

























整体介绍——教学内容Unit 1 My Classmates Unit 2 Who Is Taller? Unit 3 The Biggest and the Best! Unit 4 Revision Unit 5 Shopping Unit 6 Cooking Unit 7 TV

Shows —描述人物—形容词、副词比较级—形容词、副词最高级—购物用语—表述烹饪过程—谈论电视节目



















Lesson 5——故事教学

8册9册A项:Fun time 故事阅读A项:Let’s read 故事阅读B项:故事理解B项:故事理解C项:故事表演





Lesson 6——复习检测









说:1.能根据所学话题和场景,结合自己生活实际,用英语进行简单的交流或表述,做到逻辑清晰、语言较丰富(*有逻辑地说3 至5句话)。2.能在小组合作的基础上借助提示(图片、实物、文字等)


读:1.能朗读重点学习的句型、语段,养成按意群阅读的习惯,做到语音清楚,语调正确,语速适中。2.能读懂有一定长度的故事或短文(120字),了解主要人物和事件情节发展(Who, where, when, what, how),并做出正确的理解和判断。3.能读懂贺卡、海报、购物单、标示牌、票据等生活中常见实用性文体所表达的简单信息。4.能读懂简单的英语指令,并按指令要求进行相应活动,完成相应任务。


样题1.听句子,选图片听力材料:1. Tom is drawing a cat.




样题2. 请朗读下面的文段。It’s June 1st.It’s Children’s Day in China. We have four classes in the morning. They’re Chinese, art, math and English. In the afternoon, we have a sports meeting. We all have ball games. Then, we have a party in the evening. We can sing and


样题3.根据问题,描述图片内容。What can you see in the picture? Where are the children? What are they doing? Do you often go to the park? / Do you often play with your friends? What do you often do there? / What do you often do together?



Lisa couldn’t find her storybook. She looked for it everywhere.




Unit 1 My Classmates 单元教学目标 能力目标: 1、能够正确使用描述人物外貌和性格特征的单词及相应的物主代词。 2、能够使用本单元所学的句型,谈论自己的同学或朋友。 3、能够拼写与同学有关的词汇,能仿写与同学有关的句子和短文。 4、能够开展课堂活动,交换与同学有关的信息,进行听、说、读、写技能训练。 5、能够通过故事的学习,提高朗读、理解的能力和积极参与故事表演的能力。 知识目标: 1、能够听、硕、读、写与描述人物有关的17个单词:twins, blond, curly, slim, straight, freckles, talkative, honest, careless, popular, hardworking, shy, lazy, quiet, helpful, friendly, funny以及三个形容词性物主代词:his, her, their. 2、能够理解故事中出现的新词汇:Camp Pine, paddle, trick, laugh, fishing pole, fall. 3、能够听、硕、读、写与同学有关的以下交际用语:“What does your new classmate look like? Her hair is blond and curly. Tell me about your classmates. What’s he/she like? He/she is friendly.” 4、知道字母组合wh在单词中的发音,并根据读音规则正确读出相关的单词和句子。 5、能够在仿写练习中正确携句子,能够正确使用标点符号和书写隔世。 Lesson 1 1--1 教学重点: 1、认读本书中新出现的人物。 2、词汇:his, her, their, twins, blond, curly, slim, straight, freckles. 3、句型:(1)What does your classmate look like? (2) Tell me about your classmates. (3) What’s he/she like? He/she is friendly. 教学难点: 1、三个形容词性物主代词his, her, their的理解。 2、可数名词既不可数名词与be动词的搭配,如:“Her hair is ...Their eyes are (i) glasses are …” 教学准备:录音机、单词卡片、教学挂图 教学过程: 一、教师组织学生就主题情景图进行讨论,如:“Look! This is a classroom. What can you see in the classroom? Who are they? What color is Ann’s hair? 等等。在讨论的过程中,教师通过指挂图、做手势等方式,引导学生初步理解,学习生词及主句型。 二、Do Part A: listen and write down their names. 1.First time listen and find which one is right. 2.Second time listen and write. 3.Third time check and correct the answers. 三、Practice Part B: Choose, ask and answer.


