


Though it is a little bit incredible ,it is a good life story .For I am a optimistic person, I like a story with happy ending .

Annie and Hallie are the most successful actresses in this film .i viewed that they are real twins at the beginning until others told me that they was acted by the same person .she is so lovely and well done on performing two different characters. One is a gentle girl with good education but lives without

father ,another is a spicy girl ,crude and always comes up with strange

ideas .both of them are excellent ,however I still prefer they are two ,for that will be more perfect I admire her for her skillful act as a little girl, you know not everyone could do that.

Although Elizabeth and Nick are the main actress and actor in the film ,they perform less ,but no doubt excellent .compare to them ,i think Martin and Chessy is a funny pair .at the beginning Martin gave me an impression as a gentleman ,a good butler always in uniform ,especially when he dance with Hallie .until Elizabeth want to visit Nick in Napa valley, California , he was in a dress like a viking ,that really surprise us and made everyone laughing .when he first saw Chessy who is the housemaid of Nick .same temper and character hold them together ,they even forgot their host .it seems according to someone's saying --love arrange everything.

A good film constructed buy many factors ,but the most attractive part is the characters, for it could easily gave people deep impression but not the sets or any thing else


A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic. 一幅画不是众多物件简单拼凑而成的。牛只是一头牛,草地也只有青草和鲜花,而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光,但如果将它们放到一起,就会产生魔一般的魅力。 The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. 我爬得越高,眼前的风景便愈发迷人。 Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart. 有时落日泛起紫红的余晖,有时散发出橘红色的火光燃起天边的晚霞。在这绚烂的日落景象中,我慢慢领悟了父亲所说的整体胜于局部总和的道理。 Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road. 有时起初的隐忍可以避免一路的疼痛。 Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中。可不经意间,有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,从此以后,其他人就不过是匆匆浮云。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped. It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes. 见到布莱斯·罗斯基的第一天,我心动了。他的双眸有种魔力让我如痴如醉。 The next thing I know, he's holding my hand and looking right into my eyes. My heart stopped. Was this it? Would this be my first kiss? 接下来,我所知道的就是,他紧紧握住我的手,与我深情对视。我的心跳停止了。就要来了吗?我的初吻就要来了吗? Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, gossipy, backstabbing flirt. All hair and no substance. And there she was holding hands with Bryce. My Bryce. The one who was walking around with my first kiss. 雪利·斯道尔斯是个絮絮叨叨、阴险毒辣的长舌妇,头发长见识短。可她竟然牵起了布莱斯的手。那可是我的布莱斯!带着我的初吻到处招摇的布莱斯! - And she's been stalking me since the second grade. - Well, a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.


曾经和ing《经典英文电影赏析》由10个章节组成。每一章节包括电影背景、故事简介、主要演员阵容及导演介绍、精彩部分节选、对影片的评论及注释五大部分。相信许多读者会在观赏优美电影或阅读《经典英文电影赏析》的过程中重温自己过去的电影体验,获得新的感悟和理解。 英汉对照是《经典英文电影赏析》的一大特点。《经典英文电影赏析》既有英文原文,也提供了中文翻译,有助于英语爱好者能更好地理解书中的内容。同时,《经典英文电影赏析》还提供了注释,为读者的自学提供了参考。 ·查看全部>> 前言 在“信息爆炸”的今天,随着国际文化交流的不断深入和推进,英语作为世界通行语的优势越来越显示出她的“英语帝国”风貌。一方面中国正逐步地同世界接轨,日益频繁的国际交往,使国家和社会对大学生的英语综合应用能力尤其是听说技能提出了更高的要求。另一方面,目前全国大学英语教学改革正在各高校尝试并推广,基于计算机/网络+课堂教学的教学模式日渐普遍。 教育部2007年颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求》。为贯彻其原则和方针,遵循其提出的“加强听说能力,提倡自主型的个性化学习”要求,大学英语教学课时数在一定程度上进行了缩减,包括听力课课时。而全国大学英语四、六级考试在这一改革的背景下进行了很大程度的调整,加强了应用能力的考查,听力所占的比例也由原来的20%提高到了35%。大学英语教学也面临着新的挑战。 因此,如何在学时减少、对听说能力要求提高的情况下,加强对学生学习能力的训练,培养学生自主学习的新模式,也是大学教师应该探讨的新问题。 电影一直以来就是人类漫漫旅途中的精神伴侣。在电影中,人们可以获得心灵的安慰,得到情感的滋润,寻求生活的力量,体验人生的快乐。而英语电影不仅能把学习者带入到一个非常好的语境中培养语感,而且有利于学生熟悉国外的社会、文化、生活方式以及异国风情,为他们了解西方提供了一种影像解读的窗口。中国著名英语语言学教育专家刘润清曾说过,“电影是社会文化的浓缩,看一部电影胜似在国外生活一天”。 借此我们编写了《经典英文电影赏析》这部书。在对近几年英美国家上演的大片精挑细选的基础上,我们选择了既适合英语学习,又集知识性、趣味性、观赏性、时尚性、体验性为一体的10部电影。目的是通过提供真实的英语语言环境,让英语学习者和爱好者能直接了解英美人的思维方式、文化和生活习俗,锻炼和提高英语视、听、说、读、写、译的综合应用能力。这10部电影涉及不同的类型:爱情片、励志片、喜剧片、动作片、友情片、动画片等。


