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博士研究生培养方案〔2010版〕: 艺术学 (专业代码:050401) 一、培养目标 培养为我国社会主义现代化建设服务的德、智、体全面发展的具有创新精神和实际工作能力的高级专门人才。具体要求: 1、思想政治上,要求博士生进一步学习掌握马列主义基本原理,坚持四项基本原则,热爱祖国、具有艰苦奋斗的作风,遵纪守法、品德优良、积极为社会主义现代化建设服务。恪守科学道德,具有严谨的治学态度,实事求是和诚挚合作的工作作风,有为科学事业奋斗和献身的精神。 2、业务上,要求掌握本学科领域坚实、宽广的基础理论,系统深入的专业知识、相应的技能和方法,具有独立进行科学研究工作和解决生产实际问题的能力,对所从事的研究方向有高度综合和提出独立见解的能力,并能取得创造性的成果。 3、掌握一门外国语,能够熟练地运用该门外国语阅读本专业的文献资料,并具有一定的外语写作和进行国际学术交流的能力。 4、身心健康。 二、研究方向 1、艺术传播学 2、艺术美学 三、培养年限与学分 全日制攻读本专业博士学位的培养年限为3-4年(在职攻读博士学位的培养年限最长不超过8年),分为课程学习、科学研究与学位论文工作三大环节。 博士生在其导师(组)的指导下,按照本专业培养方案的要求,具体制订其本人的《博士生个人培养计划》,博士生原则上必须在第一个学年内完成《博士生个人培养计划》规定的课程学习要求。 博士生进入具体科学研究工作前,须通过学位论文开题报告。学位论文开题报告会必须在本学科范围内公开举行。 博士生学分要求与学分分配:

四、培养方式 为保证培养质量,根据《中国传媒大学关于博士生指导教师工作的暂行规定》,本专业博士研究生培养实行导师(组)负责制,导师(组)负责制订和调整博士生个人学习计划。在以课程学习为主的阶段,对博士生学习的指导和检查,每两周至少一次;在以科学研究、论文工作为主的阶段,应拟订周密的指导计划,及时研究和解决博士生培养工作中的问题。定期填写《中国传媒大学研究生培养指导记录单》,此记录单可从该网址下载,。 五、课程设置及相关要求 1、课程设置 博士研究生的课程设置共分为公共必修课、方法类课程、(跨)学科前沿课程、专业基础课程、专业课程、选修课和补修硕士生课程等共7类,具体见课程设置附表。 2、选课要求 ①第一外国语必修语种应与博士生入学考试语种一致。 ②公共必修课、方法类课程、(跨)学科前沿课程、专业基础课程、专业课程为必修。博士生应必修所学研究方向指定的专业课。 ③同等学力的博士生必须补修2门以上硕士阶段的主干课程(专业基础课程或指定研究方向课程)。 3、课程学习要求


2018年地大(北京)英语考博翻译试题 Social impacts of technology Although affordances and constraints of technological products are not objective features of them, they can be correlated with objective material features in them. For example, the physical constitution of speed bumps physically prevents cars from speeding without damage to the car or major inconvenience. The physical procedure of fertilization in IVF affords pregnancies without prior physical intercourse. In a particular context of use, these physical features translate into new social realities (new behaviors, new social arrangements, new perceptions and beliefs) that can be identified as impacts of a technological product. Social impacts of technology can be identified at different levels of social analysis, including the micro-level of individuals and their interactions, the meso-level of groups and organizations and their interactions, and the macro-level of social structures, cultural systems and social institutions and their dynamics. For the study of the role of technology in a good society, which is an issue that plays out at the macro-level, macro-level impacts of technology are obviously the most important to consider. However, micro- and meso-level impacts may also need to be considered in order to properly identify and understand macro-level impacts. At the micro-level, technological products may influence their immediate context of use in at least three ways. First, they may affect the behavior of users and the social roles and relations that users build in relation to others. For example, the possession of an automobile may influence where people live and what places they visit, and may also signal social status and identity. Second, technological products will not fit every user profile equally well, meaning that some users will not be able to use them well, or not at all, because they lack the required physical characteristics, knowledge, skills, interests, or access to resources. As a consequence, the introduction of a new technological product will affect potential users in different ways, benefiting some while excluding or marginalizing others. Third, technological products often require the presence of material and social contextual background conditions for them to function well. For example, for automobiles to function well as vehicles for transportation, there must be material and social infrastructure present, such as roads, traffic lights, police, ambulance services, and so forth. The introduction of new technological products will therefore often stimulate the creation of appropriate background conditions for them to function well. This is also a way in which technological products have social impacts. These three types of affordances and constraints, concerning influence on behavior and social roles, selection of user profiles, and selection of material and social background conditions, also play out at the meso-level of groups and organizations.