新起点英语一年级上册期末试卷 听力部分(30分) 一、听一听,选一选。(10分) ( ) 1、A B ( ) 2、A B ()3、A B ()4、A B ()5、A B ()6、A B ()7、A B ()8、A B ()9、A B ()10、A B 二、听录音写顺序。(12分) nose ruler tiger banana two monkey ()()()()()()—————————————————————————————— green orange red book ten yellow ()()()()()() 三、听音,圈出听到的数学数字。(8分) (1)4 3 6 (2)3 5 2 (3)4 6 1 (4) 7 2 9 (5)8 9 4 (6)2 4 9 (7)2 3 5 (8) 3 2 7 笔试部分(70分)

四、看一看,连一连。(20分) 1、teacher 6、orange 2、monkey 7、pear 3、bird 8、apple 4、schoolbag 9、ruler 5、banana 10、tiger 五、数字连连看。(10分) six five seven nine eight 六、把下面人物的各个身体部位和表示该部位的单词用线连起来。(10分)

七、下面有很多单词,请你类别分类吧!。(10分) 1.tiger 2. pencil 3. monkey 4. schoolbag 5. dog 6.ruler 7.cat 8. book 9. bird 10.blue 11. red 12. banana 13. apple 14. yellow 15. black


六年级上册第一单元测试 一. 从四个选项中选出不同类的一项。 ()1. A. east B. west C. south D、in ()2. A. took B. saw C. Leave D、did ()3. A. cheaper B. longest C. largest D、hottest ()4. A. stone B. grass C. water D、home ()5. A. train B. write C. bus D subway ()6. A. there B. Where C. weather D、here ()7. A. city B. Town C. school D、province ()8. A. fruit B. find C. food D、vegetables 二. 根据汉语意思的提示,找出下列单词正确的拼写形式。()1.n_ _th A. ar B. or C. ou D、in ()2.st n A. o,m B. m,m C. m,n D、o,n ()3.war i s A. i,er B.o,er C. r.or D、r.er ()4. c ves A. a B.e C. c D、d ()5. s_ _k A. i,o B. i,l C. a,l D、a,o 三.词性转换 1.Big (最高级) 2.tall (最高级) 3.long(最高级) 4.see(过去式) 5.came(原型) 6.left(原型) 7.tell(过去式) 8.take(过去式) 9. large (最高级) 10.cheap(比较级)

四.用词的适当形式填空 1.it’s one of the (big) cities in the world. 2. They are good at (sing )and (dance) 3.they are usually much (cheap)than other place 4. It is (以……而著名)grapes. 5.it’s(three) hottest city in the world. 6.China has the (最大的) population in the world. 三.补全句子 1.它在黑龙江省,它在中国的北方。 It ’s in Heilongjiang province. It ’s in t of China. 2.暑假你去了哪里? Where did you go ? 3.西藏以什么闻名? What is Tibet ? 4.它以布达拉宫而闻名。 It ’s 。 5.西安以兵马俑闻名 It ’s . 6.那里的人很友好还很勤劳。 People there are and 7.在中国还有其他55个少数民族。 There are in China.