天生一对经典台词 没有疑问正确的开始 你对我坦诚以待你一言不发也不评判我你用微笑给我所有你是我的阳光你是我的黑暗你属于我永不退色的梦想除了期盼你的垂青我的心别无所求你是我心永远的神你是我心永远的神你让我手足无措你是我心永远的神在你面前深弯下腰 RAJ : 所以我想让整个阿姆利则代我来表达爱 可我做这些并没有带什么坏心眼,我只想让你知道你对我是多么特别,你不用担心,我们之间没任何改变,我们以前是朋友以后也一直是朋友唯一的不同是你已经结婚了而有一天我也会结婚什么都没变,一切照旧 TAANI : 不raj一切都变了 当一个女孩开始睁开眼睛憧憬......... 那她的整个世界都变了,没有什么能保持原样。 不要说再见,我们行走在爱的小路上,总会再次相见。 tanni : 现在我该怎么办? su :跟我走吧,如果你和他一起不幸福如果你不爱他那么跟我走吧神不会给我们每个人平等的幸福,我们中的一些人必须从他那里夺取属于自己的那份幸福你也要争取你的幸福跟我走闭上眼睛让雨直达你的心灵 TAANI :我很幸福可我不能一直蹦蹦跳跳的来表达如果

我保持安静不意味着我不幸福如果我想要什么我会跟你要你为我做的已经够多了请不要再做这么多你..........让我一生都无以为报请不要再为我做任何事。 SURINDER : 我做这一切不是为了宠你 ,taani ,我只是爱你.........爱情不需要回报。你怎么那么轻易就把我全部的伤心变成了喜悦让我的眼泪变成欢笑你把别人当神,所以你爱他.我没有给你一点爱,而你一直向我表达你的爱,你怎么可以那么爱我。 1我们行走在爱的小路上总会再次相见 2闭上眼睛让雨直达你的心灵 3你看到的我就如同我看你一样 4告诉我以前我们曾经见过吗每一生只是变换不同的身份总会再次相见 6女孩唯一的愿望是,有个爱他给予他以前从未有过的爱的人其余别无所求。 7 当一个女孩开始睁开眼睛憧憬。。。。。那她的整个世界都变了没有什么能保持原样 8 是人就会渴望爱,找到了爱我们都会抓住不放手, 9 神啊!你为什么要在甜蜜的爱情故事中加上别的佐料呢 10 我很幸福可我不能一直蹦蹦跳跳的来表达如果我保持安静不意味着我不幸福如果我想要什么我会跟你要你为我做的已经够多了请不要再做这么多。。。你让我一生都无


如何用英语介绍一部电影 【写作任务】 假定你是李华,你校英文爱好者协会准备在电影周期间展播一部英文电影。请你根据提示,给该协会负责人Ted写一封信,向他推荐美国电影《马戏之王》(The Greatest Showman)。 注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数); 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Ted, I’m writing to recommend The Greatest Showman to you for our school Film Week. _____________________________________________________________________ _________________ I am looking forward to your consideration of this film. Yours, Li Hua 【写作指导】 一、审题定调 介绍一部电影时,我们常用夹叙夹议的方式,即用记叙的方式介绍电影的剧情,用议论的方式发表自己的看法。介绍电影情节时要抓住重点,电影评论部分要客观公正。 在介绍电影情节时,多用一般现在时和一般过去时,人称多用第三人称。二、谋篇布局

因为该信件的开头和结尾部分已给出,所以我们只需要写出正文部分即可。正文可分为三部分: 第一部分:电影简介(上映日期、类型、导演等); 第二部分:剧情简介; 第三部分:发表评论。 三、组织语言 第一部分:电影简介(上映日期、类型、导演等)。 第二部分:剧情简介。 第三部分:发表评论。 【范文展示】 普通范文


