,而且还有回音壁和三音石,这和刚才我们说的天心石合称天坛三大声学现象。 回音壁就是皇穹宇的外墙,围墙十分平滑,可以传声,在传递途中对声音损失极小,只要


The Temple of Heaven The Temple of Heaven is a worthwhile visiting place in Beijing. It is much bigger than the Imperial Palace (the Forbidden City) and smaller than the Summer Palace with an area of about 2 700 000 square meters. The temple was built in 1420 A.D. in the Ming Dynasty to offer sacrifice to Heaven. As Chinese emperors called themselves “the Son of Heaven”, they dared not to build their own dwelling “Forbidden City” bigger than the dwelling for Heaven. The Temple of Heaven is enclosed with a long wall. The northern part within the wall is semicircular symbolizing the heavens and the southern part is square symbolizing the earth. The northern part is higher than the southern part. This design shows that the heaven is high and the earth is low and reflects an ancient Chinese thought of “The heaven is round and the earth is square”. The Temple of Heaven is divided by two enclosed walls into inner part and outer part. The main buildings of the temple lie at the south and north ends of the middle axis line of the inner part. The most magnificent buildings from south to north are the Circular Terrace, the Imperial Heavenly Vault and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests. Also, there are some additional buildings like Three Echo Stones and Echo Wall. Circular Terrace has three layered terraces with white marble. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368A.D.~1911A.D.), the emperors would offer sacrifices to Heaven on the day of the Winter Solstice every year. This ceremony was to thank Heaven and hope everything would be good in the future. Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is a big palace with round roof and three layers of eaves, the roof is covered with black, yellow and green colored glaze representing the heavens, the earth and everything on earth. Another important building in the Temple of Heaven is Imperial Heavenly Vault. If you look at it from far away, you will find that the vault is like a blue umbrella. The structure of it is like that of Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, but smaller in
