




















形容词用法归纳March 27, 2008 一. 形容词的定义和用法: 形容词用来修饰名词或代词, 表示人或事物的性质, 状态,和特征。形容词在句中作定语, 表语, 宾语,补语。 She is a good student, and she works hard. 她是一个好学生,她学习努力。 This bike is expensive. 这辆自行车很贵。 I am sorry, I'm busy now. 对不起,我现在很忙。 Have you got everything ready for the meeting? 你为这次会议做好准备吗? 二. 形容词在句中的位置: 形容词作定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前。如果有两个或两个以上的形容词修饰一个名词时, 则由它们和被修饰的名词之间的密切程度而定, 越密切的形容词越靠近名词。如果几个形容词的密切程度差不多则按音节少的形容词放在前面, 音节多的形容词放在后面。 注意: 1. 英语单词中,something, anything, nothing 等不定代词被形容词修饰时,形容词 放在名词后面。 I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事要告诉你。 Is there anything interesting in the film. 电影里有什么有趣的内容吗? There is nothing dangerous here. 这儿一点都不危险。 2. 由两个或两个以上的词组成的形容词词组修饰名词时须放在名词之后。

This is the book easy to read. 这是一本容易读的书。 3. 用 and 或 or 连接起来的两个形容词作定语时一般把它们放在被修饰的名词后面。起进一步解释的作用。 Everybody, man and woman, old and young, should attend the meeting. 每一个人,男女老少,都应该参加会议。 You can take any box away, big or small. 这些箱子,不管大小,你都可以拿走。 三. 形容词的原级、比较级和最高级: 绝大多数形容词有三种形式,原级,比较级和最高级, 以表示形容词说明的性质在程度上的不同。 1. 形容词的原级: 形容词的原级形式就是词典中出现的形容词的原形。例如: poor, tall ,great, glad ,bad 等。 2. 原级常用结构:主语+谓语(系动词)+as+形容词原形+as+从句。表示两者对比相同。 This box is as big as mine. 这个盒子和我的一样大。 This coat is as cheap as that one. 这件衣服同那件衣服一样便宜。 I study English as hard as my brother. 我同我兄弟一样学习努力。 3. 形容词的比较级和最高级形式变化: 形容词的比较级和最高级形式是在形容词的原级形式的基础上变化的。分为规则变化和不规则变化。规则变化如下: 1) 单音节形容词的比较级和最高级形式是在词尾加 -er 和 -est 构成。 great (原级) greater(比较级) greatest(最高级)


语法专题:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级变化规则, 形容词:是用来描述和修饰名词或代词的一类词。用以说明人或事物的性质的特征。 副词:是用来修饰动词/形容词/副词/或整个句子的一个词。它可以表达时间,地点,方式,程度,频率,疑问等概念。 形容词和副词的比较等级分为:原级,比较级,和最高级 类别构成方 法 原级比较级最高级类别 构成 方法 原级比较级最高级 单音节词和少数双音节词一般直 接加 er,est long longer longest 多音 节和 部分 双音 节 词, 在原 词前 加 more , most 在原 级前 加 more most beautiful more beautiful most beautiful old older oldest careful more careful most careful short shorter shortest difficult more difficult most difficult 以不发 音的e 结尾时 加 -r,-st . nice nicer nicest expensive more expensive most expensive late later latest quickly more quickly most quickly large larger largest slowly more slowly most slowly 辅音字 母加y 结尾时 把y变 成i,再 加 -er,-e st easy easier easiest carefully more carefully most carefully happy happier happiest 不规则类, 只能死记硬 背。 good /well better best early earlier earliest bad/ill/ badly worse worst 重读音 节结尾 并且只 有一个 辅音字 母时双 写最后 的辅音 字母再 加加 -er ,- est big bigger biggest many/ much more most hot hotter hottest little less least fat fatter fattest far farther/ further farthest/ furthest


