译林版中考英语中考英语总复习 主谓一致难点讲解练习含答案解析



1.The rest of students in the classroom ______my classmates.

A.is B.are C.be D.am



试题分析:句意:教室内的其他学生是我的同学们。本句主语The rest of students为复数形式,故系动词用复数形式are,选B。



2.Not only his friends but also he ________ always interested in science fiction.

A.show B.shows C.are D.is




句意:不仅他的朋友,而且他总是对科幻小说感兴趣。考查主谓一致。not only…but also连接两个主语的时候,谓语动词的数由离其最近的主语来决定,即就近原则,所以此处要根据he来确定谓语动词的形式;因为后面是interested in,所以用be interested in“对…感兴趣”,所以谓语动词用is;故答案选D。

3.- I'm getting hungry. Do you know where we can get some good food?

- Of course! There ____________ a restaurant around the comer.

A.will be B.was C.is




句意:---我饿了。你知道在哪能买到好食物吗?---当然!拐角处有一家餐馆。A选项是一般将来时的there be句型,B选项是一般过去时的there be句型,C选项是一般现在时的there be句型;根据句意这里是一般现在时,故选C。

4.----Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xi'an?

---- is OK. It’s up to you.

A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.All





5.There a great concert in the theater next Saturday evening.

A.will be B.will have

C.has D.is going to have



试题分析:句意:在下周六晚上,在剧场将有一场精彩的音乐会。此句考查there be 结构的一般将来时,其构成为:There will/be going to be+其它,所以适合这一结构的只有A,选项B.D中的have应为be,也就正确了,故选A。


6.(题文)In our school library there a number of books and the number of them growing

larger and larger.

A.is; are B.has; is

C.are; is D.have; are



试题分析:句意:在我们学校的图书馆里有许多书。书籍的数目越来越大。第一空上的动词与前面的there一起构成There be句型,主语books是复数,所以be动词要改为are。第二空上的词与后面的growing一起构成现在进行时,而句子主语为the number of them,所以该用is,因此选C。


7.—When will the railway that connects the two cities open?

— next year. Only two thirds been built.

A.Until; has B.Until; have

C.Not until; has D.Not until; have




句意:--连接这两座城市的铁路什么时候开通?--明年才开通。这段铁路只修了三分之二。until 直到……时候;根据句意可知,直到明年铁路才能开通,因此应该用否定形式not until,直到……时候,才……;第二个空前的主语是two thirds,意思是三分之二的铁路,railway是单数形式,故动词也应该用单数,故选C。

8.-There______many trees at the foot of the mountain.

--But now they are slowly disappearing because of human activities.

A.is used to

B.used to

C.used to be



试题分析:句意:――过去山脚下有许多树。――但是现在因为人类的活动,它们正慢慢地消失。used to +动词原形,表示过去常常;be used to doing sth表示习惯于做某事;be used to do sth 表示被用于做某事。根据句意,本题表示过去常常用,用used to+动词原形。前句是there be结构,主要动词是be。故选C。


9.A smile ____________ nothing, but gives much.

A.costs B.spends

C.cost D.spend



考查动词辨析。句意:微笑无需付出,却给予很多。spend花费,Sb. spend some money/some time on/doing sth.主语是人,经常与on连用,跟动词用动名词形式;cost花费,Sth. cost sb. some money,主语是物,人和钱作其宾语。本题中a smile是物,用cost。主语A smile是单数名词,因此谓语动词要使用第三人称单数形式;故本题选A项costs。

10.—How many_______doctors are there in your hospital, David?

—_______them _______over one hundred.

A.woman,The number of, is B.women,A number of, are C.woman,A number of, is D.women,The number of, is





the number of…….的数量,作主语,谓语用第三人称单数。a number of一些,修饰名词,作主语,谓语用复数形式。第一空how many修饰复数名词,woman doctor女医生,其复数形式为women doctors。第二空根据over one hundred可知此处表示数量,故用the number of,谓语用第三人称单数is。故选D。

11.(题文)Neither Tom nor I________ interested in playing WeChat.









