
◆ 作者 donatino ◆ 分类 英语学习园地 English Corner ◆ 时间 2006-03-24

一见钟情 love at first sight
一知半解 a little knowledge
上气不接下气 out of breath
大海捞针 like looking for a needle in a haystack
少不更事 wet behind the ears
心地善良 have a heart of gold
不分昼夜 around the clock
心肝宝贝 apple of one's eye
日复一日 day after day
不胜其烦 pain in the neck
心满意足 as happy as a clam
半工半读 work one's way through college
未雨绸缪 save something for a rainy day
出尔反尔 back out
有志者事竟成 Where there's a will there's a way
有其父必其子 like father, like son
百依百顺 jump through hoops
早起的鸟儿有虫吃The early bird catches the worm
全副武装 armed to the teeth
安然无恙 safe and sound
早睡早起 early to bed, early to rise
有钱能使鬼推磨 money talks
如愿以偿 get one's way with someone or something
初出茅庐 babe in the woods
见异思迁 Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
物以类聚 Birds of a feather flock together
夜以继日 day and night
物竞天择 survival of the fittest
南辕北辙 at cross purposes
挑灯夜战 burn the midnight oil
破晓时分 at the crack of dawn
脱口而出 slip of the tongue
情有独钟 have eyes only for
设身处地 in someone else's shoes(place)
开诚布公 open one's heart
新人新政 new broom sweeps clean
微不足道 a drop in the ocean
声嘶力竭 at the top of one's voice
擅离职守 asleep at the switch
覆水难收 cry over spilled milk
一帆风顺 sail right through something
一举两得 kill two birds with one stone
一应俱全 all systems go
入境随俗 When in Rome do as the Romans do
三思而行 think twice before doing something
火上加油 add fuel to the flame
天之骄子 born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
分秒必争 against the clock、against time
天壤之别 far cry
平易近人 common touch
由衷之言 give voice to
目瞪口呆 all eyes
自由自在 free and easy
有求必应 at one's beck and call
同病相怜 in the same boat
自圆其说 all wet
坐立不安 ants in one's pants
志同道合 after one's own heart
江郎才尽 at one's wits' end
改过自新 turn over a new leaf
供不应求 in short supply
背道而驰 go against the grain
洗耳恭听 all ears
耿耿于怀 hard feelings
徒劳无功 wild-goose chase
笑里藏刀 wolf in sheep's clothing
雪上加霜 add insult to injury
虚有其表 All that glitters is not gold
条条大路通罗马 All roads lead to Rome
异想天开 ask for the moon
喜出望外 tickle pink
捷足先登 ahead of the game
无理取闹 act up
滔滔不绝 talk oneself out
疑神疑鬼 afraid of one's shadow
兴高采烈 as happy as a lark
总而言之 all in all
罗马不是一天造成的 Rome wasn't built in a day
欢天喜地 walk on air

, 就立即; 随时 at a moment's notice
大难临头 Shit is hitting the fan
上帝保佑/看在老天爷的份上 for heaven's sake (for god's sake)
竭尽全力 bend over backward (lean over backward)
万事开头难 Got Off To A Rough Start
深入事件的本质 get to the heart to the matter
鼓起勇气 take heart
沉重的心情 heavy heart
伤心 break my heart
心心相印 heart to heart
衷心/从心底的 from the bottom of my heart
打开心扉 open up my heart
全心的 with all my heart
容易动感情的 wears her heart on her sleeve/clothing
心肠不坏 heart is in the right place
仁慈的心 kind hearted
一颗高贵的心 a heart of gold/stone
改变心意 change of heart
吓坏了/ 害怕 heart might stand still/skip a beat
本质 at heart
丧失勇气 lose heart
我心飞扬 my heart goes out
我(可以)发誓 cross my heart
已经决定 I had my heart set on it


一见钟情 love at first sight

It was love at first sight when they met, but it did not last long.他们是一见钟情,但没有维持太久。

一知半解 a little knowledge

My younger brother read a book on driving a car and now he thinks he ca drive. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.我弟弟读了一本有关驾驶的书,就认为自己可以开车了,一知半解是满危险的事。