1,Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2,I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. 我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3,You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4,Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5,Here's looking at you,kid. 就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6,Go ahead,make my day. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7,All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950) 8,May the Force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。(《星球大战》1977) 9,Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950) 10,You talking to me? 你是在和我说话吗?(《出租车司机》1976) 11、原文:“Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?” 出处:琼·哈罗(Jean Harlow),《地狱天使》Hell's Angels,1930 译文:“假如我换一身更舒服的衣服你会觉得震惊吗?” 12,I love the smell of napalm in the morning. 我喜欢闻弥漫在清晨空气中的汽油弹味道。(《现代启示录》1979) 13,Love means never having to say you're sorry. 爱就是永远不必说对不起。(《爱情故事》1970) 14、原文:“I could dance with you'til the cows come home. On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows until you came home.”


功夫熊猫 Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.? 这个杀手不太冷 This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done...), but rather moments like where Mathilda knocks on Leon's door. It would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating Natalie Portman's face, symbolizing something angelic. And the moment has so much more meaning.? I know a lot of people who have seen this film because they are action fans. I'm not. But I'm glad I finally found it, because it's a wonderful film in so many other ways. 哈利波特 Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule. 动画喜剧海底总动员 Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away.? Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son...? The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars. Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running? 世界末日 There are so many amazing things in the world.这个世界上有太多不可思议的事情.If tomorrow is the end of the world,what can we do?如果明天是世界末日,我们可以做什么?So now,i think we should keep smile everyday.所以现在,我觉得我们应该每天都微笑.After i finish the movie of "2012The end of the world",I feel very upset about that.我看完“2012世界末日”这电影之后,我感到很悲伤.When I saw the people die in the movie,I thought about if this event will happen to us,will we die very helpless?当我看到人类在这个电影里死了,我想到了如果这件事情发生在我们身上,我们会死得很无助吗?If we have to die,I'll choose the one happy ending,like we


结婚誓言经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白电影里的经典结婚誓言台词: 不管是贫穷还是富有,不管是健康还是疾病,我都爱你、尊重你,直到死亡将我们分离。 你对我的身体和心灵都下来魔咒,从今日起,我不愿再与你分离。 ----《傲慢与偏见》 谁让我一不小心成为你生命中美好又重要的一部分呢。 ----《生活大爆炸》 差一年一个月一天一点一个时辰都不算一辈子 ----《霸王别姬》 我们去结婚吧,除了你,别的人我都不要。 - ---《魂断蓝桥》 从现在开始,你只许疼我一个人,要宠我,不能骗我,答应我的每一件事都要做到,对我讲得每一句话都要真心,不许欺负我,骂我,要相信我,别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我,我开心了,你就要陪着我开心,我不开心了,你就要哄我开心,永远都要觉得我是最漂亮的,梦里也要见到我,在你的心里面只有我,就是这样了。 ----《河东狮吼》 她将是我永远的女主角,她的名字叫维奥拉。 ----《莎翁情史》

我开始想要过的快乐,睡在床上,有牵挂,你以后不会再觉得孤独了,玛婷达 ----《这个杀手不太冷》 也许,正因为我们彼此的不完美,才让我们成为彼此的完美伴侣。 ----《爱玛》 当我决定和你度过下半辈子时,我希望我的下半生赶快开始。 ----《当哈利遇见莎莉》 我很明白,爱情的感觉会褪色,一如老照片。但你却长留我心,永远美丽,直至我生命的最后一刻。 ----《八月照相馆》 人生下来的时候都只有一半,为了找到另一半而在人世间行走。有的人幸运,很快就找到了。而有人却要找一辈子。 ----《玻璃樽》 有些人浅薄,有些人金玉其外而败絮其中。有天,你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人。。当你遇到这个人后,会觉得其他人只是浮云而已。 ----《怦然心动》 地球上有数十亿的人口,但你只愿意为一个人安定下来。 ----《美丽与疯狂》 有成千上万的事情表明我们是天生一对,这种感觉就像找到了一直想要的家