形容词和副词用法总结及练习 一、形容词: (一)概念:形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征,通常分成两类: 1. 直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词。 2. 叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词,大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。 例如:afraid, asleep, awake, alone, alive, awake, ashamed, alike。 其他常见表语形容词:worth, ready, sorry, well (二)形容词在句中的位置:有的形容词放在被修饰的名词之前,称为前置形容词;少数形容词放在被修饰的名词之后,称为后置形容词。 1)当名词被多个前置形容词修饰时,形容词之间有一个先后顺序问题。一般规则为: (限定词)→一般描绘性形容词→表示大小、长短、高低的形容词→表示年龄、新旧的形容词→表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词→表示物质、材料的形容词→(名词)。如: There is a famous fine old stone bridge near the village. 2)【重点】当形容词词组相当于一个定语从句时,或形容词用来修饰somebody, something, anything, nothing 等的时候,便会出现后置形容词。如: The boy interested in music is my brother. Do you have anything interesting to tell us? 二、副词: (一)概念:用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词的词叫做副词。例如:not(不),here(这里),now(现在)。 不少副词同时也可用作介词或其它词类。如: Have you read this book before? (副词,作时间状语) He will arrive before ten o’clock. (介词,before ten o’clock 是介词短语,作时间状语) (二)副词的种类 1、时间副词: 1)表示发生时间的副词:It’s beginning to rain now! 现在开始下雨了! 2)表示频繁程度的副词,也称频度副词:always, often, usually, sometimes, never, ever, hardly等一般位于系动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前: She often changes her mind. 3)还有一些其他表示时间的副词:He has just had an operation. 他刚动过手术。 2、地点副词: 1)表示地点的副词:She is studying abroad. 她在国外留学。 2)以where 构成的副词也是地点副词:It’s the same everywhere. 到处都一样。 3、【重点】方式副词 1)英语中有大量方式副词,说明行为方式(回答how的问题):How beautifully your wife dances. 2)表示情绪的副词:She smiled gratefully. 3)还有一些以-ly结尾的副词,表示动作发生的状况:He left the town secretly. 4、【重点】程度副词和强调副词 1)程度副词可修饰动词,表示“到某种程度”:Is she badly hurt? 她伤得重吗? [说明] 这类副词除修饰动词外,还可修饰形容词(a)或另一副词(b): a. fairly simple 相当简单quite correct 完全正确 干得很快 2 b. 修饰比较级:You sing much better than me. Their house is much nicer than ours. 5. 【重点】疑问副词和连接副词 1)疑问副词:疑问副词用来引导特殊问句: 2)连接副词:连接副词意思和词形都和疑问副词一样,但都引导从句或与不定式连用: how: Do you know how to start this machine? 你知道这台机器怎样启动吗? where: I don’t know where he lives. 我不知道他住在哪儿。(引导宾语从句) 6. 一些其它类型的副词,如表示方向的副词:Let’s go ins ide. Take two steps forward. (三)副词的位置 1. 副词修饰动词时,通常可以放在句首、句中或句末。如: Usually I do my homework in the evening. (句首) I often get up at six. (句中) Please speak slowly. 2. 副词修饰形容词或副词时,通常放在形容词或副词的前面如: These flowers are quite beautiful. (在形容词前)这些花相当漂亮。


形容词和副词比较级的变化规则 兴隆庄镇桲椤树小学董广 1.一般单音节词和少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词,比较级在后面加-er,最高级在后面加-est; (1)单音节词 如:small→smaller→smallest short→shorter→shortest tall→taller→tallest great→greater→greatest (2)双音节词 如:clever→cleverer→cleverest narrow→narrower→narrowest 2.以不发音e结尾的单音节词,比较在原级后加-r,最高级在原级后加-st; 如:large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest able→abler→ablest

3.在重读闭音节(即:辅音+元音+辅音)中,先双写末尾的辅音字母,比较级加-er,最高级加-est; 如:big→bigger→biggest hot→hotter→hottest fat→fatter→fattest 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est; 如:easy→easier→easiest heavy→heavier→heaviest busy→busier→busiest happy→happier→happiest 5.其他双音节词和多音节词,比较级在前面加more,最高级在前面加most; 如:beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful different→more different→most different easily→more easily→most easily 注意:(1)形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。 例句: The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.


