



在本节中,你将听到10个句子,每句话配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择答案并看下一组图片。每句话读两遍。例如,你将听到:The train goes at six fifteen. (两遍)





Man: Morning, Madame. Can I help you?

Woman: Oh, good morning. I'd like to buy a shirt for my father. (两遍)


Where are they talking?

[A] At a school.

[B] In a shop.

[C] On a bus.







1. Bob and I made ______ agreement last Monday.

[A] a [B] an [C] the

2. He won't stop trying ________ he gets what he wants.

[A] as [B] that [C] till



Li Lei works in a farm tool factory. He and five of his friends are very interested (Example:

__0__) singing. So they have __1__ a singingsgroupswhich is called Happy Birds. They sing __2__ songs both in Chinese and in foreign languages. They sing very __3__. The other workers and people __4__ the village around really like to hear them __5__. Now New Year's Day __6__ here soon. The Happy Birds have been asked to __7__ at different places. They'd __8__to go to all of them, __9_ one friend has too much work and __10__ may have to give up his holidays. The Happy

Birds can't sing without him.


0. [A] in [B] on [C] at


1. [A] built [B] taken [C] formed

2. [A] many [B] much [C] lot

3. [A] good [B] well [C] best

4. [A] in [B] at [C] to

5. [A] singing [B] sing [C] to sing

6. [A] will be [B] has been [C] was

7. [A] arrive [B] go [C] sing

8. [A] love [B] want [C] plan

9. [A] so [B] but [C] when

10. [A] they [B] he [C] it





0. You can stay here on holidays.


1. People go to see films there. [A] hospital

2. People study things here. [B] restaurant

3. People buy things with this. [C] cinema

4. People buy meals and eat here. [D] school

5. People go to work in this. [E] money [F] hotel [G] bus


阅读下面短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在客观题答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was a cold spring morning in London. People walking in the street were wearing heavy clothes. The weather had been very bad for the past week, and now many people were ill. Today there were quite a few people in the doctor's waiting room. There were still a few minutes before the doctor started seeing the patients (患者).

A woman of about sixty years old was at the front of the queue (排队). She did not live in this city. She came from a farm north of London. She was here to visit her daughter who was a secretary in a big company. She wanted to see the doctor because of her back problem.

Soon an Indian (印地安人) camesintosthe waiting room, and walked straight to the doctor's door. When she saw this, the old woman stood up and took hold of his arm. She said, slowly, "We were all here before you. You must wait for your turn. Do ... you ... understand?"

The Indian answered, "No, madam. YOU don't understand! You're all after me! I am the doctor!"

1. The change of weather made a lot of people sick.

[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say.

2. The old woman's home was in London.

[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say

3. The old woman's daughter was at the doctor's, too.

[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say.

4. The old woman thought the man was the doctor.

[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say.

5. All the other people in the room knew the Indian was the doctor.

[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say.




'Where is the university?' is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no one can give them a clear answer for there is no wall to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can find the classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and teachers or professors of the thirty-one colleges.

Cambridge was already a developing town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, as the Cam was once called. A bridge was built over the river as early as 875. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a population (人口) of over

100,000. Many young students want to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.

1. Why do most visitors come to Cambridge?

[A] To see Cambridge University.

[B] To study in the colleges in Cambridge.

[C] To use the libraries of the university.

2. What does "its" refer to (指的是??) in "... most of its members are ..."?

[A] The museum or office.

[B] The people in Cambridge.

[C] The University of Cambridge

3. Around what time did the university begin to appear?

[A] In the 9th century.

[B] In the 13th century.

[C] In the 15th century.

4. Why did people name the city Cambridge?

[A] Because there is a bridge over the Cam.

[B] Because the river was very well known.

[C] Because there is a river named Granta.

5. After which year did the town really begin to develop?

[A] After 800. [B] After 875. [C] After 1845.

6. From what we read, we know that now Cambridge is ________.

[A] visited by international tourists

[B] a city of growing population

[C] may have a wall around it




1. Many Chinese friends went to the party.

There were many Chinese friends __________.

