

1.How much of English words come from Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and French language? B

A. 80%

B. 60%

C. 70%

D. 90%

2. How many English words are there in English language? B

A. 6,000

B. 60,000

C. 600,000

D. 6,000,000

3. The English language we speak today went through three stages. What is the nearest stage? C

A. Old English

B. Middle English

C. Modern English

D. Contemporary English

4. William Shakespeare is considered the greatest master of English language. When did he die? B

A. 1626

B. 1616

C. 1636

D. 1646

5. Boxing, association football, tennis and cricket are some sports events. Which country did first organize and give rules to them? C

A. America

B. Canada

C. Britain

D. China

6. What is English equivalent of 国际奥委会? A





7. What is English equivalent of国内生产总值? A





8. What is English equivalent of 世界卫生组织?B





9. The Modern Women’s Movement started in America has changed the thinking of women and the attitudes of men towards women. When did the Modern Women’s Movement start? B

A. 1964

B. 1974

C. 1966

D. 1976

10. What is another name for Mount Everest (珠穆朗玛峰)? C

A. North Pole

B. South Pole

C. the “Third Pole”

D. Top Pole2

11. Astronauts must exercise for ___ every day in space so they are strong enough to walk when they return to Earth. D

A.1 hour

B. two hours

C.10 minutes

D.30 minutes

12.The Tower of Pisa is ___ meters high in altitude. B





13.The hot melted rock inside the Earth is called_____. B

A. lave

B. magma

C. scales

D. crater.

14._____ have bright yellow crests and red eyes. D

A. Emperor penguins

B. Galapagos penguins

C. Fairy penguins

D. Rock hopper penguins.

15.Sharks have strong jaws and sharp teeth. They also have_____ senses. C

A. four

B. five

C. six

D. seven

16.What’s too much for two and just right for one?B

A. Time

B. A secret

C. Two friends

D. A room

17. Who wrote the novel Gone With the Wind ? How many novels did she write in her life? D

A. William Shakespeare , Ten

B. Mark Twin , Two

C. Guy de Maupassant , Five

D. Margaret Mitchell, One

18.The head of Canada is called__________. D

A. the President.

B. the Governor-General.

C. the British monarch.

D. the Prime Minister

19.In our China, June 1st is the day for children. In America, there is still a festival for children. What is it and when is it celebrated every year? B

A. Childre n ’s Day ;It is June 1st

B. Halloween;It is October 31st

C. Kids ’Day It is June 1st

D. Carnival It is December 30th

20. How many fields does the Noble Prize refer to? D

A. Three

B. Four

C. Five

D. Six

21. Which is the longest river in the world? And what about the wildest one? C

A. Yangtze River, Yellow River

B. Amazon River, Nile River

C. Nile River, Amazon River

D. Mekong River, Mississippi River

22.What is the smallest room without walls, doors, windows, or floors in the world? A

