





1. 我们的产品能获得金质奖章确实出乎意料之外.

2. 公司决定任命一位日籍经理担任总裁。这个决定太出乎意料了。

3. 然而他的回答有点出乎意料,他职业生涯的下一站将是罗斯托克俱乐部,他将第二次披上此队的战袍。

4. 但是一旦你达到了第三步,你就会出乎意料的发现原来英语不过是小菜一碟!

5. 他出乎意料地回来了,又一次瞧见自己的乡间和房屋.

6. 但她的回来并非完全出乎意料,就如同她名字暗示的.一样。回力标归巢的本能,在养鸽人之间传闻已久。

7. 出乎意料,真是应了那句话,有钱使得鬼推磨,武士们居然答应了。

8. 出乎意料的,姜云深本以为要费一番口舌,哪知这丫头镇定下来后,竟然很快就理解了,这倒是让他省了不少力气。

9. 开业销售情况出乎意料的好,名声也逐惭传开。


同义词库大全篇一:近义词词库大全 近义词词库收集大全! 阿谀奉承,攀龙趋凤哀悼,悲悼 哀鸿遍野,百孔千疮哀求,恳求 哀伤,悲悼 哀痛,悲伤 挨饿,受饿 爱财如命,一毛不拔爱崇,尊崇 爱戴,恋慕 爱好,喜好 爱护,敬服 爱慕,恋慕 爱情,恋爱 爱惜,敬服 安顿,安置 安放,安顿 安分,循分 安分守纪,循规蹈矩安抚,抚慰 安家立业,克绍箕裘安静,平静 安居乐业,安身立命安眠,安息 安宁,安定

安排,摆设 安全,宁静 安然无恙,平安无事安身立命,安居乐业安慰,慰藉 安稳,牢固 安详,宁静 安心,放心 安逸,清闲 安置,安顿 按摩,推拿 按期,定期 按时,定时 按照,根据 暗暗,悄悄 暗藏,潜伏 暗淡,昏暗 暗箭,冷箭 暗箭伤人,含沙射影暗杀,谋害暗示,表示暗算,暗杀昂首,抬头遨游,翱翔熬煎,折磨翱翔,飞翔傲慢,狂妄奥秘,秘密奥妙,玄妙懊悔,悔恨懊丧,悔恨 八两半斤,不相上下八门五花,五花八门八面玲珑,八面见光八面受敌,四面楚歌八面威风,气势汹汹巴结,逢迎把脉,切脉把握,掌握把戏,花招罢工,歇工罢免,撤

职霸道,蛮横霸占,攻克白痴,呆子白发,鹤发白费,白搭白日,白天白天,白昼白皙,白净百般,千般 百里挑一,寥寥无几百无禁忌,童言无忌百姓,黎民 百折不挠,百折不回摆架子,搭架子摆设,部署摆脱,挣脱败坏,松弛败类,莠民 拜别,离别拜访,造访拜见,参见拜年,贺年拜托,托付颁发,发表斑白,花白搬家,搬迁搬弄,挑衅 搬弄是非,挑拨离间搬迁,搬家办法,措施办好,办妥办理,管理办事,服务办妥,办好 半斤八两,旗鼓相当半途,中途 半途而废,功败垂成半推半就,不即不离半信半疑,将信将疑伴侣,朋友伴随,陪同伴同,随同扮演,饰演帮忙,帮助帮手,帮忙帮助,资助绑缚,捆绑榜样,模范傍边,当中傍观,旁观傍门,歪路傍晚,薄暮包办,包揽包庇,容隐 包藏祸心,心怀叵测包含,包罗包涵,包容包括,包罗包揽,包办 包罗万象,应有尽有包容,包涵 褒贬,批驳宝贝,宝物宝贵,名贵宝物,宝贝 饱经风霜,坚苦卓绝保藏,收藏保存,生存保护,掩护保留,保存保守,守旧保卫,守卫保养,调养保证,包管报答,报酬报复,抨击报告,陈诉