2. Jack was given a lot of presents by his friends.

Jack's friends __________ a lot of presents.

3. Seeing his Chinese teacher at the party made Jack very happy.

Jack was very happy __________ his Chinese teacher at the party.














(把卡递给考生A) A, here is a card for you. Now, ask him/her five questions with the help of the card. Find out what he/she does on Sundays.


(把卡递给考生B) Here is a card for you, B. Now, answer his/her questions according to what you do on Sundays. Or you can use what is there on your card to help you.







(把卡递给考生B) B, here is a card for you. Now, ask him/her five questions with the help of the card. Find out what he/she does in daily life.


(把卡递给考生A) Here is a card for you, A. Now, answer his/her questions according to what you do in daily life. Or you can use what is there on your card to help you.






全国英语等级考试(pets)五级样题 Section I: Listening Comprehension This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A , Part B and Part C.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Part A You will hear a conversation between a student, Mr. Wang, and his tutor, Dr. Wilson. As you listen, answer Questions 1 to 10 by circling True or False. You will hear the conversation ONLY ONCE. You now have 60 seconds to read Questions 1-10.1. Dr. Wilson and Mr. Wang have met before. TRUE / FALSE2. Wang prefers to live with an English family. TRUE / FALSE3. Wang intends to study how computer is used


全国英语等级考试项目介绍 一、考试简介 全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System, 简称PETS)是教育部考试中心负责设计并实施的全国性英语水平考试体系。应试者不分年龄、学历、户籍等背景(暂不面向仍在接受九年义务教育的学生),只要具备一定的英语基础,均可选择适合自己的级别。PETS共有五个级别,各级别都十分重视对考生实际的语言交际能力的考查,均包括笔试和口试两个相对独立的部分。考生可以根据自己的需要分别报考笔试或口试。 二、报名时间 PETS报名时间为:上年12月和当年6月。12月份只接收一级、二级、三级报名,6月份接收一级、二级、三级、四级报名,五级报名请咨询浙江省教育考试院。(目前宁波市还未参加网上报名工作,所以具体报名时间、地点详见每年的报名通知)。 三、准考证下载、打印时间 考试开考前2周左右考生可以在中国教育考试网下载、打印当次的准考证。 或收音设备。 五、成绩公布时间 考试结束50个工作日后可登陆中国教育考试网查询本次考试成绩。笔试总分60分以上(含60分);口试3分以上(含3分)为合格。 六、领证时间 考后两个月考生可凭本人身份证到报名单位领取自己的《全国英语等级考试合格证书》。 在同一次考试或相邻两次考试中,相同级别的笔试和口试成绩均合格的考生,可以获得由教育部考试中心核发的相应级别的《全国英语等级考试合格证书》。一次考试中无论成绩合格与否,考生均可在中国教育考试网下载、打印“考试成绩通知单”。 七、报考费用 考生报考PETS各科目时可根据情况自主选择报考单项笔试、口试或者笔试和口试,笔试70元/课次·人,口试60元/课次·人。浙财综〔1999〕122号、浙价费〔1999〕455号。 2018年9月


