旅游英语 中职 试题

旅游英语 中职 试题
旅游英语 中职 试题



1. ( ) bed men pen bad

2.()art born far star

3. ( ) both month teeth than

4. ( ) sheep shoe chop shoe

5. ( ) ear air care pair


manager_________ coffee_________ doorbell_________

basketball player__________ out of date__________

more and more___________ credit card____________

traveler____________ make sure___________


1.There is a spoon on the table.


2.Here you are.


3.My father is a policeman,


4.These ice cream are very nice.


5.Perhaps it is Tom’s.


6.What is the matter?


7.Tell her not to make too much noise in the room.


8.The cook is cooking a cake.


9.Would you like some orange juice?


10.Her dream has come true.








blue____ brown_____ sister______ tourist_____ orange______ ice______ boy______ assistant_____ left_______ plate_____


1.That is a umbrella?


2.She is a love girl.


3.Whose is it? It is Mary.


4.What colour does it?


5.They are teacher.


6.What is their jobs?


7,Jack is our office assiatants.


8.He have a green passport.


9.Is this your father glass? No, it isn’t.


10.There is a empty bottle on table.


11.Give she me coat,please.


12.Practice make perfect.


13.I go to bed at seven last night.


14.These is a book.


15.The dress is my.



1.be door this open


2.these hat be old


3.it come and see upstairs


4.I tired now be


5.colour your tie be what


6.your friend too Danish be

________________________________________________ 7.give I some glasses please.

_______________________________________________ 8.no they be not they books be red

________________________________________________ 9.there more and more be problems.

________________________________________________ 10.me let a hand you give.




—、课程性质与任务 (1) (一)课程性质 (1) (二)课程任务 (1) 二、学科核心素养与课程目标 (1) (一)学科核心素养 (1) (二)课程目标 (2) 三、课程结构 (3) (一)课程模块 (3) (二)学时安排 (4) 四\课程内容 (5) (一)基础模块 (5) (二)职业模块 (15) (三)拓展模块 (17) 五、学业质量 (18) (一)学业质量内涵 (18) (二)学业质量水平 (18) 六、课程实施 (20) (一)教学要求 (20) (二)学业水平评价 (21) (三)教材编写要求 (23) (四)课程资源开发与利用 (24)

(五)对地方与学校实施本课程的要求 25 附录 附录1 语音项目表 (27) 附录2语法项目表 (28) 附录3 交际功能表 (31) 附录4 学业质量水平描述 (32) 附录5 词汇表 (34)

一、课程性质与任务 (一)课程性质 英语是当今世界使用最为广泛的通用语言,是国际交流与合作的重要工具,是思想与文化的载体,对人的全面发展有积极的促进作用。中等职业学校英语课程是各专业学生必修的公共基础课程,兼有工具性与人文性。 (二)课程任务 中等职业学校英语课程的任务是在义务教育基础上,帮助学生进一步学习语言基础知识,提高听、说、读、写等语言技能,发展中等职业学校英语学科核心素养;引导学生在真实情境中开展语言实践活动,认识文化的多样性,形成开放包容的态度,发展健康的审美情趣;理解思维差异,增强国际理解,坚定文化自信;帮助学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,自觉践行社会主义核心价值观,成为德智体美劳全面发展的高素质劳动者和技术技能人才。 二、学科核心素养与课程目标 (一)学科核心素养 学科核心素养是学科育人价值的集中体现,是学生通过学科学习与实践而逐步形成的正确价值观念、必备品格和关键能力。英语学科核心素养由职场语言沟通、思维差异感知、跨文化理解和自主学习四个方面构成,它们既相对独立,又相互交融,构成有机的整体。 1.职场语言洶通 职场语言沟通是指学生通过英语语言知识的学习与实践,掌握语言特点及其运用