12.There __________ a sport meet next week if it __________.

A.is going to have; doesn’t rain B.is going to be; doesn’t rain

C.is going to be; won’t ra in D.is going to have; won’t rain



试题分析:句意:如果不下雨,下周将有一个运动会。这是一个there be结构的一般将来时态,其结构是:There is/are going to be;A、D错;后半部分是if引出的条件状语从句,主句谓语是一般将来时态时,条件状语从句要用一般现在时态。故选B。

考点:考查条件状语从句及there be结构。

13.There are millions of websites on the Internet and there_______ a lot of useful _______on the websites.

A.are; informations B.are; information

C.is; informations D.is; information




14.—You’re in a hurry. Where are you going?

—To the cinema. Sue ________for me outside.

A.waits B.waited

C.is waiting D.was waiting






15.一Which would you prefer, orange juice or coffee?

一Either OK, but I prefer coffee milk.

A.are; to B.is; to C.are; with D.is; with




句意:——你喜欢哪一种,橙汁还是咖啡?——两种都可以,但我喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。考查系词和介词辨析题。either是二者择一,属于三单人称,系词需用is,可排除AC选项。短语prefer sth. to sth.:比……更喜欢……;coffee with milk加牛奶的咖啡,with表伴随。根据上文“两种都可以”可知“我喜欢加牛奶的咖啡”;故选D。


She studied history and philosophy, but she had little interest in either subject. 她学过历史和哲学,但对这两门课都没有多少兴趣。

代词 pron.

17.Everyone except Tom and Jim _______ going to visit some friends in Shenzhen.

A.is B.are C.am D.be






as well as, with, along with, like, together with, rather than, except, but, including, accompanied by, plus, besides, in addition to, no less than 等引起的结构跟在主语后面,不能看作是并列主语,该主语不受这些词组引导的插入语的影响,主语如是单数,其谓语动词仍然用单数形式。例如:1) My mother, as well as my father, has a key to the office. 2) The man together

with his wife and children sits there watching TV. 3) His sister no less than you is wrong. 4) The reading course book, plus its reference books, is helpful to college students.

18.Smog and haze is a kind of air pollution. It _______ people _____ about their health. A.make, worry B.make, be worried

C.makes, worried D.makes, worry




句意:雾霾是一种空气污染。它使人们担心他们的健康。考查主谓一致和动词短语辨析。it是单数第三人称,动词需用三单形式,可排除AB两项。make让,使役动词,make sb. do sth.让某人做某事,是固定结构,可排除C项。根据句意结构,可知选D。

19.Look! There ______ some milk, two eggs and a few cakes on the table.

A.is B.are C.has D.have




句意:看!桌子上有一些牛奶,两个鸡蛋和一些蛋糕。本题考查There be句型的主谓一致。there be的主谓一致遵循的是就近原则,离be最近的some milk(不可数),所以用单数is,故选A。

20.There _________ a great concert in the theater next Saturday evening.

A.is B.will have

C.is going to be D.was



句意“下个星期六晚上在剧院有一场大型的音乐会”。there be表示“有”,且不和have连用,根据next Saturday evening可知,用一般将来时,故选C。

21.—________ more and more foreigners coming to our country to learn Chinese?

—Of course. Because of the fast development, many foreign countries pay more attention to China.

A.will there be B.will be there C.Are there going to have




句意“-会有越来越多的外国人来我们的国家学汉语吗?-当然,由于快速的发展,许多其他国家更加关注中国”。本题考查there be用法。there be句型不与have连用,排除C。一般

将来时为there will be,一般疑问句为will there be,故选A。

22.Fifty percent of my monthly pocket money _________ spent on entertainment.