【引用】英语复合形容词的构成形式归纳 复合形容词由两个或两个以上的单词构成,词与词之间常加连字符“-”。例如:warm-blooded(热血的)。复合形容词是英语词汇教学的重要组成部分。掌握复合形容词有助于学生扩大词汇量,提高解题和阅读能力。复合形容词的构成规律体现了知识之间的融汇贯通。常见复合形容词按其构成可分为以下几种情况: 1. 数词+ 名词(单数) one-child (独生子女的) two-hour (两小时的) three-good (三好的) 100-pound (一百磅的) 2. 数词+ 名词(单数) + 形容词 这种复合形容词作定语时也大多相当于“介词of+名词”构成的短语,表示被修饰词的年龄、新旧、持续时间、地点、距离、面积、体积、长度、宽度、深度、速度、重量、字数、钱数或价格等,翻译时采取直译法。例如: a seven-year-old girl = a girl of seven years(一个七岁的女孩[表年龄]), a 50-meter-wide river = a river 50 meters wide(一条50米宽的河[表宽度]), a ten-meter-tall tree = a tree ten meters tall(一棵10米高的树[表高度]). three-year-old (三岁的)seven-foot-wide (七英尺的)

8000-meter-long (8000米长的) six-meter-tall (六米高的) 3. 数词+ 名词+ ”-ed” one-eyed (独眼的) four-storeyed (四层的) two-faced (两面的) four-footed (四只脚的) three-legged (三条腿的) 4.形容词+名词 full-time (全日制的) high-class (高级的) second-hand(二手的)part-time(业余的) mid-term (期中的)final-term (期末的) first-class/ rate(一流的) 5. 形容词+ 名词+ “-ed” kind-hearted(好心肠的)cold-blooded (冷血的) warm-hearted(热心肠的)blue-eyed(蓝眼睛的) middle-aged(中年的) red-lipped(红嘴唇的) 6. 形容词(副)+现在分词 这种复合形容词中的现在分词于形容词之间具有系表关系。其中的现在分词在时间上多表示经常,语态上则表示被动。这种形容词作定语时相当于主系表关系的定语从句,翻译时采取倒译法.例如: a funny-looking man = a man who looks funny (一个长滑稽的人), a bad-smelling fish = a fish which smells bad(一条臭鱼)。 good-looking(长相好看的)ugly-looking(长相丑陋的) easy-looking (长相随和的)tired-looking(面容疲劳的)


much,far等程度副词在比较级中的使用much,far,still ,a little ,a bit等程度副词可用来修饰比较级,表示加强或减弱程度。下面就着重解析下much,far等程度副词在比较级中的使用。 1.Very一般修饰形容词的原级,而不能用来修饰形容词的比较级。修饰比较级我们习惯性用到程度副词,如:much,far,等,通常放在比较级前面。 My boyfriends is much/far older than me. (NOT...very older than me.)我的男朋友比我大很多。 Russian is much/far more difficult than Spanish.俄语比法语难很多。 2.very much,a lot,lots,any,no,by far,a little,a bit,rather 等副词也可以修饰形容词比较级,如: Very much nicer好很多 a lot happier开心很多 rather more quickly相当的快 a little less expensive一点点贵 a bit easier简单一点 Is your mother any better?你的母亲好点了吗? She looks no older than her daughter.她看起来一点也不比她女

儿老。 【注】(1)no在修饰比较级时,在意义上否定两者,表示前者在某方面不比后者强多少。如: He is no richer than Peter.=He is as poor as Peter. 他不比彼得富裕多少. (2)by far一般用于强调最高级。但也可用于比较级。通常比较级后面,如放在前面,应在两者中间加the.如: He is taller by far than his brother. He is by far the taller of the two brothers. (3)far,by far,a lot,a great deal等副词修饰比较级时,表示前者在某方面远远地超过对方。如: He works still harder than ever. =He works harder still than ever. 他比以往更加努力学习了。 (4)在否定句,疑问句或条件状语从句中,修饰形容词,副词的比较级,只能用any来修饰。如: He can't jump any higher. 他不能跳得更高了. Can he jump any higher? 他能跳得更高一些吗? If you can jump any higher, I will give you a prize.如果你能