六年级英语分类复习阅读训练题 班级:_______________ 姓名:_____________ (1) Ben: Hi, Kitty. Kitty: Hi, Ben. Ben: Let’s have a camp trip this Saturday. Kitty: Great! What do we need? Ben: We need some bread and drinks. Kitty: What drink do you like? Ben: I like apple juice. What about you? Kitty: Milk. It’s my favourite drink. Ben: All right. Let’s go to the supermarket now. Kitty: OK. But I haven’t got enough (足够的) money. 快速阅读,用T或F判断下列句子的正误。 ( ) 1. Ben and Kitty want to go for a camp this Sunday. ( ) 2. They only need something to drink. ( ) 3. They want to go to the supermarket to buy these things. ( ) 4. Ben’s favourite drink is milk. ( ) 5. Kitty want to take some apple juice with him. ( ) 6. They have enough money now. (2) A: Hi, Ben! It was National Day holiday last week. What did you do? B: On Monday I watched a film with my family. On Tuesday and Wednesday I was at a camp. I played football with my family. On Thursday I played computer games with my friends. On Friday and Saturday I visited my u ncle and aunt. They’re farmers. On Sunday I stayed at home and watched TV. A: Wow, you were busy. 根据对话,在横线上写出动词词组。 Sunday _____________ Monday _____________


Unit 1 My classmates 一、用适当的人称代词和物主代词填空。(每空一词) (1 ) ________am a bus driver.This is ______bus._________like it very much.. (2 ) Hi,________name is Tom.And you ? (3 ) He is a pupil._________name is Peter._________is tall. (4 ) That is ________school.I like it. (5 ) –Look there,is________Miss White ? –Yes,________is a teacher. (6 ) What are ________over there ? __________are monkeys. (7 ) –Where are the pears from ?--__________are from Shandong. --Are ________sweet ? --Yes,_________think so. (8 ) –What can _________do for you?—I’d like some apples. 二、用适当的指示代词填空。 (1) _______keys are mine. Those are yours. (2) -- What’____________? --It’s an egg. --What’s__________over there ? --It’s an orange.


学情分析: 一年级是学习英语的入门阶段,让学生对学习英语产生浓厚的兴趣是这一阶段的首要任务。根据一年级学生模仿力、求知欲、表现欲强的心理特点,教学中应采用多种教学手段,让孩子在听听说说中模仿英语,在玩玩唱唱中游戏英语,在讲讲演演中掌握英语。 教材分析: 本单元以―School‖为题,使新入学的小朋友认识学校,教材贴近学生的生活,以激发学生的英语学习兴趣为主,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发张自主学习的能力,建立了以任务型、活动课为主的教学模式,符合教学规律,全面体现了素质教育的教学思想。 单元教学目标: 1.能够对英语学习产生初步的兴趣并积极参与课堂上的各种活动。 2.能够在本单元涉及的情景中认识并能说出4个主线任务的名字:Billy, Lily,Andy 和Joy, 认识宠物狗Lucky 和主线任务的好朋友Angel. 3.能够在教材提供的情景中听懂有关文具的词汇,并初步说出这些单词。 4.能够听懂并使用问候用语Good morning ,会唱本单元的歌曲。 5.能够听懂课堂指令语Stand up 等,并作出争取的反应。 6.能够听懂本单元的歌谣,并会用歌谣做自我介绍。 过程与方法: 设计学生乐于主动参与的游戏和活动,使学生在轻松愉快的活动中去感受语言,理解语言和运用语言,以培养他们的兴趣、成就感,自信心和积极主动学习的能力。 将语言知识和学生的生活实际结合起来,引导学生在自身的生活实际中开展交际活动的设计要体现学习语言是为了做事情,在做事情的过程中学习语言的原则,努力创设多种多样的教学活动形式,鼓励每一个学生都参与到教学活动中来,使学生在活动过程中逐步建构和语言技能,培养用语言进行交流的能力。 情感与价值观: 根据小学生学习的特点,小学英语教学要创建以活动课为主的教学模式。教学重点是培养学生用语言进行交流的能力。小学英语教学不讲解语法概念。要充分利用教学资源,采用听、做、说、唱、玩、演的方式,鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表达,侧重提高小学生对语言的感受和初步用英语进行听、说、唱、演的能力。 1