常见的英语同义词(二) cry:The most general one. weep:To let flow tears. sob:To weep or sigh with short quick breaths. snivel:To sniffle and cry in a irritating manner. blubber:To cry loudly noisily. whine:To make a low complaining cry. bawl:To utter loud cries 。 wail:To cry aloud from pain or sorrow. moan:To make a low,miserable sound in pain or sorrow. grown:To make a low sound of pain,unhappiness or disapproval mourn:To feel or show sadness or sorrow for someone who has died. lament:To express great sorrow or regret. good-looking:Having an attractive appearance in a strong,healthy way used for men and women not things. beautiful:Suggesting symmetry of features or perfection of proportion,elegance and mobility. beautiful flowers,a beautiful girl/voice/city/face beautiful weather. handsome:Of attractive appearance applies to men. a


近义词与反义词(低年级) 瘦---胖枯---荣疏---密脱掉---穿上长---短弯---直动---静害羞---大方沉---浮厚---薄升---降沉睡---苏醒稠---稀远---近慢---快美丽---丑陋甜---苦暖烘烘---冷冰冰漆黑---明亮浓密---稀疏明亮---黑暗温暖---寒冷出现---消失回答---提问保护---破坏弱小---强大无力---有力勇敢---怯懦难过---高兴有趣---无趣清晰---模糊展现---隐藏热情---冷淡欢乐---痛苦开心---难过高大---矮小繁华---衰败奇怪---平常高兴---难过容易---困难整齐---零乱方便---麻烦洁白---乌黑开始---结束称赞---贬低清新---污浊慌张---冷静表扬---批评光滑---粗糙真诚---虚伪轻松---沉重特别---平凡富裕---贫穷喜欢---讨厌漂亮---丑陋满意---遗憾常常---偶尔欺负---保护刻苦---懒惰夸奖---批评聪明---愚蠢枯萎---茂盛下降---上升减少---增多 糊涂---明白、聪明冷冷清清---热热闹闹仔细---粗心、马虎筋疲力尽---精力充沛茂盛、茂密---稀疏 语文综合知识资料袋—成语集锦 一年级趣味数字成语:(25个) 一日千里一目十行一本正经一日三秋一马当先一心一意不可一世三心二意三三两两入木三分三言两语四面八方五颜六色五光十色六亲不认七嘴八舌七手八脚百发百中百里挑一百尺竿头 百读不厌百花齐放百花争艳千山万水九死一生 二年级趣味成语:(30个) 打草惊蛇狡兔三窟杯弓蛇影打草惊蛇亡羊补牢 张冠李戴负荆请罪完璧归赵狐假虎威南辕北辙 刻舟求剑鸡鸣狗盗毛遂自荐狼狈不堪如鱼得水 为虎作伥老马识途守株待兔杞人忧天塞翁失马 买椟还珠孟母三迁南柯一梦三顾茅庐叶公好龙 坐井观天不毛之地八仙过海马到成功海底捞月 三年级成语:(32个) 春满人间春暖花开绿草如茵五彩缤纷 聚精会神专心致志全神贯注学以致用 开卷有益学以致用力所能及全神贯注 寸步不让寸草不生从容不迫东奔西跑 胆大心细惊天动地愚公移山安家立业 气壮山河安居乐业安然无恙竭尽全力 千变万化心旷神怡兴高采烈五湖四海 一诺千金一网打尽一叶障目一事无成 汗流浃背各抒己见张冠李戴语重心长 各得其所水滴石穿心旷神怡口若悬河 车水马龙举世无双 1、带数字的成语: 四年级 九牛一毛八仙过海三心二意四通八达四面八方 六亲不认七上八下五光十色九死一生十全十美