《旅游专业英语》复习题及答案 一、单项选择题 Ⅰ. Choose the best answer for each blank Part A :In this part, you are given 50 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Y ou are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the questions. 1. Both the teachers and students can get a ________ on air fares during vacations. A.discount B.advantage C.profit D.bargain 2. Hearing the noise outside, the man went cautiously to the steel sheathed door, which was ______ by the heavy iron outer grille. A. included B. reinforced C. made D. prevented 3. WTO is ______ that represents all national and official tourism interests. A. the only organization B. one of the organizations C. a regional international organization D. a national organization 4. According to WTO′s definition of tourism, outbound tourism refers to ______. A. visits to country by nonresidents B. visits by residents of a country to another country C. visits by residents of a country to their own country D. internal tourism plus outbound tourism 5. Learning difficulty ______ in detail in Chapter 4. A. will be dealt B. is going to be dealt C. will be dealt with D. will deal with 6. On that holiday, I brought my niece to the office with me so she could experience many ______ of being a social worker. A. respects B. ideas C. reasons D. aspects 7. The tourist tried ______ something funny to get rid of the embarrassment. A. to talk about B. talked about C. talking about D. even talks about 8. As the domestic industry ______, competition will become increasingly ______. A. grows, intent B. develop, intent C. matures, intense D. strengthens, intense 9. I try to ________ a few dollars each month in order to buy a new bike. A. set up B. set out C. set off D. set aside 10. The instructor forbade ______ mobile phones in the classroom. A. to use B. using C. for students’ using D. for students to use 11. The instructor forbade the students ______ mobile phones in the classroom. A. use B. used C. to use D. for use


全国2012年1月高等教育自学考试 旅游英语选读试题 课程代码:00837 请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 I. Multiple choice: (1×15=15) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. The World Tourism Organization is ______ that represents all national and official tourist interests. A. a regional organization B. one of the organizations C. a national organization D. the only international organization 2. The inclusion of western words and phrases in language is due to ______ A. tourism development B. language development C. economic development D. environmental development 3. Which group of executives can be expected to enjoy luxurious accommodations, staying only at five-star hotels or equivalents? A. Technical and sales personnel. B. Company chairman and chief executives. C. Executive directors and training managers. D. General managers and human resource managers. 4. Some steps ______ to control the overuse of tourism resources, but more needs ______ and the sooner the better. A. take, do B. taken, done C. has taken, has done D. have been taken, to be done 5. The Grand Tour is a tour of certain cities in ______. A. Southern Europe B. Northern Europe C. Western Europe D. Eastern Europe 6. Some national tourism organizations have found it useful to make a further distinction between international travel and travel between ______. A. neighboring countries B. adjacent countries C. nearby countries D. bordering countries 7. Travel and tourism, as a ______ behavior, is very closely related to advances in the economy and culture of a society. A. social B. economic C. cultural D. socioeconomic 8. Tourism is a ______ of activities, services, and industries that derivers a travel experience. A. composition B. composite C. combination D. compound 9. Investment in tourism remains ______ it does in any other industry. A. the same risk as B. the same risks as C. as risky as D. as risk as 10. This motivation is frequently referred to as the “VFR”market. It’s the short form for “______”. A. visit friends and relatives B. visit friends and relations


【超实用】出国旅游基本英语大全 一、问路时常用的方位词 East东、South南、West西、North北、Left左、Right右、Straighton往前直去、 There那儿、Front前方、Back后方、Side侧旁、Before之前、After 之后、 First left/ right第一个转左/右的路 二、请问如何前往 ... Excuse me,How do I get to the.......?请问如何前往 ......? How do I get to the airport?请问如何前往机场? How do I get to the bus station?请问如何前往公车站? How do I get to the metro station?请问如何前往地下铁路站? (Metro 乃欧洲常用字 ) How do I get to the subway station?请问如何前往地下铁路站? (Subway 乃北美洲常用字 ) How do I get to the underground station?请问如何前往地下铁路站?(underground乃英国常用字 ) How do I get to the train station?请问如何前往火车站? How do I get to the Hilton hotel ?请问如何前往希尔顿酒店? How do I get to the police station?请问如何前往警局? How do I get to the post office?请问如何前往邮政局? How do I get to the tourist information office?请问如何前往旅游资讯局?


旅游英语试题 第一部分选择题(共40分) I、Directions: In this part of the test, four words are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. (10 points) 1.Hot metal ______as it grows cooler.() A. contracts B. reduces C. condenses D. compresses 2. John was ______from school for cheating again and again in his exams. () A. excluded B. dismissed C. expelled D. discharged 3.The balance of nature really ______ to all of us. () A. affects B. settles C. contacts D. matters 4.Man has done much harm to nature because of his ______.() A. interest B. advantage C. ignorance D. purpose 5.The twins are so much ______that it is difficult to tell one from the other. () A. similar B. equal C. like D. alike 6.This album is ______as it was the only one ever signed by the president. () A. unusual B. unique C. rare D. singular 7 I think the students will ______ from this method of teaching. () A. interest B. value C. benefit D. advantage 8. Teaching is an art ______ on science. () A. collected B. existed C. based D. supported 9.These plastic flowers look so ______that many people think they are real. () A. beautiful B. natural C. comparable D. similar 10.The rent is 100 dollars ______service charge. () A. comprising B. consisting C. including D. possessing II、Directions: In this part of the test, four words are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. (10 points) 11. There are other problems which I don’t propose to ______at the moment. A. go around B. go into C. go for D. go up 12. My watch has been going for three days and it has got ______ yet. A. run down B. run over C. run off D. run out 13. Buses stop here in order to ______passengers. A. get off B. pick up C. pull up D. pull in 14. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn’t ______what color it was. A. make out B. look to C. look out D. make in 15. Would you please ______ the radio? My mother is sleeping. A. look out B. look for C. turn to D. turn down