A. Mushroom

B. Reading room

C. Classroom

D. Bedroom

23.What is the number that is one half of one quarters of one tenth of 400? C





24.What is the lowest country in the world ? C


B. Australia

C. Hollywood

D. Italy

25.What letter sounds like a vegetable? B





26. How many Great Lakes are there in Canada? A

A. 4

B. 3

C. 5

D. 6

27.Who put forward a theory about black holes? A

A. Stephen Hawking

B. Zhang Heng

C. Marie Curie

D. Darwin

28. Which day is the first day in a week? B

A. Monday

B. Sunday

C. Saturday

D. Friday

29.What’s the full name of the UK? D

A. the Union

B. the Kingdom

C. the United Kingdom

D. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

30. It can do many jobs in our homes, but it has no eyes and mouth. hat’s it?C

A. A computer

B. A dog

C. A robot

D.A cat

31.What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark? B

A. little dog

B. hot dog

C. blind dog

D. big dog

32.What does OPEC mean? A

A. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

B. open countries

C. a kind of test

D. nothing

33. Who wrote Romeo and Julier ? A

A. William Shakespeare

B. Bill Gates

C. Romeo

D. Mark Twain

34. London is in the _______ of England. B

A. east

B. south

C. west

D. north

35. In the southern part of China, people often eat_____ B

A. noodles

B. rice

C. dumplings

D. bread

36. All Chinese people use _______ to eat. B

A. spoons

B. chopsticks

C. forks

D. pan

37. Where’s Mount Tai? It’s in ______C

A. Guangdong

B. Anhui

C. Shandong

D. Shanxi

38. Where was William Shakespeare from? B

A. America

B. England

C. Australia

D. France

39. We are going to the gas station. Put _____ your cigarette. C

A . up B. off C. out D. on

40. ______ is the color of nature? A

A. Green

B. Blue

C. White

D. Red

41.Which word is the longest word in the world? A

A. smiles

B. congratulations

C. international

D. ship

42. How many countries does the UK consist of ? C

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five

43. The KFC chain restaurants from the United States is the abbreviation of which of the following? C

A. Kentucky Fried Cake

B. Kentucky Frying Cake

C. Kentucky Fried Chicken

D. Kentucky Frying Chicken

44. What languages do Canadians speak? C

A. English

B. English and German

C. English and French

D. English and Spanish

45. Who rules the UK: the Prime Minister or the Queen? B

A. The Queen

B. The Prime Minister

C. both

D. Neither

46. Who discovered radium? A

A. Marie Curie

B. Charles Darwin

C. Edison

D. Newton

47. The capital of Russia is _____ . A

A. Moscow

B. Beijing

C. London

D. Mexico

48. How many stars are there in the American flag?B

A. 49

B. 50

C. 51

D. 52


1. How many states (州)does the USA have?C

A. 46

B. 48

C. 50

D. 52

2. Which of the city is also called Big Apple? C

A. Washington. D.C

B. Huston

C. New York

D. Los Angles

3. Which number is unlucky in Western culture? C

A. 11

B. 12

C. 13

D. 14

4. When was New Oriental in Hangzhou founded(成立)? D

A. 1995



D. 2005


1、The highest mountain in the U.S. is Mount _____. B

A. Appalachian

B. Mekinley

C. Rocky

2. Hawaii is in the _____ Ocean. C

A. Atlantic

B. Indian

C. Pacific

3._____ is the largest state in area in the U.S.A. C

A. Florida

B. Louisiana

C. Alaska

4. The _____ were the original inhabitants in America. B

A. blacks

B. Indian

C. Puerto Ricans

5. Among the five Great Lakes, only _____ is wholly within the United States. C

A. Erie

B. Superior

C. Michigan

6. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. B

A. Northern

B. Eastern

C. Southern

7. London is situated on the River of _____. B

A. Parret

B. Thames

C. Spey

8.____ includes London,the centre of government for the whole nation. D

A. Scotland

B. Northern Ireland

C. Wales

D. England

9. Scotland occupies the ____ portion of Great Britain. B

A. southern

B. northern

C. western

10.Big Ben, the most famous landmark in London,its name comes from _____ A

A. The person who built it

B. The fact that it is really very heavy

C. The name of the head of the British parliament

11. The U.K. is rich in the following except _____. C

A. coal

B. iron

C. gold

12. The famous Yellowstone National Park is situated in northwestern part of _____. C

A. California

B. Arizona

C. Wyoming


1、The American War of Independence started in _____ and ended in _____ B

A. 1776, 1784

B. 1775, 1783

C. 1706, 1714

2. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the _____, which declared the abolition of slavery. C

A. Homestead Bill

B. Emancipation Proclamation

C. Both A and B

3. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except _____. D

A. Maryland

B. South Carolina

C. Delaware

D. Colorado

4.The Second World War broke out in September, _____ and ended in August _____. A

A. 1939, 1945

B. 1937, 1943

C. 1938, 1945

5. The two fighting sides in WWII were _____. A

A. the Allies and the Axis (powers)

B. the Axis and Holy Alliance

C. the Central Powers and the Allies

6. Charles I was beheaded in _____. A

A. 1649

B. 1648

C. 1653

7._____ was the only American president who was re-elected three times in succession. C

A. Theodore Roosevelt

B. George Washington

C. Franklin

D. Roosevelt

D. Thomas Jefferson

8. Norman Conquest began in _____. B

A. 1016

B. 1066

C. 1035

9. The first Civil War in Britain lasted from _____ to _____. B

A. 1600, 1604

B. 1640, 1644

C. 1642, 1646

10. In history _____ was nicknamed “King of Lackland”. A

A. John

B. Henry I

C. Henry II

11. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a policy called _____ to save the economic situation. C

A. Good Neighbour

B. the Open Door Policy

C. the New Deal

12. In Feb. _____ came President Nixon’s historic visit to China. B


B. 1972

C. 1973


1.The British people are great lovers of betting. The most money they bet mainly on _____. A

A. horse racing

B. Bingo

C. football pools

D. dog racing

2. The national sport of America is _____. D

A. basketball

B. football

C. tennis

D. baseball

3.How many gold metals did Michael Phelps win in the Olympics in 2008?B

A. 4

B. 8

C. 6

4. The oldest university in Britain is _____. C


B. Edinburgh

C. Oxford

5.The earliest newspaper in Britain is _____. A

A. Daily Mail

B. Daily Telegraphs

C. The Times

6.The Economist, New Statesman, Spectator are _____. A

A. journals

B. daily newspapers

C. local papers

7.____ is regarded as the most English of games. A

A. Cricket

B. Soccer

C. Rugby

8. ____ is the biggest and most well-known church in London. B


B. St. Paul’s Cathedral

C. Westminster Abbey

9. The British people usually have a small quantity of ____ as a first course. A

A. soup

B. sweet

C. vegetable

10. You could find the world-famous Speakers’Corner in _____. B

A. Great Russell

B. Hyde Park

C. Westminster Abbey

11. John Bull denoted a frank, uneasy, funny _____ called John Bull in the 17th century. C

A. young man

B. boy

C. gentleman

12. Halloween is a _____. B

A. summer festival

B. night-time festival

C. pilgrims’holiday

13. The general election in America is held every ____ years. B


B. 4

C. 6

D. 3

14. The symbol of the US Democratic Party is _____. A


B. elephant

C. eagle

15. Charles Robert Darwin developed the theory of _____. A


B. immunology

C. virology