世界是平的 英文影评

Review of “Outsourced” “Outsourced”is a typical fish-out-of-water tale about a young American telemarketer who learns that his job is being shipped overseas. Todd Anderson (Josh Hamilton) spends his days managing a customer call center in Seattle until his job, along with those of the entire office, are outsourced to India. Todd rejects but when his boss informs him that quitting would mean losing his stock options, he has to go to train his Indian replacement Puro (Asif Basra). Out of constant cultural misunderstandings, Todd (Josh Hamilton) is frustrated with everything in India. He eats food by using left hand which is taboo in India. Left hand is considered as dirty hand, which is used for clean something. That’s why Todd (Josh Hamilton) can’t find toilet paper in washroom. It is quite different from America. Also Todd (Josh Hamilton) sees the personal questions, which asked by the hostess, as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy. She questions Todd during his classes, tells him he needs to know more about India. Because of cultural diversity, Todd (Josh Hamilton) has difficulty making the call center employees understand what their American customers expect. In order to get the length of a call down to six minutes, Todd (Josh Hamilton) teaches the Indian employees to speak in American way. While an employee Asha (Ayesha Dharker) questions Todd (Josh Hamilton) during his classes, tells him he needs to know more about India. She becomes his


英文电影经典台词大全 导读:本文是关于英文电影经典台词大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、You can’t handle the truth!你不能操纵事实!《义海雄风》 2、All right,Mr。DeMille,I’m ready for my close-up。好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。《日落大道》 3、I am big!It’s the pictures that got small。我是巨大的!是这些照片让我变得渺小了。《日落大道》 4、Death is just a part of life,something we're all destined to do。死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。《阿甘正传》 5、A man can be destroyed but not defeated。一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。《老人与海》 6、I have always depended on the kindness of strangers。我总是非常依赖陌生人的仁慈。《欲望号街车》 7、Love means never having to say you’re sorry。爱就是永远不必说对不起。《爱情故事》 8、You had me at hello。你一开口就征服了我!《加菲猫》 9、After all,tomorrow is another day!毕竟,明天又是新的一天!《乱世佳人》 10、There’s no crying in baseball!在棒球运动中没有哭泣!

《红粉联盟》 11、Oh,Jerry,don’t let’s ask for the moon。We have the stars。噢,杰瑞,不要再乞求能得到月亮了,我们已经拥有星星了。《扬帆》 12、I think it's hard winning a war with words。我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用。《乱世佳人》 13、Wait a minute,wait a minute。You ain’t heard nothin’yet!等一会儿,等一会儿。你肯定听到了什么!《爵士歌手》 14、Shed no tears for me,my glory lives forever!不要为我流泪,我的荣誉将永远流传。《星球大战2》 15、A boy’s best friend is his mother。一个男孩最好的朋友是他的母亲。《惊魂记》 16、Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates。You never know what you’re gonna get。妈妈说生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远都不知道你会得到什么。《阿甘正传》 17、Greed,for lack of a better word,is good。没有比“贪婪”更好的词语了。《华尔街》 18、I feel the need-the need for speed!我感到一种需要,一种加速的需要!《壮志凌云》 19、You talking to me?你是在和我说话吗?《出租车司机》 20、Show me the money!让我看到钱!《甜心先生》 21、I’ll have what she’s having。我会拥有她所拥有的。《当