上气不接下气 out of breath

I got out of breath when I climbed those stairs.当我爬那些楼梯时,我是上气不接下气的。

大海捞针 like looking for a needle in a haystack

He tried to find his lost contact lens on the beach, but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.他在海滩下找遗失的隐形眼镜,但这好比是大海捞针,希望渺茫。

少不更事 wet behind the ears

This boy is too young to take on a job like this! He's still wet behind the ears!这男孩不足以担当这样的工作,他还少不更事。

心地善良 have a heart of gold

She is a rich woman with a heart of gold.她是一位富有且心地善良的女人。

不分昼夜 around the clock

I had to study around the clock for my final exam last week.为了期末考,上个星期我必须不分昼夜的读书。

心肝宝贝 apple of one's eye

The little girl was the apple of her daddy's eye.这小女孩是她爸爸的心肝宝贝。

日复一日 day after day

Mr. Chen always wears the same hat day after day.陈先生总是戴着同一顶帽子,日复一日。

不胜其烦 pain in the neck

Your little brother is a pain in the neck.你弟弟真是不胜其烦,令人难以忍受。

心满意足 as happy as a clam

The little boy sat there smiling, as happy as a clam.小男孩坐在那里微笑,看起来心满意足。

半工半读 work one's way through college

I worked my way through college, and that made college seem more valuable to me.我是半工半读完成大学学业的,因此大学对我来说特别有


未雨绸缪 save something for a rainy day

We've saved a little money for a rainy day.我们未雨绸缪地存了些钱。

出尔反尔 back out

She agreed to help me with a loan, but backed out.她原本同意借钱给我,但是却出尔反尔。

有志者事竟成 Where there's a will there's a way

Don't give up and don't give in. You can do it. Where there's a will there's a way.


有其父必其子 like father, like son

Mr. Wand was the meanest man in our neighborhood. No one was too surprised, because his father had been just the same. "Like father, like son," we all said.王先生是邻居中最凶的人,但没人惊讶,因为他父亲就是如此,"有其父必有其子"。

百依百顺 jump through hoops

She expects us to jump through hoops for her.她期待我们对她百依百顺。

早起的鸟儿有虫吃The early bird catches the worm

We'll be there before the sun is up. After all, the early bird catches the worm.我们在太阳出来以前就会到那里。毕竟,早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

全副武装 armed to the teeth

The gangster burst through the door, armed to the teeth.歹徒全副武装破门而入。

安然无恙 safe and sound

Their children finally got home sate and sound.他们的小孩终于安然无恙地回到家。

早睡早起 early to bed, early to rise

We always get up at 6:00 a.m. After all, early to bed, early to rise.我们总是在早上六点就起床了。毕竟,早睡早起是好的。

有钱能使鬼推磨 money talks

We can't compete against rich old Mr. Hu. He'll get his way because money talks.我们无法和富有的胡老先生竞争,因为有钱能使鬼推磨。

如愿以偿 get one's way with someone or something

The mayor finally got his way with the city council.市长如愿以偿,得到市议会的同意。

初出茅庐 babe in the woods

He was a babe in the woods regarding politics.关于政治他可是初出茅庐,没有经验。

见异思迁 Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

His father is always changing his job because the grass always looks greener to him on the other side of the fence.他的父亲总是在换工作,因为他很容易见异思迁。

物以类聚 Birds of a feather flock together

Don't be friends with bad guys. People think that birds of a feather flock together.不要和坏人做朋友,人们会以为你们是物以类聚。

夜以继日 day and night

The nurse was with the patient day and night.护士夜以继日和病人在一起。

物竞天择 survival of the fittest

"Survival of the fittest," describes the runners finishing the marathon races.马拉松赛跑优胜劣汰是最后结果,足以表明"物竞天择"的道理。

南辕北辙 at cross purposes

The salesmen were working at cross purposes with their supervisor.售货员与他们负


挑灯夜战 burn the midnight oil

We have to go home and burn the midnight oil tonight.今晚我们必须回家挑灯夜战。

破晓时分 at the crack of dawn

She was always up at the crack of dawn.她总是在破晓时分就起床了。

脱口而出 slip of the tongue

He didn't mean to tell you that. It was a slip of the tongue.他不是有意要告诉你那件事的,只是未经考虑,脱口而出。