1、词汇pets1-5级的词汇要求是1000-7500词。学习这些词汇时应掌握大纲词汇表所列词汇的音标,词素分析,词性,英文例句,相关词组和短语以及派生词。 语言记忆规律告诉我们,对语言加工的程度越深记忆就越深刻。 所以学习词汇时要学习每一个单词的方方面面从而加深记忆;一切语言输入必须是有意义的,音必须在词中学,词必须在许多不同的句子语境中去学。因此我们学习的例句不仅能让我们了解单词的用法还可以帮助记忆单词本身。个人兴趣也会影响人的记忆,我们学习的例句应与我们的现实生活紧密联系,这样可以提高学习兴趣,接触活的语言。 2、大纲中规定的考试项目包括听力、语言知识应用、阅读理解、写作和口语等五部分。这五部分内容就是pets书面考试的四种题型和口试。 听力部分要求掌握考试大纲所列的功能意念表和语言技能表,详细了解各种听力能力的标准和培养方法,然后进行相应的练习;考试前做一些与pets考试出题形式和试题结构一致的模拟训练题。平时应利用一切机会多听,包括对教材内容的精听和各种英语广播节目的泛听;了解时事、关注社会热点,扩大知识面等对提高听力能力都有帮助。 总的来说,语言知识运用部分体现在完形填空这种题型上。它是综合考查应试者英语水平的题型。针对此种题型,我们应分别从词汇、语法和语篇层次上学习应对方法,提高对连贯性和一致性等语段特征的掌握和对一定语境下规范的语言成分的掌握。每部分复习完后应做一些相应的练习题。个别级别的本部分还保留有语法填空题,那是我国的英语学习者的拿手好戏。 阅读理解部分全面介绍了大纲规定的阅读能力的构成和培养,包括 (1)理解主旨要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推测生词的词义; (4)进行有关的判断、推理和引申; (5)理解文中的概念性含义; (6)理解文章的结构以及单词之间、段落之间的关系; (7)快速阅读较长的文字材料,获取有关信息; (9)区分观点、论点和论据; 写作在pets考试中被称作语言产出能力的一种,也就是以书面的形式与他人交流的能力。我们从选词造句,连句成段和连段成篇等方面全面学习英语写作基础知识和现实交际所需的各种实用文体的写作。 还应掌握优秀文章的写作技巧,进行适当的写作练习是最终提高写作能力的必由之路。 口语部分,我们应详尽了解各种功能意念在口语表达中的运用,以及pets口试的三个部分,即考生与口试教师的交流、两个考生的相互交流和每个考生的连续表达及两个考生的相互提问的试题形式、考查内容和应试技巧。平时还应有意识地参加一些英语交际活动。在实际工作中验证各种表达方式的交际效果和自己利用外语完成一定任务的能力。 pets是一种新型的考试,我们参加的目的是测试自己的英语应试能力,我们的学习应围绕这一中心,但是我们多年来积累起来的一些教与学的方法和技巧也有它继续存在的合理性,因为目前在短时间内测试语言水平还要靠考试这种形式。 全国英语等级考试复习辅导(二)


全国英语等级考试(简称PETS) 为了适应社会发展的需要,为广大的外语学习人员提供助学服务,同时促进我国外语教学从应试教育走上素质教育,提高国民外语素质,由国家教育部主办,首先在全国范围内推出全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System,简称PETS)。全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System, 简称PETS)是教育部考试中心设计并负责的全国性英语水平考试体系。作为中、英两国政府的教育交流合作项目,该考试得到英国海外发展署(ODA)及其聘请的英方英语测试专家的技术支持,使考试更具权威性。 PETS考试是一个向社会全方位开放的考试体系,是为报考人员提供目标参照性的等级水平考试,它遵循科学、公正、准确、规范的原则,特别注重考查考生的交际能力,考试包括笔试和口试,对考生的听、说、读、写能力进行全面考查、笔试和口试均合格者,由教育部考试中心颁发给《全国英语等级证书考试合格证书》。合格证书既可作为持有者英语能力水平的权威性证明;又可为各地各单位对其所用人才的英语水平提供一个公正、统一的评价尺度。 PEST考试设置五个级别和一个附属级,五个级别是:一级(含一级(B),即附属级)、二级、三级、四级、五级。各级别标准如下: PETS各级别描述: (一)一级:该级是全国公共英国公共英语等级考试(PETS)五个级别中的初始级,其标准略高于我国九年义务制教育—初中毕业日才的英语水平。准备参加该级考试的考生,一般在18岁以上(含18岁)。在普通初中学习了3年的英语课程,并为准有关的英语培训或自学了相同的内容。通过该级考试的考生,其英语基本符合诸如出租车司机、宾馆行李员、门卫、交通誓等工作,以及同层次其他同做在对外交往中的基本需要。 语言知识:该级考生应能适当运用基础的语法知识,并掌握1000左右的词汇以及相关词组。 语言运用:(1)互动能力该级考生在背景清晰的情况下,可以用英语与外国人谈,表达问候、感谢以及交换特定信息,诸如:价格、日期、指路等。(2)接受能力-能够听懂熟悉的日常生活中发音清楚、语速较慢的简短话语。读懂简单的通知、便条、留言时间表以及简短故事。(3)产出能力-能够写出简短的便条转达具体信息。 口语:该级考生应能在熟悉的情景中进行简单信息交流,例如询问或传递基本的事实性信息。 考生应能:(1) 使用简单的单词、短语、句型生成话语;(2)恰当地运用已知的或固定的词组;(3)积极地交流,并能用简单的补救措施解决交流困难。 (二)二级:该级是全国英语等级考试(PETS)五个级别中的中下级,其标准相当于我国普通高中优秀毕业生的英语水平。准备参加该级考试的考生,一般在18岁以上(含18岁),在普通初中3年的基础上又学高中的英语课程。通道该级考试的考生,其英语水平基本满足进入高等院校继续学习的要求,同时也是基本