??????????????????????精品自学考料推荐?????????????????? 浙江省 2018 年 4 月高等教育自学考试 旅游英语试题 课程代码: 06010 Ⅰ.Make the best choice to complete the following sentences.(20%) 1.I had been sitting in my seat for at least two hours, waiting () . A. the train to start B. for the train starting C. for the train to start D. for the train start 2.This is the Chinese () , translated from English. A. publication B. editor C. printing D. version 3.Get up early and run every day in the travel, and you will () a lot from doing so. A. receive B. make C. benefit D. win 4.This morning our water supply was () because of the cold weather. A. let down B. cut off C. taken up D. brought away 5.How much are you going to () me for repairing this equipment in the attractions? A. charge B. money C. require D. need 6.Culturally, this park is divided into two () . A. parties B. sections C. days D. yards 7.A tiny village school is soon to () its 110th birthday. A. celebrate B. make C. liberate D. confirm 8.It is impossible to finish the task () . A. in so a short time B. in such short a time C. in such a short time D. in a so short time 9.Try to () what had happened just before the accident. A. talk B. speak C. describe D. say for 10.He is () more hard-working than any of the other boys in the class. A. by far B. by way of C. by now D. by and by 1


2013年11月13日16:02:45 旺旺英语 摘要:国内旅游与国外旅游最重要的区别之一应该就是语言了。出门在外,难免问个路,求人帮个忙,本文介绍的内容就是最实用的旅游英语词汇及句型。 国内旅游与国外旅游最重要的区别之一应该就是语言了。出门在外,难免问个路,求人帮个忙,以下介绍的内容就是最实用的旅游英语词汇及句型。 一、问路时 1. East 东 2. South 南 3. West 西 4. North 北 5. Left 左 6. Right 右 7. Straight on 往前直去 8. There 那儿 9. Front 前方

10. Back 后方 11. Side 侧旁 12. Before 之前 13. After 之后 14. First left/right 第一个转左/右的路 二、请问如何前往 ... 1. Excuse me, How do I get to the .......? 请问如何前往? 2. How do I get to the airport? 请问如何前往机场? 3. How do I get to the bus station? 请问如何前往公车站? 4. How do I get to the metro station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Me tro乃欧洲常用字) 5. How do I get to the subway station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?(S ubway乃北美洲常用字) 6. How do I get to the underground station? 请问如前往地下铁路站?(Underground 乃英国常用字) 7. How do I get to the train station? 请问如何前往火车站? 8. How do I get to the hotel XXX? 请问如何前往XXX酒店? 9. How do I get to the police station? 请问如何前往警局? 10. How do I get to the post office? 请问如何前往邮政局? 11. How do I get to the tourist information office? 请问如何前往旅游资讯局? 三、请问附近... 1. Excuse me, Is there ....... near by? 请问附近有没有...? 2. Is there a baker near by? 请问附近有没有面包店? 3. Is there a bank near by? 请问附近有没有银行? 4. Is there a bar near by? 请问附近有没有酒吧? 5. Is there a bus stop near by? 请问附近有没有公车站? 6. Is there a cafe near by? 请问附近有没有咖啡店? 7. Is there a cake shop near by? 请问附近有没有西饼店? 8. Is there a change bureau near by? 请问附近有没有找换店? 9. Is there a chemist's near by? 请问附近有没有药剂师? 10. Is there a department store near by? 请问附近有没有百货公司? 11. Is there a disco near by? 请问附近有没有的士高? 12. Is there a hospital nearby? 请问附近有没有医院? 13. Is there a night club near by? 请问附近有没有夜总会? 14. Is there a post box near by? 请问附近有没有邮政局? 15. Is there a public toilet near by? 请问附近有没有公共厕所? 16. Is there a restaurant near by? 请问附近有没有餐厅? 17. Is there a telephone near by? 请问附近有没有电话?