A.am B.is C.are D.be




句意:我每个月零花钱中的50%花费在了娱乐上。am用于主语为第一人称I的时候;is用于主语是单数时;are用于主语是复数时;be是am, is和are的原形。该句的主语为Fifty percent of my monthly pocket money,分数或者百分数+of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式应与名词形式一致,这里money是不可数名词,谓语动词应用单数,故应选B。

23.Not only my classmates but also our English teacher Chinese poems, so we often share their favourite ones.

A.like B.liked C.likes D.liking


【解析】句意:不仅我的同学们而且我的老师都喜欢古诗,因此我们经常分享他们最喜欢的诗。本题考查动词的时态。A. like动词原形; B. liked 过去式;C. likes 单数第三人称; D. liking现在分词形式。Not only···but also···不仅···而且···用于连接两个对等的成分;若连接两个成分作主语,其后谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。our English teacher为单数第三人称,故选C

24.Be quiet, please. There a basketball game between our class and Class 8.

A.has B.is going to be C.will have D.is going to have 【答案】B


试题分析:句意:请安静,在我们班和8班之间将会有一场篮球比赛。根据句意可知,这里使用的是there be句型,表示“有……”,故A、C和D都不对;there is going to be是there be句型的将来时态。

考点:考查there be句型。

25.This listening material, together with its CD-ROMs, ____________well.

A.sells B.sell

C.is sold D.are sold




together with 连接几个主语时,谓语动词要与最前面的主语保持一致,即

与 listening material 保持一致,所以sell用单数形式;故答案选A。

点睛:表示事物性质或特点的,用主动形式表示被动语态。此处表示这个听力材料卖得好,sell可用作及物动词和不及物动词,其主语一般是指人,但是在表示某物卖得不错时,要用主动语态表示被动。together with 连接几个主语时,谓语动词要与最前面的主语保持一致,即采用就远原则,本句是与listening material保持一致,所以谓语动词用单数形式。故答案选A。

26.—Read the news! A large number of elephants ____ killed for ivory.

—Those people are so cruel! Recently the number of elephants ____ fallen by 50%.

A.are; has B.is; has C.are; have D.is; have



试题分析:句意:-阅读这新闻!大量的大象被杀死取象牙。 -那些人是如此的残忍!最近大象的数量下降了50%。A large number of elephants是kill这一动作的承受者,该用被动语态。根据Recently可知第二处高于现在完成时。A large number of elephants作主语,谓语动词要用复数形式。the number of elephants作主语,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。所以选A。


27.—My parents are crazy about Running Man. How about your parents?

— ___ my dad ____my mom likes it. But they prefer Ode to Joy.

A.Both; and B.Not only; but also

C.Either; or D.Neither; nor



句意:——我父母对“跑男”很着迷,你父母呢?——不仅我爸还有我妈都喜欢它,但是他们更喜欢Ode to Joy.根据both---and---两者都---,连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词用复数;Not only--- but also--- 不仅---而且---,连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词用就近原则;Neither----nor----既不---也不---,连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词用就近原则;


点睛:both---and---两者都---,连接句子的两个相同成分,例如:Both Lily and Lucy are students.;Neither----nor----既不---也不---,其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成分,当连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词就近原则。例如:Neither dad nor mum is at home today;either---or---或者---或者---,表示两者之一,两节句子的两个并列成分,,当连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词就近原则。例如:Either you or me am going there。

28.If you ________ too much ice cream, you will feel sick.

A.eats B.eat C.to eat D.eating



试题分析:句意:如果你吃太多的冰淇淋,你将感觉生病。此处用连词if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示一般将来时,因为主语是you,故谓语用动词eat, 故选B。


29.There ________ a dog and some cats in the picture.

A.are B.is C.will D.do


【解析】句意:在照片里有一只狗和一些猫。are是,be动词的形式,用于主语是复数或者是第二人称you的时候;is是,用于主语是单数的时候;will将;do可以做实义动词,“做”,也可以做助动词。这句话考查的是there be句型,表示“有”,be动词的形式应根据就近原则,与最近的主语保持一致。在这句话中离动词最近的名词是a dog,单数,故选B。

30.There are many trees ________ side of the road and ________ of the trees is growing larger and larger.