盐亭华宸国际学校五年级上册英语复习资料第二部分句子 Yaoyao: Bill: Joy:He’s my favourite teacher. S1:What does he teach? Joy: Linda: Binbin: Linda: Binbin: How much is the Saleswoman: Binbin:OK. Andy:Binbin, Binbin:My favourite TV shows are sports shows. Andy: Binbin:I usually watch them on Saturday Evening. Binbin: Yaoyao:Yes,I do. Binbin:What chores do you usually do? Yaoyao: Binbin: Yaoyao:Three times a week. 第三部分作文

范文一 My Friend I have a friend. Her name is Lily. She is polite. She often says hello and thank you to everyone in the family. She is active. She often answers questions in English class. She is helpful too. She often helps her mother clean the room. She is clever. She is good at maths. She has short straight hair. She has big eyes. She wears glasses. We all like her. Do you want to be her friend? 范文二 My Favourite Teacher My favorite teacher is Mrs. Wu. She teaches us English. She is tall and slim. She has long curly hair. She doesn't wear glasses.She is very interesting. She often sing English songs in class. She is very popular too. She often plays ping pong with us. I like her very much. 范文三 My Favourite Animal My favorite animal is the panda. It lives in the b amboo forest. It eats bamboo. It is black and white. I t's very cute, too. It has a big body and two big eyes.It can climb up trees.What’s your favourite animal? 范文四 Shopping Day Today is Sunday.My parents are going to go shopping in a supermarket.My mother wants to buy a dress and a pair of pants.The pink dress is 100 yuan.The pants are 12 yuan.She likes them very much.My father wants to buy a new pencil sharpener for me.He buys the orange one.It’s only 12 yuan. I like it too. 范文五 My Favourite TV Shows My favourite TV shows are nature shows.I think they are great.I can learn about animals from nature shows.I usually watch them on Sunday.What about you? 范文六 My Day for Chores On Saturday I usually help my mother do chores at home. After getting up , I usually make the bed. Then I sweep the floor and water the plants.In the morning, I often walk the dog. I help my parents make lunch, too. After lunch, I often do the dishes.In the afternoon,I wash clothes with my mother. I enjoy doing chores.