中职高中部期末考试 《旅游英语》试题 一.词汇选择 括号内) 1.健身中心 ( ) A. night club B. ballroom C. health club D. keep-fit gym 2. 台球房( )A. billiard room B. massage parlor C. bowling alley D. tennis court 3.九柱戏( )A. settler B. skittle C. archery D. martial 4.杠铃( )A. dumb bell B. spring grip C. chest expander D. wall bar 5.织锦段( )A. souvenir B. velvet C. lukewarm D. brocade 6.药材柜( )A. jewelry counter B. garment counter C. toy counter D. pharmacy counter 7.针织品柜( ) A. foodstuff counter B. arts and crafts counter C. knitwear counter D. handicrafts 8.甜食( )A. champagne B. alcohol C. dessert D. juice 9. 酒水单( )A. team work B. spirit C. wine list D. command 10.纪念物( )A. souvenir B. commodity C. garment D. rinse 二、判断对错(每小题1分,共10分。正确的在括号里打“√”,错误的打“Χ”) 1.The Recreation Center is in the charge of the Housekeeping Department.( ) 2.A healthy and interesting night life has become a must for those foreign tourists in China. ( ) 3.Those who cut and style hair for people are called hairdressers. ( ) 4.Wooden balls have been used in bowling games even since its invention. ( ) 5.Taijiquan is very powerful in combat in spite of its steady movements. ( ) 6.Most tourists will buy gifts of their China tour for their families and friends. ( ) 7.The silk clothes can be washed in hot water. ( ) 8.Tea, wine, and coffee have close relations with the traditional Chinese culture. ( ) 9.The best hotel is a hotel where no guest will make any complaint. ( ) 10.A head waiter is the leader of a restaurant 。. ( ) 三、选词填空(每小题2分,共20分。请用括号中的一个词补全句子,并将其填在相应的横线 上。) ( play , have a little problem with , call for , give off ,match , related with , only if , get rid of , would rather ,treat with ) 1.The Recreation Center an import role in our hotel’s operation. 2.The new barber his spoken English. 3. We must try our best to bad habits. 4. Is there any problem that immediate solution? 5. The sun heat and light, on which all living beings live. 6. you study hard can you learn English well. 7. Don’t you think my jacket my pants. 8. I suggest you buy a souvenir closely our ancient civilization. 9. I try something hot , Sichuan dishes ,I think 。 10. In American, restaurants often guests bread and butter free of charge. 四、补全对话(每小题2分,共20分。用题后方框内所给的句子补全对话,将所选的句子的序号填在相应空行后的括号内,每个句子只能使用一次) (A ) (SA —shop assistant; G —guest ) 1.SA : ( ) G :Yes, do you have any woolen T-shirt ? 2.SA: ( ) G:40 3.SA: ( ) G: The color is a little dark. 4.SA:Will you try on this one ? G: It looks good. ( ) SA:2310 Yuan RMB, Sir. 5.G: ( ) SA: Sorry, sir. The price is already reasonable. The best I can offer is 10% (B) Guest —G clerk —C 1.G: My doctor has told me I must keep in good physical condition. I hear that your hotel is one of the best ones in China for that kind of thing .Could you tell me what facilities you have here? C: . ( ) G: That sounds very interesting. 2. C: . ( ) G: Very good and what about swimming? 3. C: . ( ) G: Oh, good. 4. C: . ( ) G: How about outdoor activities? 5.C: ( ) G: Thank you very much for your information.C: My pleasure, sir. 姓名______________ 班级___________ 考号_____________ 座号_______ - ----------------------------------密--------------------------------------封-------------------------------------线---------------------------------


《旅游英语》复习题 一、配对选择题 Match the words given under A with the meanings given under B. List B has extra items. A B 1. tour guide a)workplace where clothes are washed and ironed 2. reservation b)A very tall building 3. laundry c)a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts 4. lobby d)A photographic image transferred to paper or a similar surface, usually from a negative. 5. skyscraper e)a district that is reserved for particular purpose 6)vegetarian f) large and often sumptuous tent 7)pavilion g) a guide who leads others on a tour 8)print h)a large entrance or reception room or area 9)calligraphy i)eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) 10)certificate j) beautiful handwriting 11. roasted lamb rib a)牛排 12.home-cooked bean curd b)香辣鸡肉 13.Peanuts pickled in Aged Vinegar c)烤羊排 14.Steak d) 火腿炒鸡蛋 15.Chicken with Chili Oil e)鸡蛋羹 16.BBQ pork f) 家常豆腐 17.Poached egg g) 牛肉炖土豆