全国公共英语等级考试英语一级(1级)模拟试题含答案 第一节:单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 1. ----- will you be able to finish the job this week? ----- ___________ , but I'm not skilled enough, you know. A.I can't say so B.I expect so C. I'm sure so D. I don't know so 2. We arrived at the station _______ late, or we the bus. A. too much; would catch B. a little too; had caught C. much too; would have caught D. too much; would have caught 3. Is it the watch you want ________? A. to have it repaired B. to repair it C. to have repaired D. to have repaired it 4. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag. A. each carrying B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is 5. The little boy can't tell ________. A. whose is that watch B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is 6. If a baby bird stays _______ for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult. A. living B. lively C. alive D. live 7. We will not attack ______ we are attacked;if attacked,we will certainly counter-attack. A. if B. when C. unless D. even if 8. You can take ______ seat you like. A. no matter what B. no matter which C. what D. whichever 9. I ______ to speak to you all these days. A. wanted B. have wanted C. shall want D. shall be wanting 10.A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket ______ fire to the hotel. A. made B. set C. caused D. caught 11."Do you hear someone knocking at the door?" "Yes, I did. I heard him ______ three times." A. knocking B. knocked C. being knocking D. knock 12.Peter,John and Tom each ______. A. say they came first B. says they came first C. says he came first D. say came first 13.Through long power lines electricity goes ______. A. to the place needed B. there it is needed C. where it is needed D. which it is needed 14. ______ from the apple tree. A. It down fell B. there it is needed C. Down fell it D. Fell it down 15.The service in this restaurant is very poor;there are not enough waiters to wait ______ customers. A. on B. for C. with D. to 第二节:完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.


公共英语等级考试三级(PETS3)学习笔记(六) Unit 21 Services(1) Dialogues /monologues: 1、 Hotel in London or in England specially, will ask for a credit card or a confirmation which will guarantee that your room is held, basically all night or for late arrival. 2、 This could be a precise place for you. 关于:precise 与 accurate 是否有区别? accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise都含有一定的"正确,精确"之意 accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性 correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误 delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的 exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差 precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义 3、 Art-house. Art-house:艺术电影院 指放映不属于商业主流电影的电影院。艺术电影院放映的影片,重视电影本身的品质,较不注重商业吸引力,如当代重要导演的影片、独立制片影片、影史的经典作品,及发行有限的前卫及实验电影。亦称 Art theater。 4、 Your restaurant specializes in hamburgers and chicken, right? specializes in:擅长于,专攻。 5、 As an unadvertised special, you can have a trip to the salad bar with your order for only a dollar more. 作为一个末做广告的特价餐,您可以多出一美元随意的在沙拉吧里定购。


Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions 问候与介绍 Dialogues 1 Ann and Joe meet each other for the first time. Ann: How do you do? Joe: How do you do? Ann: My name is Ann. Joe: I am Joe. Ann: Glad to meet you. Joe: Glad to meet you, too. Ann: I’m afraid I must be going now. Joe: See you tomorrow. 2 Ann and her friend Carter meet Mr. Bush at the airport. Ann: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Bush from England? Mr. Bush: Yes, I am. May I have your name? Ann: Sure. My name is Ann Taylor. How do you do? Mr. Bush: How do you do? Ann: May I introduce Mr. Carter to you? Mr. Bush: Yes, please. Ann: Mr. Bush, this is Mr. Carter. Mr. Carter, this is Mr. Bush. He is from England. Carter: Pleased to meet you! Mr. Bush: Pleased to meet you, too! 3 Bill and Susan meet each other. Bill: Good morning, Susan. Susan: Morning, Bill. How are you? Bill: Fine, thank you. And you? Susan: Me too, thank you. How about your sister Lily? Bill: She is fine, but she is very busy. Susan: Please give my best wishes to her. Bill: I will.


全国公共英语等级考试(PETS)五级模拟题第一部分听力 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例如,你将听到以下内容: M:Excuse me.Can you tell me how much the shirt is? W:Yes,it’s nine fifteen. 请看选项: How much is the shirt? [A]£19.15. [B]£9.15. [C]£9.18. 衬衫的价格为9镑15便士,所以你选择[B]项,并在试卷上将其标出。 Answer:[A] [B]■[C] 1. Where are they talking? [A]In a post office. [B]In a restaurant. [C]In a bank. 2. What does the man want to do? [A]To have tea. [B]To see father. [C]To talk to Ella.

3. For whom is the man making tea and coffee? [A]Lucy. [B]The man himself. [C]Some guests. 4. What are the two speakers talking about? [A]A tea house. [B]A hotel. [C]A restaurant. 5. What’s the man going to do? [A]Buy some bread. [B]Go back home. [C]Ask for directions. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。摘自考试吧 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3b15091500.html,/ 听第6段材料,回答第6~7题。 6. When does this conversation take place? [A]In the middle of a vacation. [B]At the end of a term. [C]Before the exams. 7. Where do the speakers plan to go? [A]To a concert. [B]To a party. [C]To a film.


全国英语等级考试(一级)模拟试题 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分英语知识运用 第一节单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。 26. He is badly ill. We must _____ a doctor at once. A. send to B. send for C. send away 27. The hospital _______ last year. A. built B. was built C. has been built 28. When I came into the classroom, the teacher _____something on the blackboard. A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote 29. --How long have you been ill? -- A. Since last week B. A week ago C. Once a week 30. Everybody is here _____Mike. A .not B. and C. except 31. We don’t understand the passage ___ there are a few new words in it. A. and B. unless C. because 32. The TV set is very nice. How long have you _______it? A. bought B. had C. taken 33. --- Shall I get one more apple for you, Dad? ---Thanks, but you _______. I’ve had enough. A. may not B. must not C. needn’t 34. --- _________is your shirt? --- It is 100yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How long 35. He is _______kind an old man that all the children like him. A. very B. so C. such 36. Either Jim or Sam ______going to help the farmers with the orange harvest this afternoon. A. was B. were C. is 37. We have studied for two hours. Let’s stop . A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest 38. We won’t go to Great Wall if it ________tomorrow. A. rains B. rain C. will rain 39. No book and no pen______in the bag. A. is B. are C. has 40. Please give me ______. A. two cups of milks B. two cup of milk C. two cups of milk 第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选


全国英语等级考试pets5级历年真题阅读 2016下半年全国英语等级五级pets5考试备考正在进行中,网提供全国英语五级pets5级历年真题并进行汇总,希望能帮助大家顺利备考! Part C Answer Questions 71 to 80 by referring to the following four articles concerning mental illness. Answer each question by choosing A, B, C, or D and mark it on ANSWER SHEET 1. Note : When more than qne answer is required, these may be given in any order. Some choices may be required more than once. Remember: A = Article A B = Article B C = Article C D = Article DWhich article ( s)... reveals the gender difference in suicide rate? 71.______ point out that youths with mental illness have not received adequate treatment? 72.____73.____ argues that how the public treat the people with mental illness has a di— rect effect on their recovery? 74. reports on the appalling percentage of the mentally ill in Canada’S pop— ulation? 75. says that there is a high correlation between suicide and mental illness? 76. find that mental iUness has mad e Canada’S economy less productive? 77.78. says that organizations aye recommended to practice stress manage- ment? 79. I calls public attention to the unfair treatment of the mentally ill? 80. A