表示“需要”(v)的单词:need, require, involve ,entail 表示“意味着”的单词:mean, involve, entail 表示“宿舍”的单词:dormitory, quarters, lodgings 表示“住宿”的单词:accommodations, (a)lodging 表示“欺骗”(v)的单词:cheat, deceive, trick, fool 表示“渴望”(v)的单词和词组:desire, yearn for/after, long for, thirst for,aspire to do sth, look forward to doing sth, keen on/about doing sth, keen to do sth, keen that, have an urge to do sth (具有做某事的强烈欲望,非常想做某事,形容极度渴望) 表示“同情”(v)的词组:sympathize with, yearn for, feel sympathy for 表示“重要的”的单词:important, crucial, vital, essential, integral, indispensable, significant 表示“参加,从事”的词组:take part in, join(in),participate in, involve sb in(主动, 其被动形式为sb be involved in), sb be engaged in=sb be employed in 表示“能力”的单词:ability和capability(主要用于人)talent(只用于人), competence, capacity(可用于人或物), faculty 表示“想象”(v)的单词和词组:imagine, fancy, fantasy,envisage(英)=envision(美) conceive of 表示“包含(v)”的单词和词组:include, involve, comprehend, inclusive of, embrace, embody, comprise, contain(实际包含的量),encompass 表示“能容纳”的词组:can hold/accommodate 表示“表现,体现”(v)的单词:render, reflect, display, indicate, manifest, embody 表示“导致,引起(v)”的单词和词组:render, entail, lead to, result in, bring about, cause, trigger=prompt(诱发),pose(本义为造成问题或危机) 表示“强大的,强有力的”的单词和词组:powerful, mighty, potent, strong 表示“(感觉等)敏锐的,灵敏的”的单词:keen, acute(首选这两个词)perceptive 表示“提供”的单词和词组:provide/supply sb with sth=provide/supply sth for sb=render/offer sb sth, contribute sth to sth 表示“忙于……,埋头于……”的单词和词组:be buried in, be employed in, be engaged in, sb be immersed in=immerse oneself in 表示“致力于”的词组:devote oneself to =dedicate oneself to, sb be devoted to=sb be dedicated to 表示“表现,体现”(v)的单词:render, reflect, manifest, characterize 表示“显示,表明”(v)的单词:show, suggest, indicate, reflect, reveal,(首选这三个词)emerge 表示“证明”(v)的单词:validate, demonstrate, verify, confirm,prove 表示“证实(v)”的单词:affirm,confirm, prove 表示“说明,阐释(v)”的单词:explain, illustrate, elaborate 表示“持续不断的”的单词:continual,continuous, incessant 表示“(计划,规定等)被实施,生效”的词组有come into effect/force, be implemented, be put into effect/execution, be carried into execution=be put in/into execution 表示“意识到+从句”的词组:know+that从句realize+that从句be/become aware of the fact+ that从句be conscious+that 从句 表示“阻止,阻碍”(v)的单词或词组:prevent/inhibit/hinder sb from doing sth, impede sb to do sth, hamper sb in doing sth 表示“强烈的,剧烈的”的单词:severe, intense, violent, poignant, acute,keen 表示“严重的”的单词:serious, severe, acute, grave 表示“著名的,闻名的”的单词:famous(一般用于褒义),eminent,



A a branch of/a division of a quarter of/a fourth of abandon/give up/desert/cease/stop/quit abide by/ stick to/ adhere to abnormal/ unusual abrupt/ sudden/unexpected abundant/plentiful/adequate/sufficient/enoug h accelerate/ step up/quicken/speed up acclaim/hail acceptable/satisfactorily account for/ explain account/consideration/takeint accout/explain accumulate/ collect/gather/buildup accuse …of/ charge… with achieve/ attain/get/gain/abtain adhere/to follow/stick fast adverse/unfavorable advisable/wise aim /goal aircraft/plane/aeroplane alike/similer alleviate/ lessen/relieve allocate /assign/distribute/gaven allow/permit alternative/ choice almost/nearly/vcitually/practically although/while/though an improved/a better annoying/irritating/unpleasant annuallay/every year anyhow/anyway appalling/dreadful appear/be seen/come into view/ be in sight apply to/put into / use / action / operation /function appraisal/evaluation argue/contend arise/get up arouse/excite/wake assemble/gather assert/state firmly assume/postulate astonish/surprise at any price/for love or money at once/immediately at stake/in danger attend/go to attend to/wait on attraction/lure/temptation authentically/genuinely authority/government B ban/forbid,prohibit bare/barren barren/bare be bordering on/be close to be entitled to(do sth.)/have right to(do sth) be hailed as/be acclaimed as be realized/be fulfilled/come true bearing/influence impact effect because of/on account of/due to owing to/thanks to before/previously/formerly/prior to behaviour/conduct blend/mix branch/division brave/courageous break/beat broaden/widen C call/phone call … up/telephone call …off/cancel capability/ability care/remedy careful/conscientious/cautious cater for/meet/satisfy census/count certain/sure/inevitable change/alter/modify/vary/shift change into/turn into characteristic/typical cheerful/pleasant/happy childish/immature clever/intelligert close/near/intimate collaborate/cooperate collide with/run into come across/catch sight of/see sb/sth suddenly compactly/densely compel/force/oblige complain/feel unhappy complete/finish