五年级英语上第六单元+复习2知识点练习 一, 单词与词组 1, __________________ 做家务 2, _____________________ 帮助你的父母3, __________________ 在家 4, _____________________ 打扫房间 5, _________________ 铺床 6, _____________________ 倒垃圾 7, _________________ 洗衣服 8, _____________________ 整理书桌 9, _________________ 扫地 10, ______________________ 帮助某人做某事11, _________________ 多久 12, _____________________ 一天一次 13, _________________ 一周两次 14, ____________________ 一个月三次 15, _________________ 和我玩 16, ______________________ 给植物浇水17, _________________ 喜欢做某事 18, ____________________享受做某事19, _________________ 喂我的鱼 20, _____________________给我打电话21, _________________ 当你有空的时候22, ________________ 晚饭前 23, _________________ 晚饭后 24, ______________________宠物猫 25, _________________ 起床 26, _______________________做午饭 27, _________________ 午饭后 28, ______________________洗碗碟 29, _________________ 忙碌的 30, ______________________进入 31, _________________ 去野营 32, more and more helpful_________ 33, _________________ 病人 34, sick kids ______________ 35, _________________ 使人振奋 36, how to cook _____________ 37, _________________ 100年以后 38, write an ad _____________ 39, _________________ 返回家 40, ________________ 寻找 41, _________________ 关心 42, ________________ 玩游戏 43, ____________________________________________ 愿意做某事 44, be the host of ________________________ 45, a news announcer_____________________ 46, an exciting job ________________________ 47, ___________________举办(穿上) 48, a quiz show __________ 49, ___________________ 来我家 50, arrive at _____________ 51, _____________________________ 举办一次生日聚会 52, _________________ 在周日 53, __________________ 打算,计划 53, turn on the TV _________ 54, ___________________ 跟某人说话 55, have a surprise _________ 56, to one’s surprise __________ 二,字母组合的单词 1, ______椅子 2, ______桃子 3, ________午饭 4, ______捉 5, ______比赛 6, ______痒 7, _____购物 8, _____ 9, _______洗涤 10,_________嘴 11, ______轮子 12,_______胡须 13,_______ 父亲 14, ________ 鱼 三, 词型转换 1, chore (复数) _____ 2, out (对应词) _____ 3, make (现在分词)_______ 4, wash (三单) _____ 5, tidy (三单) _______ 6, usually (同类词)__________ 7, time (复数) ____ 8, I’m (完全形式)_____ 9, feed(现在分词)______ 10, me (主格) __ 11, you’re (完全形式)_____ 12, too (同音词) _____ 13, do (单三) ____ 14, Susan (名词所有格) ______________ 15, before (对应词) _________ 16, get (现在分词) __________ 17, dish (复数) ____________ 8, catch (单三) ____________ 19, kids (同义词) __________ 20, can (否定形式) _______或 _____ 21, I’ll (完全形式) _________ 22, do (过去式) ______ 23,one (序数词) ____ 24, two (序数词) __________ 25, three (序数词)____________ 26,I’d(完全形式) ___________ 27, let’s(完全形式) ____________ 28, they’re(完全形式)______ 29, excite(形容词) ____________ 30, that’s (完全形式) ______ 31, they(物主代词) ____________ 32, see(同音词) __________ 33, talk(现在分词) ___________ 34, lady(复数) ____________ 35, he(物主代词) _____________ 36, shop(现在分词) _______ 37, has(原形) _________________ 38, child(复数)____________ 39, surprise(形容词)___________ 40, become(现在分词)_____ 41, present(同义词) ___________ 四, 句子 1, _____________________________________________________________ 你通常在家做什么家务? 2, ______________________________________________________________ 我通常帮助我的父母倒垃圾。 3, _____________________________________________________________ 你通常在家做家务吗? 4, ____________________________________________________________ 是的,我通常在家给植物浇水。 5, ___________________________________________________________ 你正在做什么? 6, __________________________________________________________ 我正在打扫我的房间。 7, __________________________________________________________ 你多久扫一次地? 8, __________________________________________________________ 我一周扫三次地。 五, 句型转换. 1, Do you help your parents do chores at home ? ______________ (肯定回答) _________________ (否定回答) 2, I usually make the bed at home .(主语改为Binbin) _____________ usually __________ the bed at home . 3, Bob usually tidies the desk at schooln . (改为否定句) Bob ____________usually ____________the desk at school . 4, I usually help my mother make liunch .(改为一般疑问句) ________ _________ usually help your mother make lunch ? 5, I walk the dog in the afternoon .( 主语改为he) _____ _________ the dog in the afternoon .


Unit 1 In China Lesson 1 世界上有许多美丽的国家,其中我们伟大的祖国中国他屹立在世界的东方,她是一位美丽善良的母亲。 在这辽阔的国土上有着神奇的景观,山川与河流,还有一群勤劳美丽而善良的民族。那么,就让我们一起更加真切地了解认识我们的祖国吧。 【知识目标】 1. Be able to listen and read the words and dialogues: morning tea, 早茶 soup 汤; the Potala Palace, 布达拉宫;the Summer Palace, 颐和园; the Terracotta Army 兵马俑。能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇。 2. Be able to ask and answer questions. 【能力目标】 对听说读写能力都要有意识地发展锻炼,学生能够掌握重点单词的读写及其对应含义,这也有助于自然地学习英语句型。What did you go on your summer vacation? I went to... with my parents. 能够用英语流利表达自己过去做的事情,学会用一般过去时回答完别人的问题。 【情感目标】 学习英语最大的乐趣就是能够理解运用。多了解英语与汉语不同的地方,也要善于要拓展学习其他方面,多参加课外活动。老师要学着寓教于乐地教学,让英语学习成为孩子们生活中的一种乐趣,沟通和学习的工具。 【教学重点】. 1. The relevant words and dialogues. 2. Be able to do some free talk with the words.