全国英语等级考试(PETS)简介 全国英语等级考试(以下简称PETS)是经国家教育部批准,由教育部考试中心负责组织、面向社会全体公民的全国性标准化英语证书考试,是测试应试者英语交际能力的水平考试。该考试以考查考生的语言交际能力为核心,根据英语学习者的不同程度和用人单位的不同要求,由低到高分为一、二、三、四、五级,考试合格者,由教育部考试中心统一颁发合格证书,在全国通用。 一、考试形式 PETS分为笔试和口试,笔试中包含听力测试内容。考生可以根据自己的英语水平选择其中任何一个级别的考试报考,不要求考生在获得低级别证书后才能参加高级别的考试,但一次只能参加其中一个级别的考试,报名时可以自己决定是报单项(笔试、口试)或两项全报。 二、考试时间及有关事项 1、考试时间(注:最终确定的考试时间以准考证上的为准) 上半年:3月的第3个周六、周日(开考PETS1、1B、2、3); 6月的第4周六(开考PETS5)。 下半年:9月的第2个周六、周日(开考PETS1、1B、2、3、4); 12月的第3周六(开考PETS5)。 2、笔试考生从8:30开始入场,8:45后不得入场,9:00开考;上午进行的口试考生从8:30开始入场,9:00开考后不得入场;下午进行口试的考生从13:30开始入场,14:00开考以后不得入场。 3、考试用笔:书写部分只能用黑色墨水签字笔,填涂信息点只能用2B铅笔。 4、笔试题型主要分客观题和主观题两类,口试采用面对面交谈的方式,每次口试采用由两名口试教师对两名考生进行测试的形式。 5、不同级别考试持续的时间不同,具体是:一级:笔试90分钟,口试8分钟;二级:笔试120分钟,口试10分钟;三级:笔试120分钟,口试10分钟;四级:笔试140分钟,口试12分钟。 三、考试分数及证书 1、PETS笔试成绩按百分制计算,60分以上(含60分)为合格;口试成绩按5分制计分,3分以上(含3分)为合格。在同一次考试或相邻两次考试中,相同级别的笔试及口试成绩均合格的考生,可获得由教育部考试中心颁发的《全国英语等级考试合格证书》,该证书用中、英两种文字书写,全国统一编号,证书上印有持证人身份证号码,是持有人英语水平的证明,也可供用人部门录用和考核工作人员时参考。 2、笔试或口试只有一项合格者可获得由教育部考试中心制作的《笔(口)试成绩合格证》,证书上印有持证人的相片、准考证号及身份证号;PETS 1-4级的单项合格成绩可保留到同一级别的相邻的下一次考试,即如果考生在一次考试中取得单项(笔试或口试)成绩合格证,在相邻下一考次中报考另一项考试(口试或笔试),且成绩合格并申请保留上一考次成绩(考生需提供上一考次取得的单项合格证及参加


2020 年全国公共英语等级考试PETS 三级模拟试题Text Most young people enjoy physical activities, walking, cycling, football, or mountaineering. These who have a passion 26 climbing high and difficult mountains are often 27 with astonishment. Why are men and women 28 to suffer cold and hardship, and to 29 on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, probably, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activities 30 which men give their leisure. There are no man-made rules, as there are for 31 as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of different kinds which it would be dangerous to 32 , but it is this freedom from man-made rules 33 makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to their own 34 . If we 35 mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is 36 mountaineering is not a “team work ” . However, it is only our misunderstanding. There are, in fact, no :matches” 37 “teams” of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may 38 , obviously, there is teamwork. A mountain climber knows that he may have to fight with natural 39 that ate stronger and more powerful than man. His sport requires high mental and 40 qualities.