英语常用同义词近义词、短语辨析 1.idea, concept, conception, thought, notion, impression 这些名词均有“思想、观点、观念”之意。 idea: 最普通常用词,几乎适用于任何方面的思维活动。 concept: 指从众多实例中通过概括、归纳而形成的对事物本质、全貌及其内部联系 的概念或看法。如:A small baby has no concept of right and wrong.婴儿没有是非概念. It was Aristotle who proved the world is round. Plato popularized the concept.亚里士多德证明了地球是圆的,柏拉图普及了这一概念。 conception: (概念、观念、思想)通常指个人或一些人所持有的具体概念或念头,也可指概念的形成过程,含一定的想象和感情色彩意味。如:He’s got a really strange conception of friendship. 他对友谊有一种非常独特的见解。 ancient Greek thought古希腊思想; lost/deep in thought陷入思索中/在沉思中,如:Derek was staring out of the window, lost in thought. Derek凝视着窗外,陷入了沉思。 thought: 指以推理、思考等智力活动为基础的心理思维活动及其结果。如:Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, “三个代表”之英文表达法——摘自CNN 'THE THREE REPRESENTS' Theory first raised by President Jiang Zemin in early 2000. Communist party must: 1 - Represent most advanced productive forces, including private business. 代表中国先进社会生产力的发展要求 2 - Represent the most advanced culture. 代表中国先进文化的前进方向 3 - Represent fundamental interests of the broad masses (i.e. not merely a "revolutionary party" but one that stands for all Chinese.) 代表中国最广大人民的根本利益 notion: 尤指错误或模糊的概念、想法;无可靠的基础,未经深思熟虑的观点。 misguided notions of male superiority男尊女卑的错误观点,突然的念头,奇想notion to do sth At midnight she had a sudden to go to the beach.半夜里她突发奇想要去海滩。 impression: 指外部刺激在思想中所产生的印象。尤指(对人、事的)印象;感想,常接of, 如:What’s your impression of Frank as a boss? 你对身为老板的Frank印象如何?


小学英语同义词总结 (1)above/on (在……上面) (2)f ather/dad(爸爸) (3)kid/child(小孩)(4)glad/happy(高兴) (5)fast/quick (快的)(6)mother/mum(妈妈) (7)below/under(在……下面)(8)hello /hi(嗨) (9)plane/airplane(飞机)(10)much/many(多) (11)few/little(极少)(12)small/little(少量) (13)big/large(大的)(14)picture/photo(图片) (15)movie/film(电影)(16)b ike/bicycle(自行车) (17)begin/start(开始)(18) evening/night(夜晚) (19)speak/talk/say(说)(20) see/watch/look(看) (21)hear/listen(听)(22) love/like (喜欢) (23)gift/present (礼物)(24)laugh/smile (笑) (25)shop /store(商店)(26) hate/dislike(厌恶) (27)learn /study(学习)(28)d ear/expensive(昂贵的) (29)begin/start(开始)(30) too/also(也) (31)problem/question(问题)(32)often/sually(经常) (33)job/work(工作)(34)because/for(因为) (35)dinner/supper (晚餐) (36)high/tall(高的) (37)cup/glass (杯子)(38)meeting/party (会) 拓展: 1、away 离开—off 离开/走开(通常与不同的动词搭配) 2、because 因为(因果语气较强,常搭配句子)—for 因为(因果语气较弱,可搭配短语和句子) 3、break 休息/中断(常指短时休息)—rest 休息(相对时间较长) 4、cup 小茶杯—glass 玻璃杯 5、clothes 衣服(总称)—dress 衣服(长裙、某类衣服的总称,如:evening dress, modern dress) 6、dinner 正餐/晚餐—supper 晚餐 7、daddy(儿语)爸爸—dad(口语)爸爸—father(书面语)爸爸 8、evening 傍晚—night 晚上 9、fast 快的—quick 快的 10、great 伟大的/大的—big 大的(常指形状的大小) 11、hello 喂/hi 嗨(相对较为正式)—hey 喂/嘿(相对较为随便) 12、high 高的(通常搭配高山、高楼等)—tall 高的(通常搭配人物、树木等) 13、job 职业/工作(可数名词使用)—work 工作(不可数名词) 14、Mr.先生(搭配姓氏使用)—sir 先生(通常单独使用表称呼) 15、like 喜欢—love 喜爱(喜欢的程度相对较深) 16、little 小—small 小 17、look 看(表动作)—see 看见(更强调结果) 18、listen 听(表动作)—hear 听见(更强调结果) 19、meeting 会议—party 聚会 20、mummy(儿语)妈妈—mum(口语)妈妈—mother(书面语)妈妈 21、ride 骑(马、自行车)—drive 驾驶(车辆) 22、often 经常/常常—usually 通常(频度更高) 23、picture 照片/图片—photo 照片