复合形容词大总结 (1.)数词+名词(单数) one –child (独生子的) two- hour (两小时的)three -good (三好的)five-day五天的 (2.)数词+名词(单容词)+形容词 four -year -old 四周岁的six –inch- tall 六英尺高的seven -foot -wide 七英尺宽的30-storey- high 三十层高的800 -meter –long八百米长的 (3)数词+名词+ed one-eyed (独眼的) four-storeyed (四层的) two-faced (两面的) three- legged (三条腿的) four- footed (四足的) (4)形容词+普通名词 full-time (全日制的;全职的) second-hand(经营旧货的)mid-term(期中的) first-rate (第一流的) high-class(高级的) large-scale(大规模的) (5)形容词+名词+ed kind-hearted (好心的) cold-blooded (无情的,冷血的) noble-minded (高尚的) warm-hearted (热情的) blue-eyed (蓝眼睛的) middle-aged (中年的) red-lipped (红嘴唇的) good-tempered (脾气好的) long-winged(长翅膀的) narrow-minded(心胸狭窄的)absent-minded(心不在焉的) long-legged(腿长的)sleepy-eyed (睡眼惺忪的)neat-handed( 手巧的) short/long-sighted (近/远视的) far-sighted(有远见的) long-eared(耳朵长的) straight-faced(板着脸的) ill-tempered( 脾气不好的) good-tempered(脾气很好的)sweet-tempered (性情温和的) tender –hearted(软心肠的) light-fingered(爱小偷小摸的) red-nosed(红鼻子的)red-haired(白发的)a silver-tongued actor(能言善辩的演员)dark-skinned Africans(黑皮肤的非洲人)thick-skinned(厚脸皮的)good-natured(天性善良的)


通过前面的学习,我们知道形容词表示人或事物的属性或特征,主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词。具体来说,形容词主要有以下用法: 1. 用作定语:This is a very interesting book. 这是一本很有趣的书。 2. 用作表语:This book is very interesting. 这本书很有趣。 3. 用作补语:We found this book very interesting. 我们发现这本书很有趣。 4.“the+形容词”表示一类人:We should try to help the poor. 我们应该设法帮助穷人。 5.“the+国家形容词”表示民族的整体:The Chinese are hardworking and friendly. 中国人勤劳友好。 6. 用作状语:Finally, he arrived here, cold and hungry. 最终,他到这儿时又冷又饿。 7. 表语形容词:只能作表语,不能位于名词前作定语。例如以下形容词(尤其是以a-开头居多): √He is (gets/ feels) ill. × He is an ill man. 8. 定语形容词:只作定语,不能用于系动词后作表语。例如: √A little boy × The boy is little. 其他定语形容词还有:elder, eldest, atomic,countless,cubic, digital, east, eastern, eventual, existing, federal, indoor, institutional, introductory, investigative, lone, maximum, nationwide, neighbouring, north, northern, occasional, yingyujt(小学英语微讲堂公众号) outdoor, phonetic, remedial, reproductive, south, southern, supplementary, underlying, west, western, woolen 等。


形容词比较级和最高级的用法 形容词原级的用法 1.说明人或事物自身的特征、性质或状态时,用形容词原级。 Eg.The flowers in the garden are beautiful. 2.有表示绝对概念的副词very,so,too,enough,quite等修饰时,用形容词原级。 3.表示A与B在某方面程度相同或不同时用形容词原级。 肯定句中的结构:A +as+形容词原级+as+B 否定句中的结构:A+as/so+形容词原级+as+B 表示“A是B的……倍”时,用“A+倍数+as+形容词原级+as+B”结构(一倍once,两倍twice,三倍及以上:数字+times) half as +形容词原级+as表示“……是……的一半” 形容词比较级的用: 1.比较级:常用于“比较级+than”结构。如:Cats aremore lovely than other animals 2.形容词的比较级可用much,a little,a lot,even。a bit,still,far,rather,any等修饰,使原来的比较级在语意上更加明确。如:Chickens are much smaller than cows. 3.表示两者之间进行选择“哪一个更……”时,用句型“which/who is +形容词比较级,A or B?”表示。 4.表示“几倍于……”时,用“倍数+比较级+than”表示。如:I’m three years younger than you 比较结构中还须注意以下问题: 1.比较级与最高级的结构还可以转换,意思不变。如:The Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China=The Changjiang River is the longest river in China. 2.当某一事物与其他事物做比较时,被比较事物中不能包括本身。如:He is taller than any other student in his class. 3.如果比较对象相同,可用that/those代替第二个比较对象。如:The weather in Shanghai is better than that in Wuhan. 4.两个比较级用and 连在一起可表达全面增加或减少,意为“越来越……”。