中传考博辅导班:2019中国传媒大学传播学考博难度解析 及经验分享 根据教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心最新公布的第四轮学科评估结果可知,在 2018-2019年传播学专业学校排名中,排名第一的是中国传媒大学,排名第二的是复旦大学,排名第三的是武汉大学。 作为中国传媒大学实施国家“211工程”和“985工程”的重点学科,传播研究院的传播学一级学科在历次全国学科评估中均名列第一。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于中国传媒大学传播学考博相关内容。 一、专业介绍 传播学专业培养有宽厚人文社会科学和自然科学基础,掌握传播专业基本理论和技能,具有较强的国际交流和使用现代传媒技术能力,富于创新精神和高度社会责任感的高素质专业人才。 中国传媒大学传播研究院的传播学在博士招生考试科目如下: 传播学(050302) 普通招考初试科目:①1001英语或1002日语或1003俄语选一②2002传播理论与历史 ③3002传播实务 普通招考加试科目(同等学力考生适用):①4001思想政治理论②5002新闻传播学基础知识③6002传播学论文论著 二、综合考核内容 中国传媒大学传播学专业博士研究生招生综合考核内容为: 综合考核时间为2019年4月上旬(具体时间在我校研究生招生网上另行通知)。 综合考核主要针对申请者的基础理论及专业知识、外语语言应用能力以及综合素质进行考核。 基础理论及专业知识(满分100分):以笔试方式对基础理论及专业知识、学科前沿知识及专业实践和应用能力进行考核。该考核为合格性考核,考核成绩不计入综合考核总成绩,但低于60分者不予录取。 英语语言应用能力(满分100分):通过专业英语资料翻译、考核小组交流等方式对考生的英语听说能力及专业文献阅读能力进行考核。


中国矿业大学考博英语真题2015年 Part ⅠReading Comprehension Directions: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions or statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. Passage One The purpose of the American court system is to protect the rights of the people. According to American law, if someone is accused of a crime, he or she is considered innocent until the court proves that the person is guilty. In other words, it is the responsibility of the court to prove that a person is guilty. It is not the responsibility of the person to prove that he or she is innocent. In order to arrest a person, the police have to be reasonably sure that a crime has been committed. The police must give the suspect the reasons why they are arresting him and tell him his rights under the law. Then the police take the suspect to the police station to "book" him. "Booking" means that the name of the person and the charges against him are formally listed at the police station. The next step is for the suspect to go before a judge. The judge decides whether the suspect should be kept in jail or released. If the suspect has no previous criminal record and the judge feels that he will return to court rather than run away—for example, because he owns a house and has a family—he can go free. Otherwise, the suspect must put up bail. At this time, too, the judge will appoint a court layer to defend the suspect if he can't afford one. The suspect returns to court a week or two later. A lawyer from the district attorney's office presents a case against the suspect. This is called a hearing. The attorney may present evidence as well as witnesses. The judge at the hearing then decides whether there is enough reason to hold a trial. If the judge decides that there is sufficient evidence to call for a trial, he or she sets a date for the suspect to appear in court to formally plead guilty or not guilty. At the trial, a jury of 12 people listens to the evidence from both attorneys and hears the testimony of the witnesses. Then the jury goes into a private room to consider the evidence and decide whether the defendant is guilty of the crime. If the jury decides that the defendant is innocent, he goes free. However, if he is convicted, the judge sets a date for the defendant to appear in court again for sentencing. At this time, the judge tells the convicted person what his punishment will be. The judge