六级常见单词替换 1. important=crucial,cr itical significant essential vital 2. common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 4. difficult=formidable 5. understand=discern 6. all the time--continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually 7. as a result—consequently、 8. before--prior to 9. begin—commence 10. better—superior 11. big--major, significant, substantial 12. have--be equipped with, possess 13. if--in the event of, in case(of) 14. in the end--eventually, finally, ultimately 15. know--be aware of, be conversant with, familiar with 16. less and less--decreasing(ly) 17. more and more –increasingly 18. money--funding, funds, resources 19. more and more—increasingly 20. need--demand, require 21. now--at present, at this juncture, at this moment, currently 22. often--frequent(ly) 23. quick(ly)--rapid(ly),prom pt(ly) 24. right--appropriate, correct, proper reasonable


劳顿同义词和反义词 中华文化博大精深、源远流长,词词更是多不胜数。下面小编带来的是劳顿同义词和反义词,希望对你有帮助。 劳顿,指劳累疲倦,如:舟车劳顿。也用作英语人名、地名的翻译。如:查尔斯·劳顿、密歇根州城市劳顿(Lawton)。 基本信息 词目:劳顿 拼音:láo dùn 注音:ㄌㄠˊㄉㄨㄣˋ 同义词:劳累劳碌劳苦繁忙劳作 反义词:休息 五笔:APGB 基本解释 (1) [fatigued;exhausted;wearied]∶劳累疲倦 我军涉险而来,甚是劳顿。——《三国演义》 鞍马劳顿 (2) [trouble]∶烦扰 劳顿朋友[1] 舟车劳顿 引证解释 ⑴[fatigued;exhausted;wearied] 劳累疲困。

①唐韩愈《上张仆射第二书》:“马之与人,情性殊异。至於筋骸之相束,血气之相持,安佚则适,劳顿则疲者,同也。” ②《三国演义》第一一七回:“部将田续曰:‘我军涉险而来,甚是劳顿,且当休养数日,然后进兵。’” ③丁玲《一九三零年春上海之一》:“常日的紧张和劳顿,都无形的滑走了。” ④明施耐庵《水浒》第三十四回《镇三山大闹青州道霹雳火夜走瓦砾场》你今日劳顿了,我便赢得你也不为强,你且回去,明日却来。 ⑵[trouble]∶烦扰 劳顿朋友 造句: (1)旅行是最劳顿,最费事,叫人本相必现的时候。经过长期苦旅行而彼此不讨厌的人,才可以结交作朋友。 (2)它使劳累者疲劳顿消,它为失意者重燃希望的火苗。 (3)诚信是驿站,给劳顿的步履以歇息;诚信是力量,给怠倦的身心以补给。 (4)皇家国际饭店是融会国际顶尖商务酒店设计理念,装潢艺术构造于一体的四星级豪华酒店。酒店拥有豪华套房、商务套房、高级房及规范房114间。酒店客房关注到每一个细节的典雅装饰,尤其是精致前卫的磨砂玻璃幕墙浴室,令居住其中成为美的享受,让商务劳顿烟消云散,使您尽享都市风情。