Tess(苔丝)1979 Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles, which Roman Polanski has turned into a lovely, lyrical, unexpectedly delicate movie, might at first seem to be the wrong project for Mr. Polanski in every way. As a new biography of the director reports, when Tess was shown at the Cannes Film Festival, the press pointed nastily and repeatedly to the coincidence of Mr. Polanski's having made a film about a young girl's seduction by an older man, while he himself faced criminal charges for a similar offense. This would certainly seem to cast a pall over the project. So would the fact that Hardy's novel is so very deeply rooted in English landscapes, geographical and sociological, while Mr. Polanski was brought up in Poland. Finally, Tess of the D'Urbervilles is so quintessentially Victorian a story that a believable version might seem well out of any contemporary director's reach. But if an elegant, plausible, affecting Tess sounds like more than might have been expected of Mr. Polanski, let's just say he has achieved the impossible. In fact, in the process of adapting his style to suit such a sweeping and vivid novel, he has achieved something very unlike his other work. Without Mr. Polanski's name in the credits, this lush and scenic Tess could even be mistaken for the work of David Lean. In a preface to the later editions of Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Mr. Hardy described the work as "an impression, not an argument." Mr. Polanski has taken a similar approach, removing the sting from both the story's morality and its melodrama. Tess Durbeyfield, the hearty country lass whose downfall begins when her father learns he had noble forebears, is sent to charm her rich D'Urberville relations. She learns that they aren't D'Urbervilles after all; instead, they have used their new money to purchase an old name. Tess charms them anyhow, so much that Alec D'Urberville, her imposter cousin, seduces and impregnates her. The seduction, like many of the film's key scenes, is presented in a manner both earthy and discreet. In this case, the action is set in a forest, where a gentle mist arises from the ground and envelops Tess just around the time when she is enveloped by Alec. Alec, as played by Leigh Lawson, is a slightly wooden character, unlike Angel Clare, Tess's later and truer lover, played with supreme radiance by Peter Firth. Long after Tess has borne and buried her illegitimate child, she finds and falls in love with this spirited soul mate. But when she marries Angel Clare and is at last ready to reveal the secret of her past, the story begins hurtling toward its final tragedy. When Tess becomes a murderer, the film offers its one distinctly Polanski-like moment—but even that scene has its fidelity to the novel. A housemaid listening at a door hears a "drip, drip, drip" sound, according to Hardy. Mr. Polanski has simply interpreted this with a typically mischievous flourish. Of all the unlikely strong points of Tess, which opens today for a weeklong engagement at the Baronet and which will reopen next year, the unlikeliest is Nastassja Kinski, who plays the title role. Miss Kinski powerfully resembles the young Ingrid Bergman, and she is altogether ravishing. But she's an odd choice for Tess: not quite vigorous enough, and maybe even too beautiful. She's an actress who can lose her magnetism and mystery if she's given a great deal to do (that was the case in an earlier film called Stay As You Are). But here, Mr. Polanski makes perfect use of her. Instead of a driving force, she becomes an echo of the land and the society around her, more passive than Hardy's Tess but linked just as unmistakably with natural forces. Miss Kinski's Tess has no inner life to speak of. But Mr. Polanski makes her surroundings so expressive that her placidity and reserve work very beautifully. Even at its nearly three-hour running time, Mr. Polanski's Tess cannot hope for anything approaching the range of the novel. But the deletions have been made wisely, and though the story loses some of its resonance it maintains its momentum. There are episodes—like one involving Tess's shabby boots and Mercy Chant, the more respectable girl who expects to marry Angel—that don't make the sense they should, and the action is fragmented at times. That's a small price to pay for the movie's essential rightness, for its congruence with the mood and manner of the novel. Mr. Polanski had to go to Normandy and rebuild Stonehenge to stage his last scene, according to this same biography. As is the case throughout his Tess, the results were worth the trouble. 1


1、Today,I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. 现在,我想我是这个世界上最幸运的人。(《扬基的骄傲》1942) 2、I'm king of the world! 我是世界之王!(《泰坦尼克号》1997) 3、I'll have what she's having. 我会拥有她所拥有的。(《当哈里遇上萨莉》1989) 4、I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. 我总是非常依赖陌生人的仁慈。(《欲望号街车》1951) 5、Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950) 6、Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 7、Play it,Sam. Play'As Time Goes By'. 弹这首,山姆,就弹“时光流逝”.(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 8、Show me the money! 让我看到钱!(《甜心先生》1996) 9、life was like a box a chocolates, never know what you're gonna get. 生活就像一盒巧克力:你永远不知道你会得到什么。(《阿甘正传》1994 ) 10、All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950) 11、As God is my witness,I'll never be hungry again. 上帝为我作证,我不会再让自己挨饿了。(《乱世佳人》1939) 12、You can't handle the truth! 你不能操纵事实!(《义海雄风》1992) 13、After all,tomorrow is another day! 毕竟,明天又是新的一天!(《乱世佳人》1939) 14、It's not the men in your life that counts, it's the life in your men. 并不是你生活中的男人有价值,而是你与男人在一起的生活。(《我不是天使》1933 ) 15、You talking'to me? 你在跟我说话吗?(《出租汽车司机》1976 ) 16、You've got to ask yourself one question:″Do I feel lucky?″Well,do ya,punk? 你应该问你自己一个问题:“我是幸运的吗?”快点去做,年轻人,无知的年轻人。(《警探哈里》1971) 17、Well,nobody's perfect. 人无完人。(《热情似火》1959) 18、Wait a minute,wait a minute.You ain't heard nothin'yet! 等一会儿,等一会儿。你肯定听到了什么!(《爵士歌手》1927) 19、We'll always have Paris. 我们永远都怀念巴黎(那段美好的时光)。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 20、I am big!It's the pictures that got small. 我是巨大的!是这些照片让我变得渺小了。(《日落大道》1950) 21、I feel the need-the need for speed! 我感到一种需要,一种加速的需要!(《壮志凌云》1986) 22、You talking to me?
