
 第24卷第7期 2015年7月

中 国 矿 业


 Vol .24,No .7

Jul . 2015


孙双月,牛丽红,王 聪


摘 要:以铅锌冶炼废渣、尾矿为主要硅铝原料制备了地聚合物,首先对冶炼废渣和尾矿进行预粉磨,以提高其活性,再与复合激发剂水玻璃和脱硫石膏混合后粉磨,通过压制成型工艺制得地聚合物试样。实验结果表明:当水玻璃掺量为14%,脱硫石膏掺量为8%时,所制得的地聚合物胶凝材料3d 、7d 和28d 龄期抗压强度均最高,分别达到24.67M Pa 、27.69M Pa 、32.81M Pa 。SEM 、XRD 和FT ‐IR 分析表明:以铅锌冶炼废渣和尾矿制得的地聚合物,其微观结构致密性好,无定形的凝胶与未反应的原料颗粒界面黏结牢固,并有针状钙矾石穿插其中,从而有助于强度的提高。 关键词:地聚合物;铅锌冶炼废渣;尾矿;复合激发剂

中图分类号:TQ 177 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004‐4051(2015)07‐0048‐05

Geopolymer synthesis by utilizing lead or zinc smelting slag and its tailing as raw materials

SUN Shuang ‐y ue ,NIU Li ‐hong ,WANG Cong

(School of Chemical and Materials Engineering ,Yanching Institute of Technology ,Sanhe 065201,China ) Abstract :In order to realize the recycling of the secondary resources ,the investigation of geopolymer synthesis was presented utilizing lead or zinc smelting slag and its tailing as the main Si ‐Al source materials .Firstly ,the smelting slag and its tailing was pre ‐g rinded ,so as to enhance its reactivity .Then the pre ‐g rinded

smelting slag and tailings blended with the compound activators composed of sodium silicate and desulfurized gyp sum was further grinded .

Geopolymer samples were prepared by compressed ‐casting technology .As the results showed ,the highest 3‐day ,7‐day and 28‐day compressive strength of geopolymer samples were 24畅67M Pa ,27.69M Pa and 32.81M Pa respectively when the dosage of sodium silicate was about 14w t %and the desulfurized gypsum was about 8w t %.SEM ,XRD and FT ‐IR analysis of samples indicated that the g eopolymer with dense microstructure composed of homogenous gel and acicular AFt crystal was obtained using lead or zinc smelting slag and tailing as raw materials .The different phases were closely combined in the geopolymer structure and the strength was found to be enhanced .

Key words :g eopolymer ;lead or zinc smelting slag ;tailing ;compound activator


基金项目:河北省教育厅高等学校科学研究重点项目资助(编号:ZD 2014209);国家国际科技合成专项项目资助(编号:2014DFA 70760)

作者简介:孙双月(1980-),女,河北魏县人,博士,主要从事固体废弃物资源化利用方面的研究。E ‐mail :shuangyuesun @163.com 。


2013年我国有色行业冶炼废渣产生量为1.28亿t ,尾矿产生量达16.49亿t ,除较少部分被回收利用外,绝大部分以露天堆存为主。这些固体废弃物长期积累堆置不仅占用土地资源、污染环境,且存在安全隐患,成为制约矿业可持续健康发展的瓶颈。


可以获得一种可替代普通硅酸盐水泥(OPC )的低碳环保新型胶凝材料,而且为矿冶固体废弃物的综合利用提供新途径。

地聚合物(Geopolymer )是一种类似水泥的粘合物,它是由法国材料学家Davidovits 于20世纪70年代末提出的一种新型的碱激发胶凝材料[1],其是由硅铝原料通过缩聚反应而生成,具有由[SiO 4]四面体和[A 1O 4]四面体通过共用氧原子交替键合形成的三维网络状结构。与OPC 相比,地聚合物胶凝材料具有高强度、高韧性、低收缩性和低导热性、良好的耐磨性、良好的耐酸碱腐蚀性等优点,可在建筑、矿山、化工、道路工程和核工业等领域广泛应
