

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 单选题

1(4分) : These boxes can’t be stored below.

A: 不能把这些箱子放在下面。

B: 这些箱子不能被放在下面。

2(4分) : sustainable development

A: 可持续发展

B: 可维持的发展

3(4分) : 报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。

A: University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not

B: University applicants who had worked at a job would enroll at the university first than those who had not.

4(4分) : This material is no more elastic than that one.

A: 这种材料和那种一样没有弹性。

B: 这种材料比那种有弹性。

5(4分) : beef tea

A: 牛肉茶

B: 牛肉汁

6(4分) : I don't suppose you need to worry.

A: 我看你不必担心

B: 我不指望你担心。

7(4分) : The present situation is that many staff consider impossible what is really possible if effort is made.

A: 现在的情形是,很多员工认为不可能的事是通过努力可以办到的。

B: 很多职员认为最有可能的事情努力后也还是不可能的。

8(4分) : Man is different from other animals.

A: 人和其他动物不同

B: 人和动物不同。

9(4分) : 杰克与老板争吵之后便辞职了。

A: After he had a quarrel with his boss,Jack quit.

B: After he quarreled his boss, Jack quit.

10(4分) : to kill two birds with one stone

A: 一石二鸟

B: 一击杀二鸟

11(4分) : Business is a two-way street and to keep it open in both directions there must be a sense both partners are doing their utmost to ensure a steady growth I each other’s markets.

A: 做生意得有来有往,来和往这两股道得保持畅通,应当有这么一个观念,即伙伴双方同时都尽最大努力,来确保对方想自己市场的出口稳步增长

B: 生意好比双行道,伙伴双方都必须明白,只有竭尽全力确保对方向自己市场的出口稳步增长,道路的两个方向才得以畅通。

12(4分) : I do not feel that we should leave them isolated in their rage.

A: 我认为,我们不应该让他们怒气冲冲地与世隔绝。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B: 我不认为我们应该让他们怒气冲冲地与世隔绝。

13(4分) : One could not be too careful in a new neighbourhood.

A: 在新邻居的旁边,一个人不能太小心

B: 在一个陌生的地方,越小心越好。

14(4分) : 有些药效疗效缓慢。

A: The effects of some medicine are not immediate

B: The effects of some medicine are slow

15(4分) : This equation is far from being complicated.

A: 这个方程式很复杂。

B: 这个方程式一点也不复杂。


1(4分) : 他们的见解非常相似。Their ideas run in the same groove.

A: 对

B: 错

2(4分) : 粗放型经济增长方式 extensive economic growth mode

A: 对

B: 错

3(4分) : 芦笛岩内有一个大洞,被称为水晶宫,能容纳一千人。The cave has a vast grotto, is known as Crystal Palace, is capable of holding up to 1,000 people.

A: 对

B: 错

4(4分) : 实现理想境界要靠辛勤劳动。To translate ideals into reality needs hard work. A: 对

B: 错

5(4分) : His action was prompted by the fear of being attacked.他采取行动是因为遭受攻击。

A: 对

B: 错

6(4分) : By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and the husband.她就这样离间这对夫妇。

A: 对

B: 错

7(4分) : An excellent gift in all seasons.馈赠亲友之四季佳品.

A: 对

B: 错

8(4分) : They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。

A: 对

B: 错

9(4分) : a wait with great anxiety望穿秋水

A: 对

B: 错

10(4分) : He is at his books.他在读书。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: 对

B: 错


1(4分) : These boxes can’t be stored below.

A: 不能把这些箱子放在下面。

B: 这些箱子不能被放在下面。

2(4分) : sustainable development

A: 可持续发展

B: 可维持的发展

3(4分) : 报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。

A: University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not

B: University applicants who had worked at a job would enroll at the university first than those who had not.

4(4分) : This material is no more elastic than that one.

A: 这种材料和那种一样没有弹性。

B: 这种材料比那种有弹性。

5(4分) : beef tea

A: 牛肉茶

B: 牛肉汁

6(4分) : I don't suppose you need to worry.

A: 我看你不必担心

B: 我不指望你担心。

7(4分) : The present situation is that many staff consider impossible what is really possible if effort is made.

A: 现在的情形是,很多员工认为不可能的事是通过努力可以办到的。

B: 很多职员认为最有可能的事情努力后也还是不可能的。

8(4分) : Man is different from other animals.

A: 人和其他动物不同

B: 人和动物不同。

9(4分) : 杰克与老板争吵之后便辞职了。

A: After he had a quarrel with his boss,Jack quit.

B: After he quarreled his boss, Jack quit.

10(4分) : to kill two birds with one stone

A: 一石二鸟

B: 一击杀二鸟

11(4分) : Business is a two-way street and to keep it open in both directions there must be a sense both partners are doing their utmost to ensure a steady growth I each other’s markets.

A: 做生意得有来有往,来和往这两股道得保持畅通,应当有这么一个观念,即伙伴双方同时都尽最大努力,来确保对方想自己市场的出口稳步增长

B: 生意好比双行道,伙伴双方都必须明白,只有竭尽全力确保对方向自己市场的出口稳步增长,道路的两个方向才得以畅通。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12(4分) : I do not feel that we should leave them isolated in their rage.

A: 我认为,我们不应该让他们怒气冲冲地与世隔绝。

B: 我不认为我们应该让他们怒气冲冲地与世隔绝。

13(4分) : One could not be too careful in a new neighbourhood.

A: 在新邻居的旁边,一个人不能太小心

B: 在一个陌生的地方,越小心越好。

14(4分) : 有些药效疗效缓慢。

A: The effects of some medicine are not immediate

B: The effects of some medicine are slow

15(4分) : This equation is far from being complicated.

A: 这个方程式很复杂。

B: 这个方程式一点也不复杂。


1(4分) : 他们的见解非常相似。Their ideas run in the same groove.

A: 对

B: 错

2(4分) : 粗放型经济增长方式 extensive economic growth mode

A: 对

B: 错

3(4分) : 芦笛岩内有一个大洞,被称为水晶宫,能容纳一千人。The cave has a vast grotto, is known as Crystal Palace, is capable of holding up to 1,000 people.

A: 对

B: 错

4(4分) : 实现理想境界要靠辛勤劳动。To translate ideals into reality needs hard work. A: 对

B: 错

5(4分) : His action was prompted by the fear of being attacked.他采取行动是因为遭受攻击。

A: 对

B: 错

6(4分) : By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and the husband.她就这样离间这对夫妇。

A: 对

B: 错

7(4分) : An excellent gift in all seasons.馈赠亲友之四季佳品.

A: 对

B: 错

8(4分) : They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。

A: 对

B: 错

9(4分) : a wait with great anxiety望穿秋水

A: 对

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B: 错

10(4分) : He is at his books.他在读书。

A: 对

B: 错