形容词adj 1. 功能 定语:a beautiful girl 表语:She is beautiful. 宾补:I will make you happy. I found it interesting. (make / find / leave / keep) 2. 位置 a. 放在名词前a pretty girl b. 不定代词后:something different 定语 c. else放在疑问代词后:what else d. 较长后置:a swimming pool / ten metres long 意义相反:All the people, young and old, are fond of music. e. 多个形容词排序:限定词/ 描绘性形容词/ 大小/ 形状/ 年龄/ 颜色/ 国籍/ 材料☆the + 形(代表复数)例:The poor are losing hope. 3. 比较级别

4. 公式 ☆用原级/比较级表最高级 反义词: bad / good beautiful / ugly big / small black / white busy / free clean / dirty clever / stupid cold / hot cool / warm dangerous / safe dark / bright east / west easy / difficult far / near fast / slow inside / outside large / small late / early left / right light / heavy long / short more / less new / old old / young poor / rich quick / slow quiet / noisy right / wrong same / different strong / weak tall / short these / those thick / thin this / that worse / better


中考英语总复习--形容词副词用法专题精讲 Ⅰ形容词 -命题趋势 形容词是历年各省市中考必考知识点。从考查形式看,一般有单项选择、完形填空、词语运用等。所占分值通常为2~4分。从命题意图看,侧重考查考生在具体语言环境中使用形容词的能力。 -考查重点 中考试题对形容词的考查涉及形容词原级,比较级和最高级的各种句型、形容词作定语的位置、易混淆的形容词用法辨析等。其中,形容词比较等级句型、形容词修饰不定代词something,anything,everything,nothing时的位置,易混淆的形容词用法辨析等是考查的热点。 一、形容词的一般用法 1.作定语,一般放在所修饰词的前面。 例如,It’s a cold and windy day. 2.作表语,放在系动词的后面。 例如,He looks happy today. 3.形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,everything等复

合不定代词时,须放在其后。 例如,Would you like something hot to drink? 4.表示长、宽、高、深及年龄的形容词,应放在相应的名词之后。 例如,How long is the river?It’s about two hundred metres long. 5.只能作表语的形容词:afraid害怕;alone独自的;asleep睡着的;awake醒着的;alive活着的;well健康的;ill病的;frightened 害怕的 例如,The man is ill.(正) The ill man is my uncle.(误) 6.只能作定语的形容词:little小的;only唯一的;wooden木质的;woolen羊毛质的;elder年长的 例如,My elder brother is in Beijing.(正) My brother is elder. (误) 7.貌似副词的形容词:lonely独自的;friendly友好的;lively 生动的;lovely可爱的weekly monthly


形容词在做定语时,必须按照名词的性数格加上不同的词尾. 1. 与定冠词连用的形容词的变格. 规则: 阳性名词第一格,阴性和中性名词第一,第四格词尾为-e , 其余所有结尾均为-en 注: 定冠词位置也可以是以下各词: dieser, diese, dieses diese (Pl.) jener, jene, jenes jene (Pl.) jeder, jede, jedes jede (Pl.) mancher, manche,manches manche (Pl.) solcher, solche, solches solche (Pl.) welcher, welche, welches welche (Pl.) derjeniger, diejenige, dasjeniges diejenigen (Pl.) derselber, dieselbe, dasselbes dieselben (Pl.) 2. 与不定冠词连用的形容词的变格