全国英语等级考试PETS考试流程 (一)关于考试指导语和题目用语 为了让考生发挥应有的水平,在PETS一、二级的笔试中听力、英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作的指导语都是中文的。此外,为避免考生直接挪用试题中的语言,写作和口试试题也有可能是中文的,但口试中口试教师的口头说明仍使用英文。在PETS三、四、五级的考试中,笔、口试的指导语都将使用英文。在三、四级写作题中所提供的引导性材料可能会涉及到少量的中文。 (二)关于答题卡和登分卡的使用 PETS各级别的考试都有其特别设计的答题卡和登分卡。笔试中,使用的是用于光电阅读器(OMR)评分的客观题答题卡和用于人工阅卷的主观题答题(阅读器登分)卡。四、五级的客观题答题卡在机器阅读前,有部分题目也需要人工评阅。 口试使用的是口试成绩登分卡。口试开始前考生在卡上填好自己的考号等有关信息,口试结束时口试教师在卡上填上考生的口试成绩。 *包括翻译题(阅读理解部分B节)的作答和评分。 (三)关于答题时间PETS各级别的答题时间分配如下表所示:

单位:分钟一级二级三级四级五级 听力20 20 25 30 35 英语知识运用20 25 15 15 20 阅读理解30 35 40 60 50 写作20 40 40 35 35 笔试(共)90 120 120 140 140 口试(共)8 10 10 12 15 (四)关于笔试试卷的采分点(原始赋分) PETS每一级别各部分的采分点(原始赋分)如下表所示。除特殊情况外,原则上每题一分,括号内的数字表示各部分的题量。 一级二级三级四级 五级 听力25(25)20(20)25(25) 25(20)30(30) 英语知识运用25(25)35(35)20(20) 20(20)20(20) 阅读理解20(20)20(20)35*(20) 35**(25) 35***(30) 写作13(3+1) 35(10+1) 30(1+1) 20(1)25(1) 笔试(合计)83 110 110 100 110


全国英语等级考试PET简介 一、全国英语等级考试(PETS)的性质和特点“全国英语等级考试”(PublicEnglishTestSystem,简称PETS),是经中华人民共和国教育部(简称教育部,下同)批准,由教育部考试中心设计、开发的,面向社会以全体公民为对象的开放型的非学历性考试。其特点是:第一,它是一个覆盖不同层次需要的、拥有五个级别的目标参照性考试体系,可对不同类型、不同水平考生的英语水平进行可靠的横向比较。考生不受职业、年龄和学历背景等方面条件的限制,可以根据自身英语学习的实际情况报考相应的级别。第二,运用各种考查手段,能确保全面考察考生听、说、读、写的语言交际能力,尤其是对听、说方面的考查较为完善。第三,能科学界定各种考查要求的关系,在同一能力量表的基础上合理设置各级考生的评价标准并给出详尽说明。今后,这一考试将逐步改造高考、研究生入学考试、大学英语四、六级考试和其他各类行业内部英语考试,替代出国人员留学考试(EPT)、自考公共课程英语和中等职业学校英语等级考试,同时为干部的英语培训、考核及劳动用工提供可靠、科学的依据。第四,与其他类型的英语考试相比,全国英语等级考试具有较高的信度和效度。采用了现代化的考试技术和手段,能确保相同级别不同考次之间考生成绩的等值,使考试成绩更为科学、公平、准确。二、PETS的等级划分情况根据英语学习者的水平差异和用人单位的不同要求,考试等级由低到高分为一、二、三、四、五级,另外,一级还有一个附属级:一级B。一级(PETS1)初始级,通过该级别考试的考生,其英语基本符合诸如出租车司机、宾馆行李员、门卫、交通警等工作,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。可替代原中等职业学校系统英语等级考试(二级)。二级(PETS2)中下级,通过该级别考试的考生,其英语水平基本满足进入高等院校继续学习的要求,同时也基本符合诸如宾馆前台服务员、一般银行职员、涉外企业一般员工,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。该级别的考试标准已改造高考的英语科考试。笔试成绩可免考高教自学考试公共课英语(一)。三级(PETS3)中间级,通过该级别考试的考生,其英语已达到高等教育自学考试非英语专业本科毕业水平或符合普通高校非英语专业本科的要求,基本符合企事业单位行政秘书、经理助理、初级科技人员、外企职员的工作,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。笔试成绩可免考高教自学考试公共课英语(二)。四级(PETS4)中上级,通过该级别考试的考生,其英语水平基本满足攻读高等院校硕士研究生非英语专业的需要,基本符合一般专业技术人员或研究人员、现代企业经理等工作对英语的基本要求。该级别考试标准已用于改造研究生入学考试中的英语考试。一级B类(PETS1B)一级的附属级,单词量低于500,主要测试考生最基本的交际场合所涉及的交际能力,适用于行业内部英语学习和大面积普及英语的需要。这几个级别的考试标准建立在同一能力量表上,相互间既有明显的区别又有内在的联系。有关该项考试各个级别的设计标准、考试要求可参见教育部考试中心编写的《全国英语等级考试(PETS)考试大纲》。三、考试的形式每个级别的考试都包括笔试和口试两种形式,笔试中包含听力测试内容。考试采用先笔试,后口试的方式,笔试的题型主要有客观性试题和主观性试题两类。口试采用面对面交谈的方式,每次口试采用由两名口试教师对两名考生(一级B是一名考生)进行测试的形式。测试时,一名口试教师不参与交谈,专事评分,另一名主持口试,随时与考生交谈并评分。四、报考的条件考生不受年龄、职业、学历、性别、民族等条件的限制,任何人都可以根据自身学习英语的实际情况报名参加其中任一级别的考试,不要求考生在具有较低级别的证书后才