A.on both; the number

B.on each; a number

C.on each; the number

D.on every; the number





考查不定代词辨析和主谓一致。both两者都,后接复数名词;each每个,后接单数名词,指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every每一个,用于指三个以上的人或事物的“全体”。a number of 意为:大量的。许多,修饰可数名词复数,谓语动词为复数;the number of意为:……的数量,强调the number,谓语动词为单数第三人称性。道路路有两个边,排除A;根据第二空后的is可知用the number,根据句意语境,可知选C。

31.There____ a party next month.Would you like to go with me?

A.will have B.is going to be C.is going to have



句意:下个月将有一个聚会。你愿意和我一起去吗?there be表示某时或某地有某人或某物;have表示某人或某物拥有。根据next month可知此处用there be的一般将来时,故选B。

32.--What are you going to do two days?

--Not only LI Jun but also I about to prepare for the coming sports meeting.

A.in; am B.for; are C.in; are


【解析】句意:——两天后你要做什么?——不仅李军还有我在为运动会做准备。考察介词以及人称。In two days 表示在两天后,第二个空的“不但,而且”是就近原则,所以主语是I,谓语用am。故选A

33.— What would you like for breakfast?

— Either noodles or bread _______ OK.

A.am B.is C.are


【解析】试题分析:句意:——早饭你喜欢吃什么?——面条或者面包都可以。本题考查近主语原则。Either---or---句型中的be动词要和靠近的名词一致,bread是不可数名词,be 动词用is。故选B。

34.The number of people invited ______ fifty, but a number of them ______ absent(缺席)for different reasons.

A.were; was B.was; was C.was; were D.were; were





The number of表示“的数量”,其主语为数目,所以后面的谓语动词用单数形式,而a number of them表示“大量,许多”,后面修饰可数名词的复数,后面的谓语动词也用复数形式;故选C。

35.--Where is Grace?

--She with her brother playing basketball at school.

A.is practice B.is practicing C.are practicing D.are practice



句意:——格雷斯在哪里?——她正在和她哥哥在学校练习打篮球。be后跟现在分词,构成现在进行时态,此句的主语为she,with her brother做状语,be用is,故答案为B。

点睛:主语为单数名词或代词,尽管后面跟有with,together with,along with,as well as,besides,except,but,like等介词或介词短语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:Mike with his father has been to England. 迈克同他的父亲去过英格兰。Mike, like his brother, enjoys playing football. 迈克像他的哥哥一样喜欢踢足球。

36.________ Jim________ Sue may go camping with you on Tuesday, because they are not

allowed to go out on school days.

A.Either… or

B.Neither… nor

C.Both… and

D.Not only… but also



试题分析:句意:吉姆和苏星期二,都不能和你去野餐,因为他们,在上学的日子是不允许出去的。A. Either… or 或者……或者;B. Neither… nor 都不;C. Both… and都;D. Not only… but also不仅……而且。根据句意,故选B。


37.- ___________ a big clock on the wall?

-Yes,but it was broken in the earthquake.

A.Have you got B.Did you have C.Was there




句意:——有一个时钟在墙上?——是的,但是它在地震中被打破了。考查there be结构。have表示“拥有”,“there be”表示“存在”;根据on the wall可知需用there be结构,故选C。

38.How your winter holiday?

—It great. But I tired now

A.was, was, am B.is , was, was

C.is, is , am D.is, is , was





39.4,000 dollars ______a large amount of money, but it is ______than what we want.

A.is, very more B.are, far more C.is, far less D.are, very little


【解析】句意:4,000美元是一笔巨款,但远远低于我们想要的水平。金钱是不可数名词,看做单数,故使用is,but表示转折,意为虽然4000美元挺多,但是还是低于我们想要的。Far less表示“远远小于”,far more“远远多于”,A/D两个选项不恰当,故选C。

40.Robots similar to real people were shown in America. I think there ___ fewer workers in factories in a few years.