一.Right , true ,real , correct right:使用广泛,多用于口语化,可与这些词中的correct换用,但常暗示道德的正确。 true:correct:,。 right副词有“立刻,马上”,名词有“权利”,以上形容词均含“准确的,正确的”之意。real adj.真的;真实的; 现实的adv.非常 right指的是道德、理解、行动等方面的正确与错误,反义词wrong, true指的是否和事实相符,暗指绝对准确,尤指复制品与原件丝毫不差,反义词false real指的是质地是真的还是伪造的,反义词fake correct最常用词,主要指按一定标准或规则来衡量,没有谬误和差错或无缺点错误,反义词incorrect或者mistake eg: 1.What was the real reason for your absence? 你缺席的真正原因是什么? 2.It is one of your rights, when the punishment comes to a certain level. Within the 3 days after receiving the notice of the punishment, you can apply for the right. The tax authority should name an impartial official as the chairperson of the testimony me 这是你的一项权利.在处罚金额比较大时.你可在接到处罚通知的3日内申请听证.税务机关要安排与案件无关的人员主持听证会.并把你的意见向局长汇报. sacred right 神圣权利 3.As the saying goes, 'He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man'. 俗话说“不到长城非好汉!” She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如实地讲述了发生的事情。 4.Don`t worry about it. It might be that you haven`t got a correct way to learn with success. 不要着急.可能是因为你没有掌握成功的学习方法. Your answer to the question is correct. 你对这个问题的回答是正确的。 例题如下: This is a real dog, not a toy. Tell me the true reason. Is it true that you are going to Washington? I'm sorry ,but your answer is incorrect. Father Christmas isn't real. I'm going to skate on the real ice. Is it true that you are rich? Please get it right. 麻烦你把它弄对。


同义词替换大全 Cambridge4TEST1 1.ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not ta ke any notice忽略,无视v. 2.encounter=face=confront=meet 遇见,遭遇v. 3.mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n. 4.easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj. 5.change=modify(modification)改变v. 6.destruction=destroy=loss毁坏n. 7.investigate=make inquiries=enquiries=go into=probe=look into调查v. 8.where=geographical location表地点 9.important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj. 10.reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n. 11.protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v. 12.newspapers,television=media媒体n. 13.where to live=habitat居住地n. 14.get warmer=global warming变暖n. 15.contribute to=play a part有助于v. 16.survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v. 17.curriculum=course=syllabus课程n. 18.link to=be connected with=be linked with把…和…相联系v.