中国地质大学 考博真题 英语 2003及答案

C H I N A U N I V E R S I T Y O F G E O S C I E N C E S PhD Entrance Examination in English 21April 2003 LISTEN TO THIS! Good morning! You are about to take the English test for people who wish to enter the doctoral program in the earth sciences at this school. The test may be rather different from any exam you’ve taken in the past. The first part is a timed listening exercise. The other four sections test your knowledge of grammar, elementary writing skills and basic vocabulary, plus your reading ability. You can have as much time as you like for the last four parts of the test—within reason, of course. The test has five sections, worth a total of 130 points in all; the answers in part 5, the reading test, are worth three points each. The answers for parts 1,2,3 and 5 (in other words, every part except 4) should be marked on your answer sheet. The answers for part 4 should be written directly on this test paper. Make sure you READ AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS for each part of the test! The results of this exam will enable us to compare your preparation in English with that of the other candidates. The “passing” grade is relative; in other words, it will depend on the scores for the whole body of test-takers. You should just relax and do as well as you can. We shall now begin. Turn the page to part 1. Good luck!


中国矿业大学考博英语阅读理解真题解析与指导 Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society?I am going to suggest that it is not true.Father Bruckbergen told part of the story when he observed that it is the intellectuals who have rejected American.But they have done more than that.They have grown dissatisfied with the role of intellectual.It is they,not American,who have become anti-intellectual. First,the object of our study pleads for definition.What is an intellectual?(46)I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底)way about moral problems.He explores such problem consciously,articulately,and frankly,first by asking factual questions,then by asking moral questions,finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained.(47)His function is analogous to that of a judge,who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537) This definition excludes many individuals usually referred to as intellectuals----the average scientist for one.48)I have excluded him because,while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems,he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.Like other human beings,


中国海洋大学博士研究生入学考试试题 科目代码:科目名称: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、简答题(每题12分) 1.长为L 的均匀弦,两端固定,弦中张力为T0,在x=h点,以横向力F0拉弦,达到稳定后,放手任其自由振动,写出定解条件。该题是否需要衔接条件? 2.行波法解题的要领是什么?它适合于求解哪一类定解问题?能否用行波法求解如下定解问题: U tt - a2U xx=0 (0 ? x<∞,t>0 ) U(0,t)=0; U(x, 0)=φ(x); U t(x, 0)=Ψ(x) 3.何为积分变换?它的解题步骤是怎样的? 4.用分离变量法求解定解问题时,应如何选择坐标系?能否在直角坐标系中求解如下定解问题: U xx + U yy=0 = f (φ) U∣ ρ=a 5.在球坐标系中,在轴对称的情况下,写出拉普拉斯方程(△U=0)在球内的解的表达式。 二、计算题(共2题,每题20分) 1.半径为ρ 高为H的圆柱体。上底和侧面保持零度,下底温度分布为f(ρ) =ρ2,写出定解问题,并给出柱体内各点的稳恒温度分布的通解的表达式。2.求解下列定解问题: U tt - a2U xx=0 (0 < x < L ,t >0 ) U(0,t)= 0; U(L,t)=0; U(x, 0)=3sin(2πx/L); U t(x, 0)=0; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------特别提醒:答案必须写在答题纸上,若写在试卷或草稿纸上无效。


中国矿业(北京)2011年博士入学考试题 考试科目:英语 Part One Cloze (15 points) Directions: Fill each of the blanks in the passage with one suitable word. One word that you might have learned when you were studying about sound is frequency. Frequency means 1 fast the sound wave vibrates. Faster vibrations produce 2 pitched sounds. The notes in a musical scale indicate the 3 or frequency of the sound. 4 word that can describe a sound is intensity. Intensity 5 to the amount of energy in a sound wave, and it 6 a sound’s loudness. Printed music will often include notes about how loud or 7 to play each section of the music. Timbre is another 8 used to describe musical sounds. It describes how the same note will have 9 sounds when played 10 different instruments. For example the same note may sound soft and pretty when played on a flute, 11 strong and brassy when played on a trumpet. The timbre of a note comes from both the actual note 12 is played 13 also its overtones, 14 are other higher and lower sounds that are produced 15 the same time. Part Two Reading Comprehension (40 points) Directions: In this part there are five passages, each followed by questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one. Passage One Questions 16 to 18 are based on the following passage. The last of the dinosaurs lived during a time called the Cretaceous period. This time period lasted from about 135 million to 65.5 million years ago. Some sources give the years of 146,145, or 144 million to 65 million years ago. In the Cretaceous period, the middle of North America was covered by a shallow sea. The Atlantic Ocean began opening up between Europe and North America as those continents rifted. Other continents that had begun pulling away from each other in the Jurassic continued drifting apart. India was an island by itself. Evergreen trees, mosses, and ferns had been the main types of plants, but now in the Cretaceous, flowering plants appeared. Bees did, too. Hardwood trees like oaks and maples first appeared in the fossil record.