小学五年级期末考试 英语试卷(人教新起点版) 题号ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥⅦⅧⅨⅩⅪ总分 得分 I.选出每组单词中画线部分读音与其它两个发音不同的选项。 (共5 小题,计5 分) ( ) 1. A. cow B. brown C. yellow ( ) 2. A. doctor B. short C. morning ( ) 3. A. cake B. cap C. ant ( ) 4. A. engineer B. driver C. English ( ) 5. A. cloudy B. mouth C. young Ⅱ. 看图片,写单词。 (共 5 小题,计 10 分) 6.7. 8.9. 10. Ⅲ. 根据首字母提示并联系上下文写出恰当的单词,使句子或对话意思完整。(共 5 小题, 计10 分) 11.—What color do you like? —I like red, but I d like yellow. 12.—is that boy? The small one. —Oh, that’s Bob. 13.—Mom, I want to go out to play. —OK. It’s cold outside. P on your coat, gloves and boots. 14.—What’s your grandfather l , David? —He is short and has short white hair. 15.It’s r today. Don’t forget the umbrella and the raincoat. Ⅳ. 根据句意及上下文选择合适选项,将其标号写在相应的括号内。(共 5 小题,计 5 分) A. play chess B. Good idea C. They are whales D. Which one E. weather report 16.—Mom, we are going hiking tomorrow. What’s the weather like? —Let’s listen to the . 17.—Are they seals? —No. . They’re very kind and friendly to people.


《新起点英语》六年级上册朗读篇目 第一篇节选自P6—A Xinjiang is in the west of China. It’s famous for grapes, watermelons and pears. The fruit there is very juicy and sweet. People there are friendly and hard-working. They are very good at singing and dancing. Hangzhou is a beautiful city in Zhejiang province. It’s in the south of China. It’s famous for West Lake and silk. You can row on West Lake. You can buy silk clothes and silk scarves there. They are usually much cheaper than other places. 第二篇节选自P13—C My mother wants to visit China this spring. She will be coming to Beijing first. Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world. She wants to see the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace. She wants to eat Beijing duck. My mother also wants to see Tibet. Tibet is in the west of China. My mother wants to see the Potala Palace and the snow-capped mountains. She really wants to see everything in China.


最新人教版新起点英语六年级上册期末测试卷班级_________ 姓名__________ 成绩________ 听力部分(40分) 一.听音找出你所听到的选项(20分) ()1. A.CD B. TV C. BC ()2. A. 4123 B. 5497 C. 4978 ( ) 3. A. bed B. bread C. red ( ) 4. A. cat B. hat C. hand ( ) 5. A. duck B. dog C. door ( ) 6. A. run B. rain C. fun ( ) 7. A. writing B. riding C. reading ( ) 8. A. that B. this C. those ( ) 9. A. French B. rich C. frish ( ) 10. A. long B. along C. song 二.听音,找出你听到单词或短语的汉语意思。(10分)( ) 1. A 斑马 B 驼鸟 C 埃及 ( ) 2. A 惊讶的B紧张的 C 伤心的 ( ) 3. A 种子 B 例子 C 然而 ( ) 4. A 意大利人 B 韩国人 C 中国人 ( ) 5. A 物理B化学 C 芝加哥

三.听句子,编序号(10分) ( ) Where is the whale from? ( ) It’s five. ( ) How old is it? ( ) How heavy is it? ( ) It’s 200 tons. ( ) It’s from the ocean. 笔试部分(60分) 一、填空,英译汉。(10分) 1.r bot ( ) 2.st ry ( ) 3.h vy ( ) 4.w ng( ) 5.sh k( ) 6.koal ( ) 7.n th( ) 8.worr ed( ) 9.pr d( ) 10. th( ) 二、单项选择。(10分) 1. I will live in a house the room. A. at B. on C. aboard D. in 2. He will be artist. A. the B. a C. / D. an 3. My home is school. A. far from B. into C. next D. far 4. Do you go to your grandparents’ home by ship? A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I don’t. C. No, I don’t. D. No, I don’t know. 5. are you going this weekend? I’m going to the cinema. A. What B. How C. Where D. When 6. I’m nervous I’m going to sing in front of my class.