旅游英语 一、单项选择题(在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。多选无分。每小题1分,共20分) 1. This book is worth _____. C A. to read it B. reading it C. reading D. to read 2. Beijing is well __________ its beautiful scenery and the Great Wall. D A. known as B. known to C. known about D. known for 3. This question is too hard, it is __________ my comprehension. B A. below B. beyond C. over D. without 4. The workers are busy __________ models for the exhibition. D A. to make B. with making C. being making D. making 5. Do you think Tommy is________the truth? C A. saying B. speaking C. telling D. talking 6. No sooner had she entered the house ________the telephone rang. B A. when B. than C. as D. while 7. .--____________? C -- We are looking for a pair of sports shoes. A. What do you do B. What do you like C. Can I help you D. Do you need help 8. It was not__ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds. D A. before B. at C. after D. until 9. We look forward to _____ to the opening ceremony. D A. invite B. be invited C. having been invited D. being invited 10. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature______. B A. taking B. taken C. took D. take 11. “__________ does Mr. Johnson go to London on business?” At least once a month.” B A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How 12. _____ is known to all, too much smoking will cause lung cancer. C A. That B. It C. As D. What 13. The new system contained a large _____ of information about an daily life. B A. deal B. amount C. number D. account 14. I don’t like to disturb you, because you’re quite tired ________ working hard today. A A. of B. on C. out D. with 15. The teacher asked his students to leave enough _____ on the page forcorrection. A


紧急情况用语 I’ve lost my passport. 我的护照丢拉 Where is Chinese Embassy? 中国大使馆在哪 Could you call for a Chinese speaking staff? 能找个中文员工给我吗 基本语篇 谢谢—— Thank you. 多谢 对不起麻烦你。—— Excuse me. 抱歉。—— Excuse the mess. 需要帮忙吗 谢谢你的帮助。—— Thank you for helping me. 无论如何我还要感谢你。—— Thanks, anyway. 您好。 初次见面问好。—— How do you do! 很高兴见到你。—— (It's) nice to meet you. 请问您从哪来。 请问贵姓。 我叫...。—— My name is ... (I'm ...) 很高兴讣识你。—— It was a pleasure meeting you. 很高兴见到你。—— Pleased to meet you. 希服再见到你。—— Hope to see you again. 这是不是说我以后可以再见到你—— Does that mean that I can see you again? 玩得快乐 祝你好运。—— Good luck. 我希服没事。—— I hope nothing is wrong. 怎么了—— What's the matter? 糟糕严重吗—— Oh, no! Is it serious? 我真为你难过。—— I'm sorry for you. 一路平安走好。—— Have a safe trip home. 方向 East 东 South 南 West 西 North 北 Left 左 Right 右


《旅游英语》复习题A 一、配对选择题 Match the words given under A with the meanings given under B. List B has extra items. A B 1. tour guide a)workplace where clothes are washed and ironed 2. reservation b)A very tall building 3. laundry c)a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts 4. lobby d)A photographic image transferred to paper or a similar surface, usually from a negative. 5. skyscraper e)a district that is reserved for particular purpose 6)vegetarian f) large and often sumptuous tent 7)pavilion g) a guide who leads others on a tour 8)print h)a large entrance or reception room or area 9)calligraphy i)eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) 10)certificate j) beautiful handwriting 1) g 2) e 3) a 4) h 5) b 6) i 7) f 8) d 9) j 10) c 二、词汇汉译英 Translate followings into English 1.入境签证 entry visa 2.特别服务要求 special service requirements 3.路线图 road map 4.文化遗迹 cultural relics 5.游廊 veranda 6.办理入住 check in 7.讨论日程 discussion agenda 8.点餐 order 9.护照 passport 10.海关 customhouse 三、词汇英译汉 Translate following into Chinese 1.moat 护城河 2.airport tax 机场税 3.front office 前厅部 4.sightseeing tour 观光旅游 5.green bean cake 绿豆糕 6.traveling palace 游览宫殿 7.Chinese Cuisine 中国菜 8.Minority Nationalities 少数民族群体 9.Boarding pass 登机牌 10.check out the room 退房检查结账 四、句子英译汉 Translate the following sentences into English. 1.我将确保你们有充足的时间轻松。 I will make sure you have enough time to relax. 2.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 3.我们可以领取房间钥匙了吗? Can we get the room key?