中国地质大学考博经验:曲折的考博英语经历 首先自我介绍一下,本人是军医大学应届硕士毕业,土生土长的,2007年考过一次,那时是基础专业,没上,结果浪费我3年光阴,而且还被分配到一个基层部队,心里超级郁闷,这次2010年卷土重来,也算是破釜沉舟了,但还是没有按计划复习,原因一是家里出了点事,复习时间不够,二是我工作调动出现转机,对考博依赖性小了,下面我谈谈我的经历:2007年,硕士毕业,应该说我的课题很有新意,继续做的话应该可以发一片影响因子5分以上的文章,当时年轻气盛,一心想搞临床,对基础研究的兴趣有点下降了,再加上毕业时间紧,以前师兄师姐们也基本上是不复习英语的,一般也能考个50多分,能上线,因此我也对自己很有信心,因为平时英语还行吧,六级过得还算轻松,所以英语没在意(专业课基本上导师给题,就算不给,几个一般没问题的,所以不讨论),考试的时候超级郁闷,坐最后一排,录音基本听不到,反正我是没听,提前做词汇去了,听力听完我都已经准备做阅读了,最后听力的答案是抄了旁边一同学的(我估计是抄错答案了,因为他过了,我没过,我觉得阅读有充足的时间做应该不会低分)结果那年英语差3分,国家线是52,超级郁闷,不过当时还想也没什么,分配工作应该不会差吧,结果是大失所望,我所去的大单位是要求下基层,而且是前无古人,后无来者(08年毕业的就没有下基层),所以在基层部队一直呆到现在,没办法,只能为自己的错误决定买单了,卷土重来医学教,育网|搜集整理。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八2010年,有了第一次的经验,个人觉得,英语也不是传说中的难,也不是所谓的没有考不上的博士,关键还是要准备。我考虑了以下考试的题型,听力我一向都差,怎么听也提高不了多少,而且好多题应该是可以蒙对的,今年的一篇听力短文有关睡眠与减肥的我就都蒙对了,而且其他的有关数字


中传考博辅导班:2019中国传媒大学新媒体考博难度解析及经验分 享 根据教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心最新公布的第四轮学科评估结果可知,在2018-2019年新媒体专业学校排名中,排名第一的是中国传媒大学,排名第二的是辽宁传媒大学,排名第三的是西北大学。 作为中国传媒大学实施国家“211工程”和“985工程”的重点学科,广告学院的新媒体一级学科在历次全国学科评估中均名列第一。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于中国传媒大学新媒体考博相关内容。 一、专业介绍 新媒体(New Media)是指当下万物皆媒的环境,简单说:新媒体是一种环境。 新媒体涵盖了所有数字化的媒体形式。包括所有数字化的传统媒体、网络媒体、移动端媒体、数字电视、数字报刊杂志等。 一个相对的概念,是报刊、广播、电视等传统媒体以后发展起来的新的媒体形态,包括网络媒体、手机媒体、数字电视等。 新媒体亦是一个宽泛的概念,利用数字技术和网络技术,通过互联网、宽带局域网、无线通信网、卫星等渠道,以及电脑、手机、数字电视机等终端,向用户提供信息和娱乐服务的传播形态。严格地说,新媒体应该称为数字化新媒体。 中国传媒大学广告学院的新媒体专业在博士招生考试科目如下: 新媒体(0503J2) 普通招考初试科目:①1001英语或1002日语或1003俄语选一②2005广告理论与广告史③3006广告传播 普通招考加试科目(同等学力考生适用):①4001思想政治理论②5006广告实务③6006传媒研究方法 二、综合考核内容 综合考核时间为 2019 年 4 月上旬(具体时间在我校研究生招生网上另行通知)。 综合考核主要针对申请者的基础理论及专业知识、外语语言应用能力以及综合素质进行考核。 基础理论及专业知识(满分 100 分):以笔试方式对基础理论及专业知识、学科前沿