全国公共英语等级考试(PETS)简介 全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System,简称PETS)是教育部考试中心负责设计并实施的全国性英语水平考试体系。作为中、英两国政府的教育交流合作项目,在设计过程中它得到了英国专家的技术支持。共有五个级别: PETS-1是初始级,通过该级考试的考生,其英语基本符合诸如出租车司机、宾馆行李员、门卫、交通警等工作,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。(下设一个附属级PETS-1B)PETS-2是中下级,通过该级考试的考生,其英语水平基本满足进入高等院校继续学习的要求,同时也基本符合诸如宾馆前台服务员、一般银行职员、涉外企业一般员工,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。 PETS-3是中间级,通过该级考试的考生,其英语已达到高等教育自学考试非英语专业本科毕业水平或符合普通高校非英语专业本科毕业的要求,基本符合企事业单位行政秘书、经理助理、初级科技人员、外企职员的工作,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。 PETS-4是中上级,通过该级考试的考生,其英语水平基本满足攻读高等院校硕士研究生非英语专业的需要,基本符合一般专业技术人员或研究人员、现代企业经理等工作对英语的基本要求。

PETS-5是级,通过该级考试的考生,其英语水平基本满足在国外攻读硕士研究生非英语专业或从事学术研究工作的需要。该水平的英语也能满足他们在国内外从事专业和管理工作的基本需要。 这五个级别的考试标准建立在同一能力量表上,相互之间既有明显的区别又有内在的联系。 PETS考查的能力是建立在“交际语言行为模式”上。这种模式以语言交际需要为掌握外语的目的,将语言能力分为“接受”、“产出”、“互动”等,根据各种情景和任务,在特定主题和话语下,结合相关的语言行为进行教学或考查。其设计的题型主要有:客观性试题—多项选择、选择配伍等;半客观性试题—改错、填空、简单概括等;主观性试题—短文写作、翻译、口试等。各级考试采用的具体题型见相关的考试大纲。 PETS在考生资格方面,无年龄、职业、以及受教育程度的限制,原则上任何人都可参加。人们可以根据自己的英语水平选择参加其中任何一个级别的考试。不必按部就班,即具有低级别的证书后才能参加高级别的考试。但是,一次只能参加其中一个级别的考试。 PETS考试将笔试和口试分成两个相对独立的考查成份。笔试成绩是听力、英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作部分成绩的总和,满