3.和物主代词连用的形容词的变格 注: kein, keine, kein 和复数的keine 同物主代词一样变格. 4,不带冠词且修饰不可数名词的形容词的变格. 三.形容词的比较级与最高级 与英语类似,德语中形容词也有比较级与最高级. 形容词比较级的构成一般是在词尾加上-er, 比较级后用als .(注: 定语的比较级除了有-er还需要有相应的变格词尾.) 形容词最高级必须和定冠词连用,其构成形式为词尾加上-st. .(注: 定语的最高级除了有-st还需要有相应的变格词尾.) 比较级和最高级变化特殊的形容词: 1: 一些单元音形容词在构成比较级和最高级的时候元音要变音. am , ?rmer , am ?rmsten 同类的词还有: alt , dumm , grob , hart , kalt , jung , klug , lang , scharf , stark , schwach , warm 2.比较特殊的一些. gro? , gr??er , gr??te , am gr??sten hoch ,h?her , h?chste , am h?chsten nah , n?her , n?chste , am n?chsten gut , besser , beste , am besten viel , mehr , meist , am meisten wenig , weniger , wenigste , am wenigsten (mehr和weniger做定语时不论后面的名词为单数或复数永远不变格.)


英语中可以修饰形容词比较级的词有: 1)表示数量的词。例如: Shall I get a couple more chairs? Where can I get a few more computers? It was one-fourth cheaper than the market price. 2)much, far, by far, a lot, lots, a great deal, a bit, a little,somewhat之类表示程度的词。例如:He’s feeling a lo t better today. Now I feel a great deal more confident. She’s actually a good deal older than she looks. 3)any, some, still, even之类的词。例如: You must go and get some more milk. He is fat, but his brother is still fatter. This book is even more useful than that. 4)no,not any常用在比较级前表示“并不”。 The girl is no clever than you.那姑娘和你一样笨。 The situation is not any better than before.与以前相比,情况无任何好转 5)倍数、分数、百分数等表示数量的词常放在比较级前表示具体差别。 My brother is three years older than I.我哥比我大三岁。 The room is two-fifths smaller than yours.这间房比你那间小五分之二。 Cotton output is 57 percent higher than last year.棉花产量比去年高百分之五十七。 6)by+具体的数量词常放在句未表示具体差别。 He arrived here later than you by an hour.他比你晚一小时到这儿。 This street is wider than that one by two metres这条街比那条街宽2米。 注意: 1)除by far(可在比较级前或后)外,其他词必须置于形容词比较级的前面。例如:This applicant is by far better / better by far than that one. 这个申请人比那个要好得多。 2)any只用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。例如: Do you feel any better today? 你今天感觉好一点了吗?