-教育精选- 高中英语同义词与反义词/对应词 ability 能力— inability /disability 无能力able 有能力的— unable 无能力的capable有能力的—incapable无能的abroad 在外国— at home 在家 absent 缺席/不在— present 出席 accept 接受— refuse 拒绝 active 积极的— inactive 不活跃的 active 主动的— passive 被动的 actress 女演员— actor 男演员 add 增添— reduce 减少 increase上升—decrease/lessen 减少advantage 有利— disadvantage 不利 afraid 害怕的— brave 勇敢的 coward胆小鬼/胆小—brave 勇敢的 after 在…之上— before 在…之前previous/earlier/former/past —later/timely the former前者—the latter 后者 again 再,又— once 一次 against 反对— for 为,赞成 approval赞成/认可—disapproval不认可ago 以前— later 以后 agree 同意— disagree 不同意 agreement 一致— disagreement 意见不同accurate精确的—inaccurate不精确的alive 活着的— dead 死的 all 全部— part 部分 all 所有一切— none 没有任何东西appropriate恰当—inappropriate不当的appreciated感激的—unappreciated不被领情的both两者都—neither两者都不 allow 允许— forbid 禁止 almost 几乎— hardly 几乎不 alone 单独地— together 一起 along 沿着— across 横过 already 已经— yet 还未 always 总是— never 从来不 anger 怒/愤怒— pleasure 喜/愉快 angry 生气的— pleased 高兴的∕calm 平静的animal 动物— plant 植物 answer n. 回答— question 问题 answer /reply vt. 回答— ask/inquire 问anxious /uneasy不安的— /calm/easy 放心的appear 出现— disappear 消失 arrive 到达— leave 出发 ashamed 害臊— proud 自豪 asleep睡着的sleepy睡眼惺忪的— awake 醒的attack 进攻— defend 防守∕protect 保护attention 注意— inattention 不注意 aunt 姨/姑/婶— uncle 叔/伯/舅 awake adj. 醒的— asleep 睡着的back 背面后面的— front 正面/前面的 be badly-off贫穷— be well-off 富有balanced 平衡的— unbalanced 失衡的beautiful 美丽的— ugly 丑陋的 before 在…之前— after 在…之后 before 在前— later 在后 begin 开始— finish 结束 beginning 开始— end n.结局 behind 在后面— ahead 在前面 behind 在…之后— in front of 在…之前believe 相信— doubt 怀疑 below 在…以下/— above 在…以上 bent 弯的— straight 直的 best 最好— worst 最坏 better 更好的— worse 最坏 beyond 在…之外— within 在…之内 big 大的— little 小的 severe/strict严格/严厉的—tender温柔/慈悲的birth 出生— death 死的 bitter 苦的— sweet 甜的 black 黑色的— white 白色的 blame 责备— praise 表扬 boil 沸腾— freeze 结冰 body 身体— spirit 精神∕soul 心灵 bone 骨头— flesh 肉 bored 厌烦的— pleased /delighted 高兴的borrow 借人— lend 借出 bottom 底底部— surface 表面∕top 顶部boyfriend 男朋友— girlfriend 女朋友brave 勇敢的— afraid 害怕的 break 损坏— repair 修理∕mend 修理 brief 简洁的— long/lengthy 冗长的 bright 明亮的— dark 暗的(brightness)bright 聪明的— stupid 笨的∕foolish 蠢的bring along带来— take away 拿走broaden 拓宽— narrow 窄的/变窄brother 兄弟— sister 姐妹 brotherhood 兄弟关系- sisterhood 姐妹关系brotherly兄弟般的—sisterly姐妹般的build/construct 建设— break/destroy 破坏construction建设—destruction破坏 bury 埋— dig 掘 busy 忙的— free 有空的 be occupied with忙于—leisurely悠闲的/地apply oneself to doing/put one’s heart into 致力于—absent-minded心不在焉diligently勤勤恳恳的—lazily 懒惰的convenient方便的—inconvenient不方便的buy/purchase 买— sell 卖 calm 平静的— angry 生气的/ excited 兴奋的


八年级英语上册期中专项复习——同义词组 1. I’m perhaps wrong, but I think she is over sixty years old. A. hardly B. possibly C. clearly 2. The school library includes different kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. A. has B. sells C. shows 3. It was so cold and windy that nobody wanted to go there by bike. A. each person B. any person C. no person 4. They were very excited when they ______the football game. A. beat B. won C. got 5. China has the largest population (人口) ___________ . A. in the countryside B. in the city C. in the world 6. Our school basketball team got the first place in the final game. All the students were very excited. A. watched B. won C. failed 7. I can get information about what time the meeting starts. A. look for B. find out C. make sure 8. His new house has three living rooms and eight bedrooms. How big it is! A. collects B. takes C. includes 9. Tom can run very fast. A. is able to B. used to C. gets to 10. The weather will perhaps change this evening. A. quickly B. suddenly C. possibly 11. — Do you know the human being who is helping the old man cross the road? — No. But how kind he is! A. person B. animal C. robot 12. — Is the supermarket still open now? — Perhaps not. It closes at 6:00 p.m. on Mondays. A. Even B. Maybe C. Often


从无到有开始 Begin, start, begin with, spring, start up, set off on, break out, strike up, originate from,; Initiate, launch, originate, sprout; unfold; unleash outset, onset, Rudimentary, elementary, 出现 Appear, appear to be, emerge, arise, loom, turn out, show up, com out, come into sight/view, come forth 发生 Happen, occur, take place, come about, Happening occurrence 产生,创造 create, produce, bring about, yield, give birth to, bear, bring into being, generate, beget,germinate; Invent, innovate, renovate, plan, design, imagine, conceive, devise, formulate, imagine, envision, 建立 Found, set, built up, construct, institute, constitute, set up, establish 制造,组成 Make, make up, produce, construct, turn out, manufacture, form, shape, compose, compile, concoct, fabricate 生长壮大 复制,繁殖58 Copy, duplicate, reproduce, multiply. 发育,发展 Grow, develop, breed, bring up, nurture, cultivate, hone, raise, foster, (主动)