情有独钟 have eyes only for

All the girls liked Kevin, but he had eyes only for Mary.所有女生都喜欢凯文,但他只对玛莉情有独钟。

设身处地 in someone else's shoes(place)

When my children are having an argument, I tell them to put themselves in others' shoes.当我的小孩在争吵时,我告诉他们要设身处地的替对方想。

开诚布公 open one's heart

He always opens his heart to his spouse when he has a problem.当他遇到困难时,总是会对太太开诚布公。

新人新政 new broom sweeps clean

The new principal has changed many of the school rules. A new broom sweeps clean.新校长将学校的规则改了许多,真是新人新政。

微不足道 a drop in the ocean

The police crackdown on speeding is just a drop in the ocean in solving Taiwan's traffic problems.要解决台湾的交通问题,只靠警察来取缔超速是微不足道的。

声嘶力竭 at the top of one's voice

He was talking at the top of his voice.他声嘶力竭的在说话。

擅离职守 asleep at the switch

Their guard was asleep at the switch when the robber broke in.当抢匪闯入时,警卫竟然擅离职守。

覆水难收 cry over spilled milk

I'm sorry that you broke the glass, Andy. But there is nothing that can be done now. Don't cry over spilled milk.安迪,很遗憾你打破了玻璃,但覆水难收,无法挽回,别难过了。

一帆风顺 sail right through something

1. The math test was not difficult. I sailed right through it.数学考试并不困难,我一帆风顺的就考完了。

2. Yesterday, I sailed right through the interview and got the job immediately.昨天,我一帆风顺的通过了面谈而且立刻就被雇用了。

一举两得 kill two birds with one stone

1. I killed two birds with one stone when I went to the bank on my way to the post office.当我去邮局的路上,也顺便去了趟银行,这可真是一举两得。

2. I learned the words to my part in the play while peeling potatoes. I was killing two birds with one stone.削马铃薯时,我把剧本里面我的台词部分都学会了。这可是一举两得啊。

3. As Ruth pointed out in the newspaper interview, the appointment to the new post had actually killed two birds with one stone, enabling her to assume a position with power and providing her with a secretary, as well as helping her gain access to previously closed doors.露丝在一家报社访问中指出,去接任一项新的工


4. When Charles made the trip to Houston for the job interview, he was offered the position, and located a wonderful apartment, thus killing two birds with one stone. He had earlier feared that he would have to make another trip to search for a suitable place to live.查尔斯去休斯顿应征工作,他获得了职位,又找到了一栋很好的公寓居住,可说是一举两得。早先他还害怕得花时间去找一个适合居住的地方呢。

一应俱全 all systems go

1. It was all systems go for the new factory.新工厂已是一应俱全,万事俱备。

2. After they wrote out the invitations, it was all systems go for the wedding.在写完了邀请函之后,婚礼就一应俱全,万事俱备了。

3. The computer program is finished, it's all systems go.电脑的程式设计作业已经就绪,一应俱全。

入境随俗 When in Rome do as the Romans do

1. He doesn't usually eat lamb, but he did when he went to Australia. When I Rome do as the Romans do.他通常不吃羊肉,但是他在去澳大利亚时却吃了,入境随俗嘛。

2. We always take our shoes off when we visit our Chinese friends at home. When in Rome do as Romans do.当我们去中国朋友家里拜访时,总是要脱掉鞋子。这是入境随俗。

3. In order to show respect for people, it is important to behave according to their culture and customs; when in Rome do as the Romans do.为了要对别人表示尊敬,依循他们的文化及风俗习惯来做事是很重要的。这是入境随俗的道理。

三思而行 think twice before doing something

You should certainly think twice before quitting your job.在你辞去工作之前,你实在应该三思而行。

火上加油 add fuel to the flame

To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the flame.欧打一个在哭的小孩,只会火上加油罢了。

天之骄子 born with a silver spoon in one's mouth

That boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.那个男孩是一位得天独厚的天子骄子。

分秒必争 against the clock、against time

He was working against the clock to try to finish studying before the final exam.他分秒必争,试着在期末考前把书念完。

天壤之别 far cry

Your last statement was a far cry from your first story. 你上回的说明与你原先的故事真是天壤之别。

平易近人 common touch

Voters like a candidate who has the common touch.选民喜欢平易近人的候选人。

由衷之言 give voice to

All the people gave voice to their anger at Congress.所有在国会里的人都表达由衷的不满。

目瞪口呆 all eyes

He was all eyes at the sight of the beautifully dressed lady.他看到那位穿着漂亮的女士时,简直是目瞪口呆。

