


《The man of Qi worriedin case the sky should fall》.

worry的第三人称单数worries in case假使

1、古代杞国有个人担心天会塌、地会陷;There was a man in ancient Qi country, He feared that the sky would collapse and the land would sin.

ancient古代的fear为…担心 collapse倒塌 sink下落

2、他自己无处存身;He had no place to live.

3、便食不下咽He could not eat.

4、寝不安席Too anxious to sleep

anxious焦急的; Too …to…太…无法

5、另外又有个人为这个杞国人的忧愁而忧愁There was another person who worried about the sorrow of the Qi nationality.

Sorrow 悲痛 nationality 国籍

6、就去开导他Just enlightened him

enlighten 开导

7、天不过是积聚的气体罢了Heaven is nothing but a buildup of gases.

heaven天堂 buildup集结记法:build+up gases(复数)气体(gas)

8、没有哪个地方没有空气的Nowhere is there air

9、你一举一动 Every move you make

10、一呼一吸Breathe and breathe

11、整天都在天空里活动All day in the sky

12、怎么还担心天会塌下来呢?Why are we worried that the sky will collapse?

13、那人说:天是气体The man said, "heaven is a gas."

14、那日、月、星、辰不就会掉下来吗?Will the fall?

Fall动词:落下名词:秋天 in fall在秋天

15、那开导他的人说Those who enlightened him said

16、日、月、星、辰也是空气中发光的东西The are also luminous things in the air. luminous发光的

17、即使掉下来Even if it falls down

18、也不会伤害什么It won't hurt anything hurt 伤害

19、那人又说The man said again

20、“如果地陷下去怎么办?” What if land sink down?

21、那开导他的人说Those who enlightened him said

22、地不过是堆积的土块罢了 The land is just a pile of soil

a pile of一堆 soil泥土

23、填满了四处Filled everywhere

24、没有什么地方是没有土块的There is no place where there is no soil

25、你行走跳跃You walk and jump.

26、整天都在地上活动All day on the floor

27、怎么还担心地会陷下去呢?Why do we still worry about it?

28、经过这个人一解释After this person explained

29、那个杞国人终于放心The Qi country people finally felt at ease

Felt是feel的过去式 at ease安逸,自由自在; 心净

30、很高兴 very pleased

31、那开导他的人也放心,很高兴。Those who enlightened him was relieved and delighted