A.were B.are C.will be D.have been



试题分析:句意:在美国展出了类似于真人的机器人。我认为几年后工厂里的工人会更少。表示某时某地有某人某物常用There be句型。根据in a few years可知该用一般将来时。所以选C。

考点:考查There be句型的一般将来时。

41.Not only my parents but also I _____ deeply moved by the song The Road Home by Andy Liu at the 2015 Spring Festival Gala (春晚).

A.were B.was C.are D.am



试题分析:句意:在2015年春晚不仅我而且我的父母都被刘德华演唱的‘回家的路’深深地感动了。not only…but also…,不仅……而且……,如果连接主语,谓语动词和紧挨着的主语保持一致。根据事情发生在春晚,可知用过去时态,谓语动词和I 保持一致,故选B。


42.Neither your sister nor mine the good news. Let’s tell them.

A.know B.knows C.had known D.have known





43.Joe has ______ for ten years. Ten years ______ a long time.

A.left; is B.left; are

C.been away; is D.been away; are



试题分析:句意:Joe离开十年了。十年是一个很长的时间。和表示一段时间的短语for ten years连用要用延续的状态been away;Ten years看作是一个整体,故用is,据题意,故选C。


44.Let’s save pandas! There only about 2, 000 pandas living in the forests now .

A.am B.is C.are





am,is和are都是be动词的形式,这句话使用的是there be句型,be动词的单复数形式应根据后面的主语形式一致,about 2,000 pandas是复数,故应选C。

45.—How many girls are there in your class?

—________ them __________ over twenty.

A.A number of, are B.The number of, are

C.A number of, is D.The number of, is





试题分析:句意为:---你们班有多少女生?---女生的人数超过20人。a number of指的是“许多的,大量的”,接名词时,谓语动词常用非第三人称单数形式;the number of指的是“……的数量”,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。根据语境可知,这里指的是“数量”,故应选D。

46.Not only my friends but also I interested in football and Messi is our favorite star.

A.are B.be C.is D.am



试题分析:句意:不仅我的朋友们而且我都对足球感兴趣,Messi是我们最喜爱的球星。not only...but also...,不仅……而且……,连接两个并列的结构,在句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式根据就近原则。所以这里的be动词应该跟I一致,故选D。


47.—The number of tourists ________ over 33 million this year.

—Yes. A large number of tourists ________ so far because of the new look of our city. A.are; have come B.is; has come C.are; has come D.is; have come





考查主谓一致。the number意为“……的数目”,构成的短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数第三人称形式,be动词用is;a number of 意为“若干”,指多个人或物,构成的短语作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,根据so far可知,现在完成时用has come,故选D。

48.The teenagers like the musician ____ different kinds of music.

A.who play B.which plays C.who plays D.that play





试题分析:句意:青少年喜欢演奏不同种类音乐的音乐家。The musician是先行词,后面跟的是它的定语从句。先行词musician指人,用who、that引出定语从句,B错;关系词在定语从句中作主语,定语从句的谓语与先行词保持一致。musician是单数,谓语用单数:plays。故选C。

49.Both Mike and I ____ ready for the new high school life.

A.be B.am C.is D.are




句意:Mike和我都为新的高中生活做好了准备。am,is和are都是be动词的形式,am用于主语是第一人称I的时候;is用于主语是单数的时候;are用于主语是复数或者是第二人称you的时候。这句话的主语是Both Mike and I,指两个人,故be动词用复数,选D。

50.---Brian does work hard.

---Yes. of his time been spent on studies every day.

A.Four fifths;has B.Four fifths;have

C.Four five;has D.Four five;have



试题分析:句意:——布莱恩学习很刻苦。——是的,每天五分之四的时间都用在学习上。分数用“基数词+序数词”表示,复数形式在序数词后面加s。分数百分数作主语时,关键看后面名词是否可数来决定单复数,time 不可数,故选A。