形容词比较级 形容词比较级在八年级上是一个大的语法项目,在历年的中招考试单项选择中必有一题,而且出题方法相当灵活。而现行课本只有A>B结构,这就要求老师在平时的教学中善于归纳总结,考虑周全,在教会学生基本结构的同时,适当进行拓展。 一.形容词比较级的变化规则: 1. 一般情况直接+er 2. 以e结尾的+r eg: nice, large,fine, late, cute 3. 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节双写尾辅音字母+er eg: fat, thin, big, hot, red, wet, sad 4. 以一个辅音字母加y结尾的改y为i+er eg: happy, healthy, angry, hungry, early, busy, curly 5. 三个及三个音节以上的多音节词及两个音节的派生词在它的前面加more eg : athletic, quickly, interesting, difficult, beautiful, delicious, serious, popular, quickly, lovely. 不规则变化:good—better well—better bad—worse badly—worse ill—worse little—less far—farther/ further old—older/ elder 练习: 写出下列词的形容词比较级: high- tall- short- slow- tired- boring- often- few- clean- fine- late- nice- big- thin- fat- easy- funny- early- beautiful- interesting- outgoing- comfortable- successful- good- bad- fast- badly- many- far- important- old- tall--- quiet--- heavy-- outgoing--- athletic--- interesting--- different--- 二.形容词比较级基本句型: 1. 主语+be+形容词的比较级+than +… ?Tina is taller than Tera. ?She is quieter than he \ him. ?Pedro is funnier than Paul. ?My pen is nicer than his. ?Tom is more athletic than Sam. ?My father is more serious than my mother. 2. 形容词比较级前还可用much, a lot, even, still, a little, 来修饰, 表示“…的多”, “甚至…”, “更…”, “…一些”。 eg: This city is much more beautiful than before. She’s a little more outgoing than me. It’s a little colder today. 3. the + 比较级+ of …..“(两者中)较…..的一个” eg: My sister is the taller of us. 我妹妹是我们当中较高的一个。 The skirt is the more beautiful of the two. 这条裙子是这两个当中更漂亮的一条。3. “比较级+and+比较级”意为“越来越…”.多音节比较级用“more and more+形容词原级”形式。 It’s getting worse and worse. The group became more and more popular. 4. “Which / Who is + 比较级…?”比较A、B两事物, 问其中哪一个较…时用此句型。 e.g. Which T-shirt is nicer, this one or that one? Who is more active, Mary or Kate? 5. The + 比较级……, the + 比较级……意为“越……越……” eg:The more, the better. 越来越好。 The more you exercise, the fitter you will be. 你锻炼得越多, 你就越健康. 背会下列比较级常见的句型: 1.Ann is stronger than me and she runs faster than me. 2.Ann is more careful than me and she listens to the teacher more carefully than me. 3.Ann is the taller of the two girls. 4.Ann is as easygoing as me. 5. Ann is not as/so outgoing as me. 6.Ann doesn’t get up so early as me. 7.Ann is more friendly than any other student in her class.=Ann is more friendly than the other students.=Ann is the most friendly in her class. =No other student in her class is as friendly as her. 8.Ann is less interested in art than me. 9.This room is twice as big as that one. 10.China is becoming stronger and stronger. 11.My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful. 12.The busier he is, the happier he feels. 13.The harder you work, the better grades you will get. 14.Huanghe is the second longest river in China. 15.China is one of the biggest countries in the world. 16.My elder brother is two years older than me. 17. The weather in Zhengzhou is hotter than that in Kunming in summer. 18.I have a lot more apples than you. 三.形容词比较级基本句型总结表:


英语复合形容词的构成形式归纳 复合形容词由两个或两个以上的单词构成,词与词之间常加连字符“-”。例如:warm-blooded(热血的)。复合形容词是英语词汇教学的重要组成部分。掌握复合形容词有助于学生扩大词汇量,提高解题和阅读能力。复合形容词的构成规律体现了知识之间的融汇贯通。常见复合形容词按其构成可分为以下几种情况: 1. 数词+ 名词(单数) one-child (独生子女的) two-hour (两小时的) 2. 数词+ 名词(单数) + 形容词 这种复合形容词作定语时也大多相当于“介词of+名词”构成的短语,表示被修饰词的年龄、新旧、持续时间、地点、距离、面积、体积、长度、宽度、深度、速度、重量、字数、钱数或价格等,翻译时采取直译法。例如: a seven-year-old girl = a girl of seven years(一个七岁的女孩[表年龄]),a 50-meter-wide river = a river of 50 meters wide (一条50米宽的河表宽度), a ten-meter-tall tree = a tree ten meters tall(一棵10米高的树[表高度]). three-year-old (三岁的)seven-foot-wide

(七英尺的) 8000-meter-long (8000米长的) six-meter-tall (六米高的) 3. 数词+ 名词+ ”-ed”one-eyed (独眼的) four-storeyed (四层的) two-faced (两面的) four-footed (四只脚的) 4.形容词+名词 full-time (全日制的) high-class (高级的) second-hand(二手的)part-time(业余的) mid-term (期中的)final-term (期末的) 5. 形容词+ 名词+ “-ed” kind-hearted(好心肠的)cold-blooded (冷血的) warm-hearted(热心肠的)blue-eyed(蓝眼睛的) middle-aged(中年的) red-lipped (红嘴唇的) 6. 形容词(副)+现在分词 这种复合形容词中的现在分词于形容词之间具有系表