中国矿业大学考博英语真题2012年 Part ⅠReading Comprehension Passage One A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So, as a police officer, I have some urgent things to say to good people. Day after day my men and I struggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime. Something has gone terribly wrong with our once-proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of values. A key ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability. Accountability isn't hard to define. It means that every person is responsible for his or her actions and liable for their consequences. Of the many values that hold civilization together-honesty, kindness, and so on—accountability may be the most important of all. Without it, there can be no respect, no trust, no law—and ultimately, no society. My job as a police officer is to impose accountability on people who refuse, or have never learned, to impose it on themselves. But as every policeman knows, external controls on people's behaviour are far less effective than internal restraints such as guilt, shame and embarrassment. Fortunately there still communities—smaller towns, usually—where schools maintaining discipline and where parents hold up standards that proclaim: "In this family certain things are not tolerated—they simply are not done!" Yet more and more, especially in our larger cities and suburbs, these inner restrains are loosening. Your typical robber has none. He considers your property his property; he takes what he wants, including your life if you enrage him. The main cause of this breakdown is a radical shift in attitudes. Thirty years ago, if a crime was committed, society was considered the victim. Now, in a shocking reversal, it's the criminal who is considered victimized: by his underprivileged upbringing, by the school that didn't teach him to read, by the church that failed to reach him with moral guidance, by the parents who didn't provide a stable home. I don't believe it. Many others in equally disadvantaged circumstances choose not to engage in


中国传媒大学电影学专业考研(博士)真题(2003-2010) 2010年 电影艺术史论: 1结合可以看得到的费穆电影,谈其影片艺术特色。 2电影符号学 3第六代导演创作特色。 4谈美国歌舞片创作 文艺美学:(印象模糊) 1意境、意格方面的古典美学问题?? 2政府工作报告中,谈先进文化啥的??? 2009年 电影艺术史论: 1电影创作与地域文化的关系(25分) 2简析1958——1960年大量摄制“记录性艺术片”的原因与后果(20’) 3简述精神分析学电影理论(25’) 4分析吴宇森武侠片之艺术特色及其在香港电影中所占的地位(30’)2013年考研辅导报考指南考研大纲解读招生政策解答考研分数线考研数学 文艺美学: 1文艺作品的市场需求与审美价值坚守。(40) 2为什么说意境、气韵等传统美学范式在当代文艺审美意识中仍占有重要地位?(30) 3《傻乐,文化的堕落》中说,今年的《不差钱》中把“艺术细胞”说 成“艺术细菌”博得喝彩,可见大家的傻乐程度到了何种地步,傻乐——傻并快乐着,另一题为《傻乐未必可耻》一文则说,娱乐就是娱乐,未必可耻。如果非要上升到思想高度和文化的深度来批判,那样文化和娱乐才是真正的痛苦。

比较两种文艺观,你意如何?(30’) 影视艺术理论: 1选取一个侧面,谈谈电视艺术与文学的关系(30’) 2以具体的节目或栏目为例,评价电视中的娱乐因素。(30’) 3结合影视作品,谈影视艺术中的民族性特征。(40’) 2008年 电影艺术史论 1举例说明从小说改编为电影的主要特点(25’) 2简析爱森斯坦蒙太奇理论(25’) 3试论1949——1966年中国惊险电影的创作成就和艺术特色(25’) 4试对近年来中国社会现实题材影片创作作出分析与评价。(25’) 文艺美学: 1对西方美学史上提出的“艺术是有意味的形式”的理解(25’) 2为什么说达到感性与理性的统一乃是推动人性回归和提升,使人真正成为人的必由之路?更是人类审美活动的最高目标?(25’) 3如何在文化多元化语境中,坚持用先进文化引领大众审美情趣的提升?(25’) 4自选一部近年来的国产电影大片作出美学分析(25’) 电影艺术理论 1简述爱因汉姆电影理论的主要观点,谈谈你对电影中的形式主义的认识(25’) 2简述“真实电影”和“新纪录电影”的主要区别(25’) 3简述长焦镜头的表现功能(25’) 4目前中国电影创作中的主要问题是什么?(25’)