自由自在 free and easy

I'm free and easy, let's go s

hopping all day.我现自由自在的,让我们花一整天逛街购物吧。

有求必应 at one's beck and call

A good parent isn't necessarily always at the child's beck and call.一位好的父母不必总对小孩有求必应。

同病相怜 in the same boat

When you got laid off, you were in the same boat as many others.当你被公司裁员时,你和其他被裁者是同病相怜的。

自圆其说 all wet

The culprit was trying to prove he was innocent, but anyone could see he was all wet.被告极力的想证明他的无辜,但是任何人都不得可看出他只是自圆其说。

坐立不安 ants in one's pants

He always gets ants in his pants before a test.他在考试前总是坐立不安。

志同道合 after one's own heart

He likes basketball and Chinese food; he is a man after my own heart.他喜欢篮球和吃中国菜;他和我志同道合。

江郎才尽 at one's wits' end

Mr. Wand could do no more. He was at his wits' end.王先生不行了,他已江郎才尽。

改过自新 turn over a new leaf

He decided to turn over a new leaf and study harder.他决定要改过自新而且用功读书。

供不应求 in short supply

Fresh vegetables are in short supply in the winter.新鲜蔬菜在冬季时供不应求。

背道而驰 go against the grain

His behavior went against the grain of society.他的行为与社会背道而驰。

洗耳恭听 all ears

Go ahead with your story; we are all ears.快说出你的故事来吧,我们都在洗耳恭听。

耿耿于怀 hard feelings

I hope you don't have any hard feelings.我希望你不要耿耿于怀。

徒劳无功 wild-goose chase

We wasted all day on a wild-goose chase.我们徒劳无功的浪费了一整天。

笑里藏刀 wolf in sheep's clothing

Beware of the new manage. He seems polite, but he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.当心这位新的经理。他看似很有礼貌,却可能是笑里藏刀的那种人。

雪上加霜 add insult to injury

First, the basement flooded, and then, to add insult to injury, a pipe burst in the kitchen.起先,地下室淹水了,然后,厨房里的一根管子爆了,真是雪上加霜。

虚有其表 All that glitters is not gold

The used car looked fine but didn't run well at all. All that glitters is not gold.这部二手车看来还不错,但一点也不好开,真是虚有其表。

条条大路通罗马 All roads lead to Rome

Some people learn by doing. Others have to be taught. In the long run, all roads lead to Rome.有些人在做中学习,有的人一定要有人教,不过,条条大路通罗马,只要肯学,总能学会。

异想天开 ask for the moon

Emily asked her mother for a thousand dollars today. She's always asking for the moon.爱蜜丽今天向母亲要一千元。她总是异想天开。

喜出望外 tickle pink

I was tickled pink when his flowers arrived.当他的花送到时,我真是喜


捷足先登 ahead of the game

If you anticipate what your professor is going to do next week, and study that, you will be ahead of the game.如果你能好好预习教授下星期要教的课程,你就有可能捷足先登。

无理取闹 act up

The kids were acting up on the bus.小孩子们在公车上无理取闹。

滔滔不绝 talk oneself out

After nearly an hour, he had talked himself out. Then we began to ask questions.他滔滔不绝的说了将近一个钟头,然后我们才开始发问。

疑神疑鬼 afraid of one's shadow

After Susan was robbed, she was even afraid of her own shadow.苏珊被抢之后,变得有点疑神疑鬼了。

兴高采烈 as happy as a lark

She walked along whistling, as happy as a lark.她兴高采烈的边吹口哨边走路。随时随地at the drop of a hat

Joe is ready to party at the drop of a hat.乔随时随地准备好要参加派对。

总而言之 all in all

All in all, it was a very good party.总而言之,这是一场很好的聚会。

罗马不是一天造成的 Rome wasn't built in a day

Don't expect to be successful right away. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know.不要期望立刻就有所成就。罗马不是一天造成的。

欢天喜地 walk on air

They have been walking on air since they won the first prize. 自从赢得首奖后,他们一直都是欢天喜地的。