新起点英语五年级上册知识要点总结 Unit 1 一. 语音 字母组合 bl ,pl ,cl, gl, fl , sl 在单词中的发音 二,词组总结 1. talk about 谈论 2. look at 看 3. take sb to sp 带某人到某地 4. so many 如此多 5. make model planes 制做飞机模型 6. like to do 喜欢做某事 7. like doing 8. forget to do 忘记将要做的事 9. forget doing 忘记已做过的事 10. want to do 想要做某事11. introduce … to 介绍 12. let`s help… 让我们来帮助… .. 13. stay with 和… . 呆在一起 14. in English class 在英语课上 15. play football 踢足球 16. every day 每天 17. Thank you to every one in the family 她经常对家里的每个人说谢谢你。

18. in the family 在家里 19. clean the car 清洁汽车 20. walk the dog 溜狗 21. play with 和… .. 玩 22. become good friends 成为好朋友 23. go to school 上学24. new friends 新朋友 25. birthday party 生日聚会 26. big hands 大手 27. long arms 长胳膊 28. answer the questions 回答问题 29. be good at 擅长 30. be famous for 以… . 而著名 31. play tricks on 和… 开玩笑 32. come to 来到 33. Beijing duck 北京烤鸭 34. at first 起初 35. a lot 许多 36. at camp 露营 37. in a boat 在小船上 38. catch fish 捕鱼 39. put … on 把… 放在… 上 40. pick up 拾起



教学进度安排 2007.9 (第2-3周)Unit 1.School 2007.9 (第4-5周)Unit 2.Body 2007.10 (第7-8周)Unit 3.Animals 2007.10 (第9-10周)Unit 4.Revision 2007.11 (第11-12周)Unit 1----Unit 4 期中复习 2007.11 (第13-14周)Unit 5.Number 2007.12 (第15-16周)Unit 6.Colours 2007.12 (第17-18周)Unit 7.Fruit 2008.1 (第19-20周)Unit 8.Revision 2008.1 (第21周)Unit 1 ----Unit 8 and test 期末复习及检测

教材分析 一年级英语使用《新起点英语1》。教材编写面向全体学生,着重注意帮助学生建立学习英语的兴趣和自信心。力求做到培养学生对英语语言的运用能力,增强其在生活中对语言的实践能力,达到初步培养学生双向交流,跨文化交流的目的。在教材课程设计中,强调学科之间的整合,强调信息技术的应用。在教材中有机地渗透社会道德教育,审美教育等内容。学科内容的横向交叉对学生的整体发展会起到积极的促进作用。在学生用书的设计上,特别安排了学习策略的内容,力求用生动简单,通俗易懂的方法把学习策略介绍给学生,逐步培养,开发学生自主学习英语语言的能力。 本教材在学习内容的编排上分为两个层次:第一层次主要以学习基本单词和句子为主。第二层次在学习第一层次内容的基础上,适量扩展化淤、平行学科知识和双向文化等内容。 本册学习内容包括六个话题:学校、身体、动物、数字、颜色、水果。每个话题均包含三项学习内容:语音;词汇;交际用语。其中语音学习为暗线,可采取整体学习的方法,通过大量的歌谣和歌曲的输入,在活泼自然真实的语境中感知、模仿,习得英语语音。词汇和交际用语学习为明线,均通过较为自然的语境,在TPR、歌谣、歌曲、游戏、对话等语言活动中,使用实物、图片、录像、录音等多种教学手段,感知、模仿、习得语言,达到熟练上口。
